Granz Tells Story Of Tour; Lauds European Fans French Noisiest— Swedes, Belgians Hippest: Norman CHICAGO, JUNE 4, 1952 (Ed. Note: The following i» an account of Jau At The Philhar ■nonic's lour of Europe as related by J A rp’s impresario. Nornian Spinning With Web Grana.) For many years. I'd thought of taking JATP to Europe. We had had feelers from Eu- A Tribute To A Musician mpeatt promoters since 1948, but, mainly because of financial reason». 1 wa» unable to take the »how over. In fact, in 1950 1 went With Guts—Barclay Allen to Europe determined tu promote JATP there myself, but I was un­ By HAL WEBMAN able lo do it; I tried again in 1951, but the difficulties connected It’s often been said that show business has no soul, and with foreign exchange were just though it has been said, it can never be verified that it has too great. no heart. There have been myriad instances of show business Finally, 1 thought I’d try one courage like that of Jane Froman, whose heroic attributes more time, 1952. I had several let­ currently being shown ters from European promoters, and the country i to begin with. It's all about a mu­ in almost every instance, except­ flicker called With A Song In My sician who ran into some real bad ing one—Nils Hellstrom — there Heart. But examples like this one luck. His name, Barclay Allen. was only lukewarm interest. This is a curious fact about European have become public property, sort Bud Accide nt of living specimens that the show promoters: they evince little, if will always go on no matter what. Alien, about two and a half years any, interest via correspondence, It’s a far more heart-warming ago, was in a serious auto accident. but once you’re actually in Europe, thing to me to hear about the help­ Just before the accident, he had then they al) have big eyes to pro­ ing hand of show business being formed his own band after spend­ mote you. Once we got to Europe NAT AND ED—CBS* Toast of thr Town played host to Nat Cole again lent to comparatively anonymous ing some time as Freddy Martin’s and broke it up in Scandinavia, really. Seen here with Nat is the popular syndicated columnist Ed members of the clan who are in pianist. He also had just done his we were deluged with offers. illivim, uho originated thr program several years ago and built it into great need. That’s part of the first few sides under a fresh Capi­ ir of TV's biggest Sunday attractions. reason why this is being written tol recording contract. Al) this be­ came totally inconsequential when I took in the group; Ella Fitz­ the doctors reported that Allen gerald, Oscar Peterson, Flip Phil­ stood less than ■ 50-50 chance of lips, Lester Y»ung, Roy Eldridge, surviving the accident. Irving Ashby, Ray Brown, Hank Jones, and Max Roach. With the ¡riderella Shaw Bares Soul Displaying a powerful will to exception of Roy, none had ever live, Allen was able to hold onto played all of Europe. Max had life itself, though he wound up been to Paris, Ella. Ray, Hank, totally paralyzed below his hips. and Ashby to England, bat only Provocative Autobiography Even at that point, show business Roy had played all of the conti­ began to rally to the musician’s nent and Scandinavia, —. By LEONARD FEATHER aid. What little money Allen did We left from Idlewild Airport How dreary to be somebody! have was spent rapidly in hospitals. March The trip very Hou public, like a frog Former boss Martin sparked a smooth and uneventful, To tell your name the livelong day The Wildest! money-raising campaign that was that Oscar and Flip between thtm. To an admiring bog! Chicago — The Blue Note’» (Turn tu Page 13) These lines, by Emily Dickinson, are used by Artie Shaw new »how starting May 30 ha* 1» introduce a chapter in his first book (The Trouble With ill lli< element» lo qualify a» Cinderella—Farrar, Straus & Young Inc., $3.75). Perhaps what might truly be called a Previn Discharged they shed a little light on the reason for his virtual abandon- “wild hill.” Columbia May vent of the music business and his Bill of fare tommeming on decision to treat the admiring bog it pauses often for philosophical that date will ron*i«t of Wild Bill Davi»* Trio and the Wild Back With MGM to his first literary effort. and psychological excursions. Get Third Herd There will be many verbal bat The trouble with the Cinderella Bill Da«i«on combo. Hollywood—Andre Previn, young legend concept for living. Or how wild can you get? ties concerning Artie's intentions MGMusic director, released New York — Woody Herman’s is taking up the typewriter, his Artie argues, is that nobody really from the Army and is back at the Third Herd will be roaring for a ability as a writer, the validity of lives happily ever after. studio. His first assignment is as new wax label shortly. At press his thesis and the size of his ego. “I’ve gone through the Cinder­ music director on Small Town Girl, ella business myself,” he says, time, it appeared that Woody would Vo matter what answers are found starring Jane Powell. return to Columbia Outsiders in for these questions, one fact is in- (Turn tu Page 13) Previn is also known foi his the running were Decca and Mer­ taputable: for the first time in Cafe Rouge Is modern jazz pian<< via Victor Rec­ cury. It’s a certainty that Woody the history of jazz, or of the dance ords. will leave MGM. hand business, someone who has lived the business and been a major Bands Lose It creative figure in it has personally Shutting Down documented his experiences at book length, without a ghost writer and At The Astor without any pulled punches. For Summer For this reason .tlone, the Artie New York — The Hotel Aator’s Shaw book is the most significant Roof here, for many years noted New York—The Hotel Statler’s • f its kind since the beginning of as a plum summer location for the Cafe Rouge, one of the two major business' we know leading name bands, will go oaty name band locations in this city A and in many ways the most this summer. (the othei is the Hotel Roosevelt Jolson, Recruits For The Army jrovocative. The Roof will go completely Grill, which is the almost perma­ D< scribed on the dust jacket as country style with the Grand Ole nent home for Guy Lombardo), At the rare age of 23, Eddie Fisher, Pfc., U.S. Army, is probably- sn “outline of identity,” it is es- Opry company slated to spend the will close down its operatioi. for doing the most upstanding job of transmitting general good will for ■ntially an autobiography, though entire season atop the Astor. the summer in the middle of June. that branch of the Armed Forces that any individual in the services This marks the first extended has been able to turn in since the Korean emergency began. shutdown of the room since it Eddie, ■ most lovable youngster, 4; Down Beat’s Five Star Discs opened late '30s. Paul after going through three months induction, have kept his name very following records, representing the cream of the past two Neighbors, playing his first east­ of basic training like any other much alive with the general public. ern engagement, currently is work­ He has had a succession of hits, »eeks crop, received five stars in the record review section of this Army draftee, has been working in ing the room, nnd Elliot Lawrence behalf of the Army recruiting de­ each of which lends just that much ktue (see pog* 10). will wind up the season there. partment for the past nine months more credence to his value as a re­ POPULAR The will reopen in Sep­ or so. The Army did well by capi­ cruiter for the Army. tember and already has set Jimmy talizing on the youngster’s fast­ Eddie has about a year to go in LOUIS ARMSTRONG Kiss Of Fire (Decca 28177.) Dorsey, Ray Anthony and Ralpi growing popularity in the younger the service. When he gets • ut, he Nat cole Somewhere Along The Way (Capitol 2069.) Flanagan for fall dates. sets, for his work in getting volun will very quickly be ■ most- FERRY COMO Why C l You Leave Me? (Victor 20-4687.) teers for the services has proved demanded property. There are KL MARTINO fruitful. those in the business who are com­ Here In My Heart (BBS 101.) Eddie is constantly on the go for pletely convinced that the singer is IO STAFFORD Raminay (Columbia 39725.) the Army. He’s on the road much a Jolson in embryo. No question Lay STARR .. I Waited A Little Too Long (Capitol 2062.) of the time, working from a Wash- that though he is in the service, New York — Liza Morrow, for­ Fisher is “in” in his show business RHYTHM AND DLUES mer BG thrush, has been signed made into a disc jockey, under to a term recording contract by which cloak he is selling the Army Credit this to a talent whose When Tht Swallows Come Back To Capis­ King Records. She already has weekly on a coast-to-coast hookup. forte is a handsome blend of humil­ WE DOMINOES trano (Federal 12059.) cut her first session for the firm; He does numerous other Army ity and sincerity. That’s What You're Domg To Mt- (Federal the records are due shortly. Liza broadcasts and shows. The cover picture was taken dur­ has been a house -inger at WNEW Meanwhile Eddie’» recordings, a ing a broadcast of the service radio 12059.) here for the past few months. flock of which were made before his show, Armed Forces Review. DOWN BEAT NEWS-FEATURES Chicago, June I, |q Swingin The Golden Gate What, Again? Hollywood — Charlie Barnet, who wax signed to open May 6 Shearing Does SRO, But with a sextet at the Royal Room here, longtime Dixie stronghold, will be back in the big band field again (17 men) with a A Disc Slip Is Showing date at Balboa's Rendezvous ballroom July 4-5. He’ll follow “I By RALPH J. GLEASON with a coast-to-coast tour. musi San Francisco—During the last two weeks of April, the Mort Ruby, who will manage Tl native Sons of the Golden U est stormed the Black Haw k Barnet, says “I'm going to put Charlie back on top among the ao e to stop, look and listen to the bop, jokes and standards of the great itands. where he belongs.” George Shearing Quintet. There were lines outside the club Barnet was strictly a big even during week night*. Business ♦------bandsman until he broke up his was so good the proprietors could ness hasn't known for a long, long large crew in the fall of 1949 hardly believe it. At the last show time. The Shearing sound today is to go into the booking business. on