Tliiirsfliiy, September 21,1913;' THE fcETHBRlDGE DAILY HERALD PageS. \(f We have been appointed agents for Loth- MEN WHOM ELECTORS ARE VOTING FOR bridge and district for— Lethbridge Monumental Works The following Kt tb« cindMotnl of Thunder B«7—J«ra«i Conmee, Lib, 3t. .rolin-lbcrvllle—J. Domers, Mb.; th« vurlciuc conetltuenclen ot Canada, J. J. Cirrick, Cvn. K. Lareiui,.Con. See our work. Get our prices. ONTARIO Toronto, Otutr*—A. Mugutro. Lib. Shefford—J. H. Botvin, Ub.; O. T. !Sd. Bristol, Coa. : n»vM«..i, Co«. The Security Trust Co. Algomt, HHSt—J. L. Rn, Lib.; Sherhrooko—F. N. McOr«». Lib.; C. Agents Wanted. Toronto, Bant—JameR Pwu-flon, Lib. Limited W, R. Smyth, Con. Jamoi Bicharda, l^bor; Josoph RUB D. White, Con. Aleomm West—C. N. Smith, Mb.; sell Ind. Con.; A. K, Kemp. Con. Sonlungos—Sir Wilfrid LaurUr, Lib.; All kinds of marble slab work. OF CALGARY »r. J. A. Lortie, Nat. A. C. Boyce Con. Toronto, North—'.V. H. Shaw, Lib. Stanstead—C. H. Loveli, Lib.; G. Hrant—lion Wm. Paterson, Lib.; Hon. G. E. Foster, Con. This company has unlimited funds to loan J. 11. Fisher, Con. W, Paige, Con. Simpson & Needs Toronto,. South—J. J. Ward, Lib. Teinlacotmla—C. A. Bauvreau, Lib.; and has an Advisory Board in this city, so limntford,—T. II. Prentou, Lib.; W. A. C. Macdonnoll, Con. ' Dr. L. Lobel, Con. K Cockslmlt, Con. Works: Sth St. South. Proprietors. Toronto West—(I. \Valdroii, Lib.; ,'1'orrebonnc—J)r. S. DcBJardins that loans cnn be out through with very littlo Drociivlllu .-Hon. 0. P. Graham, Ub., B. Onler, Con. Lib.; B. Nantcl, Con. delay. John Webster, Con. Victoria and Hallb'jrlon—J. B. Ucgf, Three Rlvers-St. Maurice—Hon. J Bruce, North—John Tolmle , Li'b.; Lib.; Col. Sam 1-luglios, Con. Hurenu, Lib.; Dr. Normand, Con. 'A. Col. Hugh Clark, Con. Waterloo, .North—Hon. W. I/. M Two Moun/alns—.). A. C. Ethier Lib.; A. Fmitenx, Con. Bruce. South—li. E. Trims, Ub.; J. King, Lib.; \V. O. Welchel. Con. I. Donnelly, Con. Vandrcuil—G. Boyer, Lib.; DeLerj —Dr. S. Moycr, Lib. Macdonald, Con. / Carelton—MaJ. D. II. McLean, Lib.; Election Returns George Cl-are, Con. Wright—E. 13. .Devlin, Lib.; Louis F. C. Lowes & Co. Edward KIdd, Con. Welland—W. M. German, Anti-Rec CoiiBineaii, Nat. Duri'erin—D. B. Brown, Lib.; John Owners and Sole Agents Lib., acclamation. Yamaska,—Oscar Gladu, Lib.; at Jest, Con. I Wellington, North—A. M. Martin,, Nat. Uumlas—J. A. Campbell, Lib.; A Lib.; W. A. Clarke, Con. 3roder, Con. Wellington, South—Hugh Guthrle PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Durham—T. A. Kolly. Lib.; C. J. Lib.; Kelly Evans, Con. neon's—A. B. Warburlon, Lib.; Starland To-night Thornton, Coll. Weutworth—W. 0. Sojiloy. Lib.; G A. McLean, Con. Elgin. East Dr. P. H. .Miller, Lib.; Wilson, Con.; A. Wilson, Ind. Con. Queen's—L. E. Prowse, Lib.; LOOK THIS UP David Marshall, Con. York. Centre—H. 11. Dcwart, Lib.; N'icholson, Con. — Donald