The best A year-round seat In town spirit of giving Santa Clans (the tollable John Walsh) Refuge volunteers give their made Aw rounds Frt talents and their love day greeting Sanibel Elementary School JJy Matt Perez kindergarteners and Children s Center pre ou *ee volunteers at U e J \ Ding schoolers tilth ho-ho- Darling \V ildlife Refuge roving the wildlife has receiving their Y trails and drive and helping more than three- hugs and listening to quarters-of a million wildlife lovers at the \ wto* their g\fi. lists Pic Center each >ear ctured Kindergartener In a year round «pint of Christmas giving 102 *~ Andrea Chegut eon volunteers at the refuge this year have shired a fides tn Santa \f< total of more than 325 days to help the government Christmas photi staff Outdoor planner Khnstie Seaman who*oor page5A tC dmates volunteer activities at the refuge said their part time hours amount to having an additional three full time staff members Thev appreciate what you do volunteer Don Kilhefner Mid of the Ding Darhrtf staff Refuge manager Ron H ght and his five member team whole heartedly agrees hilhefner who comes across the causeway from Fort Mevrs donates about nine h< urs eich *etk to

the refuge He also recently donated a incrowa\e -oven to the staff at the Visitoi % Center There is one circum tance wliere the staff is tough on volunteers he said They ha\e a policy The city found over there that if someone asks you a question and something fishy in vou don I know the answer then you have to find X " these rooftop decora out and mail the answer (ions tl The Timber* Among Kilhefner s luties as A volunteer are keep- ing the shelve1* stocked with current wildlife put licatir ns and handling bank deposits ind accoun • I ng chores for the re'uge man3gernent •*• Don will do anything you ask and dc it hajpilj outdoor phnncr Chnstme Zajicck said Hi" rises to the occasion Right now he is training on the coirputer here to help in tha regard also \ oluntef rs Flanor and Ld Davis also travel acrc^s the cau^ewav to donate their lime to Dirg Dar ing s legacy \\ e first saw ir the paper that they needed volunteer:, Elanor said That just triggered something hvr hj*baud ilded Ihe Davi«es like so man> other volunteers at the~ refuge said they came to love Sanibel s wildlife during vacations to the island years ago We ve been coming down here for 30 \ears Fd Davis said I used to work with the boy bcouts (m Olno) uses on its street graphic as a bird study counselor So this work just comes Christmas fish runs In the spirit of the season the CEB last week naturally found that indeed the fish were Christmas \olunteer Jein Edward* has been visiting banibel foul of city sign law lighting but the painted outlines - one white since 1951 and now joins other volunteers from the other the color of the undertong ply-wood - icross the causeway to share her gifts with the By Earl Hartman were not Both were visible during day! ght Ding Darling staf* As far as I m concerned t s Christmas is the time of Santa Claus good Asen was~>rdered to paint them 1 rown like hi« purely selfish Edwards said of her motivatii n to cheer and holi lav. lights It is also on Sanibel roof within two dayy He did so the same after volunteer I thoroughly enjoy that kind of work noon Fdwards and other volunteers who have watched when it least i ne mprchint goes astriy of the ci E ty s gnphiis ordinances A en comnunte i M nd i\ If it was i Ding Darling grow to one of the iro*t visited na tn nal wildlife refuges said "he has becone a pirl An 1 tins \ e ir it w is restaurateur Matt A=en Chns mas trLe with a fi h on it it w< uld be A holiday dcioration He caltenl the wh le thing a (f the refuge I belong there "he quipped v. astc of time She a 1 led that the initial six-ei^ht nours of Dick Baker ctl\ code enf( rcement officer aid wil ihfe orientation and safety traimrg that tV U t Chnstmis liL,htn g ordinance wiu] 1 be rtex vo'unteeri receive is onlv the beginning Vou karn fiU» al>out the refuse but its a continual process of forcement b< v 1 tVdefen 1 two li^hte 1 fsh amined with an eye tiward more sjieeific language to ehrmatc «u"h problem^ Inrninf, r dwan's said I can t think ot a,da\ outlined on the «! [ o of his rot f tint passes thit 1 don t learn someth nt, new from Ghnstnn sji b«H Wn munlaine i iliertis Next je ir I will mike s ire it s i holi iav disph) Asen '•ays but it will attnct mon at the questuns that come to us when WP have to fin! wgloL.ts mintamed tht cit> itt rnev The fish • please see VOLUNTEERS, 4A were in the hhaj e ft1 *e which The TimKr<: Untion to my bu=me«s thtn the fish ev«r di 1

o !$pg8|||Hfffliil?pSip

2A 0 DECEMBER 24.1986 • ISLAND REPORTER the island eye

Osprey recovers, flies =-/r : ; "community home for the holidays ^ .-,..- •"calendar By Anne Mitchell ':'.-. " Fattened up at CROW like the proverbial _• I" Christmas turkey, a female osprey released back to ••=".•'"" DWEDNESDAY, DEC.24: the wild Thursday headed home for the holidays. " LIGHTING: Christmas Eve lighting of the The bird was rescued about two months ago by a * luminaries at dusk at The Colony, East Gulf Mr. Waters of Fort Myera Beach, who saw it fall - ' "' off a branch into the* waters of San Carlos Bay. • Drive. ^ .=•-..- •• . ^ -, , -; 1 SERVICES: Island churches will hold f "It came in pretty thin/* said Paula Reiss, of —t ,; * special Christmas Eve services. See listing ... Care and Rehabilitation of Wildlife, based on a ; . ^ elsewhere In this issue.. : •"- . ;/•';. Sanibel. "It started eating like a demon — about : '" : eight to 10 fish a day, which is a lot for an osprey DTHURSDAY, DEC. 25: • <* — and got plumped up pretty well. _ ...--, . --. The release was made by Reiss and Mark "Bird"~: SERVICES: Various churches will have ~ , L Christmas Day services. Sell listing ... : Westall, president of The Internationa) Osprcy elsewhere in this issue.. . , Foundation, from a boat in Pine Island Sound/; -; ' . - Westall explained that released over water! a bird" : =• DSATURDAY, DEC. llv ' can more easily be located if it gets into difficulties than if it were released in an area where it.could . : FILMS: Saturday Film Series: Sound of ' perch and elude recapture. •• • ' .- ' •" A • Dolphins, 11 a.m., visitors center, J.N. Westall threw tin: bint high in the air and saw it > - ••Ding" Darting VVlldlile Refuge. r • " _~" fly strongly and climb higher. _, .;. and staff will be on; ..- hD r" " ''" Elementary School. , - ; • An otter cage and a hand to answer ques-' ''•'•' \ • new pelican com- ... tions; ami camera . DMONDAY.DEC.29: "-•_* ; pound are among buffs and birders may WORKSHOP: Driftwood Workshop, 9 a.m. facilities at Care and find the open house a .. Christmas Counseling and •'.-.. to 3 p.m., Sanibel Community Center; Rehabilitation of rare opportunity for Growth Center on • - that "once-in-a; ; '\~P._ McGregor Boulevard preparation for Sanibel Shell Fair. Public In- Wildlife which will be r listen line cited. - •-•"'.! -." • lifetime" up close in Fort Myers ha3 =- open to the public : for lonely • -; BRIDGE: , 7:30 p.m., Sunday. Dec. 28 from glimpse. ,- "•: established &•'• __ - ^. "Blue, Blue' :Sanibel Community Center. ^ :1 to.3 p.m. ^ CROW open houses Christmas Listen Christmas" and , Although the mis- will be held .through : Line. 337-XMAS "Wishing I Were.. -, -> DWEDNESDAY, DEC. 30: « sion of CROW is to ' April on the last Sun-, ('J627). Volunteer Home for Christmas" ., "DANCE: Sanibel Community Association's treat sick, injured and davof each month*!; counselors will be •5, r are more than song New Year's Eve Danw, 8 p.m. 'til, Com- ~ orphaned wild ; 'v CROW is located :• standing by 24 hours munlly Center. "^ ':• ,-• •"=" ° titles. Christmas can o a day from noon, Dec. • creatures and restore •••'- across from Santbel. be the loneliest time GALA: Barrier Island Group of the Arts New them to natural „ .,-. Elementary School on 24 until midnight : Year's Eve Gala with Sylvan Wind Quintet, of year. .'•."..:•. Christmas pay. habitat, without them Sanibel-Captiva Road." ' But talking with so- 7:30 p.m. 'til 1 a.m., Souih Seas Plantation,. becoming accustomed Look for the half * So don't be lonely - : meone can help. The Captiva.; ; -;. * •• •.:'•'.-.•.. : , to humans; the mon- ' moon sign at the \ • - this Christmas.n'---. thly open houses give driveway entrarsceXi, FOCUS ON:

take a look at Cap- -Weaver Is also going businesswoman Jane tiva," and when she to be offering an whtie dressed in " - Weaver did she fell in love. Afternoon of Beauty, Florida rssort After discovering'^ aboard the new Fort fashion. "Nc more fc titter" Is South Seas Planta- Myers cruise ship pantyhose!" she an- • the name tion she was hired : Fort Dearborn. , . nounces delightedly. : "It's a fascinating _,other. : by the Mariner - The lifestyle in •• field. There are so " . Chadwlck Square Group to do interval ; Florida In general is many new natural beauty salon and it sales. less structured, she product lines and also describes her: Then a salon at has found, and this such demand for person. Jane Weaver King's Square Cour- has been a them. It's a field that is a dramtlcally- •;. '•• tyard within South. liberating experiece D involves working '. tanned blonde who Seas became .-,.. she wants to pass with people, which favors gold chains available. It was a on to her clientele,, ••= Is what Lenjoy. .- and accent pieces. small facility that . "Here |n Florida, v Also, iffera business "She also smiles a has been converted you have more time, that survives lot. •.•;••.. to the massage ad- to read, walk on the economically. Peo- •:- Serendipitous is junct of her _ ' ~- . ;. beach, and realize - the word to describe • business. She tocka ple will spend 1 what you are doing : : money on .their i the chain of cir- lease on available is Important. Women cumstances that led ^space at Chadwick hair." :-'£-. _-- to her opening the._ Square and hired The operating .. * have been taught |' it's a sin to pamper. ' business on Captiva.. Karl Marshall as concept at Glitter is ;1 Weaver is a native manager. •.:'-. to try to (rain people | - themselves. But I ; believe if yoii have - of Carlisle, Pa., who " Although Weaver to enhance their ap- tittle shortcomings "' had been involved In had no previous ex-' pearance, Weaver r (in appearance), real estate sales, 'perienee in a beauty continues. :' _ : have them taken with a specially in salontshe feels her Men are becoming hotel/motel conven- promotional skills _ more interested in =, t care of. You've get . tion sales and' . are applicable to any hair and skin care ~ " to like yourself. Too : public relations. business. She quick' and people in often a rigidity in ^-^ With a daughter liv- - ;ly expanded the ser- .general want to be She has noted that moderately short thought may set in Ing in Florida, she vices available at kept abreast of the .. often salons In = and Viorn in a sim- " alter forty, it's tm* •:.. visited here and last new technological , these situationsare ple style that is ap-~ -portant to be open : ( the salon to include winter spent a lot of pedicure, waxing, : . innovations in beau-, small. Out of date...". propriate for the •and.flexible, to keep r time visiting friends facials, and color "'.' ' ty care. It doesn't" -^ and opnn at inconve- time she spends on going": '"- ;/ . ^ Weaver has - . _ ' In Naples. analysis. She has ,,'_ always mean spen- " nient hours. And ' " ' anri hear'fie v/ater.. . recsntiy reread The develop8d With • ' dTng money either. naturally people Orv : • Living neat.Turnsr ,,.•*• She was involved "!" • GHi from the Ss'.i by_ ; South Seal's con- .;• " Sometimes jr can be -Vccattqrt want fo . ,- Beach, WeavSr'co; . : •• In negotiations with ., Anne Morrow Lind- " ferance spouse pfO^' -as sifppi^as hoiding Clopj; their best::-> owns a boat with'a .- i. the new Rilz-Cariton 1: bergh from which.'.', -gram, .. • •"• -" '•'•- a hair dryer correct- •'You don"! v/ant " friend and tries to \ /'.Hotel in Naples, ex- ; 1 she derives jJ' in-'- /• Gtn""er new ou'.lets - ly- - V . r: "• • ^ perfect!'^ set hair/ • spend soffie.tjrp.t? on ' plorlng Ins nos&ibili- ; inciude parlicip&tiori'-" WeavR' sser, ao . sr.f? po'rib OJ\, bot ' the "boat e^sfy day. ty'bf doing coh- p • : ference hoc-KinirJor; ^ fhi thai f;i:Ji:i/.- '. '"""•" I



otic as long is thej ard whatever i" need HELPS will art someone s pits ed uefore she ar SCA to ring Library sale raises take care "•he sa>« ranges for her str In new year of your pet And uhats exotic' vice she says $1,104 for Captiva center I rum Davis liberal Dogs have to be with a dance This is Holly s ex point of view that visited more often Voltes raised in Captiva Memorial Library book sale in two days pert loving pet sit could mean mice fish than cats as a rule Auld Lang Syne' generated %\ 104 to be used toward renovating the F^ ting service the turtles guinea pigs Davis says She will fill the library wing of Captiva Community Center head -1 recording service an and rabbits ever presently has one auditorium at Sanibel hbnnan Terry Walton said nounces when Holly though she is ac owner of cats who Community Center More than 1 000 books some dating back to the Davis isn t there customed to thinking wants her p*ts fed for the first of what mid 1800s, have been on sale at tlie library since Or call it HELPS of widlife as more ex between 8 and 8 30 is hoped will be an <_*• Dec 12 and about one third of the books have been Davis sajs otic a m in the morning annual New Year a sold so far New ones come m all the tirre and The former Cwe Davis sajs she II One dog owner Eve dance sponsored we will be continually selling then between now and Rehabilitation of take on all of a sud wants her pet walked by the Community and February 28 Walton said Wildlife (CROW) den things like pets late at night because Association next On that date the book sale will join the Capbva director says her new whose owners sud she has plenty of peo-0 Wednesday night at 8 Attic, Basement and Closet Sale which is the an service is now taking denly have to go to pie in her home to p m nual gigantic island rummage benefit for communi off especially during Naples and shop or take care of him dur Chairman for the ty projects and chanties Q the holidays w*ien she 11 take animals to ing the day I m event Buffy Prosser \Valton hopes that, after the renovation of the islanders headed the vertennamn for flexible and can fit said that tickets are community center a sales desk can be operated m north need their pets their owners my «schedu'e to the still available Cost is the library for used books cared for in their People do want to animals says Davis $7 50 per person tn Island bibliophiles can browse through a variety horrcs meet >ou btfore they But Davis cannot eluding live nusic of selections at the library between ro* and the Son e are long hive you visit their presently take setups snacks hats ABO Salt Bargains hkejunomas are there if term and some snort homis in their animals into her own and noisemakers book lovers are tenacious with the search ttrm says Holly who absence she says house I have a cat and sht hints Among some of the more ancient volumes at the is caring at present So she has consults wh ch frowns on m possibly something libnry are an 1882 edition of Work? of James only for dogs and cits ttons about feedings tcrlopers says else special \M h fiirficld an 1899 edition of Biography of Roger but will take on alarm systems Davia She s elderly wheh to see m the V illtams a 1%7 copy of Reminiscences of Carl e othtr immals if ex telephone numbers and set in her ways new jear Mnint and a 1928 biography of W ilham Dean and so I indulge her If die dance s quota Ho wells o Owners furnish is not full tickets will In other library news the Lee Countv Library It's your last chance, baby food and tell Davis be available at the System announced that an IBM PC-XYcomputer Were you born in 1986* Want fame and fortune the diet and she door will be installed next year at Cattiva Memorial or at least your picture in the Island Reporter* adheres to the clients For more informs Library for use on a time share basis Then you a better get your parents moving because schedule She say tion call 472 6739 D . According to a LCLS newsletter the main obiec the deadline tor the 1986 Baby Album w this Friday she 1) ttlso bring m the Uve of what is called the Public Access Micro Pro- Dec 26 To hate your pvture taken have Mom or mail' and make sure gram Is to give CapUvans without a computer an Dad call the Inland Reporter offke ft72158") to everything is all avenue toward learmrg about computers make an appointment with photographer Ann Tip- right, too she adds In addition the library renovation issue is son. The baby album will apper tn next week 3 Her number Is scheduled to be brought before Lee County Com paper so gel your picture taken by this Friday to be 472 1176 • mission on Feb 23 Q © included D

Join writs us to nrsMg and grain Cod NOW! ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS •MINSTREET ^FULL-SERVICE BROKFRAGE ON THE ISLANDS EPISCOPAL CHURCH • Cash management accounts through 55C end The Travelers 2304 Periwinkle Way, Jmltul liland MAST PRIME BIB OF BEEF OIKHH • Stocks Bonds Options FIVE HOUR DPEH 8»R • MA s and Kcogh s Saturday 5 30PM Holy Eucharist • Mutual Funds Sunday,73O 930*11 15AM 472-4041 Holy Eucharist HIGH ENERGY TOP 40 BAND Wednesday QAM Holy Eucharist and Healing •-, . CtU. tOK HSfllVATIONS '..-••:.. .- frLaCALLESt Thursday New Year s Day, 10AM J .JECURITIES IMC Holy Eucharist -936^8545 TO H&. C'LfcVEUNt AVE, FOHT MVEBS.FL 33Mh" C weather 0, High Low Rain SANIBEL ISLAND Thurs Dec 18 60 62 0 Frl Dec 19 78 63 0 Sat Dec 20 80 65 0 Sun, Dec 21 77 59 0 BOOKSHOP Mon,Dec 22 78 58 0 Tues Dec 23 79 64 0 Wed, Dec 24 - - - Open Chrutmaj Eve Till Midni^it C COURTESY SAN B L-CAPTIV» CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Open Christmas Day, T^otm Till 10 PM • island REPORTER

PUBLISHED BY SUNBELT PUBLISHING COMPANY Olllces at The Village 2340 Periwinkle Way San bel FL 33957

PUBLISHER DckKalfuS ^ ADVERTISING DIRECTOR G.over Fo d WRITER'S BOOKS • CHILDREN'S BOOKS DISPLAY ADVERTISING MANAGER Maureen Slogef CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Sieve Sherman CIRCULATION MANAGER Lisa Habbiitz NATURE & SHELL BOOKS • CLASSICS CIRCULATION SUPERVISOR Sn rleie Grass green PRODUCTION MANAGER Lyc WEST GULF OH CASAVBELRD typograph ca! error occu s If an error occurs the manage Evening & Weekend Emergencies ment must be notified w thin three days n order to sec ire TIMBERS COURT RABBIT ROAD 472 1856 anyadiuslmenl ncriage ° HOURS 10 AM—10 PM SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Sewtn3 Santbcl alnte 1976 JENE EVANS OWNER 472 5273 Mauitcn E Smlti CTC 968 SUNBELT PUBl SH KG COMPANY to


O ,/••


«A D DECEMBER 24, 1986 E ISLAND REPORTER VOLUNTEERS the German people that come in with ait the ques-1 of getting to work. Because of a degeneration of • from 1A tions, and knowing the language helps quite a bit. ! eye tissue, he is now legally blind and relies on " ')" .-' On a more local level, one ofSanibel's own • V. other volunteers, his own two feet and a Sanitel \n-: the answers." . . " •"• . :, volunteers knows the local language. Joe McMurtry, Kilhefner said, "It is important for people to stitition to get. to the refuge. He catches the Sanilx?! 734 Anchor Drive, has been working off and on at Trolley..." • Z -.•"-,, . - " . ': know that volunteers are eager to help out." He; ;- the refuge for about 15 years. : -'"•-• • and other volunteers said the visitors are encourag- ; When he reaches the refuge, HcMurtry h in ?• "'• 1 "I got acquainted with the wildlife refuge while charge of conducting slide shows, lectures on -"• ed to ask, ask, ask. ": '"'-- - they were down at the lighthouse," McMurtry said: 1 This year, more than 50 countries and 50 states "Ding" Darling and oh the U.S. Fish and Wildlife "They used to conduct canoe trips through the trail Sump program. ,t '•> • " , sent visitors to "Ding" Darling, and all had ques- at Tarpon Bay so I volunteered to be back-up • "More and more people come down here to live," tions to be answered. Ed Davis said it gives him a •; canoe. '• • _•--•-••'•• " " '• .. . .-"" - . -: • •' . \. ^ McMurtry said of changes he has noticed in his certain satisfaction when he is able to communicate McMurtry does not have to come across the '-.-. -"man• y years on Sanibel. "They get interested in the with visitors from Germany. "You'd be surprised at • causeway, of course, but he does have a unique way refuge, and then they want to contribute."D STOREWIDE FASHION CUSTOM HOME SALE BUILDERS V Take An Extra 50% OFF ^; 1 : •••:-. Since 1957 - - - "J our regular taia prices (his w«oK. We provide: Every dresi, aportswegr •>'•-• Rate o( Growth Application & separate In itockl - .. Ttt TUT KIT FH UU \*.^ Services • ~% -= " - ;• HIS EAST M*IL DRIVE YOUR ISLAND OFFICE SUPPLY; • Variance Application Services -'UDIII' WOf Pll: .'•'_• Plan Design Seivlces ^ o ; - * tompiati o(tlct tuppliit lof inns and arllca r * Typiwrriar, Cash Riglilar, Ci'culjtor ripiirt i rf- •Engineering Services . .-. - *^Oftlct lurnlturi tor ham« and ettlc* it diicaurtt i • Quality Construction Services „ prfcti • .; - '• - ' <• - :.; = ••' WB build Irom your plans or ouri and •>" * Rubbor Stimpi, Signs. Nimi Iigt • euitom - wo have plans available lot your intpeclion - Island fieijaissaijce starting In price Irom $60,000 on your lot : HAIR — SKIN -^ HEALTH * Citculilor ind Tjpmrllir iilis ~ • We are the Islands' flemodeling Specialisli • ftaircutling . * Tjpiwfiiir rintili • , -':. • i * Neit-diy tervlea on hard-to-tlnd slfict protiucli • Shampoo Sets * E«nr REE dili»iry wilh no minimum purchm • Permanent ' ~* Art juppliti ": •*. : Waving ~* Grtil Kttfcly In-sion ipictilt ind /:. '.; : : • Non-peroxide 7n,:Wl Now HiiidHAU Your PrlollngNHdil •- .: ; Tints //-;• : MOORE -Facials . "° Happy HoHdaysI ; ^ CONSTRUCTION, INC? c. • Body Wraps m^», 472-2995 • Massage '..."• 471WJ- -': "X

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^lake vbiir taste buds to the Orient S SUNDAY BREAKFAST BUFFET. . . DERNITELY „. J:rtv|*cind (east at ourauthenticJi s12 SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT! .AMTOIPM, EGGS, PANCAKES. FRENCH TOAST, FRUIT ' - •'-' ! |550J;!yepanyakl^)les5;i:5^; ' MUFFINS', BISCUITS, BACON, SAUSAGE, FRESH : »,-.'• FRUITS AND MORE! . .'£?...... ; $3.95

organ's/";i;: :i : Restaurant & Lounge ?eSv.^;/::;;.oS the Gulf «'•:':' •' v';." - \, In Bailey's Center.-.; , at Sundial Beach &TennIs Resort ' Corner ofTarpon Bay Road & Periwinkle Way : : - : Reservations ; VH6 Middle Gulf Drive, Sanlbd •472-1114 Monday-Satunfay, II AM to 10 PM - Sunday, 8 AM - 9 Pt; Suggested N •0V.

G ISLAND REPORTER C DECEMBER 24,1986 C 5A the islands


Christmas on the islands


1".. !


Tkebelwc market Council overturns fwusina units under commission decision, construction tm Btvch okays 14 BMRH units Road By Mary Cole man n a decision by the planning commission Sanibel City Council approved a I conditional use permit trat will allow Joseph II Erwin to build 14 bc'ow markpt rate housing units oThe site to be developed is on Wooster Lane behind The Village Shopping Center and contains approx imately 3 3 acres Sanibel Planning Department ha 1 been concerned about density and recommended no more than six units on the site But Erwm told the council that 14 was the minimutr number he could build and have the project be financially feasible Below market rate housing (BMRH) is subsidized by the Sanibe) Community Housing Foundation It is intended to provide [stand houang for law en CHF, told tne city council that although buil lout for needed located in a non-controvereral area, and forcement and other service personnel who could the Island is now at about 80 percent the BMRH compatible vulh nearby projects otherwise not afford to live here program has reached only two percent of its long ' Erwin is a genera] construction contractor from Dr Dorothy Newman executive director of the term goal She said the Erwin project ts badly Clearwater, FL D ""

P" coward *Winning 9; Restaurant

PLEASE MAKE YOUR ALL VIDEOS RENTED NEW YEARS WED DECEMBER 31, EVE NOT DUE UNTIL DINNER RESERVATIONS SATURDAY JAN 3 EARLY ONE DAY RENTAL FEE1 PreaFlcWIICkrea CELEBRATIO'A DESSERT" alu B/ REASONS" « t Also featured Chicago Tribune PM Mifl«Ine. Saturday Evening Post. FodoPt Travel Guide, Eastern Airlines Magazine, Hlarrl Herald,'Discover Florida, House and When near Ashevllle NC, ' ftarden, travel and Leisure. The Orlando visit The Llllle Bubble •• & Magazine. Da'las Morning News. Room lor a da'lghtful Lunch ^ Swing 7 Diyt. Lunch, 11 30-2:30 ft Dlnna 6 30-10 P M or Dinner ^ • Full Bar Service All major credit cards Capllva Island 472 S55S


A representative from the Observer NEWSpapers will be happy to speak at your organization s meeting on the merits of newspaper advertising the pitfalls, how to avoid wasting your money what questions tc ask a newspapaer representative, why the community newspaper, the Importance of target marketing, and generally how to advertise successfully For schedul Ing your speaker for further information call 4661811, Graver Ford or Steve Sherman »

GUMBO UMBO SUBDIVISION ' NEW LISTING Lowest Priced Lake Front lot available Heavily vegetated Lot size 125x195 Priced at $65000 For further details contact Qene Radke 472-0700 Alter Hours 472-3832 ^™^ i? Y H ^k TOm THOMAS 1 RODERICK IW €B REALT™2P®J!£Y . <*• 8I3M7W70~L0 1619 Pmwinkle Way D Su le 204 D San bcl Flonda 33957

1,5 X

I-' i 1 J


tion ind repair was" rejected by council consensus Council orders changes Mavor Fred Valtm said It is getting devilishly County okays bid hard to get septic tank repair companies to come to for Captiva bike path to septic tank code the island anyway Bicycnits on Captiva will have a greater

DEEP SEA FISHING '/. Day - 9 A.M to 3 P M ISLAND COMMERCIAL OPPORTUNITIES • blind Shopping Canfir Silt• Grouper — Snapper ton • Commircltl Condominium* 20 to 30 Miles Out <£v • Oeo«n Front Condominium Slut olDrtd by ALAN S WORTZEL, CCIM Bis - New - Fait I Tha Commtrcfil Rully Spaefillil of tha Ulind < I* Independence *| INVESTMENT TIP Tahng • prof 1 ki 1687? Consider tax deferred axchang« DEEBOLD'S MARINA 466 3525 Come in and tel me explain me tonerta AH ChlMrM K Prfca *"• 1231

here Is no pano- rama of nature s cnang ing beauty like the one you II find at Island • End On the Gulf beach with Gulf and Bay views Bay islands Lover a Key and both the sunsets and the sunrises The Islands End Pha

• Featuring USDA Prime Bee} < 1 Shop Jerry's beautiful 1 Beautiful, 75 seat, The top government grade. Bulk Produce Department "Gardenside" Family Restaurant Aged to tender perfection Trimmed for Dew fresh1 Shippid daily to assure Enjoy great food tthile you relax in this quality and ratue Top quality poultry quality and value Huge selection lets truly unique restaurant s "Island" Full counter service available1 you pick exactly uhat vou uant atmosphere Open 6 a m to midnight RESTAURANT EVERY FRI & SAT. NIGHT GROCERY USDA Grode "A" C PRIME RIB - $7.95 Smuckcrs H 09 WHOLEFRYERS GRAPE JELLY . . »o. J 59L . Incl idlr^Cholce si Potato Tflp lo Silid Bar V.grtibt* ind Roll USDA Grade M'Cui Up WHOLE FRYERS Kr* SVarteile. PAIHV CQc Fame Fresh Pak Kosher Spears q or Polish Dili Spears USDA Grade "A" SNACK DIPS o>37 PICKLES z< QUARTERED $ 59 ORANGE JIUCE «ot l FRYERS 69s Nature's Choice SI 09 USDA Grade "A" MARGARINEq».rt,, lib A/*! APPLE JUICE... uo. Kn^t Gratrd Ponnnlon or Romano . —^ _ _. 3-LEGGED « $ 49 CHEESE Ll.LUL.^1 °-- Z Tic Tac Mini Meatballs FRYERS .75s FROZEN Spaghetti w/Meaibaiis Banquet Itoi/Splct and Regular kAnn USDA Grade 'A* Beefaroni and Lasagne 3-BREASTED CHICKEN siOi'.fi'* CHEF GARLIC BREAD in™,, n..uied) tso. * 12' FRYERS 79s Peppcrldae Farm Co n BOY-AR-DEE ... is : USDA Grade "A* C MUFFINS . , li'>ioi2/.o.*J.* ' Creameltes Regular FRYER THIGHS . 99L B La Chov Chlrken A Hi Shrimp * -m -. Q EGG ROLL 7.. o, * 1" or Thin Cul VSDA Grode M" PRODUCE SPAGHETTI it FRYER LEGS ... Sueei£mperor ^fl#> GRAPES ib if H' Ragu X Thick & Zestf USDA Gndt "A" flunch I^aVr Green WINGS BROCCOLI Mushroom Meat & Plain Crljp Florida SPAGHETTI s 29 SAUSAGE GREEN PEPPERS L SAUCE 12 o, 1 Firm Florida / Sunnytottd Hottl St\lt $169 JerrCUCUMBERy i O rn SperfatS Recip .e General Mills BACON ... From Scratch f $| 89 ZOi Pbfl JL EACH POTATO SALAD . VVHEATIES .so, Kahni Jumbo Jennie O » 4 QQ BEEF $.g 99 TURKEYBREAST X Large $159 Del Va»n WESSON OIL... 1,0. FRANKS ILbPK. A EACH BOILEDHAM $1 49 ROASTBEEF Planters Cheese Balls BOLOGNA .fa Pka A EACH Monterey Jacfc or Cheddar Cheese Curls, Corn Chips and CHEESE SEAFOOD _^, _ Pretzel Tulsts fm g\j SNACKS a..i.*o,/5T f?ed Snapper Uhnie Grain BAKERY $E79 C FILLETS BREAD Lb Lo..iCl!Ji Surf Laundry «4 TO Jerrj . O«n Famou. Beelpe Jumbo DETERGENT 19 CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES / 40cO//Label Onl| COD FILLETS. Freih Mode Doll> V* /(f GLAZEThanD i J oDONUT in cm ode S O/*! Delia «J /$1 SWORDFISH 199 STEAKS BANANA LOAF I Lb LO.I* J. * •* TOWELS . . . M,,I.,.,X / JL AIL ITEMS OFfERED FROM DEC 241h TO DEC JIM Wt RESERVETHI BIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Conveniently Incated at the intersection of Cusa Yhel Road and Periwinkle Way ISLAND REPORTER DECEMBER 24 1986 9A

Home-baked housing

7*1? il/ij i , .' , ,1 I „ , ,"r I i/i Itn r il lull ) I II II I .11 I rll t hiitl i < (',' f (Til I h. M Inn u I Dim It i pit n r / „ , • r, 111 llhi it i i* til • )

ft ir 10 J tf-r j 1 li(< i i)tr . , i J. r, I i/ir ((• *j<] it it t it' hvri-i K Ita nji\n It 1 \ iult *.iirA f> >> 1 1 ho 1 0 rr v (1/1 n (M t> I >U 1 , 1 till n >h* 1st IT I It il 1 Hi f

Dear Sanibel Disposal CAFE ORLEANS Customers: and Ice Cream Shop it •H BREAKFAST 7 ATraditionally M-2 P M.-LUNC the Best"H 11 AM-2P.N £ Due to the Christmas Holiday Ice Cream Shop Open in the Evening and the New Year Holiday, tor Gourmet French Ice Cream OPEN CHRISTMAS DAY, FROM 7AM -2PM our routes will not be run on Dec, '25th or Jan. 1 st. — Featuring — Homemade Pick-up wiil resume for those Ice Cream Eclairs Freih Baked Cookies on Dec. 29th and Jan. 5fh. t 172 5700 " Waste C!o*eil Monday! 117'iPerlulnkle Wav Sanlbel HAVE A NFCC HOLIDAY hJA S

Enjoy The Flavor Of Island Living For As Little As fMeiry ; Fishmasi $89,900 I

Ho» J J ty M eru V, It Cuslcm Homo c r bi vcu s nn yt ut hi f i a* I! e JI id! WO O 11

SI395CO ^ the

NltAIANNUOITtfl 10A O DECEMBER 24 1986 Q ISLAND REPORTER Robins Come up short Christmas events and services around the islands in annual bird count nland churches celebrate Christmas with he robins might have decided to vacation in numerous serviced Chnstnas Eve and Capistrano with their cousins tlie sv.allows I Christmas Day T one thing for sure the> thus far have shunn Candlri ght caroling on the beach at Sanibel ed Sanibel lighthouse and in churches highlight Christmas Eve Findings from the annual Natiora! Audutwn e\ents c Society Chnstmis Bird Count indicate unusually Although not church related the Christmas Lve small numbers of the orange breasted song birds observance of the traditional lighting of the Robins normally flock to Sambel during winter iummanas sand filled bags holding candles t ning Pet haps they forgot the feeling of getting drunk on the drives and btach accesses at The Colony resort Brazilian pepper btrnes Perhaps the> remembered will be held at dusk en East Gulf Dn\e near the lighthouse c My prediction is we re several thousand birds u short of last year s (figures) Dr K C EmersOn Sanibel Community Church presents a program said Monday Emerson coordinated Saturday 3 bird of Higious Chn«tmas music including selections count bit complete results were not in \esterday from Handel s Messiah at 7 p m and 9pm Dec And there s quite a few less ducks than usual 24 The Chancel Choir will be joined by youth dub Emerson added It hasn t been cold tnough up choirs at 7 p m north to drive them (ind the robins) down An Sanibel Congregational United Church of estimated 110 species of birds were spotted decor ChristT^restnts a candlelight service on the beach ding to preliminary figures at San bel lighthouse for those who wish Christmas Hugh Irwin one of 10 team leaders who helped Fve observance in a less formal setting outdoors It organize l ne island county said songbirds were] ar is to begin at 5 HO pm At It pro also Christmas ticularlv scirce in the Tarpon Bay/Biilev Roid area Eve there will be a candlelight service with special Where usually the) abound It was a beautiful dn musi" at the church for the bird count nice and warm — not at alt like St Michael and All Angels r piscopnl Church the cold day two \ears aj,o Irwin said Ctunters Bill Corcoran tfejlf and TomSkarj uere pri^enlsa «trvke of carols with scripture for joung people at 6pm Christmas hve Hol> Futhanst at Emerson said the volunteer participation in tht amona the many binlers w ho jHjrticxpatfd in last f bird count was about the same as list} tar s and Saturday s Chirsttnai Bird Count 8pm and Holy Luchinst with I readiing O The all pirti ij>ation was appreciated D Word at 11pm wiU also be held There is Holy Eucharist with Sern on at 10 a m Christmas Day^ St Isabel Catholic Church has Vigil Mass at 510 p m and a traditional Midnight Miss Chnstm-Lt Eve will regular mass on Dec 2a at 8 30 B m 10 30 a m and noon TURQUOISE TEPEE DON'T BUY First Baptist Church wdi observe Christmas bie services at 7 3G~p m ADVERTISING Captiva a Chapel by the Sea will have a can 11 ght LARGE SElEaiON pF TURQUOISE AND COKAl carol <*rvice at 7 p m I! INDIAN S WESTERN JEWEIRY BUY STOREWIDE SALE RESULTS" Display OFF 4721E87 ALL JEWELRY WITH FEW EXCEPTIONS No* 24 thru Dec 31 1938 Classified 466 0050

RatoltWhoavjIe ; istvx C3 K» ia K3 B3tSJ! Colony,



$84,900 EARLY TIMES BOURBON One of the last remaining opportunities to own a one bedroom, one bath condo minium unit in this Gulf front complex $£199 under $100 000 Fully furnished, in LlfER eluding linens and housewares RENT AL INCOME EXCEEDING $ 11,000 AN NUALLY 1 000 ft Gulf Front pool, Best Selection of Wine in Area shuffleboard game room ONLY ONE WINE CHILLER AVAILABLE OFFERED! FREE OF CHARGE! ' OPEN.Ei/ERY OAK

WYMAN ATKINS REALTY 10 CASE ORDERS PO Box 533 Sanbcl FL 33957 2100 Palm Rid jo Rf WWlHKli WAY:'


Author/photographer's Jenks' sign request new book will feature 'too much' says Bailey some Sanibel wildlife By Mary Cot em an By Matt Perez ealtor Bert Jenks received a ruling on *• his business sign situation last Tuesday The col jrful spoonbills of Sanibcl widinf, in a Dec 16 in what Sanibel Mayor r red \ altin tidal pool at the wildlife refuge will be featured on Rtermed Mr Jenks annual appearance on nis sub- the cover of a new Floriih bird gui le its author ject (J saidFruhy £ Jenksp however insisted, that his most recent re- Author Connie Toops his had h*.r photos publish g quest for a vanonce to the graphics ordinance was cd in Audubon Society and Sierra Club calendars ~ 'not a rehash He cited two new permits for what She said Birds of bouth Flonda An Interprets e c would appear to be a douMe oignage Pick Quick Guide will feiture minv photos taken at Sanilwl s S Plaza and Pick Quick and Ritzy s Island Center and J N Ding Darling \\ ildhfe Refuse « Ritzy s Sanibel s Land Development Code provides Among other photo1! of Flonda a birds in the > that ind vidual businesses located in the shopping book readers can find a great egrtt i vellow § center are permitted one street graphic either wall crowned night heron and a photo of a reddish egret£ mounted roof mounted marquee or projected donated by islander Al Milliken B Signs for the individual businesses cannot exceed 20 square feet if the permitted graphic for the shopp- The book will co\er birds from Lake Oneechobee s ing center lists the type of businesses that are south to the Flonda KeyKeys and the Dry Tortugng s The imrrowxrg oul located in the shopping ceiter TToop s said BisicallBlly itt willll cove r birbd species We hope that the experiences of visitors to ^ environmental conditions which affect those species southern Flonda will be enhanced by using this Jenks requested a permit^ to erect a 40 square- and the effects of seasons to name a few interest book Toops said It s something that anyone m foot ground mounted shopping center sign for areas terested in Wds should enjoy Sanibel Realty Certer and iipt the types of In addition there are chapters devoted to refuge Toops has penned three other books including one businesses within the center genetically In add) areas and divisions of South Flonda environments on alligators which is available at the refuge visitor tion he wanted to erect two 20 square-foot signs including Ding Darl ng Loxahatchee and the center More than 12 naturalists magazines ha\e advertising two divisions of his business Sanibel Audubon Society s Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary published her articles The author recently retired Realty Rental Division and Sanibel Realty Sate Division There e are more than 24 parks refuges and wildlife from work at the Everglades wildlife r*>fuge lives (Jpre erves covered in the 160 page book ^ now in Mississippi O Councilman Francis BaJey commented I know what you re tryuig to do Bert and 1 think it s a lit © o tic too much On the motion of Major Valtin the council voted Sanibel Glass & Mirror, Inc. to permit Jenks to advertise the shopping center as the Sanibel Healty Center on a 40 square foot Residential and Commercial ground mounted sign listing types of businesses located in the center (or the two smaller signs directing traffic to the FA sates and rental divisions the council allowed six PROFESSIONAL STAND-UP square feet each G ~ Holidays' COMEDYI ft—*1 • DUNES WOMEN A nine hole point tournament To Oio S mibtl fe Ciijilad among women golfers at The Dunes Golf & Tennis ft tends Club hut week was won by Emily Schofield who took first in a fl ght Lou Hill was second Bettv Bulcock third Thtml^ \oif/or Phyllis Harvey fourth and Velda Owen fifth lour Pat mugc In B flight Mane Colon won with Claire Bowie Manlyn Lorenson Ginny McKee and Louise 2244DPenwnkle 472 5318 Johnson following in that order D

