Master Plan Calls For Annexation S. Bound Brook To Seek Franklin Land

by ColleenZh’nite The report also recommendedobstacle, "I talked with tlae used to help lessen any over- Franklin; it wouldbe assessed on that the two municipalities superintendentof schools aboutit crowding in other Franklin $15,000and billed $1,575in South SOUTH BOUNDBROOK -- discuss rezoningof the seetion of one time, It wouldbe up to the schools, Bound Brook, a difference of SouthBound Brook’s first master the tract along Elizabeth Avenue school board to handle the There are approximately 90 $455. plan has recommendedthat the extending from Cedar Street to transfer of students to Bound teenagers bussed to Franklin HighSchool and 61 to SampsonG. There is one small industry, boroughconsider the annexation MadisonStreet. The section is a Brook,"he said, CemcoTool Company, located of that part of FranklinTownship 51-acre business zone which Franklin mayor William Smith Intermediate School now. i lying on the South BoundBrook contains 12 scattered homesplus Howardsaid Franklin had not yet If those students were with- next to the entrance to R-287 side of Interstate 287, ’/’he three business buildings, received an invitation to meet drawn,the crowdedconditions at north off Canal Road. There is Sampson G. Smith might be potential industrial land, the proposedannexation area is one -with SouthBound Break officials largest tract lying off Davidson squaremile, onetenth of a mile ’NiceLittle Town’ to discuss the proposal. He alleviated, South BoundBrook larger than the present South thought perhaps the law might doesnot haveits ownhigh school, Avenuewhich has easy access to but sends students to Bound the EastonAvenue approaches to BoundBrook, MayorEric Gellermanof South require such a matter to be 1-287, RobertCaBin and Associates of BoundBrook made the following decidedby the people by vote and BrookHigh School, Denville prepared the master comments, "I think it (South was looking into the matter. George H, Daniel, superin- Other vacantindustrial land is plan which was adopted last BoundBrook plus the proposed tendent of schools in Bound of smaller acreage and less Thursday by the South Bound addition) wouldmake a nice little ManyFactors Brook, does not consider the accessible to main arteries. Brook Planning Board. town.I wouldbe in favor of it. We possible doubling of the However, the lots recently The planning report stated, have dropped hints here and Obviousfactors in the’decision enrollment from Son h Bound considered by the Franklin "Froma planningstandpoint, the there, but we have not sat down if it is put to voteare the school Brookasan tmpossthl.ituation, council for the land sale which LOOKINGFROMIntorstate287attheSomerset HillsOevolopmentof221 houses. existing municipal boundary with the Franklinofficials yet to situation, taxes, and potential "Weare now crowded, but we wascontested by the Taxpayers separating South BoundBrook see howthey feel about it. industrial development, have grades seven and eight in Association are convenient to from Franklin Townshipis not "Ourcouncil is in favor of it, ’ Approximately50 per cent of the high school. Weare con- Canal Road’s approaches to I. .... ~: : very logical, In someinstances, Wecover part of Franklin as far the children at Elizabeth Avenue sidering proposing a middle 287, ’ ’ i :, ’this munieipal boundary runs as police, ambulanceservice, School walk from the housing school for students taking through structures that are fire and so forth are concerned development between 287 and seventh and eighth graders from SuggestsAlternative !. partly in the boroughand partly now -- have been doing that for South Bound Brook known as the high school, Wewould have to in the township," the last 15 years. AndFranklin SomersetHills. If they were to be alerted for this and hawto Mayor Howard of Franklin Development, street and helps us." transfer to South BoundBrook’s makeprovisions for it," he said. suggested that a possible zoning patterns were given as MayorGellerman did not think school system, Elizabeth Avenue alternative might be the in- reasons for the annexationstudy, the schools wouldbe such a hig would have space that could be Tax Changes corporationof all of SouthBound Brook by Franklin Township, There are about 221 homes South BoundBrook originally 1 rangingin size fromtwo to five was a part of Franklin knownas n bedroomsin the SomersetHills Bloomington, development and a handful of In 18~9 BloomingtonBorough small homesscattered beyondit. was granted a state charter Suchresidents might be affected under whichit operatedto 1907. by a higher tax rate if they Its commissionersoperated the became part of South Bound incorporated village, and its Brook. villagers voted in Franklin’s Arate of $10.51is chargedby general elections and answered the borough of South Bound to Franklin’s assessor and Brook based on 50 per cent collector, evaluation. Franklin’s rate is In 1891by petition Bloomington N $8.70on 48.92pet’ cent evaluation. became South Bound Brook (of NASSAUPARK LIES adjacent to SOmersetHills developmentand next to 1-287. Franklin conducts Basedon these figures, a 12ouse the Raritan River) and in- worth $3%O80would bc assessed corporated as a borought6 years summerrecreational programs here. on $14,670and billed $I,120 in later. The Franklin NEWS-RICI:)RO secondvies, postagQal~ THEHOUSE BELONGING to Mr. and Mrs, HowardStevenson on SandersAvenue is in South VOL. 17, NO. 17 SOMERSET, NEWJERSEY 08873, THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1972 at Somerset,N.J. 08~73, 10C per copy BoundBrook while the garageis in FranklinTownship. High School For [ S Rescue sWf!E!arenkM°ms TownshipCouncil’hearda p£a thyr~atS:eeWx;r~rihtelePetdat°rpgajrieZc~ Of Historic Sites for support of a day-time adult 309 in Newarkand workedin the high school equivalency program Trenton adult education in- SOMERSET-- Councilman preserve the beauty and dignity half acre plots, otherwise aimed at reducing the welfare centive program. She considers Alex Narutawill confer with Tomthese historic sites lend to the desirable acreage. rolls. Mrs,Gloria Stewart, 12 Tall that a summerseminar given by J. Siggia, whois developing community.He is president of Because SVICcustomers are Oaks,addressed the councilat its NewYork State University and Colonial FarmsShopping Village Shore and Mountain Homes, a usually eager for immediate agenda meeting Tuesday night sponsored by the Federal regarding his interest in movingsubsidiary corporation of Power- development,the Campuswishes and asked for moraland material Departmentof Health, Education to Colonial Farmsthe historic Flow,Inc., located ou Davidson to avoid the individual three- support to a programthat would and Welfare was her major homesteads threatened by Six Avenue,whose artist plans for monthdelays on each sale while educate welfare mothers to preparation for : the MileRun Reservoir flooding. Mr, the Colenia.l Farms"Shopping the hoard considers vacation of becomeself-supporting. organizational "’:k of the Siggia has expressedan interest Village were revealed in last the streets individually, Mrs, Stewart bad been on. proposedprogr, .drs, Stewart in rescuing the homes and week’s NewsRecord. eouragedby WalterHauck, state maintaining them at Colonial Anordinance for the purchase has a BAdegree .rein Rutgers Councilman Naruta was ap- of an alarm consoleis expectedto field supervisor of high school University, Farms, Middlebush. equivalency in northern New Mr. Siggia lives in Franklin pointed by the council at its be introduced, Its purposeis to The "walk-in" program at agenda meeting Tuesday to Jersey, whoresides in Franklin, Bergen Community College and as a resident he is eager to provide standards and to expect founding moniesfrom represent it in meetingswith Mr. regulations for various types of Center was cited by Mrs.Stewart Siggia. (See continuingseries un intrusion, burglar, fire and other the state, However,he informed as ideal, howevershe considers her that while the state would Six-Mile-RunReservoir page 4,) emergency alarm devices by the regular classroom set-up Ordinances regarding the direct line, radio, telephoneor provide two-thirds of the costs functional for Franklin’s needs, from the state department of High School vacation of some streets, the other meansto actuate a device She described the walk-in constructionof curbs and gutters at police headquarters which educationand one-third fromthe program as an adult open adult literacy fund, the state on BrooklineAvenue and salaries wouldrequire responseby police, classroomin whichthe students ConductsI’M for supervisory,non-supervisory fire or other municipalagencies, moniesare limited. Heindicated picked up the books and that whilethe state wouldfinance and police personnel are ex- Resolutionsare expected to be materials neededfor their study pected to be introduced at passed to authorize receipt of initiation of the program, it at the backof the classroomupon Counseling would desire that after a few tonight’s meetingof the townshipbids on water meters, to grant entrance and went to work on coancil. years of operation other sources their ownwith the teacher acting permission to Consolata Society take over the funding, , SOMERSET-- Franklin High Horace Shumanof Somerset for a carnival,and for transfer of as guide and aide. School has set aside two Bred Valley Industrial Campushas land to American Legion Post Moneyis not the only requisite Mrs,Stewart is seekingprivate now, Mrs, Stewart appealed for nesday evenings for their requested that Clinton, Ferris, 478, as well as public aid and enlists glddanee program, May 3 and Furman,Eighth, Grant, Judson, Antongmatters to be dhcussed old or discardedoffice furniture, the supports of Franklin’s particularly desks, and space, May17, from 7 to 9 p.m. Beatrice and Equatorbe vacated are a fire protection survey and businesses, industries and in- On May;], cmmselorsBarbara in order that SVIC may form newfire code, awardof bids fur She said the tlamilton Park dividuals. Youth Development Program Stanley, Jack Schmledand Greg packagesof three acres each of nine police cars, the ap- VanIscak will serve. OnMay 17, the industrial-zone land it owns peictmcnt of Planning Board has offered classroomspace plus counselors George Armstrong, a room fat" child-care, baby- and desires to develop, The memberRichard Hauck to the sitting services and use of a Charles Pulerano and Toni streets nowdivide the three acre Censervation Commission,and telephone, She wonderedif the ltigh School ’Log Cabin’ Is Award Winner Jackson will be available for plots, Thetownship is currently trash collection problems, council could offer space more consultation, assessing SV[Cat resale value, The public meeting of the It Is suggested that up- oeotrai,y,on,ted, Shee*ained I’o Hold TRENTON--CindyBagey,l,, exhibit In the ninth annualJersey l.listorical Society. the value ot the land, witimt council will be held at tl p,m, that the school buildings them- of Somerset displays "Log History Fair of tile dersoymen, "Log Cabin" was among tO pointmentsbe scheduled through consideringthat the stubs of the tonight at SampsonG, Smith the high school guidanceoffice desirableselves arebecause not particularlylhey might ¯ ¯ ~.n Cabin," her award-winning student history club of the NewFah,"exhibits Awards chosenwerebased as "Best oain streets divide into one and one- School, place a psychologicalblock In the " ,o-"""""...... " lOigh"n’-- Hear depth of research, authenticity, Imtb of past school drop.outs ...... t originality, nnd ingenuity, and Potential applicmtsnlglt also’, a. It}latin .!oru!n WlU~o, con. ,i t . I t tt m OUCtOUon me topic ",Jot) up. construction, burr ~ssn/ent of nttendlng, portunltesso eels ...... anu ueeupatlonat It tookCindy three weeksof off. and-onworktocomplote, Shecut "°w e’ca f .tot~ ’t,h’ e." ,~retth "°w~’~°n a nsflal.~flllon So.... o 1’% at "It|¢’l,anlflln ..... l|lgn n--ooperS ’A t-ppea" enro.e , .... ’no n t i a’suay muy’ ** a~’" o hot’ownbranches to construct It, ,. p nl at the l’ ranklio iligh School using branches aboat 1/2 htch In - ~,, ,. ,.tu ...... ,:,,t,i ...... SOMERSET.. Walter take Over ull zoniug," lie coil. dhmmter, 15 and 17 inches hag, ~,~-.oximatotVtrs...... ,, ,"6 e,’)...’~, uutlttornam,’’ ’t’he lorum’ Is sponsoredby tlne Faculty.Clergy Gehrtcko, attorney for llooper eluded, "I don’t think anybodySite says, ’It was fun," and she prose ltly on wolf~,tre who qua fy ~’l ...... ModelTown, Inn, seemstu thhlk can forestall ehnngoan~ longer," expects to extend her Interest as ’a,., ...n’vt,,,...... a .~.~.h"nd*t o~rh..,,~ ¯ uomnlunllY!ni..cotn,t~.olatlons Corn- the state is on his side, Whenit Tile llooper hourhtg before the a eonthlulng hobby, day:timeprogramforltiglnschool The topic will be disuessed was suggestnd that the township zoning bourd of udJustmnnts will Cindy Is un eighth grade equlvuleney, Sttldonts In tbo f’m~ th’ea nO’Sleet yes: ’ ’at u ntay fnur u request to break its zouthg laws, Mr, Goilrieko nontinuc tonight ut Middiebush student ut SumpsouG, Smith progrom would work toward stt tonont of tip problem; School al II n,m, Mr, tlchrlcho IntormodlateSchool, Shollvosat pussthg the (leuerol Edueatlonolsecond, wlntt out’ high school warned, "If the eonlmnnltles c×pectu his realtor ’red Caik af 158 I~mm’sonltoud with h~r Deve]opmenlTest and wouI tip low doing tbh,c what we can do dolfl choose to, the ~tato maydo Mannluuli Cotudy,uad ltk~hnrd parcots, Mr, ~UldMrs, [!:dwin awtrdod cort f entas o tmt bused on needs atnt resourens, it arbih’urgy," ,lesko, snnitutluuengineer fl’ont l|uliey, nnd three hrothera aud accomplishment,(II~DT per. Partioipatlng In the forutn will I[eeonthmod,"ThosodoelslunaS~ringfiokl will testify us to the tifieatosaroaeaoptobloontranca bo:supurlntondontohehoolaDr, uroeonlingdownandthonnnetlty availability and muthod uf sister, ragulronlontn to comnlualty aod Itobol’{ MaxwoIllwork o0op of comnlonltyIs Mlnol going to 8uworagodisposal, other ¢ollogeL aid ad Job directors ’rhoina8 lrahuy bornalntatnodanylongor,lthlok ~.- qoallfl¢atlons, Char e8 Wtlk nt and Clarence everyeomlntmlty Itl the ~tato Itt Mr, Gohriclto ~ald Soy will Franklin tltgh Sahool offers LUbbol.~u[danco in troubloIn that routs’d," dlmliswhatlsihobostu,ooftho NtITICI,: llgh ashen[ equivalencycoarsen dlrootot, lleldiOreltte~ hldu~trlal "Governor Cahlll’8 i’eeent Md end"why It can’t be really Sanq~aon G, Smith In. in it,, ovolllng adult edtteatlan arts director SanfordWelts, )ubllshod ntatoment nemn tu uffotttlvuly used trader Itnpmonttornlodlato porunt voluntoo, ~tahoo!has to requested act as protram,but th~ro li no day. Tile purpose|0f the foi’Ulll are Indicate very dearly,** he soiling," Ettgitteers Call It Progress! Unlo progra;n, BumptowM~lp to stlnlu]ate thinking of= $1~ quoted,’qfthocomlnunltloawere "I think the real hub of thl= teaehoraido=lnthosehool[ortho rmdant~ attend the Nowhnportant ores o[ n~od for our Just g0inl~ 10 sit bnok alld dn thing," he oomnlontt)d, "la that rumolndoroftheyoorandforthe ttl’Umwtokday.tbno eln~aon, but ¢Olllllltlnlty’~ youth, to hlfarm nothing,he wouldtry the counties wecan rt~ally dotnonatratolhal eot~ln~lyear, 8ohoolofficials t tro 0ONE18 THEtlraaoful frameth~ aid pine tras= msdabo,ldo the Frankl;nTownNp Pub}In Llbrey on !l’an~portationdlfflctlltloa t.ilt ou~’eomlnunity of Wllnt I~ and und if the counties tried to do we have aolvnd the wtt~to expecting to put thu toaonor attto HsmlltonStreet, The ground lie= l)aro andbleak whore bulldo=e~ hays prepared for Kinney8hoot The io~alpart clpatlon, atul bo dono, arid to enlist Mll oothlng, the nh}to woitldahnply dlspoaolproblonl," prograln In offoet saou, tra#~lie vhoPl~’ed,=awed and pushed to the=ldeaf Franklin (]oolsvurd, PAGE TWO-A THURSDAY,APRIL 27, 1972 IlllSlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfllllllS S lllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllilll HS ll H,11111 qlllllllllillll;llU __== __.= == Manville !

by MorraSpritzer and Michaela Delegianis High.lightsi HILLSBOROUGH-- Eight juniors havebeen selected to During Easter Vacation, manystudents were lucky represent HillsboroughHigh enoughto go to Europeancities such as Paris, Mulch, Schoolat variousseminars on Madridand Vienna. government to be held i Weasked NevaLattanzio, a sophomore,to write about throughoutthe state in June. Patricia R egetz ~- her trip to Spain, and Probyn Thompson,a junior, to The Hillsborough Women’s ’Clubwill send NancyHeflich, z ..... "L.:’I,’ write about his trip to Germanyand Austria, Morra daughterof Mr.and Mrs. George Spritzer wrotethe accountof Paris. Heflichof Belle Mead,to Girls SPAIN-Nero Lattanzio CitizenshipInstitute, sponsored A standing ovation, a round of applause and another by the NewJersey Federationof curtain call for the cast of"PlazaSuite." Mostof our time in Spain wasused for touring cities Women’sClubs at Douglass CollegeJune 12 throughJune 16. LaughWith ’Odd Couple’ Congratulations are extended to Shirley Koeanowski, such as Arula,Segoira, Toledo,El Escorial and the Valley DianeAsprocolas, daughter of Daria Soriano, TomEvanoff, Salndy Urbaniak, Bob of the Fallen. Mr. andMrs. George Asprecolas, "TheOdd Couple" will beenacted by the Drama Society of FranklinHigh School Friday and Saturday is the alternate. McCombie,Eileen Mahoney,Kathy Palochko, Paul Lipot, Wesaw a bull fight at the "Plaza de Turps." The at 8:15p.m. Jim McDaid asFelix confers with Chris Mattaliano asOscar. Charles Peach, Helene Konkus, Jim Daley and Margie spectators get totally involvedin the bloodyaction in the CharlesLostak, son of Mr.and Mrs.Charles Lestak of Neshanic, Glutch, for a fantastic performancelast weekend. ; arena, Thefans just go wild. andWayne Rosenlicht, son of Mr. "Plaza Suite" was an excellent play but the turn-out Oneday weweni~ to the Palcio Real (ThePalace). and Mrs. Alan Rosenlichtof. Wewent to the Flamenco Show and to the Prado Hillshorough,will attend Boys Seniors Top1to no r R o 11 was disappointing. Theseniors did make$900 on the play" Museumwhere we saw paintings by El Greed. State, sponsored by the but they have been faced with several unexpected American Legion at Rider expensesdue to the play, Theseniors whowere trying to PARIS-MorraSpritzer CollegeJune 18 throughJune 24. Alternatesare KenStiles, sonof dear $1,000, almost madeit but it endedup they cleared Wesaw La Place de la Concorde,a big square where Mr. andMrs. FrankStiles, and With 25 Of Class Listed only $700. Theseniors do thank all those peoplewho did Louis XVIand Marie Antoinette were beheadedduring TomNeary, son of Mr.and Mrs. FrederickNeary. A total of L43 students at Mary Heflich, Jeffrey Craig Dcateher, RalphEsola, attend and did help themreach the $700 mark. the French Revolution. Then we drove down the HillsboroughHigh School earned Jamieson, Bette Jelicks, JoyeeGiammarco, Patricia Gill, tree-lined avenue, ChampsElysees. At the head of this Attending the American positionson the honorrolls for DeborahKralovic, Michele DeniseGoitz, Patricia Grecc0, For those of you whodid not attend the play, I can Legion’sGirls State will he the third marking period, Lazowski, Ronald Malesky, DouglasHill, DeborahHolloway assure you, you missed one of the most enjoyable avenueis the Arc de Triomphe.Also that night wesaw the MarinaMoevs, daughter of Mr. representing15 per cent of the DouglasMartin, CoreneNoack, and RobertJacobs. Eiffel Towerand its fountains. and Mrs.Robert Moevs of Belle studentbody. PhilipOrkin, Kathleen Pawelski, DanaJensen, DanaJohnson, eveningsin a longtime. I, personally,believe that there is Easter Sundaywe got our first daytimelook at the city Mead.The meetingwill take Earning high honors were GaryPeacock, Charles Petrock, RichardKita, JohnLewis, Todd nothing morerelaxing than and refreshing than watching placeat DouglassCollege June 25 seniorsAlex Celuzzi Mark Neury MaryEllen Peele, CynthiaQuick Olive, CharlesQuirico, David whenwe went to La Madeline,a church. In the afternoon, andIan Shearn;juniors DeborahandStanley Rizzolo. Regiec, Barbara Saunders, youngpeople place their talents forward. throughJune 30. Heralternate is Falzone, Denise Luptak and wewent to LouisXIV’s palace in Versailles. MaryAnn Neu, daughterof Mr. DianeRichards, Jane Rudeau, Joyce Schumacher, Scott A few weeksago the teens in Manvilleparticipated in and Mrs. JohnNeu. WayneRosenlieht; sophomoresPaul Shields, DavidSlavin, SkiBman,William Tunny, Lynda Wesaw all of the famousmonuments and landmarksof AnnDougherty, Leslie Fry, Bulent Shemi,Cheryl Spratt, Thompson,Thomas Troisi, David the county Teen Arts Festival and five of them wonand Paris throughoutthe rest of the trip. All delegatesand alternates PamelaRusso, Sandra Simpson, Raymond Stives, Glenda Volker,Donna Wheeloek, Laura will be goingto the state’s festival in Trentonearly next Notre Dame,a church with 29 chapels and a @0-pipe PaulSingley, Julie Skogland and Stuehell, RandyWebb, Peter Yeomansand Sandra Zucosky. wereelected by the entire high SusanneWilson and freshman month. organ,was another place wevisited; for someof us it was school faculty. Criteria for Wilezek, Joanne Van Cur, FRESRMEN selection were interest in NancyYoungster. Kathleen Van Pelt, Frank the high point of the trip. Notre Dametook about 500 government and community Onthe combined honor rolls Vernoia,Ben Yusiewicz, and Joy Barna, Jana Barnett, Gary Cejaowski, DannySujansky and TomOrem will years to build-but noneof us could believe its immensity. service,excellence of character, theseniors placed 48students, or Vera Yeomans. Steven Bodnarchuk, David makeup the musictrio. Theywill do an original piece by andevidence of leadership. 25per cent of the class; the Bourgaize, Linda Bubrow, GERMANYand AOSTRlg-Probyn Thompson juniors24students for11 per cent JUNIORS BarbaraCelluzzi, Nancy Cheng, TomOrem entitled "Gamblin’ Man." Their second Frances Cornely, MaryLinn will The trip to Germanyand Austria departed from the of the class’, the Sophomores40 number he a religious folk song entitled "Less of REGISTER NOW studentswhich represents 18 per KennethBarna, Melinda Callis, Domanich,Marianne Dziadul, CharlesGwin, John Hanger and Met." In the dramasection you will see Richard Setzer high school at 8:30 p.m. on Friday, March31. centof the class, andthe fresh- DeborahCartwright, Elizabeth and Joe Sikoryak doing their selections. Best of luck, Wetoured the cities of Amsterdam, Munich, HILLSBOROUGH--Parents of men31 students,or 11 percent of Cornely,David.Domanich, Maria Paul Hubert. HillsboroughTownship school theclass. Friedman, Michael Kasas, Alice Jacobs, KennethJann- fellows,we’re all rootingfor you backat school. lnnsburch, Salzburg and Vienna. Wealso saw three ehildrenrequiring transportation Aplace on the highhonor roll Jeffrey Korth, LindaLambert, sson, JoanKutz, George Lawler, different Olympicsites andtwo castles, to non-publicschools dm’ing the requiresno gradeloss thanan A. Barbara Leddyand Kathlnen David LuptakStephen Melan- OnMay 12, the annual spring concert given by the band 1972-73school year are requested Nograde less than a B earns a McNerney chrinos,Roderlck Neary, Debbie Wemet high school groups from Indiana, Hightstown, to register as soonas possible studenta position on the honor SueMacDonald, Marina Moevs, Norz, DonaldPalka, Steven and choruswill be held. Please comeout and see these fine Trentonand England.I share the feeling as others did in with JohnPacified, secretary of roll. TheresaOndrejik, David Platte, Peretti, LyndaPozar, Halstead ladies and gentlemenperform for you. the Hillsborough Board of RichardRecehia, Carol Rovane, Seudder, Susan Staey, Duke our group, and as l think others did in other groups, that Education. SENIORS RichardSprague, Kenneth Stiles, Thatcher,Cheryl Volker, Lynn 10 days waslike 10 minutes-just not enoughtime. Jeanne VanNuysand Teresa Valentineand Marilyn Wachdorf. Jersey Girls State Kathleen Bekus, HerbertWilk, Benhardt, Lorraine Blaney, SQUARE DANCE SET Judith Bourgaize,Donna Burton, SOPIIOMORES Toni Camille, Eric Carlson, HILLSBOROUGH-- The Delegates Announced JoanneClark, Carla Evans,Ed MichaelAllen, Douglas Arditti, HillsboroughHigh School Band- D0ran, MarthaFogle, Barbara DeborahBalieki,Patricia Bekus, wagonAssociation will hold a Mrs. AnthonyTizo, presidentof nouncedthe delegateto Jersey Fry, StephenFryauff, Scott Anita Bondkireh, Dorinda SquareDance 11-12 p.m. May6 at RaritanUnit #280 of the Ameri-Girls State to be held at Douglass GoodellandCharlene Graham. Coviello, KimD’Alesandro, the highschool. can LegionAuxiliary has an- CollegeJune 25-30. Miss Diane Renee Yashkas, III I ’ III I III qlll I ,’daughterof Mr.and Mrs. Joseph Yashkasof Deer RunDrive, Somerville,will be the delegate Stop Paying and Miss Patricia Jeane Cam- bouris, daughterof Mr.and Mrs. George H. Cambourisof 35 CharlotteDrive, Somerville, will J be her alternate. Bothgirls are Service from Bridgewater.RaritanWest HighSchool’s Junior class. These youngwomen have been chosen on the basis of scholarship,leader- Charges ship, patriotism,school spirit and attitudes. MissYashkashopes to becomea teacherof physicaleducation. She is a representativefrom her class on the StudentCouncil, holds membershipin the National Boner Society, is a Mail the coupon cheerleader,andwas chairman of the Easter Seals fund raising for a "No campaign, Charge" MissCambouris, the alternate, is activeon the schoolnewspaper checkingaccount. There are no staff andthe Literarymagazine of the school.Her school activitives service charges of inch,dethe,Creative Writing Club, managingeditor of thn school any kind if you paper, treasurer of the Drama STATEBANK OF RARITANVALLEY Club,class representativeon the 34 East SomersetStreet StudentCouncil, member of the Raritan,New Jersey 08869 maintain an N;ttionalllonor Society, and help- Delicious ing in the ecologymovement. average balance Theyoung women will attendaa combination! ~ and Pleasesend me informailml and siguature cards on your orientationsession ou May5 at 8 just whateveryone "NO CIIARGE"PERSONAL CHECKING ACCOUNTS. of $200. p.m. in the Post //293 Manse- deserves,Kishkies are the Cavalierhome, Warren, when all b, of the delegates lrom the greatestthing to happento SomersetCounty schools and their ~i, [] htdividnalaccount [] Joiutaccmatl alternates,with their parentsand thepotato since the leprechaun. principals and guidancecoun- Gratedpotatoes blended with bacon ~t "Bank by seUorswill learn moreabout the bitsand flavored with onions. ,MythicalJersey Girls State aa Name...... , .., ...... ,, ,.., , sponsoredby the Jersey Girls Sensationalasa snackor side-dish Mall Free" State organizationInc. of the .., greatwith sour cream, ketchup or Address...... we pay postage AntorieanLegion Aaxiliary. syrup.,,super at breakfast,dinner I 5SN andinbetween.,, out-of.sight with love. City ...... State ...... Zip...... both ways. Miss Ross Set Anytime,anyway potatoes are good, Kishkies are great.They come f’or Royal Co.rt fully cooked~ you just heatto a goldenbrown and enjoy. CllAMBI’HtSBURG,PA, -- MissJill i~.oss oft,~ast Millstone Lookfor Mrs.T’s Kishkies in yourgrocer’s frozen food section. As willbe a moutheroftits May forthe love .... tate Bank Courtduring WilsonCollege’s atmual MayDay weekend, May 5.’/, She~s a freshntunat the four- oft!karitatt alley year collng0 Ior womenat Itanlbol, sbarg, Pa,, and is the 40;’1 Route 2t)6 South daughtorof Mr,alid Mrs.Clifford Hillsborough Township B, UOss,Amwoll lid,, East Mtllstottd. Ihnn~:I)aily lathby9 a,ul,to 3 p,nl, DriveUp: Thursday 9 s,nl, to 8 p,nt TI re( ly |’]Vcllll|g 6 IU S I|Jn, Fthhly :)t II,nl, |o 7 p,nl, FridayEvenlug S to 7 p,nt. Saturdayq a,m,lu court ’Spring Ahead’ l)uyllght savhtgstired booms OTHERk.OCATION8 at 2 a,nl, 8tltlday, April ll0, a4~l~t ~oona~let t~tlaat ComerRitllla Road laid Route112 I{enKqlil}Ol’ to lUUV0|ill elocka RatlXan.N,J, FedirslReserve ~¥i|IIO iluutlhlOtOllTOWllthll} ah0adpep hot,’ ll0[ororoth’lntl ATEECO, INC. , SHENANDOAH,PA, 6dtarday0 to 1~ Mentl~lrF,O,l.C, 8¢tgr¢ley9e,n,, t013 I1OOll Satlu’day nll0lt. ’*Sprit;it Manufavlttrcro[ Mrs, T’s Pk, rogh~stold Mr’s,’l"s glshldas nhtmti.,",|t~ th~91tl adagt) I~0a, ,ill| PAGE THREE-A THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1972 Recycling Committee Establishes JUNC ’I LandryNamed VP SOMERSET-- At its monthly Mrs. Durand and Mrs. Shim- ;.. For New Company meeting last Friday night the shock are members of the en- Franklin Township Recycling vironmental committee of the MONTGOMERY-- David B. & Johnson’s Baby &Proprietary Committee decided to be in- League of WomenVoters. The Recycling Committeehas Landry has been namedvice- Divisionin 1966 as an assistant corporatedas a non- profit society president, product management, product di,’ector and was under the catchy nameof JUNC beenvery active for the last seven months and has carried on a and a member of the promotedto product director in (Just Uses of Nature through management board of the 1968. Conservation). campaignto persuade people of the area to recycle their waste Johnson & Johnson Dental He has served as product group The five incorporating trustees Products Company.The newly director in the Dental Division wereelected to represent nearly paper, glass, metals, and even plastics, formed Dental Products Com- for the past twoyears. all groupsof the population: Dr. pany, formerly a division of Mr. Landry is mayor of EugeneHowe, a research chemist The second Saturday of the monthis nowthe established date Johnson& Johnson, is located in Montgomery Township and a and president of the Franklin the TwinRivers Industrial Park memberof tbe townshipplanning Township Conservation Com- for recycling, unless rain post- ponesit to the third Saturday,The in East WindsorTownship. board. mission, Mr. Harold B. Sursa, Lunch Break Anative of Bethesda,Md., Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Landry, ’the townshipengineer anddirector of placeis the parkinglot of Franklin former Constance Cox of Wyn- Highand the hours 9 a.m. to noon. by PTO members. The ham- Landrywas graduated from the pulic works. MANVILLE--OnMonday, the ’ WhartonSchool of Finance and newood, Pa., and their four Mrs. Susan Durand, research Onthe secondSaturday of Apri students at Camplain Road 13,000 pounds of glass was burgers and soft drinks’ came Commerceof the University of children live on SycamoreLane, biochemist; Mrs. Marie Shim- School enjoyed a Hamburger Pennsylvania.He joined Johnson Skfllman. shock, housewifeand mother; and collected-- three truck loads -- luncheon served and organized fromMr. Bee’s in Somerville. WilsonKing of the Franklin High and there weretwo truck loads of EcologyClub. tin andhi-metal throwntogether,