Macnlsh, Lib.; Capl. T. G. Wall-ace, Con. Prince—J. W. Richards. Lib.; P. Lots 34 and 35. Block 26, Duff Addition, T. \V. Crothers, Con. York, North—T. C. Koblnette, Lib.; Jurpby, Con. King's—Sir V. Bordcn, Lib.; A. de STREET CAR ACCIDENT Essex, North—Dr. P. A. Dewar, Lib.; J. A. M, Armstrong, Con. King's—J. J. Hughes, Lib.; A. W. Foster, Con. ( KILLED TWO, HURT ONB Oliver Wllcox, Con. Lllnenblirg—J. W. Sperry, Lib.; D. .near Qneen Victoria Park, on water and York, South—Louis Hcyd, Lib.; W. 'Yaser, Con. ' Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 19.—Two —A. H. Clarke, Lib.; Stewart, Con. F. Maclean, Con. persons were killed, andV third pro- sewer, at $1050 the pair. Terms. Dr. Fred Parke, Coll. NEW BRUNSWW1CK Pictou—B. M. Hncdonald, Lib.; A. bably injured Fatally, when a street Frontenac—R. H. Fair, Lib.; Dr. J. QUEBEC Carleton,—-F. B. Carvell, Lib.; B. 3. Bell, Con. Yank Smith, Con. car leaped from the rails and plunjed W. Edwards, Con. Argenteuil—A. H. Tanner, Life.; G. Shelbourne and Queen's—Hon. W. over a liundi'ed foot hill at. Fifth and R. V GIBBONS & CO. Glengarry—.T. A. McMillan, Lib.; Charlotte—W. F. Todt!, Lib.; T. A. 3. Fielding, Lib.; F. B. McCufdy, Con. H. Perley, Con. Hartt, Con. Bluff strect'3 here today. There vent Duncan McMartin, Con. Bagot,—J. E. Marceille, Lib.; T. Itichmond—G. AV. Kyte, Lib.; J. A. but tbree passengers In the car at Grenville— S. J. Martin, Lib.; ,T. D. Gloucester—0. Turgeon, Lib.; T. M. jillies. Con. Marsil, Nat. 3urns, Con. the time the 'aecicrent occurred. The Reid, Con. Bounce—Hon. Dr. Belaud, Lib.; Dr. Yarmouth—13. B. Law, Lib.; K. E. dead are: Dennis -Kaufmann, a pa»- Grey, Bast—C. W. Hartman, Lib.; r Kent—0. ,T. Leblanc, Lib.; F. J. Crosby, Cou. Icorge Cloutier, Con. "tobidoux. Con. sene'er, and H. B. Myers, motorman. Dr. Sproulc, Con. Bea,uhariiols—I*. J. Papineau, Lib.; MANITOBA Conductor Wr.i. J. Praser was 'badly Grey, North—F. W. Harrison, Lib.; King'K-Albert—D. McAllister, Lib.; Brandon,—A. E. Hill, Lib.;; J. A. hurt. . G. M. Bergeron, Con. !eo. W. Fowler, Cou. FOR SALE W. S. Middlebro, Con. M. Aitkins, Con. Bellechasse—O. E. Talbot, Lib.; J. Northumberland—W. S. Loggie, Lib; Grey, South—H. H. Miller, Lib.; B. .aval lee, Nat. Lisgar—,1. F. Greenway, Lib.; W. II. That most desirable 7 roomed, fully modern J. Ball, Con. i. Morrison, Con. NDICTMENTS RETURNED AG- Berthler—Arthur Ecremont, Lib.; iharpc. Con. bungalow, standing on two lots—No. 631. 1.3th Maldimand—R. F. Miller, Lib.; F. H. Queen's-Siinbury — H. H. McLean Dauphin—R. Cruise, Lib.; Glen AINST SHOE MACHINERY CO. J. A. Barrettc, Con.; Denis, Ind. ,ib.; Luther Smith, Con. Lalor, Con. Campbell, Con. Boston, Mass., Sept. 10.—An indict- St. Soutli (Westminster ltd.)