United States Patent Office 2,810,666 Patented Oct

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United States Patent Office 2,810,666 Patented Oct United States Patent Office 2,810,666 Patented Oct. 22, 1957 same conditions are usable with both nitrates and nitrites. Passivation effects on pyrophoric catalysts can be ob 2,810,666 served at almost any concentration of sodium nitrate or nitrite. Thus an aqueous solution of 1-10% strength DEACTIVATION OF CATALYSTS 5 can be employed. Higher concentrations are, of course, Willard S. Gleason, Lewiston, N. Y., assignor to E. I. effective but unnecessary and hence waste the nitrate. A du Pont de Nemours and Company, Wilmington, Del., solution containing between about 3 and 5% by weight a corporation of Delaware is preferred. The passivating effect decreases with de No Drawing. Application December 29, 1955, creasing concentration and at a concentration below about ' Serial No. 556,052 O 1% becomes undesirably slow. The concentration of the solution must be adjusted 12 Claims. (C. 148-6.14) if some compound other than that of sodium is employed. The adjustment is easily carried out following known gravimetric principles, i. e., substituting stoichiometric This invention relates to the deactivation of catalysts equivalents. For convenience, the concentration of the of the foraminous or "Raney' nickel type. ion utilized may be referred to as "an effective passivating In a series of patents, of which U. S. Patent 1,915,473 amount.” - may be considered representative, Murray Raney has The concentration is not affected by impurities in the disclosed catalysts of the foraminous type. These solution. These impurities, both inorganic and organic, catalysts are formed by sequentially alloying nickel or can themselves be tolerated in about any quantity so other hydrogenation catalyst with aluminum and then long as they do not interfere with the passivating action dissolving away portions of the aluminum as increased or react with the selected agent or alloy. activity is desired. The alloys may contain initially The time of contact between the catalyst and the between about 5 and 95% by weight of aluminum and aqueous solution may be varied between about 10 min a remainder of the hydrogenation catalyst. The dissolu utes and an hour or even longer. About 30 minutes tion step, generally carried out by means of a sodium hy is effective with a solution containing 3-5% of sodium droxide solution, is frequently repeated several times nitrate. - during the life of the catalyst. Eventually of course a Any convenient temperature may be employed between condition is reached when the catalyst cannot be re about 0° C. and 50° C. Still higher temperatures are generated and must be discarded. 30 usable but unnecessary. Ambient or room temperature is Although the spent material is no longer economically quite satisfactory and, since it is also convenient, is effective as a catalyst, it frequently still possesses some preferred. activity. This activity may be so great as to render the A preferred embodiment of the invention, embracing material pyrophoric under ambient conditions. The the preferred conditions set forth above, is easily seen. pyrophorism gradually raises the temperature of the cat In this embodiment, the pyrophoric nickel catalyst it alyst to a point where it incandesces. Since the in is desired to passify is contacted for about 30 minutes candescent material can readily kindle fires, disposal of at ambient temperature with an aqueous solution con the spent catalyst becomes a problem. taining about 3-5% by weight of sodium nitrate. The It will be understood that pyrophorism is not con catalyst is withdrawn from the solution after this treat fined to the spent catalyst. Raney nickel may, in fact, 40 ment in a state of complete deactivation and remains be pyrophoric at any time during its life. The catalyst inactive when dried. In this preferred embodiment nitrite is, however, generally in use or otherwise protected from may be substituted for nitrate with only slightly impaired the atmosphere. Thus pyrophorism does not usually results. become a problem until the catalyst is discarded. The discussion above is limited primarily to Raney A broad object of this invention is, consequently, pro 45 nickel catalysts. Other pyrophoric foraminous catalysts vision of a method for deactivating a Raney foraminous may, however, be treated as described. Raney cobalt, catalyst. in particular, is subject to such deactivation. Another object is provision of a method for eliminating Those skilled in the art will understand that the de pyrophorism in a Raney nickel catalyst. activation treatment is not limited to spent catalysts. It A further object is provision of a method for treating 50 may, in fact, be applied to the catalyst at any time during a spent Raney nickel catalyst so that it can be discarded its life to eliminate pyrophorism. Even a freshly acti without danger of pyrophorism. vated catalyst can be treated with the deactivating solu The above-mentioned and yet further objects are tion and rendered much safer for shipping or storage. achieved in accordance with this invention by a process Reactivation of