Tliiirsfliiy, September 21,1913;' THE fcETHBRlDGE DAILY HERALD PageS. \(f We have been appointed agents for Loth- MEN WHOM ELECTORS ARE VOTING FOR bridge and district for— Lethbridge Monumental Works The following Kt tb« cindMotnl of Thunder B«7—J«ra«i Conmee, Lib, 3t. .rolin-lbcrvllle—J. Domers, Mb.; th« vurlciuc conetltuenclen ot Canada, J. J. Cirrick, Cvn. K. Lareiui,.Con. See our work. Get our prices. ONTARIO Toronto, Otutr*—A. Mugutro. Lib. Shefford—J. H. Botvin, Ub.; O. T. !Sd. Bristol, Coa. : n»vM«..i, Co«. The Security Trust Co. Algomt, HHSt—J. L. R<tf>n, Lib.; Sherhrooko—F. N. McOr«». Lib.; C. Agents Wanted. Toronto, Bant—JameR Pwu-flon, Lib. Limited W, R. Smyth, Con. Jamoi Bicharda, l^bor; Josoph RUB D. White, Con. Aleomm West—C. N. Smith, Mb.; sell Ind. Con.; A. K, Kemp. Con. Sonlungos—Sir Wilfrid LaurUr, Lib.; All kinds of marble slab work. OF CALGARY »r. J. A. Lortie, Nat. A. C. Boyce Con. Toronto, North—'.V. H. Shaw, Lib. Stanstead—C. H. Loveli, Lib.; G. Hrant—lion Wm. Paterson, Lib.; Hon. G. E. Foster, Con. This company has unlimited funds to loan J. 11. Fisher, Con. W, Paige, Con. Simpson & Needs Toronto,. South—J. J. Ward, Lib. Teinlacotmla—C. A. Bauvreau, Lib.; and has an Advisory Board in this city, so limntford,—T. II. Prentou, Lib.; W. A. C. Macdonnoll, Con. ' Dr. L. Lobel, Con. K Cockslmlt, Con. Works: Sth St. South. Proprietors. Toronto West—(I. \Valdroii, Lib.; ,'1'orrebonnc—J)r. S. DcBJardins that loans cnn be out through with very littlo Drociivlllu .-Hon. 0. P. Graham, Ub., B. Onler, Con. Lib.; B. Nantcl, Con. delay. John Webster, Con. Victoria and Hallb'jrlon—J. B. Ucgf, Three Rlvers-St. Maurice—Hon. J Bruce, North—John Tolmle , Li'b.; Lib.; Col. Sam 1-luglios, Con. Hurenu, Lib.; Dr. Normand, Con. 'A. Col. Hugh Clark, Con. Waterloo, .North—Hon. W. I/. M Two Moun/alns—.). A. C. Ethier Lib.; A. Fmitenx, Con. Bruce. South—li. E. Trims, Ub.; J. King, Lib.; \V. O. Welchel. Con. I. Donnelly, Con. Vandrcuil—G. Boyer, Lib.; DeLerj Waterloo South—Dr. S. Moycr, Lib. Macdonald, Con. / Carelton—MaJ. D. II. McLean, Lib.; Election Returns George Cl-are, Con. Wright—E. 13. .Devlin, Lib.; Louis F. C. Lowes & Co. Edward KIdd, Con. Welland—W. M. German, Anti-Rec CoiiBineaii, Nat. Duri'erin—D. B. Brown, Lib.; John Owners and Sole Agents Lib., acclamation. Yamaska,—Oscar Gladu, Lib.; at Jest, Con. I Wellington, North—A. M. Martin,, Nat. Uumlas—J. A. Campbell, Lib.; A Lib.; W. A. Clarke, Con. 3roder, Con. Wellington, South—Hugh Guthrle PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Durham—T. A. Kolly. Lib.; C. J. Lib.; Kelly Evans, Con. neon's—A. B. Warburlon, Lib.; Starland To-night Thornton, Coll. Weutworth—W. 0. Sojiloy. Lib.; G A. McLean, Con. Elgin. East Dr. P. H. .Miller, Lib.; Wilson, Con.; A. Wilson, Ind. Con. Queen's—L. E. Prowse, Lib.; LOOK THIS UP David Marshall, Con. York. Centre—H. 11. Dcwart, Lib.; N'icholson, Con. Elgin West— Donald Macnlsh, Lib.; Capl. T. G. Wall-ace, Con. Prince—J. W. Richards. Lib.; P. Lots 34 and 35. Block 26, Duff Addition, T. \V. Crothers, Con. York, North—T. C. Koblnette, Lib.; Jurpby, Con. King's—Sir V. Bordcn, Lib.; A. de STREET CAR ACCIDENT Essex, North—Dr. P. A. Dewar, Lib.; J. A. M, Armstrong, Con. King's—J. J. Hughes, Lib.; A. W. Foster, Con. ( KILLED TWO, HURT ONB Oliver Wllcox, Con. Lllnenblirg—J. W. Sperry, Lib.; D. .near Qneen Victoria Park, on water and York, South—Louis Hcyd, Lib.; W. 