Castle Bromwich Parish Council
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Castle Bromwich Parish Council Council Office, Arden Hall, Water Orton Road, Castle Bromwich, Solihull, B36 9PB 0121 747 6503 [email protected] NOTICE OF MEETING The members of Castle Bromwich Parish Council are summoned to an online meeting of the Council at 6.30pm on Wednesday 29 July 2020 via ‘Zoom’ using the following dedicated link: UT09 Meeting ID: 810 3366 0415 Passcode: 520348 One tap mobile +441314601196,,81033660415#,,,,,,0#,,520348# United Kingdom +442030512874,,81033660415#,,,,,,0#,,520348# United Kingdom Dial by your location +44 131 460 1196 +44 203 051 2874 +44 203 481 5237 (United Kingdom) +44 203 481 5240 +44 203 901 7895 Members of the press and public are welcome to attend. The agenda includes at item 5 the opportunity for members of the public to ask questions and comment on items to be discussed subject to the Chairman’s discretion for up to a maximum of three minutes. Members of the public are asked to submit their questions in advance via email to [email protected] Yvonne Smith, 22/07/2020 Acting Clerk to the Council 20/07-01 Welcome from the Council Chairman, Cllr Mrs Pauline Allen, who will remind participants of the procedure for holding this online meeting and may provide an update on council business. 20/07-02 Apologies for Absence Members are required to notify the reason for absence. 20/07-03 Declarations of pecuniary or other interests Members are reminded to declare any interest that relates to items on the agenda, particularly if the item relates to their entry on the Members’ Register of Interests. 20/07-04 Dispensations. 1 The meeting will consider any written requests from a council member for a dispensation to be allowed to stay in the meeting and/or speak and/or vote with regard to any item in which they have declared an interest. Such requests must be submitted in writing to the Clerk before the meeting starts (email is acceptable). 20/07-05 Public Question Time Anyone attending this meeting who is not a parish councillor for Castle Bromwich PC may take the opportunity to speak and/or ask questions about items on this agenda and/or ask for issues to be considered at future meetings. Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council ward members are invited to provide a report on the work they have been doing in the ward and any news from SMBC. 20/07-06 To approve the draft minutes of the council meeting held 24/06/2020, draft copy attached, pp6 - 9. 20/07-07 To appoint a) A member of the council to the position of vice-Chairman. b) Two council members to be bank signatories c) One member of the council to be one of two representatives to the Solihull Area Committee (affiliated to the Warwickshire and West Midlands Association of Local Councils, WALC); the existing representative is Cllr J MacDonald. d) One member of the council to be its representative to the WALC Executive Committee. 20/07-08 To note the position regarding the four casual vacancies in the office of parish councillor relating to Beechcroft ward (1), Bradford ward (2), Whateley ward (1) and agree steps for co-opting members to fill those seats. A copy of the Co-option Procedure is available here, and attached. 20/07-09 To provide comment to the following planning applications: a) Application ref: 2020/00998/MINFHO Location: 42 Cranmore Road, Castle Bromwich B36 9HJ Proposal: Two storey side and rear extension. Respond by: 24/07/2020 b) Application ref: 2020/01378/PN Proposed installation of a 15m telecommunications Phase 8 monopole with 4 No. ground based equipment cabinets and ancillary development thereto. Location: EE Telecom Mast Bradford Road Castle Bromwich Solihull Respond by: 30/07/2020 c) Application ref: 2020/01052/TPO Location: 8 Castle Crescent Castle Bromwich Solihull B36 9TF Proposal: Reduce branches by up to 1m, plus deadwood, on 1 No. oak tree. Respond by: 06/08/2020 d) Application ref: 2020/01259/MINFHO Location: 119 Springfield Road Castle Bromwich Solihull B36 0DU Proposal: Single storey rear extension. Respond by: 06/08/2020 To note and comment on the following Appeal: e) Site address: Castle Bromwich Hall Hotel, Chester Road Alleged breach: Unauthorised erection of a marquee in the grounds of Castle Bromwich Hall PI ref: APP/Q4625/C/19/3243551 Respond by: 10/08/2020 2 20/07-10 To comment on the following highways consultation: Proposed Total Prohibition of Waiting at Any Time Beechcroft Road (both sides) – from a point 15 metres north east of its junction with Chester Road, in a northerly direction, to a point 35 metres north of that junction. Chester