Horus Wutherburough's Almanac of Monsters of Espern First Edition

By Flora M. Rosenkreuz Foreword by Horus About This Book by Flora M. Wutherborough Rosenkreuz

Why hello there, young chap! I would like I wrote this book from the perspective of a to thank you for purchasing my almanac. I, famed famous human huntsman, Horus Wutherborough. huntsman Horus Wutherborough, have traveled all Hopefully, it shouldn't be too hard to read, because over Espern to complete a book full of monsters, I also included monster stats in it as well. Also, the demons, and all sorts of unsavory folk that a rarity scale goes (from common to rare): abundant, wanderer like you might encounter. This book is a common, uncommon, very uncommon, rare, must have for any fledgeling adventurer, sport legendary. I hope you enjoy! hunter, or student of life. This book is organized into different sections based on the type of monster that is listed. For instance, there is a section about the undead. This makes the book more navigable in situations where you might not know what monster is currently before you. Hopefully, this bestiary can provide some use to you, as a lot of this information has not been recorded before. In fact, I had several expeditions where students would accompany me to see any new creatures they might encounter, and many a new creature we did see! We also put together information on monsters that have already been discovered. Anyways, I'd like to thank you once again for purchasing this book! If I had a copper coin for every brush with death I had while putting this together, well, I wouldn't be needing to sell books, mind you!

-Horus Wutherborough, Famed Huntsman Section Onc: The Fae spirits of “natural good”, and if you do not disturb the local nature, they will not bother you. However, The fae are a magical set of creatures, usually I made the mistake of mistaking one for a fish and small and with bug-like features. Legends say they trying to catch it. Needless to say, it was a kind of are made of pure magic, but no evidence gives tedious battle. These fae are not very tough, but in these legends any credit. The fae are notoriously numbers, they can be a nuisance. However, there is difficult to encounter, but I gathered what little on a legend that if infants fall overboard a vessel, the these buggers I could. Birog will take them and turn them into a Birog. Size: Three or four feet tall. Brownies HP: 12

In my experience, these are some of the most hard AC: 8 to find fae. The brownies are spirits of good that Rarity: Common in the southern ends of the Bold manifest themselves in homes that are at peace or Ocean. very well. They look like small monkeys. The Alignment: Chaotic Good can only be seen by children, or a magician with an especially good eye. Brownies Exp Value: 40-60. grow attached to the family of the home they are in Attacks: Water Bolt (2d4, range 3 squares), and do labor or guard the house while the family Whirlpool (2d6 to enemies adjacent to the Birog). sleeps. Brownies will also travel with a moving family. They have no combat ability whatsoever, Speed: 5 although proportionately they are surprisingly strong, possibly to do housework with. These incredibly small fae appear in caves as small Size: About a half foot tall. blue flames. They are commonly mistaken for HP: 7 fireflies. They will swarm around humans, and if AC: 3 given an offering, the bluecap will show the way to rich mineral deposits or treasure. However, if Rarity: Very Uncommon disturbed or provoked, they will use powerful earth Alignment: Lawful Good and fire based magic against you. It is advised to bring honey with you in caves in case Bluecaps EXP Value: 10 swarm around you. If you want to hunt these, Attacks: Bite (1 damage). however, it is advised to take them out from afar. Many people hunt them as they are not very Speed: 2 intelligent (swarming around humans), and their Water corpses are an efficient fuel.

