Pottsville Formation; Lower Pennsylvanian) in the Black Warrior Basin of Alabama

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Pottsville Formation; Lower Pennsylvanian) in the Black Warrior Basin of Alabama 0413 GLACIAL-EUSTATIC CONTROL OF COALBED METHANE RESERVOIR DISTRIBUTION (POTTSVILLE FORMATION; LOWER PENNSYLVANIAN) IN THE BLACK WARRIOR BASIN OF ALABAMA Jack C. Pashin and Dorothy E. Raymond Geological Survey of Alabama, P.O. Box 869999, Tuscaloosa, AL 35486 ABSTRACT Subsurface maps and stratigraphic cross sections of Pennsylvanian-age strata in the Black Warrior basin provide new evidence for the origin of late Paleozoic depositional cycles and the stratigraphic controls on the distribution of coalbed methane reservoirs. Coal beds are concentrated in a series of 4th- order parasequences, or cyclothems, which are bounded by regionally extensive marine flooding surfaces. Each cyclothem represents about 0.4 my, which is equivalent to the long orbital eccentricity period. The cyclothems studied each contain three subordinate marine flooding surfaces defining 5th- order parasequences, which apparently are products of relative sea-level changes associated with the short eccentricity period (0.1 my). The first 5th-order parasequence in each cyclothem tends to be dominated by progradational deltaic deposits. The second and third 5th-order parasequences contain a higher proportion of aggradational deposits and include incised valley fills as deep as 100 ft overlain by widespread reservoir coal beds as thick as 10 ft. The fourth parasequence commonly contains transgressive tidal deposits. Although cyclothems provide an obvious basis for stratigraphic subdivision of Pennsylvanian strata in the Black Warrior basin, internal facies relationships suggest that major sea-level change was most effective in the short eccentricity band, as was the case during Pleistocene glaciation. Accordingly, rising base level in the second and third 5th-order parasequences of most cyclothems set the stage for widespread peat accumulation and preservation of the thickest and most widespread coalbed methane reservoirs in the Black Warrior basin. INTRODUCTION The geometry and distribution of coalbed methane reservoirs varies significantly among sedimentary basins. In Cretaceous and Tertiary strata of the western USA, for example, coalbed methane is produced from a single, thick (~10-100 ft) coal bed or from multiple thick seams within a single coal zone [e.g., 1, 2]. In Pennsylvanian strata of the eastern USA, by comparison, reservoir coal beds are relatively thin (~1-12 ft) and are in multiple zones distributed through a thick stratigraphic section [3-6]. In the upper Pottsville Formation of the Black Warrior basin, coal beds are in places dispersed through more than 4,000 ft of section, and gas has been produced from more than 20 coal beds in some wells (figs. 1, 2). Distribution of Pennsylvanian coal beds through a thick stratigraphic section is largely the product of repetitive marine-terrestrial depositional cyclicity, and the origin of this cyclicity has been debated since the historic publications on cyclothems by Weller [7] and Wanless and Shepard [8]. Recent debate has focused on the tectonic and paleoclimatic implications of this cyclicity [e.g., 9-11], which is thought to be a product of basin subsidence associated with assembly of the Pangaean supercontinent, as well as eustasy driven by Gondwanan glaciation [12-14]. In the Black Warrior basin, close well spacing and a thick stratigraphic section facilitate investigation of stratal geometry and patterns of coal distribution in multiple depositional cycles [15-18]. This paper presents detailed subsurface maps and stratigraphic cross sections that provide new evidence for the origin of Pennsylvanian cycles and the geologic controls on the distribution of coalbed methane reservoirs. 2 COALBED METHANE RESERVOIR DISTRIBUTION IN THE BLACK WARRIOR BASIN INDEX MAP White Oak Creek C Short Creek A' Blue Creek Oak Grove Pleasant Grove Alabama Brookwood EXPLANATION Deerlick Creek Coalbed gas well APPALACHIAN Field boundary B Robinson's Holt Bend FRONTAL STRUCTURESC Stratigraphic cross section Peterson C' Little Sandy Taylor Creek C' Black Warrior basin Creek Cedar Cove Thornton Thrust fault Creek Anticline Syncline Little Buck Creek Big Sandy Creek Moundville B' 5 0510 15 km A 5 0 5 10 mi Figure 1. Index map showing locations of coalbed methane fields in the Black Warrior basin, well control, and lines of cross section used in this study. Methods More than 5,000 gamma-density logs and long cores were described and correlated to identify and classify stratigraphic markers, such as marine flooding surfaces; to identify and define sedimentary structures and lithofacies; and to determine the geometry and extent of sandstone bodies and reservoir coal beds (fig. 1). A series of stratigraphic cross sections was then constructed showing the stratigraphic architecture of the target coal zones (plates 1-3). Selected cross sections are presented in this paper, and a complete set is in Pashin et al. [19]. The cross sections depict gamma-density logs, major depositional cycles and marine flooding surfaces, subordinate parasequences, coal beds, and