Date of Meeting 21st May 2015 Present Cllrs Remblance, Bailey, Stone, McElarney, Drake, O’Hear, Mrs Cyprien, Mrs Hocken, Mrs Hunt and Miss Clark.

In Attendance Clerk - Jean Brown, PCSO Haden, C Cllr Ladd, D Cllr Allen and 1 member of the public.

1 Opening - The meeting was declared open at 7.30pm 2 TO ELECT A CHAIRMAN Cllrs Remblance and Cyprien were nominated as Chair, there were 7 votes to 2 in favour of Cllr Remblance he then signed the Declaration of Office. 3 TO ELECT A VICE CHAIRMAN Cllrs Cyprien and Hunt were nominated, there were 6 votes to 2 in favour of Cllr Cyprien. PUBLIC FORUM – Police Report – Delivered by PCSO Haden, attached. Cllr Drake asked how much of a problem computer crime is becoming in the area. PCSO Haden said that this type of crime is dealt with by the Fraud Unit in London and Police get a brief summary after about 6 months, but that he believed the level is lower here than the national average. Despite the cuts to the Police budget the area will retain the same amount of PCSOs until April/May 2016. There have been several complaints regarding parking in Covert Road and Highways Dept are to assess the situation. C Cllr Ladd’s Report – SCC has elected a new Leader – Mr Colin Noble who will be visiting and Reydon to meet with both Councils. C Cllr Ladd has spoken to a Highways Dept engineer about Covert Rd, who felt that putting in yellow lines may just move the problem elsewhere and if there are any objections it will mean a long, expensive inquiry and may not go ahead. He has been involved in negotiating the deal so that the Playing Field Charity has a freehold lease on the playing field the lease will include a covenant that will state the land can only be used as a playing field. D Cllr Allen’s Report – Some of the work has been completed on Jubilee Green, but there has been a legal complication with the handover. The Section 106 officer at WDC is trying to get a more informal agreement made which will make it cheaper but is going to take more time. Cllr Allen is to obtain a copy of the original agreement made with Hopkins Homes. There is to be an informal drop in with Housing Officers on June 13th at the Millenium Hall from 10.00 until 13.00, there will be tea, coffee and biscuits. The resident of 1 Angus Terrace contacted WDC regarding the possibility of having disabled parking access either behind or at the side of the property. The Blyth Estuary Group has reported that it will cost £25,000 to repair the wall between the bailey bridge and the ferry the footpath will be closed during this work. The wall will be raised to 2.8m high and 1.5m across the top. Engineers are in talks with the landowners with a view to putting in a sluice in Tinkers Marsh approximately 200m west of the bailey bridge. Cllr Drake asked if there was any provision for expansion of the hen reed beds on the Reydon side of the bridge. 4 Receipt and Acceptance of Apologies for Absence – Cllr Humphrey, other commitment. 5 Declarations of Interest in any item on the agenda – Item 23 ii) Cllrs Remblance and McElarney 6 i) Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 23rd April 2015 These minutes have been circulated, and it was proposed by Cllr Bailey to formally approve them aif. The minutes were signed by the Chair. ii) Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 30th April 2015

These minutes have been circulated, and it was proposed by Cllr Bailey to formally approve them aif. The minutes were signed by the Chair.


7 Matters Arising from the Minutes – Cllr Stone confirmed there is 1 rotten and 1 loose post in the car park of the Recreation Ground. The Clerk is to ask Mr Boggis to repair them. Regarding the report of an overflowing bin in the vicinity of the Circus and the dog mess left in the area, it has been discovered that if the PC has one more bin the price for emptying them will go up considerably, the Clerk is to ask Mrs Skinner if she will make a laminated sign for the black bin saying ‘This bin can be used for Doggy Bags’. 8 Statutory Business – a) To review Financial Standing Orders 2014 – Found satisfactory, proposed Cllr Bailey aif b) To review Internal Control - Found satisfactory, proposed Cllr Bailey aif c) To Nominate 2 trustees to The Reydon Trust, it was proposed by Cllr Remblance that the present trustees, Mr A Ginn and Mrs S Moorer continue in their roles, aif. The Clerk will inform the Trust of the PC’s decision.

