


V, I w How Famous

Declaration OF AMERICA; v CtMr-Jtcr- cj & Was Adopted

day this year - INDEPENDENCE spectacle of A" fht pK1 AJiX cW tCoQxtJhi in. ; 1 e.JtcJOrn. T and the flag of Great Britain intertwined in a to fh .JLfvZD t&- bond of friendship, the I 7ViM4ru mo4iv? rLQjJuurtd YkoX dtcZtytC - C4C old country in Kj allied with her jnother '' fighting the world battles of democ- vfKuA intjVtC tKcmk to tPl li i JCfHsrcJtccrrx racy. In that memorable document 1NCE first our sires stood beside die stream, which was proclaimed to the inhabi- tants of the original thirteen fired shot 142 years ago is a sentence which And the that echoed 'round the world, seems fitting now as an indictment of the European monarch against whom if-Ia- s come to pass the epoch of their dream America is at war. It is tins: -- VT7vmwv."i VtyAytcd jJfrrwvM ryruHr9 frWJn Our repeated petitions have been an- 4Urrvrvf IkXU When to the April breeze their flag unfurled. swered only by repeated Injury. And then follows this severe arraign- ment of George m, the last of the Eng- Draft of the First Words of the Declaration of Independence, in Thomas Jef- lish kings who maintained the divine ferson's Handwriting, Which Established Democracy in America. S?TX)DAY, where floats the Stars and Stripes, we deem right of rule: whole to A prince whose character is thus mark- the discuss the resolutions. Instructed to vote in Its favor, on ed by every act which may define a ty- The delegates from , July New 4, which thenceforth became the recog- Each star defiance at the tyrant hurled; rant Is unfit to be the ruler of a free York one two - people. and or other colonies nized birthday of new jected on the ground the middle the nation. that The old bell ringer of , despots, Prior to the Revolutionary struggle colonies were not yet ready for so radi- lEach stripe a bar 'gainst too, would seem cal a step, although personally express- who had been patiently waiting for the the sentiment in all the colonies for news in the steeple of the historic ten years and more from the time of ing a friendly attitude. Delegates statehouse, was the. first to peal out To interpose for human rights imperiled. the first Stamp Act troubles was Hesitated. message Unanimous action by colonies the of American independence strongly against a severance of rela- all the on ever on so momentous a question was re- the bell since honored as the tions with the parent country. Paul Liberty Bell. No longer was there any Lexing- garded by as of paramount Revere's ride and the battles of doubt that public opinion was ready ! importance. Some of the delegates had flag is flung ton and Concord in April, 1775, memo- for the step, for, as the news spread, ODAY, in foreign lands, the fore- not been instructed to go so far as vot- rable as those events are as the It was everywhere received with ex- runners of the great conflict, failed to ing for independence, New York and New being among them. The ultation. arouse any widespread enthusiasm for came to Against a crimson sky across the sea, majority had been authorized to take Word Independence. It is even significant to July 9, at his headquarters in New Dec- any action might be deemed wise, note that just a year before the that York, that the Declaration was ratified, unani- having gone so as actual- battle's bane from the land has laration of Independence was far sol- Where out wrung ly to instruct her delegates to propose and It was at once read to the mously approved by all of the thirteen diers and citizens. On the same day colonies the that p. declaration of independence to con- gress, and was the New York asaeci'jjy, in session at Its dreadful toll. It promises to free had appointed Washington comman- White Plains, gave its formal vote for der in chief of the army, drew up, July simply obeying the legislative voice of his when he presented his reso- independence, and the thirteen colonies G, 1775, a declaration of the causes for were then united in their common ach nation, and to number each among taking up arms In which it was said : lutions. June 10 congress postponed final cause. We mean not to dissolve that union , president of the con- consideration for three weeks, and on gress, peoples in worldwide liberty. which has so long and so happily sub- following appointed commit- was the only member who signed All a sisted between us and which we sincere- the day a tee of five to draw up the declaration. the declaration on July 4. An engross- ly wish to see restored. copy Henry Lee, as proposer of ed on parchment was ordered for -H- Richard the delegates to sign. ARLOWE R. HOYT. Even , the author the plan, would surely have been on the all the This was completed August 2 signed by 54 of the Declaration of Independence, committee and, possibly, its chairman, and two months after the battle of Bunker had he not in the meantime been hur- Hill wrote that he was "looking with riedly summoned home by the illness fondness toward a reconciliation with of his wife. But for that Lee might Great Britain." have been the author of the declara- -- wvvvsfs'iasvfS3?v A few far-sight- leaders like Ben- tion instead of his younger Virginia jamin Franklin, Samuel and John colleague, Thomas Jefferson, then but m: Adams and had felt at thirty-thre- e years old. a comparatively early date that Jefferson had brought to congress Si - vs38& n break was inevitable. the reputation for wielding a facile ?s&ra ss&sm &.r" .lc392 The historic declaration of the citi- pen, and in the balloting for the com- - zens of Mecklenburg county, North mittee he received a majority of votes swP Carolina, in May, 1775, was one of sev- and became its chairman. The others eral local events indicating that public were of , opinion was tending toward independ- of Pennsylvania, ence, but not until the appearance of Roger Sherman of and 's stirring pamphlet, R. Livingston of New York. "," early in January, Honor Given Jefferson. 1776, was there any appreciable public How did Jefferson come to be se- sentiment in its favor. In the plain lected to write the Declaration, "the language of the day it presented the one American paper, as has been facts so simply that all could under- said, that has reached to supreme dis- seems convention was held at Newbern in Au- a committee to prepare a civil consfl-tutio- n, stand. This "phenomenon," as John tinction in the world and that long as civi- Carolina gust, 1774. The meeting of the colonial and it was done so well that Adams styled Paine, suddenly found likely to last as American Moith legislature, which, followed, practically the document served some GO years as himself transformed from obscurity to lization lasts"? I giv- con- the organic of the state. And so fame. The Pennsylvania legislature 'The most interesting account is ILed Colonies endorsed the radical views of the says in vention, which was proclaimed by the it was that opened the vpted him $2,500, and a Southern legis en by John Adams, who that he to was road that led up to the creation of the and Thomas Jefferson were designated be anarchy. The result prepare rough Freedom'sFight legislature was dissolved and most progressive nation on the face of by the committee to the that the proper Mr. Jeffer- the governor took refuge on a ship of the earth, and the one whose influence minutes in a form. John Adams. son first proposed that Adams prepare Is popularly supposed that the , war in Cape has done most for the advancement of T Fear river. Declaration. Adams Independence of the United States In May, 1773, the people of Mecklen- mankind. the draft of the giving, says in his au- delegates. Two others signed later, J legan on a Fourth of July In Phil- - burg county convention, and Some Tory Sentiment. declined, as he had a tobiography, the following reasons: Thomas McKean of , who was . ldeinhla. but down In the Old they took occasion, nearly 14 months All of this section of North Carolina "SbxtjIi Is a community that absent with his regiment in August, State before the Declaration of Independence was not enthusiastic in the Declaration (1) That he was a Virginian and I a and Matthew Thornton of New Hamp- 'O&szr c the British yoke more than was issued at Philadelphia, to say of Independence. A portion of the set- Massachusettenslan. (2) That he was a (3) shire, who was not elected to congress iJttK'-befor- e the tlers were ardent Tories so ardent, Southern man and I a Northern one. That I had been so obnoxious for my until the fall, but was permitted to 4 Declaration. in fact, that it was not until the war rumult In the city, early and constant zeal in promoting the sign the document in November, mak- n the quaint old Quaker town "We declare ourselves a free and of 1812 that the Scotch of Cape Fear measure that every draft of mine would ing the total number of the famous finally undergo a more severe scrutiny and criti- independent people; are and of right valley turned away absolutely "signers'" 56. wmir tmcsd the first general step to-- ought to be a sovereign and indepen- from the royal standard. cism In congress than one of his composi- tion. (4) And lastly, and that would