NATIONAL REPORT ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE RAMSAR CONVENTION ON WETLANDS National Reports to be submitted to the 13th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2018 The purpose of this Microsoft Word form is to help Contracting Parties to collect data for the National Report. However, the data collected through this form must be transferred to the online National Reporting system at or send the Word form by email (
[email protected] ) by 21 January 2018 for the official submission of the National Report. If you have any questions or problems, please contact the Ramsar Secretariat for advice (
[email protected]). Please note that for Contracting Parties wishing to provide information in the Online Reporting System on national targets (Section 4 optional) of the National Report Format or on the Word Form the deadline is 30 November 2016. Ramsar COP13 National Report Format (NRF) Background information 1. The COP13 National Report Format (NRF) has been approved by the Standing Committee 52 for the Ramsar Convention’s Contracting Parties to complete as their national reporting to the 13th meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties of the Convention (United Arab Emirates, 2018). 2. The Standing Committee through Decision SC52-07 has also agreed that an online National Reporting format could be made available to Parties by keeping the off-line system and requested the Secretariat to present an evaluation for the next COP regarding the use of the on- line system. 3. The National Report Format is being issued by the Secretariat in 2016 to facilitate Contracting Parties’ implementation planning and preparations for completing the Report.