These fae are commonly spotted swimming in the Size: Incredibly small. southern parts of the Bold Ocean. They appear as HP: 14 half-dolphin and swim around fishing boats, where they sometimes free fishermen's catches. They are AC: Hard to hit, treat as 14 Rarity: Rare A is a shape-shifting spirit that lives in swamps. They look like blue with webbed Alignment: Chaotic neutral. ears, and are not intelligent. They act like animals, EXP Value: 50-60 on instinct. As such, the only reason they would Attacks: Wisp Flame (2d4, 5 squares), Flash (-2 to attack travellers is for territory reasons and for strike for 5 turns, all squares within 4 squares), food. have the magic to change themselves Dust Spirit (1d4, -1 to strike next turn, all adjacent into the being their prey loves most, but not their squares). animal-like behaviour. Cat-Sidhe Size: Normal size. HP: 22 The Cat-Sidhe, sometimes pronounced as Cat Sith by outside cultures, is an incredibly dangrous fae AC: 12 haunting the mountains of North Point. I have seen Rarity: Very Uncommon only one, but it got away, so all this information is based on local mythology. They appear as Alignment: Chaotic Neutral beautiful, luxurious cats with two tails, and when EXP Value: 60 people get close, they turn into a female figure Attacks: Shapeshift, Bite (2d4 damage), Acid Spit with cat ears and two tails and steal their victim's (2d6 damage, 3 squares). souls. The easy way to identify a Cat-Sidhe is if it is a solid, long haired black cat, with a white heart Speed: 7 on its chest. These are not recommended to be Lorelei approached at all. Size: Normal human size when in humanoid form. The Lorelei is a flower spirit, often just a few inches tall. They have bug-like wings, antennae, HP: 28 and eyes. They are generally friendly spirits that AC: 14 propagate the flowers, but if their flowers are desecrated, they will attack. Rarity: Legendary Size: 1-4 inches. Alignment: Chaotic Evil HP: 8 EXP Value: 600 AC: Hard to hit, treat as 8. Attacks: Soul Stealing Bite (must roll higher than 10 on a 1d20, if the roll is failed the cursed one Rarity: Uncommon loses 2 health per turn until the Cat-Sidhe is dead), Alignment: Lawful neutral. Scratch (2d4), Demonic Bolt (3d4, 7 squares). EXP Value: 10 Speed: 6 Attacks: Rose Cutter (1d4, 3 squares) Speed: 5 Kelpie are small sprites that appear all over the Alignment: Chaotic Evil world, regardless of environment. They act in EXP Value: 50-60 many different ways, but are usually mischevious. The more evil ones outright attack adventurers, and Attacks: Pike (2d4), Bloodbolt (1d4, 4 squares), in my experience, the more good ones make Bite (1d4), Charged Bloodbolt (3d4, 4 squares, excellent guides for their native environment. They charges on the first turn and fires on the second.) typically wear mushroom caps on their heads, and Speed: 5 have bug-like wings. They also manipulate mushroom-based magic. Size: 5 or 6 inches. are spirits that represent a certain aspect of nature, and form when there is an abundance of HP: 12 that aspect. They are immortal until the nature is AC: Hard to hit, treat as 8. gone, although their physical form can be Rarity: Abundant temporarily killed (they reform later). Various nymphs are colored differently and have different Alignment: Chaotic good, true neutral, chaotic abilities, so they have different names. Nymphs neutral, or neutral evil. have the mentality and appearance of an adolescent EXP Value: 20 female, but have powerful magic. Nymph stats vary based on what they represent and how Attacks: Poison Spore (1d4, does 1d4 for the next powerful they are. 2 turns if it hits, 2 squares), Stinging Spore (2d4, 3 squares). Names and skin color: Speed: 4 Saltwater – Dark Blue – Nereid Freshwater – Teal – Wind – Light Yellow – Auread are dangerous, evil fae that are named for the mushroom caps that decorate their head. Precious Metals – Gold – Pleiade Initially white at birth, redcaps kill and the more Stone – Gray - Cragad creatures they kill, the deeper red the caps become. They carry iron pikes as tall as they are and use Flowers – Pink – Antheads them to attack. They appear like with large Trees – Green – mushroom caps and red skin. They also typically inhabit ruined dungeons and castles, to kill stray Sand/Desert – Dark Yellow – Alseide travelers. Art/Creativity – Purple – Themeide Size: 1 foot, roughly. Crystals – Light Blue/Pink - Shinead HP: 25 Size: Adolescent elf. AC: 13 HP: 20-30 Rarity: Uncommon. AC: Depends on the element, 8-14 Rarity: Very uncommon. can manipulate fire and use that as their main way of attacking potential predators. They are also Alignment: Any neutral. incredibly flighty, and can (and will) run away EXP Value: 60-70 whenever given the chance. If you corner one and Attacks: Bolt (1d4-3d4, 2-4 squares), manage to kill it, however, one tail will sell Elemental Strike (2d4-3d6), the ability to upwards of 500 gold on the market. Multiply that manipulate their element nearby. by nine and you have a nice profit. Speed: 7 Size: About three feet long, plus the tails are about one foot long. Section Two: Beasts HP: 12 These are monsters and creatures more animal-like AC: 10 in nature. Rarity: Rare Dire Wolf Alignment: True Neutral Dire wolves are essentially the bigger, nastier EXP Value: 40-60 brother to wolves – smarter, faster, and tougher, these make nasty foes for the lonesome adventurer Attacks: Bite (1d4), Flaming Wisp (2d4, 3 and great dangers in packs. Thankfully, there aren't squares), Flame Wall (Sets 3 adjacent squares on that many dire wolves, and most prefer to hunt fire for 1d4 turns.), Flame Roll (Move 1d4 extra alone anyways. Even great huntsmen like myself squares and set all squares traversed on fire for 1d4 have a hard time finishing off one. turns). Size: Twice that of a normal wolf. Speed: 8 HP: 18 Youkai Animal

