Seminar Students Go on Popular Appalachia Trip

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Seminar Students Go on Popular Appalachia Trip THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOLUME 40: ISSUE 41 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER26, 2005 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Students face eviction from Turtle Creek Stadiuin ing parties the wenkend of Sept. cannot comment on pending dent government representa­ New anzendment hits 9-10 where the Indiana State legal actions," she said. "It's a tives. "But levietionl is something home; NO calls its Excise Police issued about 100 company policy." I had foreseen as being eneour­ restoration underage drinking citations, One of the students lacing evic­ aged <~s the resolution was involvement unlikely South Bend Assistant City tion told The Observer Tuesday passed. Attorney Ann-Carol Nash said he was advised by his attorney The amendment, passed by the approved Tuesday. not to comment until discussions South Bend Common Council on By MADDIE HANNA The city sent the students with Turtle Creek attorneys have July 25, tacknd on a list of alco­ Associate News Editor notices to abate about a week been completed. The Observer hol-related violations to the ntr­ By KATE ANTONACCI af'ter tho citations "as a eonlir­ was unable to contaet the other rnnt list of activities prohibitnd by A,sociate News Ediwr In the first visible fpgal rnsult of mation that akohol-relatod viola­ studenl<; Tuesday. the city's disorderly house ordi­ last sumnwr's controvm-sial dis­ tions of state law had taken· Nash declined to give a nance - and allows the city to ordorly housn ordinancn amend­ plaeo," Nash said. limntable of tho legal proceed­ send tenants a notiee to abate Tho Board of Trustons nwnt, six Notn• Damn studonts The evietion notices, liled in ings. after just one noise violation, (BOT) n~enntly approved a rnturnod from fall hrnak last eourt Oet. 21, were sent by Turtle For student body pt·esident while the previous ordinance rnstoration project to bogin wnnkmHI to find ovietion notices Creek Managnment, Nash said. Dave Baron, it's diflkult to watch requirnd thrne. this spring on ono of tho waiting li1r tlwm at tlwir homos .Judy Stowell. director of com­ the evictions unfi>ld . If prohibitnd activitins reoccur Univnrsity's most wolf-known, in Turtln Crnnk Apartnwnts. munications for Turtle Creek, "I was extremely disappoint­ af'tnr the lirst noticn, the amend­ and most visitnd, campus Tho six n~sidnnts of thnH~ dedim~d to comnumt on the situ­ ed," said Baron, who fought the ment gives the eity thn ability to spots- Notre Damn Stadium. Turtln Crnnk apartnwnl'> aro now ation Tuesday. amendment during the summer "Notrn Damn Stadium is a fil{hting a court battln af'tnr host- "Turtlo Creek Management along with a smaU group of stu- see EVICTIONS/page 9 legnndary landmark in Anwrican athlnt.ies, home to morn llnisman Trophy win­ ners and AII-Anwricans than a n y o t h e r f o o t h a II v n n 111~ i n tho nation," ExoeutivP Vicn NeW ticket distribution system to debut Prnsident .John Af'llock-<;ravns said in a statnment.. "It is itH'umbnnt upon us to both They are then required to proservo a building that is Basketball vouchers redeem their ticket vouchers for l'illnd with many spncial nwm­ will be handed out at student ticket booklnts this orins for our athlntns, stu­ Thursday and Friday. dents, alumni and fans, and 'Late Night with the Matt Walsh, chair of studnnt onsut·n its strul'tural intogrity govnrnment's University affairs l'or decadPs to eonw. Wn will Legion' event tonight eommittee. said the nnw process do !.hat in a way that is archi­ has the dual purpose of promot­ teeturally eonsistnnt, tPchni­ By KATIE PERRY ing the mon's basknthall pro­ cally thorough, and l'iseally gram whiln ensuring a "morn prudont." A~sistant News Editor equitable" means of tieknt distri­ A four-phase, four-ynar bution. projoct to rnpai r parts of tlw Dwindling student attendance Walsh said tlw new procedure original bowl of Notro Damn at mnn's basketball games last was i m pIn me n u~ d prim a r i I y Stadium. which has lwnn thn year motivated tho significant because student attendance at homo of Irish football sinen chango in how students will home basketball games droppnd 19:~0. was dt\onHHI twcnssary acquire ticket booklets to watch in comparison to the previous by consultants with knowl­ the Irish in action this season. year. Organizers from both stu­ edge about stadiums, said organiznrs said. dent government and the .Jamns Lyphout, vice prosidnnt. Contrary to past seasons. stu­ LeprPchaun L11gion hope the for busi1wss o1wrations. dents now havn two responsibili­ event will boost support for the "Tho original