Cleaning Symbiosis Among California Inshore Fishes'

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Cleaning Symbiosis Among California Inshore Fishes' CLEANING SYMBIOSIS AMONG CALIFORNIA INSHORE FISHES ' EDMUND S. HOBSON' ABSTRACT Cleaning symbiosis among shor e fi shes was studied during 1968 and 1969 in southern California, with work centered at La J olla. Three species are habitua l cleaners: the seiiorita, Oxyjulis cali/ornica; the sharpnose seaperch, Phanerodon atripes; and the kelp perch, Brachyistius /1·enatus. Because of specific differences in habitat, there is little overlap in the cleaning areas of these three spe­ cies. Except for juvenile sha rpnose sea per ch, cleaning is of secondary significance to these species, even though it may be of major significance to certain individuals. The tendency to clean varies between in­ dividuals. Principal prey of most members of these species are free-living organisms picked from a substrate and from midwater-a mode of feeding that favors adaptations suited to cleaning. Because it is exceedingly abundant in a variety of habitats, the eiiorita is the predominant inshore cleaning fish in Ca lifornia. Certain aspects of its cl eaning relate to the fact that only a few of the many senoritas present at a given time will clean, and that this activity is not centered around well-defined cleaning stations, as has been repor ted for certain cleaning fishes elsewhere. Probably because cleaners are difficult to recognize among the many senoritas that do not clean, other fishes generally do not at­ tempt to initiate cleaning; r a ther , the activity is consistently initiated by the cleaner itself. An infest­ ed fish approached by a cleaner genera lly drifts into an unusual attitude that advertises the temporary existence of the transient cleaning station to other fish in need of service, and these converge on the cleaner. Although senoritas, as a group, clean a number of different fishes, a given individual tends to initiate cleaning with member s of j ust one species. The fi shes cleaned most of ten a re those which are most abw1dant and, at the same time, are most heavily infested with external parasites. The most numerous ectoparasites are caligid copepods, the most abundant and widespread of which is Caligus hobsoni. These particular parasites, along with gnathiid isopod larvae, a re the major prey of the cleaning fishes. Cleaning is essentially limited to the external body surface ; ectoparasites of the oral and branchial cavities are not ordinarily taken. Clean­ ing effectively r educes the number of parasites on fishes that are cleaned, and is an important activity for the organisms involved. However, there is no basis for the co ntention that many good fishing grounds in southern California exist because fi shes have congregated in these locations for cleaning. It has been suggested that many of the better reasons that have nothing to do with cleaning. inshore fishing spots are, in fact, cleaning sta­ Regardless of which view is correct in a given tions (Limbaugh, 1961; Feder, 1966) . The situation, one having witnessed fishes crowded contention is that fishes congregate at these lo­ around a cleaner, vigorously soliciting its ser­ cations so that ectoparasites and other deleteri­ vices, can only conclude that this activity is in­ ous material can be removed from their bodies deed important to the organisms involved. by resident cleaning organisms. Critics of this Cleaning symbiosis has been widely described hypothesis might well suggest instead that clean­ in the literature (Longley and Hildebrand, 1941; ers simply are especially active where fi shes are Eibl-Eibesfeldt, 1955 ; Limbaugh, 1955, 1961; most abundant, or that the cleaners as well as Randall, 1958, 1962; and others) and was re­ viewed by Feder (1966). Youngbluth (196 ) those they clean occur at these locations for studied activity of the Hawaiian cleaning labrid Labl'oides phthil'ophagus in some detail, and 1 Contribution of Scripps Institution of Oceanography. • National Marine Fisheries Service, Tiburon Sport Losey (1971) analyzed the communicative sig­ Fisheries Marine Laborator y, Tiburon, Calif., and nals between this same pecies and the fishes that Scripps Institution of Oceanogr aph y, University of Cal­ ifornia, San Diego, Calif. Mailing address: National it cleans. But most other reports on cleaning Marine Fisheries Service, Fisher y-Oceanography Center, have been simple treatments based largely on P.O. Box 271, La J olla, Calif. 92037. Manuscript accepted March 197 1. FISHERY BULLETIN : VOL. 69. NO.3. 1971. 