Island voices — island choices Developing strategies for living with rapid ecosystem change in small islands Simon Rietbergen, Tom Hammond, Chucri Sayegh, Frits Hesselink and Kieran Mooney

Rue Mauverney 28 1196 Gland Switzerland

Tel +41 22 999 0000 Fax +41 22 999 0002 Ecosystem Management Series No. 6 [email protected] World Headquarters International Union for Conservation of Nature “Islands are the bell-weathers of international environmental policy. The world will see their success or failure on our islands first.”

President James A. Michel Seychelles Island voices – island choices Developing strategies for living with rapid ecosystem change in small islands IUCN

Founded in 1948, IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) brings together States, government agencies and a diverse range of non-governmental organizations in a unique world partnership: over 1000 members in all, spread across some 140 countries.

As a Union, IUCN seeks to influence, encourage and assist societies throughout the world to conserve the integrity and diversity of nature and to ensure that any use of natural resources is equitable and ecologically sustainable.

IUCN builds on the strengths of its members, networks and partners to enhance their capacity and to support global alliances to safeguard natural resources at local, regional and global levels.

IUCN’s Ecosystem Management Series

The well-being of people all over the world depends on the various goods and services provided by ecosystems, including food, fuel, construction materials, clean water and air, and protection from natural hazards. Ecosystems, however, are under increasing pressure from unsustainable use and other threats including outright conversion. To address this concern, IUCN promotes the sound management of ecosystems through the wider application of the Ecosystem Approach – a strategy for the integrated management of land, water and living resources that places human needs at its centre. The aim of the IUCN Ecosystem Management Series is to support best practice ecosystem management, both at field and policy levels, to help realize IUCN’s vision of a just world that values and conserves nature. Island voices – island choices Developing strategies for living with rapid ecosystem change in small islands Simon Rietbergen, Tom Hammond, Chucri Sayegh, Frits Hesselink and Kieran Mooney The designation of geographical entities Published by: Cover photo: in this book, and the presentation of the IUCN, Gland, Switzerland Imène Meliane material, do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of IUCN Copyright: Layout by: concerning the legal status of any country, © 2008 IUCN, International Union for L’IV Com Sàrl terri­tory, or area, or of its authorities, or Conservation of Nature and Natural concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or Resources Printed by: boundaries. IUCN Publications Services Reproduction of this publication for The views expressed in this publication do educational or other non-commercial Available from: not necessarily reflect those of IUCN. purposes is authorized without prior written IUCN permission from the copyright holder (International Union for Conservation This publication has been made possible in provided the source is fully acknowledged. of Nature) part by funding from the Italian Government. Publications Services Reproduction of this publication for resale Rue Mauverney 28 or other commercial purposes is prohibited 1196 Gland without prior written permission of the Switzerland copyright holder. Tel +41 22 999 0000 Fax +41 22 999 0010 Citation: [email protected] Simon Rietbergen, Tom Hammond, Chucri Sayegh, Frits Hesselink and Kieran Mooney (2007). Island voices – island choices: A catalogue of IUCN publications is also Developing strategies for living with rapid available. ecosystem change in small islands. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. 40 pp. The text of this book is printed on FSC paper. ISBN: 978-2-8317-1030-3


6 Acknowledgements

7 List of acronyms

8 Introduction

10 Background

16 Observations

18 Surveying the views of islanders and island experts

19 Analysis

30 Conclusions

32 Appendix 1: Best practice examples of environmental management initiatives

34 Appendix 2: Timeline of key events regarding international negotiations on SIDS

35 Appendix 3: Projects in SIDS funded by selected donor organizations

37 Appendix 4: Endnotes

39 References acknowledgements

This report has benefited from the during the project inception workshop. inputs of hundreds of individuals, a They are: Margarita Astralaga, Giulia list far too numerous to include in its Carbone, Nelson Gomes Dias, entirety. These individuals volunteered Fathimath Ghina, Giorgio Grussu, their time to support this effort, and to William Jackson, Enrique Lahmann, that we are deeply indebted. We want Gillian Martin-Mehers, Julio Montes de to thank them all – knowing full well Oca, Jean-Yves Pirot, Corli Pretorius that this task is not feasible. and Milika Sobey-Naqasima. In addition, we appreciate the ongoing There are a number of individuals guidance and assistance from Gerald that without their help we would not Miles and Audrey Newman of TNC. have been able to accomplish this task. In particular, Tarek Abdulhawa, Fourth, we would like to thank the Elise Allart, Vasanta Chase, Al Duda, many people that helped us with the Philippe Gerbeaux, Ameenah Gurib- technical challenges of conducting Fakim, Jock Henwood, Brett Jenks, and analysing a global on-line survey Francois Martel, Audrey Newman, – in particular François Otis, Andy Anwar Rumjaun, Melita Samoilys, Alm of CEC and Francine Proulx of Nadia Scialabba, Nirmal Shah, Deirdre IUCN, as well as with ensuring that P. Shurland and Dirk Troost – all of the questionnaire reached as wide an whom provided important input into audience as possible – and for this we crafting the global island survey are indebted to the efforts of Nelson questionnaire used in this study. Gomes Dias, Francine Proulx, Graeme Robertson, Bruce Potter and Gillian Second, we would like to thank all Chambers. the people who helped us to field test the first version of the questionnaire Most importantly, our sincere thanks in Mauritius in May 2006. They are: go to the over 300 individuals who took Jennifer Ah-King, Vishnu Bachraz, the time to complete the questionnaire Claudia Baider, Krishnawtee Begun, – often providing a rich array of Mitrasen Bhikajee, Gina Bonne, Karl additional information and comments Braunecker, Ebenizario Chonguica, through open-ended questions. It Vincent Florens, Yosuke Fukushima, is encouraging to work with such a Elena Gari, Sunil Goreeba, Owen vibrant and dynamic community. Griffiths, Umaduth Jadoo, Rachmand Jagannath, Carl Jones, Lomush This effort would not have been Juggoo, Ashok Khadun, Y. Luttoo, possible without the generous support Jean-Cyril Monty, Daren Moodely, received from the Italian Government. Umme Namdarkhan, Mosaheb We would like to acknowledge the Nausheen, S.A. Paupiah, P. important contribution and oversight Ponambalum, Christine Rochecouste- provided by Alfredo Guillet and Giorgio Collet, Rajen Sookhareea, Djaheezah Grussu at the Italian Directorate Subratty, Vikash Tataya, Vishnu Tezoo, General of Development Cooperation Iain Watt and Wong Chung Toi. (DGCS), who supported this project both with funding and with critical Third, we would like to acknowledge advice throughout its implementation. the people who reviewed the results of our Mauritius visit and assisted The authors. in revising the draft questionnaire

Local fishermen collecting algae, Upolu Island, Samoa © Imène Meliane List of Acronyms

ADB Asian Development Bank AIMS Africa, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean and South China Sea AFD Agence Française de Développement AOSIS Alliance of Small Island States BPOA Barbados Programme of Action CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CI Conservation International COP Conference of the Parties CRISP Coral Reef Initiative for the Pacific DFID United Kingdom Department for International Development FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the GEF Global Environment Facility GLISPA Global Islands Partnership IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on JPOI Johannesburg Plan of Implementation NGO Non Governmental Organization TNC The Nature Conservancy UN United Nations UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNDESA United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs UNEP United Nations Environment Programme UNESCO United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNGA United Nations General Assembly SIDS Small Island Developing States ODA Official development assistance UN-OHRLLS United Nations Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and the Small Island Developing States WB World Bank WWF World Wide Fund for Nature


Local fishermen collecting algae, Upolu Island, Samoa © Imène Meliane introduction