9 APPOINTMENTS TO STATUTORY BODIES AND REPRESENTATIVES i) Village Hall Committee – Cllr Clarke ii) Southwold & Reydon Sports Development Council – Cllr Remblance iii) Community Education Youth Club – Cllr Remblance iv) Reydon Estates Charity – Cllr Stone v) SALC - Pending vi) Blyth Estuary Group – Cllr O’Hear vii) Community Emergency Group – Cllrs McElarney & Bailey viii) Employment Group – Cllr Remblance, Cllr Humphrey 10 TO CONSIDER ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS- SALC and CAS, proposed Cllr Bailey aif 11 TO APPOINT COMMITTEES AND SUB-COMMITTEES - 12 IF APPROPRIATE TO ELECT A CHAIRMAN OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE – Cllr Bailey 13 IF APPROPRIATE TO ELECT A VICE CHAIRMAN OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE – Cllr Stone, committee members will be on a rolling basis as in previous years 14 IF APPROPRIATE CHANGE BANK SIGNATORIES n/a 15 TO INSPECT THE DEEDS IN THE CUSTODY OF THE COUNCIL – They are held by Norton Peskett Solicitors. 16 Clerk’s Report – G Graham has returned to work and has reported some large pieces of car bumpers littering the edges of Rd. The Clerk has asked her to report anything too large for her to clear away. Cllr O’Hear asked if the PC had an HR policy in place, it does. The overgrown footpaths from Rd and Might’s Bridge to Easton Bavants have been reported and SCC ROW Dept said they would be cleared by 8th May 2015. The mattress and vehicles beside the footpath at the end of Three Marsh Lane has been removed. A quote from AON for insurance has been received this and the current schedule and price, which is due for renewal in September are to be circulated. It was reported that the footpath that runs beside Reydon Grove now has a ‘private road’ sign, SCC ROW Dept are to investigate. The Community Payback organiser has been in contact asking if the PC would like the men to do another tidy up of weeds starting on 30th May. It was proposed by Cllr McElarney that they do aif. The Clerk reminded everybody that they needed to fill in and post their election expenses forms, even if they were not claiming any. 17 Business Remaining From Previous Meeting

a) Village Plan – Cllr Cyprien and Mrs M Beckett met with the Head Teacher and Head of Governors of St Felix School to discuss wider public use of their swimming pool. Cllr Cyprien felt that it was both enlightening and constructive, they were given a copy of the pool timetable, the pool is used a lot mainly for clubs and serious/competitive swimmers and does not currently have a time for individual leisure swimmers. There is a possible gap for 3 or 4 hours on a Saturday afternoon which was offered some years ago but was withdrawn due to lack of uptake. The Swimming Club can contact Sue Purchase, Director of Swimming to discuss the possibility of resurrecting this. The school hire out their chapel, theatre, 7 sports hall and fitness centre to groups, and are happy for this fact to be advertised provided they agree with the content. b) Quiet Lanes - Cllr Drake and 2 nearby residents are to meet with Mr Winship on the 4th June 2015 c) VAS signs – No progress as PC are still waiting for the posts. d) Grass cutting Recreation Ground has now started. e) Live/Work Units – No report f) Parking restrictions, Nightingale Avenue – See C Cllr Ladd’s report 18 FINANCE a) To receive and sign Annual Financial Report i) To receive Bank Reconciliation year ending 31st March 2015 iii) To received Fixed Asset Register 31st March 2015 iv) To receive Budget to Actual 31st March 2015 v) To receive Risk Assessment (Financial) 31st March 2015 vi) To receive Significant Variances 31st March 2015 vii) To receive Statement of Accounts 31st March 2015 viii) Paye and end of year details Cllr Bailey proposed that these figures were accepted, seconded Cllr Drake aif. The Chairman and RFO signed the Annual Return b) Accounts awaiting payment Clerk’s salary and expenses £440.38 PAYE April & May 2015 £3.40 Ian Bradbury 6 padlock keys for water at allotments £20.00 SALC Internal Audit £222.00 G Graham litter picking £70.00 Community Payback – Groundworks £75.00 D Price – Noticeboard £887.00 Total 7 cheques £1717.78 Cllr Drake proposed these accounts are to be paid aif c) Annual Donations – Last year’s amounts i) Christmas Lights £300 ii) Voluntary Help Centre £200 iii) E.A. Air Ambulance. £100 iv) Community First Responders. £200 v) Churchyard Appeal £200 vi) The Loft £100 vii) Sole Bay Carers 0

