Easter 2020

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Happy Easter!!! The Lord is Risen indeed!!! Alleluia!!! Alleluia!!!

Today and in the days ahead we celebrate the Mystery of Jesus’ Resurrection from the dead and are reminded of how deeply each and every one of us are loved by our Lord because we share in the hope of this most glorious event.

In this difficult time in our world’s history, we may find ourselves not feeling as joyful as we know we ought to feel. In the days of the Triduum we normally gather together in person and as a community of faith to be nourished by the Word of our Lord and to celebrate Christ’s very real presence in the Eucharist. We may feel isolated and lonely. Every day our lives may feel surreal. Though we cannot celebrate in such a powerful way this year, the power of Christ presence among us is just as powerful and real. Our faith teaches us this and our faith is strong.

We may be tempted to downplay our gift of faith and even doubt its strength. We cannot give in to this temptation! When we downplay our faith, we downplay the power of the Resurrection. When moments such as these happen, I try to reflect on all the ways God has saved me and brought me through difficult times in the past and how through those times, in the end, I emerged a stronger person and more as a person of faith. I believe that we will emerge stronger because the power of the Resurrection is infinitely stronger than any difficulties we can ever encounter.

Though our ordinary lives are temporarily disrupted, I believe that there is a lot we can learn. I think of the Jesus’ inner circle of disciples who followed Jesus every day and suddenly found their daily lives disrupted by the events of their Master and Teacher’s crucifixion and death. Those who didn’t fully rely on their faith and the promises of Jesus felt despair rather than hope. Those who relied on their faith saw their faith grow and as a result, looked beyond the sorrows of their present day and looked to how God was with them and was challenging them to embrace the new life to follow. I believe that the same holds true for us!!!

Our faith teaches us and reminds us that though we cannot celebrate our Lord’s resurrection in person, nothing can destroy our collective joy!!! Like the early followers of Jesus, we are to reminded that God is with us and that beyond the sorrow of this pandemic, is a new life and a future willed with hope and great promise.

Please know that at each and every mass I offer, each and every person of our parish is there in the powerful Spirit of the Risen Christ. We are a family. We are the Parish Community of St. Monica. Please be assured of my prayers for a very Happy Easter and Easter Season!!!

Glory and Praise to the Risen Christ!!! Alleluia!!! Alleluia!!!

Sincerely yours in Christ with love,

Fr. Peter

(Peaches and Prince send their Easter greetings too!)