major sandstone units. Coal beds and associated organic-rich shale beds were classified according to thickness and density-log signature into primary resource targets, secondary resource targets, and thin marker beds. Primary resource targets are coal beds thicker than 2 ft and typically have a blocky log signature, whereas secondary resource targets are between 1 and 2 ft thick and have a pronounced spike signature (< 1.5 g/cc). Thin marker beds include coal and organic shale markers that are less than 1 ft thick and have a subdued spike signature (> 1.5 g/cc). After the coal beds were correlated, parasequences subordinate to the major depositional cycles were defined by correlating regionally extensive shale and coal markers. Stratigraphic and well-location data from all wells were compiled into a spreadsheet to facilitate subsurface mapping. Well locations were computed from surveyed line calls using the Wellbase module PASHIN AND RAYMOND 3 SOMED Permit 8911-C Duncanville Curry 12-10-370 Core Cedar Cove field Brookwood GR Density coal zone FS 500 ft Utley coal zone EXPLANATION Rock types 1000 FS Mudstone Gwin Interbedded mudstone coal zone and sandstone Sandstone (litharenite) FS Coal 1500 Cobb coal zone Structures Marine fossils FS Burrows Plant fossils, 2000 Pratt root traces coal zone Pebbles Maximum FS flooding surface FS 2500 Gillespy coal zone FS 3000 Mary Lee coal zone FS Ream coal zone 3500 FS Black Creek coal zone Figure 2. Core log and geophysical well log of the upper Pottsville Formation in Cedar Cove Field showing coal zones and 4th-order maximum flooding surfaces bounding cyclothems [after 18]. 4 COALBED METHANE RESERVOIR DISTRIBUTION IN THE BLACK WARRIOR BASIN of the Geographix Exploration System. Stratigraphic data include the depth of each cycle boundary and net coal thickness in each coal zone. Coal thickness was determined using high-resolution density logs, which typically have a scale of 1 inch equals 25 ft. Coal beds thinner than 1 ft generally are not logged accurately, are seldom completed for gas production, and were thus excluded from the thickness determination. Maps of coal thickness were gridded and contoured using a minimum curvature algorithm in the Isomap module of Geographix. Net coal isolith maps were made for each target coal zone, and a net coal isolith map was made for the Black Creek through Brookwood coal zones. Background Coalbed methane reserves in the Black Warrior basin are concentrated in the upper Pottsville Formation (Lower Pennsylvanian; Langsettian), which comprises nine major coal zones and is dominated by siliciclastic rocks (fig. 2). More than 5,000 coalbed methane wells have been drilled, and more than 4,000 wells are currently producing. Cumulative gas production now exceeds 1.5 Tcf, and annual production has exceeded 110 Bcf since the mid 1990s. Coalbed methane resources are estimated to be between 10 and 20 Tcf [20, 21], and reserves are estimated to be between 2.5 and 4.6 Tcf [4, 22, 23]. The Black Warrior basin is a late Paleozoic foreland basin that formed at the juncture of the Appalachian and Ouachita orogenic belts [24-26]. The coalbed methane fields are in the eastern part of the basin adjacent to the frontal structures of the Appalachian orogen (fig. 1). Carboniferous strata in the Black Warrior basin thicken southwest, indicating that subsidence was dominated by thrust and sediment loading in the Ouachita orogen [27]. In the coalbed methane fields, however, upper Pottsville strata thicken southeastward, indicating superposition of an Appalachian flexural moat on the larger Ouachita foreland basin [15, 27, 28] (fig. 3). The area containing the thickest section in the coalbed methane fields is called the Moundville-Cedar Cove depocenter [19]. Net completable coal thickness in the upper Pottsville ranges from less than 10 ft in the northwestern part of the coalbed methane fairway to more than 70 ft in parts of the Moundville-Cedar Cove depocenter (fig. 4). Stratigraphic grouping of Pottsville coal beds was observed by McCalley [29], and intercalated marine and terrestrial facies were recognized by Butts [30]. From the 1960s through the 1980s, the Alabama Pottsville formed a basis for facies models of Appalachian coal-bearing strata [25, 26, 31, 32]. During extensive natural gas exploration, regionally extensive depositional cycles were identified and mapped [3, 15, 28]. Recent workers [e.g., 18, 33, 34] have interpreted the upper Pottsville cycles as flooding-surface- bounded depositional units, or parasequences [see 35, 36]. The base of each parasequence is marked by a condensed section with abundant marine fossils. Above the condensed section is a thick interval (100-300 ft) of marine shale that coarsens upward into fluvial-deltaic sandstone. At the top of each parasequence is a lithologically heterogeneous coal zone that accumulated in a spectrum of marginal marine and terrestrial environments. Pashin [15, 16, 34] interpreted these parasequences to have been deposited at a frequency no greater than 0.4 my, which is equivalent to the Milankovitch long eccentricity period that is thought to have driven the formation of Pennsylvanian cyclothems [11, 13].
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