WEALTHOFWORDS--William A. Caldwell, associateeditor of the Recordof Hackensackand 1971 winner of the Pulitzer Prize for commentary,ponders one of the 12,000columns he haswrittenin Heart Assoc. Elects the past40 years. Trustees, Officers Rutgers Press Publishes Somerset County Heart Mrs.John Leoncini, Mrs. Warren ALLPURPOSE Association memberselected Richardson and Dr. Harley G. PRICE’SAUTO Agents for ¯ Weddings Caldwell’s ’In The Record’ officers andtrustees, recognized Shepard, all of Bridgewater’, OASHLOANS Wheaten Van Line, Inc. $ Parties someof its membersfor service Cato Jones of B.ranchburg;Mrs. WRECKINGINC ¯ Dances NEWBRUNSWICK -- The life in a worldthreatened with to the organization, andlistened AbramTen Eyck of Bedminster $60Io $10,000 SOPKO to Dr. Glenn E. Sisler of Township; Dr. Lawrence USEDCAR & Rutgers Press is about to thermonuclear destruction is TRUCKPARTS PERSONALLOANSto $I,~0 challenge the old notion that the fact that strawberries are Bridgewaterdiscuss, "Trends in Livornese of Middlesexand Miss LARGERLOANS TO MOVING& Music by Cardiac Surgery" at its annual Natasha Kirilik of North Brun- FEATURING: STORAGE,INC. newspaper, prose, written just about as goodas they were A COMPLETE SELECTION OF hurriedly against a deadline is when you were a boyf meeting last week at the Wat- swick. HOMEOWNERS the most ephemeral of all ehung ViewInn, Re-elected to the Board of TRUCKPARTS PleaseCall for. details LicensedPublic Mover TheVersatones Onnature: Dr. Sisler, assistant professor literature. "The cardinal is a beast as Trustees were Carmen S. EdgewaterAve. 7~15-5200 Local & LongDistance of clinical surgery at NewYork Paterniti of Bernardsville; BradleyGardens ConsolidateAll Your Bills Into 35 No, 17th Ave. simple-mindedas it is hand- Wait It’s been said that even the, some.It thinks well of itself. University Medical School, Charles O. Bradford, Mrs. Somerville OneConvenient Monthly Payment Manville Frank described the surgical treatment Robert T. Fagan, Dr. Alvin I. 722-2717 best of newspaper writing: Thequality is rare in the world SOMERSET 201-725-7758 725-7037 seemsstale within days of its wehave contrived. Onetends to for congenital heart defects, Kap]an,Dr. MelvinI. Mayerand 725-1512 appearance, as fast-moving forgive the cardinal its cardiac malfunctions caused by Dr. Arthur G. Sullivan of Bound FINANCIAL events drain its original ostentatious winsomeness. rheumatic fever, and correction Brook;Dr. Stanley Bresticker of vitality. But a book published Reekingof coffee and vitamin of circulatory problems Franklin Township; Miss Mary CallUs At associated with coronary heart F. Feeley, Mrs. J. Harold Ger- SERVICES this weekdemonstrates that an pills, cloaked in myclouds of 31 W. MainSt., occasional rare writer can guilt andapprehension, I totter disease, and who were can- nert, Joseph B. Lombardoand 725-3300 confoundthe general rule and, out of the houseat dawnto start didates for each type of surgery. Albert G. Wisselof Somerville; Somerville despite deadlines and "daily- He foresaw the time whencar- Dr. Alan I. Fine of Watchung; Secondary Mortgage Loam IToPlace Your Listings the journey to work." ness," create newspaper copy Onlotteries: diac surgery, for the correction Dr. Sanford S. Klein, A. J. RESERVEYOUR Plumbing&Heating whichincreases in powerand "Havingbeen born with the of coronary circulatory Phillips, Dr. Arthur E. Roswell TRAILERor TRUCK coherenceas it ages. humanspecies’ normalportion problems, wouldbe performedin and William V. Sauer of CAMPERor HORSE Installation,repairs local hospitals. Bridgewater Township;and Mrs. TRAILERFOR ONE WAY andservice Thecase in point is the book, of rapacity,[ shall not be at all ORLOCAL RENTAL "In The Record," by William surprised, although I’ll be Dr. Stanley Bresticker of B. Franklin Montagueof Mon- A. Caldwell,associate editor of ashamed,to find myself pur- Franklin Township, chief of tgomery Township. 722-2060 BATHROOMS. $595. Anesthiology at Middlesex Recognizedfor their service to completelyinstalled The Record of Hackensackand chasingfifty-cent tickets in my 60" tub, 24" vanityand cadet 1971 winner of the Pulitzer ~overeign states’ crumby Hospital, was re-elected the organization with Silver MANNA’SGULF Prize for commentary. The n;anber racket once they go on president of the association and Service Recognition medallions Dr. Sanford S. Klein of were Mrs, Robert T. Fagan, Mrs. trapsand shut-offs. book contains 112 of the sa!e this month." ServiceCenter LicensedPlumber "Simeon Stylites" columns C’n newspaperingl Bridgewater Township and G. B. Franklin Montague and Call whichoriginally appeared on "Whatdoes Spire T, Agnew Emery Drake of Bound Brook WilliamV. Sauer. BronzeService FinderneAve. ALFREDNOAGK the editorial pages, of The have in common with the were re-elected professional Recognition medallions were THURSDAY,APRIL27 Record, including the 12 which weathermen,the postal service vice-president and treasurer, presented by Dr. Bresticker to Finderne 359-3216 weresubmitted to the Pulitzer strikers, the Communists, respectively. Newly elected Nicholas Berezansky of Man- pa0erbeokSxh,b,t,utger,rep...... ,p.m.e,Rudo,’,’,brery. jury. student militants and the ad officers included Isidoro M. ville, G. EmeryDrake, Dr. G. The columns were drawn hoe committee of man-hating Garcia of BoundBrook, laymen Raymond Donaty, Dr. John HooperHearing, Frankli .... ingboard.aP..... iiddlebush School. Complete from a monumental body of womenwho or whichtook over vice-president and Mrs. A. J. Lipani and G. Edward Neuguth .... PLUMBING-HEATING Phillips of Bridgewater, Bridgewater. FranklinJaycee-ettes. 8:30p .... t King writing. As fellow Record the editorial:offices of the JamesHydr°cephalUSNursingHome.Loot.... FUELel L staffer MarkA. Stuart notes in Ladies’ HomeJournal one day Secretary. his introduction, "Simeon last week?Corpuscles, you say. Newmembers of the Board of SALES & SERVICE Stylites" has been preaching Don’tbe a wise guy. Whatthey Trustees also elected included: SATURDAY,APRI L 29 from the editorial pages of The have in commonis the delusion Dr. Ernest R. Gentile of COPIES KAVANAUGH Record, BergenCounty’s only that he whocontrols a nation’s Somerville; Dr. A. J. Hackett, Prize Film DukeIsland Park Cleanup, County 4.H Clubs. 10:30 ..... 1pm daily newspaper,for 40 years, communicationscontrols the (Quanity B R0S tS ..... tile PublicLibrary. six days a week. That’s 12,000 nation." the SOVEREIGNSTATE iii!ii Artsand Cra f ts Program.10:45 ..... 94E. MAINST,, columns,give or take a dozen, The Caldwell column is rib Travel PriceS or 10,200,000words." called "SimeonStylites" after RummageSale, BrassButtons. 70 a,m.- 4 p.m, at Community SOMERVILLE,N.J. of AFFAIRS Available) Firehouse,Hamilton St., Somerset. Andthe words are alive! a fifth century Syrian hermit College li!ii~ii! 725-0862 Take, for example,the leads of whospent 30 years meditating Over46y ..... fconn...... ice someCaldwell columns,-- while percheda top a pillar in HILLSBOROUGtt -- Paul TUESDAY,MAY 2 On government: the desert. Shieldsand Jeff Jamieson, "It’s embarrassing, and I "It occurredto melast Jan. seniorsat HillsboroughHigh suppose the lapse is at- 11 that I’d been mumbling School,will take their prize- l .am,Itot,St.Some,set Church. tributable to my bad habit of awayon this perch ten years winningfilm, "Humpty-Dumpty havingbirthdays so often, but longer than the original II,"to Mootclair State College on doggonedif l wouldever have columnist lasted, but I can’t Friday,April 28. As part of the recognizedthis barrel-chested, say I’ve acquired any other of AlumnaeWeekend festivities, Mimeograph bullet-headed bemedaledg0oo his bad habits; no asceticism, theywill show and discuss itwith WEDNESDAY,MAY 3 that’s lumbering around in- Service no putrefaction, no wormsthat formerspeech and theater Speedy, Accurate IliogSessions.~-Bp.m.atFronk,nHigh. troducing himsel¢ as my I knowof," he wrote. majorsat Montclair State. :~Parent C..... Daves Men’s & Quality Work government. Now, just as Caldwell Alsoparticipating in the SpecialMeeting Manville Senior Ci izens7:30 p mat Christhe King :; On racism: preparesto retire at the end of workshopswill be Nancy Kelly, Church, Boys Shop "Martin Luther King bet his this month, the creamof the TexThompson, Lynn Specht and life that the Negrocould make "SimeonStylites" columns,as Gary Peacock. Along with RUSS’ Guildfor ChristianService. 4:45 - 7 p, 41 S, MainSt, Manville his wayinto the mainstreamof ChickenBarb ..... weare direct manefacturersof all selected by MarkStuart have Shields, these students will ONERY SUPPLIE~ HillsboroughReformed Church, Millstone. typesof uniforms life in the United States by been brought together n book present an original play which means of nonviolence, and he 31 S, Main St. ~] ii ¯ Policeman ¯ Fratemal form by a major University they developedimprovisationally ¯ Maihnan ¯ Industrial lost." press, in an unusualtribute to a froma basic idea of Miss Kelly. Manville SATURDAY,MAY 6 On the automobile: journalist whose work has The film and the play were 725-0354 A NEWSERVICE "Oneof these days, whenthe added up to very muchmore selected by the professorsin the SquareDance, Bandwagon Association. 8.12 p.m. at Hillsborough Specialistsin dry oil wells gurgle dry and we’re than daily journalism, speech and theater department HighSchool cleaning all cut back to ooe-lungmotor at Montclair State from a (BudgetCoin-O.Matic) bikes running on banana ItUMblAGESALE HawaiianLuau, Our Lady of PeaceColumbiettes Council 5051,7 p.m, numberof entries submitted by at Knightsof ColumbusHall, Manville. squeezings and fried eels, ¯ ’llumnaecurrently teaching in people are going to be won- SOMERSET-- The Brass public schools. Theflillsborough derfully nostalgic about the Buttons are sponsoring a productions wee entered by automobile." RummageSale at the Com- English teacher’ MidgeGBercera. aUNOA~,MAY, Ondays past: munityFirehouse, 710 Itomilton Registration,Temple Beth-El Religious School, 9.11 a,m, at school "Oneof the significant yet Street, SaturdayApril 29 from10 EXCLUSIVE oftoo unconsideredrealities of a,m. to 4 p,m. onAmwell Road, Somerset. SLIPCOVERS COUTOURIER HOWLS OpanHouse, new West Wing, Somarset Hospital, 2"5 p,rn, iillgIIIIIIIIIIIg Ilglllllllllllllllllllllllllllll II IIIIIIIIIII llllllllllllnllll llll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIl11111111111111101111111111111111111~ FABRICS SOUTH SOMERSETNEWSPAPERS Fromdssign0rs like Di0r-at Published every ThurL~dayby Your wh01esal0cost 0nd Isssl MONDAY,MAY 8 Tire Princeton Paeke,!, Inc, ManvilleCouncil, 8p,m. Madeto yourorder Main Office: 240 South Main St, SO~A~NO119.50 Hearing? BROTMAN’SFABRICS ..... Ro0kyHill Boardol Health,8:15 p,m, 1 QHAIR Manville, N,J, 088115 ForSholS et Homo Telephone: 725.3300 Rt. 22, N, Plainfiold ChicagoIll,-A freo offer’ Hlilsborough$Olool Board, B p.m. Servicecall RA5.2127 Dicl¢ WiUevor,,,,ManagingEditor gpoclal interest to those who 7E5,6917 ~OMERSEf TEXTILE STORI LBOSchnfittborger,,,Advettlsing Manager hoar but do not understand FranklinSchool Board. 0 p,nt,at SempsonG,Sntlth Sohool, ]1 W0stMain St, Somerville words hun boon BnBourlcati by Alice Lech,,,,Office Manager Beltoao, A noB.operuth~gmodal TheFranklin NEWS’RECORD of tho smallest Boltoneaid over TELEVISION 600 Sanderg Ave,, 8omerGet, N,J, madewill be givtm absokltoly TUESDAY,MAY 0 froo to aByBnOaaswerlBg tills P,O, Box 5, MlddlobushrN, J, odvertlgoinonf, MunvIIleZonhls Board, B p.m. ------(201)469.6540 Tryit to see l~owit Is worn FranklhlTexpayers Assoclatlon. Bp,m. 0rBampsonG, SmlthSchool, WE SERVICE & REPAIR ColLeenZlrnito,,,,News Editor in the priwicy of your own HIIIsboroughComnrlnaa,8:30 p,nl, Immewithout cost or obligation HOMEOWNERS ALL MAKES TheManville News ~[ a ~Yk Bd,It’a yuurato keor, SPECIAL Laonlla,"Warnln0 811hnlls Of Concer hr lhe Falttala." 0 p,nl, at OF SETS rl~ MacAfaaRd, School, 6ontar~at, 240 South Main St,, Maavlllo, N,J, trap, It wolghsloss than a th rd Ofall etnlepIllit[ it*~all at 071r Calst)ooIrallair, sewarUoltna0tlon l,...l (201) 725.3300 IBvd Ill one un!t, Nowh’cs load anddrivgway work of nil kindl, I *C°l°r = B c~& White] Monlka Saladino,,,News Editor frombBdy to lilt),(, Tranaltingglnl grading,11) ¥~arl WEDNESDAY,MAY 10 S{ive ell (’ash &(’lift [ ’thosellliltl,{~ll’t orefree, sowp M,nvfllaSaniorCitleansDhrnar,(]|l,m,¢aCinlst hoKingChotOi, ANLI’;NNAS’,’I’UBES axlra¢lanaa, ::l I st.tgg0at, yokl WI’I~Ol’0r yotlrsl I PAI~T~ I row, hgahl wel’e utat thcrp lal 725 0360 c/o Mrs, Mabel C, Veghto (~01) 850,66’11 UUOBSt, lilld ct~r taluly llnobIlg!l- I 545.2270 T"U.,OAV,MAY11 :1 " I FtUlkl Catln~ll0 :), # lane ILoad Belle MBBd,N,J, 08520 tloa,Wdto tu ilopt, 5592, IM. I If no atlsWO~ , JIMS TVSERVICEI Dick Wlllevor.,Nowsl, klltor [toneMe~tronlcs Curp,, ,12(11 W, I 246,33(]7 ...... ’ i W,Snntell~ 5 ll~ll~In I i~B~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~rla’Chit,agu, lit,(I0tHth...... _.I llll~ll[lll %.I,,,,, ,,, ,, L II g IVIt~!u.... i II !I!!!!II!I ~IIL!I)II ...... ~JJ. ][JJ,.l I PAGE FOUR-A THURSDAY,APRIL 27, 1972 Registered WithLibrary Of Congress IT’ill Home Be Moved Or Flooded By Reservoir EDITOR’S NOTE: 2;he Congress are aerial photographs, ’ ’ ...... followingis the fourthin a series other photos of the exterior and of articlesonhistorichomesteads interior, a completeset of the located in the area soon to be houseplans, the wayit was arid under the waters of Six MileRan the way it is with a chimney Reservoir. added to accommodatethe oil furnace. (Rather than disturb the by Colleen Zirnite flues of the eight original . fireplaces, Mr. Atkinson added Nestled on a slowly rolling another chimneywhen a modern hillside and set beneath great heating system was installed.} aboring trees is the graceful The plans recm’d every detail, David Nevius House, nowowned woodturns -- every woodcar- and occupied by Mr. and Mrs. ring detail, drawings of the William KnoxAtkinson. Between hinges and all other hardware, South Middlebush and Canal etc. Readson the southm’lyside of WhenMr. and Mrs. Atkinson Jaques bane, this picturesquebit bought the house in 1947, they of hlsotry awaits the soon to be incorporated one other con- released waters of Six Mile Run venience, a modernkitchen -- Reservoir whichwill flood its functionally modern with the basementin three feet of water, installed appliancesnecessary to TheAtkiesonsarehopingthatthe today’s living, but early American in design and con- house will be moveda wayfar- NOTICETHE CUPBOARDS flanking the fireplace in the living room.Photo by GeorgeNeuschafer, ther up the backhill. structioo. :.Planned around the Theyare possibly resigned to old pine manteledfireplace that courtesyLibrary of Congress. the swampingof their home’s dominates the kitchen that was natural charming setting, but oncealibrary, the cabinets anda The farm began as part of the they see no needto sacrifice this sawbucktable were constructed tract Gerret Soothoff of OBITU~I(.IES from the equally old attic floor Flatlands, LongIsland, conveyed "important example of our for 160 poundsto Petrus Soothoff Americanheritage." The quote is boards. THEWILLIAM KNOX ATKINSONS now live in this David NeviusHousewhich dates back to 1799. I of SomersetCounty, one half of the tribute paid it on the cer- A cleaning closet and a Photoby George Neuschafer, courtesy Library of Congress, JOIINKOKORCIIEN, 57 MRS. ROLF TJOMSTOL tificate ot the Historic Americansideboard modeledin authentic let No. 4 "at the Raritan" ad- joining Jaques and Peter Cor- Building Survey. reproduction, built in on either Before the Atkinsons put Theyall retain the o1(1 windowscharm. Their wood-lined walls MANVILLE-- Funeral’ ser- GRIGGSTOWN-- Mrs. Jane side of the fireplace, are also the kitchen in on the main floor and manyare paned with their telyou on February1726/27. (1726 M. HodneTjomstol, 46, of Forest In 1967 HenryA. Judd, acting are studded with hand carved indicates the date by the old style vices were held Mondayfor John chief architect of Historic madeof the attic flooring. The wheretbey thought it belonged, original bubble-flocked and Kokorchen, 97, of 621 Newark Ave., died April 18 in Princeton the original kitchen downstairs pegs -- for holdingclothes, calendar and 1727, the newstyle Structures and HABSof the U.S. aged woodglows in old patina wavey glass. Mr. Atkinson Mrs. Atkinson notes the few Avenue.He died on April 21 in Medical Center. color. Twowindows opposite the on the groundlevel remainedthe acknowledgesthat "old" glass is by the corrected Gregorian National Park Service, in changes known to have been calendar which was adopted in SomersetHospital. Born in Brooklyn, N.Y., she collaboration with the American fireplace have been replaced only poein use. That early Dutch still being manufacturedtoday, Interment was in Sacred Heart resided here since 1947, and was made. One of the bedroomswas 1752.) Institute of Architects, awarded with one large one. kitchen is dominatedby a giant but attests tothe vintageof those madeinto a bathroom; a dumb- Cemetery, Hillsborough employedby the BoyScouts in the certificate to Mr.Atkinson. It In April 1949, HouseBeautiful fireplace with its large baking distorting the scenic views from The house has grown more Township. NewBrunswick as a file clerk. waiter from the tarm kitchen in beautiful with age and care. Mr. states, " recognitionof its magazine featured a four-page oven and a small bread oven his house. the lowsection to the dining room Mr. Kokorchen was born in She was a member of the value, a record has been placed photo-spread of the kitchen whichis built i~)side the fireplace Time does some attesting to and Mrs. Atkinson have not yet Smithtown Pa., and lived in Griggstown Reformed Church, was removed; a porch was ad- concluded a contract with the in the L brary of Congress" highlightingits "well-englneered recess. antiquity itself. Woodbecomes Manville24 years. and a former member of the storage," innovativeutility and The fireplace marksthe endof ded. state, but hopeit will movetheir satin-smooth and feels highly David Nevius built his farm He was an employee of the Sunset Rill CountryClub. Filed with the Library of architectural beauty. the original house.It is flanked house and pay a damage award Johns Manville Corp. Surviving are her husband, polished, thoughits complexion home,the minorunit, himself in to cover costs of the newfoun- on one side by a Dutchdoor to the A veteran of WorldWar It, he Roll Tjomstol; twa sons, Thomas outside, and on the other by the is not touched with wax. Even 1799. The major unit was added dation, extensionof the road back empty closets are filled with about 1826. was a member of Post 2290, of Patchogue, N.Y. and Darenof narrowsteepstairway that leads up the hill, extension of the Kendall Park; three brothers, Nevius HousePossesses electricity, a newwell, a new VFW. up to the secondand third floors. In addition to his wife, the Kenneth, Stgurd and Norman Mr. Atkinson notes, "In some septic tank, a newfuel supply formerIrene Batory, he is sur- Rndne,all of NewYork; and two MajorHistoric Interest of these houses that low part Old VolumeOpens Past tank, etc. vived by a daughter, Mrs. Linda sisters, Mrs.Doris McGinntsand seemedto be the oldest, bat it It does not seemlikely that the Mrs. Lilly D’Avanza, both of Mrs. Lawrence H. Suydam of NewYork. Mr. Nevius enjoyed Dudashof Roanoke, Va.; a son isn’t anyolder than the big part state couldchallenge the historic John Jr., of Columbus,Ohio; a Brooklyn, N.Y. EDITOR’SNOTE: Below is a that the David.NeviusHouse at except that it had constant Garretson and Voorhees the fameand refused to’sell his site recognition granted by the MiddlebushVicinity, NewJersey grandchild;and a sister, Helenin Funeral services were held copy of the letter sent to Mr. wear." He reminds us, ’!They descendancyrecently disclosed a bull to carnival and other would- U.S. Departmentof Interior. Hungary. Friday from Mather Funeral Atkinson from the U.S. Depart- is a historic structure possessing had sheep in there if they were family heirloom of potential he exhibitors. Rome, 46 Vandeventer Ave., mentof the Interior. exceptional historical and ar- sick, and chickens would go interest to all the old familiesin The Big Bull lived to be seven Prineton. The Roy. LeeCrandall, Dear Mr. Atkinson: chitectural interest andis worthy through. They did all their the Princeton-Franklin area and years old. Hewas six feet, six WALTERJ. RIGHTMIRE pastor of GriggstownReformed It is with pleasure that weare of mostcareful preservation. cooking,all their washingand all their historians. It is a bookpat inches high and had a girth of POTTERIS JUDGE Church,officiated with burial in sending you the enclosed cer- Inherentinthe awardingof this of that. Thelow parts showtheir together by Martin Schenck nine feet¯ nine inches. Most BELLE MEAD-- Walter J. GriggstownCemetery. tificate of the Historic certnlcateAmerican is a commendahoo...... of wear andtear becausethey lived Garretson in 1904 entitled "My pasture fences were three rails Rightmire, 52, of Griggstown Contributions maybe madeto Budding.... Surveyis Tinsa inn tn them and used them." Relatives," which maybe the high.TheBigBullrequiredafive- EASTMILLSTONE -- Potter Road, died April 18 in Princeton the Griggstown Retormed .... l c ""(cat ’ dic atin" g the preservation effnrts in the mvlaua etut¯ ., e m , past, evident in the present "The main part of the house," most inclusive record of that rail fence. His head was so big DavidDavis, former director of Medical Center. Church. he contimms,"was usually built central NewJersey area. that one quick swerve would the design-crafts program at Alifelong resident of thisarea, a ¯BESSENY1R.II conditionofthestruetureandthis~ | certificate encouragescontinued onlya little bit afterwardsand it Mr. Garretson’s relatives are topple a dozen nmn, Franklin High, will be the crafts he was a technician at o ~’r MRS. WALTERSTANSK! OI ~l./l~ [ preservation and care for the would be more formal. They indeed well covered, with Whenthe Big Bull went to the judge for the Franklin Arts Engineering Quadrangle wouldkeep that clean for when genealogies, family trees and butcher’s block, his fat rendered CouncilOutdoorShowandSaleat Company. He was a Army OilBurnerslnstalled I future. Meanwhile,the detailed photograph assemblies of each MONTGOMERY-- Mrs. Wilma ¯ Sgd HamiltonSt. i record of its appearancewill he the minister cameto visit or for 500 poundsof tallow. His hide Colonial Park on June 4. veteran of WorldWar It, and the funerals or weddings." family unit. The old families weighted 400 pounds. He was KoreanConflict. Stanski, 73, of SunsetRoad, died : NewBninswick I available for reference in the April 18 in Princeton Medical Llbraly of Congress Each room boasts a fireplace, were large and multi- thoughtto be the largest bull in Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Tel. Kilmer5-6453 ’ ] ’ ’ chimneycupboards and closets, interrelated with the names the world. RECYCLETHISNEWSPAPER Annette Yanni Rightmire; three Center. Howell, Quick, Nevius, daughters, Mrs. Dolores Cochof Mrs. Stanski was born in Garretson, Voorhees, etc. con-Ladd Hightstown, andtheMissesJanet Poland. stantly recurring, and Joan Rightmire at home; She is survivedby her husband, The book, however, extends Testifies three brothers, John of WalterStaeski; four sans, Joseph beyondthe familycircles. All the Griggstown, Edward of Avenel of Trenton, Frank of Skillman, old dwellings and public and George of Griggstown; two WalterJr. of Scott Run,Pa., and buildings are recorded. There Dismissed sisters, Mrs. Ruth Dvorak of Albert of Hiltsborough; two are mapsshowing the settlement Juror Jamesburg and Mrs. Dorothy daughters, Mrs. Edna Labawof anddevelopment of the area. His SOMERVILLE-- Roger Ladd . examination and testimonies at Crawfordof Belle Mead. Belle Meadand Mrs. Irene Salek GARDEN accounts include pictures-- has beenon the stand all various time, sometimes Funeral services were held at Skillman; 17 grandchildren photographs,etchings and sket- this weektestifying beforea ten- claiming it was Carter whosat Saturday from the Trinity and one great-grandchild; three cites whichdescribe the various man, four-woman jury in the beside them and held the knife Episcopal Church, RockyHill. brothers, John Glembockof New CENTER life-styles. . mm’dertrial of William Carter and at others claiming it was The Rev. George Armstrong, York, Frank Glembockof Rah- Stale Highway27, No.Brunswick Mr. Suydamhas recorded all officiated with barial in Rocky way, and Adolph Glembockof and RaymondDozier who are Dozier. He was also confusedas Piscataway; and two sisters, the then-talkedabout events, big accused of the February 1971 to whichone slashed his throat. Hill Cemetery. 12Miles North of Princeton and small, somefamiliar, but slaying of teenagers Lynn But he has not varied in his Mrs.Helen Urban of Manville somewhich may be recorded for Gassaro and John Galino. identification of the two as the and Mrs. Jean Musnickiof White the first time. Last weekhe told a terrifying abductors. Hesaid they lookedso Plains, N.Y. One of thebig ones was "The story of how the two menhad muchalike to him at first thathe CARLTONS.BARSSSR. Arequiem mass was held at St. Big Bull." Garretson Nevius of forced their way by knifepoint confusedthe two. AIphonsusChurch¯ Friday with burial in Highland Cmnetery, PleasantPlains boughthimfrom into the ear in whichhe, andthe Carter’s attorney, Leroy MONTGOMERY-- Funeral + a passingdrove in 1983.It wasan murdervictims were sitting on Gipsontried to get hin to say "If services for CarltonS. BarssSr., Hopewell. SPRINGTIME autumncustom in that time to you didn’t know then and you 70, of Rt, 13, whodied Fridayin look over the herds of calves-- Division Street in NewBrun- don’t knownow...tell the truth." the Priaeeton Medical Center Fucillo& Warren pint MLCn mostly mixedbreads--that were swiek, ttowevor his answer was an after a long illness were held FuneralHome Inc. driven by travelling salesmen. He retraced a ride that ended insistent, "I do know." Monday from the Cromwell Suchherds were the sourceof the for him on Brookline Avenue, Yesterday the jury was Memorial Home,Hopewell. AdamFucillo, Mgr. (El 3 cu. n. _ ..... 14-q family cows. Franklin Township.Re said all reduced to thirteen whenJudge The Roy. John H. Ginter ol The Big Bull was six months three weretold to undressand he Arthur S. Meredith excused one Flemingtonofficiated with burial 725-1763 ..i"AG ...... NQ.N’ old. He grew faster and bigger was instructed tolie on the floor juror who he said had a in Rosedale Cemetery, Orange. 2055. MainSt. than had been believed possible, of the front seat. Whenhis foot physical problemwith his eyes. BorninNorth Attleboro, Mass., t~~ ,~@:~) GALORE! Mr. Nevlusdecided to encourage accidentally hit the accelerator Thejnror’seyesdrooped making he .resided in Montgomery the unusual growth by pare- the pair took him out and in a itappe~!rasiftheywereclesedat To~nshipmost of his life. RewasQuaekenboss pering him with extra good food struggle, his throat wasslashed, times and looked as though he a retired laundry manager for and his growthbecame fantastic, tle reported a wild flight for might have falleq,~.asloop. The tho State of NewJersey and was FUNERAL HOME INTRODUCTORY Whenho was two years old, he safety andrefusalsofresidenlsto start of yesterday’s testimony ,I memberof the Institutional LIVINGSTONAVE, II PATIO was larger than any other full- help him. was delayed by it confm’ence Laundry ManagersAssociation. NEWBRUNSWICg grownsteer. Young Ladd has opt been ubout that juror, Cross FURNITURE Tales of his great size brought consistent in his identity of the examination of key witness Ladd Christ The U~l~.~ DI sightseers h’omPhiladelphia and two men daring cross contiaued. I S: SALE! Altar Society P Composting Is Promising T,, MeetMay 2 4 pc.wrought Iron patio set for beautiful L entertaining 1/2to 1/3 A Fanfareszinc coating and several prirnors to ltosary Society of Christ The Y prov0ntrust, Sot inclado~:lave soot, two Waste Disposal Technique King Churchwill " hold their matchingchairs, 30" coektall table, Whho or OFF’ regular monthly mooting on mock. Complete. 00,00 GaMEIN ANDREGISTER FOR E NEWBItUNSWICK .. Com. uocassary to put the whole cent ntolstare, Contlnaous Tnosday, May 2 in the church D OURFREE DRAWING TO 6E posting is an article of faith for sltaatkat into perspective, So. pumlting of air through the hasomont, The Rosary and HELDJULY 4TH WEEKENDlll msayorgantcfarlnersandhomo called ’sanitary’ hmdfills are ntixturo I)rovkles the oxygen Benediction will he recited at (noputch~lo n~©onaly) gardeners, bat to a ltatge,s htithdly hutch less costly bul needed hy the micro.organignls 7:30 p,ln. in the church; a onvtromuontalmlcrobiologtat t’s secontary protllents such Its responsible for decomposition,mooting will follow, shuply a )romlsing technique of groand water pallution, escspiag "Ours is a contlnaous, high- Stanley products will be sold ;~THURM. BOOTHBY Naturesown recycling waste d sposa, odors, tlrgouerstion afoxplasivo lenlportRtu’o system," he says. after the meotiug ns a fund TO HEAR YOURVO/CE "As socioty comes to tha potut gases snch an ntothanu may "Tills differs fronl the con- raising proJocl. Anyonewlshhtg ANOSEE YOURSMILE machine.... buya tree wlmroit d(msn’twtmt to pat ’t w bring the roul coal higlmr, B vontionsl batch systonl used by to place m’dcrsnlay oontact Mrs, TO S/T AND TALK W/TH solidwaatohltathoeuvh,onmvnt the homogartlenor In which one Da,llol Pituch or Mrs, Pater L For Arbor Day/ compostlagwillh)oktncrcashlgly lltslorlcally, most of the tile decamposeafreer waste to I(ollcr, YOUA W/.//LE D uttracttvo ,’ suys Muir S research on cotn)ostiag Dr, htuuas, usaally heapedill a pile Thnmooting will be cantluctcd TO OPENTHE DOORAND WEEKENDSPECIALS ieinstci~l, nssoclatc profosso, of l,’in~tdn poluts oat, has env out of doors, hlkhtg ninth langor by Mrs,CharlosDaku, prosidont, SEE YOUTHERE G, nnvironnlcntlll snk~ncotit tile flu~sIzodIts lisp II/ agricnlhn.o Ihan the process weOlnl)loy," JUST LIKE ALWAYS/N College of Agrlt~tlltaro ant En. rnt ~or than as a motherof waste l)r Finstuln has foundweight REDAZALEAS ...... 3.95 troahnent, Ills htvestlgatlmm t YOURFAVOR/TE CI.tA/R #6 vh’onlnolltalSclcnco, reductionsof tit to it thh’tl In the TO HA~E YOU HOMETNE JUNIPERS...... 3 for4,95 I)r, I,’hmtohli~ollovcs Ilult hn’go con,,luctctw I | thu nssistallCO(if nlatorial ho Ix tempestingin the IlttW TOI,’lGIrr . scalp II!Lll|tCl}t|l conlposthtg grtldttatostudenls conter arotn~d laboratory (hiring a fate’,day SAMEOLO WAY RHODODENDRON,.. "lunyrecover II I)art~ I)tll cop= ntaxhl|lzhlg the rate of decent, period, If clash’oil, sewagesludge *’Howto l[avo n ChurchFight" WOULOBE OUR FONOEST tidnly hal all" of tro ttl|c t ( t i)osll{on,’ can Itu con|hhicdwith roftlsO for will bolho provoc6tlvotitle nt the WISHTOOA Y, 3.96to $15.00 disposal oasis throaghho salu of I)rol!nllnary roaulls hldioalo reductionlo ht!l|ltlS, S’tlntttt:¢ S01’Y~00of COl’finltw~tt~ ITO THE WORLD YOU hulalls for hortl¢tl]turn t that the hlboratnrynllxt,t’t~ (i~tllf "Weknew thnt contl)O~flngIs ttaptist Chnrch,211 DoMotthit,, |WERE ONLY ONE heinegt|rdcllhlg lists, tcc!mah)lticblly feasible, and is Sontorsot, Services boghl at 10 and htdl’ hlblo setups and WERE TNE STATEHIGHWAY 27 NORTHBRUNSWIGK "CI)ntl)llred to SOllOel o1’ shrmldudnuws,)nl)or~) doconl, au ¢cologk,ally I~l)und n/othodof t~,1~x,’rh~toztf~rthl~orIBon’sttt ITo USYOU nlothotls cOlnl)ostl |g ll~ ox. I WNOLEWORLD i)ososnmst ra ntl[~ lit it[to!it bht rt!cyt: lng w£1stcsInto fertilizers be taken front Jnn|os 41 1.10, aADL,YMISSED ~Y OpenDaily 8a,m. Io 5 p,m, Sundays 9e,m. to 5 p,m, l~llS vo," he says, "but it’s ilogrccu Fa treb lclt nnd [~0 per ant/sollbtltldcrs/’ ho conc]tldcs I I L¢}VINQWlfq~ & GtlILDtlEN PAGE FIVE-A THURSDAY,APRIL 27, 1972 Sharon T. Cichon HighwoodLeads . ATMIDDLESEXCOLLEGE McGovern Campaign Recycle Race MANVILLE-- Miss Janet. Is EngagedTo Fedorezyk,daughter of Mr. and l SOMERSET-- In the revised Mrs. Walter Fedorezyk of 732 Gary IV. Randolph Recycle ’rest Program being NewarkAvenue, has been named Leaders Are Selected conducted by the Solid ’Waste to the Dean’s List at Middlesex Division of the Public WorksCounty College where she majors. Mr. and Mrs. John Ciehon of Willow Way, Branehburg, was : Department,with only clear glass in medicallab technology. Miss’ 1335 Bleecher Street, Manville, The Far Hills Inn, Somerville, have announcedthe engagement recently was the scene of an named municipal campaign and newspapersbeing collected, Fedorczykhas been invited to’ of their daughter, Miss Sharon overflow meeting of Somerset chairman for Branchburg. HighwoodCourt becamethe firsl become a memberof Phi Theta Theresa Cichon to Gary Wayne C o u n t y ’ s Me Go v e r n Richard Corn, 61 South Weiss ’ street to achieve 100 percent KappaNational Honor Society. Randolph, son of Mr. and Mrs. organization. Participants Street, Manville, was namedto participation.Increased participation was i selected regional, municipal,and direct campaignoperations in Ernest Randolphof UpperBlack noted throughout the test area Eddy, Pa. district leaders for the coming Manville. EAR PiERCiN G primary. In addition two Somerville with several streets having 25 Miss Cichonis a graduate of percent or more participation. ] Manville High School and is Amongthose selected were leaders were chosen’. Agnes FREE Clarice Saxton,Hillcrest Drive, Trummer,5g-A Holly Glen Road Nextpickup will be Frida, y, April I employed by the Manville with National Bank. Branchburg.Mrs. Saxtonwill be and Michael Ceponis, 42 Field- 28. Her fiance, a graduate of director of region 4 including stone Drive. ] purelmse of TheHillsborough effort will be AT NORTIIEASTERN I Palisades Iligh Schooland Upper Branchburg, Somerville, EARRINGS Manville,and Hillsborough. led by Joseph Lutsky, South MANVILLE--Daniel A. Bucks Technical School, is Richard Liss of 184 Windy BranchRoad, Flagtown. Maciborski,son of Mr. and Mrs. I employedby Dameo’sTrucking, Sherman & Sont Findcrne. Daniel Maciborski of 120 South I 20th Avenuehas been namedto I ]~r the Dean’s List at Northeastern I (N,~,Q h.WI Chris LundFiles For University. He is majoring in I Sore,.* Sh~ehsc,mw civil engineering. MissPatricia A. Pietrzyk New5th District Race Patricia Pietrzyk, GILLETTE -- Christian AmericanSociety of Association Stanley Zamorski "Chris" Landhas filed as can- Executives, Business-Industry didate for the Democratic Political ActionCommittee, and GUESSWHAT’S Nominationfor Congress from the U.S. Chamberof Commerce. Engagement Told the newlyformed Fifth District. He was a contributing founding Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pietrzyk Mr. Luod, whohad announced member of the U.S. Capitol ,\ his intention to run early this Historical Society and con- COMING of 240 North Ninth Avenue, year, will be seeking votes in Manville, have announced the tributing member of Common engagementof their daughter, Princeton, Princeton Township Cause, an independent non ...... and West Windsor Township in partisan citizen’s lobby headed : ...... Miss Patricial AnnPietrzyk to Mercer County; Livingston and TO Stanley C. Zamorski,son of Mr. by former Health, Educationand : Millburn in Essex County; WelfareSecretary John Gardner. and Mrs. AndrewZamorski of 336 Middlesex and Dunellen in West Frech Avenue; Manville. Whilein Washington,Mr. Lund PLANFRIENDSHIP PARTY-Honorary chairman Rev. Joseph MiddlesexCounty; the southern served as representative for the Miss Pietrzyk is a graduate of Krysztofik,left, discussesfinal plansfor the FriendshipParty with HILLSBOROUGH half of MorrisCounty and all of Passaic River Coalition, a Morris PeterSkierski, right, andStanley Bednarski, standing. Manville High School and the SomersetCounty. and Somerset County con- School of Business Machines, In the spring of 1968, Mr.Lund servation organization dedicated MenloPark. She is employedat oined Vice President Hubert H. to cleaning up the Passaic River the county Sheriff Office as a humphrey’s presidential andits tributaries. clerk typist. campaign as a national SharonT. Cichon Her fiance is a graduate of representative and field Triendship Party’ Manville High School and is organizer. He traveled employedby the Olivetti Corp., throughout the United States Dr. Carl Carlson Stefano Attends Somerville,as a shippingclerk. establishing local citizens The couple plans to marry next headquarters, raising funds and To Be Feted Features 5 Bands Tony Awards spring. selecting local campaigncom- mittee officials. Later in the On Retirement MANVILLE-- Carl Stefano of campaign, Mr. Land was ap- MANVILLE-- At a recent Ziemba,rector of Orchard Lake 818 Raritan Avenueattended the Gold Star Motherspointed to the Humphrey-MuskieNEWARK-- Dr. Carl W.Carlson meeting of the Trenton Chapter Schools in Michigan; Jerome annual Antoinette (Tony) Perry political advancestaff, of Skillmans Lane, Somerset, is of the Orchard Lake Alumni Jablonski, national president of Awardson Sunday, April 23 as Although Mr. Lurid terms one of six faculty memberswho Association in Sacred Heart Orchard Lake ,._Alumni the guest of Mr. andMrs. Marvin Attend Convention himself a "moderateliberal on will retire this year and whowill Church auditorium, plans were Association Donald Horkey, H. Cywanof Chicago. social issues," and a "fiscal be honored by NewarkCollege of national secretary of the Alumn MANVILLE-- Membersof the finalized for the tenth annual Mr.Stefauo, whosat across the conservative," his political Engineering at the annual Friendship Party whichwill be Association; and Leo Obloywho table from AnthonyQuinn, en- American Gold Star Mothers, philosophyis geared to the needs FoundersDay Dinner. The dinner held in the VFWHall on Sunday, is chairmanof the FoundersDay Inc. recently attended the 24th of the growing numbers of program will be held at Mayfair Dinner benefiting Orchard Lake joyed a dance with Miss Sandy annual convention of the April 30 from4 p.m. to 10 p.m. A Duncan (Funny ) at the families making their homesin Farms, West Orange, with about PolonaiseBuffet consistingof hot Schools, Michigan: Tony Supper Ball held in the Department of N.J. Gold Star the suburbs. The Friendship Party will aid Mothers, Inc. held in Atlantic 250 in attendance, and cold foods will be offered Imperial Ballroom of The "As we approach the 200th Dr. Carlson is the husband of along with an "open bar." the Orchard Lake Schools in Americana Hotel in NewYork City. anniversary of our nation’s Bernice Wells Carlson, a well- There will be five bands ren- Michiganto educate deserving At the convention, Mrs. Sadie founding,it is most appropriate knownauthor of children’s books, youngmen for the priesthood as MayI, 1972,A new Pet Shop City. Baccello was installed as dering music: Happy Times, for each of us to reflect a moment LeonLiedl & The Little Men,My well as other vocations. Noboy sergeant-at-arms. on what the future holds for whohas the sincere desire to onRoute 206, Belle Mead in The local Gold Star Mothers Three Trio, Freddy "K" and his ourselves,our family, our neigh- WINS PROMOTION orchestra, and The Verstyles. becomea priest is ever turned wish to thank the ThomasJ. borhood, our county, our state awayforlackoffinancialmeans. ihoAll Work Go, Building, KavanaughPost 2290, VFW>and The Sacred Heart Crusaders and our nation," Mr. Lundsays. SOMERSET -. Reginald Junior Drumand Bugle Corps Tickets maybe obtained from its auxiliary, the American "HereintheFifth District weare any committee memberor from LegionPost 304 and Unit 304 and Chambers Redd, son of Mrs. will givean exhibition. . facing a critical turning point: Virginia M. Redd, 26 Parkside Distinguishedguests traveling Rev.JosephKrysztofik, pastor of PETSUPPLIES UNLIMITED the Northside Barbershop for rapid growth and growing SacredHeart Churchwho is also contributing to their Convention Street has beenpromoted to Lance a great distance to attend this suburban sprawl during the Corporalin the U.S. MarineCorps. affair are Very Rev. Walter J. acting as honorary chairman. Book. fifties and sixties havecreated both problemsand opportunities ~ in every part of our DistricL "Weare facing pollution of our You can help send this Hotline rivers, lakes, and even seashores; unfinished highways and lack of mass transit have ]’o Train resulted in ever-worsening family away for the summer traffic jams for commuters; Volunteers there is a cryingneed for housing and other services for elderly (next year) HILLSBOROUGH -- The residents of our District; we HillsboroughHotline is planning mustseek waysto revitalize and second training session for rejuvenate our main streets; we volunteer operators starting mustbecome leaders in the field Tuesday,May 2 at 8 p.m. at the of recyclingof our solid wastes; Faith Lutheran Church on we must control the severe hmwell Road in Hillsborough, floodingof our rivers andprovide and every consecutive Tuesday for proper drainage systems. eveningfor four weeks. "There is a lack of adequate daycare facilities for pro-school Carl Stetano Before the volunteers manthe phones, they must attend these children of workingmothers; and sessions that last between1-1/2-2 it is imperativethat wetake bold, hoursin length, with professional positive action,both at the state IS[UGLY speakersscheduled to lecture to and federal level, to reduce the Ecology Club Marks Youcan start losing weight today. the trainees. Mrs. Harriet Me- growingproperty tax burden on ’MONADEXis a tiny tablet and the residents of our District" easyto take.MONADEX will help Masters will coordinate the curbyour desire for excessfood, programwith the assistance of saidMrLund Eatless - weighless, Contains no Mrs. MaryKeele. Mr. Land was active ia End Of Earth Week dangerousdrugs and will notmake younervous. No stronuou~ e~er- Anyoneinterested in obtaining professional and civic else,Change youIlfo...start today. more information about the organizations in Washington, To mark the end of Earth written especially for the MONADEXcosts $&OOfor a 2o hotline, directions on howto holding memberships in the Week,the Manville High School assembly.After two encores, he uaysupply. LoSe ugly fat or your Ecology Club last Friday wrappedup the assemblywith a moneywill be refundedwith no reach the training sessions, or in serving as a volunteer, may sponsored an assembly which protest songwhich included these q.ue$’hmlsasked. MONADEX IS featured John Shepard and folk lines, "kids are people onl SOldwnl~ thl~ guarantee byi contactthe hotline either at their ManvillePharmacy address: liillsborough tlotline, Three Cou fly singer lion Ostrowhosang a song smaller." P.O. Box 1O, Belle Mead, New Jersey 08502,or by phoning the hotlino, Thursday, Friday or Men Sttpport Saturday evening betweeu7 and |1 p.m. at 359-4500and leaving McGo’vertt their name, address, and phone WEEK-ENDnlimber with one of the operators. Tllreo Somerset County LoSardo SPECIAL! lnemhors of Mayor John Lind- LiquidationSale say’s formernotional convention Thurs.,Fri., & Sat. delegate ticket have amimmced byopening your... 2 WIGSfor theh’tel )tort of tile presideatlal nail( { ucy of U,S,Senator George Studio Me(]ovnrli. $10 MichaelJ, Ce }onls nndThomas SlOG Fnrllitare,fixture, J, Czenij of Somerve, fiirnler 1! 713VIA(AT ON(Lg A IIUNCII andboutique Stock l,indsoy delegatecandhlafos, and LeoaardFredrlek of li’runklln ~FI|ESH SIR LAZAR Townshtl,fornierly li caudhlnle HAIR GOODS for tl lernufo lelegulc in tie Professional CUTN 204so. Main St,, nutlonill l)enmcratlnconvention, J,,,, r NATONA%, NOW Manville saidthot Iheynre I)lnnnhig uetlve FLOWERS 725.7351J ruleshi Bin Me(Iovoi’neaulpaigii, Cash& Corry UIIL ,11 Photography Thisis a publicservice messagrj in the interestof betterfamify harmony Kathy’s Oongratulath)na to It I)A WD JANOSh’I , {{ Candidweddings, portraits FIRST NATIONAL BANK Florist of Manville I~ ~ U,8, Mllitary Acadt~niy, West Pohit :11 OF CENTRAL JEREIEY A725"9301 I I tO S, MlilnSt, I (201)356.3110 BELLE’MEAD~- BOUNDBROOK ~ BRANCHBUBG-- NORTIt PLAINFIELD Mlllivlllo I Charles Jewelers I{ IIOCKY HILL -- t~0SELLE.~ SOMERVILLE~, SOUTII BOUNDBROOK ~ WARREN 238 So, Mtihl St, Mlinvlllo t N,J, I1 647Windsor SLreet BoundBrook D01)osltsInsur0d In $20,000/M0mberFed0rat Dapesll Insuranco Corporation PAGE SIX-A THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1972 Hurty-Peck Plans Seminar Features

