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ENGINEER AGITATOR CONSTRUCTOR THE ARTIST REINVENTED, 1918–1939 THE MERRILL C. BERMAN COLLECTION JODI HAUPTMAN ADRIAN SUDHALTER THE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART, NEW YORK The essential nature of artistic activity has changed fundamentally, progressing from representation of the spirit of things to conscious action. —Varvara Stepanova, c. 1921 1 Art must not be a manifestation of the artist’s individualism, but the result of an effort by the collective in which the artist is the worker and inventor. —Editors of Blok, 1924 2 My mouth, the working class’s megaphone. —Vladimir Mayakovsky, 1926 3 There has never been so much paper printed as today, the painter and draftsman have never had the opportunity to collaborate with print/the press as today. Through print they work for life. —Ladislav Sutnar, 1938 4 1. Varvara Stepanova, “On Constructivism” (fragmentary notes for a paper to be given at INKhUK on December 22, 1921), in Art into Life: Russian Constructivism, 1914–1932; trans. James West (Seattle and New York: Henry Art Gallery; Rizzoli, 1990), p. 74. 2. Editorial statement, Blok, no. 1 (March 8, 1924), in Between Worlds: A Sourcebook of Central European Avant-Gardes, ed. Timothy O. Benson and Éva Forgács, trans. Wanda Kemp-Welch (Los Angeles and Cambridge, MA: Los Angeles County Museum of Art; MIT Press, 2002), p. 491. 3. Vladimir Mayakovsky, “Razgovor s fininspectorom o poezii” (1926); trans. Katie Farris and Ilya Kaminsky as “Conversation with a Tax Collector about Poetry”; see p. 74 of this volume. 4. Ladislav Sutnar, “Poslání výtvarného umělce v reklamě,” in Umění do reklamy (Prague: Novina, 1938), p.
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