AC: 12 Legends say an animal that lives for a very long time and in a magical environment gains the ability Rarity: Uncommon to shapeshift into a human-like form, as well as Alignment: Lawful Neutral intelligence, ageless immortality (they can't die EXP Value: 50-60 from age or sickness but can from other causes), and magical powers. These abilities take a long Attacks: Bite (2d4), Pounce (1d4+3, 2 squares). time to develop in youkai animals, though, so Speed: 6 young ones will only have animal intelligence and very basic wizardry. Their form is that of a small Nine-Tailed Fox child, with animal ears and a tail. Nine-Tailed foxes are rare creatures. They, as can Size: About the size of a child. be guessed, are scarlet-colored foxes with nine HP: 20 bushy tails. They are incredibly valuable for their fur and tails by hunters. But hunting them may AC: Depends on the animal, 5-8 come as a bit of a challenge, considering that they Rarity: Very Uncommon suggests, howls to attract more howlers to its location. They aren't very strong, though, and that Alignment: Any is why they hunt in packs – their attacks are weak. EXP Value: 70-100 Size: About that of a large dog. Attacks: Bite (1d4), Any 2 of the following: Leaf HP: 30 Cutter (1d4, 3 squares, in an area with leaves or plants), Flame Spout (3d4, 2 squares, can only use AC: 15 once every three turns), Water Bolt (2d4, 3 Rarity: Abundant in the northern parts of the world, squares), Forceful Gust (5 squares, pushes enemies uncommon in Orc territory. back 3 squares). Alignment: Any neutral. Speed: Depending on the animal, 5-8 EXP Value: 60-90 Gulon Attacks: Bite (1d4), Claw Pounce (2d4) Hailing from the wilderness that is Zwei Blumen, Speed: 6 the Gulon is a voracious beast that attempts to eat everything in its path. It is a large creature, with a Bicorne hyena's body and a lion's mane and tail. The hunger of these things is almost unmatched. The bicorne is a legendary and dangrous monster. It has the form of a large, solid black panther with Size: About 1.5 times that of a lion. a bull's horns and ears. These creatures attack any HP: 22 spirit of good they encounter; however, if one's alignment is evil, they will ignore or even assist AC: 9 them. They have many abilities at their disposal, Rarity: Common and even slight magic. They are very rare, though, and have only been spotted in Zwei Blumen. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Size: Larger than a panther. EXP Value: 50-70 HP: 34 Attacks: Bite (2d4), Pounce (2d4, 2 squares). AC: 12 Speed: 7 Rarity: Legendary Howler Alignment: Lawful Evil The howler is a very common sight in the northern reaches of the Imperium, and all along North Point. EXP Value: 7-800 They can also be spotted in the mountains of the Attacks: Bite (3d4), Pounce (2d4, 4 squares) Evil Orc territory. They are dog-like creatures, but Bolt (2d4, 7 squares), Fierce Roar (5 squares, rather than fur, they have scales that are very tough pushes all foes back 1d4 squares), Foresight (Roll a to pierce. These scales are usually made into great 1d20. If 19-20, it dodges the next attack aimed at armor. They have spikes along their back and long it). claws. The Howler hunts in packs, and as its name Speed: 8 Bunyip Attacks: Trample (2d4), Poison Breath (4d4, does 1d4 for 3 turns after, 3 squares ), Charge (4d4, 8 The bunyip is a large, predatory seal lurking the squares), Smog (all squares within 4 squares are -4 Norborn ocean around the central islands. Usually to strike), Ability to summon acid rain in the area they will not disturb travellers, but it is not (1 damage per turn). uncommon for them to attack. Bunyips are not very strong foes. Speed: 8 Size: Large seal. Karkadon HP: 12 Karkadons are somewhat elusive. They are small bulls with a single, curved, extremely sharp horn. AC: 8 There isn't much to say about them, but their meat Rarity: Abundant sells very well on markets. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Size: Small bull. EXP Value: 20-40 HP: 14 Attacks: Bite (2d4) AC: 8 Speed: 8 Rarity: Uncommon Catoblepas Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

