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团费全包 全程不做自费项目 住宿4+5星级大酒店 全程不走购物站 1.华山汽锅鸡、3.三门峡大刀面、5.洛阳半水席、7.西安面食、 2.少林素斋风味、4.开封桶子鸡、6.陕西八大碗、8.西安饺子宴 餐标从rmb40/人起 9天7晚 西安+河南 华山/郑州/开封/登封 西安 三门峡/洛阳(无购物站) Tour Code: CN9XIY-D7 团费全包 全程不做自费项目 住宿4+5星级大酒店 全程不走购物站 1.华山汽锅鸡、3.三门峡大刀面、5.洛阳半水席、7.西安面食、 2.少林素斋风味、4.开封桶子鸡、6.陕西八大碗、8.西安饺子宴 餐标从RMB40/人起 第1天 吉隆坡-西安 宿:西安★★★★★宝都酒店或同级 集合于吉隆坡机场,乘搭航班飞往西安。抵达后,送往酒店入住。 第2天 西安-华山 早/午/晚餐 宿:华山★★★★华山客栈或同级 早餐后,游览被誉为“世界第八大奇迹”的秦始皇陵的陪葬坑【兵马俑】,兵马俑发掘于1974年,每个陶俑均与真人比例一样, 威武雄壮的军阵,再现了秦始皇当年为完成统一中国的大业而展现出的军功和军威。续游览世界上最大的地下皇陵【秦始皇陵】, 为秦始皇“嬴政”的陵墓。接着,参观以温泉池著称的古代离宫【华清池】,相传是杨贵妃的洗澡之地。 第3天 华山-灵宝 早/午/晚餐 宿:灵宝★★★★紫金宫国际大酒店或同级 早餐后,前往游览海拔2200米的中国五岳之一【西岳华山风景区】(含北峰缆车上下+进山车)。华山以险着称,登山之路蜿蜒曲折, 到处都是悬崖绝壁,所以有「自古华山一条道」之说。续往灵宝游览【函谷关】,最早在春秋战国时代由秦国所建。函谷关是中国 历史上建置最早的雄关要塞之一,因关在谷中,深险如函,故称函谷关,素有“一夫当关,万夫莫开”之称。 第4天 灵宝-三门峡-洛阳 早/午/晚餐 宿:洛阳★★★★新天鹅国际大酒店或同级 早餐后,游览【虢国博物馆】,虢国墓地是中国迄今为止发现的唯一一处规模宏大、等级齐全、排列有序、保存完好的西周、春秋 时期大型邦国公墓。其中的三座【车马坑】由南向北按行军队列摆放,开了以军阵随葬的先河,构成了中国以真车真马随葬的时代 最早、规模最大的地下车马军阵。游毕,前往素有“九朝古都”之称的洛阳,自古以来,文人墨客云集于此,因此有“诗都”之 称。游览【关林】,也称【关帝庙】,相传为埋葬三国蜀将关于首级之处。 第5天 洛阳-登封-郑州 早/午/晚餐 宿:郑州★★★★山水时尚酒店或同级 早餐后,游览中国三大佛教艺术石窟宝库之一【龙门石窟】(含双程电瓶车),与“敦煌莫高窟”、“大同云岗石窟”齐名,最大 的佛像高达17米,佛像达10万多尊。午餐后,前往武林圣地【少林寺】(含双程电瓶车),是佛教禅宗和少林功夫的发源地。续参 观历代少林高僧的塔墓群【塔林】,目前现存两百多座,是中国最大之塔群。之后,欣赏精彩绝伦的【少林武术表演】。 第6天 郑州-开封-郑州 早/午/晚餐 宿:郑州★★★★山水时尚酒店或同级 早餐后,前往【黄河游览区】乘坐中国独一无二的【气垫船】畅游黄河,可观赏到“汗霸二王城”,即刘邦和项羽平分天下的古战 场,也是象棋盘中“楚河、汉界”的发源地,饱览中华母亲河的无限风光。游毕,前往开封参观【包公祠】,为纪念中国历史上 著名清官包青天而建的祠堂,祠内陈展有【包公铜像】、【龙头铡】、【虎头铡】、【狗头铡】、【包公断案蜡像】等等。过后, 游览建于北宋时期,距今已有900多年历史,堪称宋代艺术杰作的【铁塔】。晚上,游览【德化路步行街】。 第7天 郑州(高铁)西安 早/午/晚餐 宿:西安★★★★★宝都酒店或同级 早餐后,乘搭高铁(约2.5小时)前往西安。抵达后,游览为存放玄装法师从西天取经回来藏经而建的【大雁塔】,被视为古都西安的 象征。接着,游览【古城墙】;是中国现存最完整的一座古代城垣建筑,城牆建于明代,至今已有600多年历史。 第8天 西安-吉隆坡 早/午/晚餐 早餐后,游览【钟鼓楼广场】和【回民一条街】,是西安最繁华和最特色的商业区。续游览为重现大唐盛世风采的文化商业步行街 而打造的【大唐不夜城】。晚餐后,送往机场乘搭客机飞返吉隆坡。 第9天 抵达吉隆坡 清晨抵达吉隆坡机场。 *酒店以当地星级为准.行程安排仅供参考,以最终航班及酒店确认为准* √机场税 √签证 航班时间: 日期: √小费 √旅游保险 D7 346 吉隆坡-西安 1815-2315 团费: D7 347 西安-吉隆坡 0015-0515 全程不走购物站 Tour Code: CN9XIY-D7 9Days 7Nights Xi’an + Mount Huashan (Bullet train) Lingbao. Sanmenxia. Luoyang. Shaolin Temple. Zhengzhou. Kaifeng Terracotta Warriors & Horses - Longmen Grottoes - Yellow River Hybrid Boat A) Tour Fare All In Pricing, No Hidden Fee, No Optional Tour B) Museum of Kingdom Guo viewing Chariot Burial C) Terracotta Warriors & Horses (Eight wonder of the World) D) Return Cable Car visit Mount Huashan (MUST SEE) 1. Huashan Steam Pot Chicken、3. Sanmenxia Knife Noodle、5. Luoyang Water Banquet、7. Xi’an Noodle、 2. Shaolin Vege、4. Kaifeng Bucket Chicken、6. Shanxi Eight Bowl Flavor、8. Xi’an