a Friday night, the house was as good as it ever was, this group After that venture was out, he “R< loaded. And all this with a buck sounds exactly (to the ordinary began a succession of combos for i door charge. man’s ear) like his others, but the and big bands that left even his Anuí Coining as it did, right on the question is—“What are you going closest followers confused. fresh heels of a miserable two weeks in to do for an encore?" ir a Sacramento, it proved the Shear­ •y. ing group is every bit as good a draw in a big city without the well Down Beat Prediction known sidemen, as it is with them. Ande This is some solace to George who An was considerably upset over the his fl Sacramento fiasco. leene He is also upset over another Marterie Boasts The Best I Di< thing, as well he might be. The to wo Shearing records are not selling. tee. 1 Even in a town like this where the Fort combo is doing capacity business, Midwest Band In Years teadi their presence doesn’t hypo the to W disc sales any appreciable amount By JACK TRACY been George is quite frankly looking for Chicago—Ralph Marterie headed east after his two-week Staff something as a solution. date at Melody Mill ballroom here and began a series of one- With String»? niters that will wind up at Frank Dailey's Meadowbrook on An Mleai There is a strong possibility that May 27 and the Paramount theater stage on June 18. he may record a batch of numbers He left well-equipped to do a ♦ _ . . .------;—“------of th featuring his piano with a string great job at both places, sporting Ralph has worked long and hard KISS OF FIRE administered by Georgia Gibbs via Mprcury Record work on this band and has finally pieced has turned out to be a major hit for the songstress, who has beti lot ' background in an effort to produce the best dance band to come out of tonta something more interesting for the the midwest in many years. Though together a group of sidemen who around on records for several years but has never before had a sella still a bit rough (the one-niters can play anything at first sight, of these proportions. Musi record market. the < And this brings up the question, should erase that quickly), the swing collectively, and make an ex­ band’s class and ability stood out, cellent onstand appearance. JTOU1 “What’s the matter with the Shear­ when ing records?” The answer, really, and it shouldn’t take much more Marterie’s trumpet, the band’s is nothing at all. The last one, than the eastern swing to establish ensemble sound, the fine, modern- tinged book, and a dancqable beat way Swedish Pastry and Thine Alone it in the top brackets and solidify SONGS FOR SALE “but would have been sensational if it the excellent impression made by on all types of tunes gives this the band’s Mercury releases. band a luster and sheen that spell ■USK were the first disc by George. As ■anj it is, coming after dozens of bop- Marterie is a standout trumpeter success. ♦ ♦ Starring ♦ & in the best Spivak-James tradition, Prediction: The end of 1952 will •true and-standard sandwiches.-the diae came hardly made a nibble. That’s the with gorgeous tone and find Marterie and Billy May own- virtue and the curse of such a straightforward, lyrical style. He’s ing the two hottest new bands of BU8ÌI at his best on ballads like Tenderly, the year. STEVE ALLEN can tell it right away but the Boulevard of Broken Dreams, and trouble ia, can you tell which num- My Silent Love, as the reeds afford «tudi a warm carpet for him to walk on. The capricious nature that distributes talents so indiscriminate^ the i plays particularly puzzling tricks when she bestows the various form1 It isn’t anything that show busi- Good Jazz, Too Lero; Sonny Burke of musical ability. for h Up-tempos like Perdido and The man to whom music is foreign might suppose that the prob ipeci Stompin’ at the Savoy are sprink­ lent is of exceedingly slight proportions—either one has musical abilit. led liberally throughout the big Backs Peggy or one has not. In Teddy Wilson book and get played rockingly, to Even a momentary analysis of the issue, however, leads to the reali­ tided obvious of the the delight younger Hollywood—Sonny Burke, signed zation that “musical ability” is ■ term that covers an extremely wid non dancers. Excellent jazz is played as music director for the Peggy area. Some people exhibit musical ability that is creative. Others pos •rra> Travels Again by trumpeter Corny Panico and Lee CBShow with its move here sess ability represented chiefly by mechanical mastery of an instru­ chest tenorist Kenny Mann, with the New York—Teddy Wilson ended from New York, has assembled an ment. Still others may be gifted with a fantastic sort of auditor; Fiedl rhythm section a tightly-knit unit unusual (by radio standards) band his long association with WNEW perception that enables them to listen to a symphony orchestra con Sarv pushing it all on. to back the singer which will be posed of 65 pieces and concentrate at will on one after another o It May 1 to go on the road for the Marterie has also added a new marked with the Latin-American first time in years. the instruments. rteer singer, who