In a rapidly changing world, islands shocks when compared to more launched an initiative beginning in are both unique and highly vulnerable diversified economies in larger early 2006 to explore a programme of places. They support distinctive countries. These shocks can often work for ecosystem management and cultures, landscapes, and a diverse result in significant environmental restoration in small island developing range of endemic species (see repercussions. Their relatively small states (SIDS). The initiative examined table 1), many of which are listed population sizes and comparatively low the socio-economic and environmental as vulnerable. Indeed, most of the levels of development often mean that challenges facing islands, and the world’s documented extinctions are SIDS have limited human resources efforts over the past 20 years within from islands. By their very nature, to meet these challenges and lack the international community to address islands are increasingly susceptible to the required institutional capacity to these challenges, surveyed the views global environmental, economic and adjust to emerging economic and of island residents and other key social changes perhaps more so than environmental challenges. informants globally – both within and anywhere else on earth. outside the traditional environmental In effect, islands are rapidly becoming community – and began scoping The development challenges that the world’s “canaries in the coal mine” the most appropriate niche for IUCN small island developing states face are of global change, laboratories for in an island-focused conservation numerous. Their small size, however, tracking the results of the stresses programme. The report which follows limits their development options – placed on ecosystems through is the result of this effort. and often results in environmental development, and on the services impacts from development occurring these ecosystems provide. The fate in one ecosystem rapidly spilling over of the world’s small island developing Study methods and structure of into another. This can be particularly states may well be indicative of the the report catastrophic when coupled with the consequences of the economic path Background research was conducted increasing frequency and intensity of we are following, and also of the on the current state of play in island- major storm events. solutions to address these challenges. focused conservation and sustainable development efforts within the Island economies are often based on Following a call from the IUCN international community – from the only one or two sectors, commonly Membership, IUCN (The International Malé Declaration and the Barbados agriculture and tourism. This makes Union for Conservation of Nature) in Programme of Action to the present. them highly susceptible to economic partnership with the Italian Government Consultation was also undertaken

Table 1. Known endemic species in selected small island developing states

Endemic Endemic Endemic Country mammal species bird species plant species Fiji 1 26 760 Jamaica 3 25 923 Mauritius 2 9 325 57 80 — Solomon Islands 19 44 30 Trinidad and Tobago 1 1 236

Source: IPCC, 2001

8 within IUCN’s board and diverse The survey, conducted between network – particularly among staff, November 2006 and January Commissions, members and partners. 2007, was available as an on-line questionnaire. For those with limited A questionnaire survey, developed internet access, the questionnaire was in three stages, was also utilized to also distributed by e-mail or post. The collect more dynamic and current data. questionnaire tool can be viewed at: First, a short scoping questionnaire was discussed in telephone interviews survey.php?name=sidsEnglish. with 24 respondents who were selected to represent a broad range In order to allow for a more detailed of stakeholders from all island regions analysis of the situation in small island and the international community. states, for several of the questions, Analysis of the results of this effort led respondents were able to select to a full-length questionnaire that was up to three answers. This allowed tested with 35 respondents during a respondents to raise a variety of ten-day scoping mission to Mauritius in issues. May of 2006. This report first provides an overview of The questionnaire was subsequently the results of the background research redrafted and submitted to a final peer conducted. It then goes on to review review. The text of the questionnaire and analyze the data arising from the was translated into French, Portuguese global questionnaire, and concludes and Spanish, and sent out to over with observations and implications for 1,000 potential respondents on a list an IUCN programme on small island generated with the assistance of IUCN developing states. members, Commissions and numerous partners such as the Global Islands Biodiversity Network and the Global Islands Voice.


Espanola Island, Galapagos, Ecuador © Sue Mainka Background

The United Nations Department of Policy Context and Multilateral United Nations, AOSIS serves as an Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) Processes ad hoc negotiating body for SIDS and classifies 51 countries as being small The development challenges faced promotes mitigating actions to address island developing states (UNDESA, by small island developing states the environmental concerns and 2007). These states are primarily have been increasingly recognized by development obstacles that SIDS face. located in three regions: the Pacific the international community (refer to With a membership of 43 countries and and Caribbean Oceans and what has appendix 3). The vulnerabilities of SIDS observers3 (representing 28% of UN been termed the AIMS area (Africa, and the impediments to sustainable listed developing countries, and 5% Indian Ocean, Mediterranean and development that they are confronted of the total world population) AOSIS South China Sea) (UNDESA, 2007). with have been expressed in several has become one of the main groups While UNDESA maintains the above international declarations, programmes advocating for small island states at noted list of countries considered as and strategies since the late 1980s. the international level (AOSIS, 2007). small island states, no firm definition for SIDS exists (Fry, 2005). One such example is the Malé Following the adoption of Agenda Declaration, adopted in November 214 during the 1992 United Nations Although small island developing 1989, during the Small States Conference on Environment and states (SIDS) are often seen as a Conference on . Largely Development, a Global Conference on homogenous group of countries, driven by the efforts of SIDS, the Malé the Sustainable Development of Small there is considerable heterogeneity Declaration was a recognition of the Island Developing States was held from between them. Geographically dual concerns generated by climate the 25th of April to the 6th May 1994 in speaking, many are not small. Others change and the prospect of sea level Bridgetown, Barbados5. Much of the are highly developed, while others rise, and in particular underscored the work conducted at this conference was officially considered as SIDS are threat that sea level rise posed to the based on the recognition of the unique not strictly islands. Despite these survival of many small island and low- development challenges and needs differences, however, they do share lying states (Fry, 2005). The declaration faced by many small island developing many similarities – in particular their was a statement of the signatories’ states, and it was emphasized vulnerability to a variety of stresses, intent to work cooperatively in order that renewed focus on sustainable both of anthropogenic and natural to protect low-lying states from these development was required to ensure origin (Fry, 2005). threats. Later that year, during its 85th the future prosperity of SIDS (UNGA, plenary session, the United Nations 1994). Therefore, while the issues of As a result of their geographic location, General Assembly (UNGA) referred to climate change and sea level rise were physical morphology, direct exposure the Malé Declaration in a resolution2, prominent throughout the Barbados to hazards, often limited financial and the Parties to UNGA indicated Conference, they were by no means resources, remoteness (in many cases) their resolve to work in cooperation to the sole issues addressed nor central and their unique social characteristics, address the threats created by climate to charting the policy direction forward. SIDS have been found to be among change and sea level rise (UNGA, 1989). the most vulnerable locations on One of the key outcomes to emerge earth1 (Kaly, Pratt and Howorth, 2002; In 1990 the Alliance of Small Island from the Barbados Conference was the Pelling and Uitto, 2001). These same States (AOSIS), a coalition of small adoption of the Programme of Action characteristics, in many instances, island and low-lying countries, was for the Sustainable Development also represent major impediments to formed (AOSIS, 2007). Operating of Small Island Developing States, sustainable development. primarily within the context of the or as it is more commonly known,

