
Review Article International Ayurvedic Medical Journal ISSN:2320 5091

TO STUDY PANCHBHAUTIC SIDHANT ON BASIS OF MODERN ASPECTS Budruk Pramod Appasaheb Principal, Shri. Annasaheb, DangeAyurved Medical College, Ashta, Walwa, Sangli, Maharshtra, India

ABSTRACT Ayurveda is ancient science, which is based on various principles. One of the principles is Lok-purushsamya siddhant. This clarify that the & the body having various similarities in qualities, functions and structure. Various procedures are occur in the universe same happens in the body of human mankind. Ayurveda says that universe is formed by basic things like Pruthvi (), Aap (), Tej (), ()&Akash (space).All these Pruthvi (Earth), Aap (Water), Tej (Fire), Vayu (Air)&Akash (space) are available in the body. Universe is grease full due to special energy. This energy is called as chaityna. As chaitnya present in the universe such type of energy present in the body also. After collecting all information regarding thesema- habhootas structure and functions of the body and considering existing views and observation we conclude that facts in the universe & body having same property. Body is made up of hard material is in from of Pruthvi (Earth), made is in from of various functions ours one Tej (Fire) mahabhot & moment is done by Vayu (Air) mahabhoot. But all above weather or functions requires space & this space is given by Akash (space) amahabhoota. Key words- Lok, Purush, Universe, Mahabhoot, Pruthvi (Earth), Aap (Water), human body, siddhant.

INTRODUCTION can see various mountains, soil, solid That means basic elements that are materials around us. The solid is present in the universe represents termed as ‘Pruthvi (Earth)’ in Ayur- themselves in a miniature form in the veda. Also liquid is seen in human body. Those things which are river, sea, and it is termed as ‘Aap found in the universe we will see in (Water)’. Thus Pruthvi (Earth) and the human body. These may be visible Aap (Water) are visible materialsa- or not. Thus the human body is micro- round us. Remaining three are Tej cosm of the universe 1 This five states (Fire), Vayu (Air), and AAkash are Pruthvi (Earth), Aap (Water), Tej (space). From these three Vayu (Air) (Fire), Vayu (Air) and Akash (space) and Tej (Fire) mahabhootas are feel amahabhootas. Out of these five two by sensation and they give their exist- are visible by our naked eyes that is ence by their work. Last mahabhoot Pruthvi (Earth) and Aap (Water). We which available for proper function- Budruk Pramod Appasaheb : To Study Panchbhautic Sidhant On Basis Ofmodern Aspects ing of all above materials & matters It (Air)mahabhoot. All chidra means is called as space mahabhoot, this holes or channels of the body & space provide space for various func- between two parts or organs, vacuoles tions.2ˈSarvemoortaswaroop means means empty space is due to Akash special shape & size it also gives (space)mahabhoot.7ˈIt provides space weight to material Grossly body has for functions of all above ma- definite shape & size body cell has habhootas. Ear is formed by mainly also definite shape & size this mahabhoota. Space mean open Gandhaindriya or nose is formed by area, or distance between two points Pruthvi (Earth) mahabhoot.3ˈ or cells.i.e.intercellular space. In Dravyasamuha means liquid present panchmahabhoot sidhant, the word in the body or universe it is inform of panchmahabhoot means five basis single solution or mixture. Molecules elements or basic matter of uni- of this Mahabhootcome together due verse.8ˈPanch means five and ma- to Bandhan or force of attraction.4ˈ habhota means basic elements which This force is less than Pruthvi are present in body as well as uni- (Earth)& more than. Vayu (Air). verse. Charak in his text clearly men- From cellular level to gross systemic tioned thatkha etc. five mahabhoot & level Aap (Water) plays major role in chetanadhatu forms Purusha or live the body. Tej (Fire) seems inform of body. When Atma became apart from Pakti. Pakti means to digest or liberate the body then body became shunyagar & burns energy. All