I willnot be the sroundsof To Double Area Male Hair Styling oriSlnin con- nation’s largest manufacturerof SOMERSET-- Hurty-Peck SOMERSET-- Takara Belmont ease, the national president for the Eastern today announcedplans beverageflavors and the world’s of CampusDrive was host to from Charlotte, N.C., Tony to construct a half.million dollar largest producerof eggnogflavor barbers and hairdressers (men Biancowho is the local secretary- addition to its plant on Somerset base. and women)from NewJersey at treasurer, andTom Gentile, field Valley Industrial Campusand The company’s thousands of a demonstration seminar held representative. New Office Center here. flavors are used in all types of last week. Various demon- About 300 people attended. nndthe payment of! Frank DeMaria, companyvice strations were held from 1 to 4 Following an educational af- is to becompleted OUor beforeJune 30.1973, foods and beverages. Customers ’~Leestimated quantities of theprincipal president and general manager, p.m; ternoonwhich included a colored itemsof workare: said the one-story addition will include bakers, restaurant jobbers, beverage manufac- The three major demon- film-slide presentation, guests 15,000Cu.Yd, BorrowExeavatlon, Zone3 triple laboratoryfacilities, more strations were"The New Afro" were shown the newest bar- lurers, canners, candy makers, 282,000tS2,~Cu, Sq.Vd. Yd, --~ PreparationSuPPose of Sabgrade than double the warehousearea cocktail mix firms, dairies, food by Joe Lupo from West New bershop and hair-styling 82,000Ton-- BituminousStabilized Base and will provide space to fully York,"Hairset, Design and equipment, Belmontproducts of manufacturers, ice cream Course44,000Ton -- PavementType FA-BC automate production facilities plants, syrup makers and in- Styling"byWillie Campagnolo of Takara. 20000LIn. Ft, -- 9"x 20"White Concrete and to accommodatethe needs of Bayonne,and "The Shag"by Refreshmentswere served and VerticalCurb stitutions. t ~0~Lln. Pt. -- WhiteConcrete Barrier an enlargedsales andoffice staff., Victor Picariello from Belmont-Takara and the Curb.ear ous s zes Hurty-Peck,One of the world’s 9,400Lin, Ft, -- BeamGuard Rail It was the first companyto Philadelphia. Association of Master Barbers LumPSum-- OverheadS Sn Support largest manufacturersof dry and select a site on the campuswhen Bob Busman was master of each awardeda door prize, a 40- NEWJEaSEY DEPARTMENT OF liquid beverageflavors, operates ceremonies for the event which TRANSPORTATION the 350-acreindustrial andoffice hour course in hairstyling for MN.4-27-72 3T a complexof i0 plants in the center opened. It is the first was co-sponsored by the men. FEE:Sll.BB UnitedStates. resident companyto announcea Associationof MasterBarbers. It Plans were madefor another Groundbreaking for the new majoraddition to its plant. was also attended by GeraldSt. seminar in a few months. addition is plannedfor late May, with completionof the structure nanlNANCE107 expected by the end of 1972. ANonOINANCE AuTnnRIZlNG TUE MarieDiLello of Plainfield is the END TRAININGCOURSE CONSTnt’cTn)NOR ACQUISITIONOF VAIIIOUSIMPSOVEMENTS IN TIll’." architect. HllEoCGn tSF MANVILLEAP- MANVILLE-- Eugene Bud- PlnnHnATINOThESUM OF 192.000.00 The addition will double the THenEFnnAND AL~TnORIZING TIlE area of the 32,000 square-foot noviteh, EdwardHando, Albin ISSUAN(’EOF$6’,l,CC0,ao ;SONDS ()It NOTES i!lli CourtNotes !iiiii Tt) FINANCEPAnT OF TIlE COST building occupied in 1965 by Kozlowski, Edward Kosura, T[n.~ltEOF. Hurry-Peck. The company CarmenMalt, RichardSena,and BE IT OnDAINEnBYTHe MAYOR AND originally purchaseda four-acre WilliamJ. Stenger are among51 Love Those Cookies COUNCILOF" THEBOROUGH OFMAN- site on CampusDrive. In Ig71, American Cyanamid employees Judge Stanley Purzycki this speeding charge. VILLEIN ThECOUNTY OFSOMERSET, Hurty-Peck acquired an ad- whohave completed a 10-weekLEADING SALESLADIES in the SomersetNeighborhood Girl Scout Association cookiesale, in which weekfined the followingpersons ThomasD, Cookof Somerville NewJERSEY: ditional three acres and now training coursein maintenance1,824 cases of cookiessold, were(I to r) Beth Baldesweilerof Troop1108 (202 boxesl, Carol in Manville’s municipal court: was fined $110for possession of SECTION[ owns the entire CampusDrive crafts and havereceived cer- ’ Yuchnovitzof Troop554 (152boxes) and Dorothy Hine ofTroop 2 (166boxes), Harry Evanyloof 405 Czaplicki marihuana. Thatpursuant to the applicable statutes of Street and Mrs, Shubert of 670 theState of NewJersey, there is hereby block between Howard and tificates of completionfrom the authorizedtheconstruction oracquisition of Equator Avenues. SomersetCounty Vocational and Huff Avenuewere fined $5 each the followingdescribedge eneral im- for letting their dogsrun at large. Shopping Center provementsinthe Borough of Manville. Hurry-Peckis an affiliate of the TcchoiealSehls J-MCorp. To Expand ESTIMATEDMAXIMOM AbIOUNT JohnA. Szukisof 211South 14th TOOE aA ISEDPROM ALL SO URCES Avenue was fined $20 on a Holds Three-Day FOReACIt PURPOSe speeding charge. A.The purchase of a garbage truckfor theDepartment of First National Named Stephen Kapalski of 218 South PublicWorks $30,000.00 19 Avenue was fined $5 for Anniversary Sale Plastic Pipe Capacity B.The purchase of a fire parking near a fire hydrant. ruckand apparatus forthe ’Bank Of The Year’ DorotheaFrazee of South Main SOMERVILLE-- Somerset S~roushoIM~n~l~ DENVER-- Johns-Manville will help serve the mountain Street wasfined $20on a careless ShoppingCenter will celebrate $92,000.~0 noted by the Chapter’s Awards Corporation has announced a states and west coast market its 15thbirthday this weekwith a The Middlesex," Somerset, driving charge. osetherw th in eachcase all otherpur- Union Chapter of the American Committee.First National has major expansion program to areas. The North Carolina plant KennethR. Pilla of 226 North three-day anniversary sale on posesnecessary, appurtenant orincidental thereto,substantially in accordancewith Institute of Bankinghas chosen had representation on the Board increase its polyvinyl chloride will meet customerrequirements Sixth Avenuewas fined $260 for Thursday, Friday and Saturday. plansand specifications therefor prepared by the First National Bank of of Governors, it has provided plastic (PVC) production in the southernUnited States. operating a car whilehis drivers Morethan 25 stores andservice theBorough Engineer and filed withand Central Jersey to receive the instructors for the Chapter, and capacity., The Companyalso maintains license was revoked. approvedbythis Council. has encouragedthe education of facilities are located in the 1971-1972 "Bank of the Year" The $10 million program PVCplants at Franklin, Pa., Lawrence S. Samocki of New shopping center on Somerville SECTIONIt Award.This honor is being given its employeesthrough the A.I.B. providesfor constructionof three Green Cove Springs, Fla., Brunswick was fined $15 for It is herebyfound, determined anddeclared programs,plus setting up classes Denison, Tex., Long Beach and traffic circle. bythis Council as follows: to First Nationalin recognitionof new manufacturing plants in going the wrong way on a one- Theanniversary festivities will A.That an appropriation wascontained in a its significant contributionto the with A.I.B.’s curriculum Arizona, Colorado and North Steckton, Calif., and Manville, waystreet. budgetor budgets of the Saroushheretofore developmentand progress of the specifically for its ownem- Carolina. N.J. include entertainment by a adoptedunder the caption"Down Payment "-’~ John Cassidyof Somervillewas professionalclown all three days. Fund"or "capital tmpro’~ement Fund";that AmericanInstitute of Banking’s ployees. ~"-:-..m W.R.Goodwin, J-M President, fined $10 on a wrongside parking thereis nowavailable In saidappropriation ~ Free balloons will be given to tile sumof $29.000.00,which said sum is M.S.U.Chapter. This is in addition to First said that the newfacilities, wheh charge. Wieslaw Kurzawaef 3 herebyappropriated asa downpayment for will be completedearly in 1973, children during the sale days. thepurposes described inSection Ihereof. Someof First Nationars more National of Central Jersey’s Crusaders Host North Ninth Avenue was fined " B Thattheestimated maximum amoun of significant contributions were Barry K. Giffin are designed to meet growing The anniversary events are moneyto be raised from all sourcesbythe support of the AmericanInstitute the same amount on the same sponsored by the center’s ~roughlot the purposes stated In $eeUoa l of Banking’sregular educational customer and market ~YouthOn Review’ charge. hereofIs theamount setopposite each p~r- SANANTONIO -- Barry requirements. Merchants Association. Joseph poseIn Sectionl that the eatimaed school programs. HelenM. Reedof 10OSouth 16th Schatzmanof the Smart Shopis OPENING CEREMONIES K. Giffin, son of Mr. and Mrs. PVCpipe has found growing MANVILLE-- On Sunday,Avenue was fined $15 on a Issuedmaximumforamountthe purpoeoa of bonds statedor notesIn Section to be1 The "Bankof the Year" Award RobertA. Giffin of Neshanic,has Apri123,1heCrusadersDrumandspeeding charge. Ronald K, associationpresident. hereofis themaximum amount of money to be acceptance in several principal raisedfrom all sources foreach purpose SOMERVILLE-- Opening will be accepted by Robert R. completed his U.S. Air Force markets including public water BugleCorps hosted the annualDrumbore of 133 South20th statedin ~ctton Iless the proper ttonate share ceremonies for Somerset Huteheson,president of the First basic training at the Air Training ofeach purpose in said down payment of and powersystems, agriculture Youthon Review,a competition Avenuewas fined $19 on a $29,0~.00, Hospital’s newWest Wing will be NationalBank of Central Jersey, Command’sLackland AFB, Tex. andturf irrigation, andtelephone involving color guards and held on Sunday, May7 from 2-5 at the M.S.U.Chapter’s spring Re has beenassigned to Sheppard musical ensembles. PublicNotices SECTIONnl and electrical conduit. Thatthe sum of $92,000,00,lneludlna said p.m. The event will begin with a dinner danceto be held on April AFB,Tex., for training in the The new J-M plants near The Silver Lancers of Mid- downpayment be andtha sameIs hereby brief ceremony, followed by aircraft equipmentmaintenance NOTICETO BIDDERS appropriaedI~or the purposes staled In 2g at the Martinsville Inn, Tucson,Ariz. and Pueblo, ColD, dlesex took first place in the Jelco Receives SectionI hereof tours of the newfacility. Martinsville.. field. musical ensemblescompetition. Theprevious Notice to Bidderscalling for sealedbids for the Reconstruction of Prin- SECTIONIV The Saints of Fords and the Safety Awards cetonAvenae, Section I, Revised.Borough of RockyHill County of Somerse, NewJersey Thatthere is herebyauthorized theissuance Horsemenof Branchville took is herebyamended toI extend the date one of nel(otiabIebonds of theBorough of Man. second and third place respec- timeof openingto Ma 10,1972, at 7:30 P.M. vdle,in theCounty of SomersetNew Jersey RARITAN-- Six awards for PrevailingTime, S ~s wbe openedan~ in anasgre~ate principal amount el notex. tively. The Silver Lancersalso industrial safety during 1971 readin publicat theRorou~h Hail, PHneeton eeeding$S3,000.00 forthe purpose of Bnancins earneda first place trophyin the Avenue,Rocky Hill, New:Jersey. themropcostortie ofs tbe improvementsand were presented to Jelco describedin Section I hereof, exclusive of said Don’t let drummajorette competition. Laboratories by the N.J. State Byorderof the Rorou Council downpayment, pursuant to the LocalBond The Los Santos of Middlesex 0f~hoeky Hill. Law,constituting Chamtter ~of Title40A of the Department of Labor and In- nre,Anthony J.BiancullL Maor RevisedStatutes at NewJersey, The form capturedfirst place in the color dustry and the N.J. State In- maturities,rateorrates ofinterest, m~thodof guard division. Theyalso wonin SSN4-27-72 IT ~,aymondE.Whitlock.C~rhsaleand other details of saidbends shall dustrial Safety Committeein the Fee:$3.24 be dotermthedby subsequentresoluUons the sabers contest. The 44th annual statewide interplant aqopmopursuant to law, vacation expenses Regimentof Long Island took safety contest. SECTIONV first place in and rifle Jelco received an industry NOTICEOFORDINANCe #406 Thatpending the issuanceel theserial lines competition, group award for an outstanding NOTICEIS hEREBYGIVEN that aa bondsauthorized inSection ]V hereof there is The winners in Sunday’s ordinanceentitled, "ANORDINANCE TO bereby authorized the Issuance of bondan- plantwide safety record during APPROPRATE THE SUM OF S.4~},0~ticipationnotes of theBorough of Manville, in contest will compete in the the past year. Awardsalso went FROMTUE CAPITAL IMPROV]~MENT the Countyof SomerseNewJersey in an ’ MiddleAtlantic Eastern States FUNDOF THE BOROUGH OF MANVILLE al~gregateprincipal amount of not exceeding spoil your fun to the Facilities M~,intenance, FOR THEPURPOSE OF THE CON- Sixty.threeThousand Dollars 1563,000.00) contest to be held in Mayin STRUCTION,OPERATION AND MAIN- pursuantto thebeoal Bond Low. constdutlng Manufacturing Maintenanceand TENANCEOF AN ANIMALSHELTER ChaapLer2 ofTitle 40A of theRevised Statutes Philadelphia. Machine Shop departments for of NewJersey. The form, maturities, rate or RELATEDAND PURCHASEAND INCIDENTAL OF EQUIPMENTTHEnETO ratesof interest,method of saleand other no disablinginjuries in t971. FORTnEBENEFIT OF THERESIDENTS deads of said noles shall bedetermined by Department group awards OF TUEBOROUGH OF MANVILLEIN subsequentresolutions adoptedpursuant to Hawaiian Luau were given to Jelco’s Syringe THE COUNTYOF SOMERSETAND hw, meetSTATEns OFo NEW he MayorJI~RSEY," and Councilintrodaced held aton a Aprll0 1972was finally adpptedat a SeCT[ONVI At K Of C Hall ManufacturingCatheter departmentsManufacturing and conInuation meeting of he mayorand aAnYrffil !s. CouncUheld £,n the ’ZMh day of Aprilt972. Councilltisherebas ~ollows :determined this ...... f departmetsi for outstanding Byorder of theMayor and Council of the MANVILLE-- our uaoy o stetr tecord A,That the bends or notesIssued pursuant Peace Columbiettes Council Roroughof ManviI[elbRANCISA. pELTACK to th s Ordinanceshabear interest at a rate a art ate el" onnsoJ- n - aOROUGItCLERKor ratesnot exccedb~those set forthin the .~nb"---1 ’"writ s nsorpor a ..Ha W..nalia DATED:April 25, 1972 applicablestatutesof the State ofNew Jersey. Johnson Jelcommmfacturesand MN:4-27-75 IT B.Tha he average period of usefulnessof Luau. on Saturuay, may6 at me ma,.,~t’e*’,sst~rile~ v’renaek°°v,,=e,e~4 e mproyemensor pro ertles described in Knightsof ColumbusHail, South ’~’’~ a FEE~$4.72 Seetl~l hereoffor w~hthe obll~aUons MainStreet, di~,~r," .sab" .~ ~J’.’"~y~, ~,,- ;" ...... ’? withinauher thezed limitations n h s ordnaneeprescribed are oin be the issued, Local ...... stmuar products for use in SEALEnBIDS BondLaw, is overlive years, uocztauswtu ne serves., from7- C.That the supplementaldebt statement nosp"i’mts" clinics and nursin~g requiredby Sectlpn 40A:5.10 of the Itevised 8 p,m, whenthe Hawatmnbuffet nomes.- Notce s herebygiven that sealed Statuteshas been duly made and filed in the Join our VacationClub will be served, ~ounei|proposalsafwill thebe receivedBoroughby~f the Manville,Mayor and o ice ~l the RoroughClerk ~ndAd. SomersetCoun y, NewJersey, in he ndnistratlveOf Icer prior o hepassage of BoroughCouncil Chambers, Municipal thisordinanceonflrstreadin~andacomplete RolldnS,tMSouh ManSt, blanvllle N,J, execaedor~nahereo hasnecnf edlntbe onhe 8th day of Mny, 1975, ats o’clockP,M, O[liceelthe t.*ireetor elthe Dv slon elLocal forthe following materials: Bovernmeptof theSta e of NewJ,:rsey prior to0assase ofthis ordinance onfinal readms Plan ahead, enjoy the great feeling of F ee heEuropeBoo i 15~0fectS{4"tsPeKc~pp~r t’ahthSt~l f~t annsuch debt ntalcmeat shows that the gross cells, Maaoia USA debtof heBorough as defined It; Seclioq knowing your fun is prepaid with the 20- 3/4"Unions eeII IM0~ 4oa:5-43of the tlevlsed Statutes ia Increased 9S¯ 3/4"quarter bend eoaplthss II 1553pby thtsordinance by$a~,00P,00 andthM the money you saved in your Vacation from AmericanExpress. coper o outsideh’oa pipe 2S" 3/4~’ COt"issnaneouf the ob gt~ lena a llhartze~byth~s pecaon stopsS0P0 win coup kiss ordinancewill be wdhlu all debtlindlallons Club Account. Simply select the plan Featuringdirect departuresfrom NswYork l~.3/4"CompreoslonslopsfPS.n~12olnoprescribedbythe Local Bond Law. w~ntel you wish from the chart below and join 2S- S/4eurh sEu’rloNYn the fun of saving for a care-free vaca- Thathe amouno he proceeds of the ...... 236pages and hundreds of obllaatioasantpor[z~t4 bythin ordtnaece tion next year, Ot"il:~: colorpictures, In this big which13 ay be expm upd pr n ureston such ~..~.:,y. bookyou’ll find everydetail tlrlll andlap Muellec ana/egulaxl~naeapbllllalena, ens neering hoco~fofand ins e~ectlnn satlancaol cosaj ro~ ~henb.)lgalnnnaubora~b~haordnnnca, ...v,. abou~85 superbtours in temapro laken from Mpoller includingprjttlns, aqveraselepto or. Europe,And It’s packedwith dlpapee,reoolutioPs anqpot[eea p! sale, and legspxponaca, I~ he nlartqar provided i ¯ . uselul travel Information- ~ectlon40A: 5.50 oftha Revised St atutea, ta nol whatto eat, whatto dflnk, excecdlngBI,000 00, whatto pack,hotels, resorts, ..~h. air fares, Get your copy now, S[.X’TIONvia 11o ful fa t a~_dcrud pf theBorauall of Manvilleiq t Io Couz[tyof ~Olal’aaLNUW IIIIII II II " "L _...... 1972 vacations will be here Jerse~aranereby~leogedfpr tboI~aymetvf SOGt]Crthan yell realize, hepnl~ipal elund Lnlere#l n~all ,~f thu~onq~ ur Polaa/aauedptlrs~apt to thlaor dinah(In~q o,,o,TT.,..oo.+ Is1 i 2 Is 3I s s slo IhPaum~ required tot agchpaymenl a/zahm EVERY WEEK Hawley& McLachlan eachyal) whlle=Pp qf iPldt~nda orlkolee ar~ aUiI a0qlqklr b~ el~qcd Ibe epn In audsm anttrala~lPylax WJthoq Ihnl atLop at 0 r~Le ] 75E. MainSt. 9r~alpt ~x9~ gll ~aMtblu I r~4~rty wP, hln ’ gPdCo~pel| 01thP lalqooraPgP, Somerville,N,J. h~CTIt)NIX YOU RECEIVE ] 725.0140 pla|edlN:4.57,75 April IT~14, 157~ I’gl sordjaa~cal~l]~l~ko~po iwll ydayl ,- ..... FREE EUROPEBOOK ...... F~EI10.00 --.-- If er Iholit’st puPll¢,~llpIIlereclaflor fthnl PLU~INTER~T ON ALL COMPLETED CLUS~ ~a~ngPpqraPnnl UtaW, ii Howlav& Mpk=phlgn IlUlOL()l OPMANy]LLI~, 75E, MainSt, PUIIIJCNUI’a’l,i fly dqaeimI [~a Ol’n,nlp~or Somarvilla,N,J, NUTICI~[SRIiHIIf][IY UIVI’~N lh t| ~Palu plda[Vr llmlt~ ’~, Spqll~t~7l), I~p& 9G, USTATI,,MENTIIN~,~NI’E # 101 Pltlaso sendme free "TheEurope Book," [[~1 ~Oqlllplhal assglanlYPr oRatl ~ ~4 I a~llPJ+l,JMllllpll L[lldSi~ill{h ltt tht~ q’OWIIX/)]pN "e ~1 npa Bald II’ gPPat __..._ t}~llnrptl[,j~,Rerdmd~nlonmrrls,gl]t) mn I s:Dd/[u ’owILh Idyll port I dillypaa+eq ’[qwiIoI+t~n~ialow]8mn+raPLlUldalOlTla oa~tla+.P’Pqeea[Lruit~iNt,q+hat’], N,J~. b oPAI’/~, 97211dlI~Ilwc I~qgppPl’ltq ~uT.~t’~m+/J[Ibo ’poulvnq/,x ~ tn~. dlh latlnt~vil I whlelaaB aPtin uv Anatomy.._ [t)iaaaje’ nf Ira #po ’[u lal a/IIIp + ~,~U uf pn~.’audLpll iLIpaLloShlll pg lhu~lalidlty ql aut/b I’~aWdpra0~ II IIIUl],pltrbll0u Of’n’~q, i~[ t]I’ ~ ’ up¢ e ~’eair vl t~t/ G*ty...... qlalQ ...... I~outhn,hawL,a0y ..,+,i~+~,,’~Ip~ +of th,,.,ol gin...... ,# II, tp?SatIS~)ap) PI’qV tiPS lpp IlU Ix~~ ud ’eguPll~P[gt~PaldtlnlU ])ltl~~v II taKuah cd lt)lt)tltlllt),,p,~Vll,l,~INCS u~tt [I Y_ 1NOgTIISlDB ...... OI~FICIh 325 North Main ~t~et qlqtle,atvl¥lhbcpalttp’, Rill, wl~l/~ae, " ’~ltl/’~l~tlil:t,’~,,~ cup[elp IIX f ’PI bddu ’i~ ctaa~ll ct Ill ~e. , No~ Duke~ Parkway (opposite J.M), Mmtvnlo $’pr~CP W ~h II,~,iT?bJt~, Ul ~pq, ]11P ’kPll hA"311; AI IU , 5~h,[1175 ISI:uaUt’~pq 0 t’al,~t gtt# or goIb~, ~l[~-’5?’t~ IT .... V!lm:~.~25.,’moo ...... ’tha DnparIO01LL P[TPaliMpaI’IA OILhi i’~l $+li,t ~ PAGE SEV,EN-A THURSDAY,APRIL 27, 1972 Raiders Cop First Victory With First Inning Outburst HILLSBOROUGH -- The one-hitter. Hillsboroughhits. The Spartans batmen of Hillsborough High Starter RandyLatham was the rappedout 13 hits. School netted five runs in the loser. bottom of the first inning and Immaculate High School of went on to defeat Montgomery Somerville posted a 15-11 High,8-1. triumph over the Raiders by Lewis Shutout Each team collected only one striking for four runsin the top of hit. Thelone I-lillsborough hit was the seventh. a double by WayneRosenlicht in Hillsborough had netted a run the first inning. Healso drovein in the bottom of the sixth to Leads Warriors oneof tworuns in the fifth. TomCrimi got the only other deadlockthe count, 11-11. Each team scored three runs FRANKLIN-- Sheldon Lewisof loaded to force in the winning run batted in during the contest duringthe first inning. Atwo-run run. whenhe walkedto force in a run Franklin HighSchool turned in a second gave Hillsborough a 5-3 one-hit, shutout performanceas Franklinnetted a run in the top in the forth. margin. Barry Engelmann produced the unbeaten Warriors nipped of the seventh andeked out a 4-3 the only hit for Montgomery,a Immaeulatapicked up a run in Bridgewater-Raritan West, 1-0, victory over Bridgewater- Ready For Softball single. Hescored tworuns as the the top of the third and staged a in the Mid-State Conference. Raritan East as BobbyHarris Cougarsscored solo runs in the six-run outburst in the fourth to picked up win number two Firemen Softball League. The Lewis, whohas yet to yield a without a defeat in hurling a MANVILLE-- Camplain second,third, fourth and sixth. lead, 10-5. Tile Raiders pulled run this year:., is 2-0 on the three-hitter. Volunteer Fire CompanyNo. 2is photo shows manager Steve Ed Neehvatal went the even, 10-10,with a five-run rally season. Heset five batters down readyfor the start of the baseball Wisniewski, left, and team distance to gain the mound in the homehalf of the fourth. The deciding run was tallied season. The team represents the memberAndrew Lapotasky Jr. on strikes and walked a like when Ed Mikulka walked, victory for the Raiders, whoare Each teampicked up a run in the number, boroughi the SomersetCounty 1-5. sixth. streakedto third on an error and n Hewhiffed nine in spinninghis Neckvatalhad twoof the seven The only run in the gamewas scored whenhe knockedthe ball scoredin the bottomof the fifth, loose from the catcher’s grasp. AP Picks Joe Pace As All-Stater Jeff Gronnerlaunched the rally The Warriors got off to a 3-0 lead whenJeff Gronnerblasted a with a double. Two runs were FRANKLIN- Joe Pace, who school’s history, was namedto Near Gem Paces forced at the plate. Lewiswas three-ran homerun in the first issued a free pass with the bases inning. poweredFranklin HighSchool to the 1972 Associated Press All- the best won-lossrecord in the State basketball team. The6-10 senior, whoplayed for Manville Victory coach Kerry Davis at Franklin Tracksters Keep Up Match Deadlocks High,was joined on the first team by MikeDabney of East Orange, MANVILLE-- Bill Risavy Manville its fourth run in the At Spooky Brook Bruce Watson of ThomasJef- turned in a one-hit performance second. ferson of Elizabeth, Jim Hearns as Manville High School downed The Mustangsclosed out their Perfect Win Log FRANKLIN-- Franklin High of Ewing Township and Tom Ridge, 5-2, Friday in the scoring with an insurance run in Schooland Somervillebattled to Flaherty of Metuehen Mountain-ValleyConference. the sixth on a base on balls, an a 9-9 deadlockin a golf matchat The Associated Press named Ridgecollected its only hit in error, as basehit by Risavyand a HILLSBOROUGH-- The track Nevins (15.2), high hurdles; SpookyBrook. three teams plus honorable the sixth inning. Following an sacrifice fly. Flying High team of HillsboroughHigh School Chorniewy(10.1), 10O; Kowalski Lea Haggnf Franklin carded a mention. On the honorable error, Carl Mertz single past uppedits recordto 6-0 witha 98-33 (4.46), mile; Martin(54.1), 44 and shared mdalist honors mentionlist is KevinCollins of A 12-hit assault carried triumph over Bridgewater- Uporsky(2:10.6), 890; P. Shields third for the RedDevil hit. Ridge Manville to a 7-2 win over with Doug Mathewsof Somer- Manville High, whowilt enter wenton to score its two runs on ABOUTTO TAKE F LIGHTis CorneliaSchneider, who is getting a Raritan East. (21.1), low hm’dles; Woychik ville. Fordhamin the fall. ChathamBore in the Mountain- chanceto try herwings in gymnasticsunder the specialWednesday TomChorniewy captured the (10:33), two-mile; Dankavich an error and a fielder’s choice. Valley as Gluchnailed the mound 100-yarddash andthe 220for the The Mustangswasted no time programat HillsboroughHigh School. The program is designedto (43-3/4), shot put; Bernhardt ,111 victory, getting help from Ken Raiders. Hewas timed in 10.7 in (114-7), discus; Hart (161-3), andloaded the bases in the first Whalenin the seventh. offer studentsopportunities not presentin the regularcurriculum. FOR THE FUTURE inning on singles by RoeDeBias the century and 23.4 in the 220. javelin; Szczeeh (19-0), long The Mustangs pushed across Other Hillsborough winners: jump; and McDounough(5-11), PLAN and Bernie Glueh. DaveDrevnak two runs in the first inning and walkedto load the bases. Nevins (15.5), high hurdles; high jump. Abalk got in the first Manville addedanother in the third. Woychik(4:45.4), mile; Martin run and the next two registered A three-run fourth inning gave Tournament To Benefit (54.7), 440;Uporsky (2:12.4), on a two-runtriple to left by Joe the Manvillenine a 6-0 bulge. Shields (21.4), low hurdles; Warrior Netmen Rindock. ChathamBore scored one run Singley (21.4), two-mile; Awalk, DeBias’ single and an in the sixth and one in the Sheridan (41-8), shot put; Hart error on an infield fly gave seventh, (156-11), javelin; Easton(19-6 Top S. Plainfield Drug Abuse Council 1/2), long jump; Quirico (5-4), high jump; and Goss (9-5), pole FRANKLIN-- ’[he netmen of SOMERVILLE-- The Hun- dinner. Thosedesiring to attend vault. Franklin High brought their Ridge Rips Mustang Grapplers terdon Drug Abuse Council has only the awards dinner will be ifillsborough ripped North record to 2-2 with a 4-1/2 -1/2 announcedplans for their first charged $25. Becuase only 150 Hunterdon,116-15. triumph over South Plainfield. annual Passport Golf Classic, a MANVILLE-- The track team and (118-1/2), discuss; Ritchey, golfers will be able to play in the The Raider winners were: Bob Edwards and Bill Sudia and (5-2), high jump. professional and amateur Golf one dayevent, interested persons took singles matches. of Ridge High School defeated Tournamentto be held at Beaver should maketheir reservations Manville,99-55. Prep Nine Bridgewater - Raritan East Winningfor Manville were: BrookCountry Club in Clintonon as early as possible. Entry defeated Franklin, 4-1. Jay Boscia (46-6 1/4), shot put; Tuesday,June 6. deadline is May23. Rosenfelt and P. J. Huie com- Knox (16.9), high hurdles; ttoffman High The tournamentwill benefit the Knocks Out binedfro’ the Franklinpoint with Council, an organization a win in the doubles. Kintowski(54.4), 440; Patrick specifically set up to ~ombat ’ Y’ Plans (2:01.6), 880; and Bentzinger Tops Montgomery mental health and drug abuse Montclair (10:19.1), two-mile. The Mustangs bowed to problems throughout central MONTGOMERY- Hoffman NewJersey. The Passport Golf FunClasses FRANKLIN-- Scoring runs in CubsStudy Bugs, Kenilworth,70-61. High of South Amboypinned a 9- Taking first place for the Classic will be the main fund clusters of threes, Rutgers 4 defeat on Montgomery. raising eventfor the Council,and NEWBRUNSWICK -- Saturday Plants At Meeting Manvillethin clads were: TomLange, whoaided his own Prep’s baseball team notchedits Urban(4:50.8), mile; Patrick will be openfor participation to morningfun classes for boys and first victory of the season by cause with a homerun, checked golfers, both professional and girls 6-12will beginon April29 at drubbingMontclair Academy,13- (2:02.1), 880; Sterbinsky(10:53), the Cougarson seven hits. amateur throughout NewJersey FRANKLIN-- Cub Pack 95 held two-mile;Boseia (48-9), shot put the YWCAad continue for six 3. its April meeting last Wednesday Hoffmanwent out to a 4-0 lead and Eastern Pennsylvania on a weeks. ToddCohen spun a two - hitter and led, 7-2 at the end of two first comebasis. Areabusinesses wbichwas devoted to "Crawling, frames. The program, directed by Lois as the Argonautsgained their Flying and Growing,"a study of Start Flakes tripled for a and industry will be asked ’to Klitzke, offers childrena choiceoffirst victory against four set- insects and plants. Cubs were participate by "donating"tees, baton, ceramics, "drawing and backs. Cohenfanned seven and encouragedto bring in projects compounded Montgomeryrun in the fifth. walkedsix. in these categories for viewing greens and courtesy stands or by painting, fun fitness, stitchery, quarterlyon buying space in the tournament folk dancing,nature study, junior Pacing the Rutgers Prep at- by the Pack. programbooklet. chefs and cooks, science ex- tackwasJoeSmutkowitha three regularpassbook RECYCLE Tickets for participating periments, tip dip swimming,and " for - three effort at the plate. Haddon Stein was named CO~)P ASSOC. John Smutko also contributed Webe]osof the Monthand special savingsaccounts THIS golfers or for the eveningawards fun and games. dinner are available now by two hits to the nine-hit Prep honors and a prize went to AGWAYREP NEWSPAPER contacting the Pro Shop at Interested persons may assault, RichardMcLaughlin who sold lhe Beaver BrookCountry Club. registernowforalloftheseVWCA The Argonauts scored three largest amountof Easter Candy, !lawn& Gmlea Golfers will pay $50 to par- programs.Further informationruns in the first, second, fom’th over $395worth. ticipate in the tournament,a fee maybe obtained at the YWCAand sixth innings. Their solo run Depositsinsured to $20,000by F,D.t.C. Supplies vhieh will also cover lunch and desk, was tallied in the fiftb, Sports Log FULLTIME All kindsof GrassSeed 9 WESTSOMERSET ST., Veg. &Flower Seeds CUSTODIANNEEDED DeluxeFlower Bulbs RARITAN,N.J. Roses PROCLAMATION Dayor NightShift Shrubs& Evergreens TODAY Call Bus.Adman. 725-0080 Fruit Trees Baseball LOYALTY DA Y MANVILLE BOARD Fertilizers& Lime Savi g IBa k OF EDUCATION RegularDividends for Over100 Years MeuBERe.o.te. (FreePH Test) Manville at BoundBrook, 4 WHEREAS,we are privileged and proud to call ourselves citizens of these ).in. 722-4220 9We,l at,Jet,nlatan, NowJer~y osaee. X.i*phon.:?25.0~(] United States and of this Bore wherein we reside; and 8:30to 4:30 OpenThursday Evenings 6:30’til 8 PeatMoss TOMOILILOW WHEREAS,the very definition of citizenship implies the obligations of sincere PineBark Mulch devotion, faithfulness, allegiance and loyalty to our governmentwhich safeguards RedwoodChunks Baseball 11 I I I I II I I I I Stayday& Straw American freedoms; and Ridge at Montgomery,4 p.m. WHEREAS,as truly dedicated citizens we do pledge outright support of all the Chemicals Franklin at tlillsborough, 3:45 inherited freedom principles symbolized by our flag and country; and our strong SprayMaterials p,m, Neumannat Rutgers Prep, opposition to any person or movementthreatening the unity and security of our FORD Fencings 3:30 p.m. land, now THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH D. PATERO, MAYOROF THE BOROUGHOF ’ "" Mowers" Track MANVILLE,NEW JERSEY, do hereby concur wholeheartedly with our national ’67CAMARO, 2 dr., S ayl., auto., Tractors ’69 GALAXIEfoe, 4 dr,, H.T.,S bucketseats, P,S.o vinyl roof, R, .’71 FORDCUSTOM SO0, 6 pass, Tillers Ili[Isborough at BoundBrook, and state leaders in praising highly the patriotic purposes of LOYALTYDAY, cyt,,auto,, P,S,, vinyl roof, radio, W/W...... $13O6. wagon,8 cyl,, auto., P,S,, P.B., ear 3:45 p.m. FordGarden Tractors celebrated annually on MAY1st as a special occasion for every tree citizen’s W/W,W/C, factory air toed,, condaioniag,tinted glass. R/H, ,ill Manvilleat Ila tteldon Central, tintedglass ...... $1soa, ’69 TORtNO.4 dr., S uyl., P.S. WlW,W/C ...... $3326. 3:45 p.nt. public reaffirmation of his steadfast dedication to our Anlerican way of life, and P,B.,factory air, g, W/W,W/C, WaterSoftener Salts to the laws of our land; and I do hereby urge every citizen, school, church, ’f17 OLDSCUTLASS, 4 dr, sedan, ...... , ...... $170E. ChallengerHorse Feed April 25 Savl., auto.,P.S., R, WlW,Wit, ’98 CHEVYMALIBU, 2.dr, H.T. m~lanizatiou, business establishment and homewithin my official jurisdiction to ’fiS AMBASSADORSST,2 dr, V.8,Auto,, P,S,, air aond,, tinted CWT$5.05 ...... $1295, hardtop,V.8, auto.,power sin. 9lea, vinyl roof, R/H, W~N, Ilaseboll display the flag of the United States and to participata in special imblic patriotic Still time for prumerganae ’70 FORD’6 pa=, aoantry sedan, erineair conditioningsplit beneh W/C...... $17O6 progntms sponsored by the Vctenms of For0ihm Wars of the Uuited Stats, in seat, R/H,W/W, W/C .... $179g, crabgrasstreatment Less lhmterdon Central at S =yl,,aUtO., P,S,, P,B,, foolery air condltionhre,luggage reck, tinted llillsbm’oagh,to a,m, cooperation with others, on LOYALTYDAY, May the first in this year of ’69 FALCON,4 dr, sadee,6 ayl. ’6$ MERCURYColony Park, @ Tuportumor ,DscthaL glass, radio,W/W, W/C, 2 to ~., wagon~B, aUtO,, P.S., RIH, ! nineteen huqdred and seventy.two. choosefrom ...... $2795. ante.,radio, vhryl trim, W/C, 1 All Kindsof Vsgotohlassod MayI owner,lg.OOO miles .... $1595. W/W,W/C ...... $1106, FlowerSssds, Onion sots rod ~ Ilaselndl BOROUGII Or iMANVIIA, E~ ’60 MERCURYCYCLONE OT, ’70 LTOSQUIRE. 10 paM.wagon, whiteor yellow..... 39aIb. enlo.tralul., P.S,, P,U,,I)tu:kot seats ’67 LINCOLNCONTINENTAL, i andennlola, radio, W/W, W/C, 8 VVI,aUtO., 0 waypower, air 8 eyl.,aUtO,, P,S., P,B,, die, raek, Montgoaleryat Itatgors Prep, goad,,stereo tape, Inaoy cairns, factoryair, tinted glass, WlW, W/C, PricerQuoted Net ,I p,m ...... $1395, ...... ,,,$1a95, ...... , ..... $2096, ASilo Full of SAVI NQ8 OpenDally 7;30. §tOO Track JOSEPIID. IrATI!]It() Eat,7t10. 3100 lie lowell Valley at MAYOR CALL356.0072 ATTHII 1[ sbarotlg|, 3:45, RSADINOfl.R. tlTATION A’VrEST BY: RT, IN May3 HAVENSFORD Will DILIVIIRY BetweenPlainfield and Somerville onRt, 28 Baseball ATNOMINAl. Pll L FRANCISA, 1 I~,L t ACK, BOROUGllCLERK 4,15W’ U, nlOnAv,eL,,B°und BrOok...... g C~d130!,85$4171 llernards at Manville, ...... , ...... ,, ii Hi, m,.i i i ,,,,,,,,_...... PAGE EIGHT-A THURSDAY,APRIL 27, 1972

z 9

The Planting TimeArrives NowIs The Time GOUNTRY GREENERY,For Corn, Tomatoes To Divide Rhubarb NEWBRUNSWICK -- It’s time Aprilbut move into the low70s by Into to plant sweetcorn, tomatoes, mid-May, If youare thinkingabout ad- andfour feet apart. SHADEPLANTS Overnightlow readings in mid- dingnew rhubarb plants to your Plantsdo best in a rich, deep cucumbers,peppers, eggplant, soil that is highin organicmatter [] .VEGETABLEPLANTS and early fall snapbeans, ac- Aprilrange from the upper30s in gardenor dividingsome of the cording to the agricultural the northto the lowto mid-4g6 Dld crowns,this wouldbe the andwell drained,If youcan get ~t r-1 CONTAINER weatheroutlook for NewJersey oversouthern and central sec- time to do it, advises H. N. manure,mix it with the soil /’~:~I~ L.J PLANTS for the next fourweeks. tionsbut rise to the upper00s and Repair,senior county agent. underthd plants just before SH.UBSERYTheoutlook was issued Friday lower60s by mid-May. All rhubarbis propagatedby planting. by the NationalWeather Service Duringthis periodrainfall is planting pieces obtained by A handfulof 5-10-5or 5-10-10 AN.UA,Soffice on the campusof the expectedto amountto 3.2 inches dividingthe oldplant. If youbuy fertilizer at the bottomof lhe ~[-"[ BONSAi" RutgersCollege of Agriculture along the southern Coastal these piecesfrom a nurserythey furrowbefore planting will get / and EnvironmentalScience. It regions and4 inches over the are readyto plant. the plantsoff to a goodstart¯ states that soil temperaturesare northwesterncounties. However,many gardeners’ like Coverthe fertilizer witha layer [] GARDENSUPPLIES nowreaching into the 50s and Standingwater in fields and to separatetheir oldplants. To do of soil so that the roots do not [] I.gWNMAINTENANCE lower 60s, which are warm slowdrying after rainfall are this cut downthrough the crown, comein directcontact with it. [] LANDSCAPING enoughfor thesecrops. expected to be present betweenthe budsor "eyes" so Afterpreparing the furrow,set Near-normaltemperatures are throughoutthe period. that there is a large piece of the piecesso that the budsare ap, storageroot witheach large bud. then coverwith about three in- SATURDAY expectedin SouthJersey with chesof soil. Besure to pressthe cooler-than-normal tem- RECYCLE Propagationby seed is not SPECIAL! peratures in the central and recommendedbecause rhubarb soil firmlyabout the entire piece, THIS seedlingsdo nat cometrue to tbe then makea heavywatering, northernsections of the state. Don’t harvest rhubarb from SALE Normalafternoon high tem- NEWSPAPER type of the parent plants, Mr. ,eraturesare in the 60sin mid. Repairsays. newlyset plants, and remove AZALEAS& Crownpieces are usually onlya fewstalks the secondyear. transplantedevery three feet in Cutoff the seedstalks as soon EVERGREENS OPENINGSATURDAY, MAY 6 I Caterpillars NOWIS THE TIM E to searchout tent natepillars.Look for this fuzz furrowsabout eight inchesdeep as they appear. ontrees, remove it and burn to destroypotential home of thehairy AZALEAS$2.75 up CEDAR GROVE I treestrippers. EVERGREENS I Hatching (spreadingandupright) COUNTRY SHOPPE "Tent caterpillars recur in andother ornamental trees in the frees. Everyegg mass you c cycles. Therewas an increasein your yardexamine the branches destroywill lessenthe potential F COUNTRY 2.75 UP e Produce ¯ PatioBlocks ithe numberlast springand since closelyfor tent caterpillar egg populationby 200to 300 cater- Wealso havethe ¯ Plants ¯ Honey,James the cycle is on the upswingmore masses, pillars. ~ R Following: ¯ GardenSupplies ldlies canbe expectedthi6 year,"says The caterpillars spendthe If the egg massesare allowed SOUIRE,.- ¯ Magnolias I RaymondN. Eberhardt, county winter as brownishegg masses to hatchthe youngcaterpillars ~.~ T ¯ Rhododendron I agriculturalagent. that completelyencircle twigs, gather in limbforks andspin a ¯ Dogwood 10 Cedar Grove Rd. Franklin Township If youhave wild cherry, apple, Pruning the twigs now will large webbynest. ¢~ ~ GARDEN CENTER o C’rabappte’Trees (off EastonAve. behind A-Marl Shopping CentcO peach, pear, maple,birch, oak reducethe amountof damageto Theyhave an interestinghabit ~’ I A and that makesit rather easyto get The store whereservice otherevergreens Z L rid of them,says Mr. Eberhardt. ~ ~ comeswith its products S Everyday they crawl out to feed 50 years of THECOUNTRY GREENERY, R. HAYES on the foliage,but return to the ’~f R nest at nightor in rainyweather. S Horticultural Experience S Inc. So,wait until evening,to wipe E ZION ROAD, Landscaping, inc. the nests out of yourtrees. You E NESblANIC,N. J. ¯ Wheelhorse ¯ Simplicity ¯ Railroadties canburn the nests butbe careful~z~ From Rt. 206 take AmwellRd. ¯ Topsoil not to harmthe tree or start a T ¯ Simplicity ¯ Taro D t514) to DutchReformed Church, ¯ Sand m Gravel fire. R ¯ Electatrac ¯ Snapper S Neshan[c,Left 2 mileson Zion Rd. ¯ Shrubs ¯ Sod Anotherway to destroythem is A ¯ CuhCadet $ Flomelite Lookfor sign. CLOSED to sprayor dust the leaveswith ¯ Lawnboy ¯ Yardman M SUNDAY ¯ GroundCovers ~!C 0 LandscapingServices and Contracting Sevin, Mr. Eberhardtadvises. ,z~ T , . 369-4583 W 369-3266 ~L~ O I~ 400N. BridgeSt. E M~mberel North Jersey Somerville,N.J. LandscapeAssoc. 846-2505 Plant When "i~i R Phone722-5577 R i i, i S ~-~. S TheSoil Is Workable Althoughsome vegetables do not haveto wait until warmer weatherto be planted, you musttake carenot to workthe soil beforeit has dried out, advises Raymond N. Meet Eberhardt, SomersetCounty AgriculturalAgent. Mr.Eberhardt explains that the freezingand thawing action of last winterhas helpedto .-.,.,=,,. I’. so@~,~,.: Award IVinner improvethe soil structure. R5GORLADNUL A Lawn-A-Mat THISARRANGEMENT wasan award winner for 1972from the Butif you workthe ground All-AmericaRose Selections. whileit is still wet,the soil I m..4 structure maybe destroyed, LIME- FERTILIZERI /7 - - makingit difficult to grow anythinglater. Parkside Gardens Nursery Assoon as the groundis fit to work,Mr. Eberhardtsuggests Hebuilds greener, plantingcertain early crops. thickerlawns. 51 Rt. 206 Somerville Toplant a 50.footrow you will needone-half ounceeach of Costsno more beets, carrots, rutabagas, IN STOCK thandoing it yourself, Open? days turnips,kale, and Swiss chard. ROSES andhe doesthe work. 1½nil. southof SomervilleCircle Oae-foarthounce of parsnips, JACKSON& REDI-TO-PLANlt radishes and spinach. One- PERKINS VEGETABLEPLANTS Largestselection of evergreeas eight ounceof endiveand leaf Hesaves you weekends’ of work, Patented& EARLYGIANT TOMATOES andmoney- by AUTOMATION. floweringtrees, shadetrees, lettuce, Onepound of onion Non.Patented Yougot the savings-your lawn gets: beddiag,phmts sets, half.poondof peas, 25 COLLARDS¯ E NDIVE FREEANALYSIS byyour nolghbmhood Lawn.A-M~t Man cabbageplants, and 25 broccoli CAULIFLOWER¯ CHICORY ,,,GUARANTEEDpremiumI quaUty Lewn.A.Msglo plants. lawnproducts, at competltLv~ prices. DELWERED FREE,.. =345 BRUSSELSPROUTS ¯ KALE eoie~lifloappllcatlofl o1lawn p,oduotl byLown-k.M=r6,[as, FREE, ~ekton& Perkins HYBRIDCABBAGE seas mixtures are Inter.agencycertifies by I)warf Vinea Hyl~’Id or Floribund= REDCABBAGE euraauof SeedCa*tlflcatlon, PackagedRoleI HEADLETTUC ¯ RROCCOLI LAWN.A.MAT’SFAMOUS "6REENSKEEPER GAREPR06RAM’" r 1 ~, tt BIBBLETTUCE ¯ PARSLEY 1 Diet ant $1 6o99¢ CELERY V...... ()t’ I)ollution ’~Ii ’, ’,:’,’, ~;~, ’~"P" ...... ] ’Pawara°lllng POOLS A t ~ e i r elLI~.Er~|~oo s ymt=Lawn hOOds 4 nes a ye pl s 4 LET’STALK INSTAI.LATION Just becauseit looks like checkbiluks., ~’HE~ ualivety.,F R E ~ applieatintl, (IF PI1EFABRICATEOPOOLS somethingfrom the tro)ics gordenorsda not real zo lOW PROVENON OVERA ~ LAWNSCOAST TO COAST utterly satisfactorydwarf vines is to grow. ;IIOUNt,I It tlu’~vesahnest anywhere, It R00f|1 inchSUPER IPOOL is taM,ant of pollutionso clln bo TORO21" KIT ~ usedclose ta theroad. UWNMOWER It is eopobleof standingox. tremoheat, drought,aad other WHIRLWINDMOWER S999 i~llrll~a dtql WhNIE odversocooditiana, InllVlllfl |lmll ~achi, Plies had It hosoo iusect posts or I ~l-l,lh FINGERTIP ~_...... f eT~nT,~1½ It,P, W~tlU, dist~usesthat botheril, SaIFI.~CTOe OAR ~ ____,i, ALlnrl, Fill Wouldn’tyou thtok thut every , Rt*eisis,re vasesS, NU[ I" alplrli~KWAEH0 T IS RT glk|~( %~ gardenerwould bn growingtt? SISOLOIN~H~aa~,| ANO ~ It~/l~ [, Youcurt plant dwarfvtuoa h~ sun or In ,oral,shade-itwill rOdu¢olt~ ahiW,doop greeo ~ollogo andprofuse bloom In ~ltherlocation, [; /ALLWORK C0. Flowersmay be roa~, light astwssnPRINCETON SRII IOMIRVIUI,I RT,208, pink,pure white or white with red cel/toi’S~culled ~t~yo~," I%,d,Cn yon, el4 PHONE MEADE I mowersndply only 201,359,3000 !1 N,J. Planlthe alow,Kt’owtngaooth lltN I outdoors oftoi’aollha, warnlodor ,105" Iii fullers fsr otu’ttor bl~m, I I I11 I i ’PAGE ONE-B THURSDAY,APRIL 27, 1972

mopping and 3 COUNTYCOVERAGE =ro SomersetoMiddlesex SouthSomerset News TheManville News TheFranklin New.Record TheCentral Post ttertainment Guide Windsor-HightsHerald ThePrinceton Packet TheLawrence Ledger i2ol) 725.3300 jbl" Cei tral Jersey (609i924-3244 (201)297-3434 PRESSRUN - 24,760