10 the Barbados Programme of Action requested the Secretary General Box 1 (BPOA). This document outlines a to improve existing institutional Main components of the comprehensive plan of action at arrangements such that sustainable Barbados Programme of Action national, regional and international development in SIDS could be more n Climate change and sea level rise levels in 14 different priority areas (see easily supported. The document n Natural and environmental disasters box 1). “State of Progress and Initiatives n Management of wastes for the Future Implementation of n Coastal and marine resources In 1999, the United Nations General the Programme of Action for the n Freshwater n Assembly convened a special session Sustainable Development of Small Land n Energy to review the implementation of the Island Developing States” was also n Tourism Barbados Programme of Action. During tabled during this meeting (UNDESA, n Biodiversity resources this session it was reaffirmed that the 2005). In this document the need for n National institutions and administrative BPOA was the primary blueprint for implementation of the BPOA was capacity sustainable development in SIDS, and once again emphasized, along with n Human resource development that the vulnerability of SIDS to various six areas requiring urgent attention – n Regional institutions and technical anthropogenic and natural forces, including natural and environmental cooperation n including external economic shocks, disasters, climate variability, Transport and communication n Science and technology (UNGA, 1994) globalization, trade liberalization freshwater resources, coastal and and natural disasters, remained the marine resources, energy and tourism Source (UNDESA, 2005) fundamental issue of concern in these (UNGA, 1999). countries (UNDESA, 2005). It was also observed that despite the progress Issues relevant to small island the factors identified in Agenda 21, the that had been made in implementing developing states were again brought BPOA and the special UNGA session the BPOA the severe lack of resources6 to the fore during the Millennium held in 1999 (UNDESA, 2004). Further, remained a major obstacle to the Summit in 2000. The Millennium while the WSSD process reiterated continued implementation of the Declaration reiterated the commitment many of the issues previously identified Programme. Representatives from of world leaders to implement the in the BPOA, it also introduced several non SIDS developing countries Barbados Programme of Action and several new topics – including most pledged to increase South-South the outcomes of the 5-year review of prominently HIV/AIDS (UNDESA, 2004). cooperation to help overcome these the BPOA (UNGA, 2000). A comprehensive review of the BPOA financial limitations, while a number was called for during the summit, and of donor countries indicated that they Many of the issues addressed subsequently endorsed during the 57th were willing to increase the amount of in the BPOA were revisited and Session of the United Nations General official development assistance (ODA) reiterated during the World Summit Assembly7. that SIDS received. on Sustainable Development held in Johannesburg in 2002. In particular, the The in-depth review of the Barbados During the meeting the General Johannesburg Plan of Implementation Programme of Action took place in Assembly also adopted a declaration (JPOI) included a chapter on SIDS Mauritius in 2005. As the meeting was calling on the international community in which it was noted that although held soon after the 2004 Indian Ocean to provide SIDS with the means to SIDS continued to advance on issues tsunami, considerable emphasis was pursue sustainable development related to sustainable development, placed during the meeting on disaster initiatives and targets, as well as these efforts remained constrained by management (UNOHRLLS, no date).

11 The review also underscored that Two important documents emerged include the protection of biodiversity, SIDS were shouldering the majority from the Barbados Programme the promotion of sustainable use, of the burden associated with the of Action. One was the Mauritius addressing threats to biodiversity, implementation of the Programme of Declaration, which reaffirmed the maintaining goods and services Action. This was despite the fact that validity of the Barbados Programme of derived from biodiversity, protection many SIDS were being confronted with Action and reiterated the international of traditional knowledge, ensuring the additional international commitments community’s commitment to it. The fair and equitable sharing of benefits as a result of globalization and other other was the Mauritius Strategy from the use of genetic resources, and related multilateral processes. for the Further Implementation ensuring the provision of adequate of the Programme of Action for resources (CBD, 2007). Further, it was noted that since 1994 the Sustainable Development of there had been an overall decline Small Island Developing States. Most recently, during the 24th session in ODA funding, and that a lack of This document reiterated and of the United Nations Environment international cooperation, resources further elaborated on many of the Programme’s Governing Council, the and technology were severely issues raised in the BPOA, but also particular vulnerability of small island curtailing further implementation of the broadened the scope considerably by developing states to the effects of Programme of Action. Coordination adding new areas of focus (see box 2). environmental degradation (especially amongst stakeholders (including It was also recognized that for activities the effects of climate change) was duplication of effort) particularly to be implemented in these priority again noted and the Executive Director between regional bodies, UN systems areas increased levels of financial and was requested to elaborate further and multilateral organizations, was also other resources would be required as UNEP activities to mainstream the found to be a significant issue affecting would better opportunities for trade, Mauritius Strategy and to establish a progress (UN, 2005). access to environmentally sound special desk for issues related to SIDS8 technologies, a greater emphasis on (UNEP, 2007). Though the unique vulnerabilities education and awareness-raising, and development challenges that capacity building, and country-specific SIDS face were clearly stated in the and nationally-driven sustainable 1994 BPOA, the ten-year review development strategies. concluded that there continued to be Box 2 a lack of international commitment Following the in-depth review of the New areas of focus of the Mauritius Declaration on these issues (UN-OHRLLS, no Barbados Programme of Action, the date). Speaking on the implementation Conference of the Parties (COP) to n Climate change and sea level rise of the BPOA, then UN Secretary- the Convention on Biological Diversity n Graduation from least developed General Kofi Annan noted that “On the (CBD) during its seventh meeting in country status whole, implementation of what was Curitiba, Brazil in 2006, also adopted n Globalization and trade liberalization n agreed and promised at Barbados a programme of work on island Sustainable capacity development and education for sustainable development remains disappointing at best. And in biodiversity (CBD, 2007). The CBD’s n Sustainable production and the meantime, new challenges have programme is wide ranging, identifying consumption emerged… So what was, a decade seven focal areas with a total of 11 n National and regional enabling ago, an already pressing small islands goals and 50 associated priority environment agenda, has become even more urgent actions. Similar to the priority areas of n Health and daunting” (UN-OHRLLS, no date). the Convention, the seven focal areas n Knowledge management and information for decision making n Culture and implementation (UN, 2005)

12 Development Assistance and and 19 related to persistent organic nonetheless represents a significant SIDS pollutants ($7.2 million) for assisting donor for small island developing Since the establishment of the small island developing states in states in the region – particularly Barbados Programme of Action it meeting international obligations such Oceania. Further, the ADB’s “Pacific has been recognized that limited as those resulting from participation in Strategy for the New Millennium” financial, human and technological the Convention on Biological Diversity also addresses issues, needs and resources remain major impediments and the United Nations Framework challenges related to small developing to sustainable development in many Convention on Climate Change states10 (ADB, 2007). According to small island developing states. In (GEF, 2005). the ADB’s project database there order to mitigate this problem several are currently in excess of 450 active multilateral and bilateral funding A second major multilateral funding projects in SIDS in a variety of agencies have provided funds to agency assisting small island sectors.11 support projects in these countries (see developing states is the World Bank, appendix 3). which has provided funding for (inter Aside from the multilateral funding alia) many projects to help alleviate agencies, numerous bilateral aid The Global Environment Facility (GEF), poverty, promote trade and support organizations provide support to as one of the major international sustainable urban development. SIDS12. For example the Canadian donors assisting developing countries While the World Bank does not have International Development Agency in funding projects to protect the a programme specifically related has over 200 operational and global environment, has several to SIDS, it does have a programme planned projects in SIDS. The United projects related to small island related to small states. Of the 45 small Kingdom’s Department for International developing states specifically and states that the World Bank identifies, Development (DFID) has 74 projects13 islands more generally. Between the 34 are islands (World Bank, no date). either underway or in planning and the time of its establishment in 1991 A review of current and pipeline Agence Française de Développement and 2005, the GEF has directly World Bank projects indicates that (AFD) has five signed projects14. In provided $365.1 million (leveraging more than 110 projects are either addition, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign an additional $571.6 million in co- underway or planned in SIDS, with a Affairs through its Development financing) to more than 200 projects total approximate value of $1.4 billion9. Cooperation division provides in small island developing states One of the most recent examples of significant funding to a number of (GEF, 2005). These projects varied these types of projects is a decision by “island” states, including Comoros and from enabling activities and medium the World Bank’s Board of Executive Suriname. However, while these donors sized projects to full sized projects Directors to approve $9.5 million in provide significant resources to small and were conducted in a variety of spending to support renewable energy island developing states, none of them focal areas including biodiversity, in several small island states including have funding programmes or initiatives climate change, land degradation, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, the Republic targeted specifically at SIDS as a international waters and persistent of the Marshall Islands, the Solomon specific programmatic focal area. organic pollutants. Specifically related Islands and Vanuatu (World Bank, 2007). to enabling projects, as of 2005 the GEF had funded 71 projects related to The Asian Development Bank biodiversity ($21.6 million), 52 related (ADB) also does not have a specific to climate change ($16.2 million) programme related to SIDS, but

