News from the Tiger’s Den November/December 2018

A note from Principal Ben Dallman…

PRIDE, Respect, and Responsibility

Happy November Roosevelt Families!

With fall being my favorite season, it is hard to believe that we have already received our first snowfall. Hopefully you and your family had the chance to enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells of the autumn season before our winter weather decided to join us. At Roosevelt, our students have been working hard to make academic gains while continuing to develop a greater sense of pride and respect for themselves and others. I hope your children have had a great start to the school year!

Thank you for taking an active role in your child’s education this past month. Along with your presence during after-school events, parent-teacher conferences, and holiday celebrations…your work at home reading with, playing with, and talking with your children is irreplaceable. Thank you for the important work you do!

Recent Highlights:

 Thank you for attending Parent/Teacher Conferences and to our many families who completed our “Perseverance & Self-Regulation.” We will use these results along with data from our staff and student surveys to measure our strengths and direct our focus. Along with school goals specific to math, reading, and writing, we are also responsible for meeting the needs of the whole child and their social/emotional skills. Your perspective is an important part of gauging our


 What an exciting way to mark the end of October, with some of the best weather in recent memory! Thank you doing your part to ensure a fun and safe Halloween celebration for our kids. An extra special thank you to our Halloween helpers for your assistance.

 On November 2nd, we celebrated our efforts made in building student self-control and mindfulness during our all-school assembly. Then we introduced our next focus skill, which is empathy. Related to teaching empathy at school and at home, the University of -

Extension provides an excellent resource for families called Raising Caring Kids. This resource is designed for families and offer ways to build your child’s social and emotional learning at home. This resource will be included in future newsletters as they connect to the success skills we focus on at Roosevelt. The article “A Little Caring Goes a Long Way” which focuses on building empathy in kids can be found here: Goes-a-Long-Way.pdf

 Thank you to our Veterans and their families who were able to join us for our Veteran’s Day program last Friday. Although space was limited, we were honored to have so many Veterans join us for this special ceremony held in their honor. A recording of our program can be found


Upcoming in November:  November 13th marks the public release of our School Report Card. This data is used to help us identify, assess, reflect, refocus, and plan around our school’s greatest strengths and needs. For the fourth straight year, Roosevelt Elementary School has received a score of “Exceeding Expectations” earning our second highest overall score in the past eight years. With “Student Growth” increasing by 16.1 points this past year, we still have more work to do…and appreciate the support you provide at home in helping our children grow as learners. Report cards for every publicly funded school can be found here:

 To ensure the safety of our children under any circumstance, we need to practice how we would respond if ever faced with a threatening situation. On November 14th, we will be practicing with our students what to do in the event of a school lock-down. Our goal is to carefully prepare for what is a highly unlikely situation while keeping student anxiety at a minimum.  Students do not attend school during the week of November 19th. We will welcome our students back from Thanksgiving on Monday, November 26th. Please enjoy your time with family and friends! If you have questions or would like to learn more about the great things happening at Roosevelt Elementary, please check out our website, Facebook page, or follow us on twitter (@Roosevelt_Pride). If I can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to call, email, or stop by to visit our school. Thank you for the positive support you provide your children each day!


Principal, Roosevelt Elementary School

(715) 852-4710 [email protected] Follow us on Twitter @Roosevelt_Pride

“Collectivly commited to educate our Roosevelt community in a safe, nurturing, and responsive environment.”

Just a reminder…

School will be closed the week of November 19th. Our staff will be participating in professional development activities on Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday – Friday we will be closed to observe the Thanksgiving Holiday. We wish you a wonderful break, and will see you on Monday, November 26th! Weather Reminders!

Closings: If schools are closed because Mark Your Calendar… of inclement weather, the following local radio and November 12-16 Blugold Beginnings Robotics for Grade 4 Students television stations will broadcast the announcement: who signed up. WBIZ, WAXX/WAYY, WWIB, WIAL, WQRB, November 14 Intruder Alert Drill at School WQOW-TV 18, and WEAU-TV 13. Announcements My Local Deals Fundraiser Kicks Off on these stations usually begin at 6:00 a.m. or shortly Nov. 19-23 NO SCHOOL (Monday and Tuesday = Staff thereafter. No announcement means that the schools are open. The district’s web site will also note if Professional Development, and Wednesday through Thursday = Thanksgiving Break) schools are closed. Future Dates… The same stations will make a school-closing

