VOL. 119 - NO. 46 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, NOVEMBER 13, 2015 $.35 A COPY Annual Veterans Appreciation Dinner Shows Townie Spirit by Sal Giarratani About a month ago, Joe Zuffante called me to help spread the word that the Abraham Lincoln, Post 11, GAR, up at Memorial Hall on Green Street in Charlestown would once again hold its annual Vet- erans Appreciation Dinner over at the Knights of Columbus on Medford Street. The fi rst dinner was held at Memorial Hall, but the dinner has outgrown that venue. Once again, they came to gather together and celebrate Charlestown’s spirit of service to our country. Going back to the Revolutionary War and the Battle of Bunker Hill and onward to today, Townies have served their country in both war Seated, L-R: Joan Snow, Ben Doherty and Arthur Hurley. and peacetime. Standing, L-R: Joe Zuffante, Doc Sheehan and Alfred Snow. This year’s special guest was Ben Doherty, who lives nently displayed at the dinner. ciative of the honor everyone at in Charlestown. His son Glen Charlestown remembers Glen the dinner showed his son, who Joe Kelley, Judy Evers, Bob Fitzpatrick and Patty Kelly. was among the four Ameri- Doherty for his valor and sacri- is an American hero. cans who were killed at Beng- fi ce and the sacrifi ces of all who Next year, they will return hazi during a terrorist attack sacrifi ce their all, including too to the Knights to gather and on September 11, 2012. Glen often their lives. remember the importance of pa- Doherty’s photo was promi- Ben Doherty was truly appre- triotism and service to America. News Briefs by Sal Giarratani Houston’s So-Called Bathroom Ordinance Goes Down the Toilet Liberals in Houston were pushing a Houston Equal Rights ordinance known as HERO, but called the BATHROOM ordinance by opponents. Liberals seemed confi dent, but then the more conservative voters of Houston started organizing against the measure. In the end the measure went down by a 61- 39 margin. Houston is 25-percent African-American Happy days showing Glen Doherty with his Alfred and Joan Snow standing next to this and 37-percent Latino. The conservative side of this dad Ben Doherty (undated). poster taken of Joan back in 1954. issue won the day and shook up all the progressives across the country that never saw this defeat coming. Score this a victory for us. This is Why I Never Liked Bush 41 Walsh Signs Bill to Outlaw Fake Guns in Boston Former President George H.W. Bush has a soon-to- by Sal Giarratani be-released biography coming out and it is already Boston Mayor Marty Walsh ton with a replica gun and a What is wrong with our politi- causing news. In it, Michael Dukakis is referred to as recently signed an ordinance can of spray paint. The youth cal leaders today? a “midget nerd.” This derogatory remark is found in proposed by the Boston City sprayed off the orange, making There are more important the 91-year-old’s bio titled “Destiny and Power: The Council to ban the sale or use the weapon look real. If a kid strategies to be working on to American Odyssey of George Herbert Walker Bush.” of replica or fake guns inside can do that, a gangbanger can lower gun violence by actu- Bush 41 also takes on Vice President Dick Cheney the City of Boston. This is be- spray on orange to a real gun to ally using all the existing laws and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, suggesting ing called a public safety bill by make it appear fake. about illegal gun possession. both misled President George W. Bush. Rumsfeld was its supporters, as if there is any All this shows is that kids The number one job of City also called an “arrogant fellow.” public safety found in such a and thugs are both smarter Hall and our police is to en- Those quotes forced President George W. Bush to foolish ban. than our elected leaders. If I force all the laws already on defend both men from his father’s attacks, saying, Banning the sale of faux guns were a cop facing a bad guy the books in the war on illegal “I am proud to have served with both Dick Cheney or marking such with an orange holding a gun, there would guns and gun violence. Go- and Donald Rumsfeld.” band, as is being proposed on be no way of knowing whether ing after fake guns or spray Rumsfeld hit back, saying “Bush 41 is getting up Beacon Hill, is nothing more it’s a deadly weapon or not. painting orange on fake guns in years and misjudges Bush 43, who I found made than liberal feel-good legislation Orange is a nice color, but is make-believe law enforce- his own decisions.” that pretends to solve an issue using it as a form of public ment, it is good for press re- Quote to Note but is not doing anything effec- safety is