After some discussion it was proposed by Cllr Bailey that no more donations will be given to The Loft aif. Cllr Stone proposed that £200 should be given to The Shuttle Bus and £200 to Sole Bay Care Fund, seconded Cllr O’Hear aif.

d) Receipts WDC Precept £12,500

Bank Balances at 29th April 2015 T/ Acc £601.00 B/ Acc £48,672.23 e) Accounts already paid - none 19 Chairman’s Communications - None

20 Questions from Councillors previously submitted – None

8 21 Reports a) Councillor’s Reports– Cllr Drake said that invitations to the Village Hall Committee’s celebration for the double glazing will be extended to all Councillors, VHC members, landowners of the solar farm, Mr A Ginn, reps of AEE Renewables and press, the cost of the party and the plaque(s) will be borne by the VHC. Cllr Bailey reported that there are 2 more volunteers for the Speedwatch team. b) Any Other Reports – 22 Planning a) Planning Applications i) DC/15/1503/FUL Mr Taylor, 1 Gorse Rd. Construction of a two-storey side extension, single storey rear extension and detached double garage. ii) DC/15/0647/FUL Mr Dodds, Site adj to Pitches View. Construction of 6 no bungalows, construction of a Sports and Community Centre and Multi Use Games Area, with associated access road and parking. iii) DC/15/1684/TPO Mr Kinsella, 20 St George’s Square. TPO 345-G2 Holm Oaks inner rowcloset to property – 5 x Holm Oaks – reduce and shape by 30% iv) DC/15/1850/FUL Mr & Mrs Clark, 5 Hurn Crag Road. Construction of a dormer window to rear elevation PRE APPLICATION ADVICE DC/PREAPP/15/1722 Reydon PC, Erection of notice board Lowestoft Rd

The Planning Committee advised the PC recommend acceptance for all these applications. Cllr O’Hear proposed this there were 2 abstentions and 8 votes in favour.

b) Planning Decisions DC/14/4142/FUL Mrs Jarvis, 37 Halesworth Rd. Construction of a new chalet bungalow GRANTED 4 Conditions DC/15/0519/VOC Mr & Mrs Taylor, 14 Gorse Rd, VOC No 3 of DC/14/3416/VOC Change to approved materials for plot 1 GRANTED 11 conditions DC/15/0995/FUL Mr Slaymaker, 4 Fieldview Close, Construction of a side porch. GRANTED 3 conditions DC/15/0887/FUL Mr Richards, 3 Hill Road. Construction of a single storey link extension between house and garage. GRANTED 4 conditions Pre Planning Notice Board. Licence OT14352E to place apparatus in the Highway GRANTED 10 conditions

DC/15/1113/FUL Mr McNab, St Felix Vue, Construction of a single storey rear extension REFUSED. 13 Any Other Business Duly Specified 14 Correspondence - Suffolk Constabulary would like to meet with representatives of the PC towards the end of the current agreement with the PCSO match funded scheme (end of June 2015) to review options for the future. The agreement was extended at no cost for 3 months, as the number of hours PCSOs were patrolling was less than agreed earlier in the year due to sickness. Cllr Hunt said that a meeting would be a good idea.

15 Close of Meeting - There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.00pm

Signed…………………………………………………. (Chairman) Date 18th June 2015


The meeting was reconvened at 9.06pm when the Clerk remembered that the PC had not discussed the Co - option of former Councillor Jordan back on to the Council.

Present Councillors Remblance, Cyprien, Drake, Bailey, Clark and Stone In attendance the Clerk Jean Brown.

There had been no response to the adverts on the website and notice boards and Mrs Jordan had expressed her agreement to being co-opted back on. Cllr Bailey proposed that Julie Jordan be co-opted on aif.

Meeting closed at 9.11 pm.

Signed ………………………………………. Chairman Date 18th June 2015