be rea- Two Most freedom of the colonies. self-governi- association, under story Is one singular misfor- son enough If there were no other, I had a The Famous Signers. vez the dent The of pen Jh. 1763 parliament passed no God tune. Cape Set- great opinion of the elegance of his Of all the signers, Jefferson and the British power than that of our and The Fear valley was and none at all of my own. I therefore -- Adams a deeper personal ate- tamp act When the first sloop of the general government of congress. tlor! lnrrroltr Hv insisted that no hesitation should be bear relation, flcar .arrived off Cape Fear from Eng-im- 5 To the mainte- 5 the adherents of made on his part. He accordingly took to the declaration than any others. .carrying stamped paper the peo- - nance of which in- the Stuart family, the minutes and in a day or two produced Adams was its most vigorous supporter..,, the captain until he was dependence we &.& which met with to me his draft. in congress and Jefferson bears Ttesti-- S V53eerrorized mony Afraid to land his stuff, and then they solemnly pledge v& such disaster at As Jefferson Wrote It. to his valuable aid. In after f& years 'sagi.ired the stamp officer from the to each other our Culloden that says the entire com- both received the highest honors 4 J Jefferson that the citizens could bestow. They governor a n u mutual many of the fol- mittee urged him to make the draft. that made the officer our lives, lowers of the Pre- were permitted to witness the growth, He showed it first to Franklin and country take oath that he our fortunes and tender were ban- they were the two of their for half a century, Adams "because first Independence day. TTOuld not at- our most sacred ished to America members of whose judgments and from the The day of death, July-- 4, 1826, was tempt to enforce honor." for taking up amendments I wished most to have the their use o The convention arms against the They made a few minor al- the fiftieth anniversary of the memor- the benefit" able Fourth of July. most stamps. A year that adopted such British crown. Be terations in their handwriting. This It was the the stamp startling resolu- fore these people original was given by Jefferson remarkable coincidence ever recorded later draft in American history. was act was repealed. tions of indepen- were permitted to Richard "Henry Lee, the dean of Jefferson to eighty-thre- e years But North Caro- dence undertook sail they were Virginia delegation, and in 1825 old and John Adams the ninety-on- e years. lina had found to lay the founda- Thomas Jefferson. his grandson presented it to the Amer- that she had a tion for a govern- ican Philosophical society of Philadel- The 56 signers were distributed power ment North j loyal among the 13 states in the following when the for J henceforth) suggested phia. people arose, and Carolina until a I lator that a statue of Paine Jefferson, having made another copy, proportion: Pennsylvania, 9; Virginia, w In gold would not be too high an honor. 7; Massachusetts, , English suitable and sta- king. When the changes suggested, presented 5; 5; Richard Henry Lee's Resolution. with the thecrown was never ble form could be around it to the committee, which reported it Connecticut 4; , 4; New again sure of Its provided by con- them in North Things moved rapidly In the colonies unaltered to congress. July 1 Phila- York, 4; , 4; New Henry of Hampshire, , ground In the col- gress, and from p Carolina were ris- after that, and Richard Lee delphia was on the qui vlve of expecta- 3; Delaware, 3; ony. that day the au ing against the Virginia rose in the Continental con- tion, and contemporary accounts have 3; North Carolina, 3; , 2. gress 7, 1776, and declaration people as- thority of the British crown was exhib- royal governor, declaring indepen at Philadelphia, June us a stirring picture of the eager Jefferson's draft of the The which left congress serted right ited only during those few times when dence, refusing to pay stamp taxes, presented his famous resolutions ness with which the citizens awaited presented to and the signed the of Independence. copy on parchment of free assem- Cornwallis made his ventures with making new and fighting led to the Declaration definite news of the most Important are in the depart- more or varying success on against king, The resolutions, in Lee's handwriting, colonists called ment of state, at Washington, the lat- blage after that less the the the Scotch settlers papers act which the had been assump- territory of the colony. were in arms under the British flag. and