10500:2012 Ttlethod St

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10500:2012 Ttlethod St Brlckfierd! ( M/S AJAY BRTCKS AT-KOTAMATI GUMLA brick m.nufacturing ORANGE uslng lime pro.€$) 106 At - Baragaon, PS - Sisai, Dtstt Bargaon Sand Ghat GUMLA S!nd Mining RED M/S SATISH PRASAD LO7 TETRA STONE MINE PARTNER TETRA GUI'ILA RED Mauza pO 108 BARCAON SAND CfrAT - Bargaon? - Bargao, Miner.l stack yard / PS-Slsai,Dist-cumla GUI{LA GREEN 109 BARKOLI/ SAL€GUTU SAND AT+MOUZA. BARKOLt, SALEGUTU GIIMI' GUMLA Sand Mining RED 110 KARE ADVANCCD GOKUL NAGAR GUMLA, MULTISPECIALITY HOSPTTAL JHARKHAND GUMLA HOSPIIAL At - Khora, PS - Khora, Disft - M/S l|d JamllAkhtar GUMLA RED M/6 Mauza - B.ngolla,Po - BANGOTIA SAND MINE (umhari,PS PROJECT - Aa6la,Dist - GUMLA RED Mauza - OlmundE,PO - Mineral st €k yard 113 S.nt6h Oraon Stock Yard Olmunda,PS- Sisai,Dist- GUMLA / GREEN MAUZA- IARANGO, THANA. sIsAI? STOCKYARD FOR LARANGO THANA NUI8IER - 01, 1L4 KHATA Mineral st ck yard / SAND MINING PROJECT NUMBER - 95, PLOT GUMLA GREEN NUMBER - 03. GUMLA. J}IARKAHND 115 Mruz. - Kutlu,PO - Jairagi,Ps - Dumri,Dist - Gumla GUMLA ORANGE TENSERA INDUS'RtAL AREA. 116 PREMIER INDUSTRIES KHATA NO - 64, PLOT NO - GUMLA Rl.€ Millg RED 557, DISTRTCT - GUMLA THE RIVER OF KOEL IN SAND 117 GHAT OF SNAPHARI & VILL. SILAPHARI & CHAULI GUMLA RED CHAULI FASIA 118 STONE MINE OF M/S Mauz. - Fa6la,PS - Gumta,Dist SANJAY KUMAR SINGH GUMLA RED M/S (TITAHI 119 SAIISH PRASAD STONE MINE PARTNER) TITHAI GUMIA RED MAUZA- KULKUPI, P.S.. SISAI. 120 KULKUPI STONE DEPOSIT GUMLA RED 121 At- Karoundi, P.O - M/S BALMM SAHU GUMLA RED 122 M/S SATISH PRASAD (Stone GUMLA OTIANGE Uauza - Dundurt., ps - Gumta, M/S Tanya Stone Works GUMLA ORANGE At- Karoundi?Ps- L24 M/s Bararam sahu(crushet GUMfA K.rduhdi.Di.}} - Gnnl' ORANGE 125 At-Ralke.a, PO.- pokla,Dist- RAIKERA STONE MINE GUi'!LA RED Mouza - larango, An.hrl - Sisal, Thana - Sl6ai, Thana No. t26 Larango Sand Minlng P.oject GUMLA - O1, Dist - cumla GREEN M/s CHAULI SAND At - Chaull,Po- Khora,PS- yard 127 GHAT(STOCK DEFO FOR Mineral stack / Gumla,Dist - cumla GUMLA GREEN 128 At.+ Mauza-Karoundi, Ps.- aisheEhwar Sahu Mines GUMLA RED Brickflcld3 ( ORANGE 129 M/S AMIT BRICKS VILLAGE-ANDHRADIH GUMLA brlck ftanuradurhg uslns lime Proc€5s) _ PABEA SIONE MINE OF M/S Mauza - Pabea,Ps RED 130 GUMLA Mineral stack Yard / GUMLA GREEN 131 MOUZA- ASRO Min€ral stack Yard / M/S Manslh (umar SEhu M!uza- B.rgaon,Pt_ Sisal,Dkt GUMLA GREEN (StockYard) At- Xasira, PO- Patia, PS_ ORANGE M/s Blu€ Stone ChiPs ' 6..6rr ni.F- Gunl: GUMLA ORANGE L34 M/S JAISWAL STONE CHIPS BASIA, PO- AASIA, GUMLA GUMLA Gurdari Bauxite Mines (584.19 ining RED 135 GT'I'ILA Jharkhand State Pollution Control Board Regional Officer, Ranchi List of HCFS located in Distrlct- cumla, S.t{o. District 1 !155829 ST. JOSEPH S HOSPITAL GUMLA HOSPTTAL 3539499 I(ARE AOVANCED 14ULTISPECIAIITY HOSPITAL HOSPITAL 40L52l23 BIOOD IANK SADAR HOSPI'AL,GUMLA GUMLA BLOOD BANX 5605664 HEAITHMAP DTAGNOSTICS PRIVATE LIMITEb GUMLA IAB 57L2397 Gurdari Bauxlte Mines (584.19 H€ct) HtL GUMLA RED Jharkhand State Pollution Control Board Regional Office, Ranchi List of Hazardous Waste G€nerating Unit located in Dist.