these functions or cold only panchamahabhootas re- done by Tej (Fire) Mahabhoot.5ˈ Eye mains. Hence it called as panchat- is formed by major part of this Ma- wagata. In case of dead body only habhoot. Vagatigandhan is main panchamahaboot remains.9ˈ function of Vayu (Air), it means mo- 5) Material & Methods:- tion in the body in specific direction. Human Body is one of magic Also sparsh& all movments i.e. thing formed by God, structural and Cheshta, Samvegadanspandan done functional smallest unit of body is by Vayu (Air).6ˈ All voluntary and in- cell. According to modern science cell voluntary movements sparash like is formed by Nucleus, cell body, cyto- pain, touch, cold, hot etc. are per- plasm. Nucleus contains nucleolus formed by this mahabhoot sensory and gens etc. which carry various and motor movements are carried by information from one generation to this mahabhoot. Sprashanedriya or next generation. Cytoplasm contains skin is special organ formed by Vayu ribosomes, mitochondria, myelin fi- 2387 www.iamj.in IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 12; December- 2015 Budruk Pramod Appasaheb : To Study Panchbhautic Sidhant On Basis Ofmodern Aspects bers, Golgi apparatus, microtubules gether to form river, rivers come to- vacuoles etc. Ayurved also told gether to form sea. Such type of ar- components of body i.e. cell or peshi rangement is also seen in our body. is formed by Pancharmahabhoota. Capillaries formvenuoles or arterioles. There is similarity between mater of These venuoles or arterioles forms lok and mater of cell or body. Similar- veins or arteries. Thus veins or arter- ity of panchamahabhoota in universe ies come together to form vena cava and body is called lok-purush- or aorta. Cell or body contents atoms, samyasiddhant. Lok mean universe. protons, neutrons, molecules and Universe is fromed by panchmaha- compounds. These molecules liberate boota. PrutiviAap (Water), Tej (Fire), various chemicals which produce en- Vayu (Air), and Akash (space)a along ergy. This energy keeps body warm, wit its panchatanmatra. These all fac- carries functions of the body. Such tors we can easily access in our body. packets of energy said to be Agni or Prutivi mater is found in form of Tej (Fire). bones, hard material etc. Aap (Water) To carry all functions there mater is found in form of water, urine should motions and these functions etc. Tej (Fire) mater is found in form should be controlled by somebody. of various elements and their func- This motions which controls or tions like body temperature, digestion accelerate this functions, one of most etc. Vayu (Air) carries various func- important matter is working this is tions of the body. The Akash (space)a called as Vayu (Air). Thisfunctions provides space for all above func- are some time in form of electric in tions. Thus our body is made up of nature or chemical in nature. The five elements. The body materials electric type of functions carried by normally nourished by Gross food or nervous system while chemical type gross out sided panchamahaboota, of functions carried by hormones. To that we consumed. These matters are carry all above functions there in minute form in our body. We can shouldn’t be any obstacle. If there is see various basic elements in uni- no any obstacle then the functions verse, such type of elements i.e. cal- will work smoothly. For this purpose cium, ferrous etc. are available in our space should be required. This space body. is provided by Akash According to RachanaSharir (space)amahaboota. our body is also similar to universe. 