nonsense. leases but not much more than “Be yourself, everybody else is already taken.” tive at all. Talk about replicas. Real public safety is getting that. Going orange on crime will — Oscar Wilde This proposal on fake guns is real guns off the street and not only bring out more red in (Continued on Page 15) just replica legislation. about spray painting anything. victims. Recently, a 12-year-old was Save that stuff for the movies It is time for law enforcement, stopped on the streets of Bos- where it is harmless. not pretend crime fi ghting. THE POST-GAZETTE SATELLITE OFFICE HAS MOVED TO 343 CHELSEA ST., DAY SQUARE, EAST BOSTON This offi ce is open on Tuesdays from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM and Thursdays from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM, for the convenience of our East Boston and North Shore clients and contributors Call 617-227-8929 for more information PAGE 2 POST-GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 13, 2015 Res Publica by David Trumbull Far Away Places Far away places with strange sounding names FLAMEN Far away over the sea Those far away places with the strange sounding names Are calling, calling me — words and music by Joan Whitney and Alex Kramer, 1948 About three-quarters of eighth grade students were not profi cient in geography in 2014, according to a study released last month by the United States Government Accountability Of fi ce (GAO). Geography — the study of places and the relationship between people and their environment — is present across many facets of modern life, from tracking lost cell phones to monitoring disease outbreaks like Ebola. The growing use of geographic information and location-based technology across multiple sectors of the American economy has prompted questions about whether K-12 students’ skills and exposure to geography are adequate for current and future workforce needs. The U.S. States Senate asked GAO to report on the status of geography education and the challenges elementary and secondary schools face in providing geography education with limited resources. In this report, GAO examined (1) the extent that eighth grade students are profi cient in geography; (2) the challenges selected Flamines, distinguished by their pointed headdress, as part of a procession on the Augustan school offi cials and teachers face in providing geography educa- Altar of Peace. tion; and (3) the role of the Department of Education with respect During the past weeks, we Martialis” or the high priest of from home. He was granted a to geography education. have been examining some of Mars, the god of war and father seat in the Senate, the services GAO’s analysis of nationally representative data from the the ancient customs and beliefs of Romulus and Remus. The of a constant attendant, and his Department of Education showed marked defi ciency in the teach- and have noted many strik- third high priest was called family, along with their houses, ing of geography. Specifi cally, students have not demonstrated ing similarities with Christian “fl amen Quirinus,” the Savine were all dedicated to Jupiter. solid competence in the subject, and the profi ciency levels of eighth procedures and doctrines. We equivalent of Mars, who was He lived in dissoluble marriage, grade students have shown no improvement since 1994. Geogra- discussed ancient books, manu- worshipped as the founder of the and if his wife died he resigned phy is generally taught as part of social studies, but data show scripts, the early Egyptian and old Roman capital. his offi ce. For him, every day that more than half of eighth grade teachers reported spending a Greek attitudes toward cosmic The remaining twelve were was a holy day, and he never small portion (10 percent or less) of their social studies instruction gods, the nether worlds, the known as “fl amines minores” appeared in public without the time on geography. Furthermore, according to a study by an aca- origin of the basilica, cathedral or priests who were identifi ed insignia of his offi ce. These in- demic organization, a majority of states do not require geography and the eternal fl ame. Before with less important deities like signia included his conical hat, a courses in middle school or high school. we leave the worship of Vesta Vulcanus, the god of fi re, Flora, woolen toga which was woven by A key challenge to providing geography education is the increased and the sacred fi re, it might be the goddess of fl owers, Pomona, his wife, a sacrifi cial knife, and focus on other subjects according to offi cials in selected states and of interest to examine “fl ama,” the goddess of the fruit of trees, a rod to keep the people away.
