Canada’s Impaired Mission: Support Support Victims Driving Violent Crime. MADD This Stop And To To Of

Summer 2003 – andthegradesare in… A ReviewofProvincial Laws one criminalcauseofdeath,”saysLouiseKnox, impaired driving. road crashes,deaths,andinjuriesasaresultof would makeasignificantlypositiveimpacton prescribes areformagendathat,ifimplemented, impaired driving;and,mosttellingly,it jurisdictions measureupinthefightagainst reasons: itindicateshoweachoftheCanadian impaired driving. number ofCanadiansbeingkilledorinjuredby would ensuresaferroadsandareductioninthe of provincialandterritoriallegislationthat 2003), (RTP the Provinces:The2003ReportCard following areas: licensing;policeenforcement powers;licensesuspensions andrevocations; “Impaired drivingremainsCanada’snumber This policydocumentisimportantfortwo On June10,MADDCanadareleased Jurisdictions were ratedonthecompleteness andeffectivenessoftheir legislationinthe vehicle sanctions andremedialprograms. Bestcurrentpracticeswere considered.Each jurisdiction wasthen gradedaccording totheir overall rating. Thischartcompares how the organization’scomprehensivereview aioa1st JURISDICTIONS uau 13th 7th 6th 10th 12th 11th 8th 5th 3rd Nunavut 2nd Northwest Territories 4th 9th Prince EdwardIsland Newfoundland andLabrador Yukon jurisdictions performed inbothtoday’s reviewand Rating 0320 032000 2003 2000 2003 AKNSGRADES RANKINGS who mustdealwiththiscrime.” greater supporttoourpoliceandjudicialsystem take toreduceimpaireddrivingandprovide are importantstepsthatourgovernmentscan MADD Canada’sNationalPresident,“andthere summary foreachprovinceandterritory–it driving lawsacrossourcountry.” territories toprovidemoreeffectiveimpaired these legislativereformswiththeprovincesand Knox adds,“MADDCanadaisactivelypursuing driving andmakeourroadssafertotravel.”Mrs. jurisdiction toreduceincidentsofimpaired legislation whichneedstobepassedineach “ The RTP2003studycomprisesalegislative The 2003ReportCard 12th 11th 10th 2nd N/A 3rd 8th 6th 9th 5th 7th 4th 1st ––––––––––––––––––– MATTERS The 2000 ReportCard F D- D+ D+ D+ D+ C- C- C C C+ B B Continued onpage2 N/A F D+ D D+ C+ C- D+ C C- C- C+ C reviews the . MATTERS

Grades are in... Continued from page 1

examines licensing, police enforcement powers, license suspensions and revocations, as well as vehicle sanctions and remedial programs. It also includes The MADD Canada Model 2003, which identifies a package of measures that hold the greatest promise for substantially reducing impaired driving. The underlying principles to effective provincial impaired driving laws can be found in The MADD Canada Model 2003. These principles are:

