BULLETIN OF YALE UNIVERSITY New Haven ct 06520- School of Forestry & Environmental Studies 2018–2019 BULLETIN OF YALE UNIVERSITY Series 114 Number 12 August 20, 2018 BULLETIN OF YALE UNIVERSITY Series 114 Number 12 August 20, 2018 (USPS 078-500) ation, is published seventeen times a year (one time in May and October; three times in June vely and September; four times in July; five times in August) by Yale University, 2 Whitney diverse back- Avenue, New Haven CT 06510. Periodicals postage paid at New Haven, Connecticut. ut law, mployment against Postmaster: Send address changes to Bulletin of Yale University, ion, age, disability, PO Box 208227, New Haven CT 06520-8227 te on Managing Editor: Kimberly M. Go≠-Crews mployment of Editor: Lesley K. Baier eterans. PO Box 208230, New Haven CT 06520-8230 y, Director of the .432.0849. The closing date for material in this bulletin was July 30, 2018. The University reserves the right to withdraw or modify the courses of instruction or to change the instructors at any time. x discrimination in sistance. ©2018 by Yale University. All rights reserved. The material in this bulletin may not itle IX Coordinator, be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form, whether in print or electronic media, .S. Department without written permission from Yale University. Boston MA 02109-
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[email protected] Website: http://environment.yale.edu nt hous- esources and The School of Forestry & Environmental Studies Bulletin is primarily a digital pub- w Haven CT 06520- lication, available in html and pdf at http://bulletin.yale.edu.