such a passivated catalyst can proceed in which the foraminous nickel or other Raney catalyst 55 in the normal manner, i. e. by treatment with a caustic is contacted with an aqueous solution containing the solution, so long the catalyst was not completely spent nitrate or the nitrite ion. The sodium compounds are before the deactivation took place. the preferred sources of these ions but other soluble The explanation of the passivating action of the nitrate inorganic salts are usable. Particularly valuable are those or nitrite ion on the Raney catalysts is not precisely of potassium, and calcium or other alkali and alkaline 60 known. It may be due to the formation of an oxide earth metals including ammonium. Nitric acid can be film over the catalystic surface. Other oxidizing agents, employed but does not completely eliminate pyrophorism, as for example hypochlorites, do not however behave possibly because of the hydrogen ion present. Since the in the same manner. Hydrogen peroxide shows some nitrate ion is somewhat more effective than the nitrite passivating action but not complete elimination of pyro ion, the former represents the preferred embodiment of 65 phorism. Sodium chloride, calcium chloride and am the invention. monium chloride give no passivation. The effect of the The most important process variables, in addition to ion, whatever its origin, is thus quite specific. the passivating agent, are the closely interrelated (1) There follow some examples which illustrate details concentration of the agent, (2) time of contact between of the invention. In these examples all percentages are the catalyst and the solution and (3) the temperature of 70 by weight. contact. None of these variables is sharply critical. Example I Pressure is substantially immaterial. Approximately the a. A freshly prepared nickel-aluminum alloy contain 2,810,666 3 4 ing 40% of nickel was exposed to the air under ambient 2. The process of eliminating the pyrophorism of a conditions. The alloy “sparked' vigorously on exposure foraminous nickel-aluminum alloy catalyst which com to air and its temperature rose until it glowed. Paper prises contacting the same with an aqueous solution con or other combustible materials contacted with the in taining an effective passivating amount of sodium nitrate. candescent catalyst were readily ignited. 5 3. The process of claim 2 in which the concentration b. A comminuted sample of the alloy of (a) was of sodium nitrate in the aqueous solution is about 1-10% submerged in a 5% solution of sodium nitrate for 30 by weight. minutes. When removed from the solution and dried, 4. The process of claim 3 in which the concentration the sample was completely free from pyrophorism. of sodium nitrate in the aqueous solution is about 3-5% Part of the nitrate-passivated material, wet with water, O by weight. was completely dehydrated with alcohol to test the pres 5. The process of claim 3 in which the temperature ence of pyrophorism. The catalyst was completely inac of contact is O-50° C. tive to air when absolutely dry. 6. The process of claim 5 in which the temperature A repetition of this experiment with nitric acid re of contact is ambient. sulted in substantially complete passivation of the alloy. 7. The process of claim 3 in which the time of contact c. The experiment of (b) was repeated with several is about 10-60 minutes. other compounds including sodium and potassium nitrites, 8. The process of claim 7 in which the time of contact sodium and calcium chlorides, sodium hypochlorite, am is about 30 minutes. monium chloride, hydrogen pexoxide, and trichlor 9. The process of eliminating the pyrophorism of a ethylene. The nitrites gave almost as good results as the 20 foraminous nickel-aluminum alloy catalyst which com nitrates. Some, but not complete, passivation was ob prises contacting the same at ambient temperature for tained with hydrogen peroxide and trichlorethylene. No about 30 minutes with an aqueous solution containing appreciable passivation was obtained with the other com about 3-5% by weight of sodium nitrate. pounds. 10. The process of eliminating the pyrophorism of a Example 2 foraminous nickel-aluminum alloy catalyst which com prises contacting the same with an aqueous solution con A series of spent Raney nickel catalysts was treated taining an effective passivating amount of sodium nitrite. for 30 minutes at ambient temperature in an aqueous 11. The process of claim 10 in which the concentration solution containing 3-5% of sodium nitrate. These of sodium nitrite in the aqueous solution is about 1-10% samples, which had originally exhibited pyrophorism, by weight. were completely inactive when withdrawn from the ni 12. The process of eliminating the pyrophorism of a trate solution and dried. -foraminous nickel-aluminum alloy catalyst which com The spent catalysts had been utilized in a continuous prises contacting the same at ambient temperature for hydrogenation process and had been reactivated several about 30 minutes with an aqueous solution containing times (usually about three) by treatment with sodium hydroxide solution during the course of their active life.
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