2020 Rancho Mirage City Guide the Center of Valley Business
2020 Rancho Mirage City Guide The Center of Valley Business Rancho Mirage Chamber of Commerce PRSRT STD 71905 Highway 111, Suite H U.S. POSTAGE PAID Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 PALM DESERT, CA PERMIT NO. 149 ********ECRWSSEDDM*** POSTAL CUSTOMER Rancho Mirage City Guide | 1 The Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians’ Welcome Me Yah Whae (Hello), On behalf of the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians, it’s my pleasure to welcome you to the Agua Caliente Indian Reservation and the City of Rancho Mirage. Rancho Mirage is a progressive community, and a wonderful location to live, work, and visit. My Tribe is a federally recognized American Indian tribe with more than 500 members. As a sovereign tribal government, the Tribe is steward to more than 31,500 acres of ancestral lands that span across many city and county jurisdictions (including Rancho Mirage) and a protected bighorn sheep habitat. We are committed to working with the city of Rancho Mirage to continue to make this community a great place to live, work, and visit. Rancho Mirage is an attractive place to businesses and homeowners as well as visitors from around the world. We are proud to operate the Agua Caliente Resort Casino Spa Rancho Mirage. We have an amazing team who provide the highest levels of service found in the Coachella Valley and throughout Southern California. For several consecutive years, the Agua Caliente Resort Casino Spa has earned the AAA Four Diamond Award, a coveted merit in the competitive world of hospitality. Our Steakhouse was honored with Wine Spectator’s Award of Excellence.
PAWNEE: THE GREATEST TOWN IN AMERICA PDF, EPUB, EBOOK Leslie Knope | 240 pages | 19 Jan 2012 | Hyperion | 9781401310646 | English | New York, United States Pawnee: The Greatest Town in America PDF Book Over the course of the series, in part due to the actions of Leslie Knope , the city's Deputy Director of the Parks and Recreation department, and her associates, the town's fortunes improve and Pawnee becomes a more desirable place to live. Add to list. Friend Reviews. This is a companion book to said TV-show. Also beer. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. It might be cool I guess to flip through it to learn more about what the characters are referencing in the episodes. Average rating 4. Parks and Recreation location. I thought this book was okay. In the episode, Leslie Knope Amy Poehler promotes a book she has written about Pawnee to advance her campaign, but is sidetracked when Joan Callamezzo Mo Collins points out that she was not born in Pawnee. Pawnee Awards and nominations. As a more recent convert to the Church of Parks and Recreation, I have to admit that I had no clue what I was missing before. Javascript is not enabled in your browser. The Chris Traeger Parts were the best. I was saving this because there aren't any new episodes of Parks and Recreation until April 19 stupid Community! This storyline was inspired by the real-life Great Recession. Shop Our Brands. Learn how to enable JavaScript on your browser. All Rights Reserved.
THESIS FROM PARKS TO PRESIDENTS: POLITICAL SENSIBILITIES OF NARRATIVE POLITICAL FICTION Submitted by Seth J. Willden Department of Communication Studies In partial fulfillment of the requirements For the Degree of Master of Arts Fort Collins, Colorado Summer 2016 Master’s Committee Advisor: Nick Marx Karrin Vasby Anderson Doug Cloud Copyright by Seth J. Willden 2016 All Rights Reserved ABSTRACT FROM PARKS TO PRESIDENTS: POLITICAL SENSIBILITIES OF NARRATIVE POLITICAL FICTION This thesis examines the ways televised narrative political fiction can portray political sensibilities. Using the NBC program, Parks and Recreation (2009-2015), and the Netflix streaming service program, House of Cards (2013-2016), I explore how narrative television presents political philosophies to audiences, equipping them to discuss political discourse. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Before we begin discussing the political implications of narrative television, I must first provide a narrative of acknowledgement. The MA program in Communication Studies is only a two-year program, and this document marks the end of that two-year journey. But I have been at Colorado State for five years. In a way, the last chapter of this thesis will be the last literal chapter of my five-year career as a CSU student. I wish to first thank the professors that transformed my understanding of the world: Dr. Thomas Dunn, Dr. Scott Diffrient, and Dr. Eric Aoki. You were my first communication studies professors. Each in turn provided excellent education, guidance and support throughout my time as a scholar. I will never forget your pedagogical styles and hunger for understanding the communicative processes of our world. Next I want to thank my thesis committee: Dr.