Surroundedby an umbrellaof magnoliablossoms on the PrincetonUniversity campus, Jane Beeching Ed Met ;all Wins Series Magnolia, enjoysa sunnyspring afternoon and perhaps remembers that the PrincetonTownship annual "Walk In TheParks" program will be held this Sundayfrom 1-4 p.m,Guided tours of AutumnHill andWoodfield Ed Metealf won the Carnegm ~ Season Reservationswill be featured.Autumn Hill is acrossfrom Herrontown Woods: Woodfield is off the older Sailing ClubInterfleet series by a ~i~ routeofTheGreatRoad,(CliffMoorephoto) single point as trophy honors ~ t weresettled in the last race of the 1weweek series. ~i.<;:: Runner-up Bob Holzman. the 1970 and 1971 winner, had cut :’.~ Metcalf’s commandinglead to Puppets two points by winningthe first ~" ~ four races and placing secondin , the fifth. But I-Iolzmanfailed in ~.. ~+ his bid for a third strmght ,~ ~ ~ =,,, ~ championshipas he placed third ~+~;~ii~i ~ ~ in the final race whileMetealf’s ~L.:,lil~.= Shorten Sunfish followed him across the finish line to maintaina onepoint winning margin. The spoiler throughout the ~,!~ ;~!~L~’°~’~’ ...... =,, windy afternoon was John ,,~ Rainy Hopfield whose steady per- !~!~ formancewas secondbest for the ~’~!:::; "~ day. Brewster Youngand Tom Huntington also had excelleni averages. Day TWOCARNEGIEI SAILING CLUB members cruise into a turn during Sunday’sfinal round.. After five weeksof racing, the Sunfish season standings for Theafternoon was rainy, so the competitors sailing 1O races or puppet showwas an even bigger more are: Allis Does Well hit than expected. THEPLOT of the puppetplay absorbsthis youngster. John Saturday afternoon, the John Skipper Races Avg and Ginny Dildine family’s BobHolzman 25 puppet show enthralled an , EdMetealf 25 2.98 audience of rained-out baseball John Hopfield In Pre Olympic Races t 17 3.00 players and bicycle riders in the Jack Kunz 20 3.99 John Witherspoon School in WaltGibson 15 ,t.05 Century Road Club’s Olympian BobblePhillips, 14th and Dave JohnAllis easily outclassedthe In other raeing action Sunday, Princeton. The show was TomHuntington 22 4.89 Bool,19th. Century RoadClub racers fared sponsoredby the Princeton Folk field Sunday in the 90-mile BrewsterYoung 11 5.00 Olympic Development bicycle Century riders John Axt and well. At the Brookdale Park MusicSociety in cooperationwith DanMazzerella 12 5.92 springseries JeanneHawley took the school’s Parent-Teacher 5.93 race at Quantico, Va. Leigh Goehringeach took third ~ari, iioehel 12 places in the junior and in- first place in the ladies corn- Organization. FrankHenry 10 6.30 The former Princeton student petitioninthetwomilesprint and The Dildines and their three formedseveral breakawayswith termediate races at Quantico. DiekHill 13 7.08 teammateDoug Dale during the The quickly developing Axt was the 10-mile road race. Junior teenagers told their fetching HeraKwiatoski 13 8.3g John Teeter wona fourth anti puppetdramas with 2-3 foot high grueling three laps over the very followed in the 30-mile junior marionettes and "rod" puppets hilly 30-mile course. But a few race by teammates Tim fifthplaceinthethree milcsprint with out-sized papier mache miles from the finish, Dale Maloney,fifth, and Keith Ward, and the 10-miler. Ted Sares heads. The songs by the Dildines, PaulPorter retains a.slim lead suffered a derailed chainand flat eighth, improvedon his performanceof accompanied by guitar, banjo over Hector Poventud in the tire, and managedonly seventh last weekby taking ninth place in and dulcimer,told the tale of the place. Leigh Goehring captured his Sloop class, and the Penguins Allis completedthe racein four third place on a three-man the senior 15-milerace. puppets’ movements. haveyet to sail in 1972. Penguin In international competitionin Thoughts of muddybaseball hours, 35 minutes, a full three breakawayin the nine mile in- fleet captain Dick Jesser has termediate race, YoungAustin Southern California, Pan-Am diamonds and rain-soaked returned from Africa and urges minutes ahead of his nearest Gamesmedalists Dave Chauner bicycles were quickly and competitor,Within the fielder 90 Ehrlich was sixth, with Cince class owners to turn out next Menci, seventh; Bobble Jones, was third in the road race and dramatically washed away by Sunday, Each fleet must sail at senior riders, other Century Harold Halsey was third in the the music and moods of the least four weekendstoqualify for Olympichopefuls in the top 20 eighth, Barry Aronson,llth, and 750-metersprint on the track. Dildine puppettheater.. included Stan Swaim, eighth; ChuckGoehring, 14th. ONSTAGE, a pair of the Dildine family’s rod puppetsentertains. club trophies, Tax Reform Experts Explain Report To Pri,rce, on

taxes presently paid by renters are less than commissionhad to be realistic about what by Jane Kerney "windfall" is a result of a decrease in from his total income.This worksout to a the decreased property tax will encourage property taxes in those areas, he exphdned. that of home owners because apartments the state would accept, In the past, New small savings, Robert Powell told the moreconstruction and with morerental units Jerseyans have not beenover whelminglyin New Jersey Tax Poliey Committee GoodWintlfall " committee. "Whyis there no snbstantial available tile laws of supplyand demand will implythat morethan onefamily Is using any given plot of land, This assumesthat all favor of any incometax or changein the tax memberscame to Princeton last Tuesdayto relief for renters?" he asked. comeinto phly forcing the prices down,Mr, structure, sell the SearsReport to local residents, But If there is a tax break for core areas that Miller thought, rentals are apartmentsand not single family Progressive.Elastic the audience seemedhesitant about buying, allowsmore business growth,then this is one "That’s one area in which the Committee ManyRenters dwellings or townbouses. goal the committeewas trying to attain, Mr. had hapedto do more," Mr, Miller said. But Wealso discussedthe possibilities of rent Thenew tax structure will be both ehtstic Tbe Sears Report proposes a graduated Mr, Millerestimated that 40 per cent of the and progressive, whichis exactly whatthe incometax and state take-over ef education Millersaid, wherethere is a financial saving to the control laws and renters’ unions, said Dean hmdlord,there is u savingto the tenant, Also, state’s residents are renters, bat the actual eommiltee was trying to establish, Mr. financing through an equalized, state.wide Again, tile overall statewide impactwas Lewis, Reiehesaid, Elasticity meansthat the tax property tax, emphasized,The "windfall" is good because it will stimulate businessin older cities and grows with the economyanti not with the The forum nmmbers wore Dean John ill!i!iiii~!~i~!!!~i~!~i~i~!~i~i~ii~i~i~iiiii~iii~i~ii~i~ii~i~!!!~i~!~;~!!!!i~ii~i~ii~ii!~i~i~!+!~i~i@ii~i!~i~ii1~!~!~i~i~i~!~77i~i~i!ii!i~!!ii1!1171!iii~!~!iii!@!!ill!!~!!!!i!~!i~iiiiiiiiii!!ii~iiiii!!ii!!!~!7!ii~ii!iiiii!ii~7i~i7i!ii~iii!!~i!iiiii~i~i~i~i~i~i~i Tax Exempt Land bose i,e, an incometax vs, a propertyt,’~x, Lewi~of the WoodrowWilson School, Robert they won’t"tile," the Committeesaid. But Borough Councilman Robert tleadry then audience memherswere confused by Progressivitynleans t tat the tax is assessed vonSothern, tax administrator of Bell raised tbe question of tax exemptproperty on individuals aeeordlngto their ability to Telephone, Frank Reicbe, Princeton at- the statement that only 35 percent of the whichwas uppermostin the minds of many torney, and WilliamMiller, Chiefof Staff of businesses which will benefit from tile Blue :hips, Boroughresidents, windfallare in the city cores. Whereare the Pi"~tie" incometax is elastic aMpregressive the Tax Policy Committee. "Under the new system, a Bm,oagh beeansoit is graduatedaccordiag to hmonle ThlakBig other 65 percent of tlleso businessesaud how le neownerntaklng $h5 000 will pay between badly do they need a tax break? andit will Increaseos ineonlesillcreaso, $3g0and $5o0 morein taxes per year," le Eventually one-third of all state revenues Everyonewho spoke in favor of the report UrbanSchool Aid said, Thetax report also favorsthe cities ia tile Ltm !ords will comefrom the lnemnetax. empMsizodthat residents should think in The borongbhas a ratables base of $265 Theproperty tax will rennlin hat it will he ternls of tile entire state not just as in. lu’ea of schoolsttpport, Presently, there are million butof that $!,t6 million is tax exempt, its manyvaried schooltax rates aa there are equalized throughoutthe sbdt, The propm’ty dividuals, hut nlany amongthe 125 In tile Mr. llendryasked wily the boi’oagii eaalrhft tax thoughinelastic andanpragressive as it " audience saw only that Prhiceton will enjoy ntunleipalltlea, Therates rangefrmn under be "weighted" bi someway to provide tax $1 to over ale, Thequality of the education iS liOWwill becomeless regressive because very little relief nndertile proposedplan, relief beeause of this, Giber audionoe "tax boreas" will be elhulnoted and cities The audience was particularly concerned availablevaries Infinitely, TheSears lteport proposedthat the state niembers asked whyNow Brunswick will be will be alibskllzedwith grants, The)rollerty about the alleged "windfall"tit btislneases ab o to tax llatgers for inunleipalllurposos which has recently come to light, The assumethe burdenof financing education Only"ltlue till l" industriesand huldim’ds their rehlttve tax capacitywhile residential tax will eventuay coasttnte one+tiirt td’ the through iI $i lor $i0g )reporty lax ou will henefitIrani the proiosedhix i’efornis taxpayers elUTy 176 lel’ cent of theh’ and PrinectenBoruugh und Townshipcan’t state’s revenues, audience found tile committee’sexplanation assess tl o ulliversity, ; MoreSoles Tas cenfu,ing, but Mr. Mlilm’ said everyonewas iissossedvalue at truevllhie, In as~ulnhlgthe andrenters will get no roller, warnedState capacity,Senator Crabiel said, Thehick of tax relief to rentersia Senator Wetalked ahaut It, but it a like runninginta T Ios ast ix will heex tl ndell ulldertl e atll’lrised wbenthe "wintlfall" was in’ablatesof fhmacing lhe slate wouklalso Senatelienua~rMIc leader J, l~]dwordCrlitllel, ekethe i’ealionalblllty for negethitlng Scl to’ Cr hiel, tile only ulenlberof tile Crablel’s tither nniln ohjeetion to tim a brick wall Mr, vonSothensaid, ire losedsysleln, Tile exeluptitiil ouchlthlug discovered, (GoveruorWillhlnl Cahill lip- ~ Itntgerswill be taxablebecnuse it Is ,8!l!te pahltedo cainnllsstoato lnve,tlgate this teachersclnlirlicl~, Tills wonldlie doneeli u t]avt!rliur’8 ’rll~ Sttnly CoatlidtteoWile propeslil,Under tile lax reforili plan,renters will lie elhnhiatedla hiiille is cnrreutly i,egimmlbasis and would estlillllali unllariu rcl’ilSed to slgu the report, said tlnlt the iuoydeduet 211 per cent nf tiloli, 1’oiit freni in’oporty, state ant! emuitypraperty will ue ragingover the Justlt, a af tills, (Ipponeulstaa ltstleet of the reportlast week,) t xublo ’ur intinlelpal lar loses ooly, iiix Oil elatbhigchiinl lids ll.lls tin nnduo The"windfall" wotll¢l mainly lleiioflt sntiill sghiryscales ilirallgbOllt lilly aneraglan, rer Olilnlelldatlons llSttured all "oil" their tatal alnlnai tneonmlu deternthllag lint In Iq, lliceloli.. COilsehoiallk)Wiikifa!l for tlatse wMdeserve their P, ixablohieeiim, "This nleana less lban IlaweverIh, ineetonUniversity Is private burdenen tile nnu,,li]vt!ryolle linlst Iniy singleirotn’letori.ihlpa liM partnm’shlpithi llowevai’,alileo Princetoii Is ii "superl’irst I’huulchil relief lhe It~lisi, ,Ill ler cent il(l in aetulil cashrdlef for nloaf of the linll tux exolnpt unter tie NewJersey clolhlilg endIlia lax Is uplressive, ellllouenls the c los t’ai’e~, Mr, Mtllm’ eakl, The (2tllistituilan, Tile Searslteiort decidedta stalldhlg,’I’llo "antar fh,ttt cliiat" diall’lck’! redaellonin ira leriy taxesto aurweldihlest leilants ilu’oughoutlhe slain," Ilia ~enalof elahn, ehiss"disil’let and~lielltlft inu¢linlore thllll J iudusirles,.tinl litility lnsurouce,banking l~lild,~ A tpro! huatel) II )or eeilt of the allow all thosearguuizathnis listed In the Tile tax ell clathhigla trtigresslve, Mr. the oslililated state ullotinonbi, Prhieoion are gOlllg to lave tn lull back till ex tele lhone,ntlllty lunl ti lelhle hllaresta," Sliite s i’o~ d~tits reueli" honiea, ~itate Conslitutlante relnllln lax exenlpt, IlelcheGhihlis, heeatise wealthier icttplt~ hny will he piiyhigmast of Its schoolcoats Itself,’ l!rhnenlutloli, TheSelliilor doesngt thhik thiit tim "trickle Otherorganlzliilmis, auehits lodges,width iiiere exlensive cletlillllt andtile lil~ llolit~nds Mr, Miller said, Nafhilidlle Tlises TheScniitor a I~l) c aiulsI lilt lushles~a not rilrryhig lla foil Inellauretff Ihe tax hurdon downtheary" will havean effect, I,o, that Ilia werei’ecently liiutle fax exeuilltwill returnin Oil 1 IOco,,tt of Iie giirinelii, Tltq’lfftll’e~ tic l~l’lntJetailwill ahlobe In thetlaeonlfartiible Theconiuilliera hi the inlllteuee were iiow, Thet’4ininilltee repurted lhat hnid!ordwill liiss enltavlnga hi lowerrenle a tlixahleatiilua, weiilthlerlily inarelax, poidtiunof hiivilig to elgin’lllll nowex iolgtivo haltpyto leiU’ll thattliay wtiuklnot lie pitying bilshicssei,l are ntiw tilxild al lift per~elit ()l’ heellintoof relhlClen Of priiporty titles, Weenn’t da anythhigfar the huraugh,Mr, All aervlues,ltudi int archllecta,lawyers, )l’ogrlllill~i withthe slats Board el I!,’tluelltlilil, igxe9011 hleanio ~lii’lled ~ubildoIlia ittale lint voaSothenaalll, Wewanttitl tn hat the lSalia ae¢ollnhuilao!e, will imwlie tiixiihle hilt all The=tale Id gohigto it0 tOlilther Oil the lipartniout dwell~i’awere ehlilffhiod at tile WllltJust toat, Onllllex, niedlctil serviceswill relilidii lax exeinit, "llglilhlnl,o" tlhtli’letll like Prhieetonwith rentlllloWiiliCe, Mr,lteMio eiiiphlatlled lhut whiletryhig tn Tile ~tateevenhla]ly ex )eels Ioliet uire uno. lh0h’OXliertnlOlitatloii beeiiuito Ilia attila la Theforin!ihl will alh/wti rentertundra’ il5 hiilhl li hilr lliill eqlJihlhletill iuodol,the third of tt~ i’aVllilUeallirnugh li tialnslax, tryhigto bringall dlatrtcbttip Ill a first elll~ll yoal’~oltll tu aubti’altl’,l Inn’ emitIll hl~l’elli TWILIGHTERSSingles IntErne To Present Fiedler Headlines Get-Acquainted At Garden State S haw’s ’ P hiland erer HOLMDEL-- This isthe final Lewis,and violinist Stephanie SOCIAL TheatreIntErne will present its The cast features Pat German, week for ordering 1972 season Chase. final production of the spring Micbele Lame,and Helena Snow, subscriptions to the GardenState Thelatter young virtuoso will Friday,April 28, 9 p.m,at the season, "The Philanderer," by opposite StephenHunter, Daniel Arts Center, with choice seats joinFiedler and the American ELKSClubhouse, Hickory Corner George Bernard Shaw. The show Haughey,Howard Leathers, and remainingin the classical series Symphonyin classicalseries Rd.,off Rte.130, Hightstown. James Shankman.Peter Breger (Professionaldance instruction runsMay 4, 5, 0,11, 12, and13, at featuring among other per- eventson Aug.15 and 16. The 8:30 p.m. in MurrayTheater on directs. formers the world-renowned programfor that event in each of free)~nfo’. P. O. Box 28i, HIghts- Reservations maybe madeby town,08520. the Princeton campus. conductorArthur Fiedler and the the two classical series will "The Philanderer" is a play calling 609-452-8181,from 1-5 and American Symphony. include such selections as about men and womenof "ad- 7-10 p.m. daily. The deadline for subscriptions Tchaikovsky’sViolin Concertoin ’ vanced" views. Charteris is the to the summerseason of the Arts D, Press’ Russian GypsyDance, Center on the GardenState Park- Handy’sSt. Louis Blues Marcb, McCarterBills wayis Saturday, April 29. Mail and Skaters’ Waltzes by Wald- orders are being acceptedat Box teufet. MovieFestival 116, Holmdel,N.J. 07733. Of the two classical, series, each consistingof six events, one McCarter Theatre’s "May Fiedler, the famedconductor of the Boston Pops and an ac- is predominately on Wednesday MovieFestival" will open on claimed musical genius in his . evemngs(with a Mondayper- Monday,May 1, at 8 p.m. with a ownright, will lead an array of formancein late August)and the single showingof Albert Finney’s stars in the classical series for other largely on Tuesday 1968 British release "Charlie the Arts Center season starting evenings {with a Friday and Bubbles." June 14. Amongothers in the Saturday performancein June). In his directorial debut,Finney’s series are Leopold Stokowski’s Fiedler, whorecently returned subject is the predicamentof the froma monthof guest conducting newly-rich in contemporary American Symphonyconductors Meredith Willson and Peter in Japan, has been leading the GreatBritain’s affluent society. Nero, the Virsky Ukrainian BostonPops since 1030. As such, Writtenfor the screen by Shelagh Dance Company, the NewJer- he is the longest reigning per- Delaney,"Charlies Bubbles"is a sey Symphony under Henry manent conductor of a major series of vignettes, each Americanorchestra. White- focussing upon some point of haired and moustached,Fiedler truth about contemporary Brecht West at the age of 77 is still oneof the English society and its mores. most active and in-demand Finney himself plays the title Ends Season musiciansin the field. Heappeals role, and is supported by Liza to all agesin bothpersonality and Minnelliand Colin BlakeIey. With ’Endgame’ music. OnWednesday, May 3, also at 8 FAMILYCOUNCIL turns operatic as three generationsget togetherto decidefuture of one. Trlan01e performersare, from left, DarcyJannarone, Carey Davis, Joan Gallos, SteveJames and Phil Ruskin. NEW BRUNSWICK-- "En- This will be Fiedler’s first ’ p.m., McCarterWill offer the appearance at the Arts Center. Princeton premiere of one of "Blue Genes"opens Thursday at 8:30at McCarterTheatre. dgame"by Samuel Beckett, the 1970’smost controversial films, last program of the regular "Endof the Road."Based loosely season at Brecht West, will open EXHIBITSPRINTS on JohnBarth’s navelof the same Friday,April 28 at 8:30p.m. It is name, and directed .by Aram ’BlueGenes’ F.,’xplores directed by Philip Carling. Avakian,it is intendedas both a Joseph Fleherty and Frank Trudi Glueksbergis exhibiting comedyof college life in the Laurino, whoappeared last fall her prints at the TrentonYWCA, fifties and a satire on The Generation Gap in the Brecht Westproduction of 140 East HanoverSt. until May psychotherapy. Written for the "The Indian Wants the Bronx," 15. screen by Terry Southern, "End Eighteen songs, seven will play the roles of Hammand Mrs. Glucksberg, a Princeton Steve James and Joan Gallon, vote for each, Rob’sfuture comes Cloy. Williamde Prato and Abbie of the Road"attempts to convey productionnumbers, a cast of 60 before the Headricksoncouncil. native, has wonawards at the headline as the Hendricksen Morris, also from NewYork, will Jersey City Museumand in the novel’s concern with role- (half girls) are some of the twins, freshmenat ICU, whorun Will Rob drop out, will Dad playing andthe idiocies of per- statistics whichdescribe the 83rd appear as Naggand Nell. PrincetonArt Associationshows. against each other for class (Phil Raskin) get his jeb at the Shestudied in the NewYork High sonal identity and guilt crises. annual Princeton Triangle Club president. WhenReb loses to his TVstation back, will Mornwin " de Partie," as it was 2nd HITWEEK Under Avakian’sdirection, the production, "Blue Genes." And originally titled, startled School of Music and Art, City sister, he wantsto followin the the derby? Collegeof New York and the Art DIANA SANDS cast runs the gamut from James lest there be any question: of footsteps of his older brother, See "Blue Genes," whichopens audiences when it was first Earl Jones (as "Doctor D") and course there will be a kickline! Thursday,April 27, at 8:30 p.m. producedin the fifties. It has StudentsLeague. played Bill Brown,and drop out. stare becomea twentieth century "GEORGIA,GEORGIA" Stacy Keach {as Jake Homer)to Since the family is run on at McCarter Theatre. Other Shown:12,2,4,6, 8 & 10 newcomers Harris Yulin and This year Triangle returns to democratic lines, with a equal performances are Friday and classic. ...~BOWCRAFT Dorothy Tristan (as the the musical comedyformat with Saturday at 0:30, Sunday at 8, "Endgame"will be at Brecht Morgans). book by Phil Raskin and music gap - but with a few twists. For with a Saturday matineeat 2:30. West Fridays, Saturdays and PLAYLAND| McCarterwarns that "End of byBill Brownand Don Boroson, instance, Mother (Darcy Jan- Tickets are available for all Sundays from April 28 through Ages| the Road"is rated X, and con- and it’s all about the generation narone) is a roller derby freak, performancesat the box office. May 14. Reservations are FunFor All T tains several scenes which suggested. require a "strong stomach." SCOTCHPLAINS Persons under 17 will not be POSTERCONTEST 233.Q675 admitted. McCarter Repertory June 12 is the deadline for entries in the 4-H Poster Contest. BaseballBatting 1’he themeof this year’s contest MasonConcert is ecologyand students in grades Miniature Golf [] Possibilities Nari’( wed 4-12 should send all entries to GoKarts--Boats II To Close Series Mercer County Extension Ser- Golf Driving 1 Directors of the newrepertory on the late atomicscientist who Messrs. CrEss and Seltzer are vice, 4-H poster Contest, 930 NewMoon Walk Of Rock Events drama company at Princeton headed the Institute for Ad- negotiating for both performance SpruceSt., Trenton. The size Of NewHelicopter Ride m the poster should be 14 by 22 McCarter Theatre’s program University’s McCarter Theater vanced Study. The list also in- rights andfor desired actors aDd OpenDaily&Evenings [] el pop androck concerts for the plan a season’s repertory of five cludes two more Broadway directors to participate in the inches or larger. 1971-72season will cometo a productions, from classical vehicles -- Michael Wallet’s season. They promised that close on Sunday, May14, at 0 theater to Broadwaylandmarks "Moonchildren"and Joe Orion’s "celebrated theater people from apiil27, 28, 29, 30 p.m. with a special appearance to possibly a U.S. premiere. "Loot." this country and England will by rock singer and in- Louis Criss, artistic director, The lineup continues with join in our productions,resulting Aparri School of Dance strumentalist Dave Mason. In and Daniel Seltzer. chairmanof Sophocles’ "Oedipus the King," in a muchhigher level of per- thursdaynight whatMcCarter officials describe the University’s Faculty Com- Shakespeare’s "Love’s Labor’s formance than McCartcr as the "coupof the year," Mason, mittee on Theater, have Lost," Ibscn’s "Rosmersholm," audiences have experienced in presents a fridaynight a former member of the narrowed their new production Shaw’s "Heartbreak House" and the past with previous "Traffic," will be makingone of plans for McCarterto 10 titles Samuel Beckett’s "Endgame." professional repertory corn- saturdaymatinee three concert appearancesin the plus the two American The two U.S. premieres under parties here." GrandRound of Ballet East this spring, the other two premieres. The five presen- consideration were not named. The season will open Oct. 29. being in NewYork City. tations will be chosenfrom this saturdaynight The British blues-jazz-rock list of 12. Shakespeare’s comedy, "The. May 1 through May 5 band of Mark-Almondwill be at FewSeats Left For sundayevening AlexanderHall on the Princeton Tempest," and Arthur Miller’s campusthis Saturday, April 29, Broadway opus, "The Price," at 0 p.m. AlthoughMark-Almond headthe list, indicating the range of theater in store for McCarter’s Borge, ’Gro u, . Classical ballet variations, original composi- numbersonly five musicians, Ticketsat Mc Carter theatre drama subscription audiences. headed by Jon Markand Johnny Stage seats only remain at the formance’ssol out, tickets are tions, improvisations and class work by the Almond,they play a total of 17 There is a tentative plan to box office for the return ap- still available for the 10:30 phoneorders accepted ¯ 921.8700 different instruments among perform "In the Matter of J. pearance by pianist -humorist performance by the Paper Bag students, for the students and for parents and Robert Oppenheimer,"focusing them, ranging from brass and Victor Borge at McCarter Players on Saturday, May 6. prospective students. The newdance "Joy" woodwindsto the usual classical Theatre on Tuesday, May2, at Markingtheir fourth consecutive andelectric guitars. PlayhouseBills 3:30 p.m. Mr. Borge’s first engagement at McCarter, the will be performed each day of the Grand On Friday, May5, at Dillon Princeton engagement last "Bags" will present "Group Pound. p;;’;;...... ¯ ’"...ut...... -.."= ==.....=’ ....U==tii ..... HGymnasium at 8 p.m., McCarter October was sold out weeks in Soup,"one of their original hour- |! eeoo eeeoo oe ego and campusradio station WPRB ’Charlie Brown’ advance, and Mr. Borge agreed long presentations for children | will Drcsent"Pore," the nation’s to return to McCarterto meetthe ages 5 through 10. Each of the Forinvitations, please telephone the AparriSchool, premier cotntry rock band. NEWItOPE, Pa. -- "You’re A t GoodMan, Cbarlie Brown"is the demandfor seats whichconld not Paper Bags’ creations is a 217Nassau St., Princeton,N.J. (609)924-1822, RalphRichardson Peco’s live members, all of current production at Bucks be fulfilled in his fall appearance.mixture of song, story, pan- whomdouble as vocalists and County Playhouse, through May Although the afternoon per- tomimeand dance. composers,include RichEsForay 28. THE PRINCETONGI LBERT & SULLIVAN (six-string guitar), Paul Cotton The musical version of Charles FRIDAYSOCIAL NigelPatrick (electric guitar), Rusty Young Schultz’ popular "Peanuts" Bellardo To Play ASSOCIATION (pedal steel guitar), George comicstl’ip is directed by ’rbc TwilightorsSiagles Club, a on Grantham(drums) and ’rim Sch- Jonathnnfladary whoalso plays aon-pre,tn,’~onizatlan nowin its AtTully Hall i midt (bass). Ticketsfor all three Schrocder in the production, fourth year, will sponsor a get- Fridayand Saturday, April 28 & 29 JoanCollins events arc nowon Sale at the MoCartcrThcatrc box office, Minnie Gerdon Gaster who acquainted social on Friday Samarah Bcliardo, ltight. played Lucy in the NcwYork evening, April 28, in the Elks stowupianist will performat the 8:30p.m. RichardGreene produotioa, rccreates her role, Clubhouse, l[ickm’y Corner LincoldCenter’sMiceTully tiati Alsofeatured are Arthur Sellers Road, off Route 130, in tlight, in NewYork City on Saturday, SaturdayMatinee at 2:30p.m. at ! RECYCLE as Snoopy, Jim Ricketts as stown. Professional dance in. Muy0, at a p,m, The recitalwill THIS CharlEs Brown, TommyGerard structlon (frce) will be offered include worksof Scriabine,Liszt | PeterCushing aa Linus and Marcia King as 0 p.m. Inon-members arc iu- NEWSPAPER and Shostakovitch. t Patty, vltedl. The pionist is a graduate of KIRBYARTS CENTER t LJ .,i i Juilliard Schoolof Musicwhere of the LawrencevilleSchool presents [ in he studied piano with daares Frlskiu and cofnposltion with VRtorlo Giannini. lie comploted *’A ca/on," doctoral studiesat Cohlmbio The "TALESFROM THE CRYPT" Universityand is currently 11~i] tist.tcachor at Vh’#ato termunt College. INCOLORPG Oallyal2,7&OP, M, HomeoJ Dr, Henryv,,u Dyke Piratesof Penzance or the Slaveof Duty ] PLMHOUSElo. Palmer Sq, 924.0tS0 1899. 1933 PRINCETON r COMMUNITY Cinema5 present§ PLAYERS ~’.,. ,~iir’ ACADEMY annotmco AUDITIONSfor Ticketson Salel ’~,,....J~Lf AWARD| GIraudoux’s MaCARTER BOX OFFICE PRINCETONY M C A /UIIVOOUlS(ly, ji~WINNER~ 4.50.3,6Q- 2.50 aeetForeign Filmily, ANTIQUES SHOW & SALE "THE MADWOMAN PHONE:921.8700 OF CHAILLOT" kL ’:~ ""~tt vEr’roalo,~:sl(:A’s Sat., May6th Sun., Ma~,7th LogCuhou, (llr, theGarden of I0 a,nl. in tO II.m. 12 UUu0I,)~/I,,nl, Sun,,April 30 ¯ theFinzl-C0ntlnis 40 OUTSTANDING DEALERS Thurs,,May 4 FOOD AND FLOWERS 9:30 p.m, Daily at 7 &9 PM,Matmsas Well , Sat,& StM, at 2 PM LIRIoThsatra. ANTIQUESDOOR PRIZE DRAWING- Sunday 5 p,m. Ulflt0rluuClltu ch _,i o,, N,,s,a ~f,~24 o2u .... ALL WELCOME_*_ t, fttfLettseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaeeeeeeoeeeeeeeeee~Jaeeeees p0NATION..~1.25 - Benefit YMCAYouth Sdtolarshjt~ Fund THURSDAY,APP, IL 27, 1972 PAGE THREE-B ~llllllllllllllllllllllllllaIIIIllllliiSllllllllllllllel~ i Art i Seminary Students Offer ----= - Four Theological Dramas i People i Princeton Seminarystudents be presented by John Masterson; _=-= will present a series of four Stephen Owen,Barbara Chaapel, p ~_ dramas May t-3, open to the Virginia Brockwayand other + arty, :- public, SpeechArts students. Callingall craftsmen,artists Kaj Munk’s "The Word" "Cry Dawnin Dark Babylon ("Ordet"), directed by Karl Philip Turner’s~’/~quel to his andhobbyists. You are invited Light, is scheduledfor Monday, "Christ in the Concrete City," to exhibit at the Art PeopleMay l, at 8 p.m. in the Campus will be enacted in the Campus Party, edition 2, on May6. CenterAuditorium. Center auditoriumat 8 p.m. the Registrationand information Tuesday, May2, will see two same day. productions. "Santa Claus," by maybe obtained from the The final presefitation, Edgar GreaterPrinceton Chamber of e.e. cummings, will be per- formedin Miller Chapel at 10 Lee Masters’ "Spoon River Com’merce,44 NassauSt. or a.m. The "modernmorality" will Anthology," is directed by ...... # : Fri.and Sat. Mites by calling 921-7676. Virginia Damon. The staged readingwill beginat 8 the 9 to 1 a.m. CampusCenter auditorium, May 3. Thedrama, set in a cemetery, is in free verse interspersedwith ballads. AcousticGuitarist MichaelKratzer NowThrough Tuesday May 2nd SeanConnery & Aparri School (formerlyat GoodTime Charlies) Jill St.John In DIAMONDS Open House ARE FOREVER (RATEDPG) I Evenings:7 &9 p.m. S.Main St., Cra~lburyN,J, Slated May1-5 Saturday:7 & 9 p.m. Tel. 395.0509 inthe Cocktail Sunday:4:30, 6:40 & 9 The "Aparri School of Dance CHILDREN’SMATINEE will ¯present its students in a | Loungeat SAT.& SUN., APRIL 29 &30 GrandRound of Ballet, May1-5 AT2 P.M. at its studio, 217Nassau St. PUF ’N STUFF Princeton (RATEDG) .75c FOREVERYONE Daily7 &9:10 There wiUbeopen classes with Sun.5, 7 &9:10 membersof the faculty teaching Wednesday,May3 Sat.& Sun. Matinee 2:00 TheGreatest Family the different grades of ballet, Entertainmentof All Time from beginners, age six and CECILB. DEMILLE’S seven, through advanced. The CRINGINGMAJOR-GENE RAL,played by LeeH. Bristol Jr., is bullied by Pirate King{GeorgeGray) in PRINCETON,N.J.,452-2500 Production advanced classes are madeup productionof "Piratesof Penzance."Gilbert & Sullivanclassie playsthis weekendat Lawrenceville THE TEN mostly of membersof the Aparri Ballet. Each class will dancea School’sKirby Arts Center. COMMANDMENTS different dance, somecomposed {RATEDG) by the students themselves, and Evenings:8 p.m. others choreographed by their Sat.& Sun. 1:30 & 8:30 p.m. ADMISSION:Under 12 yrs. 75c teachers. ’Pirates ( Penzance’ All others$2.00 qqy The audiences for these TheBritish are CominglWhen you mix rock, jazz, COMING: programswill consist mostly ef TheHot Rock in KenRussell~ Production of blues,soul & classical, you have MaryQueen of Scotts parents and friends ef the FrenchConnection students, but the Seheolis gladte Plays 7?@ Week,rod invite parents ef prospective MARK-ALMOND with JON MARK& JOHNNYALMOND students te attend, and in- WhenMajor-General Stanley Saturday matinee at 2:ao are cooperation with staffers, vitations fer these open classes students and ex-students of maybe obtained by telephoning huffily confronts Edward, the scheduledfor April 28 and29, and ALEXANDERHALL chicken-hearted Sergeant ef a special low-priced student Westminster Choir College, as the office of the Directorof the well as a supporting cast of THISSAT. APRIL 29. 8 P.M School, MileGibbons - 924-1822. Police, in the Princeton Gilbert previewplays on Thursday,April and Sullivan Association 27 at 8:30. Princeton singers of satirical Tickets:,’ 3.50& 2.50 The AparriBallet will danceat production of "The Pirates of In previous encounters Dr. song; and most of the Returningby PopularDemandl the Art People Party en Satur- Penzance"this Friday night and Bristol cringed as Kokebefore preparatory rehearsals take day, May 6, on Witherspoen scolds, "Yes, but yeudon’t got" the towering Mikado of Mr. place at the Playhouse of the Street. Thefaculty of the School it will be but one more staged Gallupin the initial Association College. VICTORBORGE has chosen twe dances, an ex- glare exchanged between two offering two years ago, and last Former students and now year the two confronted each professionalvoices in the current TUESDAY,MAY2 0 8:30 P.M. cerpt from one ef its most sue- familiar sets of impressive Stageseats only: $5.00 cessful ballets, "SnowWhite," eyebrows. other iu a springtime presen- Cast of "Pirates" include George and a new dance created this Dr. Lee H. Bristol Jr., playing tation of "Iolanthe." Grayas the Pirate King, Philip "TheBest Children’s Theatre in NewYork" --N.Y. Times year by Diane Coudray, ballet the impatient Stanley, and Fortunately,in private life the Rader as Frederick, and Mary mistress. It is called "Joy" and, George H. Gallup III, the twe prominentPrinceton citizens Kempas the beguiling younger though danced in straight reluctant policeman, have been do not glare so fiercely one upon daughter ot Major-General ThePaper Bag Players Stanley, Mabel.Lois Laverty, on classical style, is set to the glaring at each other en stage for the other. They serve quite ¯in twoperformances of"G ROUP SOUp" currently popularrock version of three years now.This is the third peaceably on the Board of the voice faculty ef the Choir T: ...... Bach’s music for the chorale and current offering of the local Directors ef the Gilbert and College,sings the role ef Ruth,a SAT.,MAY 6 at 11:00& 2:30P.M. AT ITS FINEST called "Jesu, Joy of Man’s organization, and its present Sullivan Association, mar- piratical maid-of-all-work. Twe Tickets:$3.00, 2.50 & 2.00 (all seatsreserved) Desiring." This dancewill also stand calls for four performances shalling policies andplanning to of the student body, Jill Meyer ClosingConcert: An Evening with be presented each day of the at the Kirby Arts Center of the expandand broadenthe pleasant and Calvin McClinton, sing I Grand Round. The performers Lawrenceville School. Two supportingroles. HIGHTST0WNCOUNTRY CLUBI~ tradition. are: Alice Dunn,Holly Graves, evening showingsat 8:30 and a The tradition includes close A large cast of Pirates, DAVEMASON EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY Grace Haronian, Anne Daughters of General Stanley, Kilbourne, Nannette Pallrand, SUNDAY,MAY 14o 8:00 P.M DOORSOPEN 8 PM and Policemen is made up of Maureen Peterson, Sarah Players Announce students andPrinceton residents. Tickets:$4.95,4.50, 3.50 & 2.50 DOOR PRIZES- SNACK BAR Rothrock, AmySpencer, and Tickets for all performancesmay Cynthia Wefts. be secured at the bex office ef ROUTE33, HIGHTSTOWN,N.J. ’Madwoman’Tryouts McCarterTheatre. MiddlesexSets The Princeton Communiiy presidents, brokers and other Players will hold auditions for somewhatshady characters. The "TheNude is theartist’s most challenging subject." Arts Festival their final production ef the script lists morethan 30 different ThePrinceton Gilbert & EDISON-- A full array of season, Giraudoux’s zany roles, including four madwomen, OrrenJack Turner has been teaching professional photographers how to plmtograph SullivanSociety presents: paintings, sculpture, graphics, comedy, "The Madwomanof a ragpicker,street singer, flower the humanfigure for over twentyyears. Lecturingto audiencesup to 750, in seller and a juggler! ceramics, weaving, and other Chaillot", en Sunday, April 30 California, Ontarioand Puerto Rico, he hasshown his studentshow to see,how to media as well as art and Thursday, May 4, at 8:30 For auditions, Mr. Cohenhas photography, theater, College p.m. in the Little Theatreef the announced that the principal understandand to expressthis fascinatingsubject. Chorus, College Instrumental Unitarian Church.As usual, try- sccees will be: Act I, openingto Ensemble, and modern dance outs are opento everyone. entrance of Countess;Countess, H.M.S.Pinafore Mr. Turner’spictorial s of the nudehave been published both in thiscountryand will be exhibited and demen- Lee Cohen, director fer Irma, Pierre; Countess Mud abroad.His seminars for the professionalhave been over-subscribed. strated at the Fine Arts Festival "Madwoman", has staged Ragpicker;Act II, Couptessand te be held on MiddlesexCeunty several plays for the Princeton Sewerman;Countess and other May3, 4, 6 &7 College campus, Sunday, April CommunityPlayers, the Pen- madwomen;and Countess and Classesfor the seriousstudent of photographywill shortlybe availablein this area 30, from2 to 6 p.m. ningten Players, and the Pierre, for the first time. Comprisingtwo sominarseach, classes will includelectures, Anyone interested in the TheFestival, whichwill also be Washington Crossing OpenAir demonstrations,critiques anda "worksession". Each class is limited te twelve Mats.& Eves. held from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Theatre, including "The "backstage" side of "Mad- ,,~ Monday,May 1 for the students, Hostage", "The Lady’s Net for woman" -- lighting, sound, students.$50,00 full tuition. Writefor information: faculty, andstaff ef the College, Burning", and "Spoon River prbperties, costumes,etc. -- is OrrenJack Turner, A.P.S., R.P,S. THESTUART SCHOOL ./. will be sponsored hy the Fine Anthology". As an actor, Mr. also u,’ged to attend on Sunday 63-65Princeton Avenue evening. STUARTROAD Arts Department. Manyof the Cohenhas appeared with all of Hopewell,New Jersey exhibits aud demonstrationswill the regional theatre groups, Rehearsals for "Madwoman" be held under a large yellow- including Theatre lntime and will get under way Muy8 -- as PRINCETON striped tent whichwill he erected Trenton’s Theatre in the Park. soon as the cast has been for the Festival. Manyof the assembled, Production dutes are "The Madwomanef Chaillot", June 9-11 and15-17, Adults$2,50 "- Studunls$ I,SU artists will be offering their art which BrooksAtkinsen referred ThePrinceton Ballet Society workfor sale. to as "rare gold, with no base AudreeEsteg D,rector Theatreparties WCICO01¢,’rickets oe sale at the Prhlcatoll meta", p ts the humbleund poor and U-Store(phoau 921-8500 est, 37, or call452-8753 I’soal %11 IIANGINGIIASKETS of Purls, led by the Madwoman, P.M,for furtherin fennafioa) DANCING TheGreater Trenton Symphony Orchestra against a group el financiers, present I Swingers omongthe Imnging EVERYSAT. & SUN,MITE basket plants fop sale at The I)I’,’(’OUI’A(W,SIIOW ’ I, IMiro rest p aloN--x Men.thru Thurs.7:15 & 9120 French Marketon Friday, April NOTTINGHAM FrL,& Sat. at 5:50,8 &10:10 28, will defray the expense of Arbor l)ay celebration wheoThe PENNINGTON-- The Artist 8endaya, 5:15,7:20 & 9:25 Shuck in Pennytown, She)ping BALLROOM Garden Clnb ef Prineetm~ MercurSt, HamiltonSqaare, N.J , 5thGIANT WEEK! presents tiny trees to Princeton’s Center,will holdits third annual COLUM01APICTURES Presents A 008PRODUCTION decoupageshow on Snturduy and TileLareo~t Ballroom ill tile E[ LC IIA first graders, ’rbore is free Sundny,April 211and il(I, hi the Withall BigBands )arking duringI~mrket hours, B- State I)opet ltesturant, llours are CompleteBallet Jr1 Three Acts It adn, bos¢e tie vest pocket Sat, SetnMaze 12+11p,nl, Sutnrdayand 1-5 p,m, Sun,Eddie Sbaw - park at Mercer end Stocktoo Sunday, A Companyof 50 Dancers- 45 Musicians Streets, i Rest,:~qe(:tby OPENINGNEXT WEEK hlloFredericodltof1¢illy fdlll,Franklin~LISi)~et lut ~l [heNalnon,11 Oallel(~inil~Iny #, tLlht) uilll dd/l( ed~ !IUI!SI o+lPJ SHOW at Sunday,May 1,4, 3,,ooand 7,.oo PM TheatreIntime W~rMernorial Building, lienton

GEORGEBERNARD SHAW’S RESERVE+, SENS NOW PRICES: S,:~d,; cukand s ~1 a it ’sSci s ,1 g¢d t, vdo,,,.~ ~fmrl, Olch,$5, $4, $3, Bdc$5, $4, $~, $1 mllhtills lomlIt)ralGt e, dl¢,l holloa Sym)ha/y ()rch~ slr,s Rta)m8~i, If e[Iti llt)~lBudclqn! t, lienlotkNI o86,8 Lvmm~;Orch, SB, $6, $4; [k~lc, $8, $5, $3 THE PHILANDERER D,~k’ No ll&H’, PIKeOld! B&lutd May4, 5, 6.11,12, 13 ;;i,VT~;i...... B!!+!£......