'associates, inc., H


Umltetl B«mb*t lemalnlrHi of lk«M inlqat *t!U«c r«UlmtM atartlrtf al ItS 000 J«M G itcy* away on oM *H» boa Itt popatai 6V Rihlni ••itit at SM Carlo« Baf and o« Ih* other the crfiut WM« trim of tfee CaU of Mcileo Ih*** apeclat V<""* '«•' re«ld« cM «ach with lk«l* OM |aio>n tn- Jutt two un ti ttmaln In ih i unlqut >U unit Gull honl con n try and priiat* tcren«4 laul an •rlihln domlntum Each offer* 3 bedtoomt and 2 bath* with n>any DctlghtfuEy located apart from c M«p4 io all yf>M re


Qultlly irctudrd on Eait Gulf Drive Beachcomber hontt Taniara an ncepttonalry braut M eight unit condomlnKim d letlty on one it Itie UUnd** Wldnt ind moil alitactive ofltilng at much M 28SO square (ret ot beachfront lutury bcathrt The bu Id ngi designed In ihc ityte ot odi mrlalroob.n litand tot ages a t beau fully tl«d logrthtr * h HandMtn* panih-c tun 1' room*. European implied ciafumanthlp and natuiaiuuodt delicitftv latllctd bsltoni*t gl«i block r* t screened bakonle* tn.*iWoVlng he *a *tt ol the Gull ol Mn Ingt and oth» unique a chiieclurat deia It 635 E»( Gulf ito 3049 Writ Gull DrK-e " Dritr in X 12A D DECEMBER 24 1986 D ISLAND REPORTER

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SONESTA SANIBEL'- riscilla Murphy HARBOUR EESORTJj * Realty, Inc. . " aptiva - (813)472 5154 • Outside Florida 1-(800) 233 8829 ONE YEAR WftRRAMTY "H0r9T>A« 9(HI AWT) BEAL1OR*

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14A D DECEMBER 24 1936 D ISLAND REPORTER Happy Landings ...In the right place

Within Southwest Florida there are a number of golf course and country club communities All of these communities are quick to claim excellence in country club hv ing — yet only one offers a total package of fine amenities * The Landings Yacht & Country Club is, without a doubt, a community like no other in Southwest Florida Landings residents enjoy total comfort and convenience within the area's most complete country club environment Landings amenities include • A 200 slip yacht harbor, the largest of its kind, with direct access lo open water • An 18 hole executive golf course Delightful to play • Over a dozen champ onship tennis courts • The exclusive Helm Club, superb cuisine and gracious service • Fully equipped health club facilities, and much more Even if this rare collect on of amenities were available elsewhere in the Rrt Mjers area — none could begin to compare with the superb location and unique qualities of The Landings Why settle for less somewhere else when you can have it all at The Landings' Take advantage of special price and financ- ing arrangements available now Call or visit our Information Centre today for details Offered by The Landings Realty, Inc., 4425 S Landings Drive, Fort Myers, Honda 33907 813/481-2500 or 1800-237-7528 anywhere in the United n States (oiitside Florida)

Southwest Florida's most complete country club community

Vie iMiutm^ s Rcaln hw is a uhnlh owvcit 5 ibnilmn of VII' REALT\ CROUP, ISC

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ISLAND REPORTER D DECEMBER 24 1966 G 15A h commentary the floor Tiger said What sUie matter the cats on i* Bob The cat's got your tongue got your tongue' Whereupon he started to giggle Bob? „. By Art Stevens and turned several somersaults Yes Bob We cats feel that since we live with Isthat>ou Tiger? I blurted out humans we want to be treated (ike humans Would y eleven year old cat decided to speak Who did you think it was Garfie d' More gig you name your own chili Tiger? to me after all these years I was ties and somersaults Suddenly he sat up straight I thnight about it a moment No I guess not M astonished of course as you v/ould be too if and became all serious And another thing Tiger — or Bob — con real words came out of your own cat s mouth in Listen Art I decided to talk to you today tinunl Why do you put me In that God awful car stead of rreow because we ve got to change our relationship It s rying case when we go somewhere tn the cart My wife had gone shopping and I was alone in the not working I had him there Because you re always throw . conuo It v,as around 3pm on a Saturday I had What do you mean it s not working I stam !ng up You and cars don t seem to get along just gotten myself settled on the terrace with the mered lie was stumped on that one r gulf in front of me lowered myself into the lounge First of all I don t like th° name Tiger Why did Well why do you always put me in another room chair and was about to plunge into The Hunt For you ever give it to me? at night? Why can 11 stay with you? Red October when Tiger (our cat) entered Well you re an orange tabby cat with a white I was rcadv for that oie too Because you He did a long low stretch as cats do right afte,r a chest =nd a white nose We thought it would be always n bble on our arms at 2 a m when you fitful nap gave a deep yiwn and slowly talked cute for a cat with your coloring to be named decidejou re hungry We don t like to be awakened toward me He paused right in front of me and as Tiger tike clockwork every night was Ins longtime custom appeared to set himself Tiger w as practically hissing but he still staj ed Tiger aUrted pacing His vo ce was heating up for some solid stroking and petting Absent pjt at my feet staring up at me Well if you fe i me more at dinner I wouldn t nave mindedlv my left arm started do vmvard while iry Cute cute That s all you ever thought of mt to you up at night. right held the paperback «. Cute Don t you think I have feelings too' My dear T ger - Hold it nj,nt there Art camp this voice from Well yes but Bob nearby I looked dow n and saw Tiger grinning at Yes but nothing There have to be so*ne \cs Bob Efvse fed you as much as you always me changes around here if von want me to be a card like to nt you d be an overweight obese cat. In e Yes it s me Then noticing m> jaw dropping to carrying pet First of all, my new name from now © p'ease see CAT, 22A



TUESDAY - SUNDAY 4 P M -9PM LOCATION WINTER RATES Bandy Batch S1200-tt600 BlndP«S S5042S STEAKS • SEAFOOD • CHICKEN • CHOPS 4000/month & LIGHT FARE (Salads, Sandwiches, etc) Captva Shoes 700-1200 Compass Point 750-1275 Coquina Beach Club 800-1100 Donax Village BREAKFAST—• - LUNCH- DINNER Duggers Cottages GultBeich MM -1PM 11 30AM -4PM 4PM -9PM Is and Beach Club 850 D flvttnt Home ma Ic Soups Da Ty J squtettd Orange Juice and I TUESDAY - SUNDAY Loggerhead Cay 700-760 ic mult Jams Every Day I D*l gh LI Sam)* ch * P Pne Cove ol San bel 1000-1200 II Homemade Eimcn Djlidom Sala Ji I TUES Po nte San o 950-1500 HOMEMADE DESSERTS Sandp per Beach 750-850 BEbR&WINE I All I Sand Poinie 725-900 San bel Arms West 550-075 Say am 1000-1200 Shorewood 1200-1600 Span ah Cay 550 Sund al 600-1200 Sunset South 75Cmo annually St Cto x 1000-1200 C Tarpon Beach BOO 950 Tennis P ace 400 Wh teCapi •Or While Sands x - THOMAS BROWN Ail UNITS RENT BY THE WEEK UNLESS REALTY, INC. Serving Sanlbel since 1973 a 2410 Palm Ridge Rd, Sanlbel „ HOME RENTAL RATES SANIBEL J- WINTER RATES 472 4138 G r Ft J2000/rnonth Gu I Front 650>week PooVTenn s 3000-3900 month The Dunes 31003203100-3200 month SAND PQENTE CONDOMINIUM Other 750 3200'mont320 h CAPTIVA Gull Front °"500 2000/woel! Bay Front 950 lOttvweek Poo Jacuiz 9S0-2000/«eek PRIVATE HOMES SHELL HARBOR (East San b«1212 pool w th dock 5mln *a k to beach $2 000/mo GULF FRONT ESTATE « th two privits homes Oie has pool bulh have spas Gu t beach at your front doer Luxury accomrr>od«tk>n •! 1900/wesk »2 V0O0l*k 3 bed rooms 3W baths Dock tor boat of seaplane $700 week POOL HOME 3/2 Shell Harbor wlin boat dock 4 w» k lo beach n m nut's* S2 OOOfmo GULF TO BAY Sunny old Florida Home oi Captiva 4 bdrrrv 2Vi ba Boat dock lac u\

GULF FRONT on West Gu f Or ve A ry 2/2 w th den & screened pat c SitOO/mo pluselectrcft water

lana *l I accept small pet SITE PLAN ANNUAL NICE 2/2 un'u n shed stove f-sfriga alor an4 THIRD FLOOR GULF FRONT unit with bPautiful view ol washer La ae screened porch la ge ga age $600 IPO pusutltes No pets Gulf Overlooks lake lhat attracts birds Landscaping 2/2 Completely lu n shed home Pa king be- well maintained Excellent rental lor 1986 87 season At neath All app ances S7S0/mo Joan M Good Realtor tractively furnished Unit K232 $199 900 JudvMlchlt Heritor Atioclate YOUR SECOND HOME IS OUR FIRST PRIORITY- W tn X C

o 16A D DECEMBER 24 1986 D ISLAND REPORTER police watch

men trying to slip a nonce around an alligator s Police Sunday night at 10 33 responded to a com Hen suspected of neck in the wildlife refuge Boswel1 copied the plaint by Billy Kirkland 980 Greenwood Court. license tag number of the men s 1976 ma-oon Kirland said he heard noises under his house and trying to catch Dodge van and a member of his family shot a when he checked it out, he saw a man run into the *gator with noose photo of the men according to police r po-ts woods according to police reports Sgt Mike Sanibel Police checked the tag number with state Blacknore and Officer Kenneth Cooper checked By Matt Perez computer enrre records and found the tag had been a-ound the Kirkland residence upon arrival and reported stolen Officer Ashby at 2 11 p m stopped found £ loose tie-down strap on a nearby car A ambel Police Sunday afternoon turned over Abrahams on Sanibel Causeway to issue a citation sailboard was secured to the rar by the tie-down two Fort Myers men who allegedly tried for possession of a stolen license Also Abrahams straitrap A search of the area yielded nnoo results ac S to capture an alligator to federal of ficaJs at was cited for not having insurance wording tc police reports \ the J N ' Ding Darling Wildlife Refuge Sambel I stopped them on the causeway, found out that B PARKING PERMITS Islanders acomir g in over Police Officer Scott Ashby said Tuesday they were the ones and brought them back to the the Christmas and New Year s Holidajs are asked If charged the men could face maximum station,' Ashby said The officer added that one of to pick up their parking stickers at Sanibel Police penalties of a $10 000 fine and/or six months in jail the two men admitted to having a noose around the Department Monday through Friday from 7 a.m 3 for harming a threatened species under the En alligator s neck, and that they did it just to sec if p m dangered Species Act special agent Vance Eaddy they could catch the alligator • SMOKE ON THE WATEK Anna Compton said Refuge officials were not available Tuesday for Monday at about 11pm notified Sambel Police of r We do not comment on any investigation ' Lad comment Q a fire on the beach off Sundial Beach and Tennis dy said from his office at U S Fish and Wildlife • WAITING FOR THE SUN Bill Grade 5099 Joe Resort Officers Tom Applegate and Ray Law Enforcement in Orlando Tuesday Wood reported ttn alligator in his yard Sunday Chnsteawn responded to the complant which was The two men in question are James R Abrahams afternoon Sanbel Police repsonded to the call to the second of the night about the beach fire The 27, and David A Witkowski 19 both of 16007 find the small reptile sunning himself by & Email two officers instructed a large group of beacngoers Davis Road, Fort Myers according to police pond Officer Kevin Morehouse told Grade that was around the fire to extinguish it and pick up litter on reports normal behavior for the critters, according to police the beach according to police reports The report Police received a complaint Sunday afternoon reports and assistance was not needed did not say whether the flames were from a camp- from bill Boawell of Sanibel who said he saw t«o • GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PRESENT? Sambel fire No citations were issued

Share with us. •. The Holiday Festivities Fantasy Island Property Sales on Begem \*M. Yean Ext of Fterrier JouetOvTrpugre Court Side VACATION RENTALS Restaurant & lounge p WINTER SUMMER Crearv Hat Creurg LOCATION WEEKS WEEKS Rcrida Seafood teque Bind* Batch $»0-t200 S 600-575 Comp*ss Point % 650-1485 S 400- 625 o* V«ti (\rta fireai *rth Atm&ac P&x&can Sauce a Doilnti $1)75-1600 S 900 btx&dlDj&AttxiQea GullstdiPlMf" $3900-5000 $2200-2500 Sartxt Srrnp en Cnxte with Sue Oab n a Oeote Muflard King* Crown** $ 700- 925 $ 475 , L Lighlhouii Point" 1300 $ 400 Chocolate tuffie WI!TI Efrawtery Sauce or Loggtrtiflid Ciy $630-625 J40Q Obd fate witn Qct Se Polnit Sinlo 4ff Sinlbti J 735-1733 $ ^25- 850 Sindptbblt $500-650 % 325 Sind Point* SU7 980 S «5- 490 Sonttti Sanltxl Hirbour Riiorl S 895 1095 $490-('i00 ftKerwrtora r«f«ed $H0CXrp« couple » Cccocn Ocp Pi ass rcUde »Ueet.OT3 al Sundial S 515-1200 S 375- 66C rw^Huteinto/teccryno'OreM^aTScfie^Cttcn^ E»lar twcat Jmrr>\ • Raffle at 1130 pnfcr moyMr i of Ftrr«r JOuet Fteu> • Mcpoan • Fcrt/ie Tirpon Btach $ 650- 690 % 475 fete • Snc*ng Mjuciara • Ccflee i Damh cwakfele at cte^g • ErtertarTrert by Darr> ^1agcJ1.

"Two Week Minimum * * "30 Day Minimum ffl Sonesta Sanibel Harbour Resort Special Discounts for Four Weeks or creating a lifestyle... Longer on Most Units

David L Schuldsnfrel Licensed Beat Estait Broker Hi JCOUA 1 P O Box 210—Pilm Ridge Rd Out-of town callers call Sanibel Island Fit. 33967 800/3175146 WE ARE LOOKING GOOD... X ' and so is our menu! D Our renovation is now complete Come visit us

Last ALL THE STAFF WISHES Minute YOU A HAPPY HOLIDAY' Creative Gifts Season's Greetings! JONUSFOR to wish Tview Year's Eve S«rvtng 6nn«r horn our regular m«nu RegiA Prices RaoJv Menu Sesbno Itom 5 P M 10 PM m lt» PiBO Louno* ti MKJrwghl fret your friends a glass Ot crwnH»fl"« wx> tors domvret

fti* Pttlo loung§ • 2 tor 1 Hippf Hours _ RICK KEELER AT THE KEYBOARD Merry Christmas 4 7 PU Mon mm Frl • Open 1 Days Mon Sat 8 43pm to12 4 Olnn«S 10 PM snrouQnGiit Dtfcai^o*Br THE JACARANDA SEAFOOD STEAKS SPIRITS



o r J V

I ISLAND REPORTER D DECEMBER 24,1988 D 17A deaths business Memorial contnt utton* part be n i J t San In i • Dlb^ML JOINS BISSUL Donild T Bisscll /red R. Pfaff ., Pul lie I il ra-y (*r chirilj uf ne 9 th ae „ president of Bisseil Realty Service Uirpt ration of ° -s Murioml wen, held TutyJiiv fur Fred snnilvl anntunced this neck that hio son Brian fAi Pobtrt Pfaff of Captain s \\ aik w ho hid lived on James ThomaS Mix j ined the business as director of sales bmibfl for the last 1i years Pistor Rich ird R Chiefl cltv Off ctr limn Th mn\ii ( «i Hnwi B ssell is a 1982 gra luate of the Umversit., Miller of the Zi JJI Lutheran Church offinatwi in the Yiv>Ret,71 dcdSunlny lkv II |h»u* ( f Florida m buMticss administration with a majo"- chapel of tfie Pint Kistr Funenl Home in Fort winter nmitont of ^vnM n marketing F nor (0 joining the Bi-ocll famih buimcss he was crnplo>ed with Bank of the Islands Myers He retired fr m the Na\j afttr J) \cat% irisscr 1 8 Pfiff who moved here with his wife Kalhryn viccinlhidwnedfnWorll WarllanlK rt-a Ik art as wiles manager for Ssnibtl Home Pfaff from Chicago is survived bj her Other sir WHS firecomnussiortr f rfiur Uant f 1 iho Tl? Bis«tlls ha\e l>«m residents of the hlan Is \nors arc a daughter Minon Bntts of Bcimont lanilttl tin? District lit wasn memtvr of Suhibi! tlm e IS70 and active in real estate since 1973 Mass and thae gran Ichilden Steven Hntts Kiren Communitv Church aniatnuiKrof tin t! *• M«t Brinn Hfi"*!) bes off (he islanq with his tafe Gntmaeker and Jonathan Bnnt ardfhegrcit Ktserve Associ'ilon \ irgmia Mesa jiger liisstil and two children • grandchildren He 13 survived by hi»t wlfp Marj I-lit.n Nix st A daughter June Brant precedtd him in cieith daughter Caroline Henrttsj both of Sartsbtl two m t»A FOK RbSORT fc-MPLOm South Seas Pfaff was a retired sales mnnager for tin. \S illntp gnndchitdreT four sisters and a mecp all of Phntati n Resort and \ Acht Hartwur of Captiva o ttngley Comjunj of Chicago ind a member and Georgn annources that Dan Roach vice president of fimnce has been awarded the Certified Hotel Ad former business minagir of *5t Philip s Luthtran MlliUr> servicts wen. heM in Attitns f!t and in Church of Chicago mini3trator designation bj th? Educational Institute Jacksonville Fl 1 "* of the Amencan Hotel and Motel \s3octation

ICOUPONfi e • Good dentaf hycjiene /MAINSTREET\ DEEP SEA FISHING RESTAURANT- is more than just $B 00 OFF All day aboard the THE FINEST IN AUUtCAM FAil AT VIRT AFFOIDA1LE PBICIS ' ISLAND LADY" brushing and flossing. SEAFOOD-STEAK-PRIME RIB « 00 OFF Half day aboard tho Honest arH -< IUNCH SERVED MON FRI 11130-2:30 "BULWARK III" personal 3tten'ion DAILY LUNCH SPECIALS S2.95 to your Dental hedl Ji NIOHT SNAPPER TRIPS is our only bus ness' DINNER SERVED MON SUN 4 30-9:30 EVERY FRIDAY 7 P H 5AM DAILY DINNER SPECIAL '6.35 GULF STAR MARINA for an appointment call 482 6?0S SPOBISTAVERN* MEtl NCROOMS* BANOUHTMCIUIIIS o Fort Myers Beach COMFDY ClUB • DANCING * ENTERTAINMENT BRENDAN CATtRING ON & OFF PREMIStS o 936-8545 DWYER. DDS ilOO SOUTH CLEVELAND AVI FOHTMVEMS Fl 33907

McFouss e p H Guaranteed to be the & Tavern, best New Year's Eve all you can eat on the Islands"... f u Shrimp or Alaskan Crab PLACE: Wlls Landing Restaurant 1st Seating 830 PM till ? 2nd Ssatng 930 PM till ' ACTIVITIES: Live Entertainment and X Dancing Party Favors Criampagne at * Midnight Fun and Laughs!!' ao PRICE: $45 per person reservations only MENU: APPETIZERS • Baked Seafood Platter • Cryyc e Mushrooms c LEMOi'SORBET SERV 6D BETy EEM COURSE. < ^ ENTREE Flof da Lobster and 8 Oi Filet H gnon Dnnn« II Include Double Baked Potato 72 great • U Id R~te Vegetable Roll and Bu te seafood dishes Beef and Chicken, too'

Be as picky at you 1 he you re going to (nrJ exaciV what you 1 ke on the seemingly endless McTs menu The Island s large? collection of seafoods over 24 tempting appetizers pnme rib barbecued libs chlctten dishes and the always fabulous Mud P"e all prepared u jth loving care in McTs award winning k tchen Choose McTs (onighi and get all the choices The best shrimp house in Florida . . . ask anybody

1523 PenvurdiU, \\ ij 472 3161 Dinner °a clOlO ~\\i ir Credit Girds Accepted N IT y J ,


Merchants enjoy Cirolyn s Too as holiday parties got into full s* Stand tall, sell short This year tne party business was so strong that By Den Fuller Christmas cheer Carolyn s eliminated the Christmas dinner aspect of in brisk sales the business Lewis said she has turned dawn f you want to be envied by some and adm red ^ orders for thirty dinners by all, especially at cocktail parties turn the By Mary Coleman Caro'yn s employs 20 people during season and I back of your hand towards you squint down she treated them to a party at her horr»e Monday your nose at your fingernails and say ' Of course 1 sland businesses have reported bnsk Christmas evening with catering by who eise? Carolyn s sell short — when the time is right Don t you? sates this year Custom Catering ^ You will appear to stand 10 feet tall I Jan Gabnelson manager at Lads & Lassies The accommodations nusiness never seems to be said November especially was very strong slack on the islands Millie Heim manager of December is ahead of last year but November Sambel Arms Condominiums said she is fully book was the best in four years " indicating that people ed for the Christmas holiday and has been for at taking stock may be shopping earlier in the season least six months She said that is not a typical Tourists and residents both shop at the children s Florist Roy Davis owner of Scotland Yard, said clothing store A lot of customers are grardparents he manages to do a' little better each year,' Last #eek I outlined a method of deciding when When school te out, parents bring their youngsters although he feels hurt by City of Sanibei regulations to buy stocks, and which ones to buy, to increase in for fitting restricting his signage your chances of profit In response to overwhelming Gabnelson said on Monday she expects to be very ' We have problems being seen,' he said, but popular demand — well, by several readers anyway busy after Christmas our fnends come through — I devised a procedure which requires very little "People are enjoying the sun this week " Scotland Yard la fully stocked with Christmas of your tame it is a way to find stocks with good A hot item in girls' fashions this season is the items, including potnsettias, wreaths, and stocking short and long term prospects in good 'ndustnes to glitter look, according to Lads & Lassies stuffera The biggest seller is custom flower ar be bought only when the market is rising If you'd Gabnelson said ' You're seeing a lot of gold and rargements for homes like a copy of that column, phone me at the number silver just as in women's fashions Davis is matter-of fact rather than gleeful about below III be happy to make a copy for you The catering business ts also booming, said business R I'm not listing the eight stocks this procedure Carolyn Lewis of Carolyn s Custom Catering ' I'm turning o>f r more goods, but my costs also generated because the market is not rising The We've been swamped this year, although we ve keep going up So I have to compensate " widely watched Dow Jones Industrial Average (of always been quite full for the holidays' The florist was still too busy taking orders on only 30 very b'ue chip storks) is only holding level, Monday *as a very busy day at the Captiva store Monday to have calculated his profits Q while the more significant Value Line Composite Average (of some 1700 stocks) is declining with its highs progressively lower and the lows also lower Until the market resumes its nse most people wll want to do noth HR However, you don t have to stand aside when* the market is dropping You can make money on the way down by selling short The way you do it is mm condo counsel pie You merely phone your broker and say the magic words, I want to sell so many shares of of the person who is designated as the proxyholder such and such a company short at the market,' and The use of proxies If the proxy so provides, the person nantd as he II do the rest proxyholder has the power to designate a substitute What he does is very interesting, even By Christopher N. Davle* proxyholder The purpose of this power of substttu miraculous In minutes he borrows the stock from tion is to protect the proxy give- s right to be someone who is willing to lend the shares to you wners of condominium units often are unable represented at the meeting if the named prox then he sells them for you and deposits the amount to attend members' meetings in person yholder is also unable to be present. The power to of money they bnng in ywir account When the O 17 a unit owner cannot be present at a substitute may be very important if one person time comes to get out, you phone him and say, I f _ members' meeting he has the right to vote by pro- usually an officer or director, has been given a want to cover my short sale by buying so many -, xy This right is recogmxed by both the Con j large number of proxies and then is unexpectedly shares in such and such a company ' domimum Act and the Flonda General Corporation prevented from attending the meeting Remember, Again in a matter of minutes he 11 buy the shares 1 at the market price (which if you guessed tight is Act. Additionally, most by laws briefly recognize a prow is not valid unless the main proxyholder (or f the right to vote by proxy but few give sufficient authorized substtute) is actually present at the lower than he price at which you sold them in the guidance on the procedures If th» proxy has not meeting The designation of a substitute must be in first place) taking the money out of your account to Been properly drafted, the validity of actions taken wntirg, signed by the original proxyholder da so He will return the shires to the one who lent at members' meeting could be subject to question c All proxies used at meetings become a part of the them to you You have as profit (you hopel the dif A proxy is a written instrument by which a per association s official records for a period of one ference between the price at which you sold them son who cannot be present at a meeting temporarily year and must be kept available for inspection originally and the pnej at which you bojght them back When you sell short, you sell first and buy transfers hja right to vote at that meeting to so- Finally, a challenge to the validity of a proxy P meone else (the proxyholder) who will be present should not ordinarily be allowed to interrupt a later This is the same as the more conventional and b authorized to cast the vote as if the absent meeting A special meeting can be scheduled transaction of Lying first and selling later, except member were himself present It is important to at a later date to deal with the challenge An alter it is m reverse Each is as risky as the other, no understand that a proxyholder must be at the native procedure would he to entertain a motion for more, no less meeting in order for the proxy to be valid There adjournment to a later hour or day so that the Next week 111 outline ho* to pick specific stocks are two types of proxies "general' and' limited validity of the challenged proxies can first be deter to sell short Then you can stand tall and impress A general proxy simply places the proxyholder in mined, and the meeting then resumed The burden others, and be able to make (or lose) as much the shoes of the absent member The proxyholder of proving the invalidity of a proxy is on the person moncv in down markets as you do in up has complete discretion to cast the vote in any way challenging it AH proxies are presumed to be pro- markets Good luck Merry Christmas and s Happy the absent member could have if he were present A perly given and executed absent proof to the con and Prosperous New Year D limited proxy contains specific limitations or in traryD strucUons as to what issues may be voted on or how Ben Fuller will try to answer your questions the vote is to be cast ChristopherN Dames w the resideni,partner m dodge brick bats or even receive expressions of en Rule 7D 23 02 of the Flonda Administrative Code the firm oj Fonyth, Swalm & B-vgger PJL in thusiastic praise if you II phone him at hm home at mandates several technical requirements for the South Fort Myers He practices in'tke area of cm kit SS87, oryoucai drop hvn a note in care of the form of proxies The proxy must be dated and sign domimum law \ Island Reporter, F 0 Box R Sambel* FL 33957 ed by the unit owner or authorized voter for the The material presented w intended to provide unit It must set forth the date, time and place of L,- general infwmation and u not regarded as render the meeting for which the proxy is given A proxy ing specific legal advice to any particular person is good for only one meeting (and any adjournment Anyone to whom the matters discus'ed are of poten- of that meeting) but never for longer than ninety tial importance should consult competent legal (90) days after the first meeting date for which it counsel The legal principles referred to are subject was given The proxy must also set forth the name to change from time to timd permits &; deeds *

In the week ending Dec 15 the Leo County Courthouse system by Fountain Fire Equipment recorded the to! owing d«*d« (or more than $60 OOO- Oavtd Boyce 601 a Clam Bayou Lane lot MM lot security BTS Development (HW). 3215 W Gulf Dr, tor $753 D2S lor P*ter Pavel to Susan Atkins Lots 28 and 29 Bloc* 3 Captva sysien by Pro-Corn six unit condo Bldg II by Jack St Ison Beach, KM 000 Robert Ingram, 1328 Sea Spray Lane for ti 404 for security BTS Development (Reel), 3215 N Gull Dr., for $753028 lor 8am Price to Maude Baches Government Lot 1 Section 30 i*jfslem by PioCom sli-unil condo Bldg 12 by Jack Stllson Township46S 1ange23 E. Sanbel J110OOO ^Joan Crimmhs 313 Palm Lake Dr lor $2 606 tor security BTS Development (Reef), 3215W Gull Dry for construction Condominium sales lor more than $60 000 included system by Pro-Corn traler r ^ South Seas Plantation Co to Stephen Goldner Unit 1665 Jeiry Conrad 3428 Little Lake law for $600 tor security McFadrJertfMoreno 3377 Lake fld North for S3 000 lof spa Building Queen Palm Lands End system by Pro Com by Hydro-Spa of Southwest Florida -. Tha City of Sanibei issued the following building. parmlU lor DoseraU, 3013 W Gull Dr 1302 lor $1 410 for aecjrlty George Cord t, 1422 Sander ling Circle for S3 000 tor Epa by the week ending Dec IS system by Pro-Corn Hydro-Spa, John Cassidy BA Harbour Cottage Court lor 12600 lor Delweller 1102 Harbour CottagoCourt for J1 276 rorsecuri. Robert Gallagher S14G9SandcastlaRd tor S3 500 lor sola' storage by owner ty syatam by Pro-Corn pool healer by Fatco Solar Janllna Condo Asaoc 3025 W Gull Dr tor $1 400 lor IP Franc s Pue 957 Cabbage Palm Court lor JS25 tor security KandySanger 1157 Bird Lane for MOO for repair 19 dock by tank and heater by Petrolana Gas system by Pro-Corn Carl Deramo 949 Whelk Dr lor M6 280 lor a single family Robert Heaey B987 Mockingbird Lme for 12,131 foriecurl Ed and D ane Shulls 1559 Sandcastle lot 111,500 for pool residence by Sanibei Homes ty system by Pro-Corn deck and enclosure by Perguln Pools Seascape Condo 3145 W Gulf Or lor W 222 by Pro-Corn Jerry Ertz, 1513 Sandcastle Rd for S1130 for security San bel Ho-nes 1406 Causey Ct for 190 400 for smgle- Security system by Pro-fern fan ly residence by San bet Homes en John Boler 5069 Joewood Dr for J2 7S2 lor security system Island Wa'er A*soc 3650 San-Cap Road tor 17 000 Ire PatHanley 1550 Angel Dr for S20G lor LP tank by Togas by Pro-Corn system by f-ounia n Fire Equipment Corp O X Fehrenbach, 1219 Isabel Orlje lor $2 016 tor security system Island Water Assoc 3425 San-Cap Road for S2 600 for f re jy\

ISLAND REPORTER D DECEMBER 24,1986 1X19A pubiic forum

I am dismayed and' No justification i AN UNSCRIPTED LEGEND I '-. disgusted at Bank's : l •-.'--.' •.•--:.•" -:- .-\ . -r . The Poin'settta •• ^ - ; • - for rezoning at name change -;;" •:;:;. ..- _?•• .' ;.,•; •U.y-S-;-: • •. ; :•-,:•-? .• '•' ~ '---i^'-i •-*. a ,'- Casa Ybel Road lo. Scripted hosannas night skyways had filled; ^ , _;-; . ?- •; - A copy of this letter to A. Gordon . and pure chorales of new hope were willed; -, .-•":. -.:;.' A copy of tkia letter to Snnibel City Oliver, president. Citizens & •=• -the ultimate —first and last.: > j; , ' • ,-;'.= Council MM submitted for:publica-j : Shepherd Fields was fused with a light divine .-.*"•"• ;.,; (ion. ""• ••- . Southern Florida Corp.,' ws submit- :> tedforpublication. " ''•_ •:-. and Wise Men full of years pondered the sign _ : h ; Gentlemen: SuUect: Caaa Ybel Road of uncharted waters changed into wine - , ; -•'-.. ^ ': •'. \, • • Mini-Storage Facility -86-02-SUD Sir: In response to your forn^letter--, when word into flesh was cast :; '. \'". , ; "•'••''li-' submitted by Bert Jenks. . dated December 9, announcing the CONA requests denial of the above takeover and name change of-the\ Outside a crude stable the graphite 8ky ; "'- ;i ''•'- project based on the findings of fact Bank of the Islands, Sanibel to C&S, • tented heart-hurt of a little child's cry; ;-:v- .:'--. - ;t, : I - and because it is not consistent with i : I - feel compelled to express my -; ::'*-- Child of unpillowed deapair/''^-?: • >~ •.' - ' . "^ \i the Comprehensive Land Use Code ; dismay and disgust May I add that ; •© .; No silver, had felie, for a newborn King; •', . ' .:. ^-— :j and the Land Development Code, my circle of friends and neighbours no frankincense or myrrh — no golden ring;: ••.;". i f ^ i; -\ -.} -I; This property, which is located on on Sanibel fee! the same way. ; riot a flaxen wick coud the wee one bring —j J? >;:V~ 'y_..;^ . i j i Casa Ybel Road behind the Bank of A "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" -: *'yVoriyher''sdflioodfapray^ ^^ the Islands, should not be re-ioned Bank of the Islands was such a lovelg, from residential to special use. . romantic name, conjuring a tropics! :'Anevangelcaic$fromunplumbed$iari~':r^'?&<•??.. because of the critical traffic conges- paradise. I was'proud of using their £ Saying;:^woep no more, cmd —* follow the: stair V: ,*' tion in that area, the conflict with in- : :- checka when up North'. Paying bills ^krWhere^rMishipi^tefaxnftbone^-vv-' 'i^ - terior wetlands conservation, and the © 9 with these checka often evoked en- BrinR back a tall, weed from the. earth's green till; .. : desire of the local neighborhoods for -;::-.._ vious comments." ' scarlet from the grove of the hart's goodwill >>.-• the property to remain residential. " I don't believe the C&S logo will >" and handled with faith from a hari«haped hnL'^a-? In 1985 a request to put multi- Impress anyone. This decision might s-'Vf on paths no has flown'.":^.-^: -i ,^'r.^; family homes on this property waa be a treat ego trip for C&S's direc- denied. We can find nothing good ' . tore, but I am certain it would earn -The maiden whispered, VI belicvo — fceUeVe,'.'-: •$•*' about this project to justify the more - an F mark in a business course. ? itnd when she returned on" thathsBow'deve,:: Vti drastic re-zoning to a special district F.Schmidt, :y-y:.ti» weed of havened-hour.•''iwV r Love's second-mile in flower»-r-:"=: ;•-•• .•""•' Neighborhoods Association. Arwta G. Stiiuer


Spaghetti • La$agna • Ration • Veal, Chteken or Eggplant . PmmlBlona • Calione • Satadi • Gaittc Bread? Chtett Steak • Burger* • Stuffed Potatot* • Special* • Hoi Subi • Homemade s '<• Dramatic view of Wildlife sanctuary. French floors i- Soupi • Beer • Wine • Soft Drink*. _ ,--.. • throughout, French terra cotta tile floors, Hunter ceiling fansj spiral staircase, custom cedar and oak kitchen, % professionally landscaped with many rare palms and •The One You'll Keep Coming Bick To* -.-•_, foliage. Automatic irrigation system, exterior lighting. OPEN7DAVS. II AM-10 PM(APPX,) 1619 PERIWINKLE WAY. SANIBCU FLORIDA M. By Owner. $135,000. By appointment only. 472.1370.

•Stained Glass




B JANUARY DLOOD DONOR MONTH Honor Senator Dudlej sa d that he formed the program ing those v,ho voluntarily gne blood ^ that others Dudley offers behind ~* bet.auce citizen s involvement in our state govern might live and promoting giving of blood during a scenes glimpse ment is essential if we are to fully understand and visit bv the Bloodmobile Jan 21 Sanibel Ma\or successfully address the mtical issues which face a Fred Valtin has proclaimed the morth of Jinuary of state legislature rapidly growing *tate like Florida any meaningful is Blood Donor Month on the islan J If you have ever had the desire to take a close involvement requires not only that our elected President Ronild Rtapan his dechred Ja mry is behind the scenes look at how your Florida leaders understatd the needs an 1 concerns ol our National Volunteer Blood Dono1" Month Legislature operates the opportunity may be jours citucna but that our citizens iMi

IT'S TIME Sanibel Gallery A THE COLLECTORS SOURCE Painting* CHANGE Signed/fiumbcred Prints Fine Crafts CENTS 990 JANEVALTWS classified ad 1986 special Christmas ay eery heart and home ITEM HUS" BE S50 OR LESS IN VAUjT Ornament be rich in the radiance of Signed & Dated Christmas joy Toyou our PR CE HJST BE STATED IN AD dear friends mam thanks UP TO 20 WOR0S LIMIT ONE AO PER FAMI Y PER VjEtK ADS MUST BE PREPAID — CUSTOM FRAMING — NO PHONE CALuS OEADUHE FRIDAY A" 5 P M Your Comnunily NEWSpaper Heart or the Island Shopping Plaza WYMAN ATKINS 1628 Perm nkle Way Tha REALTY Classii BL Sfo Q MOM-SAT 9 30 5 472 3307 SANIBEL

Happy Holidays & 0.' A Warm Thank You UNIQUE GULF FRONT POOL HOME X" To all ofyoujor ymu suppoi t and help with over an acre of lush native vegetation Custom m giving ns the opportunity to reach built 3 bedroom 3 bath home with a walkway to private guest or domestic quarters featuring a one D oieri milhonWollars m saleifot 1086 bedroom apartment plus office and dark room To You and Yours Spectacu ar view of the Gulf of Mexico Priced at We wish you health, happiness, and $635 000 prosperity in 1987

TRUSTEE iund level 3 bedroom 3 bath Cl [educed from $525000 to $465000 CONTACT US CONCERNING OTHER GULF FRONT PROPERTIES AVAILABLE


2-0 00 !03 REALTY' r •" Wai O ba c 204 • SOTW Flon* 319a7 LE



• 0

o Let heaven and nature sing.

May the natural wonder and beauty of these Islands ' bring you joy in-this holiday season and enrich your lives throughout the year.

We send this wish to our Island friends" ' ] with a contribution to the Sanibei-Captiva Conservation Foundation.