Table of Contents ________________________________________ Letter from the Director…………………………………………………....2 - 3 Watch Guide / Favorite Episodes……………………………………….......3 - 4 Overview…………………………………...………………………...............5 - 6 Characters / Portfolio Powers…………….…………………………….....6 - 14 Parks and Recreation Welcome to Pawnee, Indiana, home to the Parks and Recreation department run by Ron Swanson (but really, it's all thanks to Deputy Director Leslie Knope). A small town that serves as Everytown, USA, Pawnee has problems, from its obesity crisis to the raccoon infestation to the corrupt Sweetums Candy Company dominating the economy. But no problem is too big or small to be solved by Pawnee local government. This committee begins at season 6, right when the pretentious town of Eagleton goes bankrupt and the merger begins. Will Leslie be recalled as city councilwoman? What will happen with Rent-A-Swag? How will two towns that have lived as sworn enemies integrate? From Ron to Donna to Ben to Ann to Garry-Jerry-Larry-Terry, it's up to Pawnee's Department of Parks and Recreation to save the merger--and perhaps the town itself. 1 Letter from the Director ________________________________________ Delegates, Welcome! It is my privilege to welcome you to FCMUN as your crisis director. Last year, I was the crisis director for the Democratic National Committee and it was a blast, ending in Chance the Rapper being declared Emperor of my home city of Chicago, Bill De Blasio annihilating Trump Tower with the help of his assistant Kim Kardashian, and Bernie leading a secession movement for the northeast states. I can’t wait to see you all plot and solve more crazy crises.
See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/305800299 Swansonomics: Using "Parks and Recreation" to Teach Economics Article · January 2015 CITATIONS READS 0 88 2 authors, including: Brooke Conaway Georgia College 4 PUBLICATIONS 0 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Brooke Conaway on 08 November 2016. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are added to the original document and are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately. JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE EDUCATION • Volume 14 • Number 1 • Summer 2015 Swansonomics: Using “Parks and Recreation” to Teach Economics L. Brooke Conaway and Christopher Clark1 ABSTRACT Based on a first-year multidisciplinary course, Swansonomics is a class where students examine the libertarian beliefs espoused by the character Ron Swanson from the television series Parks and Recreation. The show provides great examples of rent seeking, fiscal policy issues, social policy issues, and bureaucratic incentive structures. These Parks and Recreation video clips can be used in any class to cover a variety of issues. Examples of topics include the expected economic consequences of specific political or economic philosophies, unintended consequences of policies, various systems of taxation, public and private incentive structures, and varying degrees of capitalism and government intervention. Introduction This paper is based on a first-year multidisciplinary course taught at a liberal arts university. The course covers a variety of topics, with particular emphasis on different economic systems, varying degrees of capitalism, government intervention, and public choice issues.
Barbara Sinatra, MTV Scraps Gender Categories As Kendrick Leads VMA Nods TV Has Rid Itself of Gender-Specific Cate- Platform to Celebrities
lifestyle THURSDAY, JULY 27, 2017 MUSIC & MOVIES This image released by Warner Bros Pictures shows Fionn Whitehead in a scene from ‘Dunkirk.’ Cast and crew of Warner Bros Pictures 'DUNKIRK' attend the Warner Bros Pictures 'DUNKIRK' US premiere at AMC Loews Lincoln Square in New York City. This image released by Warner Bros Pictures shows Tom Hardy in a scene —AP/AFP photos from "Dunkirk." Film review Dunkirk: Elevating the cinematic experience By Aakash Bakaya the initial stages of World War 2. With Nazi Germany plough- with this structure, but once the plotlines start connecting, logue and the visuals at times give off an eerie, almost ing its way through France, the British army is forced to retreat you'll be left astonished at the feat. It's different and daring, unworldly aspect to the surroundings. There's also no big, cli- ow lucky are we to be living in the era of Christopher back to its own shores. Our entryway into the story begins a especially for a modern big-budget blockbuster, but Nolan matic battle sequence, nor is there much in the way of exposi- Nolan. No matter whether you love or despise his few days into the evacuation, as the desperation to leave is always finds an exceptional way of telling his story. tion. You piece together what's happening solely through its Hwork, it's hard to dismiss the massive impact they reaching a fever pitch. Thousands of men are stranded on the Aside from the narrative structure, special mention must visuals, background details and character emotions, much like leave in movie halls across the globe.