8:30p.m. ()! ~all6o~ ’ ~),~ : tl tr tlu~;lu4’? )1.., M,!nIn, 9 alnto ,i 30i)nl FOR RESERVATIONSCALL 600.452.8181 !ak¢Is ~II~ ~lva~lo(+k’ ~tPI lilt elOlUII~ViS SRy5101 i ...... ,*,. it u t PAGE FOUR-B THURSDAY,APRIL 27, 1972 Hospital Offers Remedial Craftsmen To Be Featured Reading, Learning Program A six-week remedial workshop week basis at the MerwickUnit program dealing with reading on Bayard Lane, At YMCAAntiques Show and learning problems will be The teaching programwill deal Craftsmendemonstrating their offered this summer by the with disorders ranging from the variousskills andhobbles will bc Princeton Medical Center from reading readiness stage to ad- a specialfeature of thethird ,hme26-Aug. 4. vanced reading skills and will annual YMCAAntiques Showto Planned for all ages and all includespeed reading and study be held Saturday and Sunday, reading levels, the group skills. May6 and 7, at the YMCA. workshopsessions will he held Directedby Mrs. Kathleen Handcraftsto be showninclude dally for one hour on a five-day Mosbey,reading therapist, the restoring antique furniture, sessionswill be comprehensive caning and rushing chairs, rug ’CommunityAffairs’ and total in content, involving hooking, handwoventapestries, howto learn through listening, decoupageand role work. Thefifth in a statewideseries speaking, reading and writing. On Saturday, Frank Clark, of information conferences Parents interested in obtaining executive director of the YMCA, sponsored by the NewJersey additional information on the will demonstrate his hobby of Department of CommunityAf- ’workshopcan contactthe baking bread, and 10-year old fairs for local governmentand Medical Center’s communication Bruce Abrahams of Princeton communityofficials will be held disorders section office at 921- Will showhow to churn butter. Thursday,April 2% at the 7709,ext. 226and 227. Of special interest will be an CommunityPark Schoolin exhibit on Sunday by Karl Princeton. Gunsscr,well-known furniture The conferences, initiated Lobbyists To Go March23, are being held in nine restorer of Titusville. Mr, To Washington Gunsserwill answerquestions on locations throughout the state. furniture restoration. Hepoints The Princeton meeting, which The Princeton University out that "antiques should be beginsat 7 p.m., will be attended based anti-war lobbying May Gala Planned At Stuart restored and not refinished." Mr, by officials from Mercer and movementhas scheduleda trip to Gunsser, whohas restored many SomersetCounties. Washington,D.C.,Thursday~April Plans for the fifth annual Country Day School are well last week at the home of Co- priceless pieces, will bring 27 to meet with NewJersey spring benefit for the Stuart underway, The committee met Chairman Mrs. Dudley A. several examplesof his workand legislators. Designedspecifically Eppel, Cherry Valley Road, will discuss lgth century woods fo gather support for the Gravel- whenit was announcedthat the and veneers, and howto use Drinanbill, the day will include feature this year will be an art removers,varnishes and fillers. meetings with Senator Case and exhibition of the works of Mr. Gunsser has lecfured at the CongressmanFrelinghuysen. Nelson Shanks, a New Hope Adult Schools in Princeton and A bus will leave Dillon Gymat resident and one of this Ewing and at YMCAcourses. g a.m. andwill leave Washington country’s most exciting On Saturday, Mrs. Madeline at~ p.m. toreturn toPrinceton at painters. Pictured, from left, l-lutehinson will hook Colonial 9:30p.m. The round-trip fare is are three of the Committee patterned rugs, while Mrs. John $3.Anyone interested in par- chairmanof the May2o event: Houghton of Hun Road, will ticipatingmay make reser- Mrs. Landon Peters (in- display and demonstrate vations by calling Abbie vitations), Mrs, JamesEhler decoupage. Rubenfeldat 452-771!.. (treasurer)and Mrs.George On both days of the show Carmodyfrefreshmenta). The Raymond Arrowsmith of RECYCLE Honorablewiniam T. Cahill Lawrencevillewill cane and rush andMrs. Cahill are honorary SCRIMSHAW THIS chairs. chairmenof theStuart Garden The skill of RugTapestry will NEWSPAPER Party,along with President Theancient art of Scrimshaw be demonstratedby Ria DeWaist RESTORATIONEXPERT Karl Gunnserwill demonstratehis craft andMrs. Robert F. Goheen. a senior at Stuart School.Miss De at PrincetonYMCA Antiques Show and Sale on May6 and7. is nowavailable in Pins, Weist, a pupil of Mrs. Ann Earrings, Pendants,Cuff WisemerDenzer nowof Boston, Links, Broachesand other STAND Temple Dances has made Rug Tapestry her show. Top-quality exhibits will and hundreds of other items. formsof Jewelry, To Benefit Fund seniorproject and will include include " ~larly American, Show hoursonSatm’daywillhe TALLER severalof her fifthgrade English, and Frenchlgth century 1Oa.m. to 10 p.m. andon Sunday ’Exclusive’Authorized studentsin thedemonstration. furnitures as well as fine par- from noon to 0 p.m. Refresh- For Bangladesh ments and luncheon will be Agentfor Men’s Fortydealers from New York, celains, prints, glassware, New Jersey,Pennsylvania and pewters, jewelry, early toys and served. Admissionis $1.25. There ELEVATORS@Shoes Templedances of India will be jo/l J[b, performed at Princeton Delawarewill exhibit at the dolls, primitives and paintings will be door prizes. - -- lu Ol in CentraiN.J. Universityon Thursday,April 27 ~,.. ,. ManyStylesto choose from. ttJ-U Callor write for free catalogue, in an Alexander Hall program which will raise moneyfor the Hollow Road Emergency Relief Fund for AVINTHAL’$ Bangladesh. ~M Rajika Purl, nowof NewYork Clean-Up ~ At/ NORMAL& ORTHOPEDIC AUCTIONCOMMITTEE members Mrs. RobertC. Kuser, left, and City, whohas spent a lifetime SHOES$!NCE1898 Mrs, ThomasW, Eglin practice whatthey preach:check thewhole studyingthe dancesof her native Rt. 31 SoClinton & ChestnutAyes. housefor unusedtreasures and donatethem to the Princeton land, will present the recital of Set For 29th Pennytown Trenton- 392-2643 HospitalFete Auction, classical dances, featuring Censer vation-oriented groups ShoppingVillage and Bharata Natyam, the classical nnd individuals are being sought Bythe ’StageDepot’ 2661Main St, (Rt. 206) temple dance of Madras, and to workin a citizens’ clean-upof Lavt’¢enceville- eg6-15QO "’ 466-1221 Odissi, the classical formof the Hollow Road and nearby Rock Fete’s Committee temples of Orissa. Brook in MontgomeryTownship. The 7’.30 p.m. program,which The clean-up is scheduled for will be introduced by Chapel Saturday, april 2g at 9:30 a.m. Dean Ernest Gordon, is spon- Vo/unteers maymeet with/seal Seeks Auctionablessoredby the UniversityChapel. h organizersat the intersection of Mrs. ThomasIf. Paine and donations, and should be calling free-willoffering will be takenat CampMeeting and Hollow Roads Mrs, James C. Stretch, co- back this weekto pick up small the door. The program will be at 9:30 a.m. on the 2gth. Mon- chairmen of the Princeton items,’rheyqlarrangelorlarger precededby a rice dinner In the tgomeryTownship will provide a l lospital FeteAuction report that ones to he carted off by truck." cou;’tyardof Murray- DodgeHall truck to cart off the debris which the "pickings are good"for this What’sin hand? at 6 p.m., wherecontributions of includes ordinary litter andsuch Azaleas39’ & up/~ year’sedition. Mrs. Paine says the smaller $1 or morealso will be sought. items as abandoned autos, TopSoil 50 Ib, $1,39 "People have been scouring choicer things defin tely support plumbingand refrigerafors. V (1¢( their attics and basementsearly The clean-up’operation will the claimthat the Fete auctionis BoychoirFinishes focus on the one or two worst Peatmossi Insecticides¯ Fertilizers i Mulches"~ this year," says Mrs. Paine. for serious collectors. areas of littering along fhe road I~ewJersey Greenhouse Tomatoes "Some of them have already "We have some Royal Derby and brook. Volunteers are c~ given us lovely things. Also, china, fhreeMorelandetchings,a Concert Tour people who arc moving have reminded to wear protective pair of antique brass andirons, a The Columbus Boychoir clothing and heavy gloves. " sorted out their belongings,and pair of gorgeous vermeil can- recently completedits winter- ,,. Nusery and /ETERSONSGarden Market , the auctionis the richer for it." dlesticks and a perfectly spring concert tour whichcarried "We have captains and exquisite framedpetit point done it throughl~, states andCanada. ~\\~" LawrenceRoad, Rt. 206, BetweenPrinceton & Trenton in lg20." Sterling silver serving OpenEvery Day Including Sunday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. solicitors in every neigh- Appearances at Walt Disney borhood," Mrs. Stretch points pieces are in good supply and World, and Toronfo’s Massey Open out."They’sedistributadprnited some small pieces of export Hall were the highlights of the sheets asking for auction china are .sure to be bid up, up, tour. up. Betweennow and the end of the According to Mrs, Stretch, season, the Boychoir will be He US e there’s a great selection of fur- performing before tile Cantors Compare"Mot Wood before you buy any pool. niture, a t~ Oldsmobilein good Assembly of America at running order - and even a Grossingers; performing with At Home Wegive you price, reputation plus an unbeatable portable whirlpoolbath, fhe HarrisburgChoral Society in They’re still eager for more, Harrishurg, Pa.; and presenting The Advisory Committeefor more, more antiques, china, a concerl: for the Ohio Chamber Black Adoptionswill hold Open "0 Guarantee-Warrantee. poccelaiu, silver, furniture, af Commercein Washington, llouse Snndayon April 30, h’om3 sports equipment-- right up to D.C. fo ,5 the Children’sHome the big day, June tO, Applicationsfor’ the Boychoir Flags To Open Dog Show Society of NewJersey located at "For a preview of someof the All IndoorDisplay Stunmer Programarc nowbeing o29 Purkside Ave., Trenton. treasures, cheek the windowof accepted, and information may lleidre’s Benovav Machen-eight flags which will be posted Therewilt boafilm presentation the Shutterbugon PalmerSquare be obtained by calling g24.5a,% dane,a fourmonth old Great May 7 at the Trenton Kennel related tothe adoption study ShopAny Weather next week," advises Mrs, Paine, between8:3O n,m, :rod 4:40 p.m, Danepuppy, guards someof the Club’s Dog Show’s opening whichWUS prepercd by Ch:Inncl i Ill I iiii i iiiiii cecemoniesat 7:45 a,m. rain or 52 for brosdcastinghlat shine, With the dog pt the New Thanksgiving; tours of fbe INGROUNDPOOLS Jersey Washington Crossing Society building, and tin op- I Stutn Park Flag Museumare Pracislonengineered steal wall pools, made I THE BRYN MAWRCLUB portunity to discuss nnd ask underrigid qualily aontrol prooeduros, tenures I ,lhnnty Mazeof Cnb Scout Pack questionsof staff undcommittees 177fi nnd Karen Krisanda of yearsof utlsfaetion,Thls pool eamaswith | Cl~detteGirl Scout Troop 605. All members.Refreshments will lie manydaluxo fasniras at popularprlges, I served. IAva0ablaimtslled or asa kit, OF PRINCETON of the flags have htsto,’tcal . | significance,nttd will helpring in a day of sllownulnahip, judging Vassar Club GRATEFULLYAND WARMLY nnd ribbon awards at the park, ThoTrenton show’s entry list of ~’~" ~~’~ ..... Oe,o.;ran,u,,o,,,,,,,;oo,...a.s,vu,,cLori,L.I 4,180tioga sots a nowroeord for a To Meet Students 20gtiege winterizud llnar, Lockh’ame8 cOnStruclton, I, ontdoor dog showin the The Vassar Club Of Ccntrnl Gat’~anlzuduntl bent)aftled, I THANKS UnitedStates, breaking one set NewJol’s0y is sponsoring a lfi’x48" 18’xdg" 24’xd0’ I over 30 years ago, The enh’ios mootingfor lU’OSpeetive students L closed with 1,21~3in the working on Wednesday,May’,l, ot 4 p,m, On,vi3lll] groop,g2g Ill sporting,all In non. at Stuart Country DaySchool, OnJ175O,d229 DONORS, PATRONS AND spurting, 032 In houuds,325 Ill S0)holnornsand jnnlors in tho Sosour Newmsintonsncs frse all alum. lnrrlerstlnd 3115ill ioya,Fourteen arenwho iu’o Intorostcd In nt. spcchilty elubgand seVCli sntl. fondhigVussar ure woloOltiO,lis Immrpools. Largotalectlon of sizes anti ioi’thig dubawill furlhnr addla are lhnh’ gulttuncn ouunso[ors prlcos, Chomlcslprogranl far ohovosnd the iriidltlonlll bhioand gold rhig TWOVn,~sgr ilndergraduules In groundpools, Special pro.ssoson prlcol, THE PRINCETON PACKET nxcilclnontIn’eshltttl overby ,Ill will bosionkhig ulid aliSWel’hig illdgos, Illieatm’m. For furthor in. formatloii,lllcaae oull Mrs,F, II, WONDERFULWORLDOF POOLS FOR Allllliiil Glvhlglilts Dyeknlautil IgoglIJ7t.51113, $3,8 Million TOCONIqgll tin (;llllJIItEN 1 rincohmUniversity g nlunnn THE MOST SUCCESSFUL I’:AST IIRUNSWlCII ,, A fund hn8~ot 11 IIOWlill.tlnio omlferonce na "Ch([dron In i’llcerd nl 1:1,11million ralsod ily 8part~huf (Jhlhliiood"will hn tim 1,500 voluntnerg across lho Cornwo! NewYork and Olden Av~, el graiwsy,Tnnltoe, Tnesdiiy,May 2, ill tho Ill i idn eUUlilry,This Olliuunl Ig l,lli0,000 h)il Irnlii II n,ni,lo I p.ili, it II~nk Flnandno.All MajorCrodit Cords BOOKSALE EVER! llhOve last yelil’ql total und Spolilturedhy tlio ilowly,for od Open:W0ekdws 0.5:30 z Sat, 0.6 131ig000 lnore Ihllli tlio provlouaCttlzgnsCniiiiiiltk~0 hlr I}lllltli’oli 394.5295 i[ I I I I I Illll hlg1 of ttl& ndlluii hi lllilll.ll~, 0f NoWJorsoy, rMe PRaNCE’tONP cxEr "Seven For Centra J J ersey" 2 NEWS ThoI,awronco Ledgor ,~’~ 7h,~ CEm’~LPOSt ¯ ~o ~ ~~ ~ ¯ ¯ + TheManville News

ClassifiedRates Bus Opportunities HelpWanted HelpWanted HelpWanted HelpWanted HelpWanted HelpWanted

All Classified. ,~dvertisingn ap- FASTFOOD ORIENTED. , The I CLERKSTENOGRAPRER-must NURSE WANTED~ - RN or LPN ALLOFFICESKILLS ELEC’2RONICS REALESTATE CAREER- Want INDEPENDENT PRIVATE ., pears,m ~wsp~qrs seller moved the¯shell m a fast have skills in typing & ll PM-7 AMFri & Sat or Sat & ...... TECHNICIANS to be your own boss? Join a SCHOOLhas openings for full - ~clreutatlon z,i,,~onh zne l-’rm- IOOUrestaurant to mls ttt, t;~u steno-ranh. Salar,, mbO4nGo-a ~,,- hit- ~vn..i...o m,,.:o..,t vvuut, t,~t~: time &part-time teachingin 5th ~onn Packeti,~:he Central ~s~ location and ob!a,ne_d necessar~ benefits, ~all Dana A. Miller I day shift, For interview contact .... Wehave openings for Jr &SrforWinningthe teamfuture.and setLicensedYour goalSor grade mathematics physical variance an~ DuuQmg..permit Tswp.Mgr, at 448-2006or write l administrator Sunnyfield Nursing ~.-,~ ~;Is...a~es,’ ..... i~a~,~,~g~.~’}’.,~,~’~e...... = -, Fran!~iin-- N’ew’s~ .,-, oonus Lot services. . electronic, technxcians. whocan unlicensed, phone EdwinHall, education kindergarten& inusic. aider a long ugm. wKn city . nan, E ’W,T P ...... 0 Box 276 E Windso r ,I Hpine, n.1 M=vlewoo... ,-1 Ave,, . ann work with a m,nimumof super- Karl Weidel Inc 921-2700for a P ease send resumeto box 1960 Reco’d i Soath So ersem tNews and Unfortunatelyb~s battle wtb city N J 08520 Cranbury.395-0641., referras of. fr, ends. ¯ wsmn. . & constructln debuggm, Manville¯ ’ News. Ads may be hall took so long he ran out of,I ’ ’ , A-1 Regmtratlon pal once. h~o.,~’o.rds.qan~ confidental nterview, e/o Princeton Packet, . A-1train free if sk l~s rusty ~n~d ....,o~t’.o..b ...... ma ed in or telenhoned Dead ne cap tel So hm loss maybe your ~ ~ ’ -,.totA~,.e -,,- i ~ - for new ads is 5" n m Mondaysif gain. Hair aeer lot with’ shell of INSURANCE SECRETARYto A- 1 Se r vi ca tral’n ed counselors. building, central aircondit!oning A-t derful world awaits you, MECHANIC. 5 days salary Lheyare to be properiyclassified, I completehealth claim formsand Jr technician applicants should based on experience, ApplyMalek ^A~, ~;..a .. ,r.~o,~o. ~.o~..o eqmpmentann outside ugnting REPORTWRITER I do minimalcashier work needed have 2 rs technical shootin or SUMMERRECREATION eq.uipmentallincludedmasklng Marketing research organization by multi specialty medical Joinnow:nofeetoyou, Chevrolet, 8,5 E. Bro,~d"St., noonl~l~’a::earas,’?,l~oo~La’~e~o cquivaI~texperienee, g PROGRAM-inWest Windsor- ttopewell, N. J, 0 supervisors,college or older, July 6-Aug.If, 9:30 - 1I:30 a.m. Call PART-TIME.Drug& cosmetic - + - , . , 799-0217.Plainsbor° needs playground ~ii~:~! ~!@ii!ii O~E;pf;R°j~R IE$ ! ~ce ~eYiill ~ne~i~ ~°i!~ 2! nls! clerk, days must have drivers license. Call for appt. 448-8678. ~ii£ prl~0 ). Ric.hard’r. Zeno, P. O. B~411, the th rd nsert on s FREE 82 NassauSt. Princeton Weoffer good, pay, exeellen! ,,:~ m ~,.c~ ~w ~ersey uaa,tu, benefits and regular reviews, uau ’I’h-.~-r+ei¢.~,~-,~.~. ,:.=7~,~h..... n c ..... ~.~u~i .(~ c., i =.t-o,~u0. 924-9200 TEACHER-Certified Nursery , Leon Szmauz (609) 452-2111 forCall WANTED 448-4900. Ext.mature 50. bookkeeper, I CABINETMAKER - Small cremelst...... of ~ four..... I nes* 50 cents per ~ ...... Schoo.!;_ .Dutch Neck Coo,p app,t custom shop needs experienced week and the same thereafter ~ rre~y~urlan ~ursery ~cnaol is cabinet maker and apprentice. a,~o~,, h~a~o~ ,,~,~ ,,mh ,,,w+,~ ~ seeking’ quahfled ’’ personnel for the ------’-’------rmeetonP’ App led1’ Resea rch -- ~ Work interesting and diversified. s-a-e ~ar-~ .... ~]-r -’~ai+i--~l ~ Sept, 72 classes. Call J, Wearers MALECOMPANION for elderly EqualOpportumtyEmploy Excellent opportunity for right ¯ " appo ntment 799-0437 get emann Pr neeton Lve n or ARCHITECT:Devree in ar-{men’ Sma/l pleasant shop. C-all capltaI letters at $3,50 per Inch. ~ MA [ NTENANCEMECHANIC - I ’ ’ ’ ’ Specialdiscount rate of $3.00 per ~ Some packaging machinery ex- out~,,,;;o Wo,t,d,,~ ’k"",t,~,~o~’~,’~ ,-,,,11’ a+~""’" aaa,~ ..... chitectureorandcn~neerin~.with8609-466-0787, inch is available to advertisers perience. Light plumbng and I ~ ..... w,.~s +~- ..... yrs. experience in the field of] running the same classified HAVE YOUR OWN I~USINESS [ electrical. Good future with a new [ ~n ~ ~ architecture includin~ design & [,~~ display ad for 13 consecutive -- u~t~ -t,x= o. p,,, -,.~=, .~p- _ preparation of drawingsaner- , ~ I P.r~or,Jr~omur~. rmur",u ,,,..,.... ; ...... ,~;~ .... + investmen~~ un,~r~. + ~*"0..... I ome~ano" [company~ v~hn Pennington Industries nears weekly AbS’T COLLECTIONMANAGER YOUNG MANUFACTURING . . and nspeetlon, of con- "for prwate home.Excellent pay. " I proximately12 ’ e,assl.le~=~’~’~’~lsp,ay°~=°a.s ~*,o~.,l.s + "~1~’~2"’P°tent°="al:""’$1000.per month, Call , w+-...-.... , early afternoons, mustbeexper eared ’na ohases COMPANY . seeking struetion projects and knowledgePlease call Charles Brown,921- or more inches her month and .,-o~-.,~.o. 1 [ of collection, Some "travel managementpersonnel full or of land use projects, Scouting[8790between 9 a.m,- 6 p.m, whoarranvetob~bflledmo~thlv ~ I / Preferably mature person with necessary Exee lent starting part t, me, High ncomepotenta experience helofuL Send resum~l Box numbersare+S100 ¯ extra "’ BUSINESSOPPORTUNITY - FILING CLERK-Multi Specialty some office experience, salarywith fullcompanybenef ts: poss ble Deta s by appo ntment to’, Boy Scouts of America Rt. lSWITCRBOARDOPERATOR ’ PhoneMr, J, P, Robertson 924. only. Call 689-448-0859. Wouldyou like ~ htmin~nr v.uv ministrativeelerk[Medical Group requires an ad- 1, Nb~:tbBrunswick, N. J, 08902.days 8-5 or nights 11-7 permanent TERMS’¯85centsbillinacbargeif ~ ownY’ou don’tneed"a’~+of~’~-~7~,] forirs medina Contact Princeton Housing 2752. part or full time. Small growing ad is not paidfor within- 1O~’ays start,’ Beginat home,full or" .....part [rec ords de~, Part-time.’ n,ghts &/ Authorxty,’ 50 ClayStreet, 924-a448,[ aaturuay uuues reqmre goou "" ~ [Nassau St. office. 924-2040, after expiration of ad. lOper cent time. Ideal for husbandand wife [ ...... :. , ¯ ’. [ ~ [ ~ ~ ASSISTANT - Bookkeeper 1 cashdiscountonelassifieddisplay team¯ Call 609-4S6.2417 ium No[SKIllS g ann...... a pmasant per " IRELIABLE - and thorough { ...... knowledgeof cash disbursement,l obligation. No information over/S°nanty ’ bmerat salary, incase /housecleaner for 1 da a wee+k, r,~RT TIMEMare -’q hours a SALESOPPORTUNITY - -d¢ - f’ol~ow’]ng+Vm’On~,Sltuahons telephone¯ Let’s have coffee and [~el~ph°nelMrSmWO~lwt~924"9300, ~Owntransp. CallafterYp.m. a48 /da~: Must have transportation. Guaranteed salary¯ Com.’chase book,Benefits. & bank Apply rceon-/ Mach[PARTTIME ASSISTANT Office Wanted ads are payable with talk. [ , ," P. , [4495. t prehensive 3 year training Lamber Inc. Main St. Windsor.[Mgr.-Mustbegoodatfiguresand order. The newspaper is not ~ [ | ...... I,an2ul-329"4555. program. Opportunity for ...... " ...... [typing. Knowledgeof accounts responsible for errors not ...... unlimited earnings. College or~u~~aLoc+ netween l~ew / /__ ~ |receivable and payroll, Contact corrected by the advertiser im- ~ ..... ~CLERK-TYPIST-fulltime Call [ HOUSEKEEPERto " do I ’ght --m-, t educat’o ~ n preferred but not |Mrs. G.201-329-2341betweenl&5 mediately following the first ~run, sw~eK & rrince°on’[~oa,.an"’’’~ ;r i.+~.~,~ ’ [work once a week. Call 448-0303 e+,,u,~ ]mandatory Contact Mr Colville COMPANIONTO WOMANAT[p m nuhliontlnnnf fh~ nd ~staolisned business of 3 years / ...... ~’ between9-5 i affor g n ~ ¢9o1~"~at .:~=~ ’ HOMEMust be cultured, good[ ’ ’ ~’ AVONREPRESENTATIVES I ...... v ...... - ..... ~- ...... I Highyearly gross, Priced right. [ conversationalist, light duties,[ mt~+nr~ n~,wwm~. Th,~ A lequpmentlikenew ~ 6stations | ~ ~ EARN extra cash for spring -- pleasant surroundings & meals.[ ...... 9 dryers. Further ’ details’ fly]BOOKKEEPER,: wtth .NCR ...... Princeton Packet, 300 Wither- decoratinfibne,w clothes;s+umm, e.r MANTO DO GRASSCutting & Good salary. Hrs 2:30-i0:30~,UAI~D~ pro.| ...... lawn worK.Callweekdays after 6 Cal Mrs BIundellat f2011 249-1100[ , . _’.Unltorms . . IUrnlsne~ snoon St Pr nceton N,J. 08849 personm appearance omy. Forlaccounting machine experience ...... ~n~+~un~sel~ln~Ona,Jt~=,,+~- ~rel’ 809-’924-3244’The Central appointment call realtor, N.J, [desired. Excellent salary and "our f e’ ho g, p rouctsln ]p.m. (609 921-8294 or (201 526- ior particulars.’ /worx m rrlneeton-hawreneeviue Pos’t "Building 3530 Room202 twannl, 201-297-2515. [fringe nenetits 921-7100ext 25 Earn’ ra extmoney snowing.... me Y ’ e urs. t~au: ouz-aozn. ~9076. 3530.... (Route 27} Kendall Park~ N ~ , ~ ~fabuous ,, Mink Oil Kosmetics ¯ ~ J 08824Tel’ 201-297-3484’’ Wind- ’ , t ~xcellent earnings free t a ning [Area,For appt. call 201-329-6021. ¢,:., m,i~+~u,~,,n~ ;an~,,dh~t~;,’~ ] STOREFOR RENT formerly a,]ShLE LS AD Y - Preferably ex- Koseot’ gosmetics’ 201-358-5445’ ’ DENTAL ASSISTANT - Or- ~"-’~.~’~’c~,?’=’"~r’}~’~’~’%’:}’. groeeryanddelieatos’san.Area 15[perieneed. Full time position in after 4 nm week’davs anytime lbodonic office experienced. ~ ’ ’"~ 16 OWn C " ~09 448’3~05’’T’l~e u’ ~awi’encex 30’. Call 725-7931. ’ /fine specialty shop. Call 882-7873.weekends’. ’ liightstownarea. Call 448-6800, NOSELLING., , KEEPYOUR PRESENT JOBt ~ __ W A N v E h Leduer, 2978’Brunswick0 Pike (Rt, C~ / ~ " " WHOLESALEDISTRIBUTOR WANTED 1) ’IVrenton08648Tel 609496-§100 CT 0 S - Bad debts our[ DE ...... TheSoutnSomerset l’~ews apers ’ 3, 3 ’ ’ ’[CLIPPI WAPalNer TED Sq~] ua ~,ll~ri~ce~ema ...... ’ ...... v,,,,...... 2~O~°UthlM~)t~SLll~e’ N’J’’ ~ll/le~’TN~hTaSr, g~: JUNC NhGomNeE~Sof0~o ~4! !~e°~)°sUtliN:~U~deZsY’~D~ge~t.l~°~ :~n:ossM~:ni:2Oa0~iOt~Yre ...... ¯ ~5-~ ,paperax %oY~hUI; ~o~~mall ,all,tul,Onal a~¢uunls lhedlstr,bulor ~esele¢l ~iPI be I~S ~,$1bU I0,I1~ ,ill, ’ ’ 2305, Princeton, N. J. 452-9135. |possible. Noexperience. Send 1802. i)24-9138, a u p, P ~heseIo¢~llon~ a~dre,tucking i~ventofy fdllocations areestabflshed bout corn an w d a .... [stamped addressed envelope. ~ ~ helpful, dependabled,st@uto+,M[ee,~e,nale ,nIh,s ~le] wllh $900 O0flllfi, ffl~ IO ,nve~lin equlpnle~l a~dm~e,lotlnh,d~:~ntu,no~e,o~a,wal,mes,,onlhlliat~mg$¢anU0wloStbO0~annuall CLERK-TYPIST- If you live in SECRETARYto w~,,,~- in ~ a~du~we m~l con~,d~, ~+rtt.~e ~ppl,ca~l~ Wr,te~or ¢o~ lele ,n~o~mahon m¢lud~.gphone IF YOULIKE PEOPLEand can [AmeBox31-LeMars, IowablO3l¯ Kendall Park and are a good s ...... All Classified area cedes spare a couple of evenings per [ ~, ’ ’ ’ "eientific/comnuter ,’rout" ~ ,.,. o...... a ...... are 609 unless specified, week aod part of Saturday, ~ou.[ ...... ’, Da,,~a;;~?5~8. .... lY~t,~vo~Yn°tnCp21:0oli3~;~l’i3n33f°~,’ Typing, ke+’yRuuc~hin~ .::. can earn. $500-$1000 a month vor [~,,O,~,,CM~, &t’c+a ~, ...... ’E~...... g _ documentation fl ng recep- Y" " ’ CONSOLIDATEDCHEMICAL’CORPOKATION an evemnginterview call Mr. [~’~t~Rr"r’ mb~,~r~ slat)aural worK, 37-1./2 !lr. wK. tionist 5"ears ex,,erience A~I- Eve.-(215)345-7862 r¢~ezeOaedPt~u¢llDIvillon.... Fsher 924-3443after 5:30 .m wttn pale hospitalization t’~’i~l~’I~,F°rrestal. ~ - . ~’~a , 381SMontroseelvd..S~lte120Houtton,Texa= 77006 P ’ burbanMereerCo.(~i ~ u eo ulCorporatlon. eu ~or a Pleasant workng conditons in ~GaryC0bba ~ andaskforMr.L.Ily [M/ustbe full ex~erignced&l y pc" smalloffice. Camnus(609)452-6558p ’- , [know edgeable of IBMsystems 3 /model6 &ll0. Excellent starting i [salar~ with fully company benefits. Send resume in own handwriting to Box 1987, c/o Princeton Packet. EXCEPTIONALWORK OPPORTUNITIES JOBOPPORTUNITIES Male& Female skilled& unskilled SomersetValley Industrial Campus nofee char9ed NewJersey State ThePrinceton Packet Newspapo~s SouthSomerse, Newspapers Training&E mpioymentSee’vice andOffice Center... 300WitSerspoon St., Ptinecton E O. Box146,Somerv~lle.N.L 924-3244 (201)725.3355 RuralManpower Service Route33 &Route 130 al Wood, CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING FORM sideRoad. Robbinsville, N,J,

is addin0 newnationally known trends to its Campusona continuingbasis. Thissudden increase in the businesstempo has createdopportunities in the hundredsfor personswho wish to workfor the nation’sfinest companiesin a healtyattractive suburbanatmosphere...... , ...... ,.,. TWX 20 NassauSt, Room305 SomersetValley is locatedon a fine interstateand local roadsystem, making it a pleasureand a convenientdrive to and OPERATOR 921-6805 iiiilrll i fromthe complex. Recreationalfacilities are available,for useby the employees,including a softball field, tenniscourt, basketball court and ...... , ...... , .... ,,, ...... TELEPHONE EXECUTIVE decktennis. I ntercompanysports activities are programmedby the CampusManagement Association, OPERATOR All tenantsare equalopportunity employers. 4 LINF,S. I INSERI’ION...... $3.00 RECEPTIONIST (3 Io,~’rttens- le) challges)...... $4.50 Weare lookingfor 2 qualified (WhenPaid ie Advance) Noexperience iS necessary.Training programs sre a part of employmeut. I f billedadd ,25 people to help staff the Weare lacking lot unoxeeulivo communicationsdep,, of our tocep,ioni$Ifor oor newworld* rec0ntly completedworldwide wideeorl,)eralO hea(lquarlers CLASSIFICATION...... corporate headquartersin Lowraneeville,Our receptionisl Lawreneovilln. will ineeland groef intemetiorlal ; dignitaries,governn]eut officiels * Goodstarting salaries ¯ Roomforadvancement NAME...... andE, R, Squibboxeeuliees flora Our[nternul communications IheU,8. III)(I ovor~ea~, ¯ ¯ Newpleasant, welllighled buildings dept, is in needof a t01aphona LiberalVacalion, holiday &benefit plans AIII)RESS...... operatorwifh 1 to 3 Vearsexper, lenc0on Cantrax equipm0nl, This TAprighl Olll)lk:llnt faustbe WslontIs th0 lelasl in rflo(e!’n con pohod,W,,II sl,eken, Uln~ ...... Immediateopenings exist in IheIollowinl da.iticatione: i rnunicalJonde~igo, thacharul Ihal ¢omos wilhI i}xllett+ "l’l~tF.S...... PAID...... (?I/ARGE...... tiv0teCQDflOIl[~l O~l)erlllllCe, Ill OUr luOdolntObhV, tile rtt¢Ol)lionIM * AccounlingGlerks oBilling Olerks * Bookkeepers Woaho tulva eoad ol a TWXopar’a, IhachauH0ur~antlt;h°¢khl0uirli+’qw,t.o,o,,,o,,.~,~e ~...... ,.,d.,.,. tot, Wo0ra IOOkill0 fora ’pro’with * GlerkTypists * GeneralDuty Clerks * GirlFriday t Io 3 yaa~expafioneu with TWX Utickat~,oin ~. additkmi~. s,~,.~,, ~l) a!j~eotins ...... plu~fha neca~arVtypin 0 ~kllh, ¯ KoypunchOperahrs * P.B,X.Operalors * I~eceplionish SolnoeXDOSO[O LO[a|ornaliolla] ~orporalt~headqLllll nits, telexht p~eferrad, . Secretaries oStonographera . Typists

Oall0r vlsil Mrs, Panolllere hrinlerviow olappll~atlon. Resumesero$olieited,

Forhuervt0w aflpohuroon t 0al! DanCarlull (fi09) g21,4400 SomersetValley Industrial Campus Office Center 752Elizabeth Ave, (Corner of WileyOrlve) E,R,SQUIBB :~omerset,Franklin Twp,, N,J, 08873 &SONS, iNC, f|oulO200,Lt+wron~uvJlhl, N,J, (lOI) 469,1113 All ~tlUtllOppotnadty elntlitlyo¢ M~l,/Fom~lla THEPRINCETONPJtCIfET "Seven For Central Jersey" TheLawronco Ledger TMECENr~L POSt TheManville News WlNDSOR-HIGHTSHEI~JtI, D Cla ss i fi’ed . dvertising TheFranklin NEWS’RECORD

HelpWanted HelpWanted HelpWanted SituationsWanted AnnouncementsCardOf Thanks BargainMart BargainMart