'Yaser, Con. ' Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 19.—Two Essex South—A. H. Clarke, Lib.; Stewart, Con. F. Maclean, Con. persons were killed, andV third pro- sewer, at $1050 the pair. Terms. Dr. Fred Parke, Coll. NEW BRUNSWW1CK Pictou—B. M. Hncdonald, Lib.; A. bably injured Fatally, when a street Frontenac—R. H. Fair, Lib.; Dr. J. QUEBEC Carleton,—-F. B. Carvell, Lib.; B. 3. Bell, Con. Yank Smith, Con. car leaped from the rails and plunjed W. Edwards, Con. Argenteuil—A. H. Tanner, Life.; G. Shelbourne and Queen's—Hon. W. over a liundi'ed foot hill at. Fifth and R. V GIBBONS & CO. Glengarry—.T. A. McMillan, Lib.; Charlotte—W. F. Todt!, Lib.; T. A. 3. Fielding, Lib.; F. B. McCufdy, Con. H. Perley, Con. Hartt, Con. Bluff strect'3 here today. There vent Duncan McMartin, Con. Bagot,—J. E. Marceille, Lib.; T. Itichmond—G. AV. Kyte, Lib.; J. A. but tbree passengers In the car at Grenville— S. J. Martin, Lib.; ,T. D. Gloucester—0. Turgeon, Lib.; T. M. jillies. Con. Marsil, Nat. 3urns, Con. the time the 'aecicrent occurred. The Reid, Con. Bounce—Hon. Dr. Belaud, Lib.; Dr. Yarmouth—13. B. Law, Lib.; K. E. dead are: Dennis -Kaufmann, a pa»- Grey, Bast—C. W. Hartman, Lib.; r Kent—0. ,T. Leblanc, Lib.; F. J. Crosby, Cou. Icorge Cloutier, Con. "tobidoux. Con. sene'er, and H. B. Myers, motorman. Dr. Sproulc, Con. Bea,uhariiols—I*. J. Papineau, Lib.; MANITOBA Conductor Wr.i. J. Praser was 'badly Grey, North—F. W. Harrison, Lib.; King'K-Albert—D. McAllister, Lib.; Brandon,—A. E. Hill, Lib.;; J. A. hurt. G. M. Bergeron, Con. !eo. W. Fowler, Cou. FOR SALE W. S. Middlebro, Con. M. Aitkins, Con. Bellechasse—O. E. Talbot, Lib.; J. Northumberland—W. S. Loggie, Lib; Grey, South—H. H. Miller, Lib.; B. .aval lee, Nat. Lisgar—,1. F. Greenway, Lib.; W. II. That most desirable 7 roomed, fully modern J. Ball, Con. i. Morrison, Con. NDICTMENTS RETURNED AG- Berthler—Arthur Ecremont, Lib.; iharpc. Con. bungalow, standing on two lots—No. 631. 1.3th Maldimand—R. F. Miller, Lib.; F. H. Queen's-Siinbury — H. H. McLean Dauphin—R. Cruise, Lib.; Glen AINST SHOE MACHINERY CO. J. A. Barrettc, Con.; Denis, Ind. ,ib.; Luther Smith, Con. Lalor, Con. Campbell, Con. Boston, Mass., Sept. 10.—An indict- St. Soutli (Westminster ltd.)—price $4,000. Bonaventure—Hon. Charles Marcil, Kestigoiiche—James Reid, Lib.;, W Halton—W. H. Smith, Lib.; D. Hen- Lib.; Jos. Moussean, Con. Macdonald—.1. S. Wood, Ind.; \V. 0. lent was returned today against* of- . Montgomery, Con. cers of the United 'States Shoe Ma-. Terms arranged. derson, Con. Brome—Hon. S. Fisher, Lib.; G. H. Staples, Con. St. John City and County—Hon. W. binery Co., and a second indictment Hamilton, East—John Peebles, Lib.; Baker, Con. Marqtiette—George