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.COURIER-JOURNAL Wednesday, March 21,1974 •

Mercy Motfeeriiouse, 1437 Blossom Rd. — Community penance^ Barley-School Ordiestra — Freeconcerf,3 pm Sunday, March u r service, 7 15 p.m Tuesday, April 2 Those planning to attend 3T, 3lj3i:37' *"~West* Churc~ "h St"', Fairpor- t' should notify administrative secretary, 286-2710, by March 31 Noontime Mass — Every Thursday, 12 05 p m, St Luke's, .17 5. Fitzhugn pm SundaylMarch brook, Rd, Pfttsford HIM Army — All-night visil, April 5-6, Masses 9 MerfaHh Chapel, University, of Rochester —-William . t Holy Rosary Church, 414 Lexington ' ' Stringfellow, I William Hamilto" n speaking on post-Watergate Sacred Heart Cathedral — Choir concert 8pm Tuesday, April 2. morality, 8 prim Monday, April 1 > , i i ^ St Charles Borromeo — Women* Club card party, 8 p Eastman Myplionic.Choir — Music for Lent, 4 p m Sunday,' March 31, Lutheran Church ofth e Reformation, 33 Girov e Tuesday, April 2, in school ball, Dewey at Maiden Lane, M.25' - 6 pm Wednes vApr St Joseph, Franldm St •£ Archednfratermty of the Holy Family', 24, 9am Mass -Sunday, April 7, followed by Easter Party, con­ tsia&fajdnir- * ' " ference | , Rapunzel — f Fairytale classic featuring Joe' Bnckler's marionettes, Community Playhouse, S Clinton at Meigs, Friday, Our Lady of Good Counsel, Italian Supper in school,. Ernestine March 29,7 30 pm, Saturday and Sunday, Marco 30731,1 30 St,5-9 p m Saturday, March 30, $2 and $1,25 •, and ,4 p mr-Admlssibn *1 Chinch Women United — Annual assembly, with election] and GeV__._.a Theatar,. r,-4r 12 15 p m April 1-3 Red Peppt,,Peppers,, 4-, anc~d 5.,, Th,.*=e installation of officers, choir concert Francesca Culi, poet in BjrthdaV Present, 5,45 and^jj m^ArjriljM Moby Dick, 5 and 6, residence at Nazareth. College, guest April 5,10 a m, Baptist Joe Egg; Saturday, 2pm Moby Dick-168 S Clinton, 716/232- Temple, 110-1 Clover » " , _ , 1363 1 f Sports Night J- Rochester Professional Salesmen's Association, Amnesty Series - Friday, March 29,12 05-12 55 p m, St LukcTs Apnl 1 at iriapledalMr~' e Party House, featuring Bob Thomas, Bob 17 5 -Fitzhugh historical precedents and legal considerations. Cousy, Doni Cherry, Walt Pafulski, $12""1' Cardinal Mooney High School — Womens Guild dinner dar ce7 Senior CitizenJs I— Show and sale of arts and^frafts , Eastman p m, Saturday, April 6, Mr and Mrs William Kowal Jr in Hou4e/10a.m-5pm Saturday, March 30/ 2-5 p m Sunday charge, reservations through 663-3383 or 865*235 ~ 1 " r * * Southwest Golden Age group — Variety program, dancing, McQuaid Jesuit High School - BASH event Saturday, Marcl 130, refreshments, flf30pm Friday, March 29, at 34 Monica St 7pm at school, dinner party and auction. , > ' ' 6 ,""•» > " Book! Sale — St' Bernard's Seminary convent building, 1-5 p m ^ Aquinas Garage Sale — Saturday and Sunday, April 6 and 7, Friday March {29, about 5,000 used books, chiefly theology and 1127 Dewey, with £ift boutique and food) booths I J history, [some] philosophy and fiction t ' < IrondequoitHighSSchoo l — Talk on education by James Far Tier, GROW Agency ]- Free employment counseling for persons 55 civil rights leader, 8pm tomorrow, March 28 I ' Edison Technical and Industrial High School — Tech ,Fo lies, 28th annual shovv,8pm tomorroWand Friday, March 29 Greece F/uiJhclibra7y7'i25 M'tchelL &F Bridge.Toumarnent SUCBrockport— March 31,8 30 p m , Woodwind Quintet; April American ContracL t Bridge —League' s cancer benefit, IS pm "Friday" '--, March" i ~29". XeroXeti x cafrafete i 4, 7 pm, Japanese theater lecture, April 5, 8 30 pm, Brass / Building 335, iSejne Drive, Webster Open, $2 50 eria. Ensemble, all in Fine