With only one confirmed sighting in recorded EXP Value: 40-60 history, and many legends about it, the Catoblepas Attacks: Bite (1d4), Horn Impale (2d4, +1 to is very elusive. It is probably also one of the most strike), Horn charge (2d4, 3 squares) dangerous creatures in the world of espern. It is a bull with a mane and scales, rather than fur. There Speed: 7 are many legends about its powers, which include Yale being able to kill a man by staring into its eyes. Their blood is regarded to cure any illness, though. Yales are deer-like creatures with tusks and tough It is recommended that you stay far away from this skin. They are spotted in woodlands all over the creature, though, as it is almost certain death if you world, albiet not very often. Yales are generally meet one. friendly to humans but are territorial and will attack if provoked. Size: About the same as a bull. Size: About the same as a deer. HP: 110 HP: 15 AC: 15 AC: 10 Rarity: Legendary Rarity: Uncommon Alignment: Neutral Evil Alignment: Lawful Neutral EXP Value: 2200 EXP Value: 20-30 Attacks: Bite (1d4), Ram (2d4, 2 squares) Speed: 5 Speed: 6 Section Three: Anka Predatory Plants

The Anka are very large birds of prey native to the There exist a few predatory plants in the world, Orc territory. They have bright, colorful feathers including the deadly Assassin Vine and the and the breadth of their wingspan is several yards seductive Alraune. Although not numerous, these long. They will not attack unless provoked. In fact, plants are dangerous, most of which are found in they go out of their way to avoid other creatures the jungles of Zwei Blumen. unless they're hungry. Giant Fly Trap Size: About the same as an elephant. Unlike their smaller brethren, the giant fly trap is HP: 30 intelligent, and comes equipped with some harsh AC: 6 attacks. Unlike most of the other plants, these are Rarity: Common found mostly in North Point. Alignment: True Neutral Size: About that of a human. EXP Value: 50-70 HP: 20 Attacks: Peck (1d4+1), Trample (2d4) AC: 11 Speed: 7 Rarity: Rare Ziz Alignment: Neutral Evil EXP Value: 50-70 The Ziz is a large bird that is said to protect other birds. It lurks the highlands of the Norborn Islands. Attacks: Acid Spit (2d4, 3 squares), Bite (1d4) The Ziz will not attack unless adventurers attack Speed: Immobile other birds nearby or its nest is messed with. They aren't very fierce, however, and can be taken down Alraune easily. Their feathers are said to have healing The Alraune is a rare and seductive creature. properties in alchemy. Essentially a plant , these creatures take the Size: Large bird, about the same as a hawk. form of a beautiful, green-skinned woman attached to a beautiful and elaborate flower. They are HP: 12 sapient and come in a variety of alignments. They AC: 8 can move, unlike other plants, but only slowly by Rarity: Common shifting their roots around. The nectar of an Alraune's flower, which can only be obtained by Alignment: Lawful Neutral killing the Alraune, is said to increase the magical EXP Value: 20-40 potential of living things when consumed. Attacks: Peck (1d4) Size: About that of a human, plus a giant flower. HP: 25 nutritious but hard to get to without getting into a fight with them. They are also covered in thorns. AC: 12 Size: Varies. Rarity: Very Uncommon HP: 8-18 Alignment: Any AC: 7 EXP Value: 70-100 Rarity: Common Attacks: Alluring Scent (5 squares, all enemies come towards the Alraune a square), Sleep Spore Alignment: Neutral Evil (3 squares, roll a 1d20, if it is lower than a 7 you EXP Value: 20-70 fall asleep for 1d12 turns), Acid Spit (3d4, 2 squares), Vine Whip (1d4) Attacks: Vine Whip (1d4), Strangle (2d4), Thorn Shot (1d4, 3 squares). Speed: 2 Speed: Immobile. Angler Fruit Section Four: Undead Angler Fruits are heart shaped fruit in the middle of the jungle. However, when you try to pick them, and Demonic Creatures the full plant reveals itself: a mess of jaws and The undead and demonic are scary creatures, tentacles comes up from the ground. indeed. Demons usually hail from the fiery depths Size: About that of a cow. of Cliffordio's domain, and the undead are brought HP: 20 back to life for nefarious purposes. AC: 9 Hellhound