13 Ongoing work of small island states through its Landlocked Developing Countries “Small Islands Voice” initiative, which and Small Island Developing States UN Programmes and Agencies allows for the inhabitants of island (UN-OHRLLS), undertakes a variety of Given the needs outlined in the BPOA communities to be heard and provides activities related to SIDS. In particular and the Mauritius Strategy, a variety a method for exchanging knowledge the UN-OHRLLS, in cooperation with of UN agencies have been carrying and information. Further, the initiative relevant organizations, conducts out work directly or indirectly relevant has brought communities, interest advocacy work on behalf of SIDS, to the SIDS agenda. The Food and groups and island populations together and aids in obtaining international Agriculture Organization of the in order to help develop the capacity support and resources for the further United Nations (FAO), for instance, to implement SIDS sustainable implementation of the Programme addresses the needs of SIDS by development plans. of Action and supports group providing assistance on issues related consultations of SIDS (UNOHRLLS, to fisheries, forestry and agriculture. In The United Nations Environment no date). particular, the FAO seeks to enhance Programme (UNEP) is currently the contribution of these areas to the undertaking a variety of projects The United Nations Development development of small island states related to small island developing Programme (UNDP), through its and poverty alleviation by promoting states. These activities are carried out Capacity 2015 initiative, also promotes sustainable food policies and in several priority areas, the majority of sustainable development in small programmes (FAO, 2007). which correspond to those outlined in island developing states. Capacity the Mauritius Strategy (UNEP, 2006). 2015 seeks to build local capacity to The United Nations Education, UNEP currently lists over 900 ongoing achieve the Millennium Development Scientific and Cultural Organization and completed projects related to Goals through, among other initiatives, (UNESCO) also has a programme small island states15. partnership building. Of particular of work on SIDS. UNESCO has relevance for SIDS, Capacity 2015 conducted activities relevant to small The United Nations Department will seek to reduce vulnerability island developing states for more of Economic and Social Affairs and increase resilience in natural than 30 years (UNESCO, no date). (UNDESA), through its Division for resource management, energy, health, These activities have been focused on Sustainable Development, reviews the agriculture/food security and natural education, environment and resource implementation of the BPOA and the disasters. Further, the work which use, natural and social sciences, Mauritius Strategy. The SIDS unit of the Capacity 2015 undertakes is based on culture and communication. Following Division for Sustainable Development a recognition of the multiple factors the 1994 Barbados Conference, was first formed in 1995, and since which contribute to the vulnerability UNESCO developed an “Intersectoral that time it has provided support to the of SIDS, and the unique development Coastal Regions and Small Islands monitoring of the BPOA, served as a circumstances in each small island Platform” which provides information focal point and prepared reports on its developing state (UNDP, no date). relating to sustainable living in implementation, as well as supported small islands, planning for coastline activities resulting from the BPOA Civil Society change, traditional knowledge and (UNDESA, 2006). Numerous environmental management, poverty reduction, nongovernmental organizations and best practice in freshwater Established in 2001, the United Nations (NGOs) are currently addressing issues management. UNESCO further Office of the High Representative directly and indirectly related to the supports the sustainable development for the Least Developed Countries, sustainability of small island developing

14 states. Owing in part to the high rates sustainable livelihoods on islands of endemism on many islands and the through a global island partnership relatively large territorial waters that that builds political, technical and SIDS have claim to, environmental financial support; rapidly shares NGOS have been particularly active in skills, information and resources; and these areas. accelerates on-the-ground action” (CBD, 2007). An important step in the conservation and sustainable development of small GLISPA seeks to achieve this goal by island states has been the formation of linking local, national and international the Global Islands Partnership (GLISPA) activities and by building from which was first called for in 2005 by existing initiatives. In particular, the the President of the Seychelles and partnership aims to assist leaders was officially launched at the eighth who are promoting conservation meeting of the Conference of the and sustainable development, use Parties to the Convention on Biological international events to highlight the Diversity in Curitiba, Brazil in March special needs of SIDS, stimulate 2006 (The Nature Conservancy, 2006). partnerships to improve conservation Within a year, the partnership consisted capacity, engage donors to gain of more than 20 countries and more access to greater financial resources than 20 international, national and for the conservation of islands, local organizations. The overall goal of facilitate information sharing, and GLISPA is to: promote collaboration between island nations and nations that have islands “Conserve the world’s unique island (CBD, 2007). biodiversity, significantly reduce the rate of and advance


Nosy Tanikely island, Madagascar © Cynthia Craker Observations

On reviewing the ongoing work related Policy Coordination to small island developing states The information available on the and the progress of international websites of organizations dealing negotiations on this issue, several with small island states is, in many observations emerge. At the level of instances, out of date and there is the United Nations there has been a considerable duplication of information clear recognition of the vulnerability between organizations. Moreover, of small island states as well as a there appears to be a significant recognition of the challenges to lack of coordination between the sustainable development that they diverse array of UN agencies, donors, face. While the Barbados Programme multilateral agencies and civil society of Action has consistently and organizations operating in this area, an repeatedly been seen as an important observation previously made during blue print for sustainable development, the 10-year review of the Barbados it has also been noted that without Programme of Action in Mauritius in assistance from the international 2005 (UNOHRLLS, no date). community many SIDS will be unable to implement it fully, owing to their low It is currently unclear who most levels of human capacity, financial and appropriately represents SIDS on the technical resources. However, despite international stage. The SIDS unit this lack of resources, many SIDS have of UNDESA indicates that its role is taken significant steps (for examples, to help review the implementation please see appendix 1 and the list of of the Barbados Programme of success stories compiled by the Small Action, as well as to serve as a focal Island Developing States Network point or liaison for governments, available at agencies and organizations related successtories/ index.html). to the implementation of the BPOA. UNOHRLLS, on the other hand, has a Though numerous governments have mandate to advocate for SIDS and to expressed their commitment to the assist in mobilizing resources for the Barbados Programme of Action, implementation of the BPOA. The role the Mauritius Strategy and small of AOSIS, furthermore, is to serve as island developing states in general, an ad hoc negotiating body for SIDS for the most part it does not appear at the level of the United Nations. In as if these commitments have been addition, the specific roles of the newly translated into meaningful, ground established CBD programme of work level or practical actions. Further, while on island biodiversity and the Global many projects and programmes have Islands Partnership within this context been implemented, the exact impacts remains unclear. of these with regards to sustainable development are in most instances unclear.


Royal Terns and Caspian Terns in the Bijagos archipelago, Guinea-Bissau © © Hellio - Van Ingen Programme Coordination Climate Change and the Mauritius Strategy, both of There are a variety of funding Clearly, the impacts of climate change these documents address a variety agencies and sources available to such as sea level rise are now squarely of issues ranging from tourism and small island developing states. These on the international agenda. It has waste management to freshwater and donors are important for the further been noted, of course, that SIDS transportation. implementation of the BPOA and in particular, given their often low sustainable development projects in elevations, will be profoundly affected Clearly, the forces driving climate general as they provide highly needed by sea level rise16. Increasingly, leaders change are largely beyond the control funds. However few funding agencies and policy makers in island countries of small island states. One study have specific “windows” addressing are often framing their calls for greater suggests that as a group small island the special needs of small island assistance in addressing the unique developing states are responsible developing states. A similar situation is needs of SIDS in this context. for producing less than 0.1 per cent found with civil society organizations. of global greenhouse gas emissions While a number of prominent non- However though climate change is (Nurse and Moore, 2005). Similarly the governmental organizations are obviously a threat to the sustainability Pacific islands, despite constituting undertaking work related to small and survival of many small island 0.12 per cent of the world’s population, island developing states, in reality few states, it is only one of several complex only release 0.003 per cent of the have programmes targeted specifically development challenges confronting world’s stemming at SIDS. Most NGOs appear to be SIDS. While climate change arguably from fuel combustion (IPCC, 2001). working on areas related to biodiversity represents one of the most important Therefore while the governments of conservation, protected areas, invasive contexts for framing this discussion, small island developing states are species and climate change, which paradoxically the priority development acutely aware of the threat climate may have advantages to many SIDS, challenges most cited often refer change poses17, they also recognize but in most cases these are not directly to the more immediate problems that the most pragmatic action they or explicitly linked to the agenda laid of managing rapid ecosystem and can take to address this threat is out in the Barbados Programme of environmental change often brought through more effective management Action and Mauritius Review. on by development and globalization. of the development process, and While the concerns related to climate improving ecosystem resilience to change and sea level rise have change18. been clearly presented in the BPOA