Blanche E. Jones Mona & Herb Ferguson, Helen &:Bill Webb Marjorie & Peter Cloud Liz & Merle Smith Mills "•'I Mary Peabody Shirley & Jerry Melum Helene O. Edmonds Evelyn & Mike Klein Charlotte P. Helmann Gloria & Rob Kasten." Mr..& Mrs. Thomas Tirnmer Sr. Elayne & Bill Lees Klaus & Helga Petersen ' Mr. & Mrs. Frank R.1 Mozzlcato Art & Louise Johnson The,,Vernon Rowland Family Stan & Nancy Johnson Florence Fricke Joan & Charlie Wilson Liz & Walter Klie Dewitt & Barbara Jones Twink & Ed anderhil! ' Jim & Dottle Krieger ' Emily & Jim Shields Arthur & Ruth Clark Fred G Jane Valtin Anina Hills Glaize Judy Workman

Jack & Rose Rogers Marye &;Will Flatow Dr. & Mrs. I.H. Simmons Captiva Fitness Caper Charlotte & Qed Carrington Glenn & Paula Patterson Ruth & Warren Deuber

Thll page ipomored annually by Ihe Sanibel Capital Conservation Foundation. PO. Draw a Sanibel, f L 33957 (NluMiMton nuiwiy el FM» SmHh) 22A D DECEMBER 24 1986 D ISLAND REPORTER CAT htUi. conversation • from 15A Bob7 si e said with raised eyebrows fact you d like a bob cat Get it7 Bob cat I looked at Tiger Tell her Bob Nothing events Whereupon I started to giggle myself tried a Silence 1 l^er was purring in my lap and closed his c Bome-sault or two strained my back and got back eyes 1 • FREE MOVIE bury to Freedom a Go«pel trims in my chiir Bob my wife sa d again breaking the =ilence presenta ion will be at Sanibel Community Center That s not very funny Tiger said Who s Bob' at 8 p m Monday Dec 29 U is a true story of a You mean you decided to talk after eleven years Tiger was fast asleep 1 sighed deeply young man who abused everyone he met - ms wife just to bicker with me? I asked exnspcratedly Never mind dear Coul i you make me a double his father But through Christ his heart changed No that s not tbe reil reason vodka martini on the rocks when >ou ve put the from wanting to kill his father he develops a pas- groceries awiy? n Then what is? sion to save him The move is free D There was a lon{» pause Tiger looked up at me A resident qf Sambel as utll as New York City with those great big cat eyes • SOV1LT UNION The Unitarian Uriversahst Steiens \s president o/Lobsenz Stevens lite one of To tell you that I love you Church of Fort Myers will present Dr \\ ilham P the top 15 independently owned public relations Tears welled up in my eyes I love you too Shaw who has led numerous citizen-diplomat firms in the country He \s the author o/The Per Tiger jumped up in my lap and started hckirg my groups on tour of the Soviet Union speaking Sun suasion Explosion vublished by Acropolis Books face And there we were unashamedly hugging eacr day Dec 28 at 1 p m at the church located at 1905 about the poaer and influence of contemporary other when my wife walked in with her groceries Edison Ayenue, Shaw is d rector of Cross Currents public relations I looked up at her Bob and I were just having a International Institjte of Kettering Ohio Q

Punta Rassa Condomiums NOW FOR SALE PHASE I — Apartment 108 unfurnished C-irrnts C O appliances and dripes included Onlv S105 900' Only 10% down payment to close No closing costs or points'

PHASE I — Apartment 405 furnished $119 500 c for this well appointed property with C tnnquil setting PHASE II — Apartment 103 furnished Direct waterfront views Priced to sell1 ? 127,500 PHASE III — Apartment 406 Completely ind elegantly furnished Gulf & mer vistas from living md dining rooms nnster bedroom Choice property $170 000 Fw Knot* nn« limw dw ilrTrrnvt Call for appointment to view NOW OPEN FOR PIZZA 5-8 P.M. (Maybe later) 472-2555 Bissell Realty Service Corp. Ftt»K Baked Cioiiianl* • CmlManl Sandwiches Giant Cookln • Key Ume Pie • and MUCK MUUi MORE! BEGINNING OUR SECOND GENERATION OF SERVICE PALM RIDGE BD acrosi Fiom ETKERD DRUG Suite 103, Treetops Centre, 1101 Periwinkle Way, Sambel Phone (813) 472-0880 • Member Cnamber of Comalerce • Member Sambel and Captiva Islands Board of Realtors • Owner an Island resident since 1970

SfiNlf5€L SanibePs First and Finest RCNTOL S€RVIC€ Seafood Restaurant Harbor House Mnmum Per Da/ X Rental Alte IWeefc UlWeek Restaurant JO 139 Rollaway 2500 400 • ' Dine In Authentic Olde Island Atmosphere Cribs 2500 400

Porta Cribs 2000 300

PlsyPen 1500 300

Lsrg« Boulnet 1500 300

Small Strollers 1000 200

Urfps Strollers 1500 300

Car Scats 1500 300

High Chair 1500 300

Booster Seat 600 100 Cud Table & 4 Chairs 1500 300

Buch Umbrella 12.00 200

Beach Choir 800 200

Beach Lounge 800 2.00 Bill, Anne, Cathy, Gabe & the rest of the Harbor House crew uish everyone aSWoWlndbreaker 1000 200 a Very, Merry Christmas! VwyCfwpt

OnSimbel On Cipl •> 1244 Periwinkle Way Sanibel Island FL Family fmned & operated Sincerely SinOxISKlSMp Buch Stulf 472 1242 Dinner 5 00pin -930pm 1700 Pert* n*to Ciplnt V 1 ige St) CLOSED CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR S DAY Bill and Anne Waller SimtMl FL C«pt va FL 4*2 3S44

01 y ISLAND REPORTER C DECEMBER 24, 1986 D 23A the devil's advocate

carry themselves with the same dignity and pur- ourselvrs in the cold Sight of reality, instead of this oMake a gift of pose, with the same'demeanor and values, 365 days haze built of rationalizations, posturing and self- Q your own true self of the year? My guess is few, if any ... which is deception? (not being cynical, but realistic, (•» And, on sum, wouldn't it be even better if — by ouldn't it be nice if, just one day a year, What better time, then, than Christmas to mend some miracle — we could expand this one day of our errant ways . fi. at least for one day? Well, tak- honesty into a week of self realization ... or we actually became the sort of people we ing that as a rhetorical question, consider ;t may be perhaps a month of decent humanity? Would thai W pretend to be? the worst time of all. The pressures of the day —' aV not, be truer to the spirit of Chrifltmaa than ex- And wouldn't it be nice if that day were least for most of us — almost preclude a noble act " changing presents and pleasantries for one shwt Christmas Day? , > of human kindness, or whatever panacea may be .time? More importantly, wouldn't that be truer to Well, here's your chance. For one day of the year, called for... much more so than the other 364 ourselves, to act in deed as we act in word? Sure, be the sort of person you would like to think you days under discussion.^ Uie world would be a better place, and all that tap- arc .-.. act the way you want people to think you Consider the pressures of family and.'friends... py nonsense ., .lbtH let's be selfish and admit that would act, do the sort of things you always espouse or, perhaps even worse, the lack thereof on Ihis we would be better persons for the experience, at but never quite get around to actually doing. most familial of days. Add to that the arduous pro- least for that one day, >. O It's an ideal day for auch activity, from any ap- , cess of gifting, the responsibility of making merry What better present could we give to others than f proach you may take to the holiday season. It's the with a straight face, and the inevitable post- our own true felves? And what better gift could we time of goodwill and good cheer, of warm feelings Christmas letdown that usually begins its spiral give ourselves than an honest glimpse of our own toward your fellow man or woman and a general when the last gift is opened or, the last morsel of ' human potential? benevolence for the world in general. If nothing holiday feast is stuffed into an unwilling digestive. That — not songs, not gifts, not fraudulent emo- else, it is the remembrance of Christ's birth /.. for system. s .. tions and contrived concern — would be the finest any Christian, that alone should serve as en ade- - Why not, instead, attempt this gesture toward . Christmas gift any one of us.couid give .., and, quatc guideline of the manner in which you should your bt All in alt, we can be a rather heartless loL How Besides, wouldn't it be good for us all to provides this space far the expression ofalternative many people, for example, can you identify who recognise our artifice every now and again? To see1 'viewpoints. Reader response is welcomed. ' LENNA'S HAIR AFFAIR DENA'S • PERMS • COLORING • .•:•-:, 2317 SAN CARLOS BLVD;^ ";:••-•• • MEN'S AND WOMEN'S CUTS • . JMEXT;TO ED'S BqTCHERSHOP>1«BCH PLAZA,; CHILDREN 12 AND UNDER $4.00 CUT - , (LONG HAIR EXT1A) :3 I ^1GHto8TMA8SPy:^i. AaTHpNTlCiMblAN JEWELRY AND. LEAD CRVStAL: APPT. NOT ALWAYS NECESSARY j-j*s-'- rv AT WHOLESALEPRICES; *i';'-.:'•-.;;,>, OPEN MON.-SAT. 8 A.M. 'TIL? 466-7666 2320 SAN CARLOS BLVD. . 1 WAYNE PLAZA * jBjwiiil^^

;< v* 24A O DECEMBER 24,1986 D ISLAND REPORTER mmmmm ran TOP FLOOR WITH GREAT BAY AND PRIME GULF FRONT TWO BEDROOM"i MARINA VIEWS! This 2 bedroom,.2 UNIT at Ocean's Reach, Looking for a bath apartment at Mariner Polnte is just good income producer with A GREAT what you have been looking for. Very VIEW? This unit is the best location in clean with an enclosed porch. Call to- the complex and generated 43 WEEKS day Mary Lou Traucht,-Realtor RENTAL in 1986. Instant income can be Associate (days' 472-3121 eves. yours If you buy this nicely decorated 472-2880). . ,', ..-•; ; unit. Priced under $200,000.= Contact; Joe Burns, Realtor Associate (days 472-3121 eves. 472-5814). , / : : ' MORE FOR LESS! Vaulted celling, top floor, one bedroom apartment with up UNDER $140,000! Direct access water- to 25' of dock space available with way home. Newly remodeled on an direct access',' NO BRIDGES,' pool, ten- oversized canal front lot. Mature native nis, BBQ grills, beach access too! Ask- vegetation offers, privacy. Call.Pam ing ONLY $78,000. Call Becky Williams, Pfahler, Broker Salesman (days Broker Salesman (days 472-3121 eves. 472-3121 eves^ 472-3897. 472-5457). • : - ....;- .,

BUlLDABLE LOT f CLOSE TO THE BEACH and shopping. Quiet area, already ROGO approved. Asking $35,000.= For details contact Scott Naumann, Broker Salesman (days 472-3121 eves. 472-6202). : •:'" BOATERS, THIS ONE IS FOR YOU! This family size home has a dock for your boat and much more. Three bedrooms, three baths plus den (or 4th bedroom), fireplace, breakfast'area and dining CHARMING BEACH COTTAGE In a room, cathedral ceiling, Jacuzzi tub in quiet neighborhood moments from the the master bath and a spiral staircase beautiful gulf waters. Three bedrooms, leading from the deck of the master two baths ready for relaxed Island liv- ing. Asking $119,900. Contact Rose DIRECT GULF FRONT FOR UNDER bedroom down to a large screened pool. Glbney-Dakos, Broker Salesman (days $200,0001 Two bedroom, two bath, top Beautiful bay views complete the 472-3121 eves. 489-0422). .floor condominium with FABULOUS package. Please see for yourself. Con- VIEWS and wide beaches. One of the tact Julie Healy, Realtor Associate best rental opportunities on the Island! (days 472-3121 eves.r472-6701)- -;• i; Don't sleep through this dream!.Call to- day Jean Reed, Realtor Associate (days 472-3121 eves. 472-1663).

Si GULF. FRONT, PENTHOUSE AT- :e£tf. POINTE SANTO! Newly decorated, two bedroom, two bath condominium with m roof top sundeck -beautiful views of the gulf. Offered fully furnished for $320,000. Call -f Rose Glbney-Dakos, Broker Salesman (days 472-3121 eves. ENEWLY CONSTRUCTED NEAR BEACH 489-0422). .,* ,•:,,; ... "HOME FOR $175,000! Charming "Olde Florida" style constructed by one of ATTENTION INVESTORS! Don't EXCITING NEW DEVELOPMENT!.Uni- Sanibel's, finest builders. This! 3 overlook this one. An excellent invest- que lake front town house con- bedroom, 2 bath home offers eat-in kit- ment opportunity, offices, restaurant dominiums, 2 bedroom, .!1V4 baths. chen, expansive decks and porches and and apartments offered for $395,000 Serene and peaceful view of the lake. is located Just steps away from the with seller financing to qualified pur- Close to Sanibel's shopping/one mile glistening gulf waters. To view this ex- chasers. For. additional Information, to the beach, all for only $115,000. Call ceptional value; contact Debbie contact Scott Naumann, Broker John Nicholson Realtor Associate Weinstock, Realtor Associate (days Salesman (days 472-3121 eves. (days 472-3121 eves. 472-6296). • ^ 472-3121 eves. 472-1294). : '"< . : .. 472:6202).: ' ": > ;

'>;•/;. Ptease sentf me more iitoTraffcn:

: KNQWLEQSE'! ipERfttC^ Name t-y-. _

PTiow f*ji*er_ 1149 Periwinkle Way / 2427 Periwinkle Way -. I -' /am interested in: Sanibel Island, Florida 33957 (813) 472-3121. 'Dta, ' n c Toll Free: In FL (800) 282-0360 I - Buying-' I I Cundo D Out of FL (800) 237-6004 : ' mi. x' •>"'


DECEMBER 24, 1986 INSIDE; Clubs and community events ISLAND REPORTER A ray of sunshine in a Minnesota winter -,- Paul Newman plays Santa STYLE tyear 'round ;£% -v Maggie's Memories= Second time around


.relocate. Bob had retired in 1981 Retirees find-' ' i; Way Trailer. Park. Now they live in Thanksgiving and sometimes after - from Northwest Steel and Wire ' The Dunes. . :•:; ;• /•-••• fulfillment in plain, - after 35 yeans and they got tired of V; ' Christmas," he explained. White started at Bailey's last • ,- ;; Copeland was a dentist who took the wintera up north. - •"'---. - December after five years of inac- . Bette had hot had mu£h working •• early retirement at age 49. After old-fashioned work: tivity, .-• . . ,.,.-.r .. experience, but Bob knew he would J that, he and liis wife ran a mobile -By MaryColeman .-. •"*". "1 came in to renew my°check- ^' "get bored just sitting around." His cashing card and picked up an ap-,. home campground in Minneapolis, 1 Then they spent a summer traveling he butcher, the baker and the •'-. friends in Fort Myers suggested he plication on a whim, ' he reported^ - npply at Bailfly's and manager ' in a motor home and inspecting * candlestick maker may not be' He said the other employees were camp grounds for a camp directory "- Chuck Skinner agreed to hire him . great about showing him the ropes, T working at Bailey's True, :, service. They have two daughters -'.'• immediately. Bailey's also hired although he had alwavs been in ;.-. Value Hardware, but the electronics V.-^and six grandchildren in Indiana, ~ "^ corporation executive, the fence . , Bette to work in the bakery section a'lae Tin :— 1 Ti 1__... : of the store with the same hours. - reasons not to move here per- - * .. ~maker and dentist area. At a time ;: manently. . ^ in life when most of their contem- • Weedman was a fence machine ,_• operator in the industrial Midwest "We work for and with really nice poraries on the islands are playing , new people. "People Come in here ;, people," said Copeland. i golf or boating, these folks Keep , and had hever worked in sales. He from all over the world." • is "still learning the inventory" at Sam Bailey, co-owner of Bailey's ; their spirits high with plain, old- A graduate of Purdue. University, . Store, explained the policy of hiring fashioned work — stocking shelves,": . „Bailey's, but finds everybody very: along with his wife, While spent -• helpful. •-•;.; •- : ^ retirees: "They all seem to be ' mixing paint, and advising . j three years in the Army Air Force dedicated. Most of them have been ^ "I can't get over how friendly the 1 customers about household repair. in World War II. They have four in business of their ownJ They x • . . .*- Bailey's, and especially its Kard- "people are," he said, although he children and seven grandchildren' ^ : admitted he and Bette also miss understand the relationship between cr-;3 ; ware division, has a policy of hiring and go home often to visit. management and workers. They people who are mature workers, ; . their friends back home. - Max Copeland is spending his . Winfield (Whit) White was co- work with you. They are working '„•;= " giviiig them a chance to begin a se-... ninth season as a Bailey's employee. , because they like to work.'--,, D tjif - cond career.' . . : - - " owner of an electronic machine His wife Janette also works in the Justness in CinHnatti, Ohio for 35 ... Bailey said the, older workers are ; \ Bob'Weedman and his wife Bette v •., hardware department as cashier. paid the same wages as other z- ' years. He sold out in 1981 and he " . They are Indiana natives who -^ - ; ore natives of Illinois who came to . and wife Joy vacationed on Sanibel.** employees, except in cases where " visit friends in Fort Myers about spend four to six months here every "they asked to be paid less because •- They came.down in a motor home year working at Bailey's. ' .': r~ '.. four years ago and decided to^ - and for a while lived at Periwinkle their income wis already so "Sometimes we come after - " high."D ' : -^, " ..;-'. . : '

: Above: Mujt Cviiclntid 'making keys, liiykt: W'hif • White ivfUjh.t nails. • , •.-.•."', Ahort; Jnrette Copelatid, cashier.




IMAGINE Ten highK landscape 1 icns of the n ost popular rental Located at 1600 Middle Gulf Dnve is without question the premier resort propert, on Saniliel Pointe fainto ft ltures um ji.e Sp-innh condominium on Sanibel Featuring 84 residential un ts (30 daj style architecture ttnnis shufflebo-ir i |MW1 hm;zi an 1 a rccrui mmmjm rttitals onlj) on 18 a<.res of manicured landscaping two tion | rogram for children md nultsilike Fun one tweorthree heated pools six tennis courts two saunas and rruch more bach bedroom unit his a fantastic view of thi Imch w e hau n lar*,e m two bedroom two l>ath plus den or thrtp bedroom three bath \ lus ventory of units for sale and rent m ill bjil hnj^s nn \ floors AH den unit has an unobstructed beachfront view All come with every fourth floor units have a i nvite rooftop sundeck CAI L NOW TO kitchen appliance imaginable Mike an appointment now to view tht VIEW THE BEST 1-OR YOURSELF vr- island a finest #114— Two bedroom 2 bath with den $J79 600 unfurnished HA 4-GROUND FLOOR GULF FRONT \\ KAP \ROUND VIFW #306-Two bedroom twobatiSOLD en $.l>0 00fl furnishel OF POOL VND BEACH This 2100 s it all in luxury Furnished for $ 137 500 #319-Two bedroom two bath with den - $3fJ 000 Furnish* 1 ^127—Three bedrwms three baths plus a den Beautiful)} fur iffi-33—Third floor two bedroom two bath Spectacular furnishings 1 in soft blue pastels Must be seen $237 500 furnished Seller will nishci it $595 000 consider trade GULF FRONT (TB42-FOURTH FLOOR BFACH VIEW PFNTHOUSF WITH PRIVATE ROOFTOP SUNDFCK Large two oedroom Unbatr UNDER $171 000 with a fantastic rental hisUirv $275 000 furnished Selle* will u n Be-iutifullyy furnished two \MA\ oom two I ith wi h fibulou;, sider trade for low density \Vcst Gulf Dme unit rentatll I istort v OwneO r sa\ \ll m Si Call f r mort d m 47-CORNER ONE OF ND FOURTH MOOR PfNT HOUSE WITH TREMFU IFFRONTUhWS ru-mshed COQUINA BEACH 629D with everything down iCO drape openers Great buy for onlj hirst floor lAolx-drotm twobath Good rental historj compkldy $275 000 furnished fumnheil U T onlv $144 ()0Q #C 21—Beautifully fumhhed two bedroom two bath corner unit JANTHINA 3A that has never been rented $237 500 This three bed™ m t*o ha h [>epthou^e unit o'fers c\trjthinp fnr the (li criminating lyer A roof top sun deck pool &i le cabnna a'e a /FO31-2 bedroom 2 bath corner unit w ith greauiew S221 995 fi- few ( f the futures t'nceil at S^O 000 furnished nished #0-6—Ground floor walk-out two bedroom two hath, with Gulf views SUNDIAL $212 000 Furnished e II 10!-Two bedroom two bath Culf MOW $177 300 furnished #D 7—Ground floor corner unit with prnite pitio off kitchen two X ' bedrooms two baths and gulf vnws $232 000 furnished #D4b-SUPERTWO BEDROOM TWOBVTH FOURTH FI OOR PENTHOUSE THIS ONE YOU MUST SEL IT \\ II L NOT LAST HOMESITE D LONG priced at $245 000 furnished Q(.I 11 RIDGr ~ i rest Re c mmunitj with «ecunt\ gates an 1 #E 6 - GULF FRONT - Two bedroorr two bath nicel> fumisl ed pnrd I ouse Deeil tl IKACY IC•« tennis cnirts and bt auti'iJ [K« 1 walk out to beach $295 000 mi SIW500 rfE 22—Second floor benuty with both pool and beich views Two bedroom two bath ill new furnishings Seller will trade for bench FRONT HOUSE Priced $2>1 900 furnished DUPLEX OWNERS SAY SELL IN '86 \\pnt the rtil OH SIHIIKI tj-pe cottage' \ small duplex with 1 Cash IncentiieB and terms offered be !ro< m 1 bith md a large efficiency \ Rulted l>einied cei ines an 1 ol I Flon la nine par el ng with built in Ixnik shelves add to the charm Onl) 200 feet lo ha/beach access ard I Hock to Culf beach accev #B-22 — Stcond floor two bedrooms twobath Coodrtntal Only SI (0 000 ptrtnllv furnished history and furnishings $224 900 ^

#C-33 — Three bedrooms with great pinonmic views over the lake to the Gulf $250 000 furnished HOMES KE 7 — Gulf front 3 bedroom 2 batk ground floor Walk GUMBO LIMBO —Tlree bedroom tw>bath new home unler con right out to the beautiful beach Offered at structton Completion date of February 1 Yo i can pick your colors "JSlfrWt $299 500 Furnished and carpeting $145 000 including app lances plus firej ho. MIUDII- (.ILV I)ril\t-Pool home with spa .ivirlcohnR lagoon and golf course Three bedroom two baths nicely fur #E-24 — GULr FRONT - three bedrooms two laths nished S2oC000 $320 000 furnished SVNIBrL RI\ER ESTATi-^-Ap wdroom t*o bath pool home on a lagoon Deeded bt ^M aS $169 500 unfurnished JE35-GULFFROV>/-»VO 'furnisledt»oImlroim / SHEI L KARBOK—Four bedroom three bath pool home on canal two bath with great re ar* otory $280 000 Aithdock $350 000

472-5021 P.O. BOX 210 — 2402 PALM RIDGE RD. (800) 237-5146 „ SANIBEL ISLAND, FL 33957 K"3 ISLAND REPORTERD DECEMBER i«, 1985 D.3B clubs and community events Center parking lot, 9 a.m. to 12 noon, and Jerry's Peace vigil to be held ^ * . !" o shopping center parking lot, 1:30 to 4 p.m. Jan.21. |, Wine fair to be held Valtin urged all citizens to support this effort and l: in city hall grounds Dec. 31 all future efforts on behalf of the blood donor pro- ; at Plantation Feb. 1 ^ v In the hours prior to a new year, it is expected gram.D - . . "... Start with a champagne brunch, then an after- * ,. that millions of people from all over the world will noon of wine tasting and discussion of wines, and •; join to blanket the earth in healing prayer for world Camp Inn for kids New ;p \-. cap it off by a "grand tasting1-' at sunset, and you . : '• peace. ." • " -. -.'•. • " •-• .. •• "_ .. : have the second annual Southwest Florida Wine ~ : Year's Eve at tee Memorial • l At 6:45 a.m. on Wednesday, Dec, 31 at Sanibe) Fair." • . • •-"•=. • \ :-.. \ City Hall, just before 7 o'clock Greenwich Time, a New Year's Eve. A. time when old friends get -; • To be held at South Seas Plantation, CapUva, on World Peace Meditation is planned. : together to welcome in the New Year. But what iJ . Sunday, Feb. 1, the fair will feature wines and • Led by Tony. Capp of Naples, Sanibcl'a gathering about the kids? . .-. • • ;A:- winemakers from five Napa Valley wineries, two {/on city hall grounds 13 just one of thousands of such On Wednesday, Dec. 31, Lee Memorial Hospital :- from Sonoma County ana one from Washington . - congregations across the globe to join in the prayer will sponsor a New Year's Eve Overnight Camp Inn state. It is co-sponsored by The Chefs Garden of - - for peace, representative Abby Parkerson said. for kids, ages five to 12. The overnight party will r; Naples. .'•?• ; • -"• For more information, call Parkerfion at 472-3639, .:_ provide adult supervised activities with magicians, =_ Chairmen Scott Siler and Beirne Brown created, 0 0- -or Capp at {813)643-0688.0 f ^storytellers, arts and crafts, games, food and , '.'.' the event last year to heighten the local public's drinks. It lasts from 7 p.m. on New Year's Eve to '- knowledge and enjoyment of fine wines. ' . • AARP INSTALLATION: Norwood Melcher will _ 10 a.m. on New Year's Day. . ;• It is open to the public by reservation only; •-- r ' be installed as president of the Sanibel-Captiva The cost of theCamp Inn is $^5 for the first childL tickets for seminars and tastings are $25 per per- - chapter of the American Association jof Retired Per- and $10 for additional children in the same family..;: son. Brunchfs available separately for $15. Call sons at its meeting Friday, Jan. 9 at. Sanibel Com- r Each child should bring a sleeping-bag and a piliowJ: 275-5758 for further infonr.ation.Cj munity Center. "~" -••• -';: •_••.- - Reservations are needed as space is limited. Please I Other officers to be installed are John Hotchktss, - call 334;5442 for more informational . ;i • LIONS CLUB: Four new members of the . "'*- r vice-president; Florence Fricke, secretary; and Sanibel-Captiva Lions Club were inducted by past .Caroline Melcher, tresasurer. New directors are Bill • BACKGAMMON: Round robin winners in "?„ • president John Wilcox at the club's Dec. 17 - •• -: : backgammon play last week were, first; John =• ' '••-.meeting. These are Ron Hernandez, Bill Moershell, 'Murray, Robert Sipprell, Virginia Spanski and ; : . Helen Glazer. The nominating committee was Erma Eiclicnlaub; tied for second, Pat Eichenlaub an1 d ij Bob Hughes and Ed Lannigan. Former member .:: Henry, Urban Palmer and Florence Higgin3. . 1 Trace Creen; and UiirdyLii Angus. The next ..'-. •!Bob Dahlgren was reinducted. ( - - ' ^ '• "Via! of Life, a program sponsored jointly by the '' backgammon meeting is Tuesday, Dec. 30.Q "^=1 President L)-nn Rogers reported that "Belle," the AmericarfRed Cross and Lee County Emergency gift pig that the Bonita Springs Lions visited on the [ Service, will be featured at the January meeting. local club, has been taken to the Lions Club in • A three-day trip to Epcot is scheduled Feh. 19-21.'- LaHelle, a rural community east of Fort Myers. For information, call Maureen's Travel at 472-3117. A commendatory certificate was issued to the Seats are limited to the first 40.Q •;• -.,•'• 1 • milestone local club for its participation in the International Lions Care Foundation, it was noted. Also, Bob • • JANUARY BLOOD DONOR MONTH: Honor- • DAUGHTER FOR NAUMANNS: Debbie and ' Dormer reported on the Lions Christmas Party for -• ing those who voluntarily give, blood so that others John Naumann of 2659 W. Gulf Drive announce the residents of Gulf Coast Center and it was noted .; . might live, and promoting giving of blood during a birth of a daughter, Samantha Michcle, Dec. .15 at that Christmas tree sales were going well. - visit by the Bloodmobile Jan. 21, Sanibel Mayor - 11:30 p.m. at Lee Memorial Hospital. The baby . Next regular meeting will be Jan. 7, 1987 at 6:30 Fred Valtin has proclaimed the month of January weighed 7 lbs., 8*A.oz. Samantha has a sister, - p.m. at Sanibel Community. Center.O . . as Blood Donor Month on the island. , Nicole Leigh, 19 months old. . - President Ronald Reagan has declared January as John Naumann is president of John Naumann & B SAFE SITTER COURSE: Lee Memorial ' ",,'• Hospital is holding a course for babysitters aged ^ v: National Volunteer Blood Donor Month. = Associates, Realtor. Debbie Naumann is president -• In its proclamation, the city recognized the many j>f Seti Advertising.D ? ••'••: • . ,- =•• 11*13 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Wednesday and residents and clubs, including Lions, Kiwanis, - ' " Thursday; Jan. 3 and 4. The cost is $20 for both Rotary and ABWA, which regularly donate to blood H RADIO OPERATOR: PvC Daniel J. Burns, son days. For more information or registration, call '" :y banks at the Edison Regional Blood Center and at "' ^ of Ronald J. Burns of 9292 Belding Drive, Sanibel, 334-5971. , - .- .o: - ... ' Lee'Memorial Hospital. ~ -. " graduated from U.S. Army Center's single | B ROTARY CLUB: Sanibel-Captiva Rotary Club The Bloodmobile will be at Bailey's Shopping .- channel radio operator course at Fort Gordon, 1 v will not meet Friday, Dec. 26.P Ga.O- ; "":-"": :; - ".; - • "..

Ta Mr. & Mrs. George Parker - Best Wishes foir theH&lidays

v Thank You for a completely ^rouble-Free" House

George Parker

-A For Rudy & Dave Hojtzman •p, •',;,_•


woman's health How to say 'no' to Christmas drinks By David Balky1 \: , ='• / cougars impor^d from Texas to take part in the' - Are you. . .pregnant? ••** are going to escalate." ^ ... ^ i f you're wondering how to deal with holiday -.. No matter bow you handle the situation, though, • hosts who insist on you having a drink when y non-drinkers should l>e prepared to handle occa- By Harry S. Jonas, M.D. ; • : v I you'd rather not, it's best to be assertive, let- •• sional resentment; "It might be tacit aggression - - : Some women say that they "just know" right ting them know loud and clear how,.you feel, say- like turning to. the people around to get group suj>-' •- away. Other women are very surprised, even after . two University of Florida counselors. : " : * :i~ i - port atid sayings 'Hey, guess what? Joe's not drink- missing a period, to learn that they are pregnant. r fi "I think the simplest and most effective thing to ing tonight, anil he told me to bug off,'" said Con-,-' ; There is nothing unusual about either of these do if you don't want to drink is just say 'No,'" said szalei. • " - ' - •: "; ~: groups; because the signs of pregnancy can vary as Cerardo Gonzalez, a UF prcfessor of counselor ^ <• Or Uie host's reply might suggest that there's ' - : much as women do and can be misleading., S| .' education. "But in our society, particularly at office something wrong with you for not wanting to ^ • Fcr almost every woman, one of the earliest parties during the holiday season, sometimes it*- _--,drink, such as "Hey, you're no fun," or "What's " signals is a missed period. Sometimes there may be seems unacceptable to refuse a drink." ~; the matter? Are you on thtf wagon or something?" !: all the normal indications that your period is about So if your host becomes insistent after you've said • "If the host puts you on the spot like that," Con-, V to start — tender breasts, mild cramping, mood 'no,' the next step is to justify your option in an '• zalez said, "you need to tell the host how he's mak- ;': '..- swings, and food cravings, but there fa no actual assertive manner, said David Suchinan, a counselor ing you feel. I'd suggest saying something like 'I bleeding^ Occasionally, a woman may notice some in UF's Counseling Center/'An assertive thing to said no thank you and how you're making me feel" '' light spotting instead of her normal menstrual flow say would be 'Thank you very much, I appreciate uncomfortable.' ~ . _ ~ >.\ '& • . "• — this is caused when the fertilized egg plants itself your hospitality, but at this point, I really need \ "If you let your host know how his pressure is in the womb (uterus). ~" - >> - ' something to quench my thirst rather than to relax making you feel, it will tend to undermine that sort Other common signs include nausea and vomiting, me.'"" '"; '. - • '•• • •' •• ._ - - ••<'. of thing," hesaid. "Unfortunately, a lot of times fatigue, a frequent need to urinate, a slight weight • Such a reply is not only a strong statement, .but il the easiest thinp to do is just to take the drink and" ,-. .,~ K"in, and a gentle enlargement of the abdomen — alsc/icaves the host with a graceful exit", said justify your action to yourself by saying. Til just this \% usually due to gas and other internal changes Suchman. '-'It doesn't lead your host to became have a little one' or 'Make it light.1 The problem is . and not yet due to the growth of the fetus or : 5 abusive back," he said; • i that just encourages this sort of behavior on the uterus. ' ' " '.- Gonzalez said thai if your reply ifcsuits your host part of hosts. " "For as long as women have been having babies, or hurts his or her feelings, he or she is likely .tto ; "Ani"Ail thithis mighi t put you in a situation you did not these symptoms have been strong signs of pregnan- givi e tit fof r tattt : "If you'r' e aggressivei , you'r' e goini g want to lie in in the first place," tiesauli- ^ © 9 cy. But, at the same time, all these symptoms can. to get aggression right back," he said, "and things ,, • .^ ... - _ ~ " • -v . .-. Indicate other conditions. So most doctors reccm- - mend that the woman who suspects she is pregnant - have a pregnancy test — either a blood test or urine Panther and cougar may : breeding experiment. If the animals breed me- ,,r|' test, both of which detect a pregnancy hormone ; ceiufully. scientists plan to sterilize their offspring : and release them, wearing radio collars, into the . (hcg).: 1E, •-;:•.•'-•> ~- , • mate soon — biologists wi'.d. . "-• -:• - The urine test performed in your doctor's office f: (similar to the test available in the drug store) can Scientists have opened the door that separated a ' If the offspring do well in the wild, the next "phase of the experiment calls for breeding pure ' f, aetect pregnancy within the first several weeks captive male Florida panther front a female western : after you miss your period. There are several dif- cougar at White Oak Plantation near Jacksonville. : Florida panthers in captivity and releasing their off- spring into the wild in areas vyth suitable habitat :.- ferent types of blood tests available and all can If everything goes' as planned, the two cats may.: : n detect pregnancy earlier than the urine tests. Yet, mate soon in an experiment geared to re- ' for them to survive.-" " . '• even these are not 100 percent accurate all the_ « establishing panthers in: parts of Florid a wherle the • .., The ultimate objective of the experiment is to ,' ." lime. ..-.•.•. :':-.- • /--• / cats no longer exist. '•';'• ?'• :-.' •„ develop the proper methods for the re- ,- - : • -. If your pregnancy test is positive, your doctor wiK The male Florida panther was transferred to the - establishment project. ' perform a physical examination. He or she will ' plantation from the Game .and Fresh Water Fish , .-: Biologists have been waiting since last summer ; - check for signs of an enlarged and slightly softened Commission's Wildlife Research Laboratory at ._, ,. t for any of the three female cougars to show signs of : uterus and a bluish tinge to the cervix. . v- •: Gainesville. The female is one of three adult beginning the mating cycle. '•'-.-_'


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' ISUND REPORTERD DECEMBER 24,1986 D 5D sanibel library the average person interacted with Fidel Castro, a as many as 2 500 people jel most of these personj had only three to flamboyant ' se\en real fnenda Wha* is fnend leader, of our near ship and how and v.hv has it chang ed tspeaally in modern society* o SEASONS GREETING FROM •jf neighbor , CrfTtcned in a har Country — EVERVONE AT ESI! Princess MiJiael of Kent Biographv Hanging from the familiar to the h ideL A Cnlical Portrait - Tad t relatively obscure the sovereigns Szulc . . , u he^e portrayed arc eight women F del Castro is one of thii cen whose dynastic and political mar TENNI5PLACED31 - Th i one Ivdniwn eft* i-ney >n*ncl*» here (plenty tlTV" lava fabk the cooperation of Castro himself quently they were adopted and lov Crwtk he PTM Only J79 JOC (X) and !»Iso interviewed scores of ed by the r new subjects but just as friends and associates in producing often they were hated or reviled SAND PO1NTE 117 - One of only ux diwt G»K f ofit apart this very readable portrait. The Although their lives were often menl* fi on a alnble at land Pa nt« Cmdom nlum Pecently book follows Castro's development smothered m ceremony they icfubih-d th 11*x. rwdroom i>tu ba h nt t row JI cxceDenl from his early days as a young cond i on Llghl rolnrj and bnghl fabrics elJect quanty managed to retain their individual! throughout A k ui aboui ihe on (land i>g potential tetu n on In lawyer (vociferous but ineffective) ty in spile of protocol and pagean vwtment through ESIi Vat a ion Ren al Program A corrptete his middle years as a seasoned in try A royal delight da a package deluding color photographs ts yours for the ask ng citer of amicd revolts and hit later The Swedish Connections — Connie W.t> offer Sand fointp 117 al he eicep OT ly atiracl ve pwc o( years as a crafty statesman to his K Heckert J225OIK. current reign as maximum leader of The American Scandinavian Stu his fiercolj communist country This dent Exchange Program is one of will be an illuminating aid to several programs that match host understanding the flamboyant families with for-ign students who LOCGEfiHMP CAY 112 - An unobstructed partoramk. leader of our near neighbor ~* are eager to spend an academic i eiv of Ihe Gu ( of Mexico horn the ma n living a ea and he Non Fiction VEor living with an American family ma lo su te is youn in ih * direct CuH front apaitmcn at Log gerfwad Cay Pa«ng*hip* rollng urf leapngfih (iroPngpeo The Great American Magazine — and attending an American high pie anJ The bgbls of Foil Myerj Beach -w< Ming n the night Loudon Wamwnght school John and Connie Heckert, d stance combine to c ea « a cont nu.i ly n I tiling vista The author who started a3 an of childless themselves, provide th s m Beau -fully de o al dsndfecenili rfub*h«i thii vacation home fice boy with LIFE magaz no rose side look at becoming instant also hat an eicelknt wr al his or, and poten o! fo rel m on n to become assistant managing parents of a busy teenager VeiSnteii ihrough £51) Vaca ton Ifcnlal Program Ask ui (oi the editor Here focusing primarily on Fiction coqipn-ttf data |>ackiv]e i. dentape or photo album for Log the personalities behind the Silk and Salm - Marcia Wolfson gttrwftd Cay 112 an cxtepl anal value at J2TO 000 masthead he tells tm. story of the Twelve yers earlier Darleen Joy, LOGGERHEAD CAY 592 - Attract uk priced and K th » origin development death and Deborah Aida and Samantha had ceilenl ental pot ttal ih 3 wcond fkxir un I al Loggerhead City o resurrection of the most successful been a clique who called the*nsehes overlook* oultyird pool and Guf Urth 1 176 tq.iar« fett uf weekly the warld has ever known The Sisters at Sarah Lawrencp iotat h\[ g a ea comfort foi up to s * octjpanl't It assu ed Treasure of th* A'oeha — R Duncan S«paiate mnsler end guest >uttes nrtd a fuEy equ pr«d k tchen plus When Darleen's husband Mark is (uil iie uathe and drier a * itatida d (satiret Aik to u.0 the MaU-ensonlH ° shoved through the window of his photo a^Hjni das f afka^e nr t^d^otape ri Lo^nhead Cay Lost m a hurricane more than 350 high nse real estate office any one ifri Jl (ifw years ago the gilleon Nueslra of them could have been found with Senora de Atocha went down with a a motive Mark was cheating with load of gold ssher, jewelry and and/or blackma ling each of them LOVE AN ISLAND UOMEt precious stones that has jinned to Another' awful but fun SANIBEL SEAVIE W - CHvr 3 («! w^eie leet of tp^e In a be the most fabulous treasure of all Lost — Gary Devon h lebeiiioom ih ee ba h Gulf IT en I condom num home know times Forove. 16 years dncrspiec This in the horror novel statable at SANtBEL SEAVIFW Only fie in o her owner* wi together Jie jigsaw puzzle that sweepstakes features a 12ycar-old sha t mo c than h pc a £s of land trnnif s^ifnm 9 pool and led to the bulk of the precious psychopath Sherman Abbott and .150 feel of broad CuV bejeh An otrcmcly func Knul floor plan Cargo The land based archeologica! his dog Chinaman When Sherman offers glMt HSII p.inGiarr*s from the (ana living icom k,i[hen rf 1 ig fx>m n (e PTJ, bpd oom ftnt flooc tal>ana gi dje and techniques applied to thii under - recovers fron a self inflicted gun locked storage art.a enhance the a*p*ct of >{fsciousii«s« Qrgan' water dig have revealed details shot wound, to his head he has about 17th century Spanish colonial dctorafo; furn shiitg* ai d top quahty appliance! combine ID (it ate L become a devil incarnate One night an e«ep



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reports about mammography were published they When compared with the natural incidence of More benefits than were based on a dose of two rads per examination breast cancer it is even easier to appreciate the which was not uncommon ten or 15 years ago A small nsk One excess breast cancer in two trill on risks to mammography better iimgtng technique called xeroradiography, women cm be compared to the natural incidence of By William E Schamadan M D was developed which reduced the radiation ex breas' cancer of 800 cases per million women per posure to 0 74 rada or on!) one-third of the jcar at age 40 1800 cases/mi'lion women/year at any women arc still afraid to have a previous level tor many jears thi3 was considered agi. SO and 2500 cases/mill on women/year at age mammognm done ji spite of the new stati of the irt technique but technology has taken another giant sti_p forward ° is there a nsk to mammogTapty' Perhaps Is M rccommen htions for mammography issued 1 by both the American College of Radiology (1982) By using tl e laUst dedicated /film X ray there a benefit' Yoj betcha WL hive looked mostly and the American Canor Society (1983) Concern unit the amount of radiation has been decreased to at the risk side of the nsk/btnefit equasion, but about m liation exposure is the reason most of them 0 OS rads per examination That s 25 times less there certainly is i benefit The combined use of give fcr neglecting this valuable examination Is it a ndiation thin was common ten jears ago Host mammograpry and ultrasound can lead to the I reasonable concern! Let s look at t*ie data breast imaging centers now use this kind of equip discovery oi a breast cancer several years sooner Cancer of Ihc breast and cancer of the lung are ment but if you re not sure don t be bashful about than physical examination alone Knowing this fighting to be Lhi number-one cause of cancer as) ing benefit I hope you v, ill avail yourself of these test deaths In women Right now, it looks like a tie But The theoretical risk from using low-dose mam to help preserve your well being D even so one Amercan woman out of every 11 will mography has been published by Dr Stephen Feig develop a breast cancer some time during her life from Jefferson University in Philadelphia He irade Every 15 minutes three women develop it and one h s calculations using an estimated radiation does of Vo tech students play dies from it 0 17 rads or twice the expected amount received part of Santa's elves Data now clearly show early discovery means less when using the screen/film equipment The disability and better cure rates From a statistical mathematical gymnastics which follow are his not Students from the Lee County Area Vocational viewpoint, it would seem reasonable to accept some mine — but they are reassuring Technical School electronics class were busy playing For every two million woman examined per year the part of Santa s elves risk for a test which would identify breast cancer a earlj enough to improve outcomes In the early there i a theoretical risk of producing one excess Broken toys were donated to Lee Vo Tech by Jim days of mammography, however some studies sug cancer Assuming a 50 percent death rate (which is Woodnng of Price Cutter North Fire engines gested the risk of causing cancer from the X ray ex high) there would be one excess cancer death for helicopters barking puppies and bunnies a-c just a posure m ght be great enough to cancel out the every four million women per year Ore death per few of the many treasures repaired by the elec benefits Fortunately, all that has changed four million women per year can be equated with Ironies class The amount of radiation a patient receives u the following Traveling 100 mile* by air or 15 miles The repaired toys are being donated to needy measured in rzds which is an acronym for radiation by car smoking one fourth of one cigarette moun children who would not have a merry Christmas ex absorbed dose The larger the dose of radiation the tain climbing for 20 seconds or five minutes of be- cept for the generosity of Woodnng and the skill of greater the chance for trouble When the scary ing a man aged GO I

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y a.


