1. Overview

Title: Star Valley Was Part of the Last Frontier

Author: W. W. N.

Subject: Outlaws

Publisher: Jackson Courier

Publishing Date: July 15,1948

Number of Pages: 2

ID#: 504

Location: Website

2. Evaluation

Evaluator's Name(s): Kent and Polly Erickson

Date of Evaluation: January 2015

Key Words: outlaws, Brown's Hole, Hole-in-the-Wall, Long Riders, Robber's Roost, Wild Bunch

Included Names: Matt Warner, Tom McCarthy, George Leroy Parker, Rosa Rumel. Sadie Morgan, Katie Davis, Harry Longabaugh, Harvey Logan

3. Svnopsis

This newspaper article tells of some outlaws. Star Valley played a role as a hideout ofsorts. Mention is made oftheir saloon in Afton. Some oftheir law- breaking exploits are described; these took place outside of Star Valley. Matt Warner married Rosa Rumel, a local girl, in 1889. This article contains references to names or terms connected to outlaw lore such as , Kid Curry, ,

4. Other of n plnii to i(yij Ihn 1)ntik nnd liad UHMitlonrd In the Courier, received come to give warnlnK. TIjc presi a to Irall down a bunch of star Valley Was Part dent heard details of the plot ana about sixty horses reported stolen then asked liis caller how he hap the previous fall from the Padlock !Of The Last Frontier pened to know so much about It. ranch. With his chlcf deputy, a W. W. N4' McCarthy grinned and said "Be- Texan named Bob Calverly, he met up with a sheriff from Mon A, a hidccul for l.orse thieves'P'"""'''' tana and they followed certain clues that led them lo Star Valley. so.U°okL^°iion^5',L^'" u"®' •"= "'•""d Moffnt to draw Informed that two men,In charge Xl dMhfni , 5. ^ " "'"I' »!2".<"").oi.d plcsonl it ' of the horses were receiving mall FnuLn,l ^l?r^ romance. !at the cashier's window and get at Aflon, called for each week by iZiivT V.:"' To en-force•" his request he bran a girl named Kate Davis, a local great source of envy to other west dished what purported to be a bot rancher's daughter,