17 Surveying the views of islanders and island experts

Who responded? state. Analysis of the results confirmed that islands were struggling with A total of 313 responses to the survey that responses received from SIDS (i.e. similar environmental, economic and were received, a response rate of over the UN list) were very similar to those development issues, and that local 30% – with responses coming from all received from other islands and those capacity constraints represented a the world’s island regions (see figure 1). from the “global” cohort. fundamental and universal constraint A total of 121 respondents (39%) came to addressing these problems. from 35 out of the 51 countries on In addition, a broad range of Moreover, it rapidly became clear that the UN list of small island developing stakeholder groups from a wide respondents were eager to make their states. A similar number were received variety of sectors responded to the voices heard. from respondents in territories and survey, many beyond the traditional small island states not formally constituency of the conservation A notable proportion of respondents included on the UN list19. Distribution community. Three groups accounted had some affiliation with IUCN. across the four major island regions for over half of the responses, as Roughly 15% of respondents were globally – the Caribbean, West African illustrated in figure 2 (NGOs 25%, affiliated with an IUCN member islands, the Western Indian Ocean, national governments 19%, and organization, while 25% list and Oceania – was fairly even. The educational institutions 14%). membership in one or more IUCN fifth category of “global” respondents Commissions. Analysis of data from were those with significant expertise Most contributions to the survey had both within and outside of this IUCN in small islands, however were not one element in common: Independent constituency resulted in very limited currently resident in either a country of location and economic status, variation in the survey response. or territory considered a small island the responses clearly indicated

Figure 1. Distribution of respondents by region Figure 2. Respondents’ backgrounds

Global Private sector 21% 5% Independent scientific organization 5% Oceania State or local government Caribbean 29% department of agency 22% Nongovernmental 6% organization 25% Other 7%

Intergovernmental Western organization Indian Ocean West Africa 9% National 16% Islands government 12% or agency Consultant 19% 10%

Education insitution 14%

18 Analysis

Rating the most important for working with island constituencies quality of islands in environment and sustainable Respondents were asked to identify development. what they considered the most important qualities of islands. The Island Ecosystem Services fact that biological diversity and Respondents were also asked what unique island land and seascapes they see as the most important goods are reported as the most important and services provided by island quality of islands is interesting given ecosystems. the non “environment” profile of many of the respondents. Perhaps more Freshwater, mentioned by 75% of interesting is the high score of tourism respondents, is clearly a critical (60%) in comparison to other issues, ecosystem service to islanders. The and the relatively high scores given results do not specify whether this to cultural issues (unique cultures reflects concern about freshwater 49% and traditional knowledge 33%) supplies or demand, but other (see figure 3). sources indicate that even islands in high rainfall zones are experiencing The latter appears to underscore that in significant freshwater scarcity, or considering conservation interventions are headed in that direction due to in islands, rather than taking culture increasing consumption and also as a into account as an afterthought, result of changing climatic patterns20. it would be prudent to consider Also noteworthy are three issues cultural issues as a key entry point which score relatively high – namely

Figure 3. Most important qualities of islands










0% Biodiversity Unique Tourist Unique culture(s) Traditional Areas for landscapes destinations knowledge investment and and seascapes manufacturing


Beach Fales on Upolu Island, Samoa © Imène Meliane Box 3 the importance of these services Specific socio-economic context Respondents’ perspectives to maintain attractive destinations of islands related to the most important for tourism, fisheries and coastal Respondents were asked what they services provided by island ecosystems defences from storms or tidal surges see as the most urgent or pressing (see figure 4). socio-economic issues which must be “In a place where 85% of the population addressed in small islands. lives a subsistence life, all of these Many respondents commented that all ecosystem services are equally important. of their island ecosystem services were Figure 5 illustrates that the following Most locals would value the fishery, timber and local foods.” essential, and that it was very hard three issues were reported the most: to single out even three of them as “Nature is all we have. It is our food, our being more important than the others. • Poor governance, housing, our livelihoods. We don’t have A range of ideas and perspectives on • Lack of well-trained people, a single factory, or a university and only island ecosystem services were shared • Lack of employment/jobs. one hospital for the entire country, which has no medicine, so we have only plants by respondents (see box 3). and herbs.”

Figure 4. Most important services that Figure 5. Most urgent socio-economic nature provides issues

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Freshwater Poor governance

Tourist attractions Lack of well trained people

Fisheries Lack of employment/jobs

Coastal defence from storms Access/quality of educational and tidal surges opportunities Loss of competitiveness Fertile soils for agriculture in key economic sectors Natural defence against Access/quality of erosion and flooding social services

Food Transportation

Provision of medicinal plants Communication

Timber, fibre or building materials

Spiritual benefit

20 This result, however, masks a certain of employment/jobs is cited in the • Integration of women in decision degree of variance among the four Western Indian Ocean region. For making; main SIDS regions (see figure 6 and the West African islands, however, • Multiple responsibilities table 2) although in most cases these transportation tops the list as the most concentrated in a small number of regional differences are illustrated urgent socio-economic issue. Other administrative units, with limited through a re-shuffling of the top three important issues raised by respondents capacity; issues noted above. For instance, poor through narrative responses include: • Lack of, or poorly adapted, governance is the most urgent socio- environmental legislation. economic issue in the Caribbean, • Housing (high competition for whereas lack of well-trained people available housing resources is noted as the top issue in Oceania, between permanent inhabitants and and both this issue and the lack secondary residents);

Figure 6. Most urgent socio-economic issues per region

n Caribbean n Oceania n Indian Ocean n West Africa






0% Lack of Loss of Access/quality Access/quality Poor governance Lack of well Transportation Communication employment/ competitiveness of education of social trained people jobs in key economic opportunities services sectors

Table 2. Socio-economic priority issues in each region

Region 1st priority 2nd priority Caribbean Poor governance Lack of employment Oceania Lack of well trained people Lack of employment Indian Ocean Lack of well trained people Lack of employment West Africa Transportation Lack of employment

21 Most urgent environmental 39%, although awareness about its What are the most important issues potential impact is high and there is a direct pressures on the environment? Survey respondents were also clear sense of urgency regarding the asked to identify the most urgent consequences of climate change (see Respondents were asked to identify environmental issues facing islands box 4). the most direct pressures impacting (again respondents were given the island environments. opportunity to make up to three Again, differences in responses selections). between regions are important to Unplanned or poorly planned consider (figure 8 and table 3). Climate development, whether industrial, While there was no overwhelming change barely registers in West Africa, urban, or within the tourism industry, preference in this area, respondents while respondents there rate the issue rates high – and arguably could be viewed destruction of coastal of endangered species much higher considered a single overarching issue ecosystems, such as coral reefs and than in other regions. While destruction of concern (figure 9). Other direct mangroves, as the most urgent issue to of coastal ecosystems comes out the pressures include over-fishing (cited by address (see figure 7). More than 50% highest amongst all regions, this issue 47% of respondents) and population of all respondents also selected land rates significantly higher in West Africa growth and/or migration (42%). degradation and waste disposal as and the Caribbean. the most environmental urgent issues. It is interesting to note that climate change scores substantially lower at

Figure 7. Most urgent environmental issues Box 4 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Respondents’ perspectives related to the most urgent environmental issues in islands

Destruction of coastal ecosystems (coral reefs, mangroves) “Island systems, which have limited resilience, are in the front line with Land degradation respect to global change and constitute Waste disposal laboratories for adaptation strategies.”