PRODUCTION NOTES "We need to talk." "We're heading in different directions." "You deserve better than me." "Let's stay friends." Dylan (JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE) and Jamie (MILA KUNIS) certainly aren't in a settling-down frame of mind. When New York-based executive recruiter Jamie trains her considerable headhunting skills on luring hotshot LA-based art director Dylan to take a dream job in the Big Apple, they quickly realize what kindred spirits they are. They've each been through so many failed relationships that they're both ready to give up on love and focus on having fun. So when Dylan relocates to New York and the pair start hanging out regularly, they share plenty of laughs over a twin belief that love is a myth propagated by Hollywood movies. That's when these two begin a deliciously sexy, decidedly grown-up experiment. Could these two fast friends – who are successful, unattached, and scornful of commitment - explore new terrain? If they add casual "no emotions" sex to their friendship, can they avoid all the pitfalls that come with thinking about someone else as more than just a pal? As two people weaned on the disappointing promises of romantic comedies, Dylan and Jamie shouldn’t be entirely surprised when their bold move becomes a bawdy, sexy ride into uncharted territory, exposing much more of themselves than they ever thought they'd get to see. Friends with Benefits stars Justin Timberlake (The Social Network), Mila Kunis (Black Swan), Patricia Clarkson (Easy A), Jenna Elfman (“Dharma & Greg”), Bryan 1 Greenberg (“How to Make It in America”), with Richard Jenkins (Dear John) and Woody Harrelson (2012).
FINAL Cover 45 SPRING 15 upc_ToC 1/13/15 9:57 AM Page 1 SPRING 2015 awesome upgrades 12, 44 desert portraits 34 diy eichler 58 $6.95 us/can On sale until May 31, 2015 AtomicRanch 45 12/28/14 4:52 PM Page 1 Project2 12/21/14 4:08 PM Page 1 ToC 45_ToC 1/7/15 2:17 PM Page 2 contents features 12 notes from a remodel gone right Hire pros, move out of the house & think big picture 28 my favorite space: vista, calif. A Cliff May dining room coalesces 34 ranch-o mirage Desert homes through a b&w filter 44 three years, five phases: the rigors of renovating In Seattle, it just seems like it took forever… 54 fiat keeps the spirit of mcm alive The inside scoop on an ageless Italian beauty 58 dazed but not confused 12 An Eichler renovation on the time- 44 installment plan 34 ToC 45_ToC 1/7/15 2:17 PM Page 3 spring 2015 departments 4 my 2 cents 6 modern wisdom 58 24 home page Mod rocks tradition: Alabama, Pennsylvania & B.C. 32 books & backs 68 ranch dressing Cleaning bubble lamps, a mystery rope chair, Pearsall (or not) & vintage bath resources 72 events 73 resources 75 coming up in atomic ranch 76 atomic advertisers 54 cover A 1960 West Seattle ranch required extensive foundation work to remediate its settling issues and build a new deck. The view from the kitchen includes the dining area with its marble Tulip table, plastic Eames chairs and Nelson bubble lamp, along with hilltop vistas of Magnolia and Bainbridge and Vashon islands.
PARKS AND RECREATION Greg Pikitis #02008 Written by Michael Schur Directed by Dean Holland Production Office: 4024 Radford Avenue Norvet Bldg., 3rd Floor Studio City, CA 91604 (818) 655-7840 TABLE DRAFT 09/29/09 Copyright 2009 OPEN 4 BUSINESS LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NOT TO BE DUPLICATED WITHOUT PERMISSION. This material is the property of OPEN 4 BUSINESS LLC and is intended solely for use by its personnel. The sale, copying, reproduction or exploitation of this material in any form is prohibited. Distribution or disclosure of this material to unauthorized persons is prohibited. PARKS AND RECREATION "Greg Pikitis” [02008] Table Draft 09/29/09 CAST LIST LESLIE ANN MARK TOM RON ANDY APRIL DAVE JERRY WENDY GREG DEREK BEN BILL DEBORAH DR. HARRIS EVELYN MAINTENANCE WORKER PAULA PARKS AND RECREATION “Greg Pikitis” [02008] 1. Table Draft 09/29/09 COLD OPEN INT. PAWNEE TODAY STUDIOS - DAY 1 LESLIE is acting out a PSA on a mostly-bare stage. LESLIE “Safe Halloween” PSA, take one. (to cameras) Hey, kids! The Parks Department wants you to have fun on Halloween. But we also believe that “trick or treat” doesn’t have to mean “sick or hurt.” (trying to make it rhyme) “Sick or hur-eeet.” Rhymes with “treat.” Okay. Let’s watch this skit I’ve written, and copyrighted, about Halloween safety. JERRY, APRIL, and TOM walk on stage. Tom and April are playing trick-or-treaters, Leslie is their mom. TOM “Hey, Diane. Don’t you love Halloween, especially when we act responsibly?” APRIL “Yes, Jeremy. I do.” LESLIE “Okay, kids.
