Ieee Access Special Section Editorial: Green Signal Processing for Wireless Communicationsand Networking

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Ieee Access Special Section Editorial: Green Signal Processing for Wireless Communicationsand Networking University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln Faculty Publications from the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Department Electrical and Computer Engineering of 2020 IEEE ACCESS SPECIAL SECTION EDITORIAL: GREEN SIGNAL PROCESSING FOR WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONSAND NETWORKING Wen-Long Chin David Shiung Yi Qian Woongsup Lee Andres Kwasinki See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Computer Engineering Commons, and the Electrical and Computer Engineering Commons This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Electrical & Computer Engineering, Department of at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Faculty Publications from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Authors Wen-Long Chin, David Shiung, Yi Qian, Woongsup Lee, Andres Kwasinki, and Yansha Deng SPECIAL SECTION ON GREEN SIGNAL PROCESSING FOR WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3000281 EDITORIAL IEEE ACCESS SPECIAL SECTION EDITORIAL: GREEN SIGNAL PROCESSING FOR WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONSAND NETWORKING Wireless devices, including smartphones/PDAs and the In this article, a Community-based Mediator (CbM) is network equipment that connects them, consume a signifi- proposed as a metric to identify influential nodes in a large cant amount of power. The global greenhouse gas emissions and complex network. The CbM considers the entropy of a produced by the operation of information and communica- random walk from a node to each community. tion technology (ICT) infrastructure is comparable to that The performance of CbM was evaluated by susceptible- produced by the aviation industry. This situation is getting infected-recovered (SIR) model. Simulation results showed worse since billions of wireless devices, such as the Internet that the proposed method performs better than the exist- of Things devices, are expected to be newly added to the ing methods to spread information quickly and can also Internet in the coming decade. Consequently, there are multi- introduce new influential nodes that other methods failed to ple research and development projects that aim at address- identify. ing this issue, including some IEEE standards intended to 2) In the article ``Energy efficient space-time line coded reduce the environmental impact of the ICT industry. These regenerative two-way relay under per-antenna power con- standards include energy-efficient communications and net- straints,'' Joung proposed a new space-time line code working. Although these emerging techniques have attracted (STLC)-based two-way relay (TWR) method to improve considerable attention and have been studied recently, there the energy-efficiency (EE). In multiple-input multiple-output are still many open research challenges to be addressed. (MIMO) systems, per-antenna power constraint (PAPC) has The goal of this Special Section is to bring together been considered to enhance the power efficiency of the mul- researchers from academia, industry, and governmental agen- tiple power amplifiers. However, under PAPC, the conven- cies to cover the most recent research and development about tional space-division multiple access (SDMA)-based TWR signal processing techniques, to improve the sustainability of method suffers a significant bit-error-rate performance degra- wireless communications and networking. The articles in this dation, leading to EE degradation as well. The author demon- feature topic focus on cutting-edge research in various aspects strated that the proposed STLC-based TWR system achieves of the green-oriented and environmentally aware signal pro- higher EE than the conventional SDMA-based TWR when cessing for 4G/5G systems, cognitive radio networks, and the maximum transmit power is low. Furthermore, the author other types of advanced wireless communication networks. also presented that, compared with the SDMA-based TWR, Our Call for Papers received an enthusiastic response with the proposed approach can reduce computational complexity 48 high-quality submissions. Per IEEE ACCESS policy, it was and readily extend to a TWR system with a large number of ensured that handling editors did not have any potential con- antennas, e.g., a massive MIMO system. flict of interest with the authors of submitted articles. All 3) In the article ``Integrating distributed grids with articles were reviewed by at least two independent referees. green cellular Backhaul: From competition to cooperation,'' The articles were evaluated for their rigor and quality, and Li et al., addressed a comprehensive study on a green cellular also for their relevance to the theme of our Special Section. backhaul system which is powered by distributed micro- After a rigorous review process, we accepted seven articles to grids and faces the price-sensitive end-users. Most notably, form the Special Section. the price competition between multiple renewable power 1) The article ``Identifying influential nodes based on com- suppliers (RPSs) and wireless operator is formulated in a munity structure to speed up the dissemination of information two-stage Stackelberg game from which interesting charac- in complex network,'' authored by Tulu et al., proposed new teristics regarding the price competition are found. Moreover, methods to identify important nodes in a complex network the cooperative scenario of RPSs is also considered using for energy-efficient communication. Recently, in a complex coalitions game. The authors provided valuable intuition network, finding a powerful leader of the community to regarding the operation of a green cellular backhaul based spread information quickly throughout the network was the on the distributed energy sources in a decentralized market concern of many researchers. setting. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see VOLUME 8, 2020 105169 IEEE ACCESS SPECIAL SECTION EDITORIAL 4) In the article ``Secure analog network coding with allocation (GRPA) of NOMA allocates greater signal power wireless energy harvesting under multiple eavesdroppers,'' to the users of poor channels to achieve both fairness and high Lee et al., proposed a two-way relay system in which two data rate. However, current GRPA strategies developed for users exchange data via a relay based on analog network radio frequency channels are not necessarily effective in all coding (ANC) when multiple eavesdroppers exist. The relay VLC channel and illumination cases. The authors proposed can replenish energy from the two users' signals and uti- a GRPA strategy based on VLC channels and compared lize it to forward the ANC signal to users. Each user elim- the lower-bound throughput with other competing methods. inates their own signal from the received signal through Finally, the experimental results demonstrated the compact- self-interference cancellation and decodes the desired signal. ness of the proposed alternate lower bound and the advan- On the other hand, the eavesdroppers overhear the relay- tages of the proposed strategy. ing signal and attempt to recover the data between two 7) The article ``Energy efficiency beamforming design for users. For this ANC-based network with multiple eaves- UAV communications with broadband hybrid polarization droppers, the authors proposed two secure ANC protocols: antenna arrays,'' by Zhou, studied the problem of energy- Power splitting-ANC (PS-ANC) and time switching-ANC efficient wireless communications for Unmanned Aerial (TS-ANC), in which the relay respectively determines the Vehicles (UAVs). In this work, the energy-efficient commu- power splitting ratio and time switching ratio, in order to nication of UAVs is improved while considering the physical balance between the energy harvesting and the data reception. resources constraints on UAVs by introducing the use of a The optimal ratios are obtained analytically to maximize the new hybrid polarized antenna array combined with filter- minimum achievable secrecy rate. The authors demonstrated and-forward relaying. For this system, the author presented that both the PS-ANC and TS-ANC protocols can achieve an algorithm that optimizes the beamforming parameters to near-optimal achievable secrecy rate irrespective of the loca- maximize the energy-efficient information transmit rate. tions and number of eavesdroppers. The comparison of these To conclude, we would like to sincerely thank all the two protocols in various network environments showed that reviewers who kindly volunteered their precious time and PS-ANC has a better performance than TS-ANC when the expertise for helping us handle the review process success- network conditions are unfavorable for wiretapping by the fully. Moreover, we appreciate all the authors who submitted eavesdroppers. high-quality and timely articles to our Special Section as well. 5) The article ``Cognitive heterogeneous networks with We would also like to thank the former IEEE ACCESS Editor- multiple primary users and unreliable backhaul connections,'' in-Chief, Professor Michael Pecht, present IEEE ACCESS by Yin et al., presented a practical model including a het- Editor-in-Chief, Professor Derek Abbott, and other staff erogeneous underlay cognitive network with small cells also members of IEEE ACCESS
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