SolidRun’s Micro-SOM™: SR-uSOM-MX6 (ARM-Cortex-A9) 3 0 m m m m 47 SolidRun’s leading micro System on a Module (Micro-SOM™) family is designed for embedded systems product developers and OEMs. SolidRun packed a Freescale > Reduces TTM, design risk & cost i.MX6 SoC (System-on-Chip), memory subsystem, I/O and interconnect subsystems into a single ultra-compact > Gives a total design freedom system-on-module. The tightly packed Micro-SOM™, gives engineers a unique set of off-the-shelf design features and > The smallest SOM available benefits. SolidRun’s SR-uSOM-MX6 delivers faster time to today (30mm* 47mm) market, lower design cost, and reduces design risk. > Lower costs SolidRun SR-uSOM-MX6 runs popular Operating Systems (Linux and Android). Product Design Advantages Non-Intrusive Micro-SOM™ Standard Compatibility Support › Reduce design risk › Enables compact products › ARM-Cortex-A9 with NEON › Fast time to market › Core Element Module › Comprehensive I/O (CEM) Approach › Off-the-shelf components › Linux & Android › Minimize design constraints › Wide processing range › Wide application set › Seamless scalable design All data is for information purposes only and not guaranteed for legal purposes. Subject to change without notice. Information in this datasheet has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibilty is assumed for inaccurancies. All brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
[email protected] SolidRun Ltd., 3 Dolev, 3rd floor,