Services for UASC Partner Service Phone Number Address / Email Working Hours Health 01129884420 6th of October, Block 8 ,48/8th 0238897129 district, second proximity Nasr City, 15 Mohammed Medical Care 0223867367 Youssef Mousa, o Mostafa Call to schedule an Caritas 0223867366 el-Nahas. appointment Al-Manteqa al-Oula Healthcare Emergency Maadi Healthcare Ard El-Lewa 24/7 01280770146 Nasr City Save The Children Psychosocial Support Hotline for adults and families: 01033316655 01033316644 For Unaccompanied & 01033316677 Separated Children and Youth: Mohandeseen - 20, Hotline for Demashk Street, Naimo Unaccompanied & Center Monday - Thursday Healthcare Separated Children 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM StARS and Youth 01033348659 For accompanied children: Tigrinya, Arabic & Downtown , 26 ,38 of July English Street (Esaaf) 01064400281
[email protected] Somali, Oromo, Amharic, Arabic & English 0227736347 Healthcare Emergency: Gender Based 01117083502 Sunday - Monday Violence Emergency (confidential) Wednesday - Maadi, No 2, Street 161 Thursday Medecins Healthcare Appointments: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM (Pregnancy) 01012159162 Sans Frontieres 01111483267 (AWN) Clinic: General Health 01211970028 5 Michael Lotf-Allah, Reproductive Emergency for Gender All Saints Cathedral, Zamalek Health Based Violence: 01211970013 Monday - Thursday Zamalek Clinic: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM 01203339126 For emergency Gender Refuge TB - HIV/Aids Based Violence: Egypt 01282112011 010642622 Psychosocial Helpline: Support 01100782000 Referral Email: Mental Healthcare
[email protected] 24/7