Arts Building "r ' >( ^ i j . \ _ L I _. . i » i • * - Rochester Culinary Club — AnnuaA l dinner dance 5 30 am Barley School of Music — Musical fashion show] 4 30 bm '---*-Sunday- , Marc'larch 31,, Logan'" s Party House Tickets from Chef Friday, April 5, Strasenburgh Planetarium' Fabris all Spring House, ChefReadel, 2754231 * I Deadline 11 Calendar items should be mailed to the Courier-Journal Calendar Desk, 67 Chestnut Sf., Rochester, N.Y. 14604. Deadline b Wednesday noon, one week ahead of the publication date. J t Visitors Welcome^ 1 Pacino, Woodward Gwendolyn Aus in, a student at St. Monica'sschool, shows # off her school w ark to Sister Mary Vincent, Who teaches at Precious Blood School in Buffalo. Ten teachers from Precious Blood School sj>ent Wednesday, March j1?, Among DFB Oscar Picks visiting classes at St. Monica's. J By RICHARD REAGAN : 2, on NBOwith a broadcast 61) tr^e to saw away with these sage Senior Editor,'^ 46th, .Annual Oscar, Awards predictions, based on * a com-> Catholic Conference 'Division for ceremoniesJ Burt Reypdlds arid bination of hope, dread,' savvy, Obiates Named Him and Broadcasting. Diana Ross [will be the pageant's and sheer whimsy Emcees Six i members of St Joseph's Armund Palms and' Gertrude , Hollywood will be saluting i i , For Best Picture, it looks like a Church have been given thejitle Stoecklem. ' itself this Tuesday evening, April We're out on a limb and ready horse race between our pick, The of Redemptorist Oblate jby the s t i ' Sting, and American Graffiti, with Superior * General oft the A formal reception ceremony, •"The Exorcist as a dark horse — Redemptorist ordei, which staffs conducted by [Msgr Joseph L and we mean dark the downtown chu red Kerjns, provincial of the order, AS I SEE IT was given the new obiates March - * * l" In the category of .Best Per-' TheJr»ew obiates. or "dedicated is. • [ x r formance by ansActor, we'll go persons/' are Adelaide Beisen- I»»www*f*»*»www+0*4*H i with Al Pacino (Serpico) because , bach, | Alphbnser De Yaeger, /,• j " i he's the hottest thing in movies^at Joseph Cervais, Jpseph JHanss, j • ' ~ { • •, l the moment Jack Nicholson is a ' \ So many TV special^ in the past refreshing 96 minutes ik a recWit second, choice for his bravura week or so it's difficult to keep Sunday when the only thing I performance in The Last Detail. " Pharmacies - track of them all One that I usually available are such similar \ - '&'• S Majn St. and ' enjoyed and found edifying in entries as "Mahnix", "GcAumbojw, As winner of Best Performance' H. L. ILLEt v spite of preshoW apprehension' "Barnaby lor es"7 "McCloud".etc by an Actress, \ve see Joanne Corning, N.Y. P Chiirch ^ Hoffman was "We the Women" in >the \ f '. Mil Woodward (Summer W?shes,~ J * Elmira r i<< series 'The American Parade/f Carol Burnett proved'anew that Winter Dreams), but we see her as Quality Furniture u This tribute to some of the restraint is the/better ^part || of a sentimental favorite deserving Delivery Service women who helped change Tthe * acting and succeeded I several - recognition in an otherwise Constitution utilized the very times m Accomplishing it in her excellent field, which includes 62 Bridgb 73^6696 words spoken by'such women's . own performance Alan Alda>was' (The Way We rights advocates as Rochester's- ^arperfeU in this comedy and ff Were), Clenda Jackson (A Touch Phone 931 -8431 own Susan B. Anthony and «-he~ doesn'-»-—'*t "!-*-<«watch. ou-».*t coul— J-Ud -J-endU . of Class), (The —++»***+—f+—**+—**++ < up as a matinee idol instead of Ja Fijederick-Douglass, Elizabeth r Exorcist) and) Marsha Mason Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, wacky army surgeon.