< Back in Minnesota the pure academic life A ray of sunshine in a Minnesota winter couldn t keep her interested without community theater — volunteer work she has continued She Snowbird actress finds job helped found a troupe called Circle of the Witch with which she was involved for two years teaching with Sanibel's only theater workshops writing for them and doing sets and lighting Another three years with a Becond troupe By Fran Muellc called All Hallows Play-re followed ' We worked with the schools a tot she says of this stint. ne thing Dena Allen knew was that she was But she always had a full time job Allen eays tired of the Minnesota weather long before Loathing Minnesota winters* she loved cutting out O retirement age Another was that it's still weeds on the lakes for the city of Minneapolis in Q cold enough in the winter in Atlanta for her not to the summer want a transfer there ' I think that people who live there an* less happy So the veteran of community theater and the odd than people who live down here,' Bhe says reflec jobs that made it possible — house painter, tively By late winter they re tired of the whole-* waitressing office work chopping out weeds in battle with the weather Minneapolis lakes in the summer and especially But Dena notes she was ready to get back into ac working for that courier that wanted to transfer 0\e theater work ' 1 had been away from it for her to Atlanta — accepted her mother s invitation four or fi%e years " with alacrity Her mother had moved to Sanibel in Of course, her new job as a paid assistant will not - June «oive tne usual problems of survival in the theater ' It was fate ' says Dena.' I had gotten off the business For starters, it is onlj during the season, £) plane and was dm ing to her house on San Cap Road and for endera she has her work at something ek, when I went by the Pirate Plajhouse, which had a too But she has been promised & job as a waitress big «ign up auditions " m a restaurant on Sanibel so the problem now is Ana though the roles for women were filled for Will she find tirre for the beach? a Lund/Toperzer Productions Dena with her 10 Somehow 1II manage it,' she says,' but I m go- yeirs of experience was needed at Pirate ing to be awfully busy Playhouse She is now stage manager for two of the Last Thursday, Dena and tne whole crew of plays and is an administrate assistant ' I«et sju«t Lund/Toncrzcr had scrubbed and aired the place un **ay I'm helping anybody who needs help around the til both the Plajhouse and its props shone That theater — a Jane of all trades, she explains night was the unofficial opening for U« Island She feels fortunate because, as she says, she Theatre wing of I Ought To Be In Pictures,' with didn t even know the island had a theater Gordon Gray, Jane Baird and Mefcasa keith, Robert @ '' The Ia3t time she was on Sanibel was about 10 Toperzer directing and Came Lund behind the years ago That was about the time she was it the scenes being the administrator to Allen s "assis- r University of Minnesota in Minneapolis studying tant" theater arts It was a logical step for a teenager Dena Allen Performances of' I Ought To Be In Pictures" are who had auditioned for the lead in a class play and v After a semester at the University, she was able scheduled again for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, won it to take advantage of Minnesota's arrangement with Dec 26 27,28 and thereafter including New Year's^ ' It was on a friend s dare," Allen says ' I the University of London and promotly went there Day, Thursday, Jan 1 through Fnday, Jan 17 couldn t believe I had the role — something I d for three months In London, she studied acting Curtain time is 8 p m Tickets at 110 each are never done before I just fell right into it and English plays available at the Pirate Playhouse, Penwuikle Way or by calling 472-0006 D *I ought to be in pictures' 1 is hilarious andpoignant By Fran Nuelle just one human being but two Ihp- i pil>, too it has tnrcc actors in parts amtlnnty with a Neil Simon who untilrstami thit playwright play can sometimes breed if Siiron master of the one liner, was not contempt a sense of deja trying to say something that was F f vu, and certainly I Ought to be in not just out o the side of his mouth Pictures' ha3 had its "hart of ex Andnappily, three it is hilarious posure both on the boards and on while tx ing poignant. the screen Gordon Gray, director and acting But somehow Lund/Toperzer Pro- teacher at Barnard College in New ductions' "I Ought 'managis to York City who Is remembered from 1 avoid that unfortunate condition of roles in Private Lives" and ' The overexposure and succeeds in cover Foreigner here last j ear, is suitably ing itself with the glory of top-flight cast as the father who deserted his o, performaices daughter and son some 16 years X ° The play, directed by a seasoned earlier in Brooklyn Not onlj the Robert Toperzer, who made it seam faded father, he is also the jaded essa less all summer at the Green Moun veteran of a couple of other mar tain Guild in Vermont, addresses nages and a screenwriter attempt Gordon Gray ts Tucker and Jane Baird w Libby the fact of modern society — the ing to circumvent writer s block mirably cast tn the role She is the Certainly from Herb Tucker s • child abandoned in the formative From time to time, he is visited by abandoned child, now 19, in walking point of view, Melissa Keith's Steffy a years who may seek out the errant girlfriend and divorcee Steffy boots and shorts Eisenhower jacket Blondell is a lot easier to handle adult for reasons of his or her own Blondell sensitively plajed by — a slip of a girl wel! endowed than this spunky scout who has in adulthood That reason may be Melissa Kieth who is having a hard 1 with a four letter epithet fo- him gained admittance to his bachelor the need for further growth of the time raising her own children and astringent honesty With the pad by seeking his help in her goal neglected chtld Into Herb's slovenly environment courage of a true pioneer, she has Happily, "I Ought to be in saunters his daughter, Libby, not trekked across America and tracked Pictures is about growth — not of only suitably ana sensitively but ad down the errant father • please see PICTURES, 15B

Local artisfa (from left) Lynne Estep 'Opera to Pops* concert David King Helen Boxbjerg Ntedung lr *The Society of Symphony Women of Fort Myers ving Prescott imh will present an' Opera t


movie memories secured the help of the Newmans in planning a : alcohol. _ -i-.-y Newmans offer gifts haven for critically ill children, the first establish- Paul Newman was born in Cleveland, Ohio, in ; . ment of its kind in Connecticut. Two weeks ago :; 1925. As a veteran of World War II he was a radio of love and joy to needy Paul Newman broke the ground for the 250-acre operator In the Pacific war zone. His hopes"of see- camp while Joanne and guests watched. Robert • j: ing action as a pilot in the Naval Air Corps faded: children year'round _ Uedford wainot present although his name will * when his color-blindness was discovered on enlist- " often be associated with the project when the facili- ment. The affliction did little to deter the exploits-... .: ByCHf Potter •-_ .,;'•' ; ty becomes operational. The camp will be called '• tion of his famous blue eyes. This attribute added to "The Hole in the Wall Camp," after the stamping his already handsome image when the use of marriage lasting 28 years is somewhat .ground of the two outlaws in the 1969 Newman- Technicolor became standard for his films, - ••-"• ": of a record for Hollywood — or, for that Redford film, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. •' Nominated five times for an Oscar^ he is faced A matter, anywhere else nowadays. Paul Communities in many corners of the"world will, -'- with another possible disappoinment on March 30,": Newman and Joanne Woodward have worked side' 1987, with the Academy Awards presentations at' - - have a fruitful and happy Christmas through the . : : by side through the years in movies, as committed : constant efforts of the Newmans. More than 20 .: :. the Los Angeles Music Center, It all began with Cm liberal activists, and as champions of underprivileg- years ago they became Save the Children sponsors; on a Hot Tin JtW(L958), and continued with The ed children the world over. The coinpassion.and " the adopting of numerous orphans, regardless of Hustler (1961), Hud (1963), and Cool Hand Lite. love contributed by these two famous stars has .. color or religious backgrounds, has remained a pro-. (19G7). He almost won the coveted award in 1982 - giv;iyeen Christmas cheer and hope to thousands o£ iect of love and joy for the amazing couple. All this for his role as the afcoholic'irnhulance-chasing - •„: chilSildrei n they will probably never meet, .- happened many years before the tragic death of:;., lawyer in The Verdict. At the last minute he was Dr. Howard A. Pearson, chairman of the •_ •••- . Alan ScottNewman, Paul's eon from his first mar-" noseiHut l>y the award-winning Gandhi, and Ben pediatrics department at Yale Medical School, z- riage, fronran overdose of tranquilizers mixed with Kingsley. '-^ -*•-'..-" _ ' •;•-."-. . , ~- DISNEY DESTINATION

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SIZKS 1-2(1 S.W. FLORIDA Suininf lift S<| Shopping Crntet I'KHSONALIZED SIIOITING 171115 S/.a Oikii HtvJ SW • FreohLflcalScolood riMyri). IL33WS FREE HEMMING ON KF.GULAKI.Y • Choice Wcitom Beet PKICEU ITEMS • OailySeatoodSpecial* Try Our Crabmcal SalAd For Lunch ifprHeiri 6 30P.H - faituiDrinltSfrilHo'!(tmri THE PAI.ETTE ART GALLERY 466-7177 Sunday DruncriDtilf el Original Oil ['ainlinrjs

O 10B • DECEMBER 24 1986 b ISLAND REPORTER sports Timbers can rest on their laurels in basketball league By Matt Perez ith the Sanibel Recrcajion Complex basketball season at mid point this week it W seems aa though Timbers will tower over the other six teams till season s end Jan 29 Timbers* at 6-0 with thur recent win over Mar quis (4-2) can rest easv while the season I reaks before the Jan 9 reopening The other teams listed below with the mid =eason standings are wishing for magic basketball shoes this Chrstmas Lve It s a fun group out there referee Frank \ et ter said of the seven team basketball league They don t play like there s no tomorrow The sport smanship shows ind it s much more rccreition than But as the season winds (low n to the I- ebruary tournaments chances are the player s brows will I * wrinkle with more concentration than laughter Helene Phillips director of the recreation com plex said an increase in spectators is expected as the play becomes rrore senous It s another fun activity the community is offering the islanders islanders seriously appreciate fun Vetter said an added bunus of the basketball games is the cost It doesn t cct you any money to enjoy the recreation And when \nu consider the money and effort put in by people like Dick Noon ard o hets in the recreation depirtment it makes the bargain seem the more worthwhile Vetter a second year veteran of Sanibel basket ball, has worked for the Cnpe Coral and Fort, Myers recreation departments ds well as South Seas Plan Uitlon s Softball program Though he said he has noticed spectator numbers increasing at laskclball games there is ataavs room for more D

X Top In a scramblef/r a runaway bnlt Timber* Malt A ten (tejli and Sundml s Cory Si wr out (right) hit theJJoor mtk Tom Bntt uniching tn ike backgrou} d Above Sundial H Mike Latin Wgton pufs this basket m uith an aerial up/if Above Sundial 8 Chjik Andrews dribbles totiard \bo v Tiwbcrn Ta t Yeatter releases a. tayup xhot jimp the basket trying to avoid Timbers Man Asm adding tuo points to geore close behind. sports digest

• BIG FISHERS Wmntrsofthe 1986 Tween Beachview golfers score Hangover open will have Waters Irn Fishing Tourniment shotgun (ouch!) start Pro Boat Class Duke Sells Captiva $i 500 two holes in one Orlando Martinez $750 Alan Herman Captiva The Dunes is holding the 4th annual Hangover $250 on successive days Open appropriately on New Year s Diy Golfers Amateur Boat Claas Sam Galloway HI $1000 who can still stand after The Fve s celebratnn can Chf Chapman $500 John Gushuhk Sanibel Urt Back to back holes in one by golfers who tut it b-g recharge with Bloody Marys from 9 10 a m Follow Shoreline Clasi Mike Rill JSOO Ken SVarcr, for the first tirre upstaged all other plajcrs on ing that breakfast a shotgun start will send golfers Captiva $100 Jeff Ruiz $iO Sylvia Chapman Beachview Golf Club s nine last weev scrambling to make up their foursomes $25 • Joe Steinct brought in his hole m-one on Par 3 A cookout and a keg follow the first golfing event No 4 172 yards with a four wood on Saturday of the year and there is an entry fee of $10 F or while Bill Allen succeeded in getting his first shot • VIRGINIA WADh TENNIS CAMP South SLTS into the hole oh Par 3 No 7 168 >ards on Sunday more information call The Dunes Pro Shop at Plantation has organized the Virginia \Sade Tennis 472 2535 D Said assistant Btachvuw j ro Jeff Ketterman of Camp to begin Ian 29 Tl e four-day package in the \enls \Nevcnever had them twodajs na eludes choice of accommodations and a three-da) row We that D • CORRECTION The Sanibe) Recrcition Com clinic supervised by Virginia \Naie There will be plex adult swim classes will being Jin 7 not Jan 8 dailv ckt^room stritegy sessions socnle\ents a • BEACItt IFW M* N A two man team *vent as listed in las* week s Hand Reporter Shrley doubles tourniment and a closing barbecue at brought forth two plus 8s for a tie when George Rei3dorf a Red Cross w iter safety instructor will courtside Pncts start at $342 per person and spate Brauch and Dave Snoehr and Jim Esson and Bill be coordinating the classes which will continu- s available for 48 registrants ror more informs Peynokls finished play m Saturdav s e\tmt at every Wednesday and Saturday at 1 p m in the tion call 1 800

sor of the event , Joe Sidelar Curtis Strange Jim TTorpe Scott Big-name golfers The promoter announced that the n orn ng of Verplank and Corey Pavm T ckets for the practice line up for $250,000 Dec 31 will be devoted only to play by the amateur r By Cy Weinblitt Am, portion of the event will bj placed on Tl urs A large attcrdance is bought for several reasons diy t ndiy and Saturday January I 2 and 3 Each first to assist the American Diabetes Association m \ he spirts scene shifts from the tennis courts group will be composed of a fivesome — one profes its charitable purposes and secondly to insure that to titte ggolf links next week when the sional and four amateurs The drawing for the O ( the }• or Myirs area will see the return of nryor T FILA ImiLatioml inaugurates i pro am mi groups will he held on Tuesday night Dec 30 it sports competition to the scene annually jor tournament it \iddlesucks County Club tort cocktail party to be held at the Ritz Cirjton Hotel Special note Readers of this, sports column Mjers to nmj m the New Yeir ballroom in Naples 6-3 p m f rt*pon led magnanimously to the neeJs for the Duffers ami exj erts v, !l compete for cash *>n 1 Each amateur phyer will contribute ?3 500 for Whcclcl lir Tennis program at Soneati Sinibcl other pnzea beginning Dec 31 and continuing the privilege of participating in the tournament Harbour Pcsort in recent weeks Now voiunlcers Jmuiry 1 2intl3 First phce professioml vt inner Each group of four will pay $14 000 and 12 groups are bung sought td assist the FII A Invilat onaL will receive $75 000 are expected to plaj The event is open to amateur The Diibetes Associat on neds people to help the Holfing Productions of Hiw-ili his entered the golfers from everywhere but only •»-«<* openings clerical office course/grounds course marshils Port Mjers community in i opes of promoting in remain according to Bob Sack spokesman for Itolf ecology t,olf clinic greens reporters informa annuil \,o\! event which tin attract the (op names ing Productions lion/hospital ty leader boirds parking photocopy of the sport In 11dition thu conkst will reap The following professional golfers hive signed up ing runners pro am tournament assistants benefits for ihe American Onbtks Association to participate in this tournament Andy Bean Ben sigmge and standard bearers if ary of the*e tiU-'s FILA a tennis sporthwear producer is seeking to Crenshw Male Irwin Bernhard Langer Dtvis iiungu* or interest )ou contact either Lisa \nder enter the golf tmrkct by serving as prim iry *pon Love III Mark O Mcara famed locil Calvin Pcete «on it 433 GOLF

Make your building experience a pleasant one INTERNAL MEDICINE il commercalond DOCTOR'SOFFICE o remod ef-ng Aork ccrrpeted on tme artd vwthn your Kai-fu Chow, M.D. budget Lisa D. Chow, M.D. KINGSTON SQUARE CENTER , »». GEORGE PARKER INC. 16661 MCGREGOR BLVD SW SUITES 2E & 2F 1G33 A PEFBWINKLE WAY SANeCL FU 33957 [813] For Information or Appointment 6TATI CtmtfitD GENERAL CONTBACTDfl 'CO-CO07563 CALL 24 HOURS 466*5300. o


Stacy Gough Bob Matistlc Dave Parilla Robin Humphrey Sates Secretary Realtor Associate SUNDIAL Sales Manager Re$QU£$octete juai ne mum ^ ie_ Two bedroom, two bath apartment with garden view that com u VIP offers thp only on site sales and bines living area wilh affordable main information office at Sundial tenance fees and taxes This unit Is In 'na a\ Guarantee Rental Income program aid prlc ed to sell $159000 Call Bob Matistlc — The VIP Sundial professional sales staff Realtor Associate for showing and com experienced at Sundial lists and sel's plete tour of Sundial complex 4721523 ONLY Sindial properties evenings * y RARE FIND OlJ SAMBCL_ Located at San ibels finest vacation resort Complete h€RE 15 JU5T A SAfyPL W3 Of PROPERTES amenity facilities including daily recreation CUnPENRY VAIABLE AT SUNDIAL programs for all age groups Nicely fur nlshed one bedroom one bath suite 740 sq ft of comfortable living overlooking a palm H*t9 a fust A sampling of properties recom scaped courtyard O'lered at $145000 Con SUNDIAL mendad by Santa tact Dave Parilla — Realtor Associate 472 0201 evenings OWNER ANXIOUS. De,uxe ,wo bedroom BEACH & TENNIS RESORT two bath suite with den and cabana provld Ing you with 2149 sq (I of fully furnished °WNEH*NX1OUS-Deluxe two bedroom luxury This apartment located In the two bath suite with den and cabana providing EXCLUSIVE ON SITE SALE. B< newest phase or Sundial also offers micro you with 2 149 sq ft of fully furnished luxury wave washer and dryer and a wet bar For This apartment located In the newest phase further details call Robin Humphrey — of Sundial also offers microwave washer and Realtor Associate evenings 472-6632 Ask dryer and a wet bar For further details call Ing $239 500 Robin Humphrey — Realtor Associate eve nings 4726632 Asking $239 £00

CONVENIENTLY LOCATED _ Lafge one GUI F VIEW _ NiCe|y decorated one bed bedroom one bath with 928 sq It of room one bath executive suite Generates VP REALTY GROUP INC spacious vacation living Easy resort ac an excellent rental Income to offset your FOR INFORMATION AREA CODE (813) cess Irum this ground floor club suite See vacation costs Located within steps of the the rest buy the best! Excellent rental club house and Sundial s complete a-neni'y history EnioySanlbel forever Contact Dave program Offered at $124 000 furnished For Panlld — Realtor Associate A72 0201 eveT further information or private showing con nlngs Priced to sell at S15S 000 tact Dave Parilla — Realtor Associate °ve 472-4151 nings 472-0201 12B D DECEMBER 24 1986 a ISLAND REPORTER


VS \Citt IDYLLIC WATER FRONTUE $ t»Jr >00 refurbished 3i2 Michigtn built ^wll*. Mirk I with 'in t it in V\t then 1*2 ± widthonwatirttithatmt lockctjal hive cruiwr I ush loliage u

SVMBLL HAHBOIRS Beautiful!} maintained Steven*, built 1 ome has three bedrooms two baths eat m kitchen living-dining ana large air conditioned lanai «lar heated JKX 1 Wo car garage well cared for gr unls anlpatiodock all »ttnt«fl on i ^taw ieep-watercanai Asking $289 COO^

CHATEAU SUR MfcR What else nted be sai T S-iniUl a most desired address is the site of this Mich gan built 'ill Cantcrb on 2/3rds of an acre located _>n Ihe bajou an i next to the Sine tuarj Perfect quiet neir the bench priced it t-M1* 500 I-urn

j ISTATbUKF (,LU (RONT PROPERTY a customized Rutenberg bom X beach VI with o\er=ized porch for entertaining loveh grounds ipacous &. gi O

OSL OV Slid I HVRBORS UNfcST' TV 4 4 jtus fimilv room oversized patio with pool spacious kitchtn I in f t ht irea panorimic view of ttawilled A ittrwa\ ]\itio lock I davits arejflstafew of OIL amtmuc« \ MLSf SFi- S3KMK0

boat J icrt ai-t I n T»t- acw a to I f t24t) Q0< CASAmLRESOKTl 1W + CulflTontti the beach A kngt189 00f BFLLEMfcADEiiubdnlilon bu ! jiHe homr<- 'innlfrmll to THIS LIGHT MRV FLORIDA II0ML has a i|uiot charm all its LirilTHOLSE PtHNTF Condominium Three U In* m p t ml llw raj i own' Cathedr-il ceiling in the living/dining room firejlave large * th a pat o clow lo liaj 4 Culf II 2 500 deck an 1 screened porch two bedrooms each w th elevated ceilings 8 3 ACRES of 1 nmanly hgh and do !ani1 Iwated (irox map c er>th n cellently pnced espvciall> f r a cash uujer indpnv ate deck plus den or lihrar) Cedar paneling and oak floors nSANIBFLARMS S ngie bedrw m canal apartmtn un t a hacrtrtr^ci throughout Located 200 ft. from community pool and short porch for v ews and vcntilal i Askng*J9 5O0 distance to tennis and Culf Asking $182 500

Wishing you a Special Holiday Season . . .Merry & Bright Christi



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ASSOCIATES, INC. Charter Members of the Sinibel it Ciptwa Islands Boird of Reiltors

THREE BEDROOM CBS home is situated on Vi of in acre of cor ner tot almost 2 000 square feet air-conditioned Smng space The Master and Second Bedrooma are both extra large The yard is S \NIBEL HARBOURS Island « most distinctive boating loca rocked to reduce maintenance thus making it ideal for retirees or a tion features this three bedroom two bath canalfront home with working couple wi'h small children Priced at $129 500 and tint is swimming pool great views of San Carlos Bay and a beajtifully only half of the good news as the Seller will take back a reasonable landscaped yard $375 000 te lo help make your purchase possible

NtAT AS A PIN CLEAN AS A WHISTLE AND PRLTTIFR (that can t be duplicated today With a superb Gulf vie* excellent THAN THIS PICTURE is this 3.2 located directly on Pain- Lake cious'$585 000 with 19 500 square-feet of beautifully landscaped serenity w ithin a x ' very short walk to the Gulf via private deeded access Asking $189 500 •

S\NIBEL IS AFFORDABLE in this three bedroom/two bath i! LIKE LIVING ON YOUR l'RIVVTb YVCHT in this ill homi- home is set to enjoy a perfectly beautiful view of the lagoon in THE H with its attached 1/1 guest quarters set on 170 fcU of Roosevelt ROCKS subdivision Innumerable extras abound including the j Channel frontage having 1 42 acres of lush Estate Zoned property ability to mo\ e in without having W do anything The lot is extra 1 ,i with a deeded accessand a boat dock J.E'iOOO large and Tilled with superb mature plantings and trees Thepnce " 0 is urbelievable

as, together with a Most Prosperous and Healthy 1987

3B Mart) and Marv Holtz Fred and Pat Rent John Bates Roy Ilanre Dana Brantlcy Louie Fister Paul Garvey, Linda Hollimay Ed Konrad Jtck Miller Fritz Mvers Kosanne Ondarchu Barbara Rusch and Elizabeth • Yancey

' 1 x •r i LI 14B D DECEMBER 24 1986 D ISLAND REPORTER

casting around Fisheries commission approves limits, may ban tarpon killing By Fritz and Norm a Sloppe'beln management for tarpon FL\ s rsi re entati\c Within the namgement zone" tre following poin*ed out that FLA hid achieved considerable restrictions woulj i\ p v (1) > ishmg may be con lorida Marine Fisheries Commission (MFC) success in its efforts to promote cater- ind duete I only with hind held 1 ook and line gear {m > wound up Us business for 1S8G *ith i three release and suggested the commission might i lopt cUding tninuil electric or lydrancrod and r**!) F daj ^es'ion in Mnnii eirlier this month a policy to promote this concept is a vnble imni(,c ind speirfiishing gear (includ ng [K wtrh?«t) (2) Flondi League of Anglers representative provided ment option The use of fisMnps kttomionLhnc* gill nets the following summary report Uonefish — Comm ssionnr Dan Kipni1} A as ip- and trawls is prohibited (3) Jew fish nay not be King Mackerel — Approved a rule establishing a pointed to chair a joint effort bj commercial netters harvested by any t>pc of gear lewfish taken in two fish per person daily limit on the Atlantic coast ind recreatioml fishermen in the Keys to worn out cidentally bj hool- an 1 line must be released irn of Floruh from April 1 to Oct 31 and north of the netting restnc'ions that will reduce the dimiLe be . rrtdntcly by euttinK tl e 1 ne without rermmre Uc Flagler County Line Nov 1 to March 31 (The rule ing done to bonefish snook tarpon and other fish from ll e water M nlreidy in effect prohibits the taking of more, thin desirable species in the Keys For these who may wonder why Florida isn t m two per person per trip «outh of the Flagler County Tampa Bay — Ire commission voted to start ic elude I In tl is proposal it is beciu^e tl ebC areas arc line and all waters o* the Gulf of Mexico Nov 1 lion as requested by the county to bin netting in king c nsi kred on i c re b> cW I as s On the through March 31 ind year round north of the the creeks leading into the jpper pirta of limpa Atlantic t-oas^ there is a provia on in the federal Monroe Collier County 'me n the Gulf of Mexico ) Bay sn?i i«r groui*r f hn wh ch illows in> anificial Rcdfish — Api roved a closed season Mirch and benitor Tom Mel her^on announced tnat he reef site per mttce uho U1 is a U S Corps of April eich jcar an 18 inch minimum length would introduce t is saltwater fishing 1 cen*e bi I for h nginci,rs pcrnit to ij {I, for protective measure statewide with only one fish greater than 32 inches "ccreitioml fishermen igiin this jtir in the wh ch may or -my not ft the -=ine is those ap allowed and prohibited ihe ust. of treble hooks with Senate but sai 1 he expects to encounter difficulty [hed for I y tl i. South Ciiul mail Georgia reef live b-ut in gett ng it to the floor of the Senate group s There w*is COPSI knble discussion about the possi The executive director or Organized Fishern en of One phn his been a| i roved for Da le Courty blc slaughter of redfish that could occur between Flondi innounceU a bill will be introduced in the two other* will be considtre 1 it tie March meeting the end of the present 90 day emergency closure on 1987 I egislatiVL Ke&sion which would pn vide th it of the South Uhnlic lifter) *Iaint,ement Council I eb 4 and the start of the spring nosed eison before a person could u=e his "=3 twater products Tl ere is no -;uc!i | rovta on in ll e man igerrent March 1 The commission 3 attorns advised that license to t^H any fish u[ on w hw h rccreitional rhn for the rttf fi h in the Gulf of Mexi o but the there was no way they ecu! 1 Mose or control the and/or comn ercul limits or qi»ti ml 1H n set le Gulf of Mexico I ishcry Minipemtn* CounciS will be period must demonstrate T 'eist 50 percent cf 1 ib in nmendmg lru.1 p'in in 1987 and I londa League of The commission crwrmin Dr U ilham i ox then comt came from fishinj, or tint m the p-u, war 1 e Anglers his re ]ue=te-d tl it pruvih >n for i rotectne asked the representati\es of rtcn.atii.nal and com hi 1 sold it lint S10 000 worth of f sh meis ires K r artif e il ree's t«, me jdo i merctil fishing orginizations present to request Ihe proposed bill is one w vy to «wihe tl e problem nan their members and the general public to exercise of people who legilly exceed recrcitioml Itmi s buy In mo I er OCAS releise fn m Flondi League of ^ restraint during th s period to a\oid serious dirmge ing a $25 saltwater products 1 cense "=0 they can j\nglers r L A his filed a motion to appear ps a . to the resource continue to take more thanjheir s*iire of fisli when fnend of the court in the case of the State of i Snook — Commission sUff was instructed to t is not essentnl for tl eir ifvchhood Florida vs Eugene F Raffield an 1 Kaffield prepare a rule for approvafat the next meeting Ru'cs approved by the Marine Fisheries Comn is i ishenes Inc The state is appealhng the ruling in 4 which would add tht month of August pcrminently sion require final approval by the Governor and the Raffield ca^e handed down by Gu'f Count\ • to the June/July closure presently in effect Several Cabinet before being adopted Judge Taunton in September in the matter of j sub-species of snook native to Central and South DCO c America would also be added to the hat of f nook tmckloids of purse seined redfi h being transported^ ' National Mmne Fisheries Service (NMFS)! a5 to the Raffield plant from Louisnna The fish had \ banned from commercial sale just releised information on a proposed rule for the Tarpon — Staff was instructed to start prepara snapper grouper fishery of thcSouth Atlantic which beeFloridn ciuf,ha h.vt ib rohibity parsse possessioseines ofnf thofe pjr» Louisiane seinea dcoa^t ' lions For banning the killing of tarpon A workshop would establish special management zones around foodfish and it is of utmost importance to the State wilivill be held on the lowe" r west coast at a date to be artificial reefs off the coasts of South Cirohna and of Florida that th s law be uphe'd by the First announced Georgia in an effort to crsure to the extent prac District Cour of Appeil Florida League of Anglers (FLA) recommended ticat that the intended u^es and socioeconomic TIIP Stite c f Flon la s brief is due to be filed on that the Depnrtment of Natural Resources start i values associated with tre«e artificial reefs are Dec 29, 19So If granted leave to appear FI A will moderate record keeping and research effort in maintained file its amicus bnef on or before that date D order to provide facts needed for determining best c

ONSANIBEL... Best of Wishes to The Best Of Employers, YOU SEE MORE OF THESE... ESI Co Owners Robert F Buntrock and A Keith Johnson


Bob and Kipl With gratitude for II


far true nbmxon on fclng ycu property with Mtn H*mam & Associates cal tH9FfertM*teWiy/2«7ftTfiwiHeVfty Sarfte*Wand.Florida33957/(8U)47?30 UFiwh nma (EM) 1BI-01EO Out of ftt^ (BOD) 117 6004 0! x ISLAND REPORTER DECEMBER 24 1986

SANIBEL'S OUTSTANDING PRESENTATION OF AMERICAN FINE ART Tarpon Bay Hood Opposite Bailey's Daily, except Sunday 10 to 5 (813)472 1193 PICTURES IIH neiv f( uml lou f r litr I ihhi • from 7B re j lies is slit 1 uPiti Her flee in ner tobtomi 1 film ictrt1^ Uulwhu bvu tt^liirt in«U 11 of his ehc-t SIIG trulj w in's is litr f I'rer« ip This is just i\er\ hnw mununt pro\ \\ of her htr brother md the in*i I m trung to ikil with it It \s« ulil K h ir i tn cuinjutt. in mother Tiuktr iSindoned kcm e l he tired tf htr lullm>s either re i t r prttm 1 life with i 11* \e ir oH htruiiK f >rtid t J j,r»w like mother like d ui^Ui r No i 1 upt irlv I--! i-I(nrd>Ii!U wh» •-h irp diu^htti is fir^t r n ht» dri * li is now Ut >me tl t erv i --ti it. i f step_U en inst illed in 'lit h niseh 11 in uielnntrt^s witli Ixth eh intter mtl £i\ingit i Mliflkrl in h net! md \tr\e But dm \t ik Merli ii 1 Keitli-<[riclieil SUff\ ire lulh f HertuJi tour- th [ rJ e i ii not el thti! in mi\tnt lint--(iiiie | irent c nil 1 itei ie c Tropical Prints, Calicos : I e*-t suiuniL 1 up b\ in inr nnn lilh isksb tctnif.eine-1 mtrtsa mtnttoherluhtrthit sk i-> u te md imri .1 k u nt handful lull 100% Cottons & 100% Silks tress e\tn tin iitfh she li is me th |r i il! in the Mtut md in mditiontd tintkni llitv n ight hi t Ir i^h up But thethllislKth thrnilistic tn m d uk \ unt,* nm hui Ojr Unique Calico Corner induces doer ind th* unibf-.huldri imtr ftir th >se Elirl s liscimfiturt ml Jinny Bpyer Gjtcheon and woodblock prints The linpngt is mint I ut tlu fiml nbi! t\ t n. mo t ti rm \Mtll We have unusual quilting supplies too' wisdom islitrs MVS| ill.\ of htr life is. fullj sitiif\mi; de id grinlmotlkr to whom ht hn kin 1 oi_wit s e\[ trimtnti \w )\ turned in (K^trition fo- !o\e. nil m isle \\a\i v i i UUui'l tht *teie= advitt Andwlciiherfittiersh \ ., t minion! It i MI

Tudt town if in ^'i//t it Affc rdab't Prices i(i i jrs £t p it Enjoy a Traditional and Cfeatwc New Yearb FVQ at

c?Lj>e ^four nel

•^FNCJ i1 Lin nd Wf V Co i[ I if f mi La \cnJi.L C t, /1/it fall) n ir1— Lobster Lonsonmr Sjimi ifunt iJtifi urge — bmokcJNon cganbo'mQi ^hdiillund Ion gMs en Brioche — Du kfoie

Sata ii Fon siitre — U irtr sAl it/ artichr Kcs we — Ro rs tt/ Qua t country s'yk 3i otddos mu^hroofTi^ — or — i Colt i'c Boa f 11 jnironru — Broikd r'nnK \ vidij ' t is') u ith tin ir rid < iJu i/ s" i ice u Rb rcdu n -tuir (ir in (e Chump i30pirpt Cnmp/jJT U\t if if Of iss of U\ imj if|f)c U c jre ottering ttrit seanngs for the tarfy dmnTbtlu en 5 ind6J0PV IWitrci trlyou romr fron? if s u or(/r (ht f/r/j IV/Ttrti-cr UOII co »c from iho offh the trip to fo the fintsl d nmj in S nilluial Florida' Hit (trzst Fn nch dm nq in Southnest Honda' L i V i niin • Ar dj R >i-,c ( J ii_ • Caplit i /s/i/l J I 3 \t ndi c • And i Rnsst i me • Capfii d Island 172 68C0 172 6B66 III) L « 16B D( DECEMBER 24. 1986 u ISLAND REPORTER

; Quintet's three performances ThcSyluin Wind Qtiinttt,_featuTed ; •: The Sylvan Wind Quintet, regularly featured at ; regularly at Lintnin :rLincoln Center's Mostly Mozart Festival, which has Center's Mqstly >:< been called by the Sew York Tim™" Tim Page, in> Mozart Festival, will an article ab brilliant7', will appear iii three performances while in three separte con- on the islands during the holidays. - , cert* — South Sean ^ . : ' > For "A Sparkling Evening for the Senses" they ; Plantationon New--... will play interludes during a long evening at the Year's Eve, San&el Captiva Ballroom, South Seas Plantation Con-, Congregational -• :-Terence Center, Dec. 31, beginning at 7:30 p.m."and United Church of • 7 -r- lasting until .1 a.m.. an event sponsored by and " Chrietfellowship haU:: -i - -*•: benefiting Barrier Island Group for the Arts (BIG r and Sanibcl Elemen-

.Arts). ^ ; : .••••:. -•_-. tary School. - . . A sumptuous menu of everything from shrimp '__ . ! . and beef to flamteed crepes at table will also in- '""• elude champagne and an open har. The cost is $70 per person. For more information, call 472-2959.^ The iniintet will also be in a concert at*SaiiibeP". Congregational United Church of Christ,1 Periwinkle Way, at 8p.m., Friday, Jan. 3. - „ . ' Tickets for the performance are $6 each and can ] be purchased at B-Hive. Caloosa Canvas. Macintosh " '- Book Store, and Tree House Gift Shop on Captiva. A third performance for students will be on Mon- -.- day, Jan. 6 at Sanibel Elementary Senwl.p : : ARTS " ;;' '/ ' ':;:." ;' ;; ' © from 7B ;..'• .-.•".,. .-U -; = 'Art of Film'seminar at ECC George Bouwman, film critic and former profes- sor of film at the University of Pennsylvania and • ; New York .University will have a course in "The J;; Art of Film Seminar" from 1-4 p.m. on Thursdays,-'• ,. Jan.'22 through Wednesday, Mar. 2fJ in Building E~ ' at Edison Community College. -^ .; ^ - -; Great, foreign films will be examined and shown : on a large screen. For more information, call ~ ^>. -489-9235.O ••- - •> \ -\ ,. ^ ,- . commissioner of Chagall stained glass windows in - Chagall show reopens . Jerusalem.a ,^ : - ?..- : : ; ; Library art exhibit « . = : :. "Marc Cfiagall: Works on Paper", an exhibition Darryl Pottorf=works\r • Art work by former and present presidents.of of more than 80 works re-opens at Gallery of Fine Sanibel-CapUva Art League adorns the walls of Sanibct Public Library, Florence^ Way through -: : Art, Edison Community College campus on Mon- , The.viorks of former Captivan, artist Darryi Pot- : day, Jan. 6, with gallery hours, Tuesday through' •"' torf, are exhibited in h^ih the Doris E. Corbin December.-': .r; , .. " V " - „ . -. . Friday 10 a.m. to 4 p.rn.f.Thursday 5 to 9 p.m. and., 'auditorium,' Building E. and on the wall of the Bar-' Library hoars are 10 a.m. t/)^4 p.m. weekdays, 1 •"' : 9 p.m. on Wednesdays and 10 a.m. to noon on - _; Saturday 11 a.m. to 3 p.nv • £ - bara B. Mann Performing'Arts hall, Edison Com- T Watch for date and time for special lecture on munity College CKmpus through Thursday, Jan. • Saturdays.D :; ~ ';' -\ ;." \ ,> .'•: ;• Chagall by Dr. Miriam Freund Rosenthal of Miami. ••lee-; - • .. .,.&;••.• „ -::\ ::-

BUBBpSGOUTS ; 'i: : " :"••„• -.»•"'* i "TO ."• • - •,.•:„••",""„-'••'•'• : " <-.