Dumpling Banquet Day 1 Kuala Lumpur-Xi’an Hotel: Xi’an 5★ Baodu Hotel or similar Assemble at Kuala Lumpur airport and boarding flight to Xi’an. Upon arrival,check in hotel. Day 2 Xi’an-Huashan B’fast, Lunch, Dinner Hotel: Huashan 4★ Huashan Hotel or similar After breakfast, visit to [Terracotta Warriors & Horses], it’s another huge & historical project on the china page. Is a terracotta sculptures depicting the armies of Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China. It’s a form of funerary art buried with the emperor whose purpose was to protect the emperor in his afterlife. Next to[Mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shi Huang]. Then, visit to [Huaqing Hotspring], is famed for both its dainty spring scenery and the romantic love story of Emperor Xuanzong and his concubine Yang Guifei in the Tang Dynasty. Day 3 Huashan-Lingbao B’fast, Lunch, Dinner Hotel: Lingbao 4★ Zijingong Int’l Hotel or similar After breakfast, visit to [Mount Huashan], deemed as one of China’s five sacred mountains. It’s famous for natural vista of steep and narrow paths, precipitous crags and a high mountain range. Firstly, take a [Cable Car] ascend to the [North Peak]. On the top of the mountain, there are several spots, such as the Buddhist and Taoist temples, sculptures and engravings. Passing the Gold Lock Pass you can buy a golden lock, and lock it on the iron chains on the Gold Lock Pass which symbolize safety and health. It must be a marvelous scenery to see thousands of golden locks on the iron chains. Thereafter, proceed to Lingbao visit [Hangu Pass], is famous for its dangerous terrain and ranging. It has always been an important pass for soldiers since it was built. If one man guards the pass, ten thousand are unable to pass through. Day 4 Lingbao-Sanmenxia-Luoyang B’fast, Lunch, Dinner Hotel: Luoyang 4★ Cygnus Int’l Hotel or similar After breakfast, visit to [Museum of Kingdom Guo], the main attraction is the [Chariot Burial], with 19 chariots and skeletons of 38 horses. This exhibit displays the chariot pits of the emperor of Guo State, the wife of the emperor and the prince. After that, tourjou rney continue to Luoyuang visit to [Guan Tomb] of Three Kingdom Warriors GuanYu. Day 5 Luoyang-Dengfeng-Zhengzhou B’fast, Lunch, Dinner Hotel: Zhengzhou 4★ Shanshui Trends or similar Today’s highlight surely will be visit to [Longmen Grottoes]. Longmen Grottoes, Yungang Caves and Mogao Caves are regarded as the three most famous treasure houses of stone inscriptions