Published by for Distribution Among the Membership of the Association
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Published by THE SAMUEL WARNER ASSOCIATION. INC. for distribution among the membership of the Association REGISTER OF THE ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL1 WARNER OF WILBRAHAM, MASS. With Descendants to the Seventh Generation of John• {William') Warner of Ipswich, Mass. KATHARINE WARNER RA0ASCH AND ARTHUR HITCHCOCK RADASCH SECOND EDITION 1956 Copyright 1956 by The Samuel Warner Association, Inc. Printed in the United States of America by THE POND-EKBERG COMPANY, Springfield, Mass. PREFACE The :first edition of this Register, by J. Alfred Warner, was published in 1924. It established the ancestry of all descendants of Samuel7 Warner (1763-1824) of Wilbraham, Mass., back to William1 Warner of Ipswich (1637), and of many of them to John and Priscilla Alden of Plymouth (1620). It also registered all known descendants of Samuel7 Warner. This register has served to maintain family unity and loyalty, so that all may take pride in the accomplish ments of their cousins. Copies of the first edition were distributed at the time of publication to heads of families among the membership of the Samuel Warner Association, Inc., and a reserve supply was used for the same purpose, as younger members grew up and established themselves as heads of families. This reserve supply has now become exhausted. More than thirty years have elapsed since the appearance of the first edition, and the information that it gave about the later generations has become obsolete. There seemed to be no adequate way, except by publication of a second edition, by which the Association couid accomplish its "Design and Object," which are stated in the By-Laws of the Association to be the "preservation of the traditions and inspirations of lineal ancestry ... and publication of its worthy accomplish ments." The plan of the second edition differs somewhat from that of the first, although its primary purpose of providing a record of the descendants of Samuel Warner and Eunice Jones of Wilbraham remains unchanged. In the first edition, ninety biographical accounts were written of these descendants of Samuel Warner. In the second edition, the number has in creased to one hundred fifty. These accounts have been short ened by careful condensation of material without, however, omitting essential facts. The greatest change has been in the accounts of the earlier generations. Some fifty pages in the first edition were de voted to the first seven generations, and considerable infor mation was given on collateral lines. This part of the work has been expanded (as far as names are concerned), so that it now contains a nearly complete genealogical account of the V VI ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL WARNER first seven generations in this country, in the male line of descent through John/' son of William1 Warner of Ipswich. In this part, also, careful editing has made it possible to ex tend the coverage of the earlier generations without substan tially increasing the size of the book. The author of the first edition, J; Alfred Warner, devoted his retirement years to his interest in the genealogy of the William1 Warner family of Ipswich, Mass., from whom the Samuel Warner family of Wilbraham is descended. He com piled extensive records of the descendants of William1 War ner's two sons, John2 and Daniel,2 and also a record of the descendants of John1 Warner, who came to this country in 1635 on the ship Increase, and who settled in Hartford and later in Farmington, Conn. He left these records in manu script form. The authors of the present edition have derived much help from the material in the first of these manuscripts, revising it where necessary in the light of their own re searches and investigations, which they began in 1920. Thanks are due to the officers and members of the Samuel Warner Association for their help in supplying material for the biographical accounts. Special thanks are due to the members of the Executive Committee of the Association, for making possible the publication of this book. KATHARINE WARNER RADASCH ARTHUR HITCHCOCK RADASCH Upper Montclair, N. J. May, 1956. THE SAMUEL WARNER ASSOCIATION, INC. This association had its beginning in 1919 when Mrs. Carrie (Lyman) Lee, her sister, Mrs. Nellie (Lyman) Clark, and their cousin, Mrs. Roselle (Warner) Learned, arranged for a Warner gathering to be held in Wilbraham, Mass., the birthplace of their parents and several generations of their grandparents. Invitations were sent out, and forty-five rela tives, accompanied by fifteen wives and husbands, ,gathered at the First Congregational Church in Wilbraham on Sept. 1, 1919-. Fortunately, the names of those attending this first meeting were recorded, and are given in the following list. The numbers in parentheses identify the individuals in the biographical accounts given later in this book. The names without numbers are those of wives or husbands of descend ants of Samuel Warner. 