• Obtaining and holding a licence is a privilege and not a right. • Traffic authorities must be empowered to take action to prevent tragedies, not just react after the event by sanctioning those responsible. • The police need broader investigatory authority to efficiently detect impaired drivers and obtain admissible evidence. • Administrative proceedings are far more expedient, efficient and inexpensive than penal MADD Canada and author of the review. “The sanctions, and more appropriate for the greatest progress has been made in graduated regulatory issues relating to the licensing of licensing programs, provincial suspensions for drivers, vehicle sanctions and remedial federal impaired driving offences, and alcohol programs. interlock, vehicle impoundment and remedial • Public safety should be given the highest programs. The fewest improvements have been made priority in framing provincial and territorial in police enforcement powers.” impaired driving legislation. “Overall, MADD Canada is pleased with the progress that has been made since 2000,” says From these fundamental principles, MADD Canada Professor Solomon, “and this is reflected in the fact forwards to the provinces and territories the following that seven jurisdictions were awarded higher grades initiatives as effective in combating impaired driving: in 2003.” Professor Solomon explains that despite the • a comprehensive graduated licensing program; considerable legislative improvements some • broader police powers to stop vehicles, jurisdictions have made and the best efforts of establish systematic sobriety checkpoints, use MADD Canada and others, alcohol-related traffic passive alcohol sensors, and demand standard deaths appear to be rising in Canada. This trend, field sobriety testing from suspected impaired coupled with the expected increase in young drivers; inexperienced drivers on our roads, highlights the • 24-hour and 90-day licence suspension need for continued strengthening of the provincial programs that include mandatory remedial and territorial laws. measures for subsequent violations; “MADD Canada wants to work with the provinces • alcohol interlock, vehicle impoundment, and and territories to minimize the potential rise in vehicle forfeiture programs; and, impaired driving incidents and resulting fatalities. We • mandatory remedial programs. know that the legislation recommended in Rating the Provinces 2003 will make a significant difference – It is with these core initiatives in mind that MADD both in making our roads safer and in effectively Canada reviewed and graded each of the provinces dealing with the crime of impaired driving,” says and territories. Professor Solomon. “Virtually all of the provinces and territories have Canadians can access the full document, Rating introduced some measures to strengthen their the Provinces: The 2003 Report Card, as well as all impaired driving legislation since the 2000 ratings,” supporting documents and media materials on the Page reports Professor Robert Solomon, Legal Director for MADD Canada website – Two National President’s MessageW MATTERS Our Mothers on Parliament Hill

needs to be done. Certainly, we will work with those legislators who show the initiative and demonstrate the political will to champion the solutions we are presenting. The good news is that MADD Canada has support from people in all political parties. The question has always been whether the Government and Parliament have the political will to act on the issues of impaired driving. We hope that, with the inroads we recently made in Ottawa, MADD Canada representatives a political issue. We are looking for that we might see some of that joined me on Parliament Hill in early elected representatives that will take political will to move new legislation. May to meet with Federal Ministers, this issue beyond a partisan argument From the meetings, there were MPs and their staff. Mothers from and act on what is Canada’s number strong signals of support and a across the county made the trip to one criminal cause of death. number of commitments. More Ottawa to relate their hopes for new It is MADD Canada’s strong belief immediate demonstrations came from legislation involving enhanced police that the Federal Government must do MP Dick Harris, who read a statement powers, the elimination of certain more to eliminate impaired driving. in the House of Commons, and defences, conditional sentencing, and Canadian impaired driving laws are Senator Marjory LeBreton, who did Parliament’s review of impaired not working; they are not deterring likewise in the Senate, affirming their driving laws. We also shared with people from drinking and driving. We strong support of MADD Canada and MPs our personal observations about need a comprehensive strategy, like raising awareness about the mothers’ the meaning of Mother’s Day for Taking Back Our Roads, to decrease mission on Parliament Hill. parents who have lost their children to the numbers of drinking drivers and Some of the tangible actions that impaired driving. reduce the crashes, injuries and deaths are expected as a direct result of The results of our two-day series of that result from drinking and driving. MADD Canada’s mothers’ meetings meetings can be read in the MADD In the last eighteen months, we with MPs are as follows: Mother’s Day Report on Parliament have been disappointed that very little Hill, found in the Hot Issues section has been done by the Government to • MP Leon Benoit will introduce a of the website – improve and strengthen our country’s Private Members’ Bill in the What we were looking for with our laws for those who must enforce weeks ahead. recent discussions with MPs was them. What is most disconcerting is • Senator Marjory LeBreton will more than their lip-service. We that the proposed measures MADD introduce a Senate Bill(s) to wanted to identify MPs who would Canada is pushing for are achievable. enhance police powers in the act beyond the niceties and platitudes Parliament can easily introduce and apprehension, gathering of we often receive from elected implement the policies we are evidence, and charging of impaired representatives. For MADD Canada, suggesting. So, in the next eighteen drivers. impaired driving deaths and injuries months, we can only hope that are a serious public safety issue – not Parliament will look seriously at what –––––––––––––– Continued on page 4 Page Three MATTERS

On the Hill... Continued from page 3

• Members from every Party are committed to raising the issue in the respective Caucuses and initiating a discussion about what can be done about the crime. • Members promised to write and contact the Minister of Justice to raise the issue of new impaired driving legislation. • Members promised to look into the introduction of Private Members’ Bills.