in China. Enjoy the historical and panoramic view of thousand kinds of Buddha Statue. Thereafter, tour journey continue to Dengfeng visit[Shaolin Temple], is reputed to be 'the Number One Temple under Heaven'. Then, visit to [Pagoda Forest] in Shaolin Temple. Next enjoy [Kung-fu Performance Show]. Day 6 Zhengzhou-Kaifeng-Zhengzhou B’fast, Lunch, Dinner Hotel: Zhengzhou 4★ Shanshui Trends or similar After breakfast,take a [Hybrid Jet Boat Cruise] visit [Yellow River Scenic Area]. Can see Hanba Erwangcheng Scenic Spot, which is made up of East and West Guangwu cities, two royal cities built in 203 BC by Liu Bang, first Han emperor and Xiangyu, ruler of the State of Chu when the two pitted their forces against each other there. Here also the birthplace of Chinese Chess “Chu River & Han World”. Enjoy the infinite beauty of the mother river of China. Next, proceed to Kaifeng visit [Justice Bao Memorial Hal], a famous historical attractions as a remembrance of Baogong, a famous high-ranking official in Song Dynasty. Continue [Ironto Pagoda Park]. Night, visit [Dehua Road Walking Street]. Day 7 Zhengzhou (Bullet Train) Xi’an B’fast, Lunch, Dinner Hotel: Xi’an 5★ Baodu Hotel or similar After breakfast, take ride [High Speed Rail] proceed to Xi’an, experience the maximum high speed of 350km per hour, total distance 511km (approximate 2.5 hour). Next to [Giant Wild Goose Pagoda], landmark building of Xi’an. Xuanzang, the eminent monk of Tang Dynasty, used to study in India from 629 to 645. When he was back home, for storing Buddhist text and figures of Buddha, he built a pagodain Ci’en Temple imitating the structure of pagoda in India, and named itGoose Pagoda. Next visit [City Wall], it's the most complete city wall that has survived in China, as well being one of the largest ancient military defensive systems in the world with over 600 years history. Day 8 Xi’an-Kuala Lumpur B’fast, Lunch, Dinner After breakfast, visit to[ Bell Drum Tower Square] and [Muslim Street], you may taste various kind of local snacks or shops for your souvenir. Next to [Great Tang All Day Mall]. After that, transfer to airport for your flight back home. Day 9 Arrival Kuala Lumpur Early morning arrival in Kuala Lumpur. Sequence of itinerary is subject to change without prior notice. √Taxes √Visa Flight Schedule Date: √Tipping √Insurance D7 346 Kuala Lumpur-Xi’an 1815-2315 Tour Fare: D7 347 Xi’an-Kuala Lumpur 0015-0515 No Mandatory Shopping Stops .
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