Endangered species “We suffer bad governance and inability to protect the environment for lack of Invasive species resources and human capacity. Our Department of Environment has seven Climate change employees and a monthly budget of $300 which does not even cover decent Pollution (air, water) salaries… certainly no ability to protect the environment.”

22 Figure 8. Most urgent environmental issues facing islands, per region

n Caribbean n Oceania n Indian Ocean n West Africa








0% Pollution Waste disposal Destruction Invasive species Endangered Land Climate change (air, water) of coastal species degradation ecosystems (coral reefs)

Table 3. Environmental priority issues in each region

Region 1st priority 2nd priority Caribbean Destruction of coastal ecosystems Land degradation Oceania Destruction of coastal ecosystems Land degradation Indian Ocean Destruction of coastal ecosystems Land degradation West Africa Destruction of coastal ecosystems Land degradation

Figure 9. Important direct pressures on the environment

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Unplanned/poorly planned development of tourism facilities Unplanned/poorly planned development of industrial and/or urban development


Population growth and/or migration

Invasive species

Overharvesting of renewable natural resources

Intensive agriculture

Mining, oil and gas

23 Here again, there was significant Constraints and barriers • lack of financial resources; regional variation in responses to addressing these direct • inadequate local capacity; pressures (see figure 10 and table 4). For • poor governance. example, unplanned/poorly planned When asked what are the most development of tourism facilities is important constraints or barriers that It is interesting to note that although listed as the most important direct islanders face in addressing these “inadequate local capacity” is pressure in the Caribbean and direct pressures on the environment, considered an important constraint the Western Indian Ocean, while a majority of respondents answered: (42%), this does not seem to be due conversely this issue is rated fairly “poor understanding of environmental to lack of local training facilities or low in Oceania. Invasive species, on problems, or their root causes” (see institutions of higher education, which the other hand, is listed as the most figure 11). The following additional only scores 17%. This could well important direct pressure on the factors were also rated as significant indicate a “brain drain” of more highly environment in Oceania, but is only barriers to effectively addressing trained individuals as a leading cause sixth or seventh in the other regions. pressures on the environment: of shortages in capacity. Narrative provided by respondents related to this question was rich and • insufficient control over development varied (see box 5). decision making;

Figure 10. Most urgent environmental issues per region

n Caribbean n Oceania n Indian Ocean n West Africa






0% Mining, oil and Invasive species Population Unplanned/ Unplanned/ Overfishing Overharvesting Intensive gas growth and/or poorly planned poorly planned of renewable agriculture migration development development natural of tourism of industrial resources facilities and/or urban development

24 Table 4. Most important direct pressures on the environment Box 5 Respondents’ perspectives Region 1st direct pressure 2nd direct pressure related to the direct pressures on the environment in island Caribbean Unplanned/poorly planned Unplanned/poorly planned countries development of tourism facilities development of industrial and/or urban development “Agriculture as it is taught here is based Oceania Invasive species Unplanned/poorly planned on utilization of high levels of pesticides development of industrial and/or urban development (to kill parasites) and chemical fertilizers Indian Ocean Unplanned/poorly planned Population growth and/or migration whereas I’m sure that there are natural development of tourism facilities alternatives we could use if the will West Africa Overfishing Unplanned/poorly planned existed to do this.” development of tourism facilities “(Re: agricultural practices) a lack of control of run-off of poisons provoking contamination from the high watersheds to the coastal zone.”

“Soil erosion caused by poor agricultural practices – or by unplanned/poorly Figure 11. Most important barriers to planned management of waterways addressing direct pressures on the (rivers, canals, streams, culverts, environment reservoirs, etc.) which causes damage during floods and hurricanes.” 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% “Our fishing and forestry activities may not involve over consumption as much as Poor understanding of environmental problems, or their root causes consumption in inappropriate ecosystems Insufficient control over development insufficiently managed and with limited decision making enforcement capacities.”

Lack of financial resources “The illegal entry of mechanized and Inadequate local capacity technologically advanced foreign ships into the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Poor governance islands has started creating changes in Lack of coordination between the availability of deep sea fishes. The governmental agencies death of corals due to a combination Lack of awareness of factors is causing a sudden drop in availability of bait fishes for tuna fishing Insufficient/weak civil society sector which is the major occupation on the Lack of local training facilities, or islands.” institutions of higher education

25 A number of regional differences are Strengthening local capacities Respondents were often passionate in worth noting (see figure 12 and table The perceived need to strengthen local how they underscored the urgency in 5). Lack of coordination barely registers capacities in small islands, and allow this area (see box 6). as an issue in West Africa, while it islanders to manage the challenges is third highest in Oceania. A lack of they have underscored above, seems Key entry points for training facilities does not appear to an urgent priority. A significant strengthening local capacities be a major issue in the Caribbean and majority – 67% of respondents – are In light of the above, respondents Oceania, while it is significant in West of the opinion that strengthening were asked to identify the key entry Africa and the Western Indian Ocean. local capacity is very urgent, while a points or processes which exist for One respondent noted that: further 33% considers it urgent. No strengthening local capacities related significant difference between different to the priority environmental challenges “The major barrier is the low level stakeholders and regions was noted on identified. of acceptance that the present this issue. direction of development will lead to environmental disaster as has happened on many other islands. We Table 5. Major barriers to addressing environmental pressures in each region need to approach the problem from the Region 1st barrier 2nd barrier perspective of change management Caribbean Poor understanding of environmental Inadequate local capacity – and as such need leadership, problems or their root causes collaboration a shared vision, and Oceania Poor understanding of environmental Inadequate local capacity concrete examples of how to move problems or their root causes forward as the basis for changing the Indian Ocean Inadequate local capacity Insufficient control over development decision making conservation and development model West Africa Lack of financial resources Poor understanding of environmental in the islands.” problems or their root causes

Figure 12. Most important barriers, per region, to addressing the direct pressures on the environment

n Caribbean n Oceania n Indian Ocean n West Africa






0% Insufficient/ Lack of Lack of Lack of local Poor governance Poor Insufficient Lack of financial Inadequate local weak civil coordination awareness training understanding control over resources capacity society sector between facilities, or of environmental development governmental institutions of problems, or decision making agencies higher education their root causes

26 Figure 13 would suggest that raising Where does capacity building Box 6 public awareness is a major entry need to be targeted? Respondents’ perspectives on point for programme development. Respondents were asked to identify strengthening local capacities Tools and approaches suggested in those groups that they feel are key “It requires deep knowledge and the comments that many respondents to change, and would benefit most understanding, not just simple technical submitted with their questionnaires from strengthening their capacities skills. Capacity is required to develop included making most effective use in environmental issues in general integrated approaches that work on many of recent advances in IT for distance – and ecosystem management and aspects of interdependent systems at learning, targeting awareness raising restoration. once. This is a tall order, but any less leads to what we have now.” activities at decision makers, and developing better cooperation with the Decision makers in government and “Local capacity is urgently needed to private sector in awareness raising and private sector are seen as primary address ongoing environmental problems. education campaigns. target groups. At the same time, Often outside capacity is imported which respondents noted that a broad level of is very expensive and always leave with awareness raising amongst the general the knowledge.”

“The local capacity (i.e. human resources) to deal with the main problems exists in country. What is lacking is the real political will to deal with the problems.”

“A small island can be completely transformed in a very short space of time given modern technology and increased Figure 13. Key entry points for capacity strengthening in ecosystem manage­ment communications/transportation. We and restoration are not learning quickly enough how to achieve sustainable development before 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% critical ecosystems are degraded. These changes might be irreversible, and certainly prevention will be cheaper than Public awareness campaigns about the importance of ecosystem services restoration.”