6) DISCUSSION:- Small Flows of the water come to- 2388 www.iamj.in IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 12; December- 2015 Budruk Pramod Appasaheb : To Study Panchbhautic Sidhant On Basis Ofmodern Aspects A. Panchabhootic similarities between (Air) and Akash (space)a.The basis of universe and body. The place where sidhant is that five mahabhootas are we are living is amazing place. We present in the universe are Pruthvi can see so many factors are available (Earth), Aap (Water), Tej (Fire), Vayu around us. But according to Ayurveda (Air) and AAkash (space).These ma- these materials are only in 5 habhootas are present in body with states.These five states are Pruthvi their properties but in minute state. (Earth), Aap (Water), Tej (Fire), Vayu Table No- 01 a) ComparatativeChart of mahabhoot in universe and body. Sr. Panchma- Special Parts Universe Body No habhoot In form of soil, Pruthvi In hard materials Bone muscle 1 stone like solid (Earth) like bones. material In form of lymph 2 Aap (water) In form of water Blood, lymph CSF urine Tej (Fire) form In form of sunlight Body temperature and 3 Tej (Fire) of agni and de- and heat Agni hosma Air, similar Air, atmosphere in structures O and 4 Vayu (Air) the universe and 2 O ,CO CO etc and its 2 2 its functions 2 functions. various vacula- Various cavities, AAkash ton or empty vacuoles in cell or 5 Space of universe (space) space or ashay in intercellular space in the body the body B) Concept of Panchmahabhoot Above three mahabhootas are with modern science:- clearly mentioned in Ayurveda in case Now a day’s modern physics gives aboutof Tej matter(Fire).mahabhoot According variousto modern types physics there are solid, liquid and gaseous states of matter. In the solid state two atoms come closely and binding energy is more while in liquid two atoms of liquid are too far than the solid matter binding energy is less than solid. In of energies are considered. Mainly case of gas their particles too far than heat and light energy are comes under liquid and the binding energy is much the heading of Tej (Fire)mahabhoot. less than the liquid.10ˈ If there is no heat then no rain nor wa- ter neither various functions occurred

2389 www.iamj.in IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 12; December- 2015 Budruk Pramod Appasaheb : To Study Panchbhautic Sidhant On Basis Ofmodern Aspects in universe not photosynthesis nor C) Concept of Panchmahabhoot in food. Then there will not be living formation of Embryo :-When sperm things on the earth. Without this uni- & ovum unites together and forms verse can’t survive. fertilized ovum all five mahabhootas We already seen information act on it Pruthvi (Earth) gives weight about panchmahabhot. Not only this and fix it Aap (Water) gives moisture fivebhootas consist a body, when this & nourish it Tej (Fire) gives energy panchmahabhootas properly unit with for deployment Vayu (Air) helps for Atama or Shariri then and then only it dividation of fertilized ovum is called as purusha or live human &AAkash (space) gives space for body Universe also alive with some development.11ˈ th power behind it like paramathma 6 is D) Concept of Panchmahabhoot in most important thing which binds all formation of Sense organ :- mahabhootas that is called aschetana. There are Pruthvi (Earth)Aap Hence chetanadhatu present in the (Water)Tej (Fire)Vayu (Air)aAkash body as well as in the universe is most (space) are panchmahabhootas and important thing. Basic elements of life their qualities are serially panchamahabhuta body is miniature Gandharasrupsprasha and shabdaKha image of universe. when life energy etc. five mahabhootas and seperates from the body only non-ac- chetanadhatu unite to form purusha or tive panchamahabhootsemains hence 12 live body. ˈConcept of Panchma- there is no energy body became cold habhoot in formation of Special Sense called shunyagar or Achetan or Dead organs has Priority of special body. mahabhoota:- Table No- 02 Sr. No Panchmahabhoot Sense organ Quality 1 Pruthvi (Earth) Nose Gandha 2 Aap(water) Tongue Rasa 3 Tej (Fire) Eye Rupa 4 Vayu (Air) Skin Sparsha 5 Aakash (space) Ear Shabda 7) CONCLUSION:- that “panchamahaboot shareri sa- One more thing is that though mawaya purusha uchatya”. Most im- all mater come together then also portant component of body is pran or there is no life hence Ayurveda told chaityanya. There should be all above 2390 www.iamj.in IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 12; December- 2015 Budruk Pramod Appasaheb : To Study Panchbhautic Sidhant On Basis Ofmodern Aspects components are in proper proportions Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, mixed with each other then and then GopaMandir Lane, Varanasi- also sajiva, live sharir is formed. This 221001 (India) Chaukhamba valuable matter is called life energy or Publications- 4262/3 Anisari road, pran or chetana. In this way Ayurveda Dray Ganj, New Delhi- 110002, has told components of the body. eight education 2004. Charak  According to universe structures of Sharirsthan-1/27 body resembles. 