In the week following our visits, MP Loyola Hearn introduced a Private Members motion in the House of Commons; Minister David Kilgour made inquiries of his cabinet colleagues, and MP John Maloney wrote the Justice Minister to prod him to act soon. We will watch for further follow-through activities and keep all informed. Special notes of appreciation go out to two individuals. First, we thank Deborah Grey, who once again shared her Thank you to those mothers who travelled to Parliament Hill. It experience with us and with the public. Her takes a tremendous amount of courage for MADD Canada voice of support and her words of guidance volunteers to share their personal stories and hopes. We thank: have underlined MADD Canada’s efforts Helen Hoeflicker, from , B.C. in Ottawa. The organization is very Louise Knox, National President, from northern Alberta thankful for the working relationship it has Cathy Unsworth, from Sarnia/Lambton, southwestern Ontario with this trusted legislator. Carolyn Swinson, past-National President, from , Ontario Second, we thank Senator Marjory Sandra DiQuinzio, from , Quebec LeBreton, for her selfless and endless Karen Dunham, from Saint John, N.B., representing the Maritimes assistance and support. Unfortunately, Senator Marjory LeBreton, from Ottawa, Ontario Marjory knows too well the anguish of losing loved ones as a result of impaired driving. Her energy and determination to do something in Parliament about this crime is a tremendous source of inspiration Our plea to Parliamentarians: for those Canadians who remain bewildered about why the Federal Review Canada’s laws with the mind to alleviate Government has been so slow and non- the difficulties our police and judiciary are committal on this issue. currently facing when dealing with impaired driving. We want MPs to introduce new legislation that will ensure more effective impaired driving laws, safer roads, and a reduction in the numbers of deaths and injuries as a result of impaired driving. Again, what we Louise Knox heard in Ottawa was encouraging – now we’ll National President watch for the follow-through. Page Four MATTERS

Chapter Notebook

MADD Canada’s National Chapter Leadership Conference is taking place September 26-28, 2003 in Scarborough, Ontario. Our theme this year is One Voice. Chapter representatives, Community Leaders and Youth Leaders will be attending workshops and seminars to update them on ways to make a difference in their communities. Workshops for professional development as well as training in legislative initiatives are offered. Recipients of MADD Canada’s National Awards will be announced and honoured at Saturday evening’s Awards Dinner. Deadline for the nominations for the National Awards is July 31, 2003.

Signs of Summer: As Canadians enjoy their summers on the roads and waterways, MADD Canada’s Signs of Summer campaign reminds them “Don’t Drink and Drive”. Members have been distributing posters and postcards with this important message throughout their communities. More posters are available by contacting the National Office, Chapter Services.

Families should not have to worry about how many drinks you've had before you hit the road.


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Here We Grow Again: Earlier this year we welcomed our first Chapter in the Yukon – MADD Whitehorse Chapter. Recognizing the difference that MADD Canada can make in a community, dedicated Whitehorse residents worked very hard for many months to get community support and form a Chapter Board. These efforts have brought new energy to fighting the crime of impaired driving in the Yukon. We are grateful for all the fine work being achieved in the Territory.

In the Atlantic Region, we welcomed new Community Leaders. Glenda and Irving Hale, former members of the MADD Sarnia/Lambton Chapter, moved to Newfoundland and are now representing the North Central Newfoundland district as MADD Canada Community Leaders. In Sussex, New Brunswick, Scott Hoyt is now a Community Leader and spreading the word in his area.