Major changes in land use “Well qualified and skilled environmental Major changes in marine resource practitioners are leaving the island states management to seek career development opportunities Collaboration between ongoing capacity development programmes elsewhere (i.e. an enabling environment and career development opportunities New developments in tourism are not created to retain expertise in the country).” New infrastructure developments

27 public is equally as important (see Figure 14. Groups that are key to change figure 14). One respondent saw the and would benefit most from capacity strengthening in ecosystem management issue as much more fundamental: and restoration

“Our political system is totally 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 centralized. NGOs cannot do much: no resources. The government is the Decision makers in government main employer. People go to work but have nothing to do because they don’t Decision makers in private sector have electricity, the ministers are so Field-level employees in government lacking in capacity that they pretend to make policies, but are clueless. We Decision makers in NGOs must influence the decision makers Field-level employees of NGOs in parliament, the government, the presidency and ultimately create public Middle management in private sector opinion among “the people” to vote for Field-level employees of private sector people who will manage better.” Field-level employees of development NGOs

Middle management in development NGOs The substance of capacity building Respondents were asked what improvements to technical/skill areas are needed most to address the key challenges they are facing. Figure 15. Improvements to technical skills areas needed most to support positive change in ecosystem management and The data illustrated in Figure 15 restoration suggests that priority content areas for strengthening capacities are: scientific/ 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% technical skills in monitoring changes

in ecosystems, and integrated land use Scientific/technical skills to monitor planning. Other content areas include environmental changes in ecosystems Integrated land use planning and legislation/policy, along with technical management skills in ecosystem restoration/ Technical skills in ecosystem management, project planning/ management/restoration management, and negotiation and Legislation/policy conflict resolution skills. Negotiation and conflict resolution skills

Project planning/management

Communication methods and skills


28 Respondents also pointed to a variety • Improve communication between Capacity building mechanisms most of other important issues that need relevant government departments; cited were access to existing training to be considered in any successful • Ensure freedom of access to courses and information, regional capacity building strategy: environmental information (cf. cooperation, and national and regional Aarhus Convention); learning networks. There were a • Underscore the need to reclaim • Consult civil society and other number of respondents who made a sustainable island values; stakeholders before (not after) particularly strong call for coaching: • Use traditional island knowledge development decisions have been resources, and blend these with taken. “Do not send people abroad, and modern approaches to knowledge do not do conferences, seminars or management; Mechanisms for strengthening workshops in country. We have those • Link people and the environment capacities every day from the World Bank, the more comprehensively to create Respondents were asked for UN, the IMF, etc. They are useless. sustainable livelihoods; their views on the most effective We need coaching by foreign experts • Focus on linking local institutions/ mechanisms for strengthening who stay in country for a long period NGOs with government institutions capacities in ecosystem management and work with us at our desks and – building these partnerships will be and restoration, given the unique understand our constraints and help essential to securing lasting capacity parameters of distance and isolation us find solutions. Everything else is a development in small islands; many small islands face (see figure 16). waste of time.”

Figure 16. Most effective capacity strengthening mechanisms

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Access to existing training courses and information on ecosystem management and restoration Regional cooperation in ecosystem management and restoration

National or regional learning networks

Peer exchange

Coaching and practical guidance by local experts

On-the-job professional updating on ecosystem management and restoration Improving access to and use of local knowledge for ecosystem management and restoration

Coaching and practical guidance by foreign experts

Resource centres with facilitated knowledge networking Digital decision support systems for ecosystem management and restoration

29 Conclusions

The world’s islands and island peoples have the best available technical and change (although this would no doubt are clearly on the front lines of global financial support to ensure ongoing be welcomed) but proactive support climate change, whether through sea local development adapts, in real and from the international community to level rise, shifts in weather patterns, tangible ways, to the long-term realities help island nations develop their own or increases in the frequency and climate change is likely to present. expertise and strategies to adapt. intensity of major storm events. As President James A. Michel of the In a significant step towards improving The authors of this report believe that Seychelles underscored in his address research, knowledge and local capacity the findings presented here provide to the Global Islands Partnership at for adaptation, President Michel guidance on how this support can be a strategy meeting hosted by the touched on his decision to create his targeted, and developed in ways which Italian Government which took place nation’s first institute of higher learning, work hand in hand with the aspirations in Rome on 25–27 September 2007, the University of the Seychelles. One of island nations. The International islanders are increasingly empowering of the University’s leading Faculties Union for Conservation of Nature themselves with tools and strategies to will be devoted specifically to driving clearly has a role to play, through its address this challenge. the agenda for targeted research technical programmes and through and innovation on the environmental mobilization of its members and Yet real empowerment in small island changes affecting small islands. Commissions, to support this agenda communities, the President stressed, – and is taking steps to develop a comes through taking concrete There is a strong co-relation between global programme of work specifically action on ensuring investments the findings of this study and President focused on the unique environmental and development meet the growing Michel’s statements. Islanders are and ecosystem management challenges presented by climate acutely aware of the repercussions challenges faced by islands, along change, and that knowledge is the key of climate change, but clearly wish to with targeted geographic programmes to this empowerment. Island states confront these implications by being in Oceania and the Caribbean. IUCN are increasingly working together in squarely in the driver’s seat in adapting looks forward to working closely with collaborative partnerships to share local development and ecosystem the global community of island nations expertise and knowhow in adaptation management to meet these challenges. in the development of this programme. strategies. At the same time, islands The data would suggest that islanders are also reaching out to major donors are not looking for major international and other partners to make certain they policy breakthroughs on climate


Sea lions on Isabella Island, Galapagos, Ecuador © Sue Mainka 31 appendix 1 Best practice examples of environmental management initiatives

Respondents were asked to provide examples of exemplary activities or project initiatives focusing on ecosystem management and restoration in small islands, and in particular which demonstrate innovative approaches to building local capacity in these areas. Many examples were given, a small sample of which follows below:

n UNEP-CEP Caribbean Regional n Pacific Islands MPA Consortium n PILN – Pacific Invasives Learning Training the Trainers Programme (PIMPAC), facilitated by US NOAA Network based at SPREP, Samoa. for MPA Managers. Email: avk. and Micronesia Conservation Trust, Contact: Jill Key ([email protected]) [email protected] learning network focused on MPA managers in the US-affiliated Pacific n Community Legal Education. n The Nature Conservancy’s MAR Islands providing training, learning Executing agency: Centre for program. exchanges, etc. Contact: Meghan Environmental Law and Community Gombos (Meghan.Gombos@noaa. Rights (CELCOR), Friends of n “Improving Governance and Civil gov) and Willy Kostka (mctdirector@ the Earth PNG. The CLE targets Society Participation in Natural communities in areas experiencing Resource Management in the negative effects from logging, Caribbean”. CANARI-Caribbean n PII – Pacific Invasives Initiative mining, oil palm development, Natural Resource Institute. Email: based at Auckland University in New fisheries activities. It aims to equip [email protected] Zealand. Contact: Alan Saunders local people or resource owners with ([email protected]) legal knowledge and empower them n SEDU-Sustainable Economic to make informed decisions on their Development Unit, Research for n Agenda 21 Island of Ischia (Italy). resource development. Contact: SIDS. Email: [email protected] Executing agency: Municipalities [email protected] or www. of the Island of Ischia. Agenda 21 n Communities and Coastal Ischia is a local comprehensive Programme FSPI (Check plan of action in every area in which n Developing an ecosystem-based ). Email: hugh. humans impact on the environment. management approach for coastal [email protected] Email: resources of Babeldaob Island, [email protected] Republic of Palau. Executing n Fiji Locally Managed Marine Area agency: Palau Conservation Society. Network–WWF n Marine Environment Education This is a three-year Packard-funded Programme (MEEP). Executing project initiated in June 2006. n Micronesian Leaders in Island agency: Mahonia Na Dari (NGO). The The overall goals for this project Conservation (MIC) – TNC project provides marine education include: (1) fostering healthy coastal Micronesian Challenge – programme to schools targeting communities and ecosystems on Governments of Palau, FSM and young people to be aware of the Babeldaob, and (2) developing a Marshall Islands. http://mic-network. threats to the marine environment. collaborative process to improve Email: solmsted@ Contact: [email protected] or natural resource management for Babeldaob.