now one of the treasured upon to decide in long chain of ter having been replaced for public ex- and the congress, were: the "JSB to numer- Their oath and their bitter experience in the library of disputes with the mother country. On hibition several years ago by a fac- tion led North Carolina was the first of the simile. ous clashes with colonies to have an English settlement, before migrating to America prompted Resolved, That these United Colonies the following day, when the formal the governor un- the first to shed blood in the war for them to keep away from any further are and of right ought to be free and vote of congress was taken, the reso- til in May, 1771, independence, and the first to give ut- rebellious acts. Independent states; that they are ab- lutions were approved by twelve col-- " -- solved from all allegiance to the British t&e&2zzgovernor, with soldiers, proceeded terance in explicit form to inde- onles all except New York. The orig- that crown, and that all political connection fcand of men calling them-vsaiv- es pendence. was of and the inal colonies, therefore, became the ssslnst a Nor the declaration Greene's Memory Worthy Honor. between them state of Great Regulators; and a few miles the people of Mecklenburg the sole of Britain is and ought to be totally dis- United States of America on July 2, was Next to Washington, Nathanael solved; 1776. next two days were spent viiorth of Southern Pines a battle manifestation of the sentiment in the That It Is expedient forthwith to take The -- :ccght In which more than 100 casual-- - matter. At Fayetteville, on Cape Fear Greene was the most potent force in the most effectual measures for form- in discussing the draft of the Declara- sides, nearly two our struggle for national independence. ing foreign alliances; as by Jefferson. The tiss occurred or both river below Southern Pines, another That a plan of confederation be pre- tion drawn - t being This was first ante- He was born on May 27, 1742, in a lit- 'was animated, but when was all V-- f ssore killed. the Declaration of. Independence pared and transmitted to the respective it French People Our True Friends. peo- tle farmhouse in Rhode Island. His colonies for their consideration and ap- 'over the was adopted with sur- JWodshed In the Revolution. The dated that of Philadelphia. The draft The true and controlling governor, whose force was ple in Cumberland county, of which boyhood was spent like that of the probation. prisingly few changes, a tribute to the reason why; the government of Louis XVT - on other youth of the neighborhood. Prob- ability author had Intei rictorlous, aroused further hatred Fayetteville Is the capital, issued their Here, In fact, was the Declaration of with which the in our ib& by hanging a ably was a little less exciting, for pressed to world the causes which vened war of independence was part of the people statement In June of 1775, Insisting it Independence in a nutshell, proposed the the enthusiasm his prisoners. Herman that resort to arms was justified, and his father was a strict Quaker and had made it necessary for "one people of the French people asnnlber of by one of the most eminent men of for the cause of liberty. Considera- Eisbands, leader of the Regula-fae- Ci pledging each other to sacrifice life pastor of a church at East Greenwich. to dissolve the political bands which the the most Influential colony at that tions of material en- went to Pittsburgh, and to safety He was also a "captain of industry" at have connected them with another." advantage were escaped and fortune the freedom and time and promptly seconded by John tirely secondary. Public opinion dying at-Phll- a- of an oppressed people. April, Tn6, that period. With his five brothers, he Unanimously Adopted. forced rsHsfre ke settled, later In Adams of Massachusetts. It was deem-g-d the hand of an unwilling -- owned forge, a grist mill, sawmill, and hesitat- jSelpliki. still before the Philadelphia Declara- a a wise to order the secretary, to omit The Declaration of Independence ing government, er-- as well as a store of gen- and placed at om; j The feeling was fanned by the tion of Independence, the provincial for the sals their names from the journal. The next was then unanimously adopted by the disposal congress appointed eral merchandise. the economic, military and vtotme acts of each side, until a state of North Carolina day congress went into a committee of twelve colonies, whose delegates were naval resqurces of the country.

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