CLERKTYPIST - Part time LIFEGUARD- Certified Swim- GIRLSFOR CODING - 8 hour day, ming Instructor available for EXCELLENT CARE FOR I HOPEWELL METHODIST SEARS20" - Rotary mower . Schrader Research, ask for Mrs. varied office duties, aff uent ELDERLYlady or gentleman in]IfAVE YOURDOG obedience THE FAMILYOF THELATE Mr. CHURCHRUMMAGE SALE - runningcondition. Westinghouse3 typing skills required. Call 021- sammer. Experienced. trained by summer. Classes WarrenFroehlich wishes to thank Wrigh,609-395-1200. References.Call 609-799-1455. my home.Ca11201-782-9572. May3, 9 a.m. -7 p.m. andMay 4, 9 speed turntable like new.Call 921. :t838. featuring new methods to train their friends, relatives andneigh- a.m.-I p.m. 3412. your dog faster. Limited bors for their condolences RELIABLE HOUSEKEEPER NURSERY SCHOOL-Head enrollment.Call for information. flowers sympathy cards anci letters and kinanesses during oar NEEDEDin Princeton 3 days YOUNGMAN - assistant to Teacher full day experienced Progressions Unlimited, Michael SEARS11",000 BTUwindow air weekly. Must have own tran- resident investmentcounselors. state eert fled. Write c/o Ceatra COLLEGESTUDENT " Beatty-Trainer. (609) 799-2679. recent darkest hours. Signed conditioner.Cools 2-3 rooms.$190. ROUNDOAK TABLE- with claw sportation. Please call 921-3373.~ Post, Box118, KendallPk. 08024. sophomore, arts major desires LouiseFroehlich and family. 1 yearold. Call 799-2890. oak eonomies accounting and summerwork at campinstructing statistical backgroundrequired. COUNSELORS-OVER 18, head arts and crafts. Resume on Submit resumeto Box #1959 c/o request. Reply to Bax 1955, e/o PLEASEBELL, YOUR CAT AND T~IANKS¯ KIND PEOPLE who .... ’ SECRETARY- Excellent op- Princeton Packet. swimming, dance dramatics, ~ . . CRIB MATTRES~ music, males RFD4, Box 346, Princeton Packet. SAVETHE TOWNSHIPBIRDS. sent him cards on his 90th bw- SAFEGU~,RD& BUM1 ’E portunity 35 hr. workweek, paid ~day, Apri1171 George V, D. cond $35 Westinghouseb~ro~ilg$~ oak camode hospitalization. For appointment North Brunswck, N. J. Since passage of the dog con- finement law Princeton Township rcti...... v ,inuzuuuuui ...... dunctsuu antique* ,, ’ mirror ’ czu., ...... umu’s n 1[": ?e 3 m "ror $15; calrBoyScouts of America,North turned ~ria I rocker Brunswick,N. J. (201) 249-6000, DOGGROOMER wanted, must ENTI-IUSIASTIC~ HARD is a happyhuntingground for cats. ext. 415. BEAUTICIANwanted, female. be able to handle large and small WORKING,responsible, trust. Please put a collar on your cat n Victor,anrocker$20; hrass Call 359-8102. witha goodbell that really tinkles ’ ¯¯ ~- 15a$1’ irons$15’ ornate wickereha r breeds, Call Manville Pet Shop worthy, personable friendly high __Hargalno man nMen’sSweaters Large $350. all wicker’table $20; ant’ ue 1201)722-6222. and give the birds a chance. ew. Boxof toys $5. Call 443-1519. ing machine $20’ Swe~iqsh ! NEWLY-formed service, desires SeeksSCh°°lsenior,full orinpartneed time°fa jo~O.em, ~ ; headboard $25; Teak nght cleaning help. Days. Trans. ployment for summerinto fall N~: stand $30; grass rug $15"Call 003 provided if nee in EWT AUTO MECHAN..... Hasaptitadeforsellingandaflair Applications being accepted for TRYDiadax, formerly Dex-A- 1549. H~ghts~lntu area. Call 448- 0942 or ~ for Perril~di a ~e HIGHSCHOOLSOPHOMORE to for fashion and art. Please call 1972-73school year. Experienced FREN...... cti r’~uVINCIALSOFA & Diet Newname, same formula. 201-297-3553after 3 p.m. teachers beautiful wooded matching chair, gold with Onl$; 90¢ at Thrift’Drugs. " ’ i’ ii?n" P ... p .cars, train as dental assistant, after fruitwood fin sh 1’ yr. old pur- trucks &tractors. Please contact school & Sats., Manville. Reply surroundings at Princeton Pike & DanaA. Miller Tswp. Mgr. P.O. Box C-5, e/o South Somei:set QuakerBridge Rd. Classes for 3 & ~aa~edn~’frBi’twVa~ s~eC!~e~lei4~O(~ZDDING .GOWN-, size 10/11 J MIDWAYFOR THE KIDS wh le AVON...... WANI’b ,- YUU, ...... uyou wauL Box276, E’ Windsor NJ. . orcal Newspapers. ""--- ...... YOUNGMAN TO MOWLAWN - 4 yr olds from 9-11:30. (Hrs. ex- i .~ , ---,-~, ---.~-- ,, ...... i ’ o neau piece revery satin ann you browse. AUCTIONETC. This weeklyat RennsaissanceEstates. tendedslightly past I1:30 for those ~a. t upll~li~ J~t~uu~l" nU[llall~ a ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ to makeextra moneyif you like 448-2006. Call 448-3836. . interested). Call 882-3396for in- piano excel rend $125 Large ca, originally $235. Best offer. I Saturday Unitarian Church people, if you can spare someof ormation. colonial wing chair w/matehiag[ carl aiter 6 p.m. 201-359-6392.I CherryHill at 206. yourI free hours selling our famous I D~IN-C, ottoman good rend. needs slip-[ ---- I products. It’s easy -- and funl Call -~T o~,~, ~u~d~,~,t~,-,ta~l~u COMPANION- Cheerful, f 9nl"L’T9~.~QQQ ~’ uz~.z~zzul~..m:~z~la zvu ’J~uD educated, experienced middleage ...... AT IT -- ADVANCEDAMATEUR woman.Live-in. Salary to be BABYSITTERS - TRY US I DUTCHNECK PRESBYTERIAN[ 3~aVerr!goBoedgeo~d~lis°.n~d~ie rsmi I CHILD~E~raS’weCrHsIP~7~hOiBE-and] FORSALE-MOVING CARTONS YOU’LLLIKE US - Ted & Wanda,cooperative Nursery School is now[p, ane.te table top 6 paddedI¢~chestcan° .~tn..~qT.a~ldr ’ aff,r ~’:~0g’ I" all sized.’ 924-1881. OR BETTER? WOULD YOU agreedupon. Call 392-6793. enaws $35 small rock ...... LIKE TO PUT YOUR HANDS 2 for the price of 1, $1.50 per hour accepting applieations for ¯ ¯ mapm I lAND HEADTO WORK?At The local, After 5 hours double. Eves. registration of 3 &4 year olds for buffetS15. Mapleserver 2doors& ~ I .... drawer. $15. Other items rugs & 3 surfboards - All in great con- WoodShed (between Princeton LIFEGUARDS12 required (also Sat & Sun. wealso house sit on Sept. 1972. Call Jean Benton, 452- lamps smalldec, appliances. Call weekends.Call 201- 446-9787. 6575. dition Gordon & Smith Maury- HOME-MAKERS,Home Health and Belle Mead) we need ex- part-time) for communityswim 799-0168day or eve. Pope" RawEssentials Call 924- MOVINGmust sacrifice. o entire Aids¯ Middlesex County. Witt perienced part-time help in our clubs at TwinRivers, ~Iightstawn cars. Part or full time. To giw newcountry workshop.Flexible Only experienced with Senior 2430. contentsof house,rugs, furniture, care in patients home. Will trainschedule weekends -- daytime,or whatever evenings, com- householditems. Will accept any certificates need apply. Applyto reasonable offer. Call days 896- 201-249-4066. Community Trust Office in GERMANBABY CARRIAGE, bination suits. Age or sex no ICELAND-The "IN" stroller, woodenplaypen con- 0316. barrier. TelephoneLetti or Rick Shopping Center. No telephone MATURERESPONSIBLE female visit. Twodepartures, vertible high chair 2 lamps, Williams12011 359-4777. calls. with PR real estate & em- weekends Memorial Day 737-3720Sat.& Sun., I0-9, wkd tricycle, ride-on jeep, 921-2760. ployment office management Columbus Scheduled 6-9. DOCKTORPet Center want: backgrounddesires position in HOUSETOuR~ Stop at AUCTION aggressive and experienced sales BLUEFRENCH PROVINCIAL - SECRETARY- Professional of- smalloffice. 466-3426. person, ETC. Good ’food. Bargains. CIRCULAR- Contemoorarv bedroomset. $125. Professional person, full or part time. Call 882- DOGGRO E ,~o’*vv Unitarian Churchthis Saturda 1210 l0 a m to 12 noon OMR - Loozmg’ ’ tor" flee in Princeton. Must be ex- ~vt...... ,:~, . ~ouo..... " " ’ " . ’ Y. chair, with matchingupholstered artist’s easle, $25. Call 655-1875, ’ ’ ’ someone to do dog groomingin perienced on IBMexecut re. Cherrytrill at 206. hassockand 3 pillows¯ $50. Danish after 5. soon to open Pet Shopin Kendall Duties include report typing, " modern sofa $40. Walnut con- Park Shopping Center. If in- correspondenceand generaloffice ICORTELYOUFARM MARKET - j temporary floor lamp $20¯ DENTALASSISTANT . Some[ terested, p]/~ase call 201-359-6953. work. Accuracy and neatness CHERRY HILL NURSERYIreooens at last Friday Apr I 23 (originally $05.) Contemporary ATTENTIONMOTHERS: If you SCHOOLhas an openingfor oae Fufl line of annual and’perennai chair $25. Guitar $40. 448-7325. CLOTHINGSALE. Ladies sizes 7- experience preferred. Excellentl essential. Salary open, 921-7200,needa job andyou havean infant, I hoursand fringe benef ks. Salary I girl in it’s morning2-time a week bedding plants. WelcomeBack I I0, men’sincluding wool sport I will watch your bab~, in my 2-1/2 old, class¯ Andopen ngs for I jacket 40Land suits 40LInfants open. Princeton office. Sendl homeor yours, Manville area, [ and youngchildren to s ze 4, toys, , resumeto Box #1952, c/o Prin- 3 girls in it’s 4-5 Yr.old afternoon I from 12:30p.m. eves. Reasonableclass for 1972-3.Please call Mrs. I 921-6149,or 466-3095. reran Packet. SECONDINCOME - We seek four SituationsWanted prces & guaranteed excellent L. Schkolnick, 924-7128, between 9 IWINEHOBBY USA - HomeIModern ELECTRICmaid, 1WALL yr. old. OVEN: Best - management minded person I care. 12011722-0753 or 526-2030. am-9pm, winemakingsupplies available 020 t offer. Call anytime,440-5026. linterested in building a bette I State Rd., Rte 206, Princeton 11/2 I .... ’ ~n~c~mw ,v,-~~ future. Can yield security forvou I mile south Princeton Airport) [.r~-~.n~i~-,~_Z,(_ MOWLAWN, family. No investment. Call" fo IRONINGDONE IN MYHOME - doo~m~o~rl~n~2~°2~°l,generatt°~ut~-----~.v.._ ... interview, 359-5667, 1-3 p.m. AREA-- of Hightstown & Twin EREI-IWON- an alternative M~.~’TS0~t10-6, Thurs., Fri 10-9. Tel i RUI~BERSTAMPS CUSDES SOFA - 2 chairs, set like Hillsboroarea. Call 201-359-6300. school of about 40 students and 8 " ’ SchoolorCollege address spartation. Rivers, Ted and Wanda, Mr. & staff is seekingadditional students new, ori gle. Mrs. Houseeleaners, $2.50 per Hom~business zip-code reasonab offer.$050, $400AIs0 orDuncan best hour per person. Outof town$4.50 for the fall: Ages range from 4 _~ Rubberstamps of all kinds and Fyfe Sofa, closed corner cabinet, MEN, WOMEN, COUPLES - THERE ARE MANY RIDER years mrula years me. Tmuons~At,~: - is an everyoay event at sizes madeto your order at: Couldyou use a secondincome full per hour plus trans. Must he coffee &end tables, 448-6917. ~ COLLEGESTUDENTS looking steady. Call 201-446-9707. are flexible. If interested call Stu C E N T E R B US I N E S S IIINKSON’S ,"~PART TIME BUS DRIVER- or part-time hours to suit. In- l’or summeremployment. They Semigranor Sally Sullivan at 452- MACHINES,Princeton Shopping 62NassauSt. Stimulating rewarding assign- terviewby appt. Call 395-1750. have manyvaried skills from 2509or at 921-2912. Center. TYPEWRITERS: t ment, local school disIrict. At- accountingto typing. If you ean electric, manual,portable, office tractive salary. Willtrain. 201-329-CAREERPOSITIONS available offer a summerjob to students models, new, reconditioned. 0102, Mrs. Kubiak. in central station alarm service please call ’].’he Rider College ADDERS. CALCULATORS, WEDDINGGOWN full length, company.Will consider applicants PlacementsOIfiee 896-0800,ext. ImpossibleToClassif CHECKWRITERS.Name brands CLEARANCE- Ideal fat’ Shantung gownwith detachable without experience. Phone or 239. Personals Rentals, Repairs. Trade. ns. 924- screening or ornamental. train¯ Size9-10. $75. Call 440-7112. apply in person Wells Fargt 2243. Americanarborvitae 6’, 200 to Alarm Services, 29 EmmonsDr. choosefrom, $5. each, 6 or more & US Rt. 1, South, Princeton RELAXATIONPROGRESSIVE USED BOOK SALE. Inside $4. Also Hemlockand spruce 4-5’, ACCOUNTSRECEIVABLE - w, MEDIOCRETENNIS PLAYER THERAPY- Wed. eves. beginning Miracle Mall Route 18, East (609) 452-1700. Anequal oppor- BABYSITTINGMY HOME,Ineeds partners. Call215- 862-2278. $5. ca. N. Loveless, 100 Reeder need an experienced,responsibl, tunity employerm/f. May17th. Professionaloffiliates. Brunswck (Loew’s Theater) Ave., 082 - 9103. DRAPES- custom designed, red person ta handle all phases c Kendall Park. Loving care furl 270State Rd., Prn. 924-2941. April28, 10 to 10. April29, l0 to 4. and gold for living roomof 3 BR receivablesfor a wholesalesuppl, children of workingparents. All[ TwinRivers townhouse. Unusual " in Hightstown.Good salary l’u] ages. Lunches.Fenced yard. 201- MOVINGMUST SELL - Living treatment. Also suitable for ar~e 297-9049. MEDITERRANEAN HUTCH benefits. Call Mrs. West448:0507 AnnouncementsRIGHTSTOWN PLANNED moved& no roomfor this 1 yr old room, dining room, bedroom, picture window.Orig. $500. Will REALESTATE SALESMAN. for PARENTHOODCLINIC - Monday ~’ X48" hutch. Lots of storage kitchen, stereo vacuumcleaner, 2 sell for $175.Call 448-7775. developmentwork. Salary bas s+ evenings.Call 448- 3439. ~pacewill sacrifice $175.896-0900. lamps,drapes, rug. Call (609) 440- Princeton area. Prefer licensed. 5458. Write immediately to Box 1956, c/o Priaceton Packet. NEED SOMEONETO TALKTO? POOL- aboveground, steel walls, BALLETTEACHER needed ta PRINCETONLACROSSE Call HOTLINE924-1144 nightly, 7 filter, extras, packedto go. Best FOR SALE CUBTRACTOR with numerous replace faculty memberon eave STONE’S SITTER SERVICE; CLINIC D.m.- 12 . offer, 448-4091, attachments.$1400. Call 201-329- duringi972-3 school year to teach License & insured has mature 6531. intermediate level at established ladies available for companionto August7 - 12 OLIVER HARTPARR TRACTOR The HanSchool with newtires, side dresser, plow school. Please reply Box1062, c/o senior citizens, convalescing,or and disc ALL $300,00, Princeton Packet. vacation parents. (2151295-0297. Director: Peter Savidge NECDOTES AND FEUDAL OAK DRESSER & INSURANCE- Gal Friday - Inst: Beginners,Inter Advanced. Queensize bed in like-new eond. GENERATOR- self-starting 5 Agency experience preferred. All ages Commuter~only For CORRESPONDENCErelating ta K.W, $300.00, WOODENSTORM Goodtyping skills and ability to ARTHURMC CREA CONGER. Movingto tiny house &must part WINDOWS$1.00 ca. Apt, size LIVINGROOM SET - maple sofa, application and/or information Youmayeall in your material 0: 30 with both. Ongcost W& J Sloane 2 chairs. Boxspring andmattress, take dictation helpful. Send wnte or call Peter Savidge, The Electric REFRIGERATORStwin size. Cherry dresser and qualifications, with name,address illun School, Edgerstoune Rd., ta 9:30 P.M. Men.thra Fri. 921- Dresser $459 Headboard $179. 1635.00 ea. Apt. size electric NURSESAID - full or part time, ACCOUNTANT- BOOKKEEPER 6370 or write R. S. Conger Mustsacr f ce to best offer. Also :matching wall mirror 921-7700. will train. Call 440- 0528between9 and telephone numberto P.O. Box Princeton, N. J. 08540.Bus: 921- gold leaf mirror, Mediterranean:STOVES$50.00 ea. Hot water ext. 21’/ alter 4 p.m. 31, tlightstowa, N.J, 08520 - part time .’rod summer.Hiah 7000, Bome:921-3429. Greenhouse Drive, Princeton. tIEATINGSYSTEM Radiators d AM- 6 PM. School business teacher B.~. Thank yau. bedrspread &other furnishings. Oil Burner $300.00. Mahogam AccountingM,S. Data Process ng Call after 0 p.m. 359-3569. Duncan Phyfe DININGROOl~ knowledge seeking position n WEIGHTREDUCTION - through table, 0 chairs, buffet, 3 leaves COMFORTABLEHOME - for a business area, .large or sinai FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR,$395.00.Like nw2-3 piece soil( AIR CONDITIONER. West- GIRL FRIDAY Interm’ban ...... uusiaess near ManvdleCall 201- small groupcounseling. Call after LAWRENCE PLANNED good condition$65,; 2 natural gas maple BEDROOMSETS witl womanavallame, Emerty woman 7226219 "ffter 3 .. ~ ’ PARENTHOODCLINIC, Wed. hot air furaaces$10 each. 201-320- inghouse 1,500 BTU ex- Warehouse, Findernc Ave., alone needsa companionto live in " ’ v ..... afternoons.Call 0113-3399. mirrors $200.00 per set. ITALIANcellent ~:ond.,443-3107. Finderne. Start 0:30 salary open. her home. Willing to give room] --~ (;303. carved coffee table &end table Experience in billing TWX, and hoard and someremuneration ] $120.00.BARCABINET $96.00. posting & te ephone. 12011722- ~/AN’rED1or 2 Pinochle players, ++,,,,, ,~ , ...... BECORDCABINET .¢~s oo 1401. in return for somehelp, Call 924- I ...... REFLECTIONSa 40 page picture i 0720or 921-9179¯ rant ut~EWUIVI~.N WI~II.E~I - ion book whichbroadens a enild’s ~ to joinother players fo,’+a regular ~’xc~i:nt?.~’~t~ t~O~llaSl, .’~,~2" Telephone Table $’1"i.00, 3+L=a’l"ieSECOND,IIAND CLOTtlES - for as receptionist, Can hande #555 gameolnoumeuecaparmm’s, zm- 6 ,~ m 003:~53"~:...... ":" Goldleafframed MIRRORS$78,00 sale at the Out~rawnShip, 221 Switdlboard, 5 years cxpm’ience view of mothers’roles. Story and 297-Zll31niter 7 p,m, r, . " °’ each P’estage E ectr e Gutar Witherspoon St, Prhleeton, ...... in Dactor’s office Pr|nceton- ustratians stimulate creative $9,3 011, 3 piece KaehlerLIVING Excellent selection, of spfin ,and thinking, Being used in scllools ROOMset $100,00, G E, Old summer items, Many t~utgs FULL TIME SALES POSITION arefl Ca I 443-1953. andlibrarys, Send$3,50 directly to ...... available. Princeton. Satln’days SECRETAItY- Music College h;Ist]iliglltst0wll OYV.,AY: ll;tppy Birthday Lenny, TWO605-15 1000,15LITIRES - I Ftsh on ’ad o & reco’d playerl marke!l down, Open10-4, Monday required. Call 024-0624, openingfor skilled secrct.’lry in I Identity Press, 817 Rnuto 206, anti tnltngs, gooncontltion, $17,,50, Call 799. $ ®oo STUDIOCOUCH $25 0011arougn Tnurstlay 10-2, Frmay; typing and general administrativeI Bordentown08505 or write for a TheDouglascs24:111, BED$28,00, antique DE’SK10-12Saturday, duties, Shorthand not required. [ ...... free illustrated page. __~ $1o0,oo, Glass doorBOOK CASE[ Ca ll)12t - 71110, ext, 25 for l!p-/MATUREWOMAN - extensive I,, FORm,’lSALE- 1 Battle Creeklie $00.00. Book Case $10.00.2 Boudoir[ ~-- PRESSEItS WANTED. stetdy tIomnnent, I)nctor’s and bnsJtless office PI,AYTENNIS? Teach 1he and i I Builder redaeing ntnehine. Heavv]C~!A!RS EACtI...$50,00. PHONE[2‘FED..I)ERS ~ll{ CON- tlOSPITAL AID COMMITTEE uvu~:uaollaq LHtlUl’qlsItS 3 ealsod 000~ work, pad vaeat ons and /t’x )crience withmedical nssistant Wi11’ coo kf o’yl otI, Cal. 1-34,-~, ’)0 5 :l,30 uty inotlel~ excel,- cond, heal ’ " holida$,s. Apply in parson backgronnd,Call 11112-9043, offer, Call,).4-1790 oves, ’" " ’ IB’l:i~~ .,,’+.I,,~.,,S .... University Cleaners& Laundry 311 RUMMAGESALE Moo’eSt,, Princeton, May 2 & 3 I / ...... flexlhle hem’s, Primary duty, enre, ~RE’SJUST TIIE MOT1 ~lI’S ALCOIIOLICS ANONYMOI. S SPRING It UMMA(IE .SALE] i (o1:2school age gh’ls, Call4,t6-9,114, I IEI~PEI{yon’re looki lg re’ 1’ II Italian-AmericaliSl)or tsman’s unu r~ t.~r, Imh, Z~+~+~,,,,r,mspoosm’eu t~y wnlnen’sSoc oty of FOBGItAVEI,Y TttACTOR- II ~, azt, ,! ii,m, Ifi endl)utch, Jr, counsdorIn day Club ~¢~’[:1:60~j’.i;~.7~;,~...... Ch!’!st!1[1].Se1:¥1ce ,of Prlnceton[ excellentcond t on. stowplow ]~..~; S$11Z+~j.!l_0,y_o!t l!ooverE!ec. ,t5 TerhtlllnIInad ~~-- caaltl 2 yrs, dr Lifesavingon tl o 1is+ LICENSEI) PIIACTICALNURSE vergeof Sr, II ties 10.soN& ores (0ff N, thlrrisunStl ------S~’I~#+’ I~ll~ln~+ / ’ Cnu.rch,~ i InuovenlerNasmlu/f21Avenlo,/cutting ro~nry ,type mlila+low reel (3) withgrtS"/w/;a’s+ ,i gallg/ ’11e~"’++~ ul<~. , ~o~ ~ ngllO8+,,,l ltelnovo excess body f t d wt t/Pr lceto NewJersey, Sale w /nlowe’8 Ct I fte’ I ) n 609-882./ stereo wF th ]lOad- & Narses Aides 3,11 shift. Elms NII _S~.i’m we,, 1ted ltN o I P~ kids l, kcs o h’nvel or sioy q h t):3O.5pm Nursing Ilome, 05 Main St,, ’’*10~ ID ) , ~, ,’ ~’ ,7’" ta one.... tO0’onco8’ VO tble"t ,’1UII)h]X t bets o y $1,61 t be hell I t O SOC t] [q’101 ...... dl g mac| [0 Cranbilry:t95 ¯ 0725, n,m, Part.tinm else exile’ ence Aug1st - I,nhor Day,Call 021.0735, T n’l’t D’ugs Thursday,April 27lh 0,’0(/’" $40,,l~lell’S & aid day shift, Comict t d ...... A,M, tbrollgh 5’,011’I) M) ’d] twolgltblkos miffs ro’ior SHnnyficld Nt s ~ ...... Friday, AIn’ll 311th !) 00 AM| ~ ~20,,Illmlllnn AIqHIENTICE TO CUSTOM i . , _~ o 211e,/tllIC/lltr,~ a’e e yii ly, SWEETAI)EI,INES tiu’augh;1:i)o P,M,~vitli onehali t )iltiOr 1111,~1 IIUII,DER ¯ (out puy while ii.ll,,,u,...,,,i:l~;;~l,~u,)llilo;:;i~[~xna

BargainMart BargainMart Mdse.Wanted Antiques Pets& Animals Pets& Animals AutosFor Sale AutosFor Sale

fAKE NEW’72 VWBUS; red/- 1907 MUSTANG2 dr hdtp green RARE & MAGNIFICENT - TWO PURE BLACK German wht, 8,000 mi, really a newcar. with vinyl roof V-8 engineps, ROUND--OAKTABLE - ~with clawFIREP~W~rmnginstallea built-in classic designs¯ WANTED: LADIES LACROSSE ;hcphcrdpuppies - female. $50. a leer, $1451set of 4 pressea on},, fin anyroom of your present home. STICKSin good cond. Please call Biedemeyerbuffet with~ china top. $2850 by owner. Days 039-4789, whitewalls, radio, goodcond. Call chairs, $60; Jenny Lmoneo, INatural brick, stone, slate, (201)359-6209. Call 440-2817ariel 6 p.m. fiece. Ca11201-297-5352. eves466-2784. (609)448-5450. $67.50 . stained ,glass windowJmarbe fin sh Typical total cost (frameu anu oacz tigmed) $40; under $1 200. No downi)avment 19114MGB - Excellent condition TR4A1967- 1 owner,new top, wire early grain painted blanket chest, lbank financing. Also" s’peciai WANTED- Complete contents of PUPPIES- Poodle - mixed breed $600. Manypart new, recent body $70; old trunk $35; oak camodelcustomdes gns, contemporaryor homes.Call 201-329-6200. PRIMITIVE FURNITURE & $5. Call 443- 1500. workand paint. Call 452-7150. wheels,$950. Call 924-0286. $40; oakbevelodglassmirror$15;Itraditional. Aetech Fireplace Collectables at The CobWeb, 43 bambooturned Victorian rocker Specialists. 609-448-6012. N. Main St., Cranbury (big rod $35; Victorian rocker $20 brass l barn behind Pharmacy). Closed NEWFOUNDLANDPUPPIES 1967 MGB- blue convertible¯ 1968 PONTIACCATALINA;’2 dr andirons$15; ornate wickerchair Monday. Excellentcondition, wire wheels $20 wicker table $20; antique TAKINGA CLASSIN CHAIR NEEDED-DONATED PIANO. AKCreg. male and female, show ht ps&pbvinyl top, low miles, orpet shots and wormed,9 weeks 4 speed¯ Completeservice recor~ excel cond. Call 921-0208. sewing machine$20; Swedishteak / CANING?We have lots of sweet Webelieve music therapy can do ovailable. 201-359-3539. headboard $25 Tcak night stand/old country chairs ready for wonders for autistic children who old. $½oo,Call 215-346-7216. S.A.V.E. $30; grass rug $15; golf clubs &[ caning. Wealso havecaned chairs need to learn to talk and relate to (Formerly Small Animal Rescu, ’65 ChevyImpal’a S.S.V. 0, auto 1969 BONNEVILLE- Pontiac 4 bag $20, Wedgwoodashtrays $5,] ready for sitting. The WoodShed the world around them. Please ELEGANTFURNITURE - 1020 REDMINIATURE Pinchers - 10 mod table lamp $12; English bone/on Bridgepoint Road, 6 miles contact The Princeton Child RosewoodSpinet. 1720 Sheraton League) trans, radio, 7 tires, newly door pwer equipment air cond weeks old, wormed, doched and )ainted, Best offer 883-6072. radm,40,000 orig. miles, excel china candle holdrs $18; salad|north of Princeton off Route 206. Developmentor 443-3624.Institute at 924-6280 sideboard¯ QueenAnne chairs. shots. Call after 4 p.m., 802-2495. eond. 921-6454 or 921-8657, ’ bowl &servers $7; silver covered/1201)359-4777. China,silver, etc. 215-493-5100. reg. server $8; sheered muskrat CALL US ABOUT OUR MANY vest $12 opossumfur lined coat ATTRACTIVEYOUNG DOGS & 1969 VWFASTBACK - with 1908 VWexcel cond recently tuned ROUNDKITCHEN TABLE ap- ANTIQUEOAKS - HALL RACK BEAUTIFULCATS. automatic transmission in ex- with radio & newbattery. $990. $15 silver candy dish $4 chafing with mirror and combinationdesk cellent condition. Ideal 2nd car. d sh(never used) $5. Ca11883-1549.~ ...... t - - . Iprox. 42" with an extension leaf Ca11924-4993,after 8 pm1201) 046- k’llN/~.TA~(r.oys) ~ ~0. - rarty oi n us chairs 609-466-3424 andgun rack. Call 596-7270. 4 MALE COCKER SPAN1EL If }’oufind an injured pet call the Asking$1400. Call 448- 7040. 5334. plates,~ cups, napkins, "cloth" I PUPPIES-3blond, 1 black, AKC, police. -- _~’ __ (any style), $1.25. Favors hats I 6 wAsold, all shots,Call 924-2203or lem 5¢ ea. (limited). Deliveryt r 924-2186after 3, weekendsany WANTED- old Leiea Cameras & Call Mrs A C Graves 921-0122 ’66 ALFAROMEO - Gulia 1600 ...... LAWNMOWER - good condition, Call Barbara 201’ - 359 - 8841’ THE RECYCLERSANTIQUES ’ ’ ’ ’ . . BAE~AII~1959 CUff‘VAIff‘ go00 bedroom chair, AMradio, etc. accessories.Call 201-738-8344after Route 27 between 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Mondayl sp der Veloce Newtop, new apaint ...... Call 201-359-3174(evenings only)¯ BetweenKendall Pk. &Kingston thru Saturday dtscbrakes, twn overhead cams, ~trIEP~rtISm g°l~ ~a ou onu.~m~°t°ro:~{°’c~°~ / 5 P.M. 2 dual webers 5 speed trans 51 P , g :::SES BOARDEDdeluxe Ptrelh¯ . radmls.¯ Please call after" 0ower P b&s aircond bucket seats L~y// All kindsof furniture SIBERIANHUSKY -16 month otd I p m 600-3371 or 587-6560 Ex- $750. CaII a ’ fter 5 pm 921-6735.’ condition or age. Large layouts or / ...... Refinishing& Aafiquing facilities, expert care. Hugein- . I DED/CboTmNL~tor OpenThurs. Fri. &Sai:. 10 to 4:30 door ring and club room. Horses m’decoloring. AKCregistered Call white596-1355 anu I aftero’llont 5,nwt.’ ~e~~-. co.~l.ion. collectionswanted also¯ Please/D’E~S-P"E"’RA"bL~out:~EEe ~ nv, mam schooled race horses legged up. buff ..... RUMMAGESALE - Wednesday, call 585-9218. May3, l0 a,m. - 9p.m. Slackwood orphans¯ Support FIA clothing Veton ca’ll. Arenause available by Presbyterian Church, 2020 drwe, For information 924-9324 the hour, or day or night by appt. IN~0{’63 TRIUMPH - Spitfire, w/69 Brunswick Ave., Lawrence Twp. and/or 896-1643. JOHN" ROGERS STATUES Nowoperated by owners (The VOLVO142S excel cond 20 000 mi, engine, dark blue with newblack TRASH& TREASURE. , wanted.Call collect (301)838-7445. Gerkens) Hideaway Farm IRISHSETTER PUPS - Chain- 2 studded snows nc. $2280. Ca top. Rebuilt carb. $500. Call 448- hnported and domestic yarn, Wertsville-Zion Road, HopeweI. 0868. needle poinl, crewel work, rugs Phone466-3426. pion DARIABARline¯ AKCreg (609) 466-2176 after 5 p.m. aed accessories will be foundat: show& field prospects. Excellent with children, shots & wormed¯ EDWARDMARSHALL BOEHM - THE LANTERNANTIQUES - BEAUTIFUL- AKCregistered 1967 PONTIACBONNEVILLE 4 GRASSHAY - Baled 1971, no rain ’Flll’] KNITTINGSIIOP Da.chsh’fi’fidpuppies. Specially good $125.Call (609)883-1911. $1 per bale at farm. Truckload(40 6 Talanc St. WA4-0306 Lennox1970 & 1971plate¯ Call 390- copper & brass cleaning S. Main PONTIACLEMANS ’69 - 360 V8, dr. hdtp. Luxuriouscar in excel 9500. St. (next to Hagerty Florist), temperaments.Call aft. 4 p.m. 443 2 door hardtop,tape, bucketseats, cond. Still under original Bales) delivered10 mi radius¯ $40. Cranbury,N. J. 609-395-0762. Call 4684462. - 4629. radio disc brakes, power warranty. Powersteering, brakes steering, automatic trans¯ Good& windows. Factory air con- GERMAN SHEPHERD PUP- ditioning, newtires, wheelcovers COLORADO- Blue Spruce, we POODLES14 weeks old. 2 brown, PIES 9 weeks old, big bone AKC condition.$1500¯ Call 448-6916. MUSTSELL by May 31st; Con- 1 black, AKCreg. all shots, & $1700.Call 924-2500days or 924- dig you plant. Wittenbrock, MusicalInst. GarageSales wormedwell trained¯ 449-0780. reg, shots, wormed& written 3326eves. Bent ey Rd., Hightstown,N.J. 448-temporary living dining & health guarantee. Call 586-0205. 3336. bedroomfurniture rugs, Bilt-Rite continental type baby carriage, 1937 CHEVROLET,4 door sedan VW’66 Bug- Goodcondition. Newvery good cond., partially NEARLYNEW set of man’sgolf Petersen car seat Taylor high ~VURLIT2ER~PINET piano, RED BONE SIRE WANTED¯ brakes and battery. Recently clubs used dozentimes¯ 4 woods,9 chair Abbott woodenplaypealike Mustbe registered. 201-329-6200, restoredinterior, needstrans. $300 new. Baby crb /goodcond Call exe. working cond. $400. Call MAY6 - 9 a¯m. - 1 p.m. Prince of froml0 to4Mon.Wed. Fri., 10 to 4 AKCCOLLIE - stud service: tnncd. $700. Call 452-8906after 7 or best offer. 1201) 725-6793or irons, alumshaft¯ Call after 7 pro. 443-1961. Peace Lutheran Church Garage Bellhaven-GlenHill sables, tri, p.m. (201)247-2795. (201)359-3980. 1201)297-9014. Sale at 1 Benford Dr. (off Sat., after 4 call 201-548-7712. Good type, temperament, Clarksville Rd) furnitm’e, )edigrees. Wellspring Kennels RAMBLER- ’63 Ambassador, PORTABLE DOG KENNELS - 1969 VW38,000 good cond. $1,000 WATER BED AND LINER: 1BABY’S- bassinet& 1 bath(net bicycles, toys, baby equipment, 448-4372¯ dr. Auto. P.S. air cond. Radio TRUMPETAND CASE, very good c!othes & variety of other items. Reasonable.Free estimates and B azer blue, eteated snow tres firm. Call 924-5698. Brandnew, never used. $35.00Call someodds of baby’s clothes¯ Call condition¯ Call 201-3294032. delivery.All297-5353. 201-059-0173after 5. 443-1144. $1185.12011 344-9458. STANDARDPOODLE PUPPIES: TRIUMPHTR4A - 1966 green GRETSCHGUITAR $300 new Black AKCchampion sired, OLDSMOBILE1964 9 pass. convertible always kept in ex- MEDITERRANEANdin. rm. & shots wormed,2 me. old, partially station wagon,Fiesta Dynamic88, traditional liv. rm. wonon a quiz selling $125 or best offer¯ Har- Feeds and Grains ceptional runningcondition. $900. BICYCLEREPAIRS monyamplifier $100 or both for GARAGESALE - Saturday, April housebroken.201-732-5791 or 20 - auto.,R&H.Verygoodcond.,.$475 Call 443-1284. show, famousmaker. Call after 6 WeBuy and Sell for all animals 359-5175. or reasonableoffer. 1201)722-0976. pm443 3647. $200 924-2126after 6 p.m. 29, 9-4 62 Pine KnollDr. (off Prin at ROSEDALEMILLS Pike), LawrenceTwp. - 2 blocks 274 AlexanderSt. TIGER AUTOSTORES W. Franklin School. Handlawn 1965 MUSTANG- convertible, V- 24-26Witherspoon Street Princeton mower, Scott spreader, Sears WA4-0134 8, 4 barrel, 4 speed,Michelin tires, EMPTYGARAGE? Fill it with WA44715 RECONDITIONED PIANOS Elec. broom, riding boots, S & S SADDLERYFAR HILLS goodcondition. $525. Call 201- 359- JASPERWALNUT desk 52 x 30 & Steinway Upright $650, Everett our Volvo¯144S dark green beauty fireplace tools, linens, books, COUNTRYMALL, Rmdc 202, Far 4660. in excellentcondition. 1968. Enjoy walnut2 drawerfiling cabinet23 x Studio $550. Grand Piano clothing, toys, jewelry, wood Hills, N.J. Wecater to you &your demonstrator$500. NewWurlitzer yourself¯ Opento offers¯ 468-2164 36. Bothplastic top finish includes Venetian blinds, assorted GOLDENRETREIVER PUPS - horse. Discount extended to 4-H eves. newoxford pendaflex files. A-1 rental used 3 mos. $550. New householdgoods. Ideal bargains, cond.Call for appt. (609)832-2201. So(nets $695 newBaldwin Spinets AKC,excellent blood line male and Pony Club members.Open 7 TRENT HANDYSHOP - AT from$375. Newpianos to rent as and female. Wonderfulfam y days, 9 am-6 pro. 12011 234-0111. ’65 OPEL KADETT. Low PENNINGTONCIRCLE (home of pets. 609-466-2404. mileage. New exhaust car- lowas $4 per wk. Mifflin Pianos& buretor, generator, regulator. handmade lamp shades and Organ,234 E. State St. Trenton, restoration of antique metals) Needsgood tune. $130.201 - 297 N.J. 392-7133. Free parking in GARAGESALE baby items AKC REGISTERED TOY & 2933 evenings. MGB- 1970 - Roadster, AM-FM ORLON20¢ WHITE25¢ YARNannouncesthat the newshophours rear of store. sewing machine, misc. items slereo, bronzeyellow, excell., are 9-5 daily 737-1109. Lamps MINIATUREPOODLES. Home PUPPIESBOUGHT & SOLD- All $2,200.Call 394-5497after 5 PM. ttAVEN,140 Rt. 33, Trenton 587- rewired - repaired - mounted. Saturday, April 29, 10-4 p.m., 9 raised. Call(609)397-2104. breeds handled pure & mixed. 2834. WheelerRoad, Kend. Pk. 201-297- Sold Sat, Sun & Monday10-5. Bought Monday’s only 8-5. 1952 MERCEDES220SL - cony, 1971 MUSTANG-convertible,A/C, EXQUISITE PURE SIAMESE J.P.O’Ncill Kennels, US #1, Cabriolet. Goodcondition, $1500. BICYCLE- boys Schwinna---m~-- 24" --- " TRUMPET..... LESSONSWANTED - T/F, 351cc, automatic trans, AM, Black and silver ¢oo ~ USEDFURNITURE o1 eve’y1 for talented beginner.Please call GARAGESALE - wig, double KITTENS$20. Reserve now for Princeton, N.J. Also1965 Buick Riviera $900.Call spotless, Mustsell. Call 443-3256, years oio...... t;an ss~~ :?_r oq;n ...... ’~ description. Thousandsof feet to after 6 p.m. 924-7463. I headboard twin bedstead, 2 Maydelivery. To see, 359-6209. 215-493-5106. after 7 &wk. ends. ¯ < " ’ browse through. Always bicycles, Singer sewing machide, someth ng different - largest toys &games, children’s desk, etc. TRIUMPfl4 convertible 1965 1984 JEEP 4 WItEEL DRIVE, collection mBucks County, Daily, j iIALFSIZE CELLO- in excellent April 28 & 29, 10-4. 112 Sycamore excel, cnnd. newlypainted, new new snowplough, newmetal cab, parts& completetune-up¯ 924-9718 tmbs, newpain~job, 34,000 original FORSALE- fireplace wood. Call 8:30 to, Closeduuy/uatuwn, ..Sunday.I condition. Asking$200. Call 883- lid., off HarrisonSt. Prn. GENTLERIDING HORSE, 15 AutosFor Sale 201-359-5556 [ Ealson . 5949. hands¯ dark brown, $150. Ex- after 6 p.m. miles.$t,900 or best offer. 201-297- ’ Pa. erienced in 4H shows. Runs on 9351 ~owtest grass. Call 201-297-1075 eves. 1063 AUSTINHEALY - 3000, 5 £~ly J~h BALDWIN PIANOS to rent, Try spd., overdrive, new white vinyl ’66 RENAULTR8- 4 door sedan, YARDSALE - Saturday, April 1961PORSCHE-body and engine 29th. between10-4. Recordplayer, top, radio & heater, good con.; runs good. $90¯ Call 882-7790. equipped, 4’ x 15’, 3 years old. four beautiful oriental rugs j beforeyoubuy+All moniespaidon $800.Call 443- 1242. in excellent condition. AM/FM 1 records guitar, drum, dolls, radio. Schoolcosts necessitates Stored winters excellent con-I (Yayala). Awoncknow edgeable I rent applied to purchase. MIF- games and miscellaneous dition asking $175. Call 799-10431obout fine wool rugs maymake FLIN PIANOS, 234 E. State St., household items. Clarksville BOXER- 3 years old. Fawnmale. 1969 CHEVSTATION WAGONsale. $1500.or best offer. 466-2124 after 6. appointmentby calYing(609) 394- Trenton. 392-7103. 1969 MGB- low mileage, g~od Kingswooda/c, 2 way tailgate, after 5 p.m. Roud, Princeton Junction. (2nd. Working family. Papers. Best shape. Serious buyers only, 5929. house west of Penn Lyle Road). offer. Call morning,9 - 2, or after $1900or best offer, Ca921-8657 or 5. Goodwatch dog. 585-7120. 92,1-2747,ask for Rett. 896-1234. 1909 PONTIACFIREBIRD -conv. SIBERIAN tIUSKIES AKC DATSUN1963 4 DOORSDN., 1 19114 CHEVROLET- Be] Air 4 new Michclins AM/FMradio, GAS RANGE tlarvest gold I yr ...... h’tIOMAS SPINET ORGANfull LAWN & GARDEN SALE, Puppies & growndogs. Goodwith owner, 00 plus miles/~al., ex- slat(on wagangood cond., Call 448. 23,000miles, great condt on. 215- od $10O. C (201 359’ " 3933after4I Dff.AVIS:5.... - rcuecorating’.. ’ t~or0 ...... lq 70 n~| umontwith ~vtandarl lU sponsored by Sisterhood of the children, ttealth guarantee.12011 cellent second car. Askmg$150. 2133, 493-5323,609-392-5859. pm , t ’an. ,..tonal or_ provmcm(iv,.. rm , ¯ note pedal’ ...... range.,. Attack¯ per- Myrr Bearing Womcn,Sts. Peter 545-9349. Call 201-297-0673. , ¯ . -- I’anti .. ’mltemngun , rm, 13 tloor to cusslon fol luano, harpsichord &PoulOrthodox Church, Corner MIqRUEDh]S220S ’62 - 4 door, 4 au ceding Designed by decorator’ ...., effe cts Repetl percuss on for of Washington& So. 7th Ayes., CORVA1R’05, 110 Monza,auto., 11..... 1"~"~" Sr’I’PMtTMFNT" J ...... Can ,t,~a- mondolin IIORSE 12 YR. GREYGELDING, speed PB, reclining seats, radio, cxcelent cond. in & out. ,~" :: t imeresungtreatment, and xylo,,hone.v Ex- Monville,April 28 &29 from10 - 4. 5.1 hands, English or Western. economico , outstanding STOIII" 42’. 12 cellont condtion with warranty. Attic treosures phls home- baked 964 Ct EVIMPALA SS; cnnsole, Newtires, Best offer. 12011359- Gooddisposition, Excellentfamily bucket seats 327 eu iu, 4 hurrol (’oadubility,Trueiy fine car. $1050.11392or 722-3200Ext. 3701. PrineetouShoppingCeuter Duly $895 with matching bench goods. horso,$200., 201-297.0979. 2111-359-8.t02. and delivery, BII~O’rTI ORGAN c t "b, (u(o, Ucwtires, shocks,tsdl ] joints cxhaust [n’akes, Needs Uniformsa Specialty ~,~~.,.. CEN’rEIL 2251 IIWYTM 33, Trenton, OLDS1963 STARFIRE,bucket t~t=* ~1~1i ,.urd~J.,~- u,.mu~u z ixl I 609~11 i-3 paint, 1 owner,$475. Ca I 88:1-0178,2 i)CIt)lt - t14 Falconill cxe. run- seats powersteering andbrakes. , ningtend. Call 44ll - 2160offer 5 h~mNuvqnqUh.ii ...... Mnids I used 3 rues, ehonging to Central ...... DOGPelt SALE - Doberman Loadedw t i extros, $, 00 or best n,m,dlolqn~:lnlntv Worlteto Inl an erie, $2,10. sell for $150, Cull GAItAGESALE - tlousehold Piucher, mslc, whelpedJan. 2, PM.& An day Silhu’day, offcr. (201)725-3570. white and assorte~ colors. 44873.,, items, luwn furniture, books, 1972,doekod and eropcd, all shots, clothiug, small aplliances. Sot. AKC rig,, wonderful toni- Au’, 2(I, SouthI~lill Itoad.0rd pcrument,Muke reusouublo offer, 1970 LEMANSWagou, mint, l o ~ SEARSI