—price $4,000. Bonaventure—Hon. Charles Marcil, Kestigoiiche—James Reid, Lib.;, W Halton—W. H. Smith, Lib.; D. Hen- Lib.; Jos. Moussean, Con. Macdonald—.1. S. Wood, Ind.; \V. 0. lent was returned today against* of- . Montgomery, Con. cers of the United 'States Shoe Ma-. Terms arranged. derson, Con. Brome—Hon. S. Fisher, Lib.; G. H. Staples, Con. St. John City and County—Hon. W. binery Co., and a second indictment Hamilton, East—John Peebles, Lib.; Baker, Con. Marqtiette—George Griersori, Lib,; ngsley, Lib.; H. A. Powell, Con. filed against the company itiselt The H. MACBETH AGENCY Sam Barker, Con. Chambly-Vercheres—V. Geoffrion, W. .1. Roche, Con. •St. John City—James Lowell, Lib.; y z United States Grand Jury. De- INSURANCE Hamilton, \Vost-J. L. McLaren, Lib.; J. Ji. Rainville, Con. Portage la Prairie—R. Patterson, J. W. Daniel, Con. endallts are charged with conducting • HERLOCK BUILDING—UETHERIDGE Lib.; T. J. .Stewart, Con.; II. Dickoul Champlain—J. A. Rousseau, Lil Lib.; Arthur Meiglien,.Con. Ind. Con. Victoriu-Madawaska — P. Michaud, Provencher—.1. P. .Molloy, Lib.;..!. tisiness in restraint of trade. P. K. Blondin, Con. Lib.; Max. D. Cormier, Con. Hastings, West—W. H. Hubbell, Chartovoix—Lucien Cannon, Lib A. F. Bleau, Con. Ub.; B. Gus Porter, Con. Westmoreland—IT. R. Emmerson, Selkirk—A. R. Bredin, Lib.; G. H. I R. Forget, Con: Lib.; M. G. Siddall, Con. Hastings, East—P. H. Clark, Lib.; Cbateaugiiay, — J. P. Brown, Lib Bradbury, Con. W. B. Northrtip, Con. Yorh—A. B. Alherton, Lib.; 0. S. Souris—A. M. Campbell, Lib.; Dr. Tames Morris, Con. Crockett, Con. V/E HAVE JUST LISTED ONE OF THE BEST BUILT HOUSES Huron,' East—A. Hislop, lib.; James Chicoutimi-Sagueiiay — J. Girar Schaffner, Con. NOVA SCOTIA NORTH OF THE TRACK ON TERMS ANYONE CAN HANDLE. Bowman, Con. Lib.; E. Boiviri, Lib.; Col. B. A. Sco Winnipeg—.1. H. Ashdown Lib.; A. A big snap Owner forced to sell as he lefives for the Old Co.unt.ry in ond Huron, South—M. Y. McLean, Lib.; Lib.; Biz X-evtsQue, Con. Poilin Annapolis—S. W. Pickup, Lib.; A. Haggart, Coll.; K. A. Rigg, Soc. month. .1. J. Merner, Con. . 4 Sept 25. L. Davidson, Con, ALBERTA Huron, West—51. G. Cameron, Lib.; Antigonish—Wm. Cbisholm, Lib.; House was b.utlt by an architect t.o live In. Compton—A. B. Hunt, Lib.; F. Medicine Hat—W. A. Buchanan Lib.; E. N. Lewis. Con. J. J. Cameron, Con. PRICE—?2,000 . TERMS—?300 cash; balance to suit. Cromwell, Con. •?- A. Magrath, Con. ' 7 room, fully Ken,t, East—D. A. Gordon, Lib.; Cape Breton, Noithr—D. D. Macken- Dorchester—J A. E. Roy, Lib.; llacleod—D. Wai'nock, Lib.; John H, J. French, Con. zie, Lib.; J. W. lUcMerrick, Con. modern house, levigny, Con. Herron, Con.; A. Fulcber, Soc. Kent, West—A. B. McColg, Lib.; W. Drnmmond-Arthaljasca — O. Brou Capo Breton, South,—W. C-aroll, Lib; Calgary—1. S. G. Van \Vart Lib.; corner lluse.ll and Stanworth, Con: Nortli Letkbridge Realty Co. lard, Lib.; A. Gilbert, _\'at. '•'; J. W. Madden, Con.. R. B. Bennett. Con. Kingston. J. JIcD. llowat, Lib.; Colchester— S. D. McLellan, Lib.; McKillop Sts., on