Our Regional Chapter Services Managers have been very busy with requests and inquiries about starting new Chapters or being a Community Leader. More Chapters and Community Leaders are expected later this year, specifically in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, and the Province of Quebec. Page Five MATTERS Across the country

Many MADD Canada Chapters and Community Leaders work very closely with their local law enforcement agencies to stop impaired driving. In addition to doing One of Ontario’s newest Chapters, MADD Timiskaming R.I.D.E./Sobriety Checkstops, many assist their police in recently transformed a vacant piece of land into a beautiful purchasing equipment especially designed to assist in the memorial garden. The original idea started small but thanks apprehension of impaired drivers. Recently MADD to the overwhelming generosity of the community, it Central Okanagan Chapter purchased six Passive blossomed into a memorial garden with pathways, park Alcohol Sensors for their local law enforcement. These benches, trees and rose bushes all planted in memory of devices will help police at their roadside checks in the people’s loved ones. Louise Knox, National President of detection of the presence of alcohol on the driver’s breath. MADD Canada, officially opened the Chapter and attended These were presented to the police department during their the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the memorial garden on Volunteer Appreciation event. This is just one example of May 17, 2003. The Chapter has received and planted over how Chapter funds are invested in the community. 16 trees and 21 rose bushes. This memorial garden will be an area of lasting comfort and reflection for the residents of All our volunteers dedicate so much of their time doing the Timiskaming area and all who pass by. work within their community. Tracie Baceda, President of the MADD Taber/Lethbridge Chapter, was honoured MADD Montréal Chapter is expanding rapidly and has earlier this year at the Policemen’s Ball and awarded a welcomed many new board members in this quarter. Its Queen’s Jubilee Medal for her contribution. new president, Sandra DiQuinzio, shared her story of the Congratulations, Tracie! loss of her daughter Sarah in “Marqués à vie”, the new national French video that was launched at a press MADD Central Saskatchewan Chapter is spreading the conference tied in with the Chapter’s Volunteer word in their area. In addition to participating in weekly Appreciation Event. In addition to honouring the Chapter’s Checkstops, volunteers have found the time to “tee off” at volunteers, all the professionals who volunteered their time their 2nd Annual Golf Tournament. As stated by Chapter to appear in this video were recognized. Thanks to Suzuki President, Robi Doell, it was “Good fun, good prizes, and a for their generous support of this valuable tool to educate good cause with an important message”. Special the public. congratulations to volunteer Cheryl Dupuis. She was awarded the YWCA’s Women of Distinction Award, in the Sandra is also addressing the 2003 convention of the community development and social activism category. Fédération motocycliste du Québec. The association Since her daughter Danae’s death in October 2000, Cheryl represents 12,000 motorcycling enthusiasts. Watch for has been doing presentations to students and community motorcycles flying Red Ribbons on our roads during the groups using “Danae’s Song” to raise awareness of the biking season. dangers of drinking and driving. Québec elected a new Liberal government and MADD MADD Durham Region co-sponsored a full day Montréal Chapter members are looking forward to workshop for golf course owners on “Alcohol Liability and discussing Rating the Provinces with the new Justice Risk Management”. Topics included Clarification of Minister, Marc Bellemare, a long-time advocate for Responsibility, Consequences of Policy Violation, automobile victims’ rights. Resources for Prevention, Security, and Procedures for Implementation. A panel of experts from both legal and law The Atlantic Regional Conference was held in Wolfville, enforcement explored the law, an owner’s responsibility, NS this spring with 70 delegates in attendance. For many legal liability and ways to reduce risk as it relates to golf volunteers it was their first opportunity to meet with other course ownership and alcohol consumption. Posters were volunteers from the Eastern Canada Chapters, share produced for clubhouses and bumper stickers for golf carts inspiration and be trained in ways to operate their Chapter read “drive straight, drive long, drive sober”. effectively. There has been phenomenal growth in the East in the past 2 years. It was highlighted at the conference that there were only 5 eastern Chapters that were formed prior to the year 2000. As of this spring there were 10 Chapters and 4 Community Leaders, with more on the way! On the same note, congratulations to the MADD Labrador Chapter located in Happy Valley – Goose Bay on celebrating its 10th Anniversary.