DIGEST and Marge Peck and Barbara McGinlej both came • from 10B in with 119 points Beachview In second place were Betty Thomas and Earla bridge Second place winners also tied with plus 7 were Carson tying with Joai lie itosenbergcr and Dolorts Hertz Pryzant and Tom Redford and Earl Green Landrum both twosomes came in with 120 po nts • BRIDGE FOR FUN Bndge for fun winners last and Gene McDermott A special event of a one week two women best week were th? following Bacrelle Manning first Third with t tus 6 *ere Rudy Mikulic ard Tike ball produced winncs Audrey DeHeth and Pearl JT Rud Jr second andt,d>theMaquat third D Wilcox Vasco ( Earlier on Tut "day the winning team with plus 8 Jn the mnehole best ball e\ent, Ginny McKee rt B BRIDGE RESULTS Duplicate bndge winners was foursoifie Ld Konrad Warren Danielle Pat and Lou Hill took lirst wvth Betty 3uLock and Jane in How ell movement with Six tables 'ast week were McGuffin and Bob McFarlane Myers second Tied at th rd were BilheTjIer and the following Inez and Fi-ecl Deming first Jean Second place foursome cons ^ted of Lou Hill (who was drawn in the blind drav by and George Scott second Ginny Reaves and Nor Bra Iky RulySalznian Redford and Wally Rahn McKee) and Dot Becker and Mane Colon O ma Loos third and Kitty Rose and Virginia Ehret, and third place ArtWilman BobNeth Smith anl fourth Jean Scott 4 (2 4823 13 di-e*-tor Jim Kitchum • DUNFS MEN Using Ihe point system and ad On, Thuniday also in Howell movement with six Golftr of the weik with plus 4 was McGuffin D dinj, the handicap the least becomes btst in the in tables winners were Betty Braj and Mar> Emcr dividual points plus handicap tournament the event lfera last week at The chessa and John Morrison and Ginny Baerren and Chmtnm scramble Buchvicw women hid a Dunes Golf & Tennis Club Helen Quimby third and fourth Stfrhrig Bassett O shotgun start hit *tck to produce a winninR team With 45 George Kalvin ranked first among, 472-O025 is director D , of Bird Ho«m Fleinor Hornbrook Lillian Forster 18-hole golfer> and Harry Claestr 43 came in se- and Patsy r sson cond f Thru teinis tied for second phce ind all win Iim Ilijes and Don Bu h with -10s were Uird BASKETBALL ners were innouncwl at tht. Chrislm-a party at Walt Allaire Wendell Upp and Dick I ighl trailed Jacarnnih Inn Jew Reed was social chairman and with a 39 • from 10B pros ded over i Rift exel ange D Clare Glandon Corkv Coll ns and Orv P gue nil rad 33s OUNtS Atwowetk Uo woman best Among nine-holders B bLouwtrs withhi3 2o STANDINGS « c bill was the unusual event for woiren association was a clesr winner I-ntzHoltz with 24 ard Leu TitrKrs to membira tl ese \ ibt two wttks at The Dums Golf Lorenson 23 wtrc stcond and third Ray 0 Neill i Island Med cal Uitiic & Tennis Club ini resulted in a tie for first p'ace and Ken Husler t ed at 22 42 Q Marque 42 The twosomes of Mill e For 1 and Mirtl a Kildow l^ipp WTS clu->est to the j n on No 9 C Amies 33 Beach Floor Covcnng 3-3 CoconutGrov.e 24 & Checburgcr Cheeburger 24

50% OFF On All Christmas Merchandise DEC 26 & 27 Gifts and licme accessories (or ihe en1 re family over 2 500 sq ft ofthemos! lo aesliabis and uiusual! ATTENTION ALL McT's presents ADVERTISERS! the biggest Your * "early bird77 Island Reporter Newspaper on the island! Representative Has A Christmas Present •


FORONL^ %9 For the First 100 seated fron 5-6 PM Representative McT's Shrimp House &Tavern 1523 Pe wnke Way 472 H61 Dinner it ved 510 PM Major CfedtC* d* Accepted nfsf- 'V

13B • DECEMBER 24 1986 D ISLAND REPORTER Shhhh — We Have a surprise Gift for You &f Your Friends. . .

With every subscription to the ISLAND REPORTER You and your friends will receive a fabulous poster - by IKKI MATSUMOTO. And, we'll also "send a holiday card to your friend, teliing them that you cared enough to send, o them thevery best

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second club, declarer had only seven tricks. He A. *KJ643 k*?d32 «JA6; *KQ7 - ^ ; 4. \ I The Rabbi's Rule „ tried to establish two tricks in diamonds, but West B. #AJ3 CQJ985 072 *AQ6 *'•&•'• " -,ri By Charles Goren and Omar Sharif had the ace and three spade tricks for down one. :. The Rabbi would have made the contract, and so ••"• Both vulnerable. North deals. ' ••• should a careful bridge player. With five fast tricks," In each case South has the values to suggest that '© i - :: ~\ NORTH -' declarer needs only four from the club suit to get game is likely, yet he has no good bid. So he bids U • •; •;•, "••'-.' :'•' - -••>:. *AK r.; -;:. : home. Therefore, the correct play at trick two was the fourth suit and asks his partner to clarify his - a low club to the ace. When the king drops, it is a holding. North is expected to bid no trump with a i)".:^-'" ' *.** •" • 0J104 •/ •'.. 1- ., simple set up a fourth trick in the suit: stopper in the suit; or raise the fourth suite with - • : : • '- - - --• 4Q9742 : ^'.. •-. ..while there is still a spade stopper on the table, four-card support; or^show three-card support for '_ > """ WEST EAST : What if the king of clubs does not drop! Since retpoRder's Euit; or, make any other bid that fur- •-"' <•• -•••-•-,... •J10974 * ; Q. — I occasionally nee references In your column the fourth suit with a strong hand and then finding a* Pass 2NT Pass _; - .- "- • • ; •>" : to fourth-suit forcing. Whit'i new? I've been that partner drops the auction at the three-level. 3 NT' Pass.-Pass .Pass" -; - . ' ..- pitying bridge for more thin 40 years and a bid - These days, many players have become lazy and, : Jack of •;: ....'. ; ''-'. ;: r : of the fourth suit has always been forcing, — c instead of trying to find a useful alternative, ring in i A regular kibitzer at a famous New York club, : . A.W., , Waah. > ° the fourth suit at the drop of the hat. In effect, they '. many years ago, was given to pontificating after A. — In a sense you are right. There are few, if '- are saying: "I am not sure what the right bid is, so . • the fact, So much so that, in time, he acquired the , : any, sequences where the'bid of the fourth suit is I'll bid the fourth suit and let you make the : nickname of The Rabbi, One of his more famous not forcing. However, in the good old days, when ; mistake." Personally, I prefer the method used by dicta has become known as The Rabbi's Rule: : you bid the fourth suit you had it, Nowadays, that some pairs on Italy's famous : if the ' "When the king is singleton, place the acel" is seldom the case. ~ :, - fourth suit is bid at the two-level, it is artificial and ' North-South reached three no trump in quick ;! ^ FirBt, let's clarify what we mean by the fourth asks partner to decribe his hand further, if it is bid - time. Since his hand was perfectly balanced, South., at the one- or three-level, it is natural and partner '•-: ! : eschewed showing his shabby four-card suit in favor, suit: :;u. "*.•., • " . - •'' •• -. •" •• •-.•-''...: ( should proceed normally. - " ..,;• ''^ of two no trump. North's raise to game was •!:,... . \ A. '•-North ''South . " B, North South .'-• '. In recent years, I have seen more disasters in '•--

automatic. . : ':• ---.- ; •_> '2* -2O-..- ••..--_•-•&- i* 2

•• FOR SALE BY OWNER - Located on a : beautifully landscaped comer lot m the EAST •ROCKS whhin short walk to beach aeetu. This CBS house has three bedrooffii — Iwo baths — Maniity and utility rooms';?--oversfee garage — \ large-"covered patio • parallels;: me icreencd^ •southern exposure, gas heated pool. Many addi- tional features throughout the property enhance [relaxed living tn this custom designed home. i J (B13H7Z40'y Custonvhomes. - I Uncustomprices. ^ Now yoii can1 enjoy'the I'lng'a'beaumul cedar unique beauty of; a housewon'tputyouin custom mada home at a the poor house.,; r. price you can alford, •: - You see, wllh"Hs ;; That's what Lindal reasonable price, en* Cedar-Homes is all during quality, natural about. -^ "/ i-. beauty and eneroy e(- We offer; you 60 warm, ' llclency" " , a Lind" "a rich cedar homes in our Home-Is one ol (ho hew .Flan book. But best values left. : that's onlyv." the Come;vislt us or beginning, because with stjnd S3' for our 52 U'ndal you can get the page Planbook. flexibility to help you You'll aeo why buy- plan a home that ; . 'Ing a custoni isdistinctly home at our utv your - istom price is a '•', And at jlng ot boauty. Aipuarteif toone Pound—cooked to Order! Lindjl, buy

'? Fries 'Onion Rings ^ Great Shakes %z•;#m^'Beer,•: vyine • Fun! i," • BONITA CONSTRUCTION CORP. J "3 ii.; 'pjjen 11:30 am 'til Midnight everyclav. ;• •: P.O. Box 1839, BoniU Spiinoi _s B13 59B-4776 ••.-,-. ; ,«i-' ••';• 813337-2100 j • 3 Enclosed Is J3 lor Ihl 52 plj» PUnbook THEiKtllME:;- "S" - NAME ' _^ : —


.>'. :• i 20B Q DECEMBER 24,1986 D ISLAND REPORTER

refuge report

Wildlife refuge open, visitor •'•'-' the information booth in the Visitor Center parking - 1 lot. The center is located on Sanibel-Capttva Road. - •••' Those with questions about the refuge are en- --- > center closed for the holidays ; The Wildlife Drive plus canoe and walking trails coiiraged to stop at the Visitor Center between 9 " The Visitor Center at J,N.-"Dinij" Darling N.v will bo open,:as usual, every day from sunnse to -a.m. and 5 p.m. or call 472-1100 during normal tional Wildlife Refuge, Stinibcl, will.lw closed on ' , sunset. Canoes can be rented at Tarpon Bay Marina business hours.Q,; ' .'-'..-<• •; Dec. 25, 26, and Jan. 1 in observance of the on Sanibel and'at -Tween Waters Marina on Cap-. :• • • DUCK STAMP SALE Salary !>« ™

( BUY • -REPAIR • RESTORATION* SALES HAPPY NEWYEAR • HAPPY NEW YEAR • HAPPY NEW YEAR • >I ^ ^ BENTON'S - •••3 - To Start the T^eiv Year Right :•'< CLOCK WORLD ^ n . __' cometo . v "It Your Clock Doesn't Tic-Toe To Me" - . We do house calls on Grandfather Clocks. Free delivery .;; & set up with 5-year extended factory warranty. . . • MIKEBENTON •• •'•''.,-., 16390 San Cirlos Blvd. S.W. BUS:«6-2O70 .->, •".". .;•••-.- FT.MYEBS.FL HOME:466-S894. "•• ' ": ••'•-•-- '33908

for all jimir booli, requirements : •••fy^'y:> .f'--'} -_ -•••... r - ,- Commercial Lot For Sale • Latest best sellers ;r • Local interest books ^ • Shell; bird, & plant books •'-?• Invest in the future of Sanibel. '„:-- •• Nautical Charts This business zoned parcel has over 150' of frontage : ; •Children'sbooks" " - -. : . * : -..••* on Perwinkle. : t. . Just East of the Island Moped. -i* Games & jigsaw puzzles ; ! :'i Reasonably priced at $230,000.-.,-. ; • Wide rangeof paperbacks

Bissell Realty Service Corp. S - - AND MUCH MORE.- -;' v; „ "Beginning our second generation of service," iCp! Open Evenings and Sunday A/ternoons Treetops Centre — Across from the Dairy Queen s:.; i Browsers Welcome - " - 1021 Periwinkle Way. Sanibel • -'.; • . . 472-1447

Phone (813) 472-0880 : ; r* UUnd Rtddtnl* flat "-.__.;••.: :-^r ','v '" V ' ' -:^ -• : .:" v - :~ H*Mb«r Saaibal «ad Cipllva liUnda Board ol Rtallon HAPPY NEW YEAR • HAPPY NEW YEAR • HAPPY NEW YEAR «

FT.MYERS :; 466-0500 The Classified Store Gel the MOST from your advertising dollar.. Advertise In The Classilleds GENERAL MERCHANDISE 25 WORDS...!.;...:;,.\.S3.00 25 WOBDS...... -.:. M.OO ADOIIIONALWEEKS,... ;.:S2.50 4 WEEKS..... ::...:-..',SI4.00 ADDITIONAL PU8UCATI0NS.SZ.50 ADDiriONAl PUSLICAIIOHS. J3.25


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if—,"-, - »

O ISLANO REPORTER 3 DECEMBER 24 19S6 D 21B social security

because he hasn t worked in many years He 11 be A As a representative payee, you must return any When I marry, will 62 next month Is it true he can get Social Security overpaid funds still in your possession Moreover my Social Security checks on my earnings record when I retire7 you may be held personally liable if you w erf A Yes jour husband can get monthly Soc al Se- responsible for creatirg the ovorj aymert or if you payments be affected? curity benefits on your earnings record however tf us«d the funds for your personal needs rathtr than he s also eligible for payments on his own earnings for the beneficiary record he 11 get whi hevcr is the higher amount TIP OF Tilt WEEK Do you receive Medicare Q I m a widow age 64 and get monthly Social cQ I recently spent some time n an emergency or know someone who does? If so you should be Security widow s payments lm going to marry a room where I received X rays of a leg thought to be aw.ire that Medicare does not cover custodial care man who s 66 who also gets Social Security checks broken Will m> Medicare hospital or mrdical m C-ire is considered to be custodial when it is because he s retired how will this affect my Social 1 burance take care of the b II and wul I have to send pnmarlv for the purpose of meeting personal needs Security payments it or will the hospital7 and can be provided by persons who do not possess A Your payments will continue without any rcduc A Medical insurance pay* for outpatient care professional skills or training It includes help in tion in the amount because you re remarrying after covered by Medicare The hospital will apply for the Walking getting in and out of bed bathing dress age 60 However if your benefits as the wife of medical insurance payment and charge you for the ing eating ana taking medicine U your new husband are more than your widow si part of the deductible you have not met plus 20 **- payments you can get the higher amount percent of the remaining approved charges These questions and answer* are compiled by Q 111 be 64 soon and plan to retire at that time Q I am receiving benefits on behalf of my mother Rosemary N Graft d\stncl manager of the Fort and apply (or Social Security retirement benefit and was recently no lfied that a benefit overypay Myers Social Security ijjice If you kaie questions My husband who has a slight heart ailment was ment was made Am I responsible for the amount mail them to her at PO Drawer 06S59 Fort Mt/ers not eligible for Social Security disability payments paid in error' hL 33906

PLUMBING BY PaineWebber WILLIE, INC Home Blood Glucose Monitor Est 1879 Residential & Commercial Specializing In Service Repair & Remodeling Robert D. Snell o«ne>-w amcoti Orer 20 Years TfendsMeter offers better Investment Executive i3t7 oe prtuoBvd Experience control lot tablet or Caps Coal FL 33904 insulin tak ng d abet cs Its Talk to Us A m ion CmiliThank bsLnlcr Bus S74 8677 small portable and accurate- Bouleiarc/Plaza FortMjers J31 1201 medicare approved and covered by mast insurances End your worry by calling The Observer NEWSpapers Display TODAY Lines open 4661811 Means total saturation — ,, 24houfS/7days G ABE CARE, INC. Classified t&m-mr (Fi M*e si That's right, when you talk ... Everyone Is listening! 466 0500 mCABE CARE llo IF «


NEW YEAR'S EVE IN WAKEFIELD ROOM AT 'TWEEN WATERS CAPTIVA ISLAND e are hosting an elegant dinner parly n our W beautiful new Wakelleld Room overlooking the Gull ol Mexico A pre fixe d n , ner will Include Sliced Tenderloin ol Beef and Fresh Snapper Captiva - preceded by Jumbo Gull Shnmp Cocktail Caesar Salad etc Cherries Jubilee and Key Lime Pie Double Vision a locally famous group will play countemporary and nostalgic tunes lor your danclng'and listening pleasure Hats favors and nolsemakers Cocklall Party at9PM Open Bar Champagne and Wine throughout the evening $50 00 per person covers all plus tax and 20% gratuity Gentlemen Jackets pleasel Black Tie welcome Reservat (ins 472 5161 i THE OLD CAPTIVA HOUSE he Old Captiva House has been the scene ol New Year s sure a memorab'e evening In our gaily decorated house Hats T Eve festivities lot over 50 years This year Is no exception favors noisemakers and Champagne at M dnlght A special ala carte menu has been prepared by our Chef to en NoCoverl No Minimum' Reservations 472 5161 THE CROW'S NEST he party place of the islands will bo the scene of a no Satamon s Touring P ano Show First come first served $500 T holds barred New Year s Evs blast starting at 9 P M Hats per person Reservations 472 5161 noisemakers balloons etc all presided over by John 1987 NEW YEAR'S DAY IN THE OLD CAPTIVA HOUSE elp us celebrate Ihe start o' the New Year by loin ng us for plus ta» and gratuity The Champagne is on usl Roservat ons H our annual New Year s Day brunch from 9 30 A M until 1 472 5161 P M An extravagant bullet all you care to eat lor only $10 95 RESERVATIONS C472-5161 x 4 r ^ •"%


maggie s memories because it was such a wonderful outstanding job ODD Pretty soon, cake flour she turned out 1 Tugboat thought that with the nippy weather a DQD pot of good soup would go Like all good cooks will be lost forever I m really on a tipsy tnp GO I m going to give a tip Tugboat knows you gotta have marrow bones to of the chapeau to Kate Gooderharn for Tier new make good beef and vegetable soup By Margaret MIckIc business venture Its called a governmental Imagine her surprise when she found that mar "H" t you want to know all about Lee County, regulatory consulting firm and one phase of the row bones are hard to come by And if you get I get yourself one of those publications put ojt business deals with economics end financial analysis lucky those bones cost as much as a steak What JL By the Fort Myers Metrotwhtan Chamber of I hope our president is her first customer because I really hurts is she remembers wl en butchers gave Commerce called ''A Look Ahead At Lee County know he needs help bones to dogs that were belter than those you can Florida Barbara John did the work She really put ODD, buy & together a deal If it hadn t been for Alma 1 wouldn t ever ha\ e nan I think the biggest More she made was when she known Maude had a potty trained snake In her n outlined two pages with the license tags of all the house I m not really sure he did come up out of the Another near-disaster was brought to my atUn transplants that come here to Fort Myers potty, but the storv Is that that is the way one Uon by a friend who believes in making cakes from Anything there you want to find out about jou just would get In your house scratch She couldn t find cake flour In this case a look at iL It says that they re building today for Maude .1is ready to move out and give that snake fnend and former owner of the grocery story, came the next century and I believe that too from the the whole building if it wants it She really was to her assistance looks of things around climbing the walls but a nice neighbor came to the She kept saying You just don t look in the right I m going to tip a sombrero to Barbara for that rescue and did that sucker in so she can rest in place And sure enough over by the Bisquick peace in her own home there was cake flour Put do you know what, pretty 3oon cake flour will be lost forever What is this UPPER CAPTIVA ISLAND Great Investment Opportunities - Buy in 1986- i, N*1 S U LT-.A N T S, I N C SAFETY HARBOR CLUB HOMES nnovrcn/or tin tint Eitole Inraof icnA* end Octrlopcr Lakeside, 2 br, 2 bath, neartennis & pool $235 000 Bayside, 2 br, 2 bath, fireplace, private dock $245,000 „ FOR SALE „ Gulf front, 3 br, 2 bath, sun deck right on beach $425,000 * ^ OR " •> SAFETY HARBOR CLUB TOWNHOUSES Village on bay 2 br, 2 bath furnished good rentals $164 000 BUILD TO SUIT^ ^ SAFETY HARBOR CLUB LOTS 1 (one) Acre Commercial Site ^ , On Gulf beach, spectacular bcatiqn ready to build $200,000 * - McGregor Blvd. FVontege^ gt On Gulf with beautiful vegetation and view $165,000 A Lakeside Lot with lots of privacy $95,000 *•&{ Stf|.te^cally PositioneQA.-A#l Bayfront Lot, secluded with natural vegetation $83,000 Other Properties Outside Safety Harbor Club ALSO AVAILABLE GATOR INVESTMENT GROUP, r+ LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKER 1619 PERIWINKLE WAY-SUITE 205 472-8210 HAPPY HOLIDAYS To All Our Island Friends and to the Best of the World from *

Dale & DUM Smith John and Oarld Jensen Managers, Jensen s on The Gu/f OHIHT Mana/frn, T»ln Fslm* Rnott Dmvc Sands Gtnny and Garland Thorn a Pock MtMer SUfalenance SnprrMton


.Jensen's Twin Palm Resort^ j & Marina Captiva Island


o ~ ISLAND REPORTER O DECEMBER 24, 1986 O 238 world coming to? :,-• •••-L "•_-. DDD '•' "--.• -,. ; Bar the doors and block the windows. Dr. Ken- I admire Freddie for trying to fly, but he really: ,. neth pakley is heading for Fort Myers. Dr. Oakley.; should wait until he's feathered out more. -; and his wife Betty of [tend, Oregon will be here for ; 'jf:l' : : a month staying at Fort Myers Beach, except When :;.>:-;'"THE^v;, " '""""•'•* *i-"""''^- •"• ODD - "• T'^'J: ' - - : : • It'3 Ronnie's (no kin to the President) story and L they're visiting friends In Fort Myers, . ' /Trie's stuck with it. No one believes he ran into the Ken's trouble is that he can't get the sand out of --' PERFECT ^oathroom door. Stitches are all removed now and; - his shoes, nor cat. he forget his Hunting arid fishing '[ he looks good again.; ,. ;•••-:: ; ':.; ;-'- :^ trips when he lived here. Welcome boys and girls, glad to see both. .< ~ X. .•* CHRISTMAS *£'•?-i.:-:-:'!r- '•"... DDD -"' • :^- =\ -:.' ";' ' Did you hear about the bird that joined the army? .When I was growing up, everybody had R gator '/ GIFT : - At the first meat he turned up his nose at the sstet w ;: pear tree in their yard. Anyway that's whflt we call- •r nnH comnUinoA »« *\,~ - Don'"D't tI -I - ed tilem. Nowdnys they call them avocado pears, ; replied but I cannot sec any difference in the taste. To me, • < they're all good and loaded with calories!] : • 0

' Maq the joi)( of Christmas inspire BOATER'S DREAM! r |ppfithdh; ; ; experiences. We appreciate the opportunity to'Jcnoiv and serve i|ou.

GULF COAST VACATIONS nil', at Merrill Lynch Brallj/IV. Int. 463-3151 > 172-1000 $249,500 • 1777 AiigolDflvD.Sanibel isles . • No Bridgss Id Deep Watei -, I : -Dock lor 60'+ Boat :- Davits for anoiher23'Boal : : „ • 3 Minutes from Causeway. • GrounaX'eve! CBS Ranch Loaded -,. „ cWlth.Fealures: French Teira Cotta ' . Floors, European Kitchen, etc.'^ ;. ?'" • Onalagoony/hereporpoisespiay.i '^r A;Video°'r;--f ACTQUCKLY- .. .-•,-,..-,— ; Scrapbook | . •'£Pam«ld Pfahlar Broker-Safssmdn„' -'Days-472-3121 Eves. -472-3897* ^Islands %jt associates, ton, rwdtor '.'••• "SANIBEL & CAPTIVA: ZS t A VACATION TO REMEMBER S J^J fa an 18 minute video cassette (in M* 5; ;! i) either VHS or Beta) which 3J z Smiling Faces Jl beautiftilly'captures the sights and $ \m . 8; .sounds Jhe'Istahds are.famous for. te ~ Serve You '!: This unique gift was created w^ ; specifically for the vactioner who ^i V'i 1: iwarits to share Sanibel and W 'f: Captiva with friends and family gf » • back home. Windsurfers, wildlife, 3$- !J- ^beaches and more come alive with' ^g -/ j' .stunningphotography and an .j? p. ;:: -alluring soundtrack.' : ^ • m 5 :: SANIBEL&£iAPTIVA: ;> '•$,, ?> •esu $ A VACATIOtiTO BEMEMEIt - V- ^ is the perfect keepsake for years S .'-..' t . ' ;•"- .v ;^ y to come,' -' - ;\g - onrf a great flocking ttuffer an ":f>

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Almost new horns In Tahiti Shores Subdi 1605 SANDCASTLE vision short walk or bike ride to one of Fore! Even If you don t play golf this three Sanibel s most private beaches Qufet bedroom/2 A bath duplex unit offers some neighborhood lagocn vista Fireplace of the best nature you will find on San I be I screened porch Open deck tastefully fur OPEN HOUSE You may not make a birdie but you wilt nlshed three bedrooms/two baths Offered - An open Invitation to discover see an abundance of those that fly Own it at $165000 furnished Call Pofly Seely for $175 000 furnished To see calf Betty or Cosyns or B II Stoneoerg Broker-Salesmen living in harmony with nature f Bob Bulcock REALTOR Associates at 472 at 472 5187 Office & Model 1939 Open Daily The Ridge of Sanibel goes beyond a care free ining environment In custom-crafted cedar and Impet able design a rare sensitivity to the 'natural lifc«tyle bss been achieved Very special

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° Snowy Christmas scenes come alive at gulf-front resort By Matt Perei anta's friends lu\e joined the flock of tounsth at Captiva s Tw ten Waters Inn S this Christmas season f * There is Mr Ilatcoon struggling on the IU? wfith his holiday packages y ! There is Little Old Mrs Squirrel stand ng at the front door of her tree house, w aving to a pair of mice who arc decorating her tree There is an animated snowman watching the Three Beire of Goldilocks fame sledding down a hill covered with snow Snow' Or Captiva? Don t thej need sand instead? The furry friends of Santa, ard the snow, are part of an extravagant holiday display created and installed b> Christmas Destgnen, Inc of Pompano Beach, FL 'Tween Waters' Llojd Wnght admits the display is atfmuch for the emplovcrs as for visitors "We keep adding to it every >ear," he said "It's getting out of hanf' Donee Long, founder of the Christmas Designers Corporation, said the display is the largest of its kind in southwest Florida "We've done that display now for seven years,' Long said "It's an awful lot of work because it's the little things that count" Long said more than 25 000 minature lights are f*\ woven in formations around the designs, the * "^ buildings and in the tree at 'Tween Waters Her 1 son Clayton, who 13 in charge of installations, spent a week just stnngirg the lights and another week ^ arranging the displays More hard work is necessary to keep the animated figures and lights operating in the balmy, > gulf side climate "There's a great deal of upkeep of outdoor displays in Florida," Long said Her cor porattoa's client list is extensive and includes the world s largest Chnstmaa display at the National Ewptirer headquarters in Lantam, FL f^ Her crew, which includes another son, Kevin, con <5 tinually stays on top of eich displ ly to replace salt corroded light bulbs and maintain motor gears and electronics in the animated figures This year, a new display ascended to the roof of the Wakefield Room An eight foot white manzanita angel with clear miniature lights woven throughout its profile is lilanng a lighted trumpet. Another new display consists of four animated Dickens era c-irolers standing two feet high at the entrance of the dining room Then there are the standard displays, not mean N mg to belittle Santa's little friends The red suited partnarch of Chnstmas spirit himself is negotiating, head first, nis descent into the chimney - of the Oasw Pool Bar o stars careen through the boughs of the trees Gnomes and elves tucked away in wooded corners provide the polishing touch to the Winter Wonderland X The dispWjs will remain at 'Tween Waters until L January, Long said Wnght said "We're \ery unhappy about it when they take it down " But the dtcorations could p\en make a pre-dream Scooge sav ' Ho-ho-ho Q Top Style* mix as a tropical palm arches gracefully to frame a traditionally decorated fir tree at Tift en Waters Bottom a colorfully lit dnie into Tween Waters, f aenntualed by a rooftop old fashioned CknrtmnMjnmtly


o ?KWtS::S;



: : The alternative, these attorneys say, is reaching : tell them what to do," -.,- ' . = _ :- Breaking up is hard ;" settlements on property and parenting through ,: _ What makes a divorce trial different from, say, a -v negotiation — eliminating the need fcr a potentially ! personal Injury case, says Greene is that in these to do, but divorce expensive and antagonistic trial. .. > cases "you have to worry about where the money- To introduce trial-oriented attorneys to the] - - comes from." ," - --.' _ attorneys learn to help techniques and strategies of negotiation, The; •. -•• ' "Most people getting divorced aren't rich, they're Florida Bar and its Family Law Section are spon- : teachers and salespeople who use credit and never By Rosanne Durkelberger t. soring a five-hour seminar for attorneys on the Bub- had to live on'their actual income," she comments. >* 1 ject in 10 locations throughout the state,: i> 1 "If they have to pay me thousands of dollars in • n the slang speech of attorneys) there's a ".:, "In law school, we're taught to be a litigator, ' •••_•-•legal fees to jjo Ihrough a trial, that's taking money ' iliar to djv ' ' comments Miami family lawyer Cynthia Greene. creature peculiar to divorce work known as right out of their kids pockets." ': ^ , I If you cor . "Through these seminars, we're focusing more on , Greene also cites a common comment made by as "hirina "bomber.g a gun," "I fthej youi conside"hiring ra retainin boml>erg" afo lawyerr a . how to settle a case.".. " > -. . - . - divorce gives you an idea of the type of firepower a judges about divorce trials, that "if both parties are r r Greene and her colleagues who advocate negutia<.. unhappy with the decision, then I know I was fair," client is expecting to launch in the courtroom. - - tlon over divorce trials usually face opposition from "What's bt'ttcr?" .shc asks: "That both sides be . / •:. •<-,.-. But several Florida family law attorneys claim the" not only attorneys, but aleo the divorcing couple '-• f : -;-miserabln with a court order or that both sides be ••- heyday of the bomber is overt that they are out------themselves. •*• ; i ; sort of happy with a negotiated settlement?" : dated because of a more humane attitude toward "When It's time to negotiate, the clients usually Fort Myers family lawyer Alan J. Rubinstein ,~ breaking up a family through divorce and the more hate each other," she relates. "Some want to stick agrees that lawyers can be the peacemakers In a .: practical reality that most families can't afford the oit to their spouse. Others want to tell their story to ' legal fees for a full-blown divorce trial. ^ ' a judge. And others like the idea of having a juqge ^ ,• •'•. • please see DIVORCE, 8C

from allyus,.:io wu..,

thanks fir chopping With us.

0.1- X ' •


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'You know, you re reallj making a fool of yourself Hosts shojld keep in mind that not everyone who Be firm but not ' It also may be more effective for the host to be gets tipsy al, say at a once a year office party, aggressive when dealing accompanied by one of the person's friends Two needs to be called down ' One of my pet things is people can be assertive without either one of them to ren ind people that normal behavior includes oc with drunken revelers becoTiing aggressive," he said » casionaliy slipping over the boundary into abnormal If all these methods don't work, calling the police oehavior," said Suchman Overreacting may cost By David Bailey may be the only option, particularly if the person is you a fnend he said threatening to hurt others, said Gonzalez Police, However, if the person repeatedly gets drunk, hat do you do with a drunken after all, have experience handling drunks and may 1 being a good friend may mean confronting the a sailor? is the question posed by the be able to handle the situation with much less fuss person — *hcn they're sober — and talking about W old folk song, but some holiday hosts than if the host and other party goers try to oust Ins or her pattern of alcohol abuse," Suchman said may soon be asking "What do you do with a the drunk themselves ' The important thing to remember," said Gon drunken reveler?' tgnorng an annoying drunk and hoping that the "talez,' ts not to let a good fnend, or ever the most It's a tricky situation, say two University of problem will go away will probably not work, abusive drunk drive a motor veh'cle when Honda counselors, but there are better alternatives counselors say Someone, Gonzalez said, should see dnnking' O ** than the folksong's solution "Tie him to the mast to >t that the person does not contmute drinking, and let him sober " Q- Gonzalez also points out that perhaps the best Students to celebrate To handle an obnoxious and drunken guest, the way to prevent buch incidents is to spring for the 4 first approach is to go to his or her friends and say, extra feu dollars ttut it costs to hire'a professional Mew Year at Teen Blast' 'Would you please speak to Bob and try to calm him bartender Mho will be alert to someone who's Students ran get ready for a New Year's bash of down,'" said Gerardo Gonzalez, a UF professor of heading for trouble their own The Fort Myers Exhibition Hall and the counselor education and an expert in alcohol use VThc most effective thing to do Es to have a clos tort Mvirs Police Department are sponsoring a and abuse ed bar so the access to the alcohol is limited and locn mast" ' for all middle school students, If this doesn't work, it's the host's turn to do x controlled by a bartender," he said ' Bartenders grades 6 3, Son Saturday, Jan 3 something these aajs arc trained to recognize and restricl Ihe Tl e event will give students a chance to dance, The secret, says David Suchman, a counselor with drinking of a person who's getting too Intoxicated pliy video panes, and enjoy a right of fun to bring UF s counseling center, is to be firm and assertive or is becoming belligerent' i-i tne Ntw Year tt INK FM 57 radio's disc jockey, without being aggressive "If they are humiliating But before jou confront someone who has had too Marty Berger, is donating his time to art as emcee or threatening people, take them aside and be much to drink, aak yourself,' Are tht> really for the evening s festivities Members of the Fort assertive," he said "Tell them something like bothering anyone or are they a threat to thtmseh es Myers Polite department will be on hand as 'You're beginning to ruin everyone else's fun' or or other people,' Suchman suggests rhiptrones ~

Large Residential Lot

Will accommodate tivo homesites or one duplex. Property overlooks Beachview Golf Course and „ freshwater canal Nearby beach access ' Asking $220,000. Call for details » Bissell Realty Service Corp. Beginning our second generation of service*" Treetops Centre — Across from (he Dairy Queen Phone (813) 472-0880

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our concept of religious liberty of rel gious fam v s rgs and gives blessing" ind then light, the When Christmas is < freedom the nght to be able to practice our faith, as Meribrah an oU*ct I ke a candelabrum that holds free people Agin credits b g advertising com se\eti unt cint'le is lit c-ich n ght over, Chanukah will pini"S for much of the association and tensa \n i simihr to Christmas there is a story behind tionahzin^ of the two holidays and he v.rjty Chinukah olthough the ontnns a e rooted in p just be starting that when they fJl side by side i*si boon kr hum in Etnii,£,le nthcr than the magical wonders of stores I) e Christian noli lay By Beverly Ball Gift giving is i \ery recent addition to Chanukih In 175 B C King Ant ochus Epipl anes ascended his j ear December 26 is not just the anti ind banks in some communities now offer the throne of Syria and decided that everyone in clinactic day after Christmas when stores Chtnukih Clubs to help people save money for gift eluding Jews should practice He enism or the T are crammed with people returning gifts or giving Department stores in these s^me cities MI1) Greek culture When the Jews resisted the King picking up after Christmas salts items It s the first isk customers if they would 1 ke Chns m-vs or Bcnl the Syr an irmy to force Heknism on them day of Chanukah Chinukah wrapping paper but while the givinj, is One day the soldiers verc trying to enforce die It is not true that Chanukah is the Jewish stmihr the two holidays are not. sacrifices in the town of Modm An old priest nam Cnnstmas ilthough Rabbi Solomon Agin of Temple Originally the practice was to give a few coins ed Maitathias and his five sons broke up the Beth El in Cape Coral says many people think of it but eventually it began to take on enormous propor assembly and started a revolt During the war a that way He says there are quite a few misconcep- tion^of giftgrving Its like an> thing els* You re in family named the Maccabees began a guerilla move- tions about the Jewish holiday the Idea of Jewisn an environment and you take on things In the en ment hiding in the hills and caves nearby and stnk Christmas being one of the a ggest vironment in which you live ing the army from tVre The son of Hattathias People have said Chanukah is the Jewish Thit' environment ia the celebration around Judah Maccabee look over the fighting and won Christmas and there 3 no connection between the Christmas Chanukah always come in December U e battle forcing the S/nans to recognize Judea m two says Agin I've even heard the term says Agin although the specific day vanes an indepen lent state p Chnstnukah used and there is no way that could Chanukah is the 25th day of the Hebrew month of During the fighting the temple had been be It falls very close to Christmas and I think pco , Kislev which puts it next to December 25 about desecrated by the soldiers so it was cleaned and pla try lo make a connection every three or four years & * rededicatcu" However when the tme came for the In fact, unlike Christmas Chanukah is rot a ma Even tl e name of the holiday may be spelled dif rededication ceremony no sacred olive oil could be jor holiday Agin says religious hoi days, like the ferent wiys because it is a phonebc approximation found to light the Menorah A seirch revealed a Jewish New Year require Jews to stay home from of the Hebrew pronunciation Chanukah and single cruse of oil enough to last only one day but work and go to synigogue Chanukah is something Hanukah are considered most row t but Han m the Miracle of Lights the oil burned for eight quite different nukah and Hanukkah are also used quite a bit days instead The Feast of Chanukah of reded ca Chanukah means dedication and it s to reinforce Chanukah is often celebrated in the home The tiort was born D

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Old Florida style NEAR BEACH home on a secluded In one of Sanlbel s preferred residential neighborhoods X \ acres site Ceramic tiled Kitchen entiy and baths Master Well kept three bedroom homo with SPECTACULAR suite with loll sundock lacuzzl tub skylights TOP OF WATER VIEWS Exceptional plantings including 5 mature • THE LINE APPOINTMENTS fruit t ees Tremendous privacy at the end of a cut de sac GOLF FRONT IN THE DUNES NEAR BEACH HOME

Great vistas of GOLF COURSE and WATER Magnificent Architecturally appealing near beach home on large cul mature landscaping with that desired western exposure de sac homesite Special landscaping fireplace custom for SUNSETS Four full bedrooms two car garage hobby caged pool with Jacuzzi Share tennis court with only 6 room and much more Priced below replacement cost other residences For more information on these fine ofler'ngs or any other Sanfbel properties ^ contact

Dan Cohn KNOWLEDGE, EXPERIENCE, Realtor Associate Long term Pes denl and PROFESSIONALISM Hcmoowner Me Tiber or Ihe three mi on doila club and results mcke us §1 Ava lab e to ass si you w in alt of yojr island Real 1149 PcnuinWe Way / 2427 Periwinkle Way Esta e needs San Ld Wind Plonda 33957 (813) 472 3121 Toll Free In a (800)282 0360 DAN COHN Out of FL (800) 237 6001 Realtor Associate "r y r i 6C • DECEMBER 24,1986 • ISLAND REPORTER

I 1 50« OFF 60« OFF HomogtnUxt 50= OFF ! Publix Milk LyktiPatmRivtr BfUktlll Oub Ci*d« A FlorUl WMi Sliced Bacon Large Eggs j ,^93 99 |1 flrtidritDKiwleiini IJHIC™ MaVUIIB t r*tt*11. CrlWfcjlH | •• i*ij*s*a

50« OFF PoUto Crunch!**, CI.M2 Cuili 1 50' OFF BO' OFF I >• CJiMt Bjilt. Com Ch.p* King S. 70«OFF HorUiain Wlul* or AitoHad Pubtli Anortad Regular or Dial |- & J Pictzel T^t, Sow Crivn/Onon Soft Drinks i: J; Planters ^vi«n#«. riai» uwmi v Bathroom ' Snacks Fab Detergent Tissue 2^99° IUH I *•»», *m qt»w •Mtk.ut * jJ (lr>KthtO*(*MtMrH-ir IHt)C fS ItrimmiiMiiiMi iMtiC l£ «•**•** •>••*<>. Clwioiu LM MWCI. (J

Nabisco 7-02. Ballot Ctiaddar, 9*oz. Chflass or 1&oz. Otlg'nal, Low S4lt, or Nutty Wheat Thins, or9 5-ot. TriicultWators ThisNewYear, Snack Crackers... «."'1>» Eagle Snacks, 11^}z. Pretzels or 7-oz. Crispy Cut Celebrate with an Potato Chips "."•" 99= OMTl?dition:

Publix. Orange FCustomer Holiday Juice9 information All Slores Will Close At 9 PM. Peppendge Farm 5.5-oz. Pretzel new Year's Eve (Wed Dcc.31st) or 6-oz. Cheddar Cheese, Alt Stores Will Close At 6 P.M. Parmesan Cheese, Salted, or Pizza Hew Year's Day (Thurs Jan. 1st). VT» 99

ng N Tender Gov't.- For Snacks or Salads, Tasty Red Inspected, Fresh Not Frozen, Shipped DSD, Crisp, Premium Grade Golden Delicious 3 .., 99° Whole Florida Fresh, Firm Fryers Green Cabbage... «T Perfect For Sluing, Florida perlb (Extra tcrge) Tasty Tomatoes.. IT- 49 Elf erveseent Antacid a Pain L orUgMBeer Reliever Original or Flavored, r Budweiser Aika-Seltzer E- «1 czaa (P ,;. Club Soda, Collins Mixer, Cut Up Seltzer or Reg. or Diet: D Fryers .o ;r Ginger Ale or Tonic Water ~ Canada Dry 1Nt RQ Deli Lambrusco, Bianco, Deviled Egg Tray Cadoro, or Rosato Cella Wine (Regularly S1.S9 Each) „ 1.5-hler Frozen Farm Rich v f bottle $459 Mozzarella 9-oz. box Captain's Choice Dark or tight Beer Cheese Iced or With Powdered Sugar u Shrimp Tray Sticks Fruit Stollcn •."„" »2» St. Pauli Girl Small SrS?...?.!S.!?.! ....'3a« PRICE, GET 1 [3 E 12-oz. bots. Large <5ef»Jl» taj? . .'S7» Danish " $349 Cherry Strip V? »1™ ST SO or Mor», E jcluding *M To bite FREE ^DrummeUeTray Small }Se".» .!... .MS" Medium ....^S" GULF With This Coupon JPublU Automatic Drip or : Regular PerK 100% Classic J POINTS : Colombian Coffee Cheese Tray : 11b. bag ^ SQUARE ! |Umlt 1 PM ramily Pl«ai«. Wllh Small... _' 'Serves. 8 lo 121 •,<» ; Othtt Pvrchitct of $T SO or »on, s !Eiclu


Holidays like from pagan agricultural and solar observances in mid winter so there For New Years, Christmas help shouldn t be any conflict of beliefs Hackett says that some rituals can lets do something maintain contact strengthen our so ntuality and sug gests that individuals develop their different and in mobile society own practices go to the 50 s Miller agrees Holiday rituals c By Gerald Loitutter especially those prepared in dinner party at chronological order, provide a sense Chadwicks Lindbergh Hall es Christmas 13commercial of stability during a fast paced And secularized But we season Live entertainment Y need it But Christmas revelers should be featuring Sea Cruise ° We need the attention provided , careful not to fill their calendars by church wrvices parties and gifts with so many events that it 1 a will play all our favorite oldies to increase uur emotional awareness strain to keep up with the schedule that people care about us, says says Miller Babe, you Patricia Miller professor of Traditional holiday practices in psychologyat the University of eluding spiritual devotions visits to are my Q Florida The fact that people care family and fnends the bdrnirg of about us feeds our self esteem yule fogs (symbolic of warmth and favorite which 13 the basis for personal > fasting life) caroling banquets and oldie fulfillment greeting cards may be altered to Without holidays like Christmas suit your originality and your it would be harder to maintain schedule A person s calendar of human contact in a mobile societ> events should be flexible to avoid especially in Florida Holidays pro- fatigue and mental stress says vide a means of social interaction Miller for people on the go says Miller As for the exhale of gifts this And the nice thing about practice should be the result cf >% Christmas *ays religion professor -nutuailove not economic equality David Hackett is that it doesn t \\ e l\\ e in a self centerf-d culture tend to exclude people because of says Hickett Often a person will their religious beliefs like other give onlv because he received Christian nohdijs Most practices somethitg Instead we should gne like tree decorating and stringing from theheirt vshttheror not i. lights on a hou^e were borrowed there is a holiday G


THOMAS BROWN REALTY. INC Serving Santbet since 1973 Hlfflfflll Be Bop a Lula 2410 Palm nidge Rd sanlbel 4724138 New Year's Eve

Or Be Bop a Suzy Q or a Long Tall Sally X or a Proud Mary, beciuse they will all ecsa enjoy the50's dinner party with champagne and Bloody Mary's at • Lindbergh Hall on New Year's eve

Do the stroll up to our extravagant buffet all night long while SEA CRUISE plavs that old time rock and roll for you and your blue suede shoes from 8 30 pm -1,30 am.