Gasjje,—Hon. R. Leinieiix, Lib.; D Red Deer—Dr. M. Clark, Lib.; A. Nichle, Con. I. Stanfielcl, Con. • P. Gauthier, Con. Polling Sept 25. \. McGillivray, Con. ' 2 lots. Price— Lambton, East—Dr. C. 0. Fairban Cumberland—H. J. Logan, Lib.; K. Hocbclnga™L. A. A. Rivet, Lib Victoria—W. II. White, Lib.; F. / Lib.; J. 13. Armstrong, Con. . Rhodes, Con. Louis Coderre, Con. lorrison, Con.; Jackman, Ind. Lib. Lambton, West—F. F. Pardee, Lib. Digby—A. E. Wall, Lib.; C. Jame- S2100 Huntingdon.—Jas. Robb,, Lib.; D StTathconu—J. M. Douglass, Lib, . E. Lesueiir, Con. son, Con. R. N. Walsh, Con'. G. B. Campbell, Con. Terms—$300 cash, Lanark, North—T. B. Caldwell, Lib Jacques-Carticr—Louis Boyer, Lib, Guyshoro,—J. H. Sinclair, Lib.; G. 2 lots on Charles St., water and sewer, V. Thobnrn, Con. lEdmonton— Hon. F. Oliver, Lib. F. D. Monk, Con. _ , 4. n. Rawlings, Con. : Ipiin $ 1.300, balance $525 eaclr. Terms. Lanark, South—G. F. McKlmm, Lib. .Toliette—J. A. Dnbeau, Lib.: J. 1 Halifax,—A. K. Maclean, Lib.; U. L. Hon.' .Tno. Haggart, Con. Borden, Con. easy. • 0. QuUbaiilt. Con.; .1. G. Martel, Na SASKATCHEWAN 2 lots, Block 160, N. City; §450 the pair; Leeds,—Firman Cross, Lib.; Georg Kamouraska — E. Lapoiute, Lib, Halifax,—E. Blackador, Lib,; A. B. lylor, Con. irosby, Con. nzlc—Dr. 15. L. Casn, Lib. good terms. ' , W. D. Potvin, Con. C. D. Livingstone, Con. Lennox and Addington—Dr. J. Vroo Lahelle—C. B. Major, Llib.; H. Acl Hants—J . B. Black, Lib.; IL :B. Tian, Lib.; W. J. Paul, M.P.P., Con. 'remnine, Cou. Qu'Appelle—Levi Thompson, 2 Jots on Russell St.. ira, Con , H. S. Lake, Con. Lincoln,—E J. Lovelace, Lib.; E. A Laprairie-Napierville — R. Lanceto Inverness— A. W. Cliisholm, Lib.; for a few days oilly, ,ancaster, Con. '. Gallmit, Con. Humbolt,—Dr. D. B. Neely, Lib, jib.; Gustavo Monette, Con.( .T. H. Heurn, Con. 1 Wilkie & Kerr London—.1. M. McEvoy, Lib.; Majoi L'Assomption--P. A. Seguin, Ln each- - Beattle, Con. ' Moose Jaw—W. E. Knowles, Lib. ,, J. S. Morin, Con. S. K. Rjithwell, Con. Insurance and Coal Middlesex, East—Dr. Routledge, Lib Laval—C. A. Wilson, Lib; B. Loon Peter Elsou, Con. Assiniboia—J. G. Tariff, Lib.; & C S225 PHONE 623 HULL BLOCK. Next. A.R. A I. Office; ird, Con. Smith, Con. Middlesex, North—A. w. Smith Levis—Boutin Bourassa. Lib.; Alpb Terms. . Lib.; George Elliott, Con. Saskatoon,—0. E. McCraney, .Lib. Bernier, Con. Donald McLean, Con.; E. N. Baumun Middlesex, West—Duncan C. Ross 'Islet—Armand Bourgault, Lib. Lib.; .Tames Cobban, Con. Ind. Dr. K. Paqnet. Nat. Saltcoats—Thomas McNlltt, Lib.; Muskoka—G. H. TJiomas, Lib.; Lotbiniere—R. Fortier, Uib.; Wil liam Wright, Con. John Nixon, Coil. rid L-aiiberte. Con. The Happy Medium •Hegina—W. .M. Martin, Lib.; Dr. W, H.J.H.Skeith von SALE Niplssins—A. .OYoung, Lib.; George -Maisonneuvo— A. V-ervville, Labor Gordon, Con. D. Cowan, Con.; .R. Fletcher, Ind. PHONE—1243 7 roomed fully modern furnlabcd house on 12th Street A. ;ngene Villenenve, Con. Bllttleford—Albert Champagne, Lib.; NorfoIIc,—W. A. Charlton, Lib.; A Maskinonge—H. Mnyraud, Lib.; A in Temperature Opposite Alexandra Hotel Cavanaeh Ave. Price JJ200. Terms—Jl.OOO cash will bnnillo. 