Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the West Conservative Association, held on Friday 9th March 2018, at the Bedford Lodge Hotel, Newmarket Road, Newmarket, Suffolk.

1. OPENING REMARKS Cllr. George Lambton, President of the Conservative Association opened the meeting by welcoming all present. He emphasised it has been a challenging year for the Conservatives but lots to celebrate too. Together with the success of Matt Hancock’s appointment to the Top Cabinet Table as Cabinet Secretary for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, nine out of ten seats were won with an addition of three at the May 2017 elections.

2. GUEST SPEAKER The meeting was then addressed by the speaker, Hon. Sir Nicholas Soames MP. Five areas were outlined needed to be addressed before the next General Election – Housing, NHS, Education, Environmental Issues, Finance & Defence. Following questions from the floor, the President thanked Sir Nicholas for delivering such an entertaining and lively speech.

3. PRESENT Sara Beckett, Ruth Bowman, Carol Bull, Louis Busuttil, Jane Busuttil, Lance Stanbury, Christine Mason, Helyn Dudley, Chole Osbourne, Simon Cole, Belinda Drummond, Yvonne Entwistle, Neal Entwistle, Mary Evans, Paula Fox, Quillon Fox, Stephen Frost, John Gosden, Rachel Hood, Philip Howells, Sylvia Lovell, Edmond Mahony, Margaret Marks, Colin Noble, Michael Peachey, Susan Roach, David Roach, Tony Simmons, Andrew Smith, Karen Soons, David Wheeler, Rob Williams, Terry Wood, Susan Wood, John Bloodworth, Mike Chester, Andy Drummond, Ian Houlder, George Lambton, Simon Le Grys, James McDonald, Robert Nobbs, Clive Pollington, David Unwin, Fiona Unwin, Dan Dawson, Max Dyer-Bartlett.

4. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Received from Cllr David Bowman, Cllr James Waters, Jan Tomlinson, Dave Ray, Deylse Ray, Judith English, Nigel Roman, Robin Millar, Stephen Edwards, Nick Clarke, Rona Burt.

5. MINUTES OF THE LAST ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The minutes of the last AGM held on Friday 10th March 2017, having been circulated, were unanimously agreed to be an accurate record. Fiona Unwin proposed that the minutes were to be adopted and this was seconded by Ruth Bowman. The minutes were duly approved by vote of the meeting.

6. THE ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ASSOCIATION Cllr. Lance Stanbury, Chairman of the WSCA Association presented the Annual Report for 2017/18. The Chairman reported on the successful West Suffolk elections, not only winning 9 out of 10 seats but also gaining a two thirds Conservative majority administration at , thus ensuring its leader, Colin Noble will be able to push through badly needed Conservative policies for the next four years. In the summer last year, WSCA Agent Kerry Buist left, and with the sad death of two of our councillors and the resignation of another, there were three by-elections to be fought. Both Hundon & Chedurgh were contested but won by Mary Evans and Mike Chester. The Newmarket seat was won for the Conservatives by Robert Nobbs. Cllr Lance Stanbury went on to say the WSCA will be vacating their offices in Exning in April and moving to new premises in Fornham St Genevieve. Forest Heath and St. Edmundsbury will be combining to create a new West Suffolk Council in May 2019, necessitating interviewing over seventy candidates by the end

of the year. Membership is to be taken over by CCHQ in the next few months. Currently there are 190 members, a 30% increase over last year. Younger members to be targeted by developing a Political Forum in association with West Suffolk College. Next month there is to be two by-elections in Haverhill North and South. Volunteers most welcome to help with the campaign. Finally, the Chairman thanked the outgoing President George Lambton for his enthusiasm and time commitment during his term in office and wished him well in his future move to Somerset.

7. HONORARY TREASURER’S REPORT Terry K Wood, Association Treasurer, presented the Association accounts as recorded on the attached CCHQ proforma, after copies were distributed to all present. With an increased surplus over last year, Terry explained the Association had sufficient funds at present, but more funds were needed to meet the costs per month to run the office. A further explanation of the expenditure was given, after which it was proposed by Stephen Frost, and seconded by Andy Drummond that the annual accounts be approved.

8. JILL SIMPSON AWARD 2017/18 Cllr Lance Stanbury reported the Jill Simpson Award for 2017/18 had been awarded at the Annual Dinner to Fiona Unwin for her amazing fundraising abilities.

9. VOTE OF THANKS TO RETIRING OFFICERS A vote of thanks was given to retiring officers: Stephen Frost – Deputy Chairman Membership & Fundraising Terry Wood – Treasurer George Lambton - President

10. ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR THE COMING YEAR – 2018/19 The following members were elected to serve:

President: Cllr Mrs Mary Evans Elected unopposed Vice-President: Cllr. Mrs Ruth Bowman Elected unopposed Chairman: Cllr. Lance Stanbury Elected unopposed Dep Chairman (Political): Cllr Karen Soons Elected unopposed Dep Chairman (Membership): Cllr Mrs Susan Glossop Elected unopposed Hon. Treasurer: Mrs Jane Busuttil Elected unopposed Additional Officer posts Mr Dave Ray Elected unopposed Cllr. Mrs Carol Bull Elected unopposed Mr Simon Le Grys Elected unopposed Mr Terry Wood Elected unopposed

10. APPOINTMENT OF AUDITORS Not required as the Association accounts are under the threshold for audit.

11. ADDRESS BY RT.HON MATTHEW HANCOCK M.P. FOR WEST SUFFOLK AND SECRETARY OF STATE FOR DIGIAL, CULTURE, MEDIA AND SPORT In his speech, Mr Hancock touched on the future of the internet & broadband and his role as Cabinet Secretary for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, the necessity to increase membership both nationally and locally, the two Haverhill by-elections, boundary review and the merger of St Edmundsbury with Council in May 2019. He continued by thanking everyone for all the work they had undertaken for the Association over the year.

Following the address, questions were taken from the floor.

Cllr Stanbury thanked everyone for attending the meeting and wished them a safe journey home.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 7.30 pm.