3. Shushrut Samhita Sutrasthanam by  Functions occurs in the universe B. G. Ghanekar reprint Oct. 2004 – same type of functions performed page 8 Shushrut Sutrasthan 1/20 by body Meherchand Lakhmandas Publica-  There are special sense organs tion 4225-A Ansari Road, New which are formed by special ma- Delhi 110002. Shushrut habhootaccording to modern sci- Sharirsthan-1/20 page- 17 ence body is formed by various 4. Shushrut Samhita Sutrasthanam by matter like solid liquid gases, same B. G. Ghanekar reprint Oct. 2004 – type bodies formed by panchma- page 8 Shushrut Sutrasthan 1/20 habhootas according to Ayurveda. Meherchand Lakhmandas Publica- Thus basic principle of Ayurveda tion 4225-A Ansari Road, New that is lok-purush samya siddhant Delhi 110002. Shushrut is proved by Rachana (Anatomi- Sharirsthan-1/20 cally) and Kriya (Physiologically) 5. Shushrut Samhita Sutrasthanam by on modern basis. B. G. Ghanekar reprint Oct. 2004 – REFERENCE page 8 Shushrut Sutrasthan 1/20 1. Chark Samhita – By Kashinath- Meherchand Lakhmandas Publica- sastri edited by gangasahayapandy tion 4225-A Ansari Road, New Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Delhi 110002. Shushrut GopaMandir Lane, Varanasi- Sharirsthan-1/20 221001(India)Chaukhamba 6. Shushrut Samhita Sutrasthanam by Publications- 4262/3 Anisari road, B. G. Ghanekar reprint Oct. 2004 – Dray Ganj, New Delhi- 110002, page 8 Shushrut Sutrasthan 1/20 eight education 2004. Charak Meherchand Lakhmandas Publica- Sharirsthan-5/3 tion 4225-A Ansari Road, New 2. Chark Samhita – By Kashinath- Delhi 110002. Shushrut sastri edited by gangasahayapandy Sharirsthan-1/20

2391 www.iamj.in IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 12; December- 2015 Budruk Pramod Appasaheb : To Study Panchbhautic Sidhant On Basis Ofmodern Aspects 7. Shushrut Samhita Sutrasthanam by 221001(India) Chaukhamba B. G. Ghanekar reprint Oct. 2004 – Publications- 4262/3 Anisari road, page 8 Shushrut Sutrasthan 1/20 Dray Ganj, New Meherchand Lakhmandas Publica- Delhi- 110002, 8th Edition 2004. tion 4225-A Ansari Road, New 12.Chark Samhita – By Kashinath- Delhi 110002. Shushrut sastri edited by gangasahayapandy Sharirsthan-1/20 Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, 8. Chark Samhita – By Kashinath- Gopa Mandir Lane, Varanasi- sastri edited by gangasahayapandy 221001(India) Chaukhamba Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Publications- 4262/3 Anisari road, Gopa Mandir Lane, Varanasi- Dray Ganj, New Delhi- 110002, 221001 (India) Chaukhamba 8th Edition 2004. Publications- 4262/3 Anisari road, Dray Ganj, New Delhi- 110002, eight education 2004. Charak CORRESPONDING AUTHOR Sharirsthan-1/16 Dr. Pramod A. Budruk 9. CharkSamhita – By Kashinath- M.D. (SharirRachana), L.L.B.(Spl.) sastri edited by gangasahayapandy Principal:– Hon. Shri. Annasaheb Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, DangeAyurved Medical College, Ashta Tal:-Walwa, Dist:-Sangli. Gopa Mandir Lane, Varanasi- 221001 (India) Chaukhamba Publications- 4262/3 Anisari road, Source of support: Nil Dray Ganj, New Delhi- 110002, Conflict of interest: None Declared eight education 2004. Charak Sharirsthan-1/74 10.- Text Book Maharash- tra State Board of Secondary & higher secondary Education Pune- 411004,Publisher- Shri Shahaji H. Dhekane, Secretary of Maharashtra Board 4th Education 2014, Page No. 25 11.Chark Samhita – By Kashinath- sastri edited by gangasahayapandy Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Gopa Mandir Lane, Varanasi- 2392 www.iamj.in IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 12; December- 2015