9TH GENERATION Charles Julius Parker (90) 10TH GENERATION Edmund Warner Jones (91) Henry William Allen* Nellie Wellington Allen Emma Lillian Warner (93) Frank Alden Warner (94) ..••.......•.... Lillian (Bolles) Warner Silas Dimmick Warner (95) ..••••..••.•. Florence (Clark) Warner Jennie (Warner) Hale (96) Frederic Wells Warner (97) Hiram Leroy Warner ( 98) • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • . • • Ella (Green) Warner Florence (Warner) Abbe (99) ••.•.•..•.•.••.. Dwight Alonzo Abbe James Alfred Warner (100) Clifford Raymond Warner (101) ...•....• Etta (Blanchard) Warner Myrtie (Warner) Allen (103) Arthur Harold Warner (104) ........•.....• Alice (Heim) Warner Charles Francis Warner (105) ••••.•••.• Abigail (Brewer) Warner Roselle (Warner) Learned (106) .....•..• Frank Chandler Learned Clara (Warner) Burt (107) •.••••••.•.••.••• Harry Meacham Burt Mary (Warner) Cooke (108) Carrie (Lyman) Lee (110) Nellie (Lyman) Clark (113) George Merrick Lyman (114) •.••..••. Laura (Burlingham) Lyman Homer Burdette Lyman (116) • Husband of Fidelia Catharine Warner (92), deceased. Mrs. Nellie W. Allen was his second wife. VII VIII ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL WARNER 11TH GENERATION Clarence Warner Allen (119) Ruth Lillian Warner ( 121) Bernice Eleanor Warner (122) Katharine Warner (123) Dorothy Warner (124) Clara May Hale (127) Ethel Emmerett Warner (129) Harold Eugene Warner (130) .....•..... Lillian (Hibberd) Warner Leroy Miles Warner ( 131) . • . • . Henrietta (Spicer) Warner Hazel Julia Warner (132) Earl Lyman Warner (133) ..••....•..•.. Gladys (Quimby) Warner :May Louise Abbe (134) Stanley Allen Warner (141) Mira Elizabeth Allen (149) Arthur Alden Warner (150) Dorothy Ida Warner ( 151) Alice Lucille Warner (152) Bernice Roselle Lyman ( 155) Irene Lydia Lyman (158) Eugene Arthur Lyman (159) Everett Francis Clark (161) 12TH GENERATION Remington Hibberd Warner (182) Edwin Leroy Warner (185) Esther Mildred Warner (188) The fine spirit developed by this meeting led Mr. Charles J. Parker, the only one of the ninth generation present, to propose early in 1920 that annual gatherings be.held, and that an association be formed to preserve and strengthen the feel ing of family unity. It was proposed that the association be named the Samuel Warner Association for Mr. Parker's grandfather, Samuel Warner of the seventh ieneration, to whom all the relatives who attended the 1919 meeting could trace their common ancestry. This suggestion was heartily approved by the heads of the constituent families. Th~ second meeting, at which sixty-four were present, was held on Sept. 6, 1920. At this meeting it was. voted to form and incorporate the Samuel Warner Association. Officers were elected, although it was necessary to annul this election later, to comply with Massachusetts laws governing applica tion for a charter. Mr. Parker announced that he. would establish a fund of ten thousand dollars, to be known as the "Lucinda Warner Parker Fund," to be under the supervision of the Executive Committee of the Association, which would have the power to use the income for the benefit of the Associ- ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS OF SAMUEL WARNER IX ation, and the purpose for which it is constituted. This endow ment was accepted by the Association with great appreciation. To enable the Association to make proper application for a charter, a special meeting was held in Springfield, Mass., Oct. 19, 1920, which was attended by the following persons who signed the Agreement of Association: Charles J. Parker Emma L. Warner New Britain, Conn. Springfield, Mass. Frank A. Warner Frederic W. Warner Springfield, Mass. Springfield, Mass. H. Leroy Warner Florence (Warner) Abbe Springfield, Mass. Warehouse Point, Conn. J. Alfred Warner Arthur H. Warner Brooklyn, N. Y. Boston, Mass. Charles F. Warner Roselle (Warner) Learned Boston, Mass. Wilbraham, Mass. Clara (Warner) Burt Carrie (Lyman) Lee Longmeadow, Mass. Springfield, Mass. George M. Lyman H. Burdette Lyman, Sr. Springfield, Mass. Springfield, Mass. Leroy M. Warner Earl L. Warner Springfield, Mass. Ludlow, Mass. May Louise Abbe Warehouse Point, Conn. By-laws containing the following article on "Design and Object" were adopted: "The design and object of the Associ ation shall be the preservation of the traditions and inspira tions of lineal ancestry, the especial cherishing and fostering of ties having their source in the union of Samuel Warner (of seventh New England generation), and Eunice Jones, of Wilbraham, Massachusetts, 1792-1824, from whom we are directly descended, to promote social intercourse among, and to bring together into closer relationship and friendship,