H~rED - Experie-~nced I SMALLFARM with house wanted 1965 CHEV.SPORTS VAN- 6 cyl., SUNFISH’71 - Sailboat¯ HOME IMPROVEMENTS, DO YOUNEED A MAN- to do 4 ROOMAPARTMENT, heat qberglasshull, S550.with h’ailer carpentry aluminum windows, painter, Interior & Exterior.I your garden work and grass to rent, at least 4 acres.Up to $160, good cond., call 896-9018 PAINTERS separate. Modernkitchen. Apply month¯Call 201-297-9010or 207-1445 or 880-0443 after 5 p.m. 450without¯ Call 201-297-4146. doors & s diag. Free est mates. References. Professional job at H & R CONTRACTORS cutting¯r~ Call after 6 p.m., 924- 201~329-2740. amateurprices¯ 921-9327. I 9555, 49 No.llth Ave., Manville¯ after 5, Interior & exterior. All work SCCARACERS guaranteed¯ Fully insnred. Free APARTMENTFOR RENT - ’04 FORDVAN - 6 cyl, std, Call LANDSCAP1NG&YARDWORKsuitable for one er two persons. INTERNING PSYCHOLOGIST 440-6877 [ WILLPAIN’[’ your child’s formula race cars exclusively¯ cstirhates. Call 924-6301. and working wife looking lor 1954 CENTURY-- Mahog. 18’ Li! a.nd fertil!zing. Grassluniversity’ Lease an~ security Resorter 125 h.p. Chryslermarine portrait in rich otis on a 12" x 16" Design, construction[ Tree surger~ and trees removed,IFurnished lclose to’ parking bus shopping available, and house or apartment.Wilting to do inboard $1 000. Also I6’ antique canvasboard,: , Send a small modification, ------maintenance work in exchange head-typephoto with eye and hair cedar rowboat 4 oars bronze chasistuning. I INTERIOR & EXTERIOR cutnng u snrunoery trxmmeu. for low rent¯ Neat and reliable. locks, beautiful,$700. Call 215-493.coloring marked on back. Send prototype race car developmentl PAINTING,veryreasonable free I reauired $280ner me Call 024-Call (201/ 545-2000after 0 p,m. photoandcheck to EmilyElias, 42 Free estimates [ 70;]’4 ’ " ’- " 1988 FORD- Ranger1/2 ton pick-15100. by appt, only estimates, Call Henry’sPainting, Call 924-6301 up. Auto. trans¯, %8,new brakes, Rendall Road,Kendall Park, N.J. 201-329-6667 Manville,722-8298. shocks & woodenstorage box, 08824.Enclose your name,address and telephone nmnher. Money 1BdrmKitchenapt, for rent. Also PRINCETONGRAD STUDENT - Exc. Cond.$1,400. Call 443-1054 1971.23’Chriscra~t boat Lancer, refundedif not satisfied, 201-297-PAINTING- Interior & Exterior CAHPENTRY, REPAIRS and OBAL aft. 5 PM. Quality workat reasonablerates, GARDENMARKET INC. housekeepingrooms 2-1/2 miles seeks reasonable country complete]y"e’6~fffpped,in water¯ 0416. small alterations, Call 16091799- from Princeton US 1 so. by the residence for outdoorloving wife Call 448-6504. References available~ Call 586- 0078aftci’ 5:30p,m, 8112, For free estimate, Landscape weekor month,Call 924-5792, and3 yearold child, Call 924- 7620, --Designerand Contractor.. 17’ FINLANDER- boat and FIREPLACES ATTICS, PIANO TUNING CLEANED AlexanderSt. Campers& Trailers trailer, 40 h.p, Johnson motor Light hauling. Odd Princeton [HOUSEMATEWANTED - If you YOUNGRESEARCHER - wants good condition, Asking$800. Cad AllTypea I are interested insharing a tafge apartment or is willing to be 466-0483. Regulating Repairing 297-2928. 452-2401 roommatein Princeton area, Can ROBEItTII. IIALLIEZ [ old house in the Princeton area AnyKind / and are a single female20-26 call move in immediately. No pets. Registered Please call Russell, 024-9750l0 MemberPiano Technic ans HOWLEY&SON ;UM TREES25¢ EACH,/466"1835 and check it out, a.m.-5 p.m. TRAILER- dclux 25’, sleeps 2, Instruction Guild,Inc, TRAINS: A.F. Lionel, All sizes. Youdig, I completely furnished, carpeted 921-7242 009-448-7211evenings 291-329-6817. all electric stereo, TV,Air con- ditioned, shower, stainless k t- APTfor rent t rm, full kitchentile APARTMENT WANTED TO chenrefrigerator, range, spotless TREES TOPPED & REMOVEDGARAGEDOORS INSTALLED & 347Willow St. bath, exposedbeams old trees, 8 RENT- forquiet clean couple conditon. $4,000.452-8111. HORSEMEN- Experienced P.H.. also houses painted, Free Borden[own,N.J. DOERLERLANDSCAPES C. Horsemasterwill come& in- estimate, reasonable. Call 799- REPAIRED- Reasonable. Free mifrom Pr nceton. $150. Call 924- w thbaby. Call 92443371, ask for struct you &your horse at the 24894-9 p,m. estimates,201 - 297- 3797. 609-290-1469 LandscapeDesigning 7034, Dave. convemenee of yeur own home! Hours8-12; 1-5 Sats. 84 and s~-: ~ ~. I WANTED- 2-3 bdrm rental by 1969 APACHEMESA II, sleeps 6, Private instruction at lowrates on WATERPROOFING CELLARS Contracting "Apartment Homesfor your ownpremises. Phone (201) vice. Let our professional em- GUARANTEED- Chimneys Sun.2-5 GraciousLiving" pro[ couple. June 1 or earlier. To stove, sink, icebox, very good ployees release you from the $275.452-2700 ext 2030days. 446- condition. Best offer. Phone(2011 821-8891. Plastering, Brick &Block work. 609-924-1221 drudgery of every day Call JohnPennaechi, 609-5854484. VILLAGE OFPENNBROOK 7391eves. 329-2048after 6 PM. housecleaning. Our reliable workersare available on a daily The prestige address of Lower LEARNGUITAR this summer basis in the E, W.-, Hightstown PAVING SMITHBROS¯ Allentown, N.J. Bucks County¯ For pleasure - 1970 LARKcamper trailer - from 2 Princeton students¯ Can area. All our employeesare in- CONTRACTORS Backhoeservice septic systems FAMILYOF - Doctoral candidate give refer’s it] area¯ Beginners- HouseSitting swimming,tennis the Club and a !Mierobiologistand year old child hardtop, sleeps 4. Stove, sink, suredforyourprotection. Ca11448-Driveways,patios, trenching, and installed, fill-grave. 259-7982. beautiful reflection lake and elec. and water hook-ups¯ Ex- Advanced.452-2805. 924-8676. 0942or 443- 5621. grounds. seek 2 bedroom apartment or cellent condition. Mustsell. 215- dozingwork. small homein Princeton to New TYPEWRITER REPAIR Established1941 JR, COEDworking in Univ. Lab Brunswickarea. Occupancyafter @,2-92i0, TAVERNERPOOLS Forcomlort - yourown private OctoberI. Write Box,q1961, c/o PIANOLESSONS - from musician General cleaning and repairs. this summer,looking for lonesome entryfrom outdoors, a patio, & composer-beginners-advance. Free estimates¯ Call Ed Radigan 356-8865 apt/house within bike dist. of [Princcton Packet¯ children &adults-applications 448-6443. Retail Store campus,452-8884, completekitchens carpeting, Chemicals indivdua beat and am con- accepted from Maylst-June 15th ditioningand abundant closet TENTCAMPER - Sleeps 8, double for Sept:Limitedenrollment -Call ELECTROLYSIS PoolRepairs HOUSESITTINGwished - by 201-520-9313 space, dinette, dresser drawers stove 448-5533from 9’.30-1l AM & 3-9 PM. teachingcouple starting April 15. area¯3 BDRM ImmediateHOUSE/APT orPrinceton summer¯ sink &ice box, awnng. Ca I after 6 MasterElectrologist See our uniqueinstallations Write Box 1949, c/o Princeton Kree Institute graduate PAINTING- experienced ImmediateFirst Occupancy Unfurn.Call (2151547-1204 eves¯ p.m.799-0919. stuOen{s,interior- exterior, very AllWorkCo, Packet. Permanenthair removal. One bedroom style - $160, One Advancedme[heel good work, reasonable rates Route206,BelleMead, N.J. NORIIIS TRAVELTRAILER 20’ SEWINGLEssoNs - Beginners to references. Call Grcgg 201-545- 359-3000 bedroom and den - $200, Two Recom’dby physicians 5675after 4. bedrooms- $210, and the Deluxe sleeps 6, self-contained plus ex Tailoring. Lingerie SwimSuits, Free consultation by appt. LAW STUDENT and wife - two bedroom apartment home YOUNG PRoFEssIONAL tras. Late 1907, A-1 condition Knits. (291)844-3068, Privocy assured mature, excellent Princeton with den andtwo baths - $255. COUPLEneed 2 bdrm apt/house $2199.Call 201-545-8532,after 5. 2111-520-9’,113 references, desire house-sitting CALL215-943-2211¯ Directions to rent in Princetonarea, starting PAPEI( HANGING & position June-Sept. 25. Husband fromTrenton- Southon Route1 to July $200per me. Call (203) 502- VOLK’S- Rug Cleaning & Floor HORSESHOEING- professional, ~CItAPtNG: Prompt personal summer employed by Johnson & 7520co eel. DRAKEBUSINESS COLLEGE Route18 - continueon Rt,13 South WaxingRugs professionally done corrective work- low rates. Call ~crvice. AHtypes of wall covering. Johnson.Ca11924-1852 after 0 p.m. 2-1/2 miles to Mill Creek Road Motorcylcles 17 LivingstonAve. in your home,Free estimates, 009. 799-0736 day or evening. Free estimutes Dan Rudenstem NewBrunswick N.J. ,Exit, turn left to Samples, CompleteSecretarial and 448-0120. 365-9370. IVlOTORCYCLEFOR SALE Accountin~Courses A&LELECTRONICS - TV repair I[OUSESITTING POSITION Norton/Matcbless G15CS750cc Day and Night Courses B&WColor Sets Hi-Fi’s & Stereos COLLEGE PLACEMENT - DESIRED:t’or June & Aug. WANTED2 bdrm furn apt by street scramber, $1000.Ca Mike Telephone: CHarter 9-0347 (installed), Electron c kits Transfer, Certified counselor. For PRINCETON Youngreliable couple will tend couple with 1 child. Neededby 009-737-1553. assembled448-8618. registration for professional I DISPOSALSERVICE yard,’ &:pets.359-6680’, : ¯ WantedTo Rent Mayor June in Kendall Park, service that aids students seeking’ Rt. 130& HalfAcre Rd. Kingstonor Rightstownarea. Call college admission, call 201-207- Cranbury,N¯J. after 6 p.m. (2011297-1522. INTERESTED IN A 1861 or write K.B.M.Associates OLDERGRAD STUDENT - wife ,1971 HONDACB175 good cond, FASCINATINGI{OBBY? Join our DRESSMAKINGAND ALTERA- 609-395-1389 TIONS,Janice Wolfe.Call 609-449-15 Dundee Rd., KendaPark, N. end :1 year old child desire long HOUSEWANTED-in Somerville - Makeoffer. Call 586-2744. ceramicclub in the North, South J, 08624. ter housesittlng. Call 924-7620,Hillsboro area for a movingin[ Brunswickarea. Call 201-297-31712125. Homeand Industry m Garbage, Trash Rubbish Doctor,to rent and/or to buy fi’om Removed mid June, preferably [urn. Con- I TilE TASTYDISH -has available CARPENTRY tact Dr, J. AmbroseAtlantic City 1971 HONDA70 cc TRAILBIKE delectablegourmet,casserolesfor Haulingof all Types HOUSESITTINGPOSITION - excellent SERIOUS PHOTOGRAPHERS: wantedby conservative, stay at Hospital, Atlantic City, N. J. ,RO;I[ .... EstateFor Rent tery, speedometer, knowninstructor in th your dinner or buffet party¯ Call L & L BUILDERSAND lhome minister and wife. 08401, P. Metallic blue, 924- 1549lor brochure¯ tlOME IMPROVEMENTS Responsible. Immaculate housekeepinghabits. Will care for Alterations, Additions, Repairs, -~ D~’’= m. :.]HOUSE t’or rent Princeton $375 1969 BRIDGESTONE10OTMX; the nude. See pet, plan[s and lawn. FromJune W-m.~,~. ’ D "1~ td~Nl " *win, ~dvertisementPage 15, SLIPCOVERS& DRAPERIES- Roofingand GarageConversions. VANLIEU ASSOCIATES 11 - Aug.12, Excellentreferences. Rivers"’~ Townhouse 3 or)- 4]} er mo’ June- ~. July & Aug 3 good on-off road¯ Under 2,000 custommade. Bring your fabrib "Nojob too small." ’ uorms, a/c, av. rm. bath & miles. $275¯Call 921-6200. Call collect (806)234-1936. bedrooms¯Call 443-3425. orselect fromours. Call 565-3244. Phone201-328-4004 Contractors &Builders __ garage. Call (2011 329-2012. 1 MainStreet 1971 HONDA450 SCRAMBLER. GOURMET- TO-GOwonderful Flemington,N.J. 08822 BACHELOR SEEKING furn] Excellent Condition. Extras! food for parties at home.Delivery HOMEHANDYMAN: fast ef 201-762-8886 HOUSESITTING POSITION studio or eff apt in MercerCounty¯ ] HOUSEFOR RENT Furnished 1 EXPERT INSTRUCTION in ficient service wth a smi e. Cal (609)468-0179 WANTEDb~em3rd ~r college Excel references furn (201) 852- .. ... " . CustomPainted¯ Price elsewhere Voice, Piano, theory, Classic daily. After 5:30 p.m. phone737- 2aa~ ’ mrge oearoom earn, nvmg room first, then call me.009-587-0459. ,2092 for menu 448-2494. student Princeton. andkitchen. Walkingdistance to Guitar, Experienced teachers. Responsible with excel. .... Associated with the famous. University. FromMay or June 1. MOTORCYCLEFOR SALE: 1971 ChamberMusic School at Camp HOMEREPAIRS - Masonry, references¯ June July Aug., part- $225¯per month,Call 452-2852. Kawasaki500:2200 mi. recently DRESSMAKING,alterations in t me or fu -t me. Call 921-2788 Solitude on Lake Placid, N. Y. my home,reasonable rates, Call fireplace, sidewalks patios after 5 p.m. tuned¯ $100 worthof accessories Phone(609) 452-2139, reroofing, alterations, E. R. MOVING?? PROFESSIONALWOMAN needs included¯$850. 924-5808. (201)s26-8612 Westervelt,201 - 369- 4170. 3 room apt private home, Call Jasper the dependable residential area, accessible to PEACEFULCOUNTRY LIVING - S & T EXCAVATINGCONTRAC. movng man. Insured. stores-references supplied. Call on farm near Flemington. 5 room KAWASAKI500 1971. 3000miles TOHSINC, specializing in ItARVARDBUSINESS SCHOOL ~6ff9~055-2873, cottage, private entrance, $205. l ke new, garaged, extras. $900. FURNITURESTRIPPING: Fast ,~radieg, hind clearing cellar[:, CH7-6787 pet’ monthwith I monthsecurity PIANOLESSONS - College Junior service lowcost¯ Restoreyour old student wife & child seek Call 609-924-2104. majoringin music education will " I1 d rl cad lop so . 460-3032or housesitting position or 2 bdrm and references. Call 201-782-4439. give piano lessons to beginnersin furniture now. OpenMen Thurs. 0911-0333, i & Sat. Beat’ Tavern R~,, West - apt. June - Labor day. (6171 926- MOT(nIcvct,I,: INSURANCEyourhome.Call 440-1141aft. 0 PMTrenton082-9191 Eve. 882-3410. PATIOIHA)CKS 1 0301 or Reply Box1956 c/o Prin- WANTEDTO RENT;Older house THIS IS A HOUSEFOR RENT- 4 SI’ECIAIASTS weekdaysor all day Saturday, ceton Pucket, between Princeton . Hightstown rooms,tile bath baseboardheat, COVERAGE:0-0 or 12 months, Specialtyblocks for Bldg.Svcs. & Supply area, Call (201)739-0864.,’ yard, ndxedneighborhood, Call AI,L AGES.ALL BIKES Decks Walks days, 924-t234,eves. 924-5265. QUALIFY & Pat os LOW-LOWPREMIUMS CAN FINANCE AllWorkCo, NELSON GLASS & ALUMINUMPRINCETON JR. SEEKS CRAFTSMAN- desires small barn DRESSMAKINGand Alterations, [ I flOUSESITTINGposition for or gurage, or hu’ge tool shed to FORItENT 1/2 doable house in Ex: 0 months70cc $28, or 750cc BusinessServices Reasonableprices, 924-7484, Houte200, Belle Mead,N,J, 45SPRINGST PrincetanBore. Lie rm, dining l,, $73,for basic10/20/5, PRINCIo’roN’ June, July and possibly August, convert into workshop, living WOWISAME DAY COVERAGE, ...... ""wX~.’~.’~0- Will provide Ices[references Call ~poce, Mast havequiet, low ’en kitchen & powderi’m on ist ft, 3 V, P, ItIZZ(I INSUItANCE M"II"~hD~RS Chuck,452-7507 after 7 p.m.’ :lectricity, Rmming wulor bdrms& bath on 2nd, 2 yr louse 6091082 - 0745 CONSULTINGSEItVICES I STUI)ENTPAINTEBS - Wcpaint AUTOGLASS Ire[erred,Call 924-659.1 citer 0 ,:tad required. $275per me, Awtil July 1910Princeton Ave,, Trentou,N,J, TOREAII[’Y INVESTORS NEWAND USED VACUUM [for less by tbe hour or job Coll PLATE& WINDOWGLASS tsk for Maire. tst. Call 896-632|. P.S. Welnsm’e nhnost anything CLEANERS-- Sams ann service, J’i9.1-9150’ with wheels, I’ Design and Cost Featuring KirbySanltronic 2. Consh’uction Management System,Come into out’ showroom 732 Livingston Avenue, North IIIGII’[’STOWNGLASS AItCtII’rEc’rUBAI, Brunswick,or pilono 249- 0131, & MIRItORCO, Whywuit until the roof leaks? I~nr I~lallt ,,vv,,,~. ~t~m¢ WANTEDTO ItFNT’ Kepdnn FOIl RENT - Furnished 3 Boats SPECIFICATIONS,INC, Pknl ahead[or your roofing neods, .v. ,~,,~ P rk ttneh fn’lnshcti July t)r bedroonL2 bath house, Separute repairs I 921-0819 We rcpah’ Screens & Windows NEWItOOFS Aua Resn~ Isbo ode eo,~’nlo, dining 1’oo111, yar(I, prwato ...... , ...... ’ ..... noc]~ild’c[or pets Re[ore’~[’os’ par’king w~.dking distal)re tO Tl ES[S & MANUSCRIP’ITyp I g Protnl)l Pick-up & Dol very t’tlttt EIt&St~ltAl"EIt , At.( ¯ I I .~FJ ~211inl’~ ot~ r 20 .207.65,0 fte’ P M ’ ulnvorsl!~Y, $’,178, per momllIroffi 12.1/2 Ft, SAIl, ltOAT-Oiber gl ss Service. Glass rops M le to ’ ’ l IMSoleetrlc & Exeettive lyp~’ IF OUlt IAVELIIIOODDEPEN, Order, 83 Moran Princeton gel,~,%t,c, [ on1 ..I L~,,t~:o,.u...~um I ’IVUt0 non/e, Alr[or JunoI, Cull,t52-2052 hull, co[toll sails, Alunfinuntmast Carbonr ~bons, Minleogroptiingl %l.]nlnn¢"d 91Wlr/ &bnonl $250.00. lIED SOLEI,YON S’[’IHPIHNG ...... " ...... Coud,(201) 725-i802, Manville, Mrs.DiCieeo, I~96.080,1, PAINT ANDVAR, NISI| FROM Call: 44tl-2077 12 Ft, Greenahnninunt rOWboat ItARE AN’rI!,~UESWI’:’D liE I,IVINGPRh]TI’V LOW ON ’[’lie withnora $09,00. FUltNt i’UltE REI"INIStIING D,.... ,m.,,, ~.t,n~A,,,,~.,r [’~tIltNISlll)~l) ROOMfor ge[I. WANTED-by te clitg coupe, ~oltlttey, Executive tyl)o home. ~n ,,,| I I IOG,l lappilybnsinoss is boonlleg , ,,~.~,~.~,~,~{~, t.u Services atTho Wood Sheu ar, d it’s uoeatlso CllAllt CANING,896.0057, ...... ,t~u!ut!n,,,, tn’tvato e/twnneo,apply ’(to I t p~rtulent iu prlv~to homeI 8 [’corns, 2 haths, 2 et ’ go r tge o RP, , Mc,c,n ! ’ ’ ’y outbo,ud ’ nmto ’, ,,ve,.,a, t~ n) 1"~O~tl (It%Ve % tv~allVnlO ’ I) rincelolt-LOWl’Oneoarea, Off[ acre o[ groulld, COUldryllvil{g, (ill l!~x,tend, $150,00, ,., ...... , ...... strcet parking, Write Box1919 c/0 1 school bus t dec,, I 1/2 lonths ,,laM u~2¢ ttqTIIMt~llh,l’t Dt’,VtM t. ..,, till eton lack[l, security I nt()11tbnltdvul!l ptls ,’l Iwb, ntwoo, . ,e [o’ t,’tt~,-3~-N-t’)aZ-i;~i’~;i’~t~ ,.~u. . ,.y,q I slllg I~J u $’.’5ol IP )o’ aungilg into’re’ & ex. I rineetnI t cman nn ( 1tier sh’eot, 2 blocks off ...... nogouatno,, ...... 2ot,1121.t1078 allOl 0 CAI,,I, 81{.,.l tJ’0 torior, Free estilllotes.... 0011148. WA4-(1180 MainSt, Calldnys 201.725.(668o1’ After IP,M, ,,7 , eves, 201.722-5524,MallVillo, J p,ln, / SAILBtlA’r.17’ )tic| Vo ksb01t "lEES "ALIEN DOWN llOMEI,’t)ll I)NE WANTI,~I/I ,’/he.rg oss bay sail)l,, (R 1( DISP()S’IDOF - Prom)t & N,W, MAUI &SON ~flr ~anf ¯ ~Infc [th’odoathtglhu’wu’dstudontwith]...... Aq,,’ M")I""’ ’l" fqllily IU) l $i20~Ol’ best 0"or It’kl00[ service, Workuone yo’,y t S lv,’y li0&(}’lggsl)rivo F [’t t 11t jol ’ c(t St’ ~S 201,297.0052, ’[reosolmbly, Illsurod (~0i) 711’~. 11A041h6e. ( I c I I [set t, )t )l’e’~’tld]It t y ’plsK[I ,II’cK ~’i ,lut- ,’slit eVil I1(!"" "’ ..... , ...... 09,~,..... ItL}J)OUlbervIco.... ’’ ...... ---- Fu.]l..’e~")t uu~v ...... ¯ urn,w"’""~ , "o"o,*,u~ ...... I ~|~ , ),.~l.,nllseht ,) ./’} u hfisund ,t(( S".mmumlty |’i "~’’’’*~lurk,* ~. l,,~loe[rh:alI twor& o MASONItVWtll{K, Patio, SUB-,E’ ’. Iet r )o I tUl[U,~i od/~)lstoIF9[ i[k}e,rstc,t)op.!![511 o,~!! l ao[d~lo,t~hri=~du-$ ¢ i;~ t’/iiL 6".;1 ’~illtl’ in’ !"I!II’3[GI,ASSSKI ilitA’[’ with I t AMPSIIAI)FS - lattip mnunlIg repoh’ work: Lighthtghlst~llotions opt, $19,t,~, iI Tw 1 lvors ’r’,,I W,t lOtO...’ S,,,, "rtLsc ou[ ,,- .... "~’ , trow,.’,Coil 452.~fflli, a0dr¢lndrs Npt~satlhltOrlors 1o~ l,,htstrlal Muhlt~uaoco Illghtstown..I.r,l.a2,,~of tot 7 I’M... ~i~l~luan~t., ~a,nt, rtnl]o, mosa.[ NossauSl,, Princeton, S’l’A, It CLASSttlynltle rtcingl IIt!II,III*3IS ...... SL~I’ , I bodroonl u11. ItlCIIAltl) IWrTY 79041798 II,’vot~ aml ~lh..~ I’ll’ ~ ed o)nrtlFO t. $05 ’w WAN"I~) sIII I -I l", 1111 ¯’ilcotOII i[t,t)NTi,MPOitAdY ’ , ’ IIO!.ISI ¢] FOIt yacht,#tic 10,a,t’, keeli sotsetttlla I,:XCAVATINtbLANI)SCAI’I Nti ---¢ ...... Itivcra ’Ilight~hlW’ ’ trst)u’Oultdillgtn’oa~ , tn|l.l.llt-41~5...... II,N -Sopt, i Ju o U OSllall g IVOlliZe(I irOllOO,vory gun{ Gttrllge~ I)I,]MGLITION ~ CI t3. / ,,,,,~ ,,,,,I f,,,,.,h.,,,I u. ,t~ eol|d. ,161b~iffl,0394758, Additions ~ower~ wotor ¯ w, ~ . ],1.85 utltr 7 I,III, n l~ 8 1till [1011| center of llorlllOr~ .let, I evt,ry wetnlt,t~titlV .... [ ~,,~x .t ., L, ’., , ’.. , lteltovotlops , ., , ,,,, , ., ]bl N [ LTII ,ll NCTION. ftlr. QUII,YI’N W ,YWED llUSINl,ISS[t~qtdtl~td, ,Ih0drnolllS sltldy, idoy IIollnllzO 1’or ihutdyMaid =7 11, III IIIP I’ll|l~t411/Pil pllgta otnhgleM~uncytltllrhnutt,$t25 t,’,t)tPl,I]Sedt ~t in Princeton,/’~ ’ y ’Ol $5 tt [ y Uhi t C4’dsor V,II l,’nrd lttuhlr, No htl WorkCO. ~1 gel o111111lilY, ~ (1[|~1 llgll~tow h011o,111,7472 /Cal17aT-~310, llo0;’t000111oofl’cr roJt~ctotl, [’,till/ Itnuto~t)(! I llolln Mood,N,J, tltlil,StlT,0159, ,ll~9,1ttl00 [,e,,l,,’~y~o~-:,~5,2i,, ’ [ / THE PRINCETON PACKET "SevenFor Central Jersey" ~’~’~¯NEWS ’l’hoI,awre, nco Lodger TheManville News THE CENTR/tL POST (1)INDSOR-HI6HTS NEI(JtLD Class i fi’ed dvertising The Franklin NEWS’RECORD PAGE NINE-B THURSDAY,APRIL 27, 1972 Business RealEstate For Rent...... Real Estate For Rent Real-Estate Wanted LandFor Sale RealEstate For Sale RealEstate For Sale RealEstat____ee forSal___ee/Real EstateFor Sale

needed. Call us first, wehave al RANCH- 5 rooms country b.uyer for yottr prope+rty; Barclay 1/2 ACRELOT with large apple residential between Princeton and[ FORRENT PRINCETON TWP; -t~ 1 out. This 2 story Colonial has] In ", "/ / NewBrunswick. Fireplace’ full Computer space equipped with A’~ene ~,tuemstownL’~,o ,~a,-~ , , ¯ "1 trees, SouthBrunswick Township. 0700.Eves. 448-6356. For immediatesale at $9000.Call country setting but close tel basement, 2 ear garage, swim. raised floor¯ Air conditioning & everything.Large corner lot, slate l mingpool1 acre lot. Nochildren humidification. Call 924-5572or Barclay Agency, 443-0700 Evenings449-8356. entrance foyer, kitchen with or pets. Call 201- 297- 2774af- 924-0125. breakfast are% formal din ng[ TWINRIVERS - townhouses ternoons. SELL YOUR HOMEFOR TOP PRICE.For consultation without OPENIIOUSES room, large living room, famlyl available, 3 & 4 bedroom obligation phone921-2700, Karl PRINCETONFARMS I 7~9-0605 room with fireplace, laundry] townhouses ia desirable Twin Weiael, Inc,, Realtors, 57 years room2-1/2 baths, 2 ear garage,[ Riversloeation. Allquality homes experience Insurers Depen- Builder JosephMistretta CUSTOMRANCH - located on a full basement. rural setting with lo0’s of trees $59,500.[ / withformation nice callextras. Richardson For moreRealty. in- FORRENT- about 1,O00sq, ft,ol dability. RealEstate For Sale CustomBuilder at it’s finest. ROOSEVELT- home for rent Sunday,April 30, 2-5p.m. and a stream a few minutes from spacious 6 room, 3 bedroomhome space, Suitable for office’ ql ltightstown, Featuring 3 workshop¯For details call before 2 models-surroundedby rolling RELAXAND ENJOY LIFE - in/ THE KNOLLS- brand new never for summerrental¯ June 25-Aug, hills andnatural beauty, bedrooms,modern kitchen, 3 car this all brick and aluminumsiding] beenlived in Ranchon a 1/2 acre 21, Studio incl. all appliances, 12 noon, 009-448-0426, Im. arage, on 2 acre lot. $35,900.Rancher in Penn Vie Heights/ site in the Levitt Knolls between avail. Babyequ p too Reas 448- mediate Occupancy, WANTEDTO BUY: FARM IN LOT 7 DARROWDRIVE - Entrance foyer large kitchen/ Hightstown & Freehold. Features 5533 between9-11 A.M,4-10 P,M, UnusualColonial with 3 enormous lEST WINDSOR- bungalow with eating area formal dining[ of this modernhome include: COUNTRYOR ONHIGHWAY: 30 eaturing living room, dining to 150 acres, Prefer a large MontgomeryAgency bedrooms2 1/2 baths, very large room, living roomwith fireplace,/ Living roomwith picture wiadow, country house. This wouldbe for family room with a rustic ~om,3 bedrooms,1 car garage, family room 4 bedrooms2 full’ handsomemodern eat-in kitchen, FURNISHED HOUSE FOR country home & place to keep COMETOMONTGOMERYfireplace, formal dinin~room and etch, on 1/2 acre lot. $37,700. baths, 2 car garage, full three bedrooms, ceramic tile RENT:Aug. ’72-July 1,-"73 animals. Prefer doing business aa ultra-modernkitchen, laundry basement. [ ~tf attachedgarage central air eAST WINDSOR NEW $62,900. c ln[ itioning and all appliance. Large, charming 4-5 bedroom, SummerRentals with owner only direct. Will MONTGOMERYTOWNSHIProom 2 car garage, basemem. CAPECOD -- situated well-furnished home - high owner please writ% giving And muchmore with an unusua ENGLAND I n~ tediate occupancyat $33,900. ceilings lots of light modernized deserip, tion location,price &tele. 4 bdrmbidevel, fireplace, 2-1/2 layout and distinctive exterior on 3/4 acre p.rofessionally land- JUST WHATYOU ~HAVE o BEEN ~ ...... oat-in kitchen screened porch no, Will then call you for appt. baths, pate, $47,900. desig n " ’ ~~46500 ’ ’ scapcd’ ’ lot’ "h’rnis ~ire Beauty lace hugeotters LOOKING’ ’ FOR ’" ~ ~’ o,~t.v 1ur r~,,~r~ut~ - excellent ranch Albert E. Smith, Box 249, Mr. llWn.~ room w!t t p , ¯ e, Colonial In Pen,nlngtan, Situated homeonalargecornerlatinEasl lovely garden. Easy walking to SHORT - TERM RENTALmid 2 on a large lot with,matureshade University,shops andbus. Nopets June to mid-Sept. (flexible) Holly, N. J. 00060. 5 bdrm expanded Ranch, w/w LOT 5 - PALMERDRIVE - faml~yroom, 4oeorooms, stony, Windsor Township. Features - $50<}per month.Call 924-5782. carpet, brick patio, 3 baths, Oversized 3 bedroomRancher ,l/2batns, andmanyextras~, ..... trees and shrubbing of all include vngroomwithcafltedral Furnished 3bedrm. 2 bath, air- with slate foyer, 2 full baths, and[ ¢~,~u, varieties, Front flagstone porchl ceiling dining room,modern eat- conditioned rancaer on and- $50,400. entrance foyer large living room ultra-rood U-shaped kitchen with [ ~^ov~ ,~, ,~,~. o^mr, u~o"" in kitei~en 22 ft, panelledfaro y I~6i.JSE RENTALWest Windsor scalped 1/2 acre near Lawren- HILLSBOROTOWNSHIP self-cleaning oven full dining ?~A-~’~m~Y.’~.~’~/,~f, lormal oining room, moaern room 3 ~edrooms 1-1/2 baths lg 3 bdrm, 2 bath Ranch. F exible cevllle.30ft, living-rm.,.... colonial, u~^r,+,vwr~,,~,,,~ .vmn .~.=~T ,t’e’"~ ...... room, pegged floor family room ] n uranoury: rnls oeauutuuy kitchen, laundry room flagstone extras large scre’encd in rear occupancy. Ideal for commuter. . 1 , dining...... rm. electric~ August) kitchena 2-3 bedroom (dishhouse ....with with beamed’ilin and usedce decorateug ...... reslaenceottersa Large s de scre.e ne d-m " porch, .basement porch, full-basement and much yr lease. 799-2603. wasnerl raneueu stualo . 4 bdrm Cape, brick patio, city panelled ’ basement game - rm,’ otlon to buy - reasonablypriced - sewers, $36,500. brick fireplace, laundry room nwngroom.graclousumlnmaruph wlthfamllyroomandbmlt-mbar more Mast be ~een to be ap- a~°~n~ route 27 tLawreneevdleto basement and 2 car garage. [monern Kttcnen, large, ta~dy i-1/2 baths 3 bedrooms 2 car preeiated Realis~cally priced at Washer. . , dr Y.,er freezer. .." .Gara g,IFranklin e Park) - in walkingl There’s also a patio lind much Ir°°m’ 3 bedrooms, finis ..~ garage, automatic flood lights, ’ snaoe ann lrutt trees ¯ z. $37,900 ...... ’ I distance to bus stop and shops. I $37,000,3 bdrmRanch, fireplace, garage, more. Comeand see the fine work- oosement~attacneo garage+, 5~(0 burglar alarm system, black top HOUSEFOR RENT - Aug, ’72 - $300/montnrhone auo-oaua, Cal: 609-921-7859. manshipand extra details in this acrelot. :+~o,~. drive. . OUTSTANDING SPLIT - July ’73. Large 4-5 bedroom 2 bdrmRanch, 2 car garage, low custom model. ’ $49,900, I ...... $64,900, I magnificiently kept split-level nicely-furnished home. Easy puv ...... ~,,.. I homeon a lovely well mauicured walkingto University, shops and taxes, $37,900. DIRECTIONS:2 miles nm’th of [in Cranbury. Over 100 yea’ol"d" _ r s... I HABDTOBELIEVE- but this is [ 1/2 acre lot in E. Windsor N.Y,Bus. Familiesonly, no pets, 3 bdrm Ranch, w/wcarpet, full Pennington on Rocky Hill- "featuring . 4, Bearooms.. : ~ z nvmgI what we are offering. An all I Township.Features include large $50<}per month.Call 924-5782. CAPE¯ MAY’ ,, Furn , 7..... bdrm homeI ~I, AMILYOF 5 - wishes roomy basement,$38,500¯ Pennington Road. FromP ’in- I rooms, extra large almng room,, I aluminumsimng 2 story Colonial v ng room with picture window, overlookingocean avail Apt ISr -~ u . ~ . . . ceton follow Cherry Valley Road/ modernkitchen, pantry, screenenlsituated on almost 2 woodedI formal d n ng, handsomeeat-in . " II0USe In r-rlnceton contemporary to Carter Road go straight on in rear porch, 2 ear garage, largelacres. Slate entrance foyer, I kitnhen wth a conveniences, July 31st’ . J~lso’ Sept iWrtte premrreu to iaKeslneBox ...... or western 4 bdrmbi-level, familyroom, city $54,000. formal dining roomkitchen with arge panelled family room3 big 1925,c/o PrincetonPacket or Calll Pennin++ton-Roci~yHill Road 1 I lot, andmany extras. section l’ow $70’s Call 201-337-sewers, $42,900. mile to°Princeton Farms¯ breakfast area, ta’undry room, I bedroomsincluding a master fIOUSEFOR RENT - furnished 3 (Ohio)216-743-5181. 7033. ’ " ’ PRINCETON- Custom, built[family room with fireplace 2-1/2 I bedroom su te, 2-1/2 baths, 4 hdrm Colonial, brand new, Colonial brick front Rancher, 3 baths 4 large bedrooms, 2 carl sundry room, full basement, and bedrooms,2 baths, all appliances familyrm, 2 car gar, $47,900. OTIIEItCIIOICELISTINGS on l~ake Carnegie, children ~ COUNTRYATMOSPHERE hedrooms, ll/2baths,targelivin.glgarage full basement, Pie-I 2 ear attached garage. Such welcome¯$350¯ per month from Irgom,odin!ngr°°m,.m°dern, ktt’lturesquesetting, I outstanding extras as: quality JuneI5 - January’73¯ Call 924-1483N~d 3 bdrm Ranch, in-ground pool, cnen iam i teem w m nreplace 56300 I)ISCB.IMINATEDAgainst, need fireplace, 2-1/2 baths, $48,000. CENTERHALL RANCH - on a ] , ’ Y ’ , . . ,I $ , . I wall-to-wallcarpeting, central air, between5-7 p.m. White Cedar Chalet’, heart of beautifully landscaped3/4 acre / egxtr~g~,are e ’n "g ’ouno pool ann many lovely patio awlf-cleaningrange Poconos secluded¯ Month2 wks I help finding a house/apertment? plot boundedby acres of dense . ’ ,$570O0, ¯ IFAMILY WANTEDTO FILL and muchmore. Quality valueat: or season¯201-254-9007. C.ivil Rights Commission/Leag6dTllE MONTGOMERYAGENCY Rt. 206,Belle Mead woods 3 enormous bedrooms, 2 a ~ THE ROOM- of this 2 story $41,900. I o1’ WomenVoters Fair Housing 1/2 baths, traff c free living room,] ~ ~ Colonial in Penn ViewHeights, a SUMMERRENTAL ON MAR- Office, 4 Green St., Princeton, 201-359-0277 charmingfamily roomlocated off ~ /community adjacent to Pen- ~ ...... Business THA’SVINEYARD: 4 BRm farm wants to help you. Call 924-7138. eves.201-359-8428,201-359"0819 houselocated in WestTisbury. Attention sellers/leascrs, weneed ~tochen~%aesha~Ue~Slze~t’~nlcngr ~ n~gt~n’rE~ra~Cen~°Ye~;f°r~p1~i~t: ~geUa~’~l~!~cq~all~Yl RealEstate For Rent AvailableJuly 16 to Aug.5th Call listings, I~ 921-3376. a Itra~he:ugar¯ age and’t has ~:~i i ~-~L~~ fwi~~"[a~e+ a ~afm~Y arrooam.’ I kitncdhe; ia~it~¢h~P~~bi:i n~i!~ ~i ~ r°; ’ ’ [ ~ room, study 2-1/2 ’baths, 4 ~ + pe ’’g for- MANASQUANBEACH FRONT- 3 I SPACEAND PRIVACY Custom / I Princeton A_rea~ri~ t bedrooms2 ’ car garage full I ohangOright modern eat: ~.n bedrooms, available May27-Jul " basement, large Idtenen 21ft panelled fami FORRENT . Office space ir 15, $300. per week. Call 609-799- LandFor Sale .....built5bedroomColonialwith21/2 | ~,a lot. I .... t ~ ’ ...... Princetonwith area for storage ot earns very large iamny room / ~’99,.0~H~5 $64900 r~m ~oeuroomsz-a/zoams lau [[ght sloop work¯Can be divided¯ 0140. ~ REALTORSGERDESa HUSEI twth¯ ’ shdlng. . , ’ ’ ’ ’ ~oasment e’ " ’1-++zcar - ’ garage ’Sucn’ " doors /to patio and ~-- ~ t~.w ,Pn, WRTAi this quautyextras as 2 zone baseboard Large parkingarea¯ Call 924-5572 IDEALPRIVATE Camping Site: " wooded private park all your own. I PRINCETONTOWNSHIP -/’~"’~--’~ ~":’~N ¯- " - ¯2 or 924-0125. BUNGALOWfor rent - weekly 12 acres surrounded by Lebanm IThe dining room and picture-book l custom built Ranch with/s!°rY~y-l°matslmate° ]+ust-°ut;I hot water~ heat ~ larae"~ t.,,~. June-Sept. in Seaside Park, Nick Sate Forest. Coder creek rum .IIIEDn.OOM21/2BATIIS k tchenandits dining area allare bea,,tu’,,uv tv..A Int ~,1. ~.IS oe ml.’enmngton oiters mat anu dressin. . ~ room~,. .,~ .L"J.~’.’,,,a~te+ Lebedz,201-722-0882 or 722-8785.thru properly. $7,500. Call 609-094- MONTGOMERYTOWNStI1P, p anneu.;, ~u..... uve,uur,I. ,~. u,~: ...... ~,~,,, , scnools" ...... J Immaculate"~" ...... con~nH~,~,/also ~raciouso livin~o. Entrance t, t~mroom. ’2laundry .... room ,quality -- ,. vew¯ "nto nature rhere’ are too Easy ma’ ntenance...... in and ..t foY er formal dnng room ar ge carpet & ~st otwoouwork All 0072." " - " mls-- plus aluminumsiding on ’this Imanyextras ...... to ast out we WUlj This’ homeP-;n"includes -^om 2~’ don’"i+h l~..~ ,v, fire-laces .~ w + ,vlar-e , I o , ...... showyou It is the buy of the I livin~ room wth "a sod...... f r~nlac~~’ ~ modernkite h en fa m’ hy room w th’ ;~" ~/z. year Oil name.1": -- J OFFICEBLDG w/adeauale N2cVAvS~OT~uArnishMet~der~uaet"i~e°~I~Dir~GaihO:u:nni~;~!i~:ge~ If~oua~.e41~°rgebedaor~J,~-~l/~e monthfor $48,900,dini~ roomeat-is kitchen ~ twi’~ / beamedceilings- quarrytile floor I Just reducedto $47,900. ’ ’ + with radiant heat plus fireplace storage or filin~ space & l’ivinal * ¯ ..... , . ’ $ ,5 0 baths family roomwith fireplace size,~%oaro~m’s ’t~, t ~ quarters New’iv renovated ~ overlooking, nay o z, r-una~, _ lead~g to pate and barbeque COMFORT--CHARM-CONVENt-space~’~riv~e W~ste°~)a°~hClw°~l[/with bookcases an~] built-in stereo, I WOODEDSPLIT LEVEL availab e mmediately. Located weeKlT,; j~aro~t~ neugpem, 1-1/2 ACRELOTS with Princeton area, 2 car garage living room I ENCE.- Beautiful 4 bedroom¯[ shower, manyextas. Air/3"1./2 hath.s, 4 bedrooms, swim:lhandsom homeon an excellent on HiwayUS 130 n East Wndsor I ~ra.nvnle n erry, ~. K:_Z_,¯I’~_ova phone and address between fermid n ng, k tch’en wth break’- executive namenas 2 1/2 elegant conditioned c’~rneted Cal .~n.. mlng pooh OU~uUhuln~WI~. 1’1/2 ~cre wo-dede lot in rlomirahh= Twp. $350 per me long lease. Call ~a, uanaua. Tel. tS0Z/ 03Z- Princeton . Lawrencevll e Road fast area. Stately set on country 609) 4522212 ’ ann mercer ttoau . Lawrence acre. " l lOrlo:lsmoot 924-0711.Pr,ced Icgabaatn;gn~!f2~!!~:n~lSbii~:!i l sFoceJ~in::Eiil+uWdUadsii;T:OdW~2-h4~ti " ’ Township.2 available, $19,500 anelled family roomis accented /2.1 acres, e a g I livin, ream’wIthflronlao~ f~rmai __ ~ each. CLAItEMONTSECTION IllSTORICIiILLSBOROTWI’ ~...,,., ~t.. ~ncAnn,~,l V,I~W~;IA, TWPltPrlV tePB.INCETON air rend4 bdrmHO ...... APRILIOCCUPANCY-2ndfloorn°US~a:eek°.~u~v$~fl:ri~e:~a~llcountryaeres..A’!trees,e:~cel!ant $3,,900 ~l~ aCC~ no qt et vac ver NassauSt., 6 offices and 1 bath, 921"7675 ’ I’~ , ’ P’ Y. Y Bright and sunny 3 bedroom .... ’ ’ : I oversized bdrms. Living room " .. Y .... ~ . g+ r ieatures central air finishedden, semi-carpeted and draped. Some...... Igood terms .$27 , 900 Ranch on 1/2 acre with mature aluon. ~51,9o0, with fu wall stone fireplace, wat~,°rr!aeygur, mcyclet.°.t°.wn’lbasement soundproofed ’ desks and file cabinets to be left ...... olantings. Country kitchen with I Formaldining rm, eat- n k [chert, "~neloc.auon at mlsunusuat ,~esLgn [ bedrooms,tv jacks throughout, w th rental $50<} per month 2 SERENITY’HALF-PRICE --l~n°mps°n ~ana, ~o, tteattors breakfast a’ea, full basement, EXQU[S!TE[![ .- The owners I family rm w/bar,21/2 all ceramic ~ape ~oo oilers just. mat. r~n- andmuchmore $43,900, year lease requ red Ca 921-0796Beautiful, caim, uncrowded’Sept.I~.~ . .’121 " 7655 attached garage. transfer,s,your gain. In th, haths4 zonehot waterbaseboard l.rann~ e layer,,!arm, ae~Uln~lgl~rOeOaI~, on Long Beach Is attlarveyCdrs"I ) 1"" 7655 " . . . custom budt sprawling Callforma (oil)’heat basement2 car lVl g roe ,attcn 3 br ~ht BRmodern kitchen huee I "’Wespecialize in homesnorth and 4 bedroom,2 1/2 bath Ranch,,ml’a"e ta~’ae screenett norch fast area. laundry room, family .... deck overlooking" ocean for warm~ ] -- ,,vest el Princetonwhere y’ou fred stvled for comfort and beat ty. NoI ~/.a~’ba ’~ecue Manffun- room with log burnin~ fireplace Lmln~’~d~[~mmh,~"’"q~[:~ OFFICESPACEFORRENT days electric heat for tool nights. WOODEDBUILDING LOT for ilrcstlge, heaatlfld conntryslde.., ’e~tra has been spared in this ete~ationedextras ’Ca 1 nowI 448- plus log alcove and shalng g|ass ’ doors to rear yard, 1/2 bath ann ilillM~Ll/I/lq/l’~l~W~~ . . Onl:? $500 Sept. 5-30. Weeklyrate sale 1.8 acres LawrenceTwp. I ..... uxur ous centrally a r con- 4430Priacina v s only~, " t’~?l~ 150<}square feet of at’ice ann avail 466-2874 $12500, Phone 896-0321 .... ditioned home. Even thegrounds ’ master bedroomwith full bath on [] ¯ storagespace, ’ tllltl inure noise lor tile inOlley!** have been lavishly landscaped. I 1st floor. 3 bedroomsand full bath Conveniently located for the ~ on 2nd floor, largecornerlot, 2car mr,,Aun~nmn~aiTar~ ~ " + MAUR1CEH. HAGEMANCO. FORRENT - Beach Haven house HOPEWELnr~ .. ~, 130% & 90 % morlgages available oe~ecU~ioVrei~)tal~r~oodleYsCt°mI~unily EASTWINDSOR B[-LEVEL If garage, full basement.$71 900 Rt 130JusINorlhof 231RogersAve or apartment Ocean side Gr--:~:e.wuuu ...... avu?..y-"~ wooueu ~"lOt (’~ ua .~’~. x I toas ,~ual wel asfod FHA buyersand VAfinancing ...... "~ +m~ I it’s plenty of room you’re look ng ’ ’ The 0 d YorkeInn ilightstowu,N.J. . , reasonable rates, Cagafterfp.m. 2 0. ~135O0...... Phone 20D ~,~,~ue.a~,~ ~-u~, ~. "~ ~ ’ I price lrom $6o-$so,euu It is truly’J a I for ,~.tlli~ ","=" is .’~:."re-,, CALLhem-THE ~’i.~MOVERS 1.,,~3- Tn s Dr.... CK 896-0989. deliahtfule, r nronertvt- a. $63’ 900’ ’ leamrns," ~ 9 nenroom,t’" Kltcneu earn nnd fr~a l~+nohal* ¢ read- for ’~’m,~--- ~aem ~ hvmg room, laundry tad ut ty v0u to move in Large entrance ...... room, Second level hal living OFFICESPACEFORRENT ~over fn’m-Mdining’ roomlivin~ E. WindsorTownship ttigatstowa GERDES " " "o"om’w’th" f repl~ee, n~oder~ PRIME LOCATION ...... ,ELM IR DG,E PARE -~ / 1"2a I cres ~ . , I roam, dining room, kitc~n, 3 on ~nn~o.tiuU!Vlt urmsneanomeo.n2or larger; Princeton’s prestige [[[’~ : , 9eqrooms a.on oa,t.a, ~xtra kitchen w th large eating area, t tries" lit ~elle ivteau bar e nvla~ i~ maturesIncluoe carpetinganu air covered rear porch 3 bedrooms2 -- ~ -- NASSAUSTREI~T ...~ .. i~ .... rcsidenttat area with largeprivate ~-" m ...... conditioning, Newbudding ’ ’ .room,. pauelleU...... urn . AVailaBle..... lake and rices,, , $16,000andup, It,, MUll" ,~ax~ I ~ II i I + ..... full ceramic tile ’baths, family ¯ IleSlotgrlAt dUn0 lb - bept, lb, $3bo monm,uan ~ Ha,use, : roomwith fireplace and built-in ,~ ~afl.4~o ff unite A Pearson 6gg-737-2203 or own ~ .W P [] [] ¯ P 1 N I ¯ CO~’~e~ClAt 8(0.:1200...... sq. ft. units 3593238" . broker..... REALTORS ¯ ¯ ~ ¯ ~lc...... ’ bar, pony barn, 2 ear garage Ill ¯ INOUStm~i Avai,able homediatcly ..... i ttlUl~.Uttl ACItI~ ttA:’~UtlEtt: basement ¯..~, - ’ , I Situated on a nicely woodedlot, ’ $52,500. / ’ ~ _ . I this raocher featuresliving room, r Ib ~l~l,~l[lllll~t~I:l~l|~l dining room, ftlnlily ’00 n, kit. BUYLANI): TIIEY BON’T ..J [~,. I chen, laundry, powder room, 3 MAICd;~.I’I’ANYMORE ~ lledrooms aud 2 baths, Recenllyi ~l ’~ redecm’atod, Lurge well hind-’ 00 x 10o Penn ngton Be’o, Ill seqped yard, + rcs de tt a $45,ooo,i THE PRINCETON P./tCI(ET "Seven For Central Jerseytt Thel~awrenco l ~edger &+2~ NEWS THE CENTRAL POST TheManville News WlNDSOR-HIGHTS ]-IE1{JtLD Class i fi’ed dvertising TheFranklin NEWS’RECORD PAGE TEN-B THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1972 I RealEstate For Sale RealEstate For Sale RealEstate For Sale RealEstate For Sale RealEstate for Sale RealEstate For Sale Real EstateFor Sale RealEstate For Sale