Page Submissions from Chapters for this column are welcome. For the upcoming newsletter please contact your Six Region Manager. The next deadline for Chapter submissions is August 22nd, 2003. MATTERS Messages from Victim & Youth Services

The Victims’ Weekend and Candlelight Vigil was Court Monitoring has changed! Instead of reports a success, despite the threat of SARS in Toronto. being sent to the National Office, we reported at Although a few cancellations were noted, the event went the last training session in May that this program is on with a list of great speakers and a contingent of Chapter based! Keeping the information and statistics uniformed officers from across Canada, who formed an gathered at the Chapter level will spark interest within the impressive honour guard at the vigil! Of special note this volunteers to continue the fight against impaired driving. year, we had a tree planting ceremony on the grounds of Remember that with a recent policy change, court the Bank of Montreal - IFL, remembering the victims of monitors are asked to wear the approved logo while impaired driving crashes. (More photos on page 8) attending court to monitor the outcomes of impaired driving cases. Our next plan is to put the court monitoring training program on the Internet as part of our online training course. Court monitors must be trained by the National Office.

Have you accessed the on-line Victim Services Volunteer training program yet? We are one of a few charities worldwide to train volunteers online! We’ve created this extremely exciting program in response to our volunteer demands for standardized, cost-efficient training, as well as refresher programs for our valued volunteers.

Victim and Youth Services are recruiting for the 2003/2004 Youth Leadership Team. Efforts are being made to include Leaders from the provinces and territories, where MADD Canada does not have a strong presence to date! We would appreciate any contacts and information to help us in our quest! Contact the National Office if you know of an energetic and enthusiastic youth who would represent MADD Canada well in their community.

Page Seven MATTERS

The Victims’ Weekend and Candlelight Vigil

Page Eight Victim and Youth Services MATTERS

Survivor Grief Following an Impaired Driving Crash

This is the second of three excerpts anxious state, awaiting final reports, and is adapted from the works of while having to deal with the details of Janice Harris Lord and Patricia the funeral. Simone. Ms. Simone is MADD Accepting the emotions expressed Canada’s Director of Victim and by the victim’s family, no matter how Youth Services. extreme, is the most helpful position for a support person/relative to Most researchers report that the assume. Typically, the family has a most frequent immediate response need for acceptance and understanding following crisis regardless of whether by a small group of supporters, to or not the loss was anticipated, are whom they feel close. Too many shock, numbness and a sense of people, especially caregivers whose disbelief. However, the unanticipated goal it is to discuss practical matters or nature and violence of a murder or try to explain the tragic nature of the vehicular homicide would likely result loss, are not helpful. in a longer period of numbness and While a week after the crash is shock. This can be deceptive in that ordinarily only a few days beyond the survivors may appear to be “holding funeral, it represents a different picture up well” but it is more likely that the because activity will have decreased crisis has not penetrated awareness. and the family may begin trying to Because of their need to get to their professionals (funeral directors) who come to grips with the altered family loved one’s body, family members interact with the family are not able to structure. Many people still feel numb, may want to go to the crash scene, to do so in an empathetic, understanding, but sadness is predominant in all. A the hospital morgue or to the and honest manner, they are not lack of ability to concentrate has coroners/medical examiners office helpful. While numbness is wearing increased along with insomnia, rather than wait until the funeral home off for some, it is still present for most confusion and physical weakness has prepared the body. No matter what victims. Confusion decreases (which are all symptoms of the relationship to the deceased, we all significantly from the time of the depression). Because more have an inherent need to “parent” our death notification to the date of the information about the circumstances helpless loved one. MADD Canada funeral. The symptoms of shock, such of the crash is likely known at this strongly encourages police officers, as physical pain (often described as a point, anger and helpless rage EMS personnel, coroners/medical “heavy heart”), loss of appetite, overcome most. Feeling a loss of the examiners, clergy, physicians and insomnia, uncontrollable crying and purpose of life and even experiencing funeral directors alike, to support a physical weaknesses are also suicidal thoughts are experienced by family in their strong need to view the decreasing by the funeral date. many. By the end of the first week, the deceased victim. Tell the family However, a lack of ability to withdrawal of family and friends and members EXACTLY what they will concentrate remains constant and their resumption of regular activities see before they approach the body. sadness increases, accompanied by the are very painful for the victim family Describe trauma, dismemberment, and symptoms of helplessness and a need to witness. People in shock may significant amounts of blood, colour to withdraw. For the funeral director, appear strong and the usual supporters and odour changes and let the family this means that attention to detail and may not feel needed. Their only members again decide their course of an increase in accurate communication interests seem to be about gathering action. Offer them options and control is imperative! information from the police, medical in an uncontrollable event in their Anger towards the accused driver is personnel, witnesses and the crown lives! extremely high in the first week after attorney. If they are put off, or The helplessness of the victim or the death. In fact, there are studies that informed about distressing details or his/her family is the factor that causes parallel the feelings of victims of charges that seem inadequate, they them to be unable or even unwilling to impaired driving crashes and those feel re-victimized. discuss the practical matters like families where a member was insurance and settling the estate. It is murdered by a stranger! Because lab clear that the presence of loved ones work is often necessary to prove the The article can be found on MADD who can join them in their grieving is intoxication levels of the impaired Canada’s website, on the Victims Page needed as a support. If the drivers, many families are held in an Support and Library pages. Nine MATTERS