So, roll over Beethoven, and make FORSALE GULF FRONT HOME reservations now to be at the hop $35 00 per person LOCATED ON ONE OF SANIBEL'S includes dinner, dancing, tax and service MOST BEAUTIFUL AND SECLUDED BEACHES Old Florida style frame lome on pilings Justcompletedandneveroccupled Vaulted celling In living room and dining room Beautiful bleached oak Lindbergh Hall is located adjacent to Chidwick's hardwood floors. Fireplace Sliding glass doors open to hug»d screened porch All electric kitchen with a pass (rhough bar Separate laundry room Master suite has a spacious bedroom with a spectacular vew of the Gulf through sliding glass doors opening onto a deck overlooking a pool Master bath has a 6 Jacuzzi shower commode and b del enclosed separately The libra y or silting room has a separate entrance Each guest room has a private bath one with Jacuzzi c- Three zone air conditioning and heating 7 Hunter ceiling fans two car garage larae enclosed storage area Swimming pool and pa lo located seaward Morning, Noon V Night overlooking the Gull Grounds are taslelully landscaped w th rnagn licent (lowering trees Bougalnvlllea and nib scus abound $795000

^CAITiVABLAND RESPaATKKS 472 5111 to y r

8C G DECEMBER 24,1986 D ISLAND REPORTER DIVORCE • from 2C their children to grow into well adjusted adults " kids reidy for school the next morning •> Children i in be moat hurt by an acrimonious I might suggest that in negotiations a longer divorce and points out some of the emotional pit r divorce — ind most helped by cooptntinf* parxnts, falls of a divorce trial visitation time for dad - say from Thursday night Rubinstein contends t« to Mondiv morning." he says ' Dad jjtts more time ' Most divorcing couples go through about four to If a parent riocsn t like the outcome of a trial —' with the children, mom gets a break and the kids six months where they want to fight each other " or Iheir ^xm^e — ftere s plenty they can do to IR see a real reponsible male role mndt.1, not Santa he says During that time an attorney can lead a nore or sabotage the court order," he says ' For Chus Everyone benefits ' a client toward civility or rancor I feel winning in a exnmple a dad who has the kida on the wetkerd divorce isn t a matter of whit 'he fnal judgment can take the kids show them a grand time and says Winning is coming up with a solution that drop them off at the last mmate on Sunday, letting Rosnnne Dunkelberpcr is public information coor allows couples to get on with their lives and allows mom worry about getting the tired, overexcited dwntorfor The Florida Bar

k brokers/ 1 consultants 2323WooiltrLinB THE ISLANDS' MOST • (013)472 2255 BICYCLE REASONABLY-PRICED IF YOU NEED A LOT... then call Alan Wortzel aned let me help you RENTALS HOMESITES find the perfect lot for your needs Here s just one example — ft acre Bayou lot cleared and Each parcel of land an raqeb 011 r '/ ready to go For this or others please call RENT THE BEST FOR LESS acrcoflugh dry and UUtLDABU. land 1813) 472 2255 that is already approt ed by the City of Satuhtl The subdiilt>ian (s fatvlhf TIME 1Spd 3Spd 10Spd a oriented located near the Elementary School Churches and Hand liccrca ROSALINO'S 1 hr $150 S2Q0 S3 00 lion Facilities making it ideal for the 4hr S3 50 S4 50 ° S7 00 ITALIAN RESTAURANT young qroulng family uho uant to 24 hr S5 00 S7 00 S10 00 establish their home on the hiands on SPECIAL Weak S25 00 S2B00 S32 00 EVERY TUES, WED THURS a constrvathe budget SPAQHFTTI MEATBALL%Q5n GARLIC BREAD SALAD — O 10% OFF 3 or more Bikes FULL ITALIAN MENU Extremely attraclltc terms are mail Also Tandem BW Child Bikes able to meet your financing nteds TAKE OUTS Free Delivery & Pick up MCN THRU SAT ALSO AVAILABLE 4PM 9PM Prices begir at $32500 INCLUDING SUN CLOSED 549-4797 c.P.*».i Title Insurance and a Stake Suncy . . Exclusively yours by (.alllnq clthirqf our offices for an Inspection of these 472-5577 homesttts


"BEST ORIENTAL FARE" '84 • '85 • '86 1223 Periwinkle Mam Office (Sanibel) 472 1123 (In Jacaranda Ploia) Captiva Branch Offre 472 3318 "TASTE OF THE TOWN" DINING AWARD


EARLY BIRD DINNERS 3 6P.M EVERYDAY AAIM REALTY GROUP, INC. 11:30-3 P.M. In „ THE VILLAGE OF SANIBEL TAKF OUT ORDERS AVAILABLE 5W2I19 2340 Periwinkle Way 4725 D«l Prado Btird • &pt Conl Sanlbel Island, FL 33957 w 472-1546

GUMBO LIMBO LISTING OF THE MONTH El SUBDIVISION — SANIBEL 1644 BUNTING LANE A GREAT FAMILY NESTING PUCE inside family oriented neighborhood with a friendly and out INSIDE — three large bedrooms, mix of young and young at heart families who 40% OFF! enjoy the year round amenities o? life on three baths and a spacious kitchen adiolns AFTER CHRISTMAS SALE! the family room OUTSIDE — a marvelous •f Sanibel Island Asking 1169 000 Other Exclusive Listings: OUI.F RiDQE — The finest In Oulfslde ON CAPTIVA • 3 units, incorre producing living on over one acre For beauty plus the property located near beach 1 bedroom, 1 security of gatehouse protection, In true bath, 2 bedroom 1 bath 3 bedroom, 2 bath Island wilderness $325000 $295000 SANIBEL HIGHLANDS — A gracious retire NUTMEG VILLAGE • SUPERIOR DIRECT ment setting In a small package Three GULF FRONT VIEW from this TOP FLOOR bedroom, two baths, all Frigldaire appliances 2 bedrrom 2 bath unit Excellent condition Including self cleaning oven and washer/dryer with many extras included in price In kitchen Furnished throughout and enclos J259 9O0!Unlum!shed ed. fence backyard make island retirement at POIHTE SANTO • superbly beautiful and a - fordable S95OOO ASK ABOUT OUR AVAILABLE HOMESITESII profitable rental history J240000 OCEAN'S REACH • Beauty on the beach, Hurry In won ami wvo 40% on your favorite Hallmaik Chtlstmai merchandise at our great after Christmas utt>> both Gult front units, one bedroom, one QuanillEcs nro limited on selected merchandise1 bath, J129 000, two bedroom, two bath, $175000 „ KING'S CROWN • the ultimate construction, paragon In Gull front living $235 000 i 930 KING'S CROWN DRIVE • Prestigious Treat your business lo a touch ol prestige property amonjj largest in Shell harbor Invest or rent In ^ swimming pool boat dock, navigable water THE VILLAGE OF SANIBEL view at the junction o) tour canals The Business otl'ce space lor sale or lease Card and Patty Shoppe house contains 2 482 square feel a solar Details exclusively by calling 4721S46 1626 Perlwirdtle Way Package Forward^ healing system and all appliances ONE RETAIL SPACE STILL AVAILABLE FOR LEASE (813)472 0434 ^"p*? $365000 m x »> i



CANDID ANSWERS TO YOUR QUESTIONS ABOUT ADVERTISING AND BUSINESS TOPICS. I just made s bun die of cash on a real estate deal and want to go into some J*ind of business Do you think a plumbing sup- ply would he too specialized in a medium sized market7 In The Chips De-ir ITC It depends on your background in the business or any particular skills or talents y u hive that might be ipplied AMERICAS FAMILY DRUG STORE find ng an ojpor tunty in the frrmof a market gip or shfr ta^c is just one part of cashing m The thing you must do is be prepared to take ad vantage of the oppor tunty And in > cur case you can bet your ap- parent real estate skills won t help too much Plumbing supply would jnvolve careful purchasing marketing to several kinds of outlets (froir han dyma 1 repairs to sub- contracting) and careful cost acioun ting Profits would de- pend on markup and sales \ohitre A cours** but it would be greatl> tempered b> co lection of accounts — timely colkrlions iHt woJ j allow you to Uk*> early pa> an 1 ciou but without background in the needed ireas jou s m[ly wtuld haiealot to learr It a po^si

^ r\ L to j ah w ' *i5%en <• IK I fi) irtil to

II U?l en o> tn.ed Xbi c L"tl n^ we t- \ f \ to cam It ! or



VIP REALTY GRCLP INC. Money So • itarti ?l utidoy We re e*ve the i ght to I m 1 quant t ei 5301 San Cap Rd O dc * D« 35thManulaclu c ) if bole* ore 1 m ted to one pet cmlomet Dec 30ln (across tram Wjltert Rd) 813-472-3456


PUBLIC INFORMATION: CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Open Monday Club Inc Box 355 San bel FL 33957 through Saturday 9 a.m loflpm Sunday 9 SANIBEL SOY SCOUTS Meets "very Tues a.m. to 4 p m Ottics located on Causeway day at 7 p m. at Sanlbel libra~y Guesls Road 4721080 island and v sll ng scouli are welcome Call Ron Sebald at 472-4141 EMERGENCY NUMBERS Police 472311* ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS At St. F re and paramedics 9W-3600 Island ed call 4721018 or 472 9534} Home Michael and All Angels Ep Church Apothecary (34 hour emergency service] studies 7 30 pm Wednesdays contact ,j Periwinkle Way (alt meet ngs H9pm and 472 2768 CROW (Care and Rehabllllal on church for local ons 472 10t8 no smoking) Thursday closed d SCUJJ on of Wildlife) 472 3644 UNITARIAN UNiVERSAUSTS OF THE Friday openspsaft«i Sunday closed ISLAND HISTORICAL MUSEUM Open ISLANDS An alllltate congregat on ot Fort stag At San bel Congregat onal tin (ed Thuri and Sal 10 a m. lo 4 p n Closed Myers UU Church 3ev WllamHurnsde Church Per winkle Way Monday 10 a m on holidays Miller 334 4734 Islands chairman woman • closed discus* on Tuesday 8 CAPTIVA MEMORIAL LIBRARY Opon 9 472-3892 Meetings will resume In pm closed d scuss or Thursday noon, im (0 430 pm Tuesday Thursday and November men s dosed 8lg Bum 6 scuss on Cfkjay 9am to9pm Wednesday 9 am ALANON 8pm Tuesday at San bet Com to 12 30 p m Saturday Closed Monday GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH Cypress ASSOCIATION Moots Ihe second Thurs munity Church Periwinkle Way- non 1 SAM BEL PUBLIC LIBRARY Opart 10 im Lake Drive Fort Myers 462 2099 The Rev day of every month al Beachv ew Country p m Fridays Sai bel Community Church lo 4 p m Monday through Saturday 7 to 9 Ff ArhlhurKontinos Sunday930am Or Club Cockta Is 9 30 p m dinner 6 30 p m For Information call 472 3935 pm Wednesday evenings thos 10 am Ovine Liturgy US POWER SQUADRON General CHRISTIAN WOMEN BIBLE STUDIES EMERGENCY VETERINARY CLINIC 56C5 CAPTIVA CHAPEL BY THE SEA Wiles membership meetings second Wedresday Group* meet each week at the following South Tamlaml Trait (in the Dragon Plaia) Road and Chapm Una Services at 11 a m ot each month at the Community Assocla times and places Tuesday 8 30 a.m Nm Fort Myers 939-5542 offering emergency Interdenominational Dr J Dean Dykstra, t on Per wtnMe Way Luncheon each ble Thimb e 2242 8 Pe Jwinkle Way Tues veterinary serv ce nights weekends and minister Wednesday at noon art! executive meeting day 7 30 p m lack e Tet eault s home holidays Ihe first Wednesday of «ch month. For in formal on call 472 1316 1528 Angel D ve 472 3756 For add tonal CHURCHES: ROTA Fir CLUB Meets every Friday 745 Infomiiion cafl Jack g Tetreaj t a POST OFFICES- 472 3756 SANIBEL COMMUNITY CHURCH (740 a.m. at Wll • Landing- Visitors and gueiu Periwinkle Way Worship 9 a.m (includes SANIBEL POST OFFICE On Ta port Bay aro welcome For Information call 472 2B80 SANIBEL CAPTIVA CHRSSrAN WOMEN S children s ministry) and It 15 am Mother's Road 472 1655 Open8am to530pm BARRIER ISUNO GROUP FOR THE ARTS CLUB Meets the second Thu sday of each morrlngout Friday Alanon Tuesday Monday through Fr day through May 1 (810 ARTS}- Ar* organiial on founded to monlh luncheon at 11 30 a m Sund al B p m and Friday noon Office open M 59 Cosed Saturday and Sunday although bi, id a cullural community of Santi el and B»acn and Tenn s Resort Reser-a! onj re am 3pm Pastor Dr Denny Dem son 472 ma I is delivered en S^turdagr Captiva AH members and protective quired Ca I by the Mo-uJay belore lunch- 3664 JERRrS GROCERY STORE. Jerry s Shop- i me Tiber* are urgid to atterxl meet nga eon e ther 46ft 5065 or AT2 4275 P e Meela the last Monday of (he month al SANIBEL CONGREGATIONAL UNITED pi ig Center Periwinkle Way 472 9300 school misery ava afi'e ca F 472 2577 7 30pm For further nfomaton contact CHURCH OF CHRIST Sunday services at Postal counter open f o-n 9 p m to 5 p m VISITING GIRL SCOUTS Jun o s Cadets Polly Matsumo'o 275 3065 10 a m with Ihe Pev J Richard Stein at Monday Ihru F Iday 9am to 1 p PI Saiur and Seniors alt tor mae! ng schedule st SANIBEL COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION 2050 Periwinkle Way across from day 472 9341 Meet nrjj held at6.30 pm on the second Periw nkle Place Shopping Center Church CAPTIVA POST OFFiCE. Captiva Road KIWANIS CLUB OF SANIBEL CAPTIVA Wednesday of each month November office open 9 a.m 1pm Tuesday Satur- 4^2 1674 Open 7 30 a m to 4 30 p m Men Breakfast meet ng Wednesdays at 7 30 through May at the Commun y Assoc a day 472-0497 Or 472-8100 day through Friday Satu day 9 im to t am at tt» Puttlrg Pel can Beach* ew tion auditorium on periw nhle Way Olf ce Country Crub V sit ng Klwan ans welcome SAHIB EL CAPTIVA FIRST CHURCH OF pm Closed Sunday 1 hours are Monday Wednesday and Fr day CHRIST SCIENTIST Sunday service ind WESTERN UNION Ba ley s General Store For rro.e informal on ca < John Fr ediunj from9am to 1 p m Telephone 4722155 Sunday School Mam Wednesday even Bailey s Shopping Center Open from B 30 4721537 ~- or 472 1316 Ing meetings 8pm Reading room to am tc530 pm Monday throughSatut LIONS AUXILIARY Meets 1h rdWednes im to noon Wednesday and Friday 2950 day 9am lo 1 p m Sunday SAN8IEL CAPTIVA ART LEAGUE Outdoor d<>y ol the month al C 30 p m fof ij nner at W Gulf Drive 472-4449 workshops every Thursday year around The Dunes All wives of Uons are ST MICHAEL AND ALL ANQELS from 9 a m to noon followed by sack welcome EPISCOPAL CHURCH Periwinkle Way REGULAR MEETINGS: tunrjh and critique Phone 461 4789 for SANIBEL CAPTIVA JAYCEES Meels every 472 2173 472 3356 (Thrift Shop) Saturday locations Indoor workshops Januaty Thursday at Coconut Grove For inform* February March. Membership open (o all tion call Tom Kontinos 4721366 530 Holy Eucharist Sunday 7 30 & 9 30 COMMUNITY HOUSINd RESOURCES area resident) phona 4 72-090 S lor In (or ISLAND CHILDREN S COOPERATIVE. An Holy Cucharlst 11 tS Morning Prayer First Monday 7 30 p m Call Dr Dorothy Wednesday Sam Eucharist & Healing Newman at 472-3700 for inform*!ion organized babysitting exchange tot island OVEHEATZRS ANONYMOUS Meets Mon \) Servtcs and Thursday 7 30am Eucharist SANIBEL-CAPTIVA AMERICAN LEGION residents For more information call dayi 7 JO p m., at S*nit»l Congregations and Bible Study Meeting on Ihe second Tuesday of eich 472-0344 United Church ol Chrlil For mformalion "- month at Legion Hall SantbBt-Captlva FISH Friends in Service Here is a cST ISABEL CATHOLIC CHURCH Saturday call 472 2127 ^ *• vtgit 5.30 pm Sunday mass 6 30 and Road volunteer org.niztlon Of non professionals SANIBEL-CAPTIVA SHELL CLUB Meeta aniius to ofter neighborly help lo people 10-Ma.m dally mass 6 30 a m. tnd 1Q-JQ CAPTIVA CIVIC ASSOCIATION Board ot t-m. dally mas* 8 30 a m holy day ^ governors meetings first and 'hlrd "ues- the third Monday or each month at B p m. In ne«d Call 4724404 night or day schedules ssmes as weekends 3665 Cap- day of etch month 10 am at Captivi Com- •t tha San bel Community Association M£N$ BIBLE STUOY Meets each Tues tivaRoad 472Z763 munity Center building OCIODVT through May Now dar 7JO in at 1223 PertwfnMs Way Non members an most welcome — annual denominational sponsored by Krwanls FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Pallor Jamie UON S CLUB Meets (ho tlret and third , dual are te lor individuals %\0 for • cou Club Visitors welcome Stllson Sunday worship 10-30 a.m. and 7 Wednesdays fJJO p m. at Sanltw Com- p a Membership chairmen t* Al Brldeil pm Sunday school 9 am all ages Youth rrrunlty Center ^ (4721637) or write to Smtbel-Captlva Shall school grades 1-6 (If transportation naad AMERICAN BUSINESS WOMEN S

X HEART OF THE ISLAND SHOPPING PLAZA ol 614/1623 Periwinkle Way , in Conveniently Located at the Intersection ot Periwinkle Way &• Beach (near Bank of tht island) Showcase Shells House of Treasures. Featuring a Large Select on ol Sanibel & Worldwide Shells Home ol the Famous Hand Blown Hib scus Flower Holder 472-1971 Monday Saturday 10 5 472-2991 Monday Saturday 10 5 J.J. Flash/T-Shirts P.J.'s Office Supplies Complete Lpe ol Office Supplies^ Thousands to Choose From 472-2995 Monday Friday 9 5 472-5030 Monday Saturday 10 5 The Final Touch Arundel's Hallmark Shoppe Silk Floral Artistry s Fits Balloons & One Hour Photo 472-9559 Monday Saturday 9 5 472 0434 Monday Friday 9 5 Saturday 10 5

Friday's Creative Jewelry Sanibel Gallery Sanibel/Capliva s Full Service Jewelry Center Of ig nal W^ks of Art by Local and Nationally Known Artists 472-1454 Monday Saturday 10 5 472-3307 Monday Saturday 10 5 Sunday 11 5 ' f'


Holiday support line •"'•, open for parents ,! s.of murdered children : Several members of FOMC (Parents of Murdered • Children) now living in Southwest Florida, who were formerly affiliated with this national non-'•- profit support group in other cities, have offered to - help other parents feeling the impact of their loss , most of all during the holiday season. - ^ ,' Russell Simpson, vice-president and chairman of thtilirst national convention to be held this sum- me'r.'and his wife Patricia, who have lost two cf ~ their four children through murder, will be in the .^, area in February. During their visit they plan to hold an informal meeting for survivors of homicide victims to explore the possibility of starting * . ~ - 1 chapter of FOMC in Lee County. -•••• -•-.'-•" ' Anyone~interested in being contacted with the -.- time and place'of the meeting may call the follow- ing volunteers',' either for verbal support or to ex- - -i press an interest in the February meeting. Those ?: - interested in specifics of the upcoming meeting ^ should respond by Jan. 5. , ' .. •'..:<•.* Anyone needing to talk to the only people, Simp- son believes, who really understand how it feels to be a homicide survivor, are invited to call the from all of us at following people in their respective area; <~ ~V Fort Mien, Cape Coral, Lehljh: Donald and 7 Muriel Hare, 17306 Timber Oak Lam, S.W., Fort Myers, FL 33908. Tel. 489-2909. : : Bonlta Springs, Naples: Nona Fishbaugh, 106 ' First Street, Bonita Springs, FL 33923. Tel. - -'.•.-• 947-3509. • :"•••. -.-• •.'•••- -~ PunU Cord.. Port Charlotte, Arcadia, Venice: Sally Cole, 1160 Waterside Street, Port Charlotte, * '• FL33952. Tel. 627-3162.D ; " ;y ..-. •.--• M ARTS AND CRAFTS SALE: Siesta Bjf RV • .V Resort is holding an arts and crafts and white . .elephant sale at the resort, 12345 Summerlin Road, Fort Myers, from 8:30 a-m. to noon on Wednesday, Dec 31. Tables are available to non-resident at $2.50. For more information, call 466-8988.,-,-: • ,


We wish you the warmest of Season's Greetings uto Market Mercedes 3001: .$2J,9C0 and HappiestNew Year! Mercedes Sedan .J2J.5OO Porschs 944 .V. J2O.5OO ' Mercedes Convertible .116,900 Porsche911 »33,900 Mercedes Convertible J36.600 Porsche 944 122,800 Mercedes Convertible...... $17,500 BMW ....:.. * 8,500 ffi 1020 Periwinkle Way Mercedes Convertible 122,900 Porsche 356... (12,000 Mercedes Sedan . ;•' .113,900 Sanibel Island, FL 33957 Porsche Convertible .146,500 - Mercedes SLC J24.M0 813/472-4000 , Jaouar XJS .J33.B00 ;j HOURS: r MOH.'-Fm. 9AM-7PM ii : 5AT.9AM-SPM li Closed Sunday (813)433-1001 16203 S- TAMIAUf TR. FT. MYERS, FL 33912


2075 Periwinkle Way

Come See ^Sx^v our fine selection WXSY r, of unique Unique VCbmett's Ffshiom &&STER Christmas Gifts.

A Unique Selection of Shells, Lamps, 14k Gold Charms & many more gifts from the sea. Women's Fashions Come and See Why In Silks and Natural Fabrics' After Christmas Savings Everyone Calls This "PABAblSE". for the Holidays Throughout The Store! The most unique shop on Sanibel. Beautiful Handmade Jewelry Tropical Resort Wear • tucluslve T-Shlrts '3 Periwinkle Place 29 Periwinkle Place " 472-5939 Coverups • Sweatshirts 472-4055 ' Open oil weekend 472-3020 Happy Holidays from One Step ibtt women's fashions Best wishes for a Happy Holiday Acl Classy Season from One Step Up VISIT OUR Act Smart, ,cP Act Casual NEW STORE Let us JAZZ UP your wardrobe v/iih colors from Dresses & Jumpsuits ALL MERCHANDISE and >r 30% to 60% off Casual Cottons ALL DAY, EVERYDAY ESPRIT Spirit Second Lev&l, Above Chlco's Periwinkle Place 472-2230 Periwinkle Place 472-1686 Located on the 2nd Level 472-2213

Seasons Greetings from LADS & LASSIES SWIMSUITS : SWIMSUITS - SWIMSUITS •Greeting Cards 'Jewelry Come see our Bright New

; Spring Collection •Stickers &Sticker^Books Serving all Your Fashion Needs for the Younger Set' •Plush Toys 'Cloth Placemats Infant thru Size K Girls Infant thru Size 20, Boys • VM,H?\LLJ\ •Sole Suckers -Heavenly Gifts- 472-1062 " 472-1180 FDR ALL OCCASIONS Periwinkle Place Shopping Center

Season's • Season's Greetings Greetings X Open until 6 p.m. Christmas INTERIOR DESIGN Eve for your last .5 Dhurrie Rug Sale Minute Shopping Needs " • i- All Christmas Items 40% to 50% off will be up to 50% OFF WE SHIP UPS

Original Price _ __o. on our entire selection of 32 Periwinkle Place 472-2413 From December 26 - 31. - Save ZU/o lurnllure & accessories Sanlbel's Only Official Hummei Dealer Periwinkle Place Very Extraordinary Gifts •' 472-1327 '

PMJKG rune r BUILDING A ; .West Coast Suit Shop ; t Enctoited Kteiraid , . Sunland Colbction . K'ajgiE Elliott Paradise o! Sanib •' PHASED HUStl , BUILDING, K Sir ol Sariibel PAKWHC Tillanv Parlor Gif PARXMS Snoot/ Fox ncmua | I PERIW1NKU WAY nmuuo|

Ol |fB J

ISLAND REPORTERD DECEMBER 24,19M D 13C At Its Best, . . Sanibel Island

Season's Greetings from Snooty" SAN BEL ISLANDS COMPLETE GOUBVET CHOCOLATE SHOPPE RESTAURANT & COME and SEE ICE CREAM PARLOUR Serving Breakfast, Our own special custom made Lunch & Dinner Dally Sanibel Island Mold Sanibel Reindeer Open Mon -Sat , Chocolale Christmas Tiees & Chocolate Santa Boxej ol Assorted Chocolate! SAniBEl/S ONLY 472-2581* AFFORDABLE FAMILK RCSTAURAnl WE SHIP 4723837 ® SNYDERMAN'S SHOES Season's Greetings QUALITY SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY

•Aigner 'Bernardo iports •Calico 'Cherokee Closet •Dexter »Naturalizer Season's Contemporary Comfortable <- Greetings O • Grasshoppers Classy Casual And Many. Many, Many Morel Traditional Ladles Sportswear » and Fun Resortwear CLOTHES FOR MEN Sizes 4-18 VISWMC/AMEX 472-5100 MC VISA. AMEX 472-4206 Periwinkle Place 472-1171 THEPAPER TRADER Visit the PEACHES Original Card Shoppc Go Comfortable Go Casual Go to PEACHESI 50% OFF Be outfitted hoad to toe All Christmas Cards & Item* In lovely cotton prints & solids 50% OFF - CASUAL Including a bright array of Other Selected Merchandise COTTON cotton sweaters CLOTHING and a NEW Selection of SHOES Stop by and See Our Unusual 9 West Jazz & More — Assortment of Cards A Reputation You © Can Wear 472 8444 Co Tel 472-0202 Periwinkle Place 472 6900 X '

G35EB /

• ' Truly Unique Baskets handcrafled from Native Vegetation Merry Christmas Happy Chanu\ah ° Feliz'Havidad Stained Glass • Basketry • Pottery Original Water Colors & Prints Bonne TSfoel Embossing • Etchings • Sculpture BuonT^atale Q .. 4726657 Periwinkle Place 4721763 472-6877

1 STORE LOCATION MAP SANIBEL S FINEST COTTON SHOP i BUILDING B BUILDING C BUILDING D BUILDING E Court & Flay Casuals s Interior Design r Kumar s Gilt Emporium TShrt Raced Sanibel FLORIDA DRAWSTRINGS Sea to Sky Florida Drawstrings The Beach House Lads & lassies Ctucola'e Strawberry 100% AMERICAN MADE COTTOI Chcos f Congress Jewelers Lin Shakeys Nosy Oyster FASHIONS IN A RAINPOW OF ijnyrjerman s Shoes COLORS AND STYLES Island Style (UPSTAIRS) F BUILDING G (UPSTAIRS) John Schumacher BUILDING H One Step Up The Paper Trader Uacs and lace To>s Ahoyi The Brown 3ag CrucosLoll Oh1 Susanna MEN Z- SMALL TH31J 5X-LAPGE Is Top Deck WOMEN 5-XSMALL THRU XLARGE Cheese Nook Unpressured Caoker AIL STYLES 100% FULLY PK SWJUNK Valhalla Irish Look Her Sports Closet Peaches Shoes to cn x V_J


Marble Rye Bread

4* Onion Soup Mix .. . .83 Rye Breads „ .99 I Hawaiian Punch . .77 i Sauerkraut 39 x i French Cnion Dip .77 i Cheddar Cheese . 1.19 HS 4* Cocktail Peanuts .1.49 -SrftK- f 101-UUnUE - -^-» L W 4 Potato Chips 1.39 SK=DS { Master Blend CoMee2.78 Blackeye Peas 35 Napkins .. 1.33 1.39

Pricel Edectlve Friday December 26 through Wednesday December 31

o J


• Chamber of Commerce lust off the REGULAR MEETINGS: Causeway en the Sanibel side a Gullside C tv Park |ust oil Casa Tbel SAH1BEL LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS Road Meets at 9 30 a m on the third Monday ol • Fishing Pier at the eastern Up ol the every month at tiro Sanibtl library Call island island near the Lighthouse Charlotte Hamlet 472 3927 • Turner Btaeh at Blind Pass VOICE OF JOY Non-denominational time ol praise prayer and teaching meets the to Sanibel City Hall BOO Ounlop Road last Tuesday ol the monlfi at 7 p m at ths 472 4648 Open to the public free of BEACHES: Sanlbel Community Association building charge from 10 a m to 4 p m Thursday For more Information call Judy Brodeur at and Saturday Closed on holidays Unrestricted beach accesi Is available 472 5433 or Mm Stilson at 472 9561 SANIBEL CAPTIVA CONSERVATION st the Lighthouse along the causeway SCORE. The largest business consulting FOUNDATION Sanltel-Captlva Road, Islands at the fishing pie' at fie Intersec- agency In Iho world SCORE (Service 472 2329 Exhibits nature (rails tnd a gift tion of Tarpon Bay Road and West Quit Corps ol Retired Executives) and Its ser shop Admission for nan members is 50 i Drive «nd al the county park at Bowman • vices are all Ires and confidential For fur cents for ch Idren SI tor adults Open 9 30 Beach (W fee) Off-islanders with parking ther Information call 939-3005 am loipm Monday through Friday May stickers will find beach accesses at Salley CARE AND REHABILITATION OF to November Guided (rail tours upon re- Road Beach Road Nerita Street, Oonai "* WILDLIFE (CROW): Board meets second quest with 24 hours notice Open 9-30 a.m THINGS TO KNOW: Street, Fulgar street, Dixie Beach Monday of each month in the CROW to 4 30 p m. Monday through Saturday Boulevard and Blind Pass ts and residents board room at 130 p m FISHING No permit required for sail waler can utilize additional accesses on West December to April Guided (rail tours dally fishing Florida fishing license is needed AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF RETIRED SCCF S Native Plant Nursery is open to Gull Drive west of Rabbit Road on Button- PERSONS 472 5517 Next meeting will be lor any fresh waler angling Irenses wood Lane SeagraDe Lane the Colony the public from Bam to 5 p m Monday available it Bailey s - announced in November throuQh Friday Call 472 1932 walkway Ba/ Drive and Henderson Road SEA TURTLE PATROLS Caretta Research, SHELLING Cily ordinance limits the lafc Pa ruing areas am identi'ied as to location CALUSA AQUATIC PROGRAM A non- 472 3177 Join the search lot nesting log ing ot ti«e shells to two species per per and type of sticker tequirad lor use The profit organization dedicated lo Increasing gerhead sea turtles along the Sambel gulf son per day fine for parking in one of these accesses marine awarercss Information collected s beach Matimum of lour people with no CAMPING Camping on the beach is prc- without the proper permit b 125 h blted forwarded to the Florida Department of guaranlee Of turtle sightings On Captiva public access is available at Natural Resources For ages 12 to adult BRIDGE GAMES at the San bel Corrmuni FlflfcS Open beach fires are prohibited Turner * Beach (near Blind Pass) and at Tuesday and Thursday Children s p/ogram ly Association Weekly Duplicate Bridge Fires ate perm lied in appropriate con the end ot Captiva Drive fust past the er on Saturday Family proQ ram on Sunday and Bridge tor Fun sessions will resume In tamers (no larger than 48x24x12 Inches trance to South Seas Planta'lon alteinoon S25 per person Transportation November with a metal grill) of course you are provided Call *72 9262 responsible lor any Itilef or debris trom CIVIL WAR RE ENACTMENT SOCIETY »JOAH S ARK THRIFT SHOP Open 9 30 your beach party -i BABYSITTERS Wlghlman Lane Captiva B monthly am to 12 30 pm Mondays thru Fridays DOGS Aiihouoh Sanibel does not have a meetings Call <72-Q462lor more Intorma behind St Michael anil All Angels ieash IaA " your do? must be undel con Karen Hahn 4720529 anytime lion Episcopal Church House goods anil trol at all times when in public Please Dorothy Cooper 472 2624 aryl me special ilens clean up after your pets Miry Shanklln 472 9341 ISLAND FI5HINQ CLUB Meets a' 6 p m Siacy Forrest 472 1432 < on the first Tuesday of each month al I he BINGO At Sambel Commun ty Assoclf" PUBLIC RESTROOMS Jararanda Inn t on 730 p m Tuesday Public invited • Causeway between the drawbridge RuthZottiner 472 2192 and Sanlbet Tim 472-4427 evenings AMERICAN IEQION POST 121 Meets se Lilly Miller, 472 4375 anytime cond Tuesday of each month at 7 p m at Shtml* Btum 4723691 evenings and Legion Hall on San I bet-Cap liva Road weekends AMERICAN LEGION POST AUXILIARY Meets first Wednesdays! each morih at 7 EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS: Mlchele DeFailc 472 B233 available alter pm at Legion HslVonSanlbel-Captiva ; 2 30 p m weekdays enytime weekends Road Sanibel Police Department 472-3111 LmLntlra, 472 5213 Doris AffolUf 472-4B64 Sanibel Fire Deparlment 936*3600° LyiiEbtrit, 472 5811 Emergency Medical Service 936 3600 Captiva Fire Department 936-3600 iSUND LIFE is open lo any island THINGS TO DO: service group or non profit Lee County Sheriff's Department 332-3456 organ ration Pleas* check your CROW CARE AND REHABILITATION OF Florida Highway Patrol 936-0511 I stings and notify the ttttnd WILDLIFE. Sanlbel Captiva Road 4723644 c Reporter ot any necessary change* Open housa for the public from 1 to 3 p m American Red Cross .334 3401 or alterations Submit changes or on the last Sunday ol every month through new Information to- iiltrrt winter season Island Water Association 472*1502^ Reporter, P O Drawer R, Sanibel,c J N • DIN0H DARLING NATIONAL Lee County Electric Cooperative. .. 472-3511/995-2121 FL 33967 Deadline tor ^formation WILDLIFE REFUGE 472 (100 The live- Is Friday prior lo Ihi Thursday mile self-guiding trails and two canoe U S. Coast Guard , 463-5754 publication Intormalion In Island trails are open daily sunrise to sunset The Florida Marine Patrol 334 6963/800-342-1829 Life )s offered on a spsc*-ava.iabla Visitor Center off Sanlbel-Captlva Road I* basis we will make every elfort to open as stated on the sign at the entranca Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission , .800-262 8002 Include any and all Information to (he center All facilities are tree of Lee Mental Health Hotline 275-4242 receded at our offices charge ISLAND HISTORICAL MUSEUM Adjacent Poison Control i 800-282-3171

*-3 is proud to announce U we are open for LUNCH!! Toast the New Year Co at ' .0 7 DAYS A WEEK FROM X ' 11:30-2:30 C3339

B/GGEST BUHGEHS New Year's Eve Menu • Saiitied Shrimp in Garlic Herb Butte

DINNER French Onion Soup RESERVATIONS Warm Spinach Sa'ad u ilk Bacon & CRISP and Chopped Boiled E$A ^f^J^*


~r~- : •-. VIp has the only on site teal estate office at South Seas Plantation. VIP has nibre listings and is responsible for more sales, Our sales staff has more knowledge and experience with South both in units and dollars, than all other REALTORS* combined. Seas property, the resort, resort programs and.activities. " • 3>

VlPis responsible for a vast majority bfaH sales a! South :: _, VIP is the #j.'Independent RcaJ E&iale Conipaiiy 5 Seas Plantation.-' ; \V i ...-!>'"./ V.' " in Sbuihvvest Honda, with convenient ofRccs througliout 2 4 the area. ;>.. • o : - >"''• -•• '.