Road (both sides) – from a point 15 metres west of its junction with Kingsleigh Drive, in a westerly direction, to a point 42 metres west of that junction. Kingsleigh Drive (both sides) – from a point 15 metres north east of its junction with Chester Road, in a north easterly direction, to a point 30 metres north east of that junction. Response required by 06/08/2020 20/07-11 Finance a). To receive the current financial position to 30/06/2020 (separate report) b). To be aware the AGAR and related information has been sent to the External Auditor and posted to the website with dates of public inspection starting 09/07/2020 and ending 19/08/2020 c). To agree the appointment of the Internal Auditor for 2020/21 20/07-12 Committee meeting updates, to note: a) . Draft minutes to Leisure Services Committee 01/07/20 (pp 10 - 15) Includes: - approval of Policy on Provision and Use of Tools (page 16) Draft minutes Finance & General Purposes Committee 08/07/2020 b) . (pp 17 - 23) includes: - agreement for new electricity contract via Utility Aid (broker) / Corona - agreement for new telephony contract via Mainstream Digital - agreement of Risk Management Policy, separate document - agreement of risk strategy and assessments - to agree the appointment of the Internal Auditor for 2020/21 c) . Staffing Committee The Staffing Committee is due to meet at the start of August to review all applications received for the position of Clerk to the Council and arrange dates of interviews. In the meantime, a request has been submitted by a committee member for the committee to meet to carry out a review of all staff contracts and consider various staffing items, for which the committee has no Terms of Reference. The Council is therefore asked to agree new Terms of Reference for the Staffing Committee, as attached report pp 24 - 27 20/07-13 Website accessibility compliance Update on the requirement to comply with The Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) Accessibility Regulations 2018 by 23/09/2020. 20/07-14 Arden Hall improvements During the Covid-19 pandemic Arden Hall has been unused and staff and council members have taken the opportunity to refresh its appearance including re-painting, cleaning, covering of the hall heaters and improvements to the front of the stage. The following is requested: a) . Repairs, maintenance and improvement of Spencer bar and lounge. Quotes are being obtained for plaster-boarding the brick in the lounge hopefully in time for this meeting to allow progress asap along with new worktops and overhead hangers for glasses. If quotes are not available, members are asked to approve a budget for the proposed improvements and grant delegated authority to the Hall Manager to proceed on that basis. b) . Scaffolding Towers (see also separate report) 7.2m platform double width 1.8 - £2,150.00 each + Vat 7.2M Double width scaffold tower £1,318.25 + VAT 3T INDUSTRIAL SCAFFOLD TOWER £1,334 + VAT 8 rung industrial tower £1,204.99 + VAT 3 Staff awareness of Covid-19 precautions is ongoing via webinars, regular c) . monitoring of GOV.UK updates and risk assessments led by the Hall Manager. 20/07-15 Use of Pavilion The Cricket Club are keen to return to team sports and make use of the pavilion. Strict adherence is being paid to extra cleaning and social distancing. A risk assessment is available to view upon request. The Park closes at 8pm when the duty warden locks up and leaves site, however the Cricket Club wish to remain on site beyond 8pm making use of the Club’s licence in the pavilion. The Council is asked to consider whether to allow this, bearing in mind: - All of the park will be locked so there will be only one access to the club, via the pavilion door to the car park (meaning no one-way system can be put in place). The Club requests a key to the park gates. - A warden will be required to return to site at 10pm or later with no knowledge of the condition of the premises regarding cleaning requirements and whether there would be any direct health and safety threat. 20/07-16 Use of Open Spaces a) . Better signage is required for the parks at Hob Farm and Arden Hall. A trial notice board is being obtained to be fixed to the fencing at 3 sites (Hob Farm entrance, Arden Hall car park and Stoneymoor entrances). The cost of 3 notice boards is likely to be IRO £800 b) . The play area at Arden Hall open space has been closed since 23/03/2020. GOV.UK updates advise local councils to re-open at their discretion after risk assessing the conditions. This council’s risk assessment was unable to identify suitable mitigating actions when carried out on 03/07/2020.