'McCall, Con. M. J. Howoll, Con. iellemare, Con. Apply Northumberland, East—A. Weather- Neither loo hot or too cold, Prince Albert—W. \V. Ruttan, Lib.; Megan tic—L. Pacaud, Lib.; L. H and always reliable. Jemes McKay, Con. ston, Lib.; H. J. Walker, Con. luard. Con. Northumberland, West—J. B. McColl MissiEsauoi—F. W. Kay, Lib.; Dr This is the inijiorUmfc fea- BRITISH COLUMBIA Vancouver—J. H. .aenkler. Lib N. B. PEAT & CO. Lib.; C. A. Munson, Con. ickle, Con. ture of Hie all-important prob- Ontario, North—M. M. Mowat, Lib.; Montcalm,—D. A. Ln fortune, Lib.; lem of heating the home in H. H. Stevens, Con.; E. T. Kingsley Financial, Real Estate and Insurance Agents Major S. Sharpe, Con. winter. We think we have Soc. Sherlock Bldg.—7t h Si. , E. E. Marion, Con. solved it in our Otirncy-Ox- Macdonald Block Lethbridge ' Ontario Sontfli—R L. Fowkc, Lib.; Montmagny—Hon. Dr. Belnnd, Lib.; New Westminster—John Oliver. ford Boiler—economical—ef- Lib.; J. D. Taylor, Con. William Smith, Con. r. L'Esnerance, Con. ficient.—reliable. It saves Yale-Cariboo—Dr. K. C. McDonald Ottawa—,1. A. Pinard, Lib.; Dr. Cha- Arontmorency—G. Parent, Lib.; TC coal, time and temper, and bot. Con. Lib.; Martin Burrell, Con.; G. Urown City Property orget, Con. this triple economy is shown Soc. Ottawa—H. B. McGiverin, Lib.; A St. Ann's, Montreal—J. C. Wal»li, in the fire-box construction, E. Fripp, Cou. b.; C. .1. Doherty, Con. which keens the fire burning Victoria—Wm. Tompleman, Lib.; G. EXCHANGE jnst.rigiJH, and takes ALL the H. Bernard, Con.; E. T. King, Soc. Oxford, North—E. W. Ncsbitt, Lib • •St. Antolne, Montreal—M. L. Her- We have 2 fully modern new J. G. Wallace, K, C., Con. iy, Lib.; II. B. Ames, Con. heat out of the coals. Then, Couiox-Atlln—Duncan Ross, Lib.- Hie M. Clements, Con. !ose In, tlmt vrc can take » sni Oxford, South—M. S. Schell, Lib •" St. .lames—L. A. Lapoin'te, Lib.; isli payment, with some good lota Do you want to Donald Sutherland, Con. ' j Nssaino—Ralph Smith, Lib.; F mill cottage us balance. liver Asselin, ^"t. Shepherd, Con. Parry Sound—T. W. Morrison, Lib. St. Mary's—N. Allan!, Lab.; M. Ar«r- James Arthurs, Con. Kootenay—Dr. J. H. King, Lib.- A tin. Lib.; .1. A. Masse, Nat. S. Goodeve, Con. Peel—W. H. Lowe, Lib.; Richan St. Lawrouce—Rp'bt. Bickordike, Blain, Con. * Lib.; W. U. Cotton, Soc.; G. F. John- Farm Property HOT AEROPLANE MAIL ROUTE Perth North—Dr. J. P. Rankin, Lib. stone, Con. I. B. Murphy, K. C. Con WATER, AS AN EXPERIMENT Sell Your Land? Nicolet—Dr. G. Tnrcotte, Lib.; P. EXCHANGE Washington. Saut. 20.