Rarity: Rare The hellhound is a simple-minded pack hunting beast. It has glowing red eyes and deep scarlet fur, Alignment: Neutral Evil and the ability to breathe fire. They are also very EXP Value: 70-90 aggressive. Attacks: Bite (1d4), Vine Whip (2d4) Size: Mid-size dog. Speed: Immobile HP: 14 Assassin Vine AC: 9

Assassin Vines are common in the jungles of Zwei Rarity: Uncommon Blumen. Although they are not powerful, they are Alignment: Neutral or Chaotic Evil. naturally camoflauged into their environment, requiring someone with a good eye to spot. They EXP Value: 50-60 strangle their victims and deposit them near their Attacks: Fire Breath (2d4, 2 squares), Bite (1d4). roots to absorb their nutrients. They have pink, Speed: 7 grape-like fruit that are extremely delicious and Wight

Banshees are rare and dangerous foes. They are the Wights are the decomposing bodies of warriors spirits of witches that are scared to move on who have died in the past, usually brought back to because they will face punishment for their evil life by a powerful necromancer to perform deeds. They are ethereal and can only be hit by nefarious deeds. They vary incredibly. magic, and they have the ability to move through Size: Depends on the warrior. walls. Their howls of despair bring death. They look like floating skulls in long dresses. HP: 20-30 Size: Elven female, usually. AC: 12-14 HP: 25 Rarity: Common among necromancers. AC: None, but can only be hit by magic. Alignment: Same as the necromancer. Rarity: Uncommon EXP Value: 60-100 Alignment: Chaotic Evil Attacks: Weapons (1d4-3d4), Punch (1d4), Self- Destructing Curse (Kills self but damages any EXP Value: 70-80 enemy within its line of sight for 1d12. Can only Attacks: Howl (2d4, all enemies within 3 squares) be commanded to do so if its necromancer master is in the same room.). Speed: 4 Speed: 5-8 Nightmare Abigor Nightmares are solid black horses with ghostly eyes and manes. When they ride through an area, Abigors are high-ranking demons in the legions of they bring bad dreams to nearby sleeping people. hell. They usually wield heavy, large swords. They They only appear at night. They are incredibly fast, can also command nearby undead and demons by but not very powerful in either offense or defense. force and take them from the control of other commanders. On top of all that, they have Size: The same as a horse. powerful demonic magic. HP: 22 Size: 8-9 feet tall. Very muscular. AC: 8 HP: 45 Rarity: Very Uncommon AC: 13 Alignment: Lawful Evil Rarity: Rare EXP Value: 60-70 Alignment: Lawful Evil Attacks: Demonic Bolt (2d4, 3 squares), Bite EXP Value: 100-120 (1d4), the ability to cause weak hallucinations when awake (must roll 12 on perception to beat). Attacks: Sword (2d4), Demonic Bolt (2d4, 3 squares), Ward (Protects against 2d4 damage on Speed: 10 the next attack directed at it). (All hits directed at it for 4 turns lose 2d4 damage). Speed: 7 Speed: 7 Behemoth Murmur