Charitable Gift Annuities Were you born before 1940? Do you want freedom from investment worries? Do you pay a lot of tax? Do you want to help MADD Canada stop impaired driving?

If you answered yes to these questions, a charitable gift annuity could increase your annual income, reduce your taxes and help MADD Canada. A charitable gift Join MADD annuity gives you a guaranteed income for life that is Canada and mostly or completely tax-free. For instance an 80- year-old woman would receive a return of 8.8% help save and a 70-year-old man would receive a return of lives through 6.9% from a charitable gift annuity. Most and sometimes all of this income is tax-free. monthly A Charitable Gift Annuity allows you to make a gift to MADD Canada while at the same time receiving a donations guaranteed, predetermined income for life from that The KEY to their gift, largely or entirely tax-free. Charitable gift SAFETY is in your hands. annuities can be especially appealing to people that are more concerned about financial security than income How monthly giving growth. benefits MADD Canada: Advantages Your monthly gift provides a consistent and reliable • You are helping to stop impaired driving and to source of funding. support victims of this violent crime. Your monthly gift is cost-effective. Pre-authorized • You will turn your taxable interest income into tax- donations can be processed more efficiently than single free income. This is an excellent alternative to GICs gifts, leaving even more money to support our life- or bonds; offers the same income guarantee but saving programs. We guarantee that a minimum of with a greater return and reduced tax on your 97% of your monthly gift will be directed to our income. programs. • You will have peace of mind, knowing that there Your monthly gift will help ensure that we are able will be a guaranteed, reliable source of tax-free to continue to reach people with our life-saving income. message before so many more lives are lost. How monthly giving benefits you: How does it work? You donate a sum of money to MADD Canada. It’s easy. Just tell us whether you would prefer to use MADD Canada receives a portion of the sum your chequing account or your credit card. immediately (usually between 25% and 35%). The It’s flexible. You’re in control. You can increase, balance is used to purchase an annuity. From this decrease, pause or stop your donations at any time. annuity, you receive regular, equal payments for life - guaranteed. A gift annuity is a simple contract between It’s convenient. You’ll receive a consolidated you and MADD Canada in which you exchange cash charitable receipt for all your donations for the or securities for a fixed income for life - for any person previous year in early February. you choose. It’s rewarding. By joining our monthly donation Your annuity income is determined by a formula program, you will receive our quarterly newsletter, that takes age and life expectancy into consideration. MADD Matters, plus our Annual Report. You will also MADD Canada recommends professional advice to have the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping ensure your financial goals are considered, your tax to secure a better future for all of us. Together, we can situation reviewed and a charitable gift annuity is make a difference. suitable for your circumstances. To receive a free, no-obligation quote on a To join today, please contact Robin Atkinson, Page Charitable Gift Annuity, contact Alanna Scott at Fundraising Administrative Assistant, at Ten 1-800-665-6233, ext. 237 or by email at [email protected]. 1-800-665-6233, ext. 226. MATTERS

The Allstate Insurance Company of Canada is proud to be an official sponsor of MADD Canada