32 n Special Project on Adaptation n Mainstreaming Sustainable Land n The UNESCO World Heritage Centre to Climate Change in Coastal Management. Project executing has been conducting capacity Ecosystems in Saint Lucia, St. agency: The Global Mechanism, building and awareness workshops Vincent and the Grenadines, and in collaboration with Caribbean in the Pacific Region within the Dominica. Executing agency: Environmental Health Institute framework of the Pacific-wide Caribbean Community Climate Programme “World Heritage – Change Centre Pacific 2009”. Further information is available on the following website:

33 appendix 2 Timeline of key events regarding international negotiations on SIDS

Year Event 1989 Malé Declaration adopted during the Small States Conference on Sea Level Rise 1990 The formation of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) 1992 Agenda 21 adopted during the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (Rio Earth Summit) 1994 The Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States held in Barbados, resulting in the Barbados Declaration and the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States (Barbados Programme of Action) 1999 A special session to review the implementation of the Barbados Programme of Action was held and the State of Progress and Initiatives for the Future Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States was adopted 2000 Millennium Declaration reiterated the commitment to implement the Barbados Programme of Action 2002 The World Summit on Sustainable Development formalized the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation (JPOI) which includes a chapter entirely devoted to SIDS 2005 An in-depth review of the Barbados Programme of Action was conducted resulting in the adoption of the Mauritius Declaration and the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States 2006 The Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity adopted a programme of work on island biodiversity 2006 The Global Islands Partnership (GLISPA) was formalized 2007 During the 24th session of the United Nations Environment Programme’s Governing Council, the vulnerability of small island developing states to the effects of environmental degradation (especially the effects of climate change) was again noted 2007 The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change held two expert meetings on adaptation for small island developing states (SIDS) 2007 The SIDS unit of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs held an experts’ group meeting on mainstreaming and monitoring the Mauritius Strategy for Implementation

34 appendix 3

Projects in SIDS funded by selected donor organizations

Country WB21 CIDA22 ADB23 DFID24 AFD25 Africa Cape Verde 6 13 0 1 2 Comoros 3 6 0 0 1 Guinea-Bissau 8 14 0 2 2 Mauritius 3 5 0 0 0 Sao Tome and Principe 2 6 0 0 0 Seychelles 0 5 0 0 0 Latin America and the Caribbean Anguilla 0 0 0 4 0 Antigua and Barbuda 0 0 0 0 0 Aruba 0 0 0 0 0 Bahamas 0 0 0 0 0 Barbados 1 0 0 0 0 Belize 2 0 0 1 0 British Virgin Islands 0 0 0 0 0 Cuba 0 20 0 0 0 Dominica 1 32 0 0 0 Dominican Republic 11 0 0 0 0 Grenada 5 30 0 3 0 Guyana 9 0 0 10 0 Haiti 10 66 0 1 0 Jamaica 6 0 0 11 0 Montserrat 0 0 0 34 0 Netherlands Antilles 0 0 0 0 0 Puerto Rico 0 0 0 0 0 Saint Kitts and Nevis 2 0 0 0 0 Saint Lucia 7 33 0 0 0 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2 0 0 0 0 Suriname 0 0 0 0 0 Trinidad and Tobago 2 0 0 0 0 United States Virgin Islands 0 0 0 0 0

35 Asia and the Pacific American Samoa 0 0 62 0 0 Bahrain 0 0 0 0 0 Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas 0 0 0 0 0 Cook Islands 0 0 10 0 0 Fiji 1 0 49 0 0 French Polynesia 0 0 0 0 0 Guam 0 0 0 0 0 Kiribati 1 0 19 1 0 5 4 41 0 0 Marshall Islands 0 0 12 0 0 Micronesia (Federated States of) 0 0 10 0 0 Nauru 0 0 1 0 0 New Calendonia 0 0 0 0 0 Niue 0 0 0 0 0 Palau 0 0 1 0 0 Papua New Guinea 6 1 96 2 0 Samoa 5 0 62 0 0 Solomon Islands 3 0 48 0 0 Timor-Leste 9 3 9 4 0 Tonga 2 0 25 0 0 Tuvalu 0 0 6 0 0 Vanuatu 0 4 27 0 0 Total 112 242 478 74 5

36 appendix 4 Endnotes

1. Vulnerability has been described in 7. Resolution 57/262 – http://www. 15. Based on a review of the projects a variety of ways but can generally listed on the UNEP Project be construed as the ability, or 20documents/A-res-57-262.pdf. database (located at http://www. most commonly the inability, of individuals to prepare for and 8. Decision 24/6. html?id=5&ln=6) on October 2, cope with the negative impacts of 2007. disasters – whether of human or 9. Information obtained from a natural origin (Pelling and Uitto, search of the World Bank’s 16. For example, one estimate 2001). online Project Database (located suggests that the cost of at safeguarding Jamaica from a one 2. Resolution A/RES/44/206 – WBSITE/EXTERNALPROJECTS meter rise in sea level would be as Possible adverse effects of sea- /0,,menuPK:115635~pagePK:64 much as 462 million dollars while level rise on islands and coastal 020917~piPK:64021009~theSite the cost of protecting Malta and areas, particularly low-lying PK:40941,00.html) on October 2, Cyprus from a 20 to 30 centimetre coastal areas. 2007. rise could be 550 million and 190 million dollars respectively (Nurse 3. 37 of these are also members of 10. While the strategy focuses on and Moore, 2005, 105). Further, UN, representing 20 per cent of small developing states and not these figures only represent the total UN membership (AOSIS, SIDS it is noted that ¾ of small initial infrastructure costs and do 2007). developing states are islands. not include recurring costs for maintenance. 4. Agenda 21 provides 11. ADB’s project database is located comprehensive guidance on at 17. For example, Maumoon Abdul sustainable development issues Gayoom, President of the and lists action to be taken 12. Based on a review of CIDA’s Maldives, during the 1992 at the international, national online project browser located at United Nations Conference on and local level to mitigate the Environment and Development impacts of human activities on browser. states that “I stand before you as the environment. In section G a representative of an endangered of chapter 17 of Agenda 21 it 13. Based on a review of the projects people. We are told that as a result is recognized that small islands listed on Accessible Information of global warming and sea level represented special cases in terms on Development Activities rise, my country, the Maldives, of environment and development (AiDA) located at http://aida. may, some time during the next and that they were confronted by century, disappear from the face several development challenges. of the earth. …this conference might be the last opportunity … 5. This was pursuant to UN General 14. Based on a review of the database to initiate global action that would Assembly Resolution 47/189. of the Agence Française de save the Maldives and other low- Développement located at http:// lying island states from becoming 6. The lack of resources was partially environmental victims of the rising attributed to the decline in official home/NosProjets/derniersprojets? oceans”. development assistance which srcpage=lstall&column=projetStat had occurred since 1994. ut&order=asc#

37 18. For example, Palau has 19. For instance, we received 21. Refers to active and pipeline established an Office of responses from the Andaman and projects. Environmental Response Nicobar Islands (part of India), and Coordination to deal the Galapagos Islands (part of 22. Refers to operational projects and with, amongst other issues, Ecuador), numerous responses those in planning. coordinating actions on from overseas territories of France environmental impacts from and the UK, US territories in 23. Refers to approved projects. development, and implementing the Caribbean and Pacific, and comprehensive mitigation Zanzibar (part of Tanzania). 24. Refers to ongoing and planned programmes for climate change projects. and sea level rise. 20. The recent IPCC volume II report estimates a 20%–50% reduction 25. Refers to signed projects. in available freshwater supplies over the next 50 years.

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40 Island voices — island choices Developing strategies for living with rapid ecosystem change in small islands Simon Rietbergen, Tom Hammond, Chucri Sayegh, Frits Hesselink and Kieran Mooney

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