snating bowl ties to acquire basketball ticket program. is 75 ynars old and has btHm booklets. "It will hopefully get people exposed to tlw el n men t s, Students must first attend pumped up about the upcoming including thousands of "Late Night with the Legion," season, and in doing so, get freeze/thaw temperature Observer File Photo lwld tonight at tho Joyce Center them to attend more home cycltls, during its lifn," The Leprechaun Legion cheers last season. This year's tick­ from 10 p.m. to 12 a.m. to pick et distribution has more stepS to obtain a student booklet. up a redcemabln ticket voucher. see TICKETS/page 4 see STADIUM/page 8 Seminar students go on popular Appalachia trip and dispersed to I <J differ­ to rneeivn one credit. By KELLY MEEHAN ent. work sites in Tennessee, "It is very important to Nt•wsWritt•r Virginia, West Virginia and rncognizn the fact that the KPn tueky. CSC sponsors semitHlrS, NParly 200 Notre Damn Applieations for thn onn­ which allow students to gain students traveled to crt~dit snminar were due the crt~dit hours through course A p p a I a c h i a d u r i n g fa II t'irst wonk of' thn school ynar work and service-lt~arning b rf' a k t.o participate in tlw and studnnts worn accepted immersion," Miller-McGraw Center for Social Concerns b as 11 d o n t h n i r a e ad e m i c said. "This is dil'fnrnnt from ( c s c ) standing, said Angela a service trip. which is Appalachia See Also Millnr-McGraw, director of strietly voluntnnring." S11111inar, the Appalachia Seminar. Junior site leader Lucy "Students making it In addition to attending Summnrville worked prima­ thf' mvst partake in thn actual fall break i mmnr­ rily on renovating a housn. popular out service sion seminar, studnnts must Summerville, along with Jwr ol' tlw nxtw­ attend pre and post immer­ 11 group membnrs, also vol­ rinntial and seminars aver sion classes. During these unteered at Ioeal schools s ~~ r v i I' n - fall break" rlassns, Miller-McGraw said and nursing homes to nxpn­ IParning studnnt.s read assigned rinnee the culture of' courses page3 materials rnlnvant to the Appalachia. o l'l'n r n d by subject matt11r and submit a "The trip was excellent.'; tlw CPntPr. writing component. These Summerville said. During the immnrsion extra components distin­ "Everyotw worked together t•xpnrinncn. t.he students guish the seminars !'rom so well. We were able to Photo courtesy of Lucy Summerville Wl'rf' divided into groups of' lwing dPI'ined as a service Students work at the West Virginia Ministry in Advocacy and a p p r o x i m a t n I y I 0 p 1w p I n trip and allow the students see SEMINAR/page 8 Workcamps (WVMAW) as part of a fall break Appalachia Seminar. - ----- --~--------------------------~ page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Wednesday, October 26, 2005 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHAT CLASS DO YOU WISH WAS OFFERED? Tales of the Rails I took the 11-hour overnight Amtrak #48 train home to Syracuse for fall break. When daylight broke through the Becca Teeter Okechi Ogboukin Jason Dehaemers Mike Podgajny John Duffy Chris Adam window after a long night of tossing sophomore junior freshman sophomore junior senior and turning, I Cavanaugh Cavanaugh Sarin Zahm Sarin Keough went to the dining Katie Perry car for coffee and an impromptu "Dating "The Art of ''Tetherball. ,, "Lon Record "The Art of "Organizational lesson in the per­ Assistant Casually 101. ,, Killing Bugs Power Exploring John Leadership and vasiveness of News Editor Notre Dame foot­ and How Not to Conditioning Duffy from Back Supervision ... ball. be Afraid of 101. to Front.,, like the Purdue "Mind if I join you?" an elderly man Them." quarterback.,, asked as he took a seat across from another man of comparable age with large wire-rimmed glasses. "You'll have to speak louder- hard of hearing," he said. "Mind if I join you?" The man with the wire-rimmed glasses nodded as he gazed out the window. "I've never been a fan of upstate," IN BRIEF he said as we sped away from the Buffalo station. 'Tm from the city- New York that is." . Welsh Family Hall will be "Well you must be quite the mover," hosting Father Eugene his new friend said with a grin. Gorski for a discussion called "If that were the case I wouldn't get "Experiencing God's Pres­ mugged so often," the man with the ence" at 7 p.m. in Welsh's wire-rimmed glasses said. Family Room today. "Maybe it's time to relocate to some­ place safer," suggested the other man. Imam Feisal Rauf, presi­ "Oh no I couldn't. I've never lived dent of the American Sufi anywhere else." Muslim Association, will give "New York is not such a bad place to the lecture "Healing the be stuck," the other man said.
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