-Gumla S.No. Itrdustry Name District Category I Minersls & Miuerals Limited (Bimarla Bauxite Minei) GUMLA RED 2 Curdari Bauxile Min€s {584.19 Rect) HIL GUMLA RED 3 IvL/s SerenAdss Bauxite Mines (155,81ha,) GUMLA R.ED Jharkhand State Pollution Control Board Regional Office, Ranchi List of CeDtre3 of E-Waste in Dist -Cumla sl. EPRAuthorized Mail id of City Collection point No. Producer Producer Addres! Recycler/PRO . Pac€ Tel Systems Private Limited, M/s Oppo Mobile Derek.Zhao@ooo Janardhan Prasad saha M/s Gulnla 3R Recycler India P\,t.Ltd. slgn Building,Office no.4,Ground fl oor (HSPCB) Palkot road, cumla-835207 Jharkhand State Pollution Control Board Regional Office, Ranchi List of Industrial Wastewater Generatins Units located in Dist.-Gunla NI/S NEXGEN SOLUTION TECHNOLOGIES I GUMLA Orange Private PRIVATE LIMITED ST. JOSEPH S HOSPITAL GUMLA HOSPITAL Plivate KART ADVANCED MULTISPECIALITY GUMLA EOSPITAL Private HOSPITAL BLOOD BANK SADAR HOSPITAL.GUMLA GUMLA BLOOD BA}IK Government HEALTHMAP DIAGNOSTICS PRIVATf, GUMLA LAB Private LIMITED Gurdari Bauxite Mines (584.19 Hect) I L GUMLA RED Private 7 l4/s Serenpdas Bauxite Mines (155.81ha.) GUMLA RED Private Minerals & Minerals Limited (Bimarla Bauxite E GUMLA R.ED Private Mines) Total Waste water generated = 4 KLD (Approx.) /' ordqr+o gftriar or orqtoq i+wa qqrsd 1,ti wafl X{dr I t email- eedwsd.gumla@gmail-com ,/ I qdr+ .. ilr-. ......./ rq_*- gll-l?-sg"D grlif :- o.Tdqrd-s sTfuror, i-qqd si saar ccrsd, {rerr SEr q, IwieII 4q qfltFFRl (DFo) xqdr I qc qqf{i"r qRfr of f-qt (ms cmfr zozo or) ofsol z sr 3EcFq qfrisq tsi d {iGiET tl qErcrq, q €q{-ff frsq d veq qfud o{rT i fu 6fu6r z or er5+ror uF+ic< frFa q.rt tqn or erscqo qr i orftr{ fg ffi rS i r w* trqe'qTwq. N\0'-- ffi:.-" r Quality Management Plan Outcome Data Requirement Measuralbe Action Areas Details of Control G roundwater water Qualitv Estimated number of bore- 16622 Nos for Foof permissions given 16622 Nos extraction of groundwater Number of groundwater polluted areas Adequate Groundwater availability Availability of water quality Data (yes/No) ONE Creation of monitoring cell Rain water Harvestlng Not imPlemented in Rural water Action Plan for Rain through all over but in harvesting few places bY soak Pit ffi\v,t ordqrdfi 3fi-'if,r or olq16q t{qd \-i rn6-ff rqrsd X{dr I mail- ce(l\irs(l.gLl llllilG)gllla ll.co Lu ... n-+* P2o B 5 ffg ?0ll qr.- ..\lj .t :lZ\f -tildfreq +qT n, F*rs-e to,or 2 61 3rjqTtr{ qRidr qc qqiqioT qrfifi a1 dao (qm qr+{1 zozo 6T) s;fur ffi d diitl iil q6T{q, 2 6T srJqdi cftifi w{m iavo d qitit'i i qRrd 6ff t fu 6kdr 1)d} or rS i t Wa-- frFd qq{ i i.qn as gnd{qo olff fu fr{qrcqrff, -aAlr\\sq- : )lwu+' . FriitirGfi 3lqzrdT t{qd -qq4qifdl cqrgil .%ifY:y-.,l 'Ir n'\ olqro .1.1 3..,, f+ln sl.Zl)ola uenrfi :- .