{PDF EPUB} Lady Blue Eyes My Life with Frank by Barbara Sinatra Frank Sinatra's Widow on Man Behind the Legend: 'Big Tipper
Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Lady Blue Eyes My Life with Frank by Barbara Sinatra Frank Sinatra's Widow on Man Behind the Legend: 'Big Tipper. Romantic Husband'. Frank Sinatra's last wife, Barbara, discusses the couple's 22-year marriage. Frank Sinatra's Home Life Revealed in New Book. May 31, 2011— -- Frank Sinatra's last wife, Barbara Marx Sinatra, reveals details of the couple's 22-year marriage in her memoir, "Lady Blue Eyes." In the book, Barbara Marx Sinatra describes a homey side of the music legend -- a man who was extremely neat, a great cook, a voracious reader and a crossword puzzle ace. On their evenings out, she witnessed his state of the art tipping. "He'd walk into a restaurant with a stack of one hundred dollar bills," she recalls. "And say, 'Make sure to take care of all the busboys, not the waiters, the busboys. and everyone in the kitchen.'" Read an excerpt from "Lady Blue Eyes" below, then check out some other books in the "GMA" library. Prologue: A Very Good Year. The year I married Frank Sinatra was a very good year. It was 1976, but it had taken us five years of flirting and courting to finally say "I do." It probably took another year before I grew accustomed to the idea that I now carried his iconic name. At first, I'd almost whisper when booking a restaurant reservation or beauty parlor appointment. Even to say "Mrs. Sinatra" out loud felt like bragging. For a long time I had to pinch myself almost daily to believe that I, Barbara Ann Blakeley, the gangly kid in pigtails from the whistle-stop of Bosworth, Missouri, had somehow become the wife of Francis Albert Sinatra.
Gaikai - Wikipedia Case 3:19-Cv-07027-WHA Document 28-2 Filed 10/14/19 Page 2 of 8 Not Logged in Talk Contributions Create Account Log In
Case 3:19-cv-07027-WHA Document 28-2 Filed 10/14/19 Page 1 of 8 EXHIBIT B Gaikai - Wikipedia Case 3:19-cv-07027-WHA Document 28-2 Filed 10/14/19 Page 2 of 8 Not logged in Talk Contributions Create account Log in Article Talk Read Edit View history Gaikai From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Main page Gaikai (外海, lit. "open sea", i.e. an expansive outdoor space) is an American company which provides technology for the streaming of high- Contents Gaikai Featured content end video games.[1] Founded in 2008, it was acquired by Sony Interactive Entertainment in 2012. Its technology has multiple applications, Current events including in-home streaming over a local wired or wireless network (as in Remote Play between the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita), as Random article well as cloud-based gaming where video games are rendered on remote servers and delivered to end users via internet streaming (such as Donate to Wikipedia the PlayStation Now game streaming service.[2]) As a startup, before its acquisition by Sony, the company announced many partners using Wikipedia store [3] the technology from 2010 through 2012 including game publishers, web portals, retailers and consumer electronics manufacturers. On July Founded November 2008 Interaction 2, 2012, Sony announced that a formal agreement had been reached to acquire the company for $380 million USD with plans of establishing Headquarters Aliso Viejo, California, U.S. [4] Help their own new cloud-based gaming service, as well as integrating streaming technology built by Gaikai into PlayStation products, resulting Owner Sony [5] [6] About Wikipedia in PlayStation Now and Remote Play.