—Not to ho Perth South—0 H. Mclntyre, Lib • 13. Lamarche, Con. is the only healing apparatus outdone iir the Brills]! po-jfal aiith- WILL THADE—One half section of Dr. M. Steele, Con. Pontiac—G. F. Hodgms, Lib.; G. H. I hat la fitted wilji the p,iish- onttes in Ilic carrying or mails , . !!s,'ood land, 11 few milos from proposed Pcterboro, East—p. D. Kcrr, Lib.; Brubazon, Con.; F. S. Cahlll, Ind.-Lab- nipple. With (his joint the bj A. So.vsmith, Con. boilor will run for years with ncro|)lni«-, I'oslraaatcr Bt-noral Hitoli- 'staUon on Wey.bnrn line, which will I have clients with money who oocl; lonlBht gave Ms consent to Ilio lio built lo l.his point next spring. Peterboro, West—,7. n. Straton, Ih.; Porlneuf—M. S. Dellsle, Lib.; 11. out a rent neina spent on ro- puirs, because IT CAN'T cslablialiiiionl .,„ experilncntai Equity in land, about 13,000. A pay- * H. Ilurnlmm, Cou. jrcnior, Cou. of ment of 5800.00 to lie made this fail Prescott—Edniond Proulx, Lib.; Dr. LEAK. mail route between out. of tile oiit- Quebec, Centre —A. Lachance, Lib.; Thoso and many other lyillff liranclms of tho Brooklyn, X. V. Good property wanted. This is »5.00 Qtiosnoll, Con. lules Hone. (ml. per acre less than surrounding land want good huys points make the (Inniey-Ox- poalolliccs and tlie Aerodrome .it Nas- Prince Edward—Morley Currie, Lib.; Quebec, Easl—Sir Wilfrid Laurier, of same quality. ford System the ideal system. sau Ilonlevard, Long Islnuii, during 1. R. Hepburn, Con. jib.; Romi I.ed.uc, C;on. Write for free book and in- tho international aviation meet which Renfrew, North—James Mnnro, Lib,; Qlietbec. Wesl—Wm. Power, Lib. formation. Gerald V. White. Con. will 'ho held there from Sept. 23 to Bring in your listings at once Wm. Price, Con. We also carry In stock a Octoher 1. THE Renfrew, South—T. A. Lowe, Ub.; Quebec County—J. B. Caouettc, Lib.; complete line of plumbing Dr. Malono.v, Con. Ion. L. P. Pellellor, Con. material. ACCEPTANCE OF TITLES Russell—Hon. C. Murphy, Lib.; J. ' Ricliellou—A. Cnrdln, Lib.; A. P. V. Vincent, Con. rannsse. Con. lUHTALS, LTD., CONDEMNED IN S. AFRICA Dowsley-Mulhern London, Bant. 20.—Tho Cape Town W. R. DOBBIN; Slmcoe. F.ast—Manley Chew, Lib.; Richmond mid Wolfe—15. W. Tobln Calgary. Edmonton. W. II. Bennett, Con. ib.; Dr. John Hayes, Con. LETHBRIDGE. ;'')llatoln. the lending organ of lire Slmcoe, North—L. (!. McCarthy, Lib; Rimouski—Dr. J. A. Ross, Lib.; Dr. South government, condemns Land Co. Agent for Avery Machine Co, Major J. A. Currie. Con. H. Holiday, Con. the colonial acceptance of titles an tending to tire eitobntahnran which Simcoe, SonUi—T. Hamrc^n, jnd. Roiivilhv— Hon. R. I.emiei'r, Lil?r; 310 7th Street Lethbridge, Alta Con : lla.ughton Lennox, Con, Dr. Onbrenll. Con. taints English society. Tlia pa,.Vr compliments Premier Ilollia on his Stortnonf— Geo. T. Gogo, Lib.; Dr. St. Hyjcinthe—I,. .1. GauUilcr, Lib.; Vs Alguire, Con. KriH.-sl Giiimanl, C&u, withstanding the tomptatiou of a proffered title.