BELLE MEADBRICK RANCH CRANBURY- Here is the homeso I KENDALLPARK PRINCETONTWSP all brick BESTBUYS rancher,.entrancefoyer, L.R. with manyof you have been waiting[ ESPECIALLYfor COMMUTERS for. This lovely old homeon Main fireplace, formal D.R., Eat-in LARGE8 room Ranch "Mark Kitchenwith separate Laundry, 3 St. is availableand waiting for you] Located in low-tax WestWindsor This lovely 1 yr old all electric to comeand restore to her nriglnal I Model" 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, area, near PennCentral line, bus, $34,500 B.Rs, 2 full Baths, Full Basementbeauty. 4 large roomsdown and 5 garage, patio, reducedto $34,500. newHigh School, shepping. This 9- (Color photographs of homes ranch on Iaerc offers 3 spacious MOUNTAINVIEW - Very at- 6 MONTHOLD SPLIT LEVEL with raised hearthfireplace, large roomsplit-level homerots’ on a flagstone Patio, centrally a,r bedrooms up and wide fleer inside and out) tractive Gambrelroof Colonmlon boards throughout¯ $48,000. woodedhalf-acre with bedrooms,large living roomwith a large woodedlot that conditioned 2 car garage FIVE(5) bedroomRanch, 2 large backyard privacy overlooked by Professionally landscaped lot. additions added to basic model2 RESTOREDSTONE COLONIAL - firep ace, dn ng room,custom ~)0o0m0sSq2 flt)2°f~i~is~l screened porch, ideal for small circa 1735. 5 bedrooms3 baths, Principals only $73,500.609-924- bath carpeting, washer, dry~r, children andpets. Four bedrooms, modernizedlarge countrykitehen~ I plush’ wall/wall 3046. refr orator, dishwasher, air 3 tiled full baths, large family also several outbuildm,~s ann eq Ul ’pp ed kit’ he en with Frigidaire completelycustom , eom oner, flagstone patio, room,carpeted living and dining fenced-in yard, garage, asking tenant houseon 60 rolling acres. ¯ built Call for your Real Estate Broker rooms, stone fireplace, eat-in Phonefor details. app, iances. Family room with nowfor a beautiful 54 N. MainSt., Cranbury,N.JI $37,500. kitchen, garage. June or July ]life. MODELKINGSBERB.Y ItOME occupancy. Low 40’s. BY BIGNEW COLONIAL - on wooded brick wall, 2 full tile bathsand a 2 OPEN 655-1900 BAI{I{OOD,REALTOR OWNER.799-0581. Eves. & Sun. DorothyLindenfeld M.L.S. 201-247-6664 lot. Slate entry foyer dining room I/2 car garage. Call us you’ll like SHABAKUNKHILLS - setting in Millstone with chair rail, large cedarcloset, lovely Arefreshing departure from the 395-0892 3/4 acre treed lot. commonplace.See the (Harwick) panelled doors, central air con- with 7 rooms, 2 room with bow __ ditioning, and central vaeumn it. $49,000and 4 bedrooms 2,850 sq. ft. of living space, more EAST WINDSOR 3 bdrm systemare someof the extras that measure17 x 19 and 13 closets than you’ll ever need. 4 basementwith a 24 x 15 family Colonial; 2-1/2 baths, tam. rm, makethis house an exceptional urn,3 bedrooms,1-I/ I bedrooms3::1/2 baths, 17anelled HOUSEFOR SALE - 3 1/2 bdrms. a/c, screened porch, fenced I/2 value at $66,500.On 1 1/2 acre lot room, large antique brick[ fami!y room,living.rm, w,th stone : 2 full modernbathrooms separat~ acre¯.$41,500 prin. only. 443-3628. PENNINGTONCOLONIAL: just north of Princeton¯ fireplace¯ A real beauty with tent opportunity, nrepmce, centraialrcond, centrall dinino roomnewI,, ciecorated ] vacuming, full basement, 2 carl new °heatin~ s-stem ,~rivat~l Flagstone foyer, L v. RmForm custom construction and many ’ IDin Rm panelled Fain Rm PRINCETONJUNCTION - Near expensiveextras. $49,900. MONMOUTHJUNCTION - NEWEXPAI~5~ERANCHER garage, plus muchmore. Located[ drivewa- la~oe~l~aek-~lr~ vet,, I ¯ 2 Iw/fire_lacep t , -kitch, mun-room ~ ’ - Penn Central and convenient to - 3-1st floor bedrooms,expansion I on 4 secluded woodedacres, I center o~’tow~ Walkingdistanc~ I family house. $39,500. 4 or 5 ILaundr,, area 4 BedRm~9 rio Rt. #1 is this 4 bedroomhome oh a LicensedRealEstate Broker BLACKWOOD GARDENS - for2morelargebedroomsand2nd S~ebu~Soieoury~i~o~Io263i~ndj1/20 Twp., Pa. 1/2 ml east m~[ of Directly to University by ’owner. shopping No& agents. shcools. I bedrocns2baths 2kitchens new ¯ ,L L^, ~’ ...... ~,, .... 3/4 acres treed lot with a big M~igemer~-Proles$1onal Building Immaculate 4 bedroomColonial aiuinlr,---’ am’ siding, . . ’ basement,’ no~ ~ ¯ I.oLmI earns. ¢bUS UallOUlluer. 6u9-737- family room with a brick RI,Be. 206, Belle Mead, N.J. with immediate possession. 0 livingfl°°r’Slateroom,entrYformalfOyer,diningmaSSroom,Ve wknds1-5 p.m. REX BUILD~21~S [ Asking $29,500. Call 402-2652. I water baseboard heat dining ..... fireplace. Transferred owner Call anytime201-359-5191 spacious rooms that have been ultra- modernbeamed ceiling I(215)297-5847 or (215) 862-5479.[ room, living room.Call 201-329- anxlous to move to new home, given a touch of earl~" Americankitchen,2 full ceramic baths full. - ]2012. Offered at $45,500. charm CustomColomal trim and moldingsbrick fireplace on a lot basement, garage, 30 day oc- IT’S UNUSUALTO FIND A NEW 129 x 100. 00%financing if you cupancy. HOMEin a quiet residential qualify. $45,500. neighborhood hut we have two. CLOSE TO PRINCETON AND $38,200 Early occupancyoffered on the bi- BUSLINE.Only one ]eft, Under BUILD YOUR OWN DREAM BRING YOURCHECK BOOK- level, 3 bedroomsand dee or 4th construction.Ranch (new listing) Transferred owner HOME- on almost 5 acres of says sell and has placed their 4 bedroom 2 baths, living room $54,900.towering trees and rolling dining eh, modernkitcl~en ann coantrymdesurrounded by estates bedrooms,2-1/2 baths Colonialon attached garageand all this in an ONLY5 LEFT,Lots, Will build to the marketat a realistic price to suitor will sell I& 1- I/2acre lots in the beautiful HarbourtonHills. area so convenient to commuting. package comes complete movequickly. Only 4 years old You name it... Buy now at $41 500 and choose from$16 000 to $10,500. Open for with additional features such as a nspecton, Sat. & Sun.,I to 5. l perc test and topography your finished colors, or wait a )s. Ideal for a contemporaryraised living roomincluding 25’ little longer for the Ranchto be only $30200. formal dining roomlarge eat - in completednext door for only N,J.MANNI REALTY, INC. kitchen, panelled family room, $42,500. Cag201-297-2M6 Anytime and attached garage. On a 3/4 27 BEAUTIFULACRES - Near acre corner lot. Move fast, tlopewell. Ideal for a horse farm. splendid buy. TWOHOUSES IN KINGSTON- Partly wooded¯Asking $38,500. we’ll sell it! Both zoned for neighborhood $45,900. business. Onea 2 story brick, one MANVILLE RUSTIC CHARMER. Custom a 2 family with vinyl siding for built cedar countryColonial with freedom from maintenance. Six roomalumin pool and patio with ttere’s your opportunityfor under bedrooms1-1/2 baths, vacant, sted at $32,500. 4 second floor $40,000.Phone for details. family room with PLAYMATES- A - PLENTYFOR BARROOD,BEALTOR full extra-high 201-722-3373 201-247-966 hobby area many YOURCHILDREN - well cared IDEL customfeatures that you’vebeen Ourt, lassified sectionnow appears in all the for Colonialin move-incondition, for. Worth your in- located in Kendall Park. Living nel~spapersbl our group.Eagerly awahcd in room,dining room,eat-in kitchen EASTWINDSOR.- Large 4 bdr n 25.600homes by peoplelooking tor bargains. 3 bedrooms,2 baths and attaehe~ Colonialwith full basement,1 1/2 $46,900 garage. Outsidethere’s a concrete baths, attached garage. Formal ONTEMPORARYSPLIT patio and an abovegroundpool for living &dining room,eat-in kit- I I .~oll feel ,,on needhelp widt your ad, giveour summercooling. Owneranxious chen. Located mHouse Beautiful to moveto newhome and offering ad hikersa call. If youwant a bargaincall our section on 1/2 acre. Available this fine home,Ex. early occupancyat $36,000. 5/1/72.$33,500. Call 446-4081week- BELLAIRE entertainment pattern il (’lassifledad: erlisers. days. ~q~QII __va~,~w TT W ...... the cathedral ceiling living room ~lre’~O’beau~,~ui’,~l:e~room, yaperrrirne rastic dramaticultra balcony. modern diningkitchea room RENTAL n, , ..... Unique apartment in Lam- }~igeb;~e~°m~~:~kwiatTln.~or large familyroom, with full wal East WindsorOld YorkEstates ¯ s s., " "fireplace 2-1/2 baths 2 car bertville for hardto pleasepeople¯ Homeswith a priceless look wall carpetmgmany extras, east ~ara.e 5 rooms, 2 baths, 3 fireplaces terms to qualif ed buyer¯ ~ ~ ~lnd double di’ivewa-# wall/wall carpeting $250. per central’air conditioned basemen{ monthncudes uti tries. EAST Windsor . New 8 room ...... storage and a unique pay area for Colonial, 4 bedrooms2-1/2 baths $36 900-- MAINVILA,L;-- Beautim children or etp . Se ’ ’ 2 car garage. Fireplace in family cape, 2 1/2 years young, 3 believing emg is Now, all classified ads appear in these seven community newspapers reacbing room. Full Basement. $47,000 bedrooms2 fullbaths, beautiful 25.000 homes.., a readership potential of at least 100,000 people. ~,~,,~m~~.,~.~eatdn kitchen, full basement, $59500 re~uce,~l~},or~S,ulcl~,~leXtras, just 5OR6BEDROOMS-foraperfect New2 story Colonial with large q ’ mother- in - law arrangementor , large family locatedon a wooded1 room, living room panelled iWFI~F entrance foyer formal dining $4:~)8:0-cMANVILLmEast:rOmn,aacre lotwith babbling brook I family room with exposedbeamed. T o. .. , -seu! Ma ntenance free aluminum L m m i1~" ~m=C. ceiling and corner fireplace, 5 oeurooms, /ormal mnmgroom. 21sidin. make,~ the THEPRINCETON PJtCI(ET I ~’ living’ eas,,:, bedrooms,- 2-4/2 baths, 2 ear fu baths ’ 3 ear gara.e ’ full Yo ; . .. t-, garage,full basementon 1/2 acre. basement beautiful, landscaped ]roomU’ll with also stone enJo ~ire,qaeeme llViOg for $49,000. ot in excellent" area’ mal dlmng,. . summerporch ~" , with" ~as barbeque woman’sdelight Steele, Boslolf& Smith BELLAliieai~ol:sL,tYCO ~itchen, panelled family room, CENTR~qLPOST Realtor &Insuror .,+~,,~’vA THE TWINRIVERS TOWNHOUSE 3 I ’ 2 car garage 2 1/2 baths and East WindsorTwp, N.J. ’.;a11(201)526-8440 14 zone heat ’ ’ bdrmend unit. QuadI, appliances,[ 4404811 605-0080Open7 days 9 a.m,-9 p,m./ ’ carpeting, air eoad., extras¯] Wechallenge youto find a better $34,500.Prin. only.(609) 443-1499. homefor the money. WlNDSO-HIGHTS ItERJTLD TheManville News UNDER$35,000 Penes Neck Princeton. Ranchltouse 5 roor HIGIt’I STOWNLocation - 4 full basement,attic bedroom2 story homelarge lot, built & maintai I. e exce ent condition ownermust nilola=llli~g~l~l:tVJh~fllll’i[iil~m~ The Franklin NEWSR[CORD REALTY sell beds $2?,900. ilUlll~lrtill , somm~etcounty Munlml L mJ,,I 452-9221.Serious ]nquu,les tIICKORY ACRES- Split level 4 :l WW ~ II ~ ll~ ~ ItESTDBEDCOLONIALS? bedrooms,l ful and2hal/hatils i ~ll+II-+%’BI’i’IIpIi~"[II:--’ Ig. liv. rm,, formal dining, I ~v~ir~,~mmmmm modern k t. ’ ’ o = i ! EAST WINDSOR. Spacious 3 WEllAVE 2~ panelledI Topla~yourad,phone: faro. rm. w/fireplace. Sep-’i PRINCETON bedroom Ranch with full ¯.. one in the 50’s,3 acres &flig arate living quarters fSr +--- (6090924.3244 basement, formal living and barn, mdtherand father. Lg. lot. ManyI dining room, 2 baths, eat - n ... one in the 4(’s suitable for ether extras must sec to p-[ .... MANVILLE CENTRALPOST kitchen, large den & attached hm’se nnd earr oge house. preciate. (201)725.3300 garage, ltouse is 2 yrs. old / with storms & screens. Extra Justredueedto $42,990. ’15 MINUTESFItOM PRIN insulation. Pleasecall for details ,~ . -,, - ~--~- CETON:Limbertville tluu: p Locatednear KreoPsSchool on 1/2 (201)526.9090 torsion Co oil

RealEstate For Sale Real Estate For Sale RealEstate For Sale RealEstate For Sale Too Late To Classify TooLate To Classify TooLate To Classify TooLate To Classify

.... I TW~ I~ bed-"d’{o~m~n ROOM- Air con&, Montgomery 4 BEDROOMCOLONIAL 2yrs oldl house central air cond., shag vR COOPEDUP PUP - needs loving family rm w/fireplace. Owner4(;6- carpeting loaded with extras AMAJESTIC VIEW CHINA CABINET- Victorianhome. 3 month old German CAPECOD, Mass. - Delightful Ward5 500 BTUwith Dolly for 1072. finished p~,tio. Ownertransferred¯ dresser,dry sink,commode Shepherd type quick and in- converted windmill, 5 bdrms, 3- easy handling$30. Ca l 448-6779. At~’TA~ & glass,etc, Franklin Township, tillegent, now an apartment 1/2 baths Secluded waterfront (609)443-1396. location with private beach & ~k[ ...... / Sat. April 29 10 - 4. Call 201-828-dweller left alone much is R~Y Avr.,rt~k~ t tb~ r*ulv*~ ’ breaking my heart. Lookin~for dock. Avail.June tSth - July 15th. 197t SUPERBEETLE - Radio, CLASSICALCOLONIAL; . 41 RANCH-near lake¯ 4 or 5 SSU&JU¢CI permanentfamily. Call evenings $12e0.924-9334. bumperguards, 6200 miles, ex- bedrooms2-1/2. baths~ famdvl ...... ~ / 0271’ cellent condition.Call 443-1232. * . U~U[’UOIIL~o tLsua n,famil ....Kncnen between6- 7, 452-9248. room. and. hbrary .1 acre. .with ;~ t swtmmmgpool. Offers my,ted. I den,on 1/2 40 acrehvm~’ ’ -No~ re broker~o mdi~i- ...~, 921.aBRa ...... SPRINGIS BUSTINGOUT ALL g24-9393. 1595 000 ...... Theentire countryside is evident[ Princeton Area Realty OVER. OUR SPRING BOUQUET ¯ / RECEPTIONISTTYPIST; Front SPRINGOPEN HOUSE - 9 a.m.-8 SCISSORSHARPENING - reg, INCLUDES... from inside & outside this 3/desk, pleasant Nassau St. office. p,m. Friday, Saturday, &Sunday, scissors75¢, Pincking shears ..... / Good on phone, expert typist on April 28, 29, 30. Deals in ’72 91.50,Call 448-6056, Daffodilsin Somerville... bedroom resmence. Loeateo m] IBMequipment for diversified Glastron boats. Gifts refresh- @@ 2-story colonial -- 3 bedroom / ass gnnmnts D ctaphone ex- ments, prises. U.S. Coast Guard Belle Mead, this homelends itself] perienee helpful. Medical Auxiliary courtesy boat in- DISHWASHER’ 3 bedroom Bungalow in living roomfireplace, sun room, / benefits, paid vacationafter 1 yr. spection. Movies. Franklin Park MANVILLE -- Underconstruction, large 5 roomranch, dining room, kitchen, breakfast the youngat heart. 2 full Start at $t20 with early review. For residence hall operate :1 b, Hi9htst0wnwith spacious nook, full basement$3e,900. / Marine Supply 3399 Rt. #27, full basement,1½ baths, built-in ovenand range, on [ Call 924-3716anytime. Frank n Park, N. J.201-2g7-1680. Sheraton-Princeton Corp o~ roomsand paneled interior. Victorian 4-bedroom.A spacious baths, master bedroomsuite off CarterRoad, (Rt. 569) 2-1/2: nile: Formaldining, full basement improved50 x 100lot withcity utilities ..... $32,300. from Hopewell. Must have own modernkitchen, parquet floors, attractive balconyoverlooking the TtlEODOBEWEISS transportation. Excellentworkinl air cond,& alum.storms & beautiful beamed ceilings. conditions good salary benefits screens.Near schools. $21,000. Walkingdistance to Parochial and living area, Fireplace, central air GUNSIGIIT MOVING SALE . 1966 Appy n person or ca Chef Sue publicschool .... $44,g00. MUSTANG,very good condition~ 609-639-4224except Saturdays. 8 roomDuplex with 2 paneled conditioning, fully equipped’ ADramatizationperformed $450,.Also living room ant/ 3 bedroom, 2 story colonial -- bedroomfurniture, Call after 7 bedroomseach side. 2 eat-in JOSEPHBIELANSK! pzm.,921-9547. WHIRLPOOL.Air Con&18,000 kitchens,2 renovatedbaths, 2 excellent condition, 2 car garage, kitchen, full dry basementand a 2 by the NewYork Cubicle BTUused 2 mos. Summerof 71. RealEstate Broke, r fencedback yard ... $41,900. Theater Players Original cost $320. asking $220. drivewayson nice size lot in Ca11443-3232. Cranbury.New plumbing. Well-located 2 family house. 1/2 car garage. Aunique dwelliug. Directed by NancyRubin 212S. MainSt. Manville,RA 5-1995 elect. &siding. Basement. Excellentcondition inside andout." $05,000 OpenThursday & Friday Evenings ’til 8 Large lot with 2 car garage .... Wednesday,May 3, 7:30 p,m. I~IDINGIvIOWER- Sears 5.0h.p., ’6e ROVERTC -- 4 pass. sport ..... , ...... $28,000. $47,500. excellent running condition. $50. sedan, NewMichelins, brakes. ~1111111111elelllltlllllileloeillelllllllllallllllllelllallallllll i iiiiiiilaialllle ae lille e lllliellllalelllellll le firm. 882- 4561. Verygood, $1,500, 609-921-4388. 2 Story older Colonial on IJlies of the valley-- Raritan... umaJ zwtr.awR~T U M J~ r~E The Princeton Inn Theater nicelylandscaped, shaded lot in Hightstown.3 bedrooms & Bargain-- 2 story, 3 bedroomwith GREATTRAILER - for small 1O YEAR OLD CHESTNUI Village Apartments EXPERIENCED family. 13-1/2’, self contained, MARE- 15.2 hands, good, sounc nursery,formal dining, living modernkitchen. Close to schools, CLERK-TYPIST shopping,highways. $33,900. flush toi/et heater, ice boxstove, pleasure horse. Willing jumper. roomwith fireplace, kit. with Excellentcond lion. $999. Ca 896- $450.Call 201-359-4405. at Twin Rivers LicensedReal Estate Broker Neededto perform varied dutie 0382 after 4 p.m. breakfastnook. Basement &2 i 3 Bedroombi-level in friendly MontgomeryProlessional Building in a very interestingtype of wor!~ car garage...... $43,000. presenting neighborhood. One-and-a-half Rt. No,206, Belle Mead, N,J. For details please call M. F TEACHERASSISTANCE - East ’64 CHEVYIMPALA . 4 door[ baths 2 car garage central air WindsorSchools. School year 1972-!sedan, auto, PS, V8,perfect mech,] a magnificent selection of Callanytime 201-359-5191 Dortcb for appointment, Monde 448-01t2 conditioning; panelled family thru Fr day, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.,60!. 73. Full and part time. 2 years of cond.$250. Call after 6 p.m., 201- Studio 1 & 2 bedrobm apts, with 2 baths room with bar. Just college or60 credits required. For Nights- Sundays - HoIId0y’s’ 655-2200. informationcall 448- 4840.Ext. 25. RunCroshaw 448.5781 from $170. reduced-- $44,900. 526-8579~ EXECUTIVEBUYING CORP. i These Bloomin Bridgewater ... ’64 OLDSCONV a/c, ps & pb. GTO’69 convertible- 4 speedj ihcluding U. S. HWY.#130 *rig paint newtop excel, cond. manual,400CI 350 b.p. Best offer.] TooLate To Classify Cranbury,N. J. 1 Family bungalow, 2 Family ;475cas t. Ca 890-0967. Call after 6 p.m., 924-3762. ] * wallto wallcarpeting house, 4 Roomapt. over 3 car * drapes garage, superior condition -- GraciousColonial, movedto * swimmingpools completepackage -- call us. ELECTRICRANGE - (Cresley) village of Cranburyand re- , == MOTHER’SRECYCLED BOOKS Very good condition. 30" extra stored,[.azge entrance hall, liv- :, * dishwashers Beautiful woodedlot. 3 bedroom 192Nassau St. 2ndfloor large oven w/automatic timer. ing roomwith fireplace, formal ¯ * tenniscourts ranch; living roomwith fireplace, Asking$50. Call 799-1705after 5. dining room,library, eat-in i shoppingmall on premises dining room,den, modernkitchen, 1972titles: kitchen with fireplace and 2 baths, ree. room.Mid $60’s. Gerda Lerner. Black Womenin pantry, mudroom and laundry a choiceof NeeDanish furnished apts. WhiteAmerica. $t-2=95-$3.95; D. H. KEYPUNCH/KEYVERIFY- room¯ leasesto suit yourneeds 9 undersizedlots -- goodlocation Lawrence. Movements in Part/full4ime $3 per hr plus bonus European History. $ta~0-$3.95; min. 2 yrs experience. 029/059. Secondfloor: 5 bedrooms,one Also -- call us for details. Total$15,000. fireplace,L’A baths, large attic i i Herbert Spencer. On Social Chance to learn IBM129. Small ExpressBus to N.Y. andbasement. Branehhnrg Township Evolution.-’~0:50-$3.25;John R. companygood benefits. Call (609) Directions:N.J. Tornpiketo exit 8 east on RI.33 one mileto _== Coyne. The Impudent Snobs: 452.8414 for appt. PROFI’I Oil hot waterheat, widepine entrance.For further info~mBtion: Mrs. Glee Lagos Needa lot for a newbusiness. 9 We Agnew vs. the Intellectual CONTROLSYSTEMS, Route 1 board flooring throughout YOU Ca8(609) 448.7792, Establishment.-~$2.95 H.F. Princeton. have one on a major highway-- Snow. the Chinese Communsts: home,septic system, city ~eeglellellllg~a0lleaHalellllggallllal~0lal0laH~ll0lg0alle~fieal0lee~gee00aaale0leea0~‘$23,000. Water,Lot: 200’x 200’ Sketches& Autobiographiesof the ...... $68,000. Old Guard. -$4~90- $5.00; Ira Gruber. TheHowe Brothers&the TYPING OR ADDRESSING- Tradeof smallerborne would be consideredby Agency ]ta)le.y e,,m _lachlaa AmericanRevolution,-$~$4,00. envelopesat home.Ca11448-1108. CAN m~U-rs A. L, Rouse, The Elizabethan Renaissance: The Life of the , v,,,~u-’2~:’~"4800" ISociety. ~0 $3.95; lmamu 75East Main St AmiriBaraka, Kenneth Gibson et PAIR ANTIQUE- mahogany Somervlie N J al,African Congress.~ $4.50 bookcases,6’ long 4’ high, each Memberof Mul@leListhtg System LIVE SomersetCountyMultipleBruceMazlish. In Searchof has 3 doors original glass locks 37N. MahtSr., Cranbury,N.J. Listing Nixon:A Psychohistoricalandfin sh, in exce ent condition. Ev’s& IInquiry’-~$2.25; plus many Interesting history. Ideal for C. GordonStults, Realtor Office - 609-395-0444 ;eorgeJ, Feder 725-1927[ more. library, bookcollection. Call 201- Eve,trigs& Weekends 395-0474 and 395-1258 CRANBURYPRINCETON RT. 1 LAWRENCE leraldG Snyder 526-95g6 725- 8604, GraceK.Tavarozzi 725-7808. HOURS:Wed-SatI2-1,1PM. FREE 395-1434 924-2054 896-1122 J. HaroldTenEyck 725-1653yve are alwayseager to nuy gooo Colonial- 5 bedrooms,2~A liarold V. Woodhcad 725-9352Arracks. CometoMontgomery baths, foyer, living room, Bi-Level- 8 rooms,4 bed- ORGANTEACHER WANTED for lessons in myhome or yonrs. Belle dining room,large kitchen, rooms, 2Vzbaths, central Meadarea. (201) 359-3376. IN A family room with fire. air conditioning, fenced Immaculatebi level, 3 bedroomsplus study or 4th place, 5th bedroom or yard, 3A acre lot, 2 car bedroom,25 baths, spaciousfamily roomwith unusual study, laundry room, full garage,wall to wall carpet- 100 SHARES- Manville National stonefireplace. Excaflerlt plantingsand shrubbery. dry basement. Beautiful Bankstock. Call after 5 p.m., 201- Severalsmall trees, air conditioningin masterbedroom ing. Immaculatecondition. 356-7537. woodedlot. Walkingdis- Low taxes¯ Prime West andkitchen. 2 car oversizedgarage. Outside patio with a tance to station. Immacu- Windsorlocation. $52,900. splendidview of the Millstone RiverValley. Available late conditimt. , ¯$68,900. 1963 VWBUG - in excellent con& June20th. Reasonableoffer. Call after 6 Askingprice $47,800. 2 Sty Stucco. 3 bedrooms, p.m., 201-520-8579. Large bi-level 8 rooms, 4 large tile bath, eat-in bedrooms, family room, kitchen, living room,dieing dining room,living room, CENTRALAIR CONDITIONING 5 Bedroomraised ranch, 3 full baths,family room,2 car room, heated front porch, - 2 ton for forced air house. In- family kitchen, 2V2baths¯ garage,Walking distance of MontgomeryH.S. Ideal for full basemeut,walking dis- cludes evaporator.$150. Call 297- Large2 ear garage. Excel- 4706after 7 p.m. familywith childrenin grades7 thru 12. tance to Princeton June- Askingprice $50,400. lent for growingfamily. tion Station, expansionat- ...... $42,400. SPOTCASH - for electric trains. tic ...... $33,500, Lionel AmericanFlyer, He, etc. APARTMENT.. 63NORTH MAIN STREET CRANBURY N.J. Call201-722.8273. The Montgomery Agency Realtor AUCTION & CARNIVAL - Rt, 206, Belle Mead,N.J. Saturday, April 29, 1:30 p,m., butwe charge $250 a month LEONARDVAN HISE AGENCY Erehwon School, Bear Brook 359-8277 for sunbathingonthe pool BRING YOUR Rood,Princeton Junction, N, J, Eveninghours call 359-8428or 359-8819 MEMBEItMULTII’LE LISTING SEg.VIC[~ deck,being served from our Office: 609-448-4250 BUILD A DUNEBUGGE. with poolsidebar, swimming night TOOTHBRUSH the frame from this VWbug with andday on one of three pools, 160Stockton Street Higbtstown,N.J. 63,000miles. $75.Call 921-9247, houseor apartmentbuntingthis weekend.Once you’re ___ playingtennis, golf, hereyou’ll wantto stayl ping.pong,pool, even summer WOMAN WANTED for skiing,and partying atthe housecleaning 1 or 2 days per l week, Must hove own h’an.I Lodge,dining inour historic sportatloo, Ropewellarea, Call LittleClub ..,breathing the 009- 4U0-2473. ,clean air of the country totminutes fromthe city C.ANBURWVNNWOOOt , Only#lch.,d#on *fie, yo, originalowner offers 4 large m ~-~O~,~S ...... "3] ,’~ts.’,A .,.,h,y .,. bedrooms,2~ bathsColonial, I~ ~. ~.~’~z"~. [ |I...I m,g,=l.,thai ¢.. fireplaceill living room,brick ~ " [ h,lp ,.11 your heu#, ,.ANDbeiog at homoIn a terraceoff familyroom, wall. / .... i. ,.yendla the.silo., reallygreat apartment where 1 : - - Yewplop~ay h |dvlrOttd to.wMIcarl)sting entire first l~r~.! I.¢llly dad,itlondly ’o¢ thelap of luxuryis a mile floor, all appliances,profes. ~mw ~ J ~ ,,~ qul& eowIls, wgh NMLI Theseason isalways for ;~,~ i~| ~" i w, prRvtdmo UdlgUO,or¥, deep,completely equipped, Ionally laudscoped1 nero, ~l.~,..,..-~l. ~B.I~ 1 ko n*t dVdhUld firm ’W witheve=, your carpet end June occupm,oy,Many other [] i ,,=,,~i B,h,, ,,,.I ou.~o,.y dropesprovided, This Is TENNIS i I~=~ , , , sdlRS now, or sloe oxtrcs ...... $62,500, 1 1i -~! ia tt decdfkr , , , B0 VILLAGE2, where you can GOLF obl,e,O.Bl so0forever, end hoppv love $39,900 CRANBURY¯ Antklue 0 ~ KendallPark ! endhnghter, oil blendInto SWIMMING roomColoolol, ht needof ros, THISSERVICE IS YOURS one.Come upto th0 hilltop 2 bloaksto BUSLINE end Shopping tore,Ion, 5 bedrooms,wide I SUNBATHING floor bosrdsIn all rooms,esl¢. andFIND yourself, You’ll 7 roont colonial2 hall Uetl, s. uarauowith worstaaa In0 ...... ~#19,000, slay, SAUN,q andl)ull flown stolrs for storage,wusilCl & dryer includh,gl~catod oaroga, 8 x 11 sloralla room,10 x 32 SKIING h, groundpool with 20 x 50 ~)atlo, 1/3 ,ere lot STANLEYT, WHITE heokedtip 1o trees & brook,prlv0cY fence, tmautl. REALTYfINC, fully lamts0apcdnewly repehlttnl OtltSalo und Inn VILLAGE2, CI4ALET’rES(townhousoo) from $31,500, Rlaltor FLATLETTESfrom $250 pop month, Interior Is In AAA,1camlitlun with utmy 0xtru~, You’ll OPENttOUSE $tlturtlay 81 Stlnday, Aprg 20 & 30 61 N, MainSt, Cren~ry,N,J, NewHope, Pa. eVOilanjoy commuting, withwhat you have to fron, I to 5 at l I PynoRoad, Kolalall ~alk. N,J, 056.3322or 448,2477 oomohomo to, VILI.J~.GE2 at NowHopo, Pa, Toego beforu tills, call furellltolntnlont, I]XCIUslV0 EVO|t thorntong 8, Fl*ld, Jr, 301~007 215/852.2091 RealtorN,J, Manni Raoltv ht~, 201.207.2516 215/862.2091 ..... Ill I I I I PAGE TWELVE-- B THUKSD3Y, APRIL 27, 1972 ~t1111:11111111111111111IIIIIII0100110111111111111111001011011111111111111111111111111[110I ~n~0~~L Students Stage WarProtest Sit-Ins -i A’d rounTh Cll e a erte8" -" by q’oml)arling reinstatement of ROTCbe nationwide protest against the buildingafter that time. Saturday morning, all of them I;)’ .Uiri, mlI rh’,d bombingescalation. Protesters heard speeches by had left. Following a week of student deferred. President Goheensaid that he Voting in a special closed strike leaders and "Harrisburg On Saturdayl most of the meetings, protests and the oc- thought students should be Seven" defendant Sister Me- participants of the WilsonSchool meeting called by President allowed to reschedule Friday cupation of two Princeton RobertF. Goheenin response to Calls:or Friday evening in the sit-in traveled to NewYork and Universitybuildings, all touched classes but that he was against buildingbut mostleft before the joined the 40,000 others a request by nine faculty any coercive form of action. off by the escalation of U.S. members,the faculty called for building’sclosing time. By3 a.m. protesting U.S. involvement, bombingin North Vietnam and Later in the week, he issued a the continuing debate over the the trustees "to defer the rein- joint statement along with other future of ROTCat Princeton, the statement of ROTCon campus Ivy League presidents con- Princeton faculty voted 140-68 andto reconsiderthe issue at the demningthe war. Peace Gathering Mondayto recommendthat the end of the Vietnamwar." Protest was subdued until After the meetingin whichthe Thursday afternoon whenabout faculty also called for a student IIII m IlIBI= IlI! mlaI 300 students left a mass meeting referendumon the reinstatement to occupy the office of Prin- Set For Sunday of ROTC,Dr. Goheensaid that ceton’s Deanof Students, Neff L. the trustees would take into Rudenstine, in an attempt to account faculty and student obtain the public release of the Local church, educationaland W l am F. Skudlarek of the opinion but that a contract was recently signed university political leaders will participate Aqunas Institute and Princeton already drawn up between the contract witb ArmyROTC. It~: "Gatnenng for Peace" on Theological Seminary. i,E,Tuniversity and the Army. The chors of the First Baptist l After conferring with , steps of !he Fwst "One must recognize," said rresnyterian Churcn of Prin- Church will sing The Rev Ed- President Goheen, Mr. Ruden- ceton on Sunday, April 30 from Dr. Goheen,"thai a contract does stine told the students, "Weare wardSmith, pastor of the ’First exist with the Army,and the 12:30 to I p.m. Baptist Church, is president of WER’ prepared to make the ROTC Participants in the program university cannot, and should the Princeton Pastors’ IPO ,1 contractpublic if the buildingis which is sponsored by the not, unilaterally repudiate a immediately vacated and Association. contract. But there mayindeed executive committee of the At the endof the programthose nothing is damaged."In a one- PrincetonInterfaith Councilwill be a possibility for negotiation." and-a-half-hour press conference whowish maytake letters home Student action began last nclude the Rev. Dr. Nicholas B. to address andsend to President following the release, Mr. Van Dyck of Princeton IRAKERSiTuesdaynight whenalmost three Rudenstineoutlined the financial Nixon or maysign a statement Theological Seminary and quarters of the 1,0OOto 1,200 and academic details of the which will be sent to the people assembled in the president of the Princeton In- president. contract. terfaith Council, the Roy. Dr. !’ .=.$iI University Chapel voted to strike Thursday night found ap- All whocare to are invited to DonaldMeisel, minister of the State the university, boycott classes proximately 400 students con- stay for the regular brunchat the museum:A Me, or Purchase and support Saturday’s First Presbyterian Church; I .I fronting President Goheenat the Rabbi Hershel Matt of the First Presbyterian Church "Scene Along the Berkshire and studio wherehe workeduntil Princeton Inn with demandsto dollar fund raising campaign, | Princeton Jewish Center; Dr. following whichthere will he a Hills", by Asher B. Durand, an his death in 1666. "Festival ’72: Focuson the Arts" SALES& call an emergency trustees Robert Goheen, president of discussion and the presentation important NewJersey artist of The Associationfor the Arts is | , meeting to rescind the ROTC to raise moneyfor additional RENTALS Princeton University; James of the slide show, "The the last century identified with sponsoring the current million purchases of important works. m~tCaml~m~ T,.vel Ytaflels contract, suspend all academic Floyd, memberof the Princeton AutomatedAir War" distributed the Hudson River school of Tru(:k CamlmJS.Motel Homes activities until the end of the Township Committee and im- by the AmericanFriends Service painters, has been purchasedby I H,Ichl~sutsufllod Gas boltb~s strike and grant amnestyto the mediate past Mayor; and Father Committee. the Associationof the Arts of the I iIh~t~.St~/VlC~ &Rep~ll/Shol). llO persons whosat in Nassau NewJersey State Museum.The /-fall last weekto protest the painting, shown above, cost BARBER’S return of ROTC. $27,500.It will be on displayin the R Dr. Goheeu responded to the main gallery of the Museum In,MAINT[ CAMPING CENTE crowd packed into the inn’s AND | U.S.HWY. NO. 1 through September, and then dining room. "f am unable to becomea part of the Museum’s ’I’OOLRENTAI~ South Brunswick i (ncxlto F,nnegan’sLane) accept your demands. The kind permananent and growing 196Fr.klin Bo=tevnrd of course you are advocating is collection of works by out- Samertoi,Ntll,lmty I! 201"297"3049 badfor the university andwill do standing NowJersey artists. IlilIIilaIi IIlaI’ nothing to advancethe course of Durand was born in what is peace." nowMaplewood, N.J., in 1700. He Friday markedthe final dayof began his career in Newark,as concrete anti-waractivity on the an apprentice engraver. By the PRINCETONHILLS campus. After a rally in the 182O’she wasestablished in New McCoshcourtyard, about 200 York as the country’s foremost protesters occupiedthe Woodrow practitioner of the art. COUNTRYCLUB Wilson School at 3 p.m. After a brief period of painting demandingthe disclosure of the portraits he becameinterested in source of the anonymous$35 landscape painting and was one million grant which the of the first of the manyartists university received in 1961 to who descended upon the pic- establish the Wilson School. turesque HudsonRiver Valley to Students widely suspected the found what was to becomeknown CIAto be that source. as "The HudsonRiver school" if Weekdays....$2.00 After conferring with faculty American landscape painting. Sat.. Sun.& Hol,...$4.00 membersof the Wilson School, "Scene along the Berkshire FreeStarting Time DeanRudcnstine announcedthat tlills" is considered a Locatedjust 20 minuteshem PHncelo~L Somewille and Franklin the students wouldbe permitted distinguished example. Townshio.6 miles ~,est of Rio.206 v,a Rte 514 (Amwetl Rd.) to stay in the building after the PDSArts Festival Fixed Durangwas one of 14 founders WertsviheRd. Hdlsborough Twp. usual midnightclosing time but of the National Academy of ForMembership Applications or Information that usual university policy Workfrom the life class in the different formsof art on display, Designin NewYork in 1625, and Princeton DaySchool fine arts on Sunday,April 39, at the fifth Call 201.369.3322 201.754.0668 wouldnot allow anyoneinto the oneof its first presidents. program will be one of many annual Spring Arts Festivah In !.069 he returned to Workof students fromall grades Maplewo/Mto a newlybuilt house and in all mediawilt be shown throughout the school. The Festival is opento the public Jimmy Stewart, from 1 to 5" p.m. Here Lisa ATTENTION Bachelder, a sophomore, con- Joshua Logan centrates on sketching. The MiddleSchool band will give a ?b Honor Bunn concert at 2 p.m. followed by a demonstration of the Suzuki Two of the Princeton "HOME SEWERS" methodof playing stringed in- University Triangle Club’s most struments. At 4 p.m. a modern illustrious memberswill lead a Swiss Potter Ib ]’each dance program is planned, to a memorialtribute to B. Franklin Now the kind of fabric store background of chamber music. Bunnon Sunday,April 00, at 4:30 Beatrice Lanzrein, a Swiss studio in Princeton to supply p.m. in McCarterTheatre. potter, will becomeresident instruction as well as a complete ’J you’ve been waiting for Joshua Logan, theatrical potter and instructor for the line of materials and tools for ’Bank Of Year’ producer and Pulitzer Prize PrincetonPotters studio, located pottery making and sculpture. The First National Bank of winner, will act as master of at 759 State Road(Route 206) There will also be other part Central Jersey has received the ceremonies.He will be joined by Princeton. time instructors from the 1971 - 72 "Bank of the Year" actor JamesStewart for a duet, Mrs. Lanzrein, formerly with Princeton area to teach evening Award from the Middlesex, as part of the light, warm- Sculpture House Pottery Studio classes, while Mrs. Lanzrein Somerset UnionChapter of the hearted remembranceprogram. in NewYork, is a graduate of instructs during the day. Classes AmericanInstitute of Banking. At the conclusion of the Staachiche ttochschule fur will begin June 3. This honoris being given to the program, a plaque will be bildcnde Kunstein WestBerlin, Mrs.Lanzrein’s work will be on First Nationalin recognition of dedicated to Mr. Bunn, whodied whichis one of Germany’sout- display at the Princeton Potters KNITRNIO0 K its significantcontribution to the last November.He had guided standing schools for pottery and shop, located next to the studio. developmentand progress of the Triangle as graduate treasurer design, There will also be pottery by FAB CS lnstitute’s chapter. for morethan 6o years. Princeton Potters is the first Dotty Perlmanof NewYork City. yourlawn’s best friend NOW OPEN II II

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