Research Article Special Issue
Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences Research Article ISSN 1112-9867 Special Issue Available online at PECULIARITIES OF THE PLANT CODE (THE WEDDING BROOM) IN THE RUSSIAN FOLK WEDDING OF THE ULYANOVSK REGION OF THE VOLGA DISTRICT M. Mikhail Gershonovich1,*, M. Andrey Viktorovich2, F. Daniil Anatolievich3, L. Antonina Petrovna4, G. Marina Vladimirovna5 1PhD in philology, Associate Professor of the Department of the Russian language, literature and journalism of Ilya Ulyanov State Pedagogical University 2PhD in biology, Associate Professor of the Department of Botany of Ilya Ulyanov State Pedagogical University 3PhD in biology, Associate Professor of the Department of Botany of Ilya Ulyanov State Pedagogical University 4PhD in philology, an independent researcher 5An independent researcher Published online: 15 February 2017 ABSTRACT The relevance of the study is due to the current trend of conducting interdisciplinary research in the field of traditional folk culture, in particular, its interaction with the environment. Such interaction is realized with the help of the plant code, a particular type of which is analyzed in the article. The leading methods of research are structural-typological, statistical and cartographic, which allows considering the problem in a complex manner. The article presents the study based on the plant code (particularly, the wedding broom) features and functioning in the Russian folk wedding of the Ulyanovsk Region of the Volga District compared to that of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. Three main types of plants used in the wedding ceremony were revealed during the research: the coniferous tree, the deciduous tree and the herbaceous plant (burdock) with the absolute prevalence of the birch broom.
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