^BEACH HOME #6 — $399,000. Three bedroom/three baths/1 Moft. Call Lyle Jackson, Sales Manager, •MARINA VILLA • 472-1556. , ;• : '_. • .. ' - ...--• i Unit #601 - $260,000. Two txdroom/lwo The Beach Homes offer the ultimate in private bath. KrisvllKwkini, Realtor- • .Hind living within a residential resort com-:: ABBOciate, 472*1556. . ~ .-;•., -• * munity. Located on 1700 feet of Gulf frontagei" Superbly located in a private setting oitrloolt- these secluded homes feature roomy two, three,: L ing the Gulf of Mexico, Pine Island Sound, and '•;. and four bedroom floorplans, custom designed _the. South Seas yacht harbour, the Marina for the perfect blemf of indoor and outdoor liv- Villas feature a Hend of comfortable island liv- ' ing. All sited on heavily wooded sites ?with ing with maximum ?pare efficiency,"Thf^ • . mature tropical vegetation. :^ r.. _ ; ' delightful two bttlroom, two bath floorptina are E ; boused in four buiWings, ten unita each, with •; swimming pool privatctn the complex, /'j

BEACH VILLA ^ " . Unit #2122 - $250,000. Two bedroom/two 1 [TENNIS^VILLA * ;, ; bath/loft. Call Dougla* J. Davlin, Unit M21.1 - (120,003. One bedroom/one" Broker-Saleiman, 472*1556. • ' : , bath. Call Sandra J. Baranj, Broktr- ••'•• Wlas featur/'one, two, and three bedroom Salt»woman, 472-1556.: . ,.-••' ' plans, each with screened porch viewing the' Sixty sptclil ttlLisnc5tl«l-anikl the island beautiful Gulf of. Mexico. Landscaped with ; . vegetation overlook the private tennis courts '• -. native vegetation with pools and tennis courts v •m and pool area. Kxn'llent RuaKuiteH income private to the complex. Guaranteed incomes pn^rams for these one and two Mruom. ;•" available.:- ••-.:.- \ *. . %_ rosiilenccs in paradise. - .-

BEACH VILLA; : " :\ Unit #2316 - $172,000 -one bedroom/one^ BAYSIDE VILLA -.bath. Call Kris Hawkins, 472-1556; : #•" Unit «118 — I1S7.5OO. One bedroom/two , '.-, Villas' feature rone, two, ami three bedroom Lbalh. Call Douglas J. Davlin — Broker- titis, each with screened j>orch viewing the Silcmnan, 472-1556. - Eeautiful Gulf of Mexico. Laraiscajx'd wilhu Liixurj- condominiums privately overlook hay " native vegetation with pools anil tennis courts. nnH marina vistas al south Seas I'laritation. Ex- 1 private to the complex. Guaranteed incomes tra large pool, pool har and Jacuzzi spa make A available/ ^ \ living cFpt^iaiiy'wonderful in thesfi one and 'three !>edn*om uniLs. Rental and guaranteed in- come pntgrimf. v,-, . " ^

A.'tAriD'S EfiD VILLAGE E. BEACH COTT AQC5 REALTOR", : E B.MARiriA VILLAS -:. '. r. BEACH VILLAS - C. GULF COTTAQE5 O. BAY51DE V1UA5 f r &«h Son PbnUtai Sjlcs " D. BEACH HOMES H. TEMniS VILLAS !'- Resort & Yacht Harbour SoulhScas Ptantalion ....,....: .472-1556 ISLAND REPORTERD DECEMBER 24,1986 D 17C THE over 285,000 readers noon CHARGE IT!- Classified * 8 111 5 p m Guifintiid RR k7 VISA OR - Store 466- MASTERCARD Clisslllids Observer NEWSpapers • Island Reporter * CharlotM Shopping Guide !O Sinlbel Island RipoMer Cap* Coral Obiarvtr HOMES FOR CONDOS CONDOS Fort Mytrs Beach Observer Norn Fail Myari Obiarvir ANNOUNCEMENTS OP SALE f OR SALE . FOB SALE Fort Myers Observer Charlotta Shopping Quid* 4 "Prim* Location — CAPER BEACH CLUB Gull REAL ESTATE Larga Michigan Home SOUTH POINT f ont FMB furnished 2 W* Classified Store LICENSES COURSES Cape Coral — 4/3 3600 aq 2 bedroom 1 bath pool bedroom 2 beth, wastwf ^ I 'a i^n *ipft S*tto*<*on I WOO It on 3 lot sits 200 ft canal low maintenance Near dryar pool tennis fleduc near river Many beautiful shopping Why pay rent? «d Asking $140 000 Call erlias inctud ng spat ous Th s is a real bargan1 owner 403-H28. ALL 1224 poll 8VS% assumable $41000 466-0500 mortgage H 90 000 542 FOR SALE by owner 6714 ALL-01I5 Mariner Point, Saytront con 16681 McG eBor Blvd do 2 bedroom 2 beth, fLr Fort Myers Florida 33903 j *l 8" OWNER Ounes ons of rtished tennis courts and WORLD WIDE the beii lake views ground boat lockage 472 0725 OFFICE OPEN DAILY 8 30 a m to 5 00 p m AGRARIAN INSTITUTE level 3 BO/3 BA heated and leavB meiSBje A 1*103 CLOSED SATURDAY and SUNDAY B95-3&U screen pool garage Re- POINTE SANTO- DEADLINE. Monday 12 Noon for all Observer Jim Hanlon cently remode ed redeco luxurlous Gull ve w and papers and Charlotte Shopping Gu de Tuesday DBAA8DMBA rated 1249000 (813) 472 pool view Condo 2 sland Reporter ' 0373 or (813) 938 5341 bedroom 2 bath new LAKE FAIRWAYS COUN INVESTMENT OPPOR redecorated $233000 472 GEN REAL , TRY CLUB tuinshed 2 RATES Genera) Merchandise 25 words one TUNITY Rented 2 bedroo-n 2667 Bf-0115 ESTATE FOR SALE I bedroom pom lenn s golf publication S300 Frst Week, S25O Add llonal 2 balh 5th floor unit w th TOWN HOUSE CONDO Weeks Add llonal publcalons 12 50 per week all amen t es No pats Aval- magnificent view able now Short or long] ZBRttttSA pool tennis Additional words 10c e«h a week per publication overlooking Day at LIHle boat dock di eel access S terms S1.200 snort term or Hickory Bay Condo In $600 tang lerm M7 714B m n to Gulf Owner-agent Borita Sp figs (20 mies Call U6-31M Reel Estate 25 Words 14 00 Four WeeKs PLAY GOLF?! WATERFRONT- Sacrll ce south ol San I be and one of BSNC1O-0101 $14 00 13 Weeks $42 25 Add llonal publicat ons Deaul ful Sate on canal wlih direct Florida a fastest growing S325eachpcrweek lOcaddiloia /jordsfpj&lca pll ng house at Pineland Bay access 2 bedroom. 2 LEISURE VILLAQE VILLA. Areas) 2 locks away from Low rnaintenance Includes lion/week ^ Golf Course balh all new appliances beatuiful area of beach on ONLY S78 000 A/C fans italan til* ana 24 hour security goll ten- tfiB Gulf Healed pool bost nis pools very active life- Claislllod Display $550 Per Column Inch addl BAYFRONT carpeting 5740 ^an Cap deck and tennis courts style program 2cr/2baplus liortat publications $3 00 each Road S130000 firm Urge Leased for J7.200 annually Florida room ceiling fans GONDOS Sal furnished (or 5100000 Exceptionally n cet domed kitchen and many wlih assumabls (B4 ooo other features Asking 2 bodroom IVi bath. mortoacs No closns costs Totally furnished down to JUST LISTED $129 £00 3<2 S9S0Q0 Owner 481-4210 Ralph Penalver 305 649 SB 1224 the wineglasses horns with privacy Oilers a !414or305-226-5326 IR-0101 Beautiful view pool spa family room w th vaulted SURFSONd 3 bedroom 2 Compute Rite Card and Contract Hales and fishing docks celling jaccuJ w ih« lanal bath furnished lOOOsqusrg Available by Request ONLY $119 000 overlook ng nerve vegela Tee! Owner must sell Best n lloi In your bach yard Cait buy on beachl ont with poof GENERAL The Classll ed Sloie reserves the Cill for mo • Informal/on quick on Ihs we Glenn RIVER ACCESS and ga age priced under right (o properly classify edit or reject any ad Island Realty Paretta realtor associate BEACH PARKWAY S200 000 403-0622. U«fl«irWtii*B(*M Jcnn Naumann and IN CAPE CORAL Assoelaloi Toll free ALL-0107 283-1100 ,j-eOO 337 6004 2 btdroom 2 tain1 extra NO SHORE PUCE, 3BR/2 BM21 4T2-3121WM4 11225 large exira nice furnished BA RWerview wall decora! «d te££QO Calt574-144«of Alt ads placed by phone w II be read back at condominium. All appft- •tees carpet air lanal 93442M f?enlngs. time of placement Re sure to check your ad the QSNCia 1217 OPEN HOUSE poo dock. Mov« in rtowl first week it appears We w II not ba res ports bio MUST SELL MARINA — tea 000 for errors alter Ihe >irst publication MONDAY DECEMBER 29 1-4 PM Town 1 BR/tBA fumihed on water Call OM-2316 or Alt ads are priced at a tlat rate (no refund for 9M-S7I1 NC11224 unused weeks) and may be cancelled any i me alter the I rsi publication Ada cancelled Before n 120 Bahla^ia, FMB IKHBVAL sertion w II be billed (or 1 week J (N of Charley Brown s) OWNERSHIP Prepayment MAY be required on some classifications Y, INC. PLANTATION BEACH Among the many features of th 13^ most CLUB 2bd/2blonGull A(l We accept MasterCard and VISA at no addi HONEY SEAGROVES R llonal charge tor your convenience unusual home overlooking Estero Say are amanliles 3/n 3v20 SI 500 over 50 large glass panes providing max BROKER «Mdayfli24r:au2« c imum view of Ihe bay high ceilings with 939 0227 11225 (low through ventilation focused lighting SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION ANNOUNCEMENTS 00 TOWNHOUSE ON THE PERSONALS 22 Ins'db and out landscaping which includes BEACH designer furnished BEACH CLUB Week 46 GENERAL REAL S NCERELY YOURS 2] 17^00 Wsek 47 »7.5O0 12 varieties of fruit 10 types of pains and tor tha most discriminating ESTATE FOR SALE 1 HELP WANTED 31 tasle this condo has wrap Week 48, S7000 Week 40 HOMES FOR SALE 2 POSITIONS WANTED 32 over 100 types of ground cover This home , around porch, gulf views 16500 Weeki2Rent»l000 DUPLEXES FOR SALE a ANTIQUES 39 pgrque floors beaui ful kit Purchase S17 000 CotUrje* has over 1 000 sq ft of decking surrounding We«k 45 S13900 Call cot CONDOSFOR SALE 4 MUSICAL 40 a hot tub Boat dock total privacy on all cpen and a nice rental pro- gram on sill Plena call (ect, business 617 7M-U21 INTERVAL HOUSEHOLD evenings ol' 7M«7M OWNERSHIP 5 FOR SALE 41 sides and much more $349 000 Call Gayle G enn Carretli Realtor MISC FOR SALE 42 Luchslnger at 463 5292 Eves 4815359 Associate 100 337*004 M225 LOTS 6 ftT2 3121fS844, 11225 MOBILE HOMES ELECTRONICS WEEK ELEVEN AT FOR SALE 7 AND CAMERAS 43 BY OWNER large condo DESIRABLE CASA YBELL, COMMERCIAL LYNN GILDS REAL ESTATE, INC Gulf and back nay view LOWER CORNER UNIT 0. PROPERTY FOR SALE B GARAGE SALES 44 Boat dock Yacht Club pool i75Hm I*") bedroom two 6035 Estero Bouelvard bath S1700Q 472 2170 HOMES FOR RENT 9 AUCTIONS 45 Fort Myers Florida 33931 jacuri! eiercisft room DUPLEXES WANT TO quiet s-ond df F Myers IR1224 FOR RENT tO BUY MISC 46 BS11224 Seacn 2br spilt plan pro- CASA Y8EL Unit 2t9G x fessionally decorated FJ prime w«ks 10* 11 (roW- CONOOSfAPTS decor Furniture included FOR RENT 11 HOMES FOR March) lower tevel poolsidt Sanlbei a premiere gulflront 2ttba manyBitrastocated 2 Bs/2B 115 300 per wk, MOBILE HOMES SAIE subdivision only $225 000 In beaut fu Marina Powers FOR RENT 12 $30 000 tor both wks CailR a One acre of privacy d reedy and Yacht Club Immitd *l" TrenhOlm dxys (203) COMMERCIAL occupancy SM9 000 No AUTOMOTIVE S3 UNIQUE across from the beach ac- 727 1565 (203) G PROPERTY crtss Common ty pool and brokers please For appoint RECREATIONAL SANIBEL COTTAGE 24 FOR RENT 14 tennis courts secur ty too ment call 785-1612. VEHICLES 54 Seach accecs Gull view VACATION ~ sundeck. screened breeze- Don t pass this one up Call Bt-OIOS SANIBEL BEACH CLUB I RENTALS IS Glenn Caretta Realtor Sale or rent/ Luxury condo MOTORCYCLFS ^ 55 way separates studio — WANT TO BUY bath Remodeled Interior Associate wlih John SANIBEL ARMS one on Gull 2 bedroom 2 bath, REAL ESTATE 16 TRUCKS FOR SALE" 57 maintain charm 3 bed Naumann and Associates bedroom condo completely •leeps 6 Screened porc*t WANTTO RENT BOATS ANDMOTORS61 room — 2 bath Owner re- Toll tree 800 237 6004 turn shed gulf view boal pool spa, tennis Week 12 MORTOAQES MARINE located SI 49 500 472 312116644 11225 dek'ng healed pool lor tun! SI 000 or sale IS 312 000 Will apply rental BUSINESS ACCESSORIES 32 BY OWNER #/low down SS5 9G0 Call col eel (313) SPORTS EQUIPMENT 63 472-9788 and move ft) 3 yr o d pil ng 333 2422 or write J J R toward purchase price Cait OPPORTUNITIES 404 925-2350 Owner w II be BABYSITTING LEOALS 64 IR1225 home w/beaullful rlverview San bet Arms 805 East Guf East Ft Myer- location D Ive San bal FL 33957 alBeschOubweetis5f 52 LOSTANDFOUND MISCELLANEOUS 613-4725502. 1R-O129 GOVERNMENT HOMES 3BR/SCA w/all appliances I-O101 from SI (U repair) Del In ce ling tans and drapes WIN xi quant lax property Free cons der teasaoptinn 436 SHELL ISLAND BEACH SANIDEL ARMS WEST J2 possession Call (805) 6333 ALLOtOl CLUB Week 46 Luxurious Z bed com 2 bain. First 2 bedroom 2 bath Gulf Irani ur-eooo EIL OH 2045 for SPACIOUS 3BD/2BA, family floor Newly redecorat current repp list condo pool tennis ANNOUNCEMENTS 00 ANNOUNCEMENTS DO room AMttaibf canal pool ed excellent rentals bicycles 16 600 Bob new carpet ng sprinkling S132.900 by owner TOLL Frwburgit313-543-69C0 system pump and well city FREE {800} 626-6147 9 water and sewer 196 900 *.m-4pm IR-1225 STAFFILE AND HAYWOOD 1 Bv3xm 1 BatH tti gutil Apt Dttdcd Buch md B>> Ac 5421252 ALL0115 NORTH AMERICAN REALTY SANIBELDUNLS byovner TITLE INSURANCE 3 bedrooms 2 balhs Built A NEW CONCEPT IN Ccn- AQENCY INC THE FOREST PLAZA domirlum design In • prime U S 41 AND ISLAND PARK RD 1983 Immatulat* inside SpKlelizing In Personal and out 114J000 Phons south location ~ ed Real Estala Closings 403-4484 "'" "WS for appointment bedroomdrooms garage privat* coururtyart y d Priced In lha and DID YOU KNOW Stafflle and AAlM Raaity Oioup Inc. Your Title Insurance CEREMONIAL c Haywood Realty has opened INOIAN MOUND Ne«ds an office in S Fl Myers' Plneland s Historic T1ME3HAREAND VALUES LIKE THIS SELL QUICKLY adams Housa built in QENERAL REAL ESTATE 1661 EtiaroBhrd CALL TODAY VILLAS ton Is i B plus acrs Prncpia 134 900 estate The home Is atop a FOURTH FLOOR BEACH P O Bo. 3041 3 bed own 1 baih — 2 car FRONTCONDO 2 bedroom Royal Woods $42 500 gaage — memtH pool with 30 It Caloosa Ind an Cere- Fl Myen Btach, Fl 33931 LesureVllage Seven Lakes $45 900 la ge scrtetw) encloi t 0u«l mort'al Mound Fruit 2 bath $134 950 (39-0859 ATTENTION INVESTORS BRAND NEW reghno hood — close lo palms and (lowering trees 11224 *** BI-0107 schools uni snopf>mg in abound Call today! UNITS 1YR LEASE IN EFFECT CINNAMON COVE, 2 bed Wat»rfront Lots (amity home S109 00Q MERRY CHRISTMAS CALL 433 2331 roam 2 baih terrace condo LIQHTHOUSE UNIT 208 /T^ cun ncniTv INC ISLANDS REALTY co ner lake view lived in 3 Week 47 S4-5O0 Casa Ybet Licensed Real months tans deture ver in t 2'0G Week *S S5 500 Estal" Broknr licjls extras immaculate Call (315) 7094505 Ask for Saturdays 10 AM 2 PM ^=1? 939^227 many amen t es 4H-I0C3 Marly 11231 ALl 1211 X ^H %



INTERVAL COMM PROP DUPLEXES COMM PRO? VACATION OWNERSHIP LOTS FOR SALE FOR RENT 10 FOR RENT 14 RENTALS 15 CASA YBEL — Week 48 ISLAND LIVING - Reside DUPLEX FOR RENT really GULF AND BAY VIEW walk (olten Includes Thanks ted a"cess (By plan or cute lake front 2 brtfba, Island Ing distance lo Publ c giving weekend) Choice boat) Upper Capliva screened porch walk lo Tower Plaza beach business center and lower level oceanlronl loca- Seauilut Gull view Im beach. Ca 1472 3Ut restaurants Eliminate tion Unit 1203 — buy trom mediately behind new set .-10887 Office Suites seasonal traffic problems owner/agent and save — back line $65 000 each Two FOR RENT CONDOS/APTS handy to brWQe and ready 813-6W-1314 1-0129 lots by owner 694-8541 4721581 access to Fort Myers Newly FOR RENT renovated 1 2 or 3 bedroom SANIBEL BEACH CLUB 113 units Cal fowls ambiance & 14 Jan 17 Io24 and/or 165 FEET on the Oul< SANIBEL — Annual 1 B& SANIBEL OFFICE SPACE. — wooden sp ral stairs toll Jan. 24 to 31 $750 per wk. residential building site 1 BA apanment 1550 mo Secretary and copy avail- bedrooms 13 ft arched win- CaM1-MO-23?73T0 Ask (o pit ngs in price Includes On the beach Unique and ability with convenient loca- dows balconies ami sun rent unit 3D 1-0107 water electric lee ITI vary prIVate Centrally tion $275 month Includes d*cks at various levels rope pact fee building permit railing — reserve now lor utilities 4723113 Vacation season or tale Informa'lon engineering »te plar & Shoppa Broker ifUMQt 11J-44WJ1S before 11 in FuH Documtnu ion site pre( aration ROOM FOR RENT In ALL-0101 blueprints Ufper Cap- OFFICE SPACE, excellent WCI4 Sanlbel home — private en- tlva Island lowllon Near location minutes from trance and bath lovely Sanlbel 780 sq ft $350 FURNISHED 2..BR/2 BA, Salety Harbor Club quiet lake froit setting 3/3 furntihed pool homa month plus unities 48* Eanlbel home for rent Avail- ° WOO SW Ufl4 Art Su 1311 Owner will consider Short walk to beach $55 a *Z S Mwnl. Fl 3J 13 Direct access 1618. 1-0115 able January 1987 by month trade lor S*n bel or Cap week — rronth minimum *<- 5 C* CdWcH0W4HW SI 400 Stasonai or season Lovely quiet lake tlva property or outfight Call 472-0620 11224 Includes all Services front location walk to EXTRA LARGE HOMESITE purchase price 3 month mlnlmuTi. OFFICE & SANIBEL AND BEACHES Beech 113-4724620 11224 lot on d»p water canal no Duplax-3M Pine Manor 1230 000 Call Gator In unfurnished 2 bedroom 1 bridges to bay located on MM Unfurnished Annual RETAIL veators Group Inc Lie bath appliances wall lo- FURNISHED ONE BED paved street has seawall Ctll lot dilMllt . wall ca pellng — ennjal SPACES ROOM collage by season patio dock $250 000 lor lur RE Broker Judish M LEE SIDE S lease First last and secuh beaut ful location Gulf and (her Information. 472-4240 Natale PA Lie Sales AVAILABLE ty No pats 1 5S7 2378 Associate) 472 82(0 REALTY Bay access 4J2SS52.11225 1-0106 BSCI-0101 WITH WATER TORTUQA BEACH CLUB eves 472 5342- 275 5071 VIEW LINDA LOMA - 3 ml as Wk. 18 — Easter Week 87 I-O114 GULF FRONT from beach Furn shed 2 BO new building G 2 BR sec OCEAN S REACH PELICAN PLACE 12 BA house Laundry and ond floor Gull Iront view LOT FOR SALE NortnCap- HOMii Immaculate penthouse 2440 Palm Ridge Road uliN'les included Cable and 120500 Call 312 371-0130 tlva Dunes $16 GOO FOR RENT contio Pool and lennij San bel phone $900 plus security days 312 389 4240 oven 305-462 8164 14108 W8119 BSM225 ings 110687 people Call 611/472 7994 472 1439 ONE YEAR OLD HOUSE lor or BSK for Un f 2 8 * at Evenings 472 4410 AVAILABLE ^CASA YBEL SANIBEL rent upfurn shed m ri mum 8134724554 IR01J9 CAPE CORAL one year lese Lighthouse 11225 November December ISLAND Wk 15 Luxurious January 88 '87 2 bedroom 2 bath h tchen e ~d 01 Island near EXPERIENCE GORGEOUS it location — 4 blocks causeway marina 3bd/2tw. VACATION 2 tec own 2Ui lu'fusi-M washer t Of K Mart 5E 22nd NORTH CAPTIVA ISLAND home WJ « 0 Bowman j t epiace tennis pool Acc»ss be by boat pain RENTALS dryer On Quit sleeps 6 Street - 14th Avenuo 15 Beach S 4tn (Witrty pH>S AvalabieFeb 1st call Andy sea la«f Total p Ivacy in tennis pool SSIar $16000 High and dry — water Bahos ws 201 992-4040 u !« Zt 335 2715069 (216)6812602 IR1225 paid $10 000 either gulf front $1500 a VACATION RENTALS fitemrigi 10115 NEAR THE BEACHES! week or gull vew SI ,200 a ava table at P ne Cove Sea week homes Fu ly Fur CASA YBEL resort week 4 Brand new unfurnished toft and other quality com- RE5EAVE NOW $12,500 weekS S13 000or 2 bedroom 2 bath con nlshed two t*d oom two rnun I es ottering 2 and 3 FOR 87* 88 SEASON for rent SI 100 a weefc ^? CUB ncntTV me dos at SUMMtHLIN bath Soir- 3 eeys six 25»i bed oom un ts w th Gulf S t>ed oom 2 bath fur Owner 515-2334194. WOODS Annually from less May to November front and secluded locs- ilahed home Walk to vtions Call now for your I-010S HONEY SEA6R0VES = $495 month Beachfront Three night minimum Both Bowman a Beach. $1,200 seasons reservations THE BROKER 8 weekly rentals also for sale $295 COO and monthly plus utilities Call VACATION SHOPPE LIGHTHOUSE RESORT & aval able! $225000 Call Elizabeth 305-371 5069 evenings Brcker4723113. 1-0 01 ctub large luxury wa er 939 0227 Gulden (305)425-0111 M225 tronf 2 bedroom 2 bath, ^ IR-0129 and convertible den Three LIVE IN THE FORESTI ANNUAL LEASE. 2bd/1b ttrracis pool tannla Spacious 3 bedroom 2nd floor apartment East bicycles sleeps six com- home with living room end of Sanlbel Resuonslble pare before you buy Call family room den f re- adults No pets or children BJ Qalnle Vacation place & morel Available Sflilnule walk lo beaches Snoppa Sales Inc Broker annually beginning $475 monthly plus utlfitfes •113-473-0608. QIR-0101 January 1 at S1195 per 1st and security deposit. month 472-0121 before 0 a.m. or aftflfSpm (-1225 CLUB Where the action Is, LUXURV GULF FRONT Park your car and enjoy condos and resorts on SUPER C\PE LOCATION 2 Good buys All seasons MOBILE HOMES Sanibel available weekly bedroom, 2 bath, unfurnish- from only SI flOQ Call Bar monthly & seasonally ed apartmeni Pool laundry - A^SOCiATtSJNG 11ROKEI1& •¥• ban Lee Associate The FOR SALE Fall rales from (375 a drapes etc. Adults only Vacation Shops* Sales, Inc. week. sorry no pets $3B5 plus Broker (II 3>4U-930C The Vacation Shopp* security 542 6391 or "HAVINO FUN CIR010I 542-0685. M 225 JUST 1 BIO FAMILY** Brokar 813-4 72J113(Locat) SANIBEL BEACH CLUB II Our slogan at Pioneer AWARD WINNING RENTAL 800-212 7007 (Florida) Urge tutury Guillront 2 Village properties Irom Bay front bedroom 2 bath screened Mobile Home & RV «dult •00-237 7370 (US) 3 lowr homes private lake CAPTI/A ci porch Pool tennis Community MO-44M01Q (Canada) ? front homes lo gulf front homes on beautiful white bicycles sleeps si* Com • NEW MANAGEMENT • 1171 Periwinkle Way ^ sandy beaches tennis pare befori you buy Call 19 New Model Homes ready Sanlbel * courts pool alrslrlp 8 J Gswle Associate Vaca to move in Special sale SANIBEL Winter 1968 dockage, water taxi tlon Shoppe Inc Broker prices Come out and seel IT'S NOT TOO LATE house rental Large available season 12/15 5/87 L *iMT2-oeoe, Receive 1 year FREE RENT 3BDf2BA Elegant fur rates from J900 per week CIR-OtOl with new Modal purchase TO BOOK ANY OF nlshlngs Including bikes Coll Upper Capt va Property Huge enclosed porch very Mangement Inc (113) 472 THESE HOMES SHELL ISLAND BEACH RV parking available private sky deck. 500 to 0 CLUB Sanlbel near 9223 (or ava lability or *nte public boat launch Direct (5 PO Box 476 Capita FL FOR THE X Lighthouse large luxury 543-3303 mini lo Gull or Bay Quint gulf front 2 bedroom 2 bath 33924 A tew of thete COMING SEASON Vi mile west of 173 neighborhood near Capttva premier properties for sale condominium Spacious $1300 mo 472 2»2 pool lentils bicycles on Bayshora Rd SCIR-01Q1 1-0108 „ Weeks available from N S B CIR-010! SANIBEL D CONDO FOR RENT Poo! $3000 Only a lew at these UNIQJE SANIBEL COT A brand new ha'f of a duplex wrth two side townhouse 2 B0f2 prices Won I last long Call TAQE. Beach access gulf bedroom/two bams very nicely furnished FOR SALE. PERIWINKLE BA All appliances Near Herb Simon Associate The i5!ew sundeck Available for W thin walking distance to the Gulf $2 O00 per PARK DOUBL2 WIDE Sanlbet $400 per mo Call Vacation Shoppe Saks, inc. limited period 3 bedroom 2 mo MOBILE HOME. Completely bath $1 600 per month Re! 488-4665. S11224 Broker (813)472 5161 furnished two bedroom UKEMUREX CIR-0101 erences please 47« B788 two bath large livirg-dlning SMALL APARTMENT ON A brand new three bedroom home with a bright room covered carport unotf-* SANIBEL — Greai mid open feeling throughout Very close to the Gulf SANIBEL BEACH CLUB I beach Extremely cheerful atmesprwre $2300 screened porch laundry SECLUDED SANIBEL Island location — annual Lovely 2 bedroom 2 bath, c separate tool shed attrac HOUSE available now 3 lease 4T2 327T 5 10 pm large porches facing Quit lively landscaped front and O bedrooms 2 baths year's 11225 Pool tennis sauna etc rear yard Middle fifties tease 3008 Polnclana Clr AVAILABLE DECEMBER AND APRIL NICE, CLEAN apartments From $3 000 Compare Phone (813)472 2725 or cte $748 month $500 DTWO bedroonVtwo bath bright and cheerfully (813)4721433 1-0122 near San bel and beaches before you buy Call Charley deposit (305)889 0377 furnished Located close lo tie beach Monihfy Mathews Associate The on busl ne adults only No rental al $1 850 11225 pets 1 bedroom, unlums h- SECLUDED LAKE FRONT ©d $300 1 bedroom, lur FT MYERS BEACH KAMP Spotlessly clean three bedroom with large Florida Style home 2 nished $325 2 bedroom un OIR-0101 OROUNO Lot Y19 Own heated pool very near Gull Bea^-h access. bedroom, 2 bath porch and furnished $400 Annual your own lot with a 1984 t $2500 pfc. mo storage all appliances In Tease 1st and last Water SURFRIOER BEACH CLUB bedroom Skylark Park cfuded washer/dryer eewer (rash pick up Indud Best buys on Sanlbel Gulf Trailer with slide extension 2 bedroom 2 bath Quit Pines house id)acenl to nature lover a must! Annual n!4M-4eiA BI-0108 Iron), pool tannla much Large screened In porch private beach easement 400 (set to Gulf Sun $750 a month available more Compare before you with vinyl windows and at room could sleep two separate dining area. January 1st 4724494 SANIBEL TAHITI A ITS buy Low as $2,600 Call tached storage shed Air Parking underneath housa. Two swimming 11225 January special $375 per Charley Malhews conditioned and fully fur pools end tennis courts available to subdlvt- week All units are 2br/2 ba. Associate The Vacation ms'-ed In security park wlih SECLUDED SANIBEL - sicn residents $250000 monthly Includng living room k tchen Florida Shopp* Sales, Inc Broker pool Jacuzzi and clubhouse ' ) HOUSE available now 3 unities AMlIabtaDtcembe* 15ththruApriL room Newly furnished and (813)472-0335. CIR-0101 $32,000 2837318 ALL 1224 bedroom 2 baths year s lease 3008 Polnclana Cr decorated private beach ac cCARIBBEAN BEACH CLUB cle $748 month $500 cess telephone TV shell- CAPTIVA gulf Iron 2nd floor sleeps depo«ll (305)689 9377 ing bking qu et resident al Chspln Lane Cozy two b*doom piling home 4. Week II Sale $3000 SANIBEL neighborhood W tnh 10 lust a Short walk to the Gull Beach and Rent $350 ALL 1224 SUNSET BAY HOME minutes to shopping and Captiva s Chaps! By Ths-Sea and Library area. 2/1 screen porch dock reslavrants Call 549-677; Beautiful Spacious Available January for the Season Walking en bay beautiful Gulf 542 3279 eves aweekerds distance to restaurants shops and boal docks Doublewlde view and Bird sanctuary LOTS Mobile Home Write Tahiti Aois PO Box $2 000 par ma h Pels okay Monthly or 2146 Fort Myers FL 33902 Low 50s seasonal lease SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION 472-4354 1R-0108 Building Lot 305423-8478 The lines) Gull front home Imaginable Is Close to Sanlbel IR-0101 available for the month of April Four bedroom MOBILE HOMES and tour baths with Its master suite privately located on the second floor This (s NOT par! of DON'T WAITI FOR RENT a condominium strictly a private home THIS ONE IS PRICED TO SELL!! \z FULLY EQUIPPED RV ON 3 Bedroom - 2 befi Injlisfrsble park. GULF FRONT I6M4M LOT 30 with screen room Lovely four bedroom two bath Capt va Gulf AAIM fleetly Qravp Inc. Close to Sanlbel and Beach ^r&A Lofl Rrieaune Realtor Associate Front Home available Jaruary a vi February Palmetto Palms Call 472 *sMtM * Evenings 463-0524 0O63or4722542 evenings . Calfordeiala X BIS 1231 ISLAND REPORTER 0 DECEMBER 24 1980 D 1«C VACATION VACATION VACATION ie VACATION VACATION VACATION RENTALS 15 RENTALS 13 BtNTALS 15 RENTALS 15 RENTALS 15 RENTALS 15 NORTH CAPTIVA CASA YBEL SANIBEL BOARDWALK CAPEP Ft. ISLAND New deluxe alf LUXURIOUS 2 BEDROOM ISLAND Luxurious 2 BOtt Myers Beach corrpleiely conditioned cottages — 2Yt bath — Boardwalk BA, kitchen washer/dryer furnished 2 br 2 A bath tan THE ATRIUM steeps six Accessible by Caper — available now to Luxurious QUII front condo on Gulf sleeps t tennis nis healed pool boat dock k few contemporary piano or boat only water Jaruary ISlh Phone S42 too floor closest to gulf pool Available t/16-2/6/87 jacu'il Ono mile ot board irlvate homes still taxi service available From 702eorS44-2S89 ALL 12(7 Ava lable year round SI IXVwfc (216)6812882 walk- From SI OOQfmo available lor rental this $450Jwk 305-971-0456 or One week minimum FORT MYERS BEACH — 1 466 3407 BCM231 season Quiet beaches 305-391-0711 in 42367 BEAUTIFUL VACATION bedroom t bat*) fully fur private air strip dock HOUSE 2 BR/2 BTH right Call or write (of brochure nlthed apartment In Twin BEACH HOUSE lor rent, on gol' course magnificent CO Leach MD space available water taxi Beach Villa 2 bedroom 2 Palm* Inn 1 block to beacn service From $750 per Xmas through January 25th view overlooking lakes 733MaV1 secluded still home .PLACE TO STAY? w'th contemporary space amongst the trees on lh« and luxury A (wo-minut* lake tn Gumbo Umbo You will find some great •troll from a beautiful Available March 1 to April opportunities on Uv* unique private beach on the Gulf 17 S2200 Month. island of G&spanlla. Near historic Chapel-by the- Choose from a variety of Sea, CaptWa Library and WHETHtRBMNOCm 3 BEDROOM 2» BATH South Seas Plantation HEMTINO, townhouse duplex Lo- vacation and ne&sonal Resort With n walking catd on Djnes Gtov beachfront accom .- d'Hance of Captlva a finest Course Nswty furnished tOOKTOEXreRJENCE modations in a non restaurants Two bedrooms Approximately 1 mile to two full baths, completely beach Available entire v commercial, retreat- equipped space age kit season $3200 mont \like atmosphere chen washer/dryer light January K50Q month. airy great room with cathedral ceilings den O LARQE 2 BEDROOM 2 screened veranda Fur BATH home on Captlva, 2 nlshed with lovely Sftaker houses back from Gulf antiques Photos and Available Decembe half references available of March April S675 S5507wk. May 3 December wwk 14 taSO/wk Dec 14-May 3. Discount on monthly ren- 2 BEDROOM 2 BATH Gulf tals Write Henry Romersa front home on SanbeL (Capt'rt), *911 Tanglewood Available January 15 to Drive Nashville Tennss&w February 16 37216 (815) 262 9859 H-O101 MAIN OFFICE SEA OATS BRANCH 2 BEDROOM 2 BATH Park Ave k 4th Strert STOO Gulfahore Dnvc THE ATRIUM- 1898 sq ft HOME. Located appro* QuII front luxury 212 Imately 300 ft from Gulf beCrooms 2 baths, huge r- Near Captlva Available balcony 6 paddle fans starting Feb 1f87 S25O0 BOCA GRANDE REAL ESTATE, INC. brochure available month PO Box 686 SS35fweek til December 5th S7S0 January SI 000 3 HEOHOOM 214 BATH Boca Grande FL 33921 Season. (203) 438-5878 HOME IN THE DUNES j^ IR-Q1CH 813/472-1613 Avai'ablo Dec Jan March 12700 month January 12000 month. 3 BEDROOM 2Vi BATH HOLD THE PHONE HOME on Dunes goifcourse Pool facilities Available starting January Before you call another rental management 6 S320O month January VIP Really Group, Inc. 12500 month company kindly lend an ear to what PMR ha* to tay. 9060 Causeway Road ihdLfc FJk)395 We Can Mcodmlze Your Rented Income

Our reservahomsts are trained sales profea x • * sionals — not phone operators standing by They work hard to rent jour unit Add that fact to these our long standir^ reputation for repeat customer bookings exten- • e sive national advertising* oftice location (we have the , best walk in trade on the Islands) and it spelts out the greatest possible financial return to you as an owner of „ The ESI Difference vacation property Is Service Trust In Our Services VACATION RENTALS You can feel secure when your property is Largest selection to choose from on Sambcland managed by PMR even if you re thousands of miles II other Tropical Islands Call or stop by and auay We arrange continuous inspections of your unit disco\-erthcESIDiffcrcncc Switchboard open plus operate a full sen tee maintenance program staffed 24 hours every day of the year by in house personnel In addition w e provide 24 hrJ7 da> emergency service — if there s a problem any time of the day or night we H be there You can also count on timely monthly statements income/expense summaries Cat Ibl Free Nationwide 1000-1376002 as well as maintenance and repair reports You won t tn Canada 1 600-4 47-600 2 1600-2827137 find a more comprehensive management program I_rl TEL£X 797295 anywhere EXECUTIVE SERVICES INC 455 Periwinkle Way SanlbetIsland FL33957(813)4724(85 Now, About That Call

1-800-237-6008 FL (813)472-4113 Priscilla Murphy Realty, Inc.