491 FI IIFRY OLLLETJ. ' VOL 69, 0 3 incidental obse]'Yatinns, In this report, I d - scribe cleaning symbiosis among- inshore flshes of southern California ,md attempt to relate oh­ Mosl of th cleaning during this "en'ed actiyity with the incidence of speciflc ::;luciy \\ a, p I'form d by th fi rita Figure 1) , ectoparasi tes, \\ hich \)y virtu of it..'i great abundance in a va­ Conrad Limbaug-h, Scripps Institution of I'i ty of habitat." i th PI' d mine nl cleaner in­ Oceal1ogra phy. was a mon g- the fI rs t to report ::;1101', The 'harpno." seap rch (Figur 2 ) was cleaning s~'mbiosis among California fi shes, In frequently ok I'V ct cl aning, but it acti ity is a stud~' of fishes of the kelp hed::;. Limhaug-h centered ill de p r water. Th k II> perch (Fig­ (l!););) de::;c rihed cleaning' h~' the seiiorita, (1.1'­ ure :1) may h an important clean r in the can­ !ljlliis ('oli/url/inf, a fish of the famlly Lahridae, opy reg-ion of th k Ip for st . wh re it concen- and also h~' seyeral seapprches of the family Emhiotocidac: the kelp perch, n/'(/( hyistiliR frcl/utlls; the hlack perch. EIII/,int()('11 j((('ks()lIi; and the pile perch. Rh(l('rl('h illls I'ff(,C([, ,uh::;­ quent ohsen'ers ha\ e de::;Cl'iled cll>an1l1~ hy the rainlJo\\' seaperch, H!Il)SlIrIlS ('(()lli (;otshall. 1967); the sharpllose seaperch. PIUflll'rnd()1I tIt ril'( S (Cia I'k(>. Flechsi!-!', and (; ri~~. 19(,7; Cotshall. 1%7; Hohson, 1969a); and the black­ smith. C'hl'olllis IJl/llctil,illllis (Turner. Ehert, and Gi\'en. 1969), FIGlRE 1.- iiorila, F IGl' KE 2,-Sha r pnose sea per ch a mong branches of a gor gon ian, 492 HOBSON : CLEA INC SYMBIOSIS trates, but this was not determined in this tudy all pecimen and "'ill b report d in dr>t:lil 1:­ because observations in the kelp-canopy habitat where in collaboration with R. F. r :.:ey, l O.•. were infrequent. Nevertheless, observations ational l\Iu,eum. The e coli ction: al'o pro­ were sufficient to recognize the kelp perch as a vided the material for de:scription: of 11 :1' ci .. habitual cleaner. The only other fi sh seen clean­ of cope pod formerly new to scienc ('r ... y, ing was the white seaperch, Phanerodon fur­ 1969a, 1969b, 1970; J. Ro, alifornia. (;1- catt~, in which cleaning seemed to be onl y an lege, Long Beach, unpublbhed manuscript). d­ occasional incidental activity. ditional undescrib d species may occur among­ a number of copepods from these coil ction: METHODS presently und r study by Z. Kabata, Biolog-ical Station, Xanaimo, British Columbia. During 1968 and 1969, I spent more than 103 In addition to a survey of the ctopara.ite., hr underwater directly observing cl eaning and gut content of known cleaning :pecie:, including related activity in California inshor e waters. material from .):1 sei1oritas, ~~l :harpllo. e . ('<1- Also contributing to the study are many in ci­ perch, and 3 kelp perch, were anal~·zecl. dental observations of cleaning made during Many ectoparasites leave their host \\'h n it other work with California fi shes between 1961 is in difliculty, and some fishes regurgitate their and 1970. stomach contents under stress. To reduce this Supplementing the observations, 421 speci­ loss, all specimens "'ere indi\'idllally seal'd ill mens of 39 species were collected with spear. plastic bags immediately upon capture, and \\'hile These r epresent mo t of the species common in still underwater. the study area that exceed a length of 100 mm To acquire detailed data on the cleaning' in­ (all lengths of fishes in this r eport are standar d teraction, a numher of indi\'idllals of cl :lninJ,! length). The ectoparasites were coll ected from species \\'ere kept under surveillance for periods FIGt 'RE :3.-Kelp perch next to g-iant hlp, I 3 FISflERY B LLETlN: VOL 6?, r-;o J up to 15 min, and a verbal account of their ac­ in comparison to some area nearby to the so uth tivity was recorded on tape. The attempted and elsewhere in al ifornia. ther details of standard of 15 min could not be maintained for lhe principal study area will be introduced as all these observations because sometimes con­ they become pertinent. tact with the fish being watched was lost as the During all observation periods at the La Jolla fish swam among vegetation or other fishes. In­ tations a record was kept of water temperatures dividuals followed included known cleaners as from surface to bottom, horizontal visibility, and well as others that had nol shown evidence of urge condi tions. cleaning. In monitoring the activity of known cleaners, a record was kept of the time during OB ERVATI which they showed an apparent cleaning inter­ est in other fish and also the number of cI aning GE ERAL ECOL GY bouts in which they became involved. A clean­ ing bout is defined here as any cleaning activity eiio rita involving a discrete group of fishes, whether this The , enorita, which attain a length of about group includes one cleaner attending a single 2:)0 mm, i one of the most abundant fi hes in fi sh, or several cleaners attending a c1u tel' of the in shore waters of southel'l1 alifornia, in­ 40 to 50 fi h.
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