Griersori, Lib,; ngsley, Lib.; H. A. Powell, Con. filed against the company itiselt The H. MACBETH AGENCY Sam Barker, Con. Chambly-Vercheres—V. Geoffrion, W. .1. Roche, Con. •St. John City—James Lowell, Lib.; y z United States Grand Jury. De- INSURANCE Hamilton, \Vost-J. L. McLaren, Lib.; J. Ji. Rainville, Con. Portage la Prairie—R. Patterson, J. W. Daniel, Con. endallts are charged with conducting • HERLOCK BUILDING—UETHERIDGE Lib.; T. J. .Stewart, Con.; II. Dickoul Champlain—J. A. Rousseau, Lil Lib.; Arthur Meiglien,.Con. Ind. Con. Victoriu-Madawaska — P. Michaud, Provencher—.1. P. .Molloy, Lib.;..!. tisiness in restraint of trade. P. K. Blondin, Con. Lib.; Max. D. Cormier, Con. Hastings, West—W. H. Hubbell, Chartovoix—Lucien Cannon, Lib A. F. Bleau, Con. Ub.; B. Gus Porter, Con. Westmoreland—IT. R. Emmerson, Selkirk—A. R. Bredin, Lib.; G. H. I R. Forget, Con: Lib.; M. G. Siddall, Con. Hastings, East—P. H. Clark, Lib.; Cbateaugiiay, — J. P. Brown, Lib Bradbury, Con. W. B. Northrtip, Con. Yorh—A. B. Alherton, Lib.; 0. S. Souris—A. M. Campbell, Lib.; Dr. Tames Morris, Con. Crockett, Con. V/E HAVE JUST LISTED ONE OF THE BEST BUILT HOUSES Huron,' East—A. Hislop, lib.; James Chicoutimi-Sagueiiay — J. Girar Schaffner, Con. NOVA SCOTIA NORTH OF THE TRACK ON TERMS ANYONE CAN HANDLE. Bowman, Con. Lib.; E. Boiviri, Lib.; Col. B. A. Sco Winnipeg—.1. H. Ashdown Lib.; A. A big snap Owner forced to sell as he lefives for the Old Co.unt.ry in ond Huron, South—M. Y. McLean, Lib.; Lib.; Biz X-evtsQue, Con. Poilin Annapolis—S. W. Pickup, Lib.; A. Haggart, Coll.; K. A. Rigg, Soc. month. .1. J. Merner, Con. 4 Sept 25. L. Davidson, Con, ALBERTA Huron, West—51. G. Cameron, Lib.; Antigonish—Wm. Cbisholm, Lib.; House was b.utlt by an architect t.o live In. Compton—A. B. Hunt, Lib.; F. Medicine Hat—W. A. Buchanan Lib.; E. N. Lewis. Con. J. J. Cameron, Con. PRICE—?2,000 . TERMS—?300 cash; balance to suit. Cromwell, Con. •?- A. Magrath, Con. ' 7 room, fully Ken,t, East—D. A. Gordon, Lib.; Cape Breton, Noithr—D. D. Macken- Dorchester—J A. E. Roy, Lib.; llacleod—D. Wai'nock, Lib.; John H, J. French, Con. zie, Lib.; J. W. lUcMerrick, Con. modern house, levigny, Con. Herron, Con.; A. Fulcber, Soc. Kent, West—A. B. McColg, Lib.; W. Drnmmond-Arthaljasca — O. Brou Capo Breton, South,—W. C-aroll, Lib; Calgary—1. S. G. Van \Vart Lib.; corner lluse.ll and Stanworth, Con: Nortli Letkbridge Realty Co. lard, Lib.; A. Gilbert, _\'at. '•'; J. W. Madden, Con.. R. B. Bennett. Con. Kingston. J. JIcD. llowat, Lib.; Colchester— S. D. McLellan, Lib.; McKillop Sts., on Gasjje,—Hon. R. Leinieiix, Lib.; D Red Deer—Dr. M. Clark, Lib.; A. Nichle, Con. I. Stanfielcl, Con. • P. Gauthier, Con. Polling Sept 25. \. McGillivray, Con. ' 2 lots. Price— Lambton, East—Dr. C. 0. Fairban Cumberland—H. J. Logan, Lib.; K. Hocbclnga™L. A. A. Rivet, Lib Victoria—W. II. White, Lib.; F. / Lib.; J. 13. Armstrong, Con. Rhodes, Con. Louis Coderre, Con. lorrison, Con.; Jackman, Ind. Lib. Lambton, West—F. F. Pardee, Lib. Digby—A.
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