Bitburg Visit Is Brief
When will the Amabile situation finally end? 1B The Register Vol. 107 No. 263 YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER...SINCE 1878 MONDAY, MAY 6, 1985 25 CENTS INSIDE Reagan's Bitburg visit is brief SPORTS "The horror cannot outlast the hope," the lipped, their hands on the flowers before meeting at Bonn that ended Saturday. BITBURG, West Germany (AP) — Presi- president said there — his message to those them. In the town of Bitburg, supporters waving dent Reagan, making i determined gesture who accused him of ignoring the Nazi A bugler played, "I Had a Comrade," the little American flags lined the streets, but of reconciliation against • backdrop of horrors. German equivalent of "Taps." Then both they were overshadowed by Jeering demon- protest, led an austere wreath-laying cer- Reagan, in one of the most controversial walked over to shake hands with a group of strators from the United States, France, emony yesterday at the small military acts of his presidency, spent only eight spectators, including German Army Col. West Germany and 14 other countries. cemetery here that holds gravestones of minutes In silence at the Kolmeshohe Berthold von SUuffenberg, whose father, Many of the protesters were students German war dead and SS troopers. Cemetery in Bitburg with West German Claui, was executed for trying to as- wearing the yellow, six-pointed Star of To mute the storm of protest arising from Chancellor Helmut Kohl on a dank, gray sassinate Hitler. Then the two leaders got David that their forebears were forced to his homage at the graves of Nazis, Reagan d«y- .
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