Behemoths are large, crimson beasts that look like Murmurs are that use their ghastly music to wooly mammoths. They are one of the main lure poor souls to their deaths. I had an encounter sources of food in the underworld and are herded with one, once, and three of my crew died. They by demon farmers. They are very powerful and are ethereal and incredibly hard to kill, but easy to tough, but also very slow. avoid if you concentrate. Thankfully, you almost never see them. Size: Twice that of an elephant. Takes up two squares. Size: Small wisps. HP: 100 HP: 8 AC: 14 AC: None, but can only be hit by holy or fire magic. Rarity: Common in the underworld, Rare in Espern. Rarity: Legendary Alignment: True Neutral Alignment: Chaotic Evil EXP Value: 70-100 EXP Value: 200-250 Attacks: Ram (2d4), Tusk Charge (4d4, 2 squares). Attacks: Chorus (Lures any enemy within its line of sight 1 square closer), Bite (1d20), can pass Speed: 3 through walls. Delepitore Speed: 3 Delepitore are demonic sorceresses. Although incredibly weak physically, their magical power is Section Five: Dragons almost unmatched and makes up for their There are many different species of dragon in the vulnerabilities. They are very rare, though. world, but this section aims to catalogue the more Size: Elven female. elusive kinds. HP: 12 White Dragon

AC: 8 The silver dragon is a master of ice-based attacks. Rarity: Rare This dragon is a peculiarity among other dragons. While not good, it isn't outright evil, prefering to Alignment: Chaotic Evil stay alone. It also hordes knowledge rather than EXP Value: 80-130 treasure. Attacks: Demonic Bolt (2d4, 3 squares), Ward Size: About the same as a red dragon. (Protects against 1d12 damage on the next hit HP: 120 directed at it), Flaming Scratch (1d12), Auto-Ward AC: 18 scales. Rarity: Rare Size: Half that of a normal dragon. Alignment: Lawful Neutral HP: 140 EXP Value: 1200 AC: 17 Attacks: Frost Breath (2d4, 3 squares), Ice Spike Rarity: Several are commonly spotted in the (1d12, 7 squares), Claws (1d4), various spells it Norborn Islands, but their actual rarity remains has assorted in its knowledge trove. unknown. They horde friendship, so that is why they are commonly seen. Speed: 11 Alignment: Lawful Good Tien-Lung EXP Value: 1500 The Tien-Lung is a long, serpentine dragon that manipulates the power of the stars. They actually Attacks: Rainbow Breath (1d12, 7 squares), Acid live in space and only come down to horde Rain (1 per turn), ability to control the weather. treasure, which they store in caves in meteorites or Speed: 7 in their own bodies. The scales of a Tien-Lung are a glossy whiteish gold, and are incredibly hard and Yellow Dragons valuable. They are spirits of free will. Yellow dragons are spirits of illness. They are also Size: 4 squares long but thin. quite cowardly. They are on the bottom of the dragon food chain. HP: 110 Size: 1/4th that of a normal dragon. AC: 19 HP: 70 Rarity: Legendary AC: 14 Alignment: Lawful Neutral Rarity: Very Uncommon EXP Value: 1200 Alignment: Lawful Neutral Attacks: Star Breath (1d12, 2 squares), Claws (1d4), Star Beam (3d4, 6 squares). EXP Value: 400-500 Speed: 11 Attacks: Poison Breath (1d4 per turn for 3 turns, 4 squares), Claws (1d4) Rainbow Serpent Speed: 8 These are actually quite common serpents that reside around the area known as Bluhe's Island, and other parts of the Norborn Islands.. They are spirits of good that horde friendship and can control the weather. However, they are almost unheard of in other parts of the world. They are small dragons with no wings and rainbow-glossed