announcement if bad weather develops after school has December 4 Culver’s Night started for the day. Please do not call the school to ask December 5 Report cards sent home in student folders if the school will close. This ties up the telephone line December 6 PTA Holiday Workshop Volunteer Meeting – 6 pm and prevents its use in case of an emergency. The December 13 PTA Holiday Workshop – 3:35-4:30 – More details decision to close schools because of bad weather is to come! made by the Superintendent after consulting with the Dec. 24- Jan 1 NO SCHOOL - Winter Break! National Weather Service, city, county, and other January 2 Classes resume sources. If the schools are closed because of bad

weather, all athletic, after-school, and evening events

are also canceled. **Looking for information about holiday classroom parties? Please contact your classroom teacher directly for more information about needed supplies, volunteers, dates, and times. Again this year the district will utilize the “Two-Hour Delay”. Often road conditions are much improved **Roosevelt, like many ECASD schools, hosts our annual Art Nights midmorning. Late starts allow us to not miss critical educational time while ensuring that the ride to school in May to honor the musical and artistic talents found within our school. Out of respect for all our students, and their families is safe. Late starts will be broadcasted the same way as school cancellations. When a “Two-Hour Delay” is personal and faith related beliefs, we do not host a traditional “Christmas Sing”. Thank you for understanding! announced, the following changes will be made to the school day:

 Busses will run two hours after their normal schedule  Buildings will begin classes two hours after the normal start time  Cold breakfast will be served at all schools except Robbins

 School lunch will be at or around the normal Visit RCU on Thursday’s Right at Roosevelt! time Your child can learn about saving while helping  All morning and afternoon District Early Roosevelt! Visit the RCU Roosevelt Branch to deposit Learning Programs (Head Start, Early Learning funds on Thursday mornings! Need information about & EC4T) will be cancelled. Please note that if your child attends an EC4T community site, signing up? Contact Mrs. Rud at [email protected] you should contact that site directly.

As we know, weather conditions can change rapidly. In the event that a two-hour delay must be Don’t head to the store to buy reconsidered, the decision to close schools for the full more…check that lost and found table day will be made no later than 8 a.m. next time you’re at school! ------If you have questions, please contact the Superintendent's Office at 715-852-3002. There is a good chance your missing items are there! Don’t forget…Mrs. Bladl wants to hear from you!

If you have a sick kiddo, need to drop off late, or need to pick up early, please give Mrs. Bladl a call at 715.852.4701. Feel free to leave a message on her voicemail, day or night, noting the student name, date, and time of the absence. Student safety is our number one concern, and we worry when we don’t see your kids in school! Calling the office lets us know that your student is safe, sound and cared for!

5:1 Paws-itive Praise! At Roosevelt, we strive to praise our students with positive language and reinforcements when we observe desired behaviors. While students may respond to tangible reinforcements, like tiger tickets or school celebrations, we also know that students respond to verbal praise and positive attention as well. In fact, we believe it is so important that we aim to reinforce positive to negative behaviors by following a 5:1 ratio. By praising and acknowledging positive behavior more often than negative choices, we remind our students that we are proud of their efforts and are encouraging them to show Pride, Respect, and Responsibility. This is an easy ratio to keep in mind as you engage with your children outside of the school day as well.

Brrr…It’s Cold Out There!

As much as we don’t want to admit it, the cold weather is making its way into Wisconsin! Even with the cooler temps, students will be spending portions of the day outside. Getting fresh air and movement is critical to a successful school day, so please help your child make the most of this outside time by ensuring that he or she is wearing appropriate clothing and footwear. Layers, including warm coats, hats, mittens, and boots are needed to keep children warm and safe while outdoors, and can easily be removed if the temperature does climb. Additionally, please remember that students eating breakfast at Roosevelt are welcomed to come in at 8:15. All other students should play on the playground until the bell rings at 8:35.

Public School Open Enrollment: February 4 – April 30, 2019

Wisconsin residents in grades 4K -12 may apply to attend school in a school district other than the one in which they live. For example: a child that lives in the Altoona School District could apply to attend the Eau Claire Area School District (ECASD). Students in pre-kindergarten may participate in limited circumstances; parents should call Sandy LaValley at 852-3003 to find out if their preschool-aged child(ren) qualify.

Students who are currently attending the ECASD through open enrollment DO NOT need to reapply.

The open enrollment application for the 2019-20 school year is February 4 – April 30, 2019. An online application will be available to the public beginning Monday, February 4, and closing at 4:00 pm on April 30, 2019. For more information about open enrollment, please go to: Have you moved outside of the Eau Claire School District this year? If so, you need to complete a Tuition Waiver form. Contact the ECASD main office for more information at 715-852-3000.

