Flyer Würzburg engl. 11.12.2006 17:37 Uhr Seite 1 Marienberg Fortress INFORMATION ON ALL THREE PLACES OF INTEREST Schloss- und Gartenverwaltung Würzburg The original castle on the Marienberg, a hill which was Residenzplatz 2, Tor B · 97070 Würzburg first settled in the late Bronze Age, was probably a small Tel. (09 31) 3 55 17-0 · Fax (09 31) 3 55 17-25 fort built early in the 8th century by the Franconian-
[email protected] · Thuringian dukes, together with a church which in 741 became the first church of the Würzburg bishops. From WÜRZBURG RESIDENCE AND COURT GARDENS 1200 an unusually large castle was built, which was extended during the late Middle Ages and the Renais- OPENING TIMES OF THE RESIDENCE April – October: 9am – 6pm · November – March: 10am – 4.30pm sance. Following the storming of the castle in 1631 by INFORMATION Last admission: 30 minutes before closing time; the South Imper- the Swedes, Prince-Bishop Johann Philipp von Schön- ial Apartments (Mirror Cabinet) can only be visited by participating born built a circle of massive bastions to protect the in a guided tour; regular guided tours (every 15 to 30 minutes) of Marienberg. In 1945 the fortress was almost complete- the main rooms of the Residence and the South Imperial Apart- ly burned out, and its reconstruction was only com- ments; english tours daily at 11am and 3pm pleted in 1990. On the first floor of the Princes’ Building ᵼ Lift available Museum (administered by the Bavarian Palace Depart- ment), is the Bibra Apartment with valuable furniture, OPENING TIMES OF THE COURT GARDENS MARIENBERG FORTRESS Daily until dusk, 8pm at the latest tapestries and paintings, the Princes’ Hall with early Gothic arcatures and the large Echtersche family tapes- REFRESHMENTS try, as well as a treasury and vestment chamber from Residenzgaststätte · Tel.