Thanks to All of Our Corporate Donors for Making a Difference Gold Corporate ($500.00 to $999.99 ) Alcan Inc. Platinum Corporate ($1000.00 + ) Intrawest Corporation Liberty Mutual Group Canada Life Assurance Company Loblaws Canadian Premier Life Insurance Company Placer Dome Inc. Cap Gemini Ernst & Young Canada Inc. St. Paul Guaranty Dupont Canada Inc. Wawanesa Mutual Insurance East Penn/Power Battery Gateway Chevrolet Oldsmobile ICE Communications Inc. MADD Canada thanks the following Indigo Books, Music & Café foundations that have supported our work to Labelad stop impaired driving and to support victims Mackenzie Financial Corporation of this violent crime across Canada. Michelin North America (Canada) Inc. Minto Developments Inc. Al Roadburg Foundation Munich Reinsurance Company of Canada Allstate Foundation of Canada PCL Constructors Eastern Inc. Edwards Charitable Foundation Petro-Canada The Etta I. Jackson Charitable Foundation Rotomill Services F. K. Morrow Foundation UBS Bunting Warburg Inc Jackman Foundation William M. Mercer Limited The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation Leonard & Betty Jeffery Foundation Miller Memorial Foundation Nelson Arthur Hyland Salden Foundation

Thank you CIBC! MADD Canada’s new elementary school program, Head Start, will educate youth about substance abuse and impaired driving at an early age. CIBC contributed $10,000.00 toward the production of this program that will be shown to elementary school students across Canada next year. Above (left to right): Leigh Garrod, Miss Teen Canada, Andrew Murie, MADD Canada’s National Executive Director and Marilyn Muir, CIBC Branch Manager - Mississauga City Centre Page eleven Project Red Ribbon Campaign Sponsors MATTERS Title Sponsor: Thanks to our Sponsors, who help us Allstate Insurance stop impaired driving, support victims Official Sponsors: Bank of Montreal of this violent crime, and save lives. Lafarge Canada Inc. Pizza Pizza Official Sponsors SMK Speedy International Inc Allstate Insurance Suzuki Canada Auto Dealers Foundation Bank of Montreal Tupperware Canada Ltd. Dominion Automobile Association (DAA) Guardian Interlock Systems Corporate Sponsors: Impact Auto Auctions Canadian Hickory Farms Ltd. Suzuki Canada Auto Dealers Foundation Northern Getaway Northern Reflections Corporate Sponsors: Northern Traditions Saatchi & Saatchi Toronto Automobile Dealers Association LCBO Corporate Supporters: Corporate Supporters: 7-Eleven Canada Creative Direct Response Active Electronic Components Depot MBNA/MADD Canada Mastercard Baker’s Dozen Donuts TNI The Network Inc. Cara Operations Limited The Responsive Marketing Group Inc. Coyle Corrugated Containers Dollar Rent a Car Hallmark Cards Head Start Home & Rural Appliances Elementary School Programs KFC Canada Maaco Systems Canada Inc. National Sponsors: Quickie Convenience Stores Allstate Insurance CIBC Select Sandwich Standard Auto Glass The Brick Contact Us underpressure Phone: 905-813-MADD (6233) High School Program Sponsors 1-800-665-MADD Fax: 905-813-8920 National Sponsors: Internet: Allstate Insurance Email: [email protected] DaimlerChrysler Canada Inc. Mail: 6507C Mississauga Road Provincial Sponsors: Mississauga, Ontario L5N 1A6 Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Porsche Club of America, Upper Canada Region Chairperson of Board of Directors: Kathie Macmillan Saskatchewan Government Insurance National President: Louise Knox City of Toronto Sponsor: National Executive Director: Andrew Murie The Raptors Foundation

✓ Yes, you can count on my commitment to MADD Canada, particularly in its efforts to reach out to our young people and deliver our message about drinking and driving. To help all those efforts continue, I am enclosing my special contribution of: $15 $25 $35 $50 Other $______

I would like to join the MADD Canada Monthly Donor Program (please send me information) I prefer to make my donation by: Cheque Visa Mastercard Name: ______Address: ______Card No. ______Expiration Date: ______Signature: ______Please make your cheque or money order payable to MADD Canada. You will receive a receipt for income tax purposes. Page Canadian Charitable Registration No. 13907 2060 RR0001 Twelve I have included a bequest for MADD Canada in my will.