Attention Families…

During the week of November 12th, we will be practicing a “School Lock-Down” drill this is also known as an Intruder Alert Drill. We are required by the school district to hold this drill annually. The children will hear a message over the PA system indicating that there is an intruder in the building. The classes will then gather in a safe area in the classroom and lock the doors. The teachers will follow the procedures to keep everyone in the classrooms until an “all clear message is given”. The teachers will discuss and practice this procedure with the children before the drill takes place. As a family, please feel free to discuss the drill with your children as you feel appropriate.

Thank you for supporting our Scholastic Book Fair! We had another amazing year for book sales! Thanks to our families, we have helped to put additional books into students’ hands, equaling thousands of additional reading minutes! Your support allows Roosevelt to add many new books into our classroom libraries as well! A huge THANK YOU to Crisinda and Kelly for all of their amazing work on the book fair!

Winter & Holiday Help

This is the season for thanks and celebration in many homes. It is also the season of increased heating and clothing expenses. Please review the Holiday Help Directory below and consider how these programs may assist you and your family. The Eau Claire County Resource Guide is also a helpful tool and it can be accessed at or by calling 1-800-362-8255.

Every organization has limited resources, so please make note of the sign-up dates and bring any necessary information to complete the application process. If you are fortunate enough to be in a position to give, please consider a donation to any of the organizations listed below.

If your family is financially unable to provide winter outerwear for your child(ren), we do have limited resources donated by community organizations to our school. If you would like to confidentially discuss your child(ren) or your family’s needs, please call Katie Skutley at (715) 852-4703 or email me at [email protected].

Holiday Help Directory

Agency Activity/Program Date/Time Contact Guideline The Community Table Thanksgiving Lunch November 22nd 715-835-4977 Anyone can attend. No 220 Putnam Street 11:30-1:00 reservation required.

The Community Table Thanksgiving-In-a-Box Pick-up will be the week of To reserve your box Boxes will be granted on a 220 Putnam Street *Box will include a turkey Thanksgiving at the email volunteer first come, first serve and Thanksgiving sides. Community Table during basis. Food included will be meal times (see website or uncooked, so families can call) prepare in their homes. Trinity Lutheran Church Thanksgiving Lunch November 22nd 715-832-6601 Anyone can attend with a 1314 E. Lexington Blvd. 11:30 and 12:30 meal reservation.

Hope Gospel Mission Thanksgiving Lunch November 22nd 715-552-5566 Anyone can attend. No 8 South Farwell Street 11:30-1:00 reservation required.

Hope Gospel Mission 8 Christmas Meal December 15th 715-552-5566 Anyone can attend. No South Farwell Street 11:30-1:30 reservation required.

The Community Table Christmas Eve December 24th 715-835-4977 Anyone can attend. No 320 Putnam Street Lunch 11:30-1:00 reservation required.

Pay It Forward – The Christmas Day at the December 25th 715-835-4977 Free event. Santa will be Community Table Community Table 8:00-10:00 there and have gifts. 320 Putnam Street

Family Promise of the Christmas Gift Assistance Any time prior to Christmas Amy Application required. Chippewa Valley 715-834-1379 309 E. Lake Street Are you or anyone you know looking for a little extra income with a

flexible schedule? Do you enjoy being out-doors and working with children? If so, check out this opportunity at ECASD!

The Eau Claire Area School District is seeking crossing guards and substitutes for the remainder of the 2018-19 school year. This position requires an hour of your time in the

morning and an hour in the afternoon to monitor traffic and assist children with safely crossing streets. Training and supplies are provided. If interested, please pick up an application at the Board of Education building at 500 Main Street in Eau Claire. For more information, please call 715-852-3050.

A Note from the Eau Claire Area School District Nursing Staff…..

Be aware, wash with care!

There are many types of germs (viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi) that cause many types of illnesses. These germs can spread easily from one person to another and have wide-reaching effects. One of the most common ways people catch colds is by rubbing their noses or eyes after touching someone or something that's contaminated with the cold virus. Nearly 22 million school days are lost annually due to the common cold.

A study involving Detroit school children showed that scheduled handwashing, at least four times a day, can reduce gastrointestinal illness and related absences by more than 50%. Handwashing with soap and water is the most effective and inexpensive way to prevent illness.

As winter season is approaching, remember the importance of handwashing. Please remind your children and model good habits.

For more information, visit,