#*. .r** ot q{fid {'qEd --cffirtr.r{ *dael*e-" mh'ffi* ordcr-do srfuq'dr or orqldq qdqqd qT€a,rJTdr I qaw- fuir6- Z7d X{6r,/ lj -g --ze-_o *Erd. qew qfus. fudr qqtqt'r qftft,lrer q6 T{ cqsd q{rfufirfr T{dr fi Fisd ,TTdr I qm+q qelq qfuotq II qr{f,t qrE gsfi w" fiqq '* efoa r$ ft-d - O.A.No.360/2018 * fiFro-zo.os.zorg 6i qrRd qrtcr ol hN ogvr-<r;r d c-*a il IF[q :_ q+ftq d q,iro-r+rr Hro-t.os.zozo v TT6IEFI, sq{ff ft{q6 rsiliFtr Td d ffiq i ql'+c or<r € fo y-or lirar d oistria environment ptan ifiri *g *rAs fuz"r c*< (cpcB)dRr Frqfftd lrqt O.A.No.360/2018 Districl Environment Plan xlex i sreT cTq oTi iS ftfe-d srd n errq{f{Id qfdfu 6a VE Photo copy of water Quality report of 3 Reservoirs Q 1{qfue sldifi Forq ocnldr Eff ng ycffFd fuqr qrdr i I lre snq-d qrrral gi <rrqsq6 ar{-{r{ i-q sqFld I qlo- Photo copy of waler Quality report of 3 Reservoirs ftrqrsqrqc N&',-"- ..'^Q ffi*"""" No. Acdon Areas Details of Dala R€quirement Measurable Outcome wQ1 Inventory of Water resources in District WQla 3 wQlb L€nith of Coastline WQlc Nalas/Drains Meeting Rivers 2 WQld 3 Reseruoirs 17208.3 Hectares WQle Tota I Quantity of s€wa8e and ihdustrial discharge in oistrict Control of Groundwater WQ2a Estimated numbers of bore wells NotAoolicable wQ2b No. ofp€rmission given for extraction of Not Applicable WQ2c Number of Eroundwater polluted areas. NotAoolicabie wQzd Groundwater Availability NotApplicable wQ3 Availa bility of water Quality Data WQ 3a Creation of monitoring cell Not Aoolicrble Actlon Areas D€tails of Data Requirement Measurable outcome WQ3b Access of surface water a nd NotApplic2ble srou ndwater oualitv data at DM offi€e wQ4 Controlof River side Activities WQ4a Control of River side activities River side open defecation NotAoolicable wQ4b DunDins ofSW on river banks NotAoplicable Control measures for idol immersion NotApplicable wQs Controlof water pollution in WQSa Percentase of untreatecl sewa8e NotADplicable wQsb Monitoring of Action plans for NotApplicable Reiuvenation of Rive15 WQ5c No. of dk€cuon Eiven to industriesfor Not Applicable Disaharge of lJntreated industdal waste waier in last 12 month wQ6 Awa reness Actavities WQ6a District level€ampaigns on protection of NotApplicable wQ6b oil s oill Dhast€r continsencv plan WQ6a creation of District OilCrisis NotApplicable Management Group WQ6b Prepa.ation District Oil Spil Oisaster NotApplicable Contingency plan wQ7 Protection of f lood Dlains WQTa Encroachment offlood plains i5 NotApplicable resulated , Rainwater Harvestina WQSa Action olan for Rain water harvesting Not Aoolicable Enclosure: Photocopy of water quality reports of 3 Reservoirs n(L'{ rhd* Executive Engineer t-o ffi*'n"''" State Level Water Testing Laboratory, Ranchi, Jharkhand Doc No.: 5!WTL'QP-4-F3 X lssle No,:01 TEST ANALYSIS REPORT Revision No.:00 @ Date:05-03.2020 Cedficate No. -TC - 7351 l$uedto | - lxecutiv€ Engin€€., srnple codo: . ?00517-sll-N.001 Wat.. Ways Dlvirlon Gumla. - Repon D r. TC73512000m@352F gmple No, - 01 - Karl 8es€rvolr. Oat6 ot lsru6: - 221062020 Cu3too.r Ref6renc6 No. r- S!R/CLR[UNE.AA07 SempbFarticslaF Det8il! of $molino Sample llamdD€scripdon: - Sufice Waler.
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