VACATION VACATION HELP RENTALS 15 RENTALS 15 PEBSONAIS 22 SINCERELY HELP YOURS 23 WANTED WANTED 31 FURNISHED 2 bedroom SUNDIAL OF SANIBEL Ab a par Imam private pool solute true quU fan loca f AM AN ATTRACTIVE Divorcee 31 5 10 wilhtwo Near San bel and Ft Myers t on In A building t 5 2 34 FT CRAB BOAT pnlcen daughters Looking Beach $800 IJ 000 per bedroom cendos SCREENED SAFE. CONF 0£V Need t eck for Gentle-nan 40-SO I na.) hand month 472 5296 BI-OI0? BreainiaKingvewofgull Ut i *L van RESPECTED SERVICE, Capliva cally a emotionally secure NO expet e rce WEEKLY OR MONTHLY Cely furnished AVAILABLE OC*t MS00UCIIONS NonsTioker social drinker needed Ca M ke Completely furnished Alt WEEKLY {216)492 9259 1 600-2B2 S4H I I ke d essftg up d o ng 472 4164 EvenIngs 6 4/2J87 you need is your tooth NSCBI 1231 oul slow dancing good 81 231 I) ush 4 bedroom 2 bath LOGGERHEAD CAY - 2 vtine good con versa t on HStflVAT C ST [over 2000 sq ft) screened Bedr 2 Blh Condo — Gut' PRIVATE PARTIES have hisloncal exploiat on Our SantpMsand »mj &f ,re porch on private lake South GOVERNMENTJOSS view — completely furnish meney to lend for any pur travel lam ly v Ceo movies s jeVnga eservatonst locetlon Close tu shopping S16 040 SS9 230fyear New h ed with all amen I es - pose $1000 to $10 000 No Witling to lake a change ere E»CBteiit*ep anevwcf and beaches Neat as a pin h f PS Call (805) 647-6000 available! weekly or monthly c ed t chock Homeowners you' All lelle s with pitolos P eas ng pt wu tji fgm clean as a whistle 466 5606 inswered #267 Ext R1261 for current -call 513 39W412 please call 765-0402 tyo rg Some weekend wo h BCIR-0104 federal list IR71S87 ALL 1225 f^ifii Ota) Bia » Uense all 1224 HOBO - 35 WM v. Ih In rnjweiJ Begnnngsai'v up SANIBEL SUNSET SOUTH SUNDIAL OF SANIBEL Outstanding locations 2 LONELY? terests in sc ence nature to 515 000 cmnmensurate *nh CONDOMINIUM spacious 2 EARN HUNDREDS weekly gulf front i bedroom club Call 93* 5606 myllmel bLs ness and (hearts Flyer brf2b pool oulf front beau at homo] B« flooded with eipetpnce Ca I Sit Cus'i ng suite candos Beautiful Write sailor pano player Work tllul views ol palms beach various tiffersl Details? for at )p{ioin!rr*nt 489 3303 views elegant accommoda BrlnglnQ people Together occasionally Travel a lot Gulf Don Faae (616) 866- Equal OtDOrtun ly Employe? lions All amenities Dating Service Would < ke to share sorre of Send self addressed t142 7590 Corlland Rock Available weekly montMy 1620 Medical Lane the excitement Mlth a happy stamped envelope to P O HUMS ford Ml 49341 142587 season rates womat who has lots of Box 447 Cliffwood NJ Suite 232 THE SANDWICH BASKET is (612) 133 5049 ideas and energy too 1260 07721 81-0367 For| Myers FL 33907 looking for kitchen help SOUTH SEAS PLANTA alter 6pm TION Luxurious marina Established 1977 needed full or part lime ex iR-0129 Locally owned WOULD LIKE TO MEET POSITION novr open lor bus vllli Superb loc«t!or View cellent wages good r*ou?s Chamber mernberl LADY v>ho Is down to earth person a cook. Full & part on the wiler boat dock All CAPTIVA ISUND Sandnff 8 Ire ere caring romanl c Apply in person or call resort licliltles 2 btdroom collages on I ho beach In- Sate o time Call 472 1242 not in o bar scene Enjoys 11225 4S34347 SIR 1225 2 balh No pels Monthly side South Seas Plantation 123456/1224 boating fishing biking weekly rates 7 day mln. One and two bedrooms natu « animals travel Imuro. Available December J650 and $750 per week Olf crazy laughter and qulat 15th arid Ihereafler Rent season tales lower SINCERELY limes Lght drinker Smoker THE BUBBLE ROOM RESTAURANT directly from owner and 472 4207 11?25 YOUBS OK photo teller answered lava Call collect (914)737 23 Florida s most unique award winning and 6121 1-0108 CAPTIVA •3 TO ANSWER AN AD Florida trend Top 100 Restaurant Is now ac Secluded cottage 300II to 1 Write your letter te PROFESSIONAL MAN ear ceptlng applications tor the following FOR RENT fabulous 2 Gulf beach Peilecleondl Ing sure to Include ly Ms we'l built darkly positions ^ bedroom 2 bath tlon. Available for season your address and handsome would enjoy townhous* Direct Gulf Please calt Island Real meeting a woman over 25 Prep cook — Bartenders — Llfie Cook — phone number front calnedfal ceiling rool Eslate Inc. Ask for Paul who Is in'o alhletics and topsundeck Former model 4721123 s Bushel P - Utility Person 11225 2 Seal in plain perhaps body building 1 Some prims weeks sillt envelope write Iden just moved Into this area Full or Part Time positions available — avalable Call Glenn Caretta tiflcation number and am ready to start a new apply In person or call Jeif or Dave Realtor Associate wlln John WANT TO lite I am uncumbered Naumann and Associates where stamp should 472-5558 RENT financially and emot otially S00 237 6004 eves 17 be secure and would prefer so- 4724844 11225 IM A QUIET employed 3 Place letter with meone with similar at AFFORDABLE Dee Jan single rmn ooking for a $100 and a 22 cent tributes 1271 rental 1335 per week with 2 Immadlats Opening for house or an apartment to stamp in a large TWO SINGLE PHOFES week minimum 2 bedroom share on Sanlbel Please envelope S1ONAL WOMEN (40 s) ar Sales Trainee 2 bain 5 minutes from write Box 1431 Sanlbel riving for vacation at Beach Sanlbel THE VACATION 11225 4 Mall to Sincerely Thanksgiving week In SHOPPE Broker 472-3113 Here Is your opportunity to Join Southwest WANTED TO RENT, weeks Yours 16681 McGregor terested In meeting two 1-0101 7 8 and 9 ai Plantation Blvd, Fort Myers, FL single gentlemen who Florida s fastest growing NEWSpap»r SANIBEL, West Gulf Drive Beach Club 013) 061 2105. 33909 would enjoy d nner and dan group Before stepping out on your own area Large 1 bedroom 11231 cing Phong number please you II learn the ropes of this highly apartment limited to two YOU ARE A SINGLE time is short *27O rewarding career field while assisting one adulls private beach ac" LOST AND m. FEMALE with Christian ceas no pets available FOUND 21.;, values never married age SWF 25 pet te b'onde at of our professional staff Salary plus January February 1987 20s 10 early 10s honest and tract ve college grad Ex benefits $1200 per mo 472 4W3 LOST ON BEACH-Lades sincere and not really sure cellent sense of humo' 1-0101 diamond engagement ring about this column, like ma, athletic I m looking for a between CASA YBEL and TRANQUIL, SERENE 12 but frustrated by the lack >t SWM 25 35 non smoker Apply In person Tarpon Bay Read — great ways to meet lha opposite miles to Sanlbel Urge 2 who Is not a couch poiato sentimental value Reward sex other than n bars. YOU Mr Sherman Sunbelt bedroom IK bath garden Interest include b k ng dan Gal! collect 313-54O-S330 are somewhat earthy and villa New furnishings elng aerobics seeing Publishing 16681 McGregor Blvd SW, non pretentious but clf'i ap- Florida, fish ng *a'ch ng washer dryer pools tennis preciate life s finer things Kingston Square Fort Myers «SBCM>GI Monthly JI 200 Includes the sunset on the beach = YOU ara^-an Intelligent Willing to try anytlng utilities Owner 481-0750 oroaniiedvind contclen 22 (almost) fun Include photo IR-0101 tlous type ol person, not In- I2S6 B5NCI-01G1 NORTH CAPTIVA ISLAND to drugs a non smoker and GIRLS GIRLS SWM Age between 29 ana New deluxe air condition- GIRLS light drinker YOU are a 4t Are you an OK looking ed houses Sleeps 6 Ac ADAM k EVE" "water person" appreciate cesslble by plane or boat The finest escorts in town nature and the ocean and woman under 457 Are you only Water tax) service Blondes, redheads bru the tropics YOU should be shept cat? Do you read a available From 3450 wk nettes writing MEI lam a 28 year wide variety ol books? Do 305 871 0450 or 24hoursinrfca 1275-3303 old male and much like art, seiual fantasy * coit- 303-391-0711 IR1324 AII-0226 youl Let a correspond edy form fundamental com Photo exchanged If ponents of your personal) desired 1282 ty? Send short letter « photo tor fascinating fun BSC11217 quest onalre My pholo to NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS! 11224 follow Please sincere in tellectual women only Mo in all positions full & part time for born agalns smokers 1287 Condominium Renlals... DOCTOR 38 5 6 busy new restaurant on Sanlbel St1224 bylhovrtt* monlh tw seasor! Qoodtookln0 athletic Tolls paid Apply In person to 1975 X muscular secure flexible Interests seeks attractive HELP Periwinkle (Tahitian Gardens Shop- HARBOUR COTTAGES lady 25 35 Photo and era phone 1283 ALLO 07 WANTED 31 ping Center) or call for interview, Three bedroom, three bath exquisitely decorated and located on a deep water ac NEEDED- FULL AND PART 472-4224 SWF32 still looking lor com TIME persons for Bailey s cess canal Tennis, pool, barbecue and panion to attend events Casual Wear on Sanibel with Possess traits of boat dockage Included Available on a Island Call 4721638. monthly basis at $3,500 maturity Intellect non egotistical non chaotic Ir 1225 humor appreciate all forms of nature no drugs likes to Oowwnant Jobs ADVERTISING SALES read and learn astrology $400 to Si 600 weekly im- IBS ACCOMMODATIONS INC, love cats no k ds down to mediate openings 815-729- Be come a vital pan of THE ISLANDS earth some! mes #264 1444 ett 2728 for current award winning newspaper staff federal ist 11224 ALL-0107 Knowledge of ad layout or media sates experience a plus For more Information call OPEN LETTER Maureen Steeger To all ol those beautiful ladies who AT 472-1587 wrote to me (251) ITFN SEASONAL RENTALS njwinnfwvwimvwnnnnnjtnjwnnnjmnj I want to thanK you and the Sincerely SEA OATS Yours column I found someone VIP REALTY 3 Bedroom, 3 Bath, through this ad I have been trying Is looking for proven Associates If you are 500 Ft to Beach an established real esiato professional and and trying to find someone special feel qualified to join the V'P Realty Group LIGHTHOUSE POINT and thank God, I found her Team Call VIP today 2 Bedrooms 2 Bath, Den There are so many beautiful people 472 5197 Ask for John Rellly Calf Betty Thompion out there, just like us Please keep Sanibel Sales Manager on trying, don't give up Thanks, We offer proven marketing, lead generation Sincerely Yours, and God bless you leadership and Ihe finest group of all for responding professional real estate associates on the Islands VIP offers high commissions and excellent support That Is why VP had 18 Million Dollar Circle Winners this year VIP REALTY GROUP, INC

Charles S Safko NSCB11231 »21813 ISUND REPORTERD OECEMBER 24,1B38 D 21C HELP HELP MISC MISC WANTED WANTED 31 31 FOB SALE 42 FOR SALE 42 SERVICES 47 49 PART TIME positions Join CHEEIURGER CHEEBURGER BARGAINS aluminum WASHER DRYER Sears Southwest Florida 9 fastest of Sanltw Full and part taiousle door J45 aluminum best Almond Excellent HELPS. growign NEWSpaper group Christmas lime waiter and waitress window *20 copy 3M office cond tion, heavy duty S*00 IS HERE! ^ as pad of the Classified position 14 hr, plus tolls machine paid JiflOO 1st set or olfer Call 463-6387 Store Flexible hours hourly and lipi Also hiring orill $50 buys 12*20 scran Puppy Sale pay plus bonuses Training cooks kitchen helpers days Sam apm room $400 Call M2 2822. rt or long Mm — }, age Is not a barrier to sue cashiers We ere looking NSBI-0101 BIR1225 •) HClPS BKM.W cess Phone Sieve Sher for bright cheerful eager man WO500 lor Interview people who want to be r» for |ow M1WIMI IvniUt SCBI41I5 part ot the greatest restau rant on the Is lard Success 768-1215 HAVE YOUR REAL ESTATE "I It has been a pleasure Frt« 01ft tor tfCftpuppr license and ate looking lora pan time positln? You will dealing with the Labs Pomennlan Ooxles be Interested In the oppor ONE -S33e*°M Classified Store A! Shepherds Lhasai lunlly we have (or you RETAIL SALES PERSON Mmitt>«»*!M fordable rates ser Cockers Pugs Rott KATIE Q Afl DIN A S "lease call 472 3113 (or wallers Springs Bostons LITTLE UEPUAIO evstf**^ vice, results we could more information 1-0108 Yorfcies yvesties SMtv Call Jelt or Dave — have sold a dozen Tzus Poodles Qotdens lot appointment PAINTINO SPECIALIST P/TorFfT more there were so Chows Chhu*huas Scot 472 SS5S Interior Eiterior G Days person lor small sa ta» L, many calls Residential & Condos tes Boxars Schnauzers cleaning company Above George Christian Mobile Horn** American Eskimos Aus average wagas to honest NSCB11231 5*fford En erprlses tralisn Shepherds Jap- dependable person who ARNOLDS 4H 91(5 anese Chins Chasa lakes pride in their work OF CAPTIVA FREE ESTIMATES peahes tru} many often Opportunity tor advance BROWN COUCH coffee BIO122 men! 4721970 1-0107 Looking for reliable part table d ring room table and time sales clerk Call • Free obedience 4 chairs Canopy bed Tore* 47 THERAPEUTIC MASSAQE PART TIME maintenance Sharon 472-3777 ndlng mo*er w'catchcr *•• Ubi* « four hero* V mi ettic* • Free vet visit man lor shopping center I IQt Two Sarlo mowers canoe C«R PROFESSIONAL I r.n..d » o'tiii ?n« ISJlf • Financing Light general maintenance 472 9341 11226 AUTO 0ETAILINQ id a-ti ttmtti n Approximately 20 hrs per Interior - Exterior week. 15 per hour Send FOR SALE BY SANIBEL 4°8t-4«42.472 3821 Paint refurbishing & seal 4*3*072. resume lo MK POBox CAPTIVA CONSERVATION ants 'lust repair steam 08730 Ft Myers FL 33308 CLEANERS WANTED FOUNDATION Brand new Bruce Billows SANIBEL clean carpet Engine 11225 never uncraiedt Troy Super 772001B FREE £srl Leonards itrwri Bin *d lor Tomahawk Chipper/Shred MOTEL HELP WANTED der with 8 HP Brlggs & ICOULDYOURBOAT 1-675-4304 part time cleaning Som« Stratton engine and electric LOOK BETTER? Nscaiomi light olllce work Studio start Was 11200 MAKE OF I do boat washing seating apartment provided Call FER Call 472 2533 between wailncT & comp etg 4721282. SBM22* 930and1230pm 1R1225 detailing Inside and/or out side Call for mo e Infor AUTOMOTIVE 53 SECURITIES/INSURANCE OARAGE mation PROFESSIONALS W5-4395 if lar6PM 19S3 HONDA CIVIC, air Great opportunity !o build salts •'•c:. ' Train-It b"»Vv': power brakes and steering ^TRAVEL AdENT" biack 14 TOO Call 448-1620 MAftrS CLCANINQ SER days 267 3473 after $ p m business Join LaSalEe St WE BRING OUR TRUCK .-'-I ITOUR GUIDE••;•. VICE on Sanlbel and Cap- j ALL-0115 Securities on the Island md cash for your lurnl V.-;i:'AiBUNE : .-lv tlva Island Openings 472 4041 lof Iniervie* ure appliances antiques 1083 TOYOTA COfiOUA, 4 Thursday and Friday morn- ools fish no dear gulf rJIESEBVATIONiSTS door AC 5-speed Excellent Ings Call 772 2M4 clubs boat motors and t Siirt Iqcallyi lull; >. condition Only 35 000 -. FULL OR PART TIME nice MUSICAL 40 boats small items etc or Call 772 2684 mtes $5 500 Caotiva Ca'l {£t working conditions ladles WANTED responsible party complete estates ? IR1225 4T2-04M 1-0101 swlmwear must be matute to asiume monthly pay QUICK SERVICE tn Uvi tlrUnrccm-. neat and friendly Good ment on Sp rit Console pultrs,- Harris Studyv" OHrWALL, STUCCO PLAS- See the new FBANKUN piano Can be seen locally 463-6095 ind Ktsldlnl Ttain. TER REPAIRS Ceilings tat PARK models S or 12 it Please Include phone I and tured or popcorn f n sh. wide Four 31 fl used trail- BUR-0212 write to cred t manager Box in|.FImnciil ild '•?::. Licensed and insured No frs for sale Jerry t Holi- 8547 Fl Myets FL 33906 ivilllblt: Job placl- ob loo big or small 23 day RV Seles 3911 Palm HOSTESSES NEEDEDI ALL 1224 WANT TO mtnl.asslslinea. ,' '•- yens exoef ence J KANE Beach Blvd RL 60 (Next Tolls paid meals provided BUY 46 Nil't Jfdgtrs.; LHI",FL DRY WAIL CO 772 3808 to Wendy 1) 0(4-4410 medlcal/dsnlal available HOUSEHOLD .. M5SSS0 ALL 1231 Call Sue at tetizlas 472 WANTED clocks antiques A.C,f. Trtvil SclMol 2177 SBCI 123t FOR SALE Hi and collectibles Can before ;3 HOtSE M0V1NQ ^ 1981 CORVETTE - with GREAT BUY FOR KOLI 8pm 472 2717 Ra se to 3Story Level' white rtop — fully loaded 1-4 16-67 I Moving Raising Equip for HUNDREDS WEEKLY! DAYS! Lenox china — - call 472-4tlt - ot 4M- Eclipse — Pattern 24KI Rent Also Trash Hauling HOME MAILING PRO 0145 BSIG-OtOt gold trim 45 piece set Plonetr House Moving GRAM) Information? Send Serves 8 — never used 403.4006 SERVICES 47 Make Both Ends M 82 TOYOTA, \k ion, long self addressed stamped Retail 12160 — sell for BSCNI-03M envelooe — B Coppola, bed pickup — P?S S-sp««d $995 Call 267-3062 BIQ OVERWEIGHT? UNHAPPY? WHY NOT ENROLL NOW If* 1510 SE 16lh St Cape AM/FM A/C white with blue 1224 Chocse the nation s II Her A PROGRAM THAT W LL PUT Cora) 33904 (-0129 tOU N THE OftlVER S SEAP interior S2R95 8SNCI1225 bal Nutrltlor Program Take SEEIMQ IS BELIEV1NQ1 B2 ELECTROLUX UPRIGHT the first step to a healthy SEMI RETIRED KAN DELUXE VACUUM CLEAN UNITED TRUCK MASTER DYMAN leaking for Strail Mercury Grand Marquis SECURITY OFFICERS happier life 469-4040 ER only used three times SEMI DRIVER TRAINING Carpentry Jobs — or — mint cond lion all powe Ptnkertorts now hirng for bsnclR 1231 Sanibel'Captiva and Ft only $200 Evenings call WE CAN HELP, any other odd jobs 25vrs electric sunrool velour In- Myers Beach Top wages 275-3005. 11224 optionee 93B 7630 terior 2 lone crea-n ex (Ires life Insurance profit Does your niter NSBIC4115 sharing paid vacations «a SCHWINN TANDEM anyt me or 472-4151 aiL tra pay ontiol days Full or excellent condition - Have an odor 3447 12/21 to MVU> § part lima permanent or 472S258 11224 SCt 1224 ? - Taste bad emrjorary positions OUR ONLY JOB IS TENNIS ANYONE? KINO WAVELE5S WATER - Or la it cloudy ava labfs Call 275 9M5 9 TRAINING Want to improve your con- 65 CHEV Convers on Van am 4pin Mon Frt Equal BED never used $IB5 TRUCK DRIVERS nis game' Call Barry at Ifw Ne* fist 124 000 Best offer Opportun tv Eroplojer Washer JI85 Dryer $135 Oo you use bottle water Tenn a ShOD for private or r^srS 11000 85 Munda Ac Headquarters I0IIS Refrigerator £165 Water becauso ol any ot tf cond tion 472-4037 eves " above * Local drink ng walef never used 14122 56SS Youngqulst BSNC11224 $395 ea VtaMt J195 3VS If you answer yes Fort Mvttt aquamarlre r ng size BW to any of these call Bt3-41»XM; ATTENTION V.e need MERCURY 84 COLONY JZ35 Sofa loveseal and work Home rap a 1% add PARK WAGON (en match ng chair J395 772 Nsceia-otca dons electric pa nt ng passenger loaded Call 549- 8761 ALL 1231 THE WATCH COMECTIH BRYAN OOODALL concrete carpentry kit 2447 Of 772 5800 549-8289 CONTRACTOR chens baths ttverhangs ALL 1231 Part time clerical position MISC No job too small Goodv.ork roofing aid ng 25-yra ex 19H TOYOTA van LE EFl aviilabl* it South Stas FOB SALE 42 For a free ht>7ie test ana at a lair price Lie CW00003 perience licensed qual ty leaded 3000 miles 2 sun • o Plantation. 50 words per minute typing ability re- DON T PAY $40 to $50 for a fled lab techniciar stale 542 2822 NSB11225 'passenger metallic beige quired. Previous person Sanlbel shell mirror when 1 licensed EPA registered Island " must sell Assumable loan nil office and CRT «i make and sell them 'or only No obligation by January 1st at 472 IKS. pertence deilnd Call LOCKSMITH 120 Call any t me 472 452B BSCNIR ms PETS 49 11225 4725111 oiL3387 IR 1225 IR-0101 : AKC SCHNAUZERS ready 1*11 PORSCHE 911 SC r for Christmas 3 males will Targa, Sandtlwood metallic, 473-1394 l hold tor deposit lalls new wires front spoiler car Thanks Classified Store W«h.r I Hcrma Thocnpton docked and wormed Ctn covers togi blue Tonkt HOUSEKEEPER be seer anytime (275 Tuscon Mint condition Positions currently CHIROPRACTIC — Hiry G Locaied in Cape Coral Call S19975 472 5441.^ available at - The best v>ay to adver Kair OCPA The practice $42444? 101225 11237 SOUTH SEAS Use is In the Classl of Chiropractic 1640 PLANTATION tied Store We had RECREATIONAL Q Periwinkle Way Limeiree COCKER SPANIELS 1 14 00 per hour Call numerous calls and Center 4721824. IR-0115 472 5111 Ext. 3387 female 3 males READY IN /£HICUS 54 TIME FOR Christmas BIRO101 sold our freezer the PETE S CARPENTRY AND r Pleas* call 403-6648 or 542 flOSALO 21 1964 Center Joseph Kamylk PAiNTINQ 43W SCV0101 console with 200 HP FULL TIME POSITION avail Pete s Carpentry and Pain- Ev in rude new landum able with answering service North Fort Myare line tbulld in cabinets trailer T top VHF Loran Call 4721323. IR-010I specialty) Island AUTOMOTIVE 53 depth recorder lie COO references 454-0167 4C24M5. 11225 1(73 OLDS custom cruiser lUt on wagon Sy oric'nal CARPET MASSAOETHERAPY owner Loaded Make offer Nationally fctown com gf lor • !•• iv 4721307 1-0115 pany offers carpet st IMMEDIATE SALE HELP WANTED wholesale prices — lo MOTOR HOMES •tallvd Call Kent at ^ 1983 CADILLAC SEDAN TITAN -110 500 27 N - OBSERVER NEWSPAPERS 42000mles Qftit eondl 574 2220 DEVILLE one owner Experienced professional newspaper car ipofeas 30000 miles 472 NSCBI-0115 4022 ^BSNCim* SPORTS COACH-Cross riers for Tuesday and Wednesday deliveries country S26 500 36 000 mi« Riady lo toil. In addition to Fl Myers we are specifically SW FLORIDA 7B DATSUN 2802X ex celient condit on, (4 00ft or Come see Ihern concentrating In (he Cape Cora! area Please FURNITURE Sun at Red Coconut Established 1976 We spe- best offer New pa nt call Lisa Habbtltz weekdays 1 FT Cf RTIFtCATtl AVAILABLE radials immaculate con R V Park 300t Estero cialise In repairing & re ditton AM/FM cassette Bird Fl Myers Bch 466-1811 finishing all furniture AX Call S42B694 after NSCBIRO-OtOf 936-2735 5pm ALL 1225 , BSCNI4304


RECREATIONAL RECREATIONAL ™ RECREATIONAL BOATS AND BOATS AND ., BOATS AND VEHICLES 54 VEHICLES 54 VEHICLES 54 MOTOPS 61 MOTORS 01 MOTOPS 61 27 OLOBESTAR TRAVEL A 198STIDWELLCATAL1NA SEA STAR 22 ft 1«82 run WA7KINS 27 sal La ge 1982 17 AOOASPORT 70 TRAILER Ufloba h sold 3* ft motor home w th only about I O Mercruiser tan cabin 6 ft headroom hp Johnson Excel ent con wood cab nets large 2500 m les Th s un t Is oad detn tra ler Full canvas and dasel wheel furling jb dloo $5995 San be" 472 relrigeraior/lreeier A/C ed and will for Im moorhg cover Ship to Recent survey Sanibet 6521 Leave message Bl 107 electric tongue jack Ex med ale sale Call crnle at shore rad o good cond t on 472 26S4 BIO108 eel I ant condition 15 500 813.489*444 reasonable Call 549-326S MARINE - HV SALES WII deliver Call alter Jpm NSCBIRCSG-0108 SBNCIG-010) IS HOBtk CAT RACER c TRAVEL TRAILERS 542 2S53 ALL 1224 with (rai er ye low w th 2011 Shista S2 500 1985 TOYOTA m ni motor BOATS AND Tequila Sunr se sails Spaie tfliO MERCURY 90 hp 14 FT SKIFF SIM) 16 FT 35ft AmericanPk S12900 home fully equipped In MOTORS parts Extra Sharp SI 800 Power trim I ft 20 shaft 61 SKIFF $350 20 FT M0NZA c ud fig ir crowave cab and 4891041 csk lor Paul 489- excellent cond ton $1000 30 It Kountry Alre 15 500 1041 or463-1413 BSCMHM camper air conditioning Call Dave 4721521 14101 24 It Frolic $5 995 1984 WELLCRAFT 348 Needs work $?300 Call AM FM sle eo and tape Sportsman 2£ OMC 406-5656 or 472 5526 p'ayej lor front and rear Seadlve 15 hp EvnrLde MOT0RH0MES BI-0107 END OF THE YEAFfsACi 197S Swinger 30II 10% OFF all Wools"? topside and bottom pa nl Lowest (13900 refr geral on t Im tabs e* prices in SW Fla As tow as J9 95 Pftf quart F berglaa* tras make ofter «177M 1978 Crulsemaster 24 11 1B8t CELEBRITY 21 ft Resin (9 95 per gal $43 75 per 5-0*1 Vve ca ry a com QRADY 986 offshore 24 bowrder r/o new Interior piflte tnc of fberglass supples •) dscount prices $13 900 CHRISTMAS FOR THE hitdtop 200 and 9 9 super condition $6 900 wll Epo.y res n $9 60 per qt $35 80 per gal 3.13 n nylon I ne 34 It Scamper 80ATER1 Apelco LCD Yam anas on transom finance 472 0010 or reg 24 now 14 per ft to Inch nylon line reg 33 now Slh wheeler li'hl nder reg $299 95 now brackets VHF loran many 472M10 BNCI1225 22 per f I 30% off all anchors Lifevesisreg HO Know J1B8 Ray Jet 50 channel 16900 extras Mint cond t on "only S4 79 5-fi boalpaddesreg$1095 now M 95 llarah Is VHF $299 91 no* $169 95 70 hours S29 995 Sar be I teg 31995 now S1295 Some Petil and Inlertux pa nl) Depthtinder reg S169 95 PARK MODELS 472 5*55 AIL 1225 50% off Te*k cleaner and malniensnc* h I reg HO95 Single llp-ouls now W9 95 Ray Jeff han now $3 99 Anchor Chocks reg S24 95 now S12 9* X, Ige UtYcunNot 3511 Troplcana $5900 dh»1dVHFteg $39995 no* II TRI HULL CAPRICE pumps reg 17 95 now J3 99 25-60% oil Te ef lei conl ol Advertising In $199 95 Teak swim plato m 115 HP — 1974 Mercury and steer rig cables We carry replacement IrO and reg $12995 now $43 VHF Th s wtek K Island Reporter engnepa tj Freon a r horns reg $U95no«$B9S 30% DOUBLE TIP OUTS power lift with Murray antennas reg $695 now trailer 335-1900 or S9S-SH0. Thousands of Piopit olf all I/O and oulbua d p ops Bottom paint reg $69 95 3511 Park Home $9900 now $35 per ga" 8 inch deck plates reg $14 95 now $449 95 outboard klckfer B5CI-0114 \Ai» Wondeing Wly 35 It Lorgwood SB 995 backets reg $109 95 now $6 00 M sc watersk, equ pment 50% ofl itNotUkng 35 It Trophy 19935 16995 1979 24 REINELL cuddy To ThemI Comi IM ui and uvi csbin with custom hand top MAfllNETRADINGPOST Bolto-nt UpMnln* Fresh waler boat with Old 41 at Pondella 1000 San Carlos Blvd 16394 San Carlos Mirlni Trading Post tandem trailer Too many ex No Ih Fort Myers Fol Myers Beach tras IO menl on Must see 1000 San Carlos Glvd 997 5777 46G 2636 466-3616 FMB Ike newt 466 8746 o 4662638 977 S777 BCIQ-0101


CLEANING "On Island" Service for Your T.V. or Appliance -AQUA WASH- Sanibci Creative Tile Co. PRESSURE CLEANING 7t Hour ErotrgMC) S«r»Ic« «7 RvsJOO -Slnglewldes$35 -Double$40 2123 Pilrn Rldgt Ho*d " Price Includes Wax carports awnings scresntoorru 472-2853 T1 472-Tile "46 3'zazT" 8S12 Ucanse»»l«e GENERAL SERVICES ENTERTAINMENT residential a commercial

PARTY TIME DEVEIOPRK complete repair & remodeling service "Tt)§nk$ tor alt feat tuppcrt" AM) PRINTING •Quick Gram — $20 v^ •Plcturegram — $12 Limited Tims ( V) Urn ted Time codb-incetaons ( • Any Occasion \tf/ * Spur ol the Moment THE I51AND CAMERA A great CMtimti g ft SHOP FOR FILM * 3 Wlllla ft Kitty H non SCI-0108 481 S327 , FINE ACCESSORIES 1571 Per wnkleWoy 473 1086 DECORATING uxi AnrlQoco 2323 Woos ir Lana

CARS 472-4783 HOMES ELECTRONICS HOME MAINTENANCE •-STARP0N BAY ELECTRICw^ , 2416 B Palm Ridge Rd, Sambel DON'T REPLACE YOUR CABINETS! GIVD tnem a face I It New Construction — service Calls Ih me new styling & colors Residential — Commercial in Expert Sen/ice Op To Halt The tyorthem Cost 33YRS EXPERIENCE Jarr^Keldenrelch Electrical Wiring 936 0344 Air Conditioning OPEN 472-4270 CALL MR •CBC026M2 HEEESriMATE Telephone Wiring and Service i ~ SOU FRUTA6 License #1683 I PAINTING Bonded,Insured ' 24-HOUR SERVICE — 472-9675 C0NTBAC1ING SERVICES CO

PAINTING - INTERIOR EXTEHIOR FLORIST 10* Discount on Painting Rental Properties FTD (Prattnt th s ad) / Pressure Cleaning — Wall Covering Flowering 472 3125 US 1-800 854 9730 Ext Special Coaling — New Construction Fie 1-600-282)738 4723 , 765-4590 01 X n ISLAND REPORTER n DECEMBER 24,1988 O 23C with a grain of salt

one cup of confectioner's sugar, two tsp vanilla these into short pencil shapes and form into half a tsp salt and five cups of sifted white all crescents Bake 12 14 minutes until cootoca are a i Don't forego those cld approx BO The secret is of course, just to smile gently and proximately 12 14 minutes White still warm, roll in ,, 1 ! Presto In approximately t^o hours, you have never let them know how easy the whole thing is confectioners sugar Yield approx 80 cookies turned out more than 200 cookies — at the rate of You start with a basic butter cookie dough Take To the next portion of dough, blend in one tsp al less than a minute per cookie — all of which Uste one pound of butter at room temperature, cream in mond extract and 3/4 cup ground ^Imonds Roll delightfully different and complicated In years gone by, the process would have consumed two or three days what with grating sugar and chopping nuts, etc , but today alfof the ingredients may be bought ready to use at your neighborhood super market FREE DINNER FOR TWO However, considering that it is now only a day and a half tilt Christmas, you may not have two hours to spend In that case, I advise you to cheat Buy a coLple of rolls of Pillsoury Slice N Bake sugar cookies, as well as red and green colored sugar~and red and green "writing gel " Be careful the tubes of red and green frosting need special tips which must be bought separately, and not all stores carry them The ' writing gsl' can be used straight from the tube Bake cookies according to the package dtrections, sprinkling some with colored sugar before you bake CONTEST FOR them Leave others naked, so yu can draw Christmas trees amLor stars with the tell after EVERYONE ON th°>Se baked and cooled Be sure to remove them from the cookie sheet before they cool, otherwise THE ISLAND you il ha\e a fine hill of cookie crumbs, but no *i cookies Fnjoy and just don't tell when people ask you [SANIBEL & CAPTIVA] where ever did you find the time? , Have a happy'Q



-, NUISANCE r ANIMAL CONTROL Nave ==* Ramnii ot «tdi !e iiWti ttrji u's tntds SENTRY rodenii lrv» tri|iped md removed unhurt Plumbing SECURITY Us"""" W Wi (« dintigo repjrr wwk done 16fts £>» BILL DAVIS 2244A ** Sales 4 Service SYSTEMS Licensed CSNBIR 122& 543 5201 Periwinkle Way Call 4/2 1101 472-1231 Q PLUMBING 24 Hr. Central Station Monitoring "SWEETWATER PLUMBINO Burglary, Fire, Medical ""si 7t (lErAlll SPECIALISTS ;;•;;:.;• PLUMBING BY WILLIE, INC. IRO3I2 Residential & Commercial Specialist in Repair 4 Remodeling Service Manager Licensed o NORM Security Bonded 574 8677 Insured Stale LlelHF003a266 '"'ilS Systems y * Burglar • Fire • GAVIN PLUMBING Medical Alarm Systems COMPLETE PLUMBING SERVICE -(CROWN PLUMBING SEWJK • REMODELS • NEW CONSTCIOON " • NEW CONSTRUCTION Sanibel's Only 24 Hour Central •REMODELING I 30 year resident • 12 years experience Station Alarm Service VRemo (Rip) Gabaccla Oscar L. Gavin 472 2518 Owner • Master Plumber [(Licensed Bonded Insured 01 X




Beachview , • •- '-.-$85,000 PalmRidQe 85,000 MORE FOR YOUR COMFORT. CONVENIENCE AND THE OWNERS LOSS IS YOUR GAIN... See IMS 2 bud MONEY ... Exquisitely furnished 2 bedroom. 2 balfi '' foom,2bathcondomlniumalliecenllyu(!in Sanibel Daydus II (Beach Access) 45,000 Single family condominium located In a setcct and ! . mint and move-in condition. Never rented but potential Ganibel Bayous fl (Beach Access) 45,000 secluded area.,. Two covered potches^ close to pool ^is inere as an excellent Incoirs producing property,.;. Sanibel Gardens N. , --•• 35,000 'and the boardwalk Iq the beach;.. Offered at $237,000. : On-sile manager. Pool and tennis available. Beach ac- : .Sanibel HighlarKis^ : .-" ^ 23,000 -This lovely and enchanting home could be yours. Call cess nearby. Call Julia Z*ierzycki al 472-6565; eve- West Gull Drive (Gull Front) 365,000 LenYaeche at 472*565; evenings at 472-3609. ;. ; nlngs at 4721003. Offered at an affordable J98.500. West Gull Drive (Giiif Front) 415,000

= OPEN HOUSE , ^" - : - .-"-• OPEN HOUSE!!! - ,:: .*' ~- BLIND PASS CONDOMINIUMS!! Call Connie Schwantes al 472-6565; r Daily 9:00 a.m. • 5:00 p.m. t.. Dally or evenings at 472-1913 - -„ . . 9 a.m.-5 p.m. ... . BRAND NEW HOME OVERLOOKING LAKE .\.;. WALK TO BEACH ....,-. r For your corwenlinca a VIDEO prittntitlon is «Yill»bl». Our ••)•• itilf on duty cm mint' your 3 Bedrooms.., 2 Baths 1,. Uving and Dining Rooms . quiitlom and show you th* four lloor plant, ... Family Room... Super Mchen;.. Oversized Po'c^i mikblt. • Lush tropical vtgalailon, batullful' ... Huge Screened Deck ... 2 car garage ... Loads Of ' Many more lots to choose: baach, Olympic Iliad iwlmmlng pool, taunn, Iwo storage...-- , ="• ° - from... . .Call now, we Isnnli court!, complat* thli totilly unlqu* retort. Great Location!:-; . Financing Available. Offered at Prices tuning t\ J117,000 ... Immtdliti flnanc- S189.900..- -- " . • '• • can deliver! Ing avallsbta... ../..".; , _ •• - Come See Your New Home Today! • ' Take W. Gulf Drive '••': mil? past Rabbit Road to E. - "••-'"„ Slop In Today! Rocks Dr. Follow Ocen House Signs to 670 I:"Rocks- Located at 5117 Sea Bell Road. Take Sanibel- Drive /. . Oor Sales Consultant will meet you al the Captiva Road to Bowman Beach Road, turn and properly or telephone *7!-2S3B, , ' !,„' GO TO THE GULF! Or call 472*565. exj. 307. .PROGRAMS yOD SHOULD -. ASK ABOUT..." .

• All properties aiivertisci! are on VIDEO • ,$500 Rentai Rebate 1199.000 THIS 2 BEDROOM, 2 BATH CORNER CON- • Fly-for-Frcc Program" . ^. DOMINIUM IS A STEAL! Make an offer loday on one of ''' OFFERED FOR CLOSE INSPECTION ... Olfered at • this resort's prettiest lihits. Trie rooms a'e 'rght, bright. • 1-Year Homeowne'rs '•'i --' J329.000 -far below developer prices! This three bed- ."and airy, the furnishings are superb, and the Gulf fionf -- room, two bath unit comes complete with a lourln view from the large screened porch is spectacular. Warrantys .. bedroom or den, a large gourmet kitchen, two porches, Pool and tennis area available. An outstanding income ~ pool, Jacuizi, elevator and security system , . , and' :J . producing history another plus. Call Ann Gardiner lor • Budfiet Rent-A-Car there's more. Let Bob Burgoon fiiva you all Ihe details more devils at 472-6565; evening at 472-3846. : on how you cart own this GULF FRONT condomonium. •" CalU72-6565; flvenlngs 768-1636. -. • Airline Reservations " • Vacation Rentals • Lending Institution u Affiliation T: ,.v" • Ne\vi Home Construction • Property Management , • Multiple Listing Service

FiRST TIME OFFERED! BETHE FIRST TOiNSPECT IT! IP even THE TIME WAS RIGHT irS NOW... Call today This 2 bedroom, 2 baltt, top floor corner unit offers no.l on this lovely three bsdroom. two bath home on the - ' only eiceMent furnishings and a 7oveiy view, but atao^ - Uka :\. Living room with cathedral ceiling, a large din- -.Its own garage and workshop- Located just steps away .,lng room, a den or family room, as wett as a separate from the beach, ameniliei eUu include pod, ienmsi laundry room and two car garage all ennance this most andshullleboa'd.Termsare3vaiiai)le,sopiayitsa'e-f-' desirable home. Be sure to se« this one before you buy. ^ bring your deposit! Call Udryann SkeHan today at 472- Call David Sehatz at 472*565; evenings at 6944322. 6565; evenings 466-0097. • ,; . • • •"-!-. •'' 472*6565 Outside Florida 1-800-445-1566



1630 FcriuinMc Way — Sales 3 Vacation Rental ;; .: 1630-A PcriuinMc Way — Saks . 1207 Periuinklc Way — Sales . " -'"'.-' --J: 1630-B PcriumMc Way — Sajcs ' lfssgi^^te^isiipE ;:"; mmm

••' , o