joined the band with flavor Sonny developed for the big To Read or Not to Read •popi The veteran swing .pianist had the Melody Mill date. She’s Nancy band he fronts on occasional dance been a daily feature on the New There are talented singers who read music very haltingly and in­ And« Thomas, a tall, attractive redhead dates here. ferior singers who learn to sight-read in a matter of weeks. Thert bran< York indie radio station for most who sings quite infectiously on up­ Format and personnel: Pete Can- are vocalists who have the organic equipment to make a very pleasant plete of the tune since he joined it in tempos, falters slightly on the bal­ doli, trumpet; Ray Heath, trom­ sound and yet lack the personality without which their tonal ability ind 1947. lads, but who will become a valu­ bone; Clint Neagley, alto & doubles; is useless. There are others able to make only a patently inferior sound, So 1 Teddy has temporarily assembled able asset to the band when she Ham Russum, tenor & doubles; Bob a quartet including Harold Baker who can nevertheless create in the minds of their listeners the im­ origi picks up a little more polish and Lawson, baritone; Jimmy Rowles, pression that their singing is highly praiseworthy. •t hi on trumpet. He played his first stage presence. piano; Tommy Romersa, drums; date last week at the Rendezvous Another fascinating fact about the phenomenon of musical ability ancei Occasionally she is effectively Iggy Shevak, bass; Mike Pacheco, is that rarely does an individual manifest it excellently in more thai in Philadelphia and opens May 19 abetted by just the rhythm section bongos; Corky Hale, harp. (See at the Colonial Tavern in Toronto. one way. Thus the great conductor is usually not the great composer. and a flock of the sidemen singing. Girls in Jazz, this issue). The composer is usually not the great instrumentalist. In Writers Needn’t Play 4er« As applied to the field of popular music this means that what u for i usually thought of as “musical ability” (the ability to play an instru his Paul Got Lobster, Put Crimp ment well, or to understand the mechanics of music), is not necessary band at all to the composer. Irving Berlin’s piano technique is artistically It atrocious, but he has been for many years our most productive com lie, T. M. BEG. U.S. BATENT OFFICE poser. Nor must it be supposed that he is an exception. Sam Coslow, VOL It, NO. II JUNE 4. 1452 Published bi-weekly by Down Beat, Inc. In My Shrimp, Hollers Pollack who wrote Sing You Sinners, Cocktails for Two; Peter De Rose, com­ Harold English. President and Publisher poser of Deep Purple, Wagon Wheels; Jimmy Van Heusen, who wrote Hollywood—Ben Pollack, veteran such successes as Imagination, Heaven Can Wait, It Can Happen to Executive and Publication Office jazz man now operating the asserted part in the writing of You and Swinging on a Star; and Johnny Green, writer of Out of No­ He 2001 Calumet Avenue Streetcombers, Sunset Strip eat­ Shrimp Boats. H said: where, I Want to Be Loved, Body and Soul, and many other standards, here, Chicago 16. III. Victory 2-0310 ery, has filed suit for $200,000 are all pianists of decidedly limited talent. Their lack of instrumental ‘1 Got Witnesses’ medi against Paul Mason Howard, Paul artistry has in no way affected their prodigious creative output. A< HAL WEBMAN. Editor “Paul (Mason Howard) never Editorial Office Weston and Walt Disney Music One-Finger Sunny- teric Co., Inc., based on the claim that denied that he used the music intei 122 East 42nd Street So unnecessary is instrumental ability to the tunesmith that a con­ he wrote the music used by How­ from my song for Shrimp Boats siderable number of popular composers possess not one whit of it. here Now York 17, N. Y. ard and Weston for the song and a few months ago he promised pre® Lexington 2-4563 Sunny Skylar, writer of Waitin’ for the Train to Come In, A Little Bit Shrimp Boats. to make a settlement with me but South of North Carolina and Besame Mucho, has laboriously taught In According to the complaint on never made good on it. I’m pre­ himself to play piano with one finger in order to demonstrate to an morn $11 thrw ywn ie sdvancs. Add $1 p*r file in Federal Court here, Pollack pared to bring any number of wit­ arranger the melodies that are in his head. that yssr to thss« price« for foreign subscrip­ tion«. Special school, library rate« $4 a contends that he originated • the nesses into court — mostly musi­ When one realizes that a melody must, after all, be created psy­ stud year. Change of addreu notice mutt reach mqjody (the lyrics do not figure cians who know this was my mel­ chically before it can be written on paper, sung or played, it is not was u« before date effective. Sand old address in the case) back in 1936, calling ody—to substantiate my claims.” too surprising that a composer need not be an instrumentalist. Once In with your new. Duplicate copies cannot be semi sent and post office will not forward copies. it his Cajun Song and taught it Mason could not be reached for the song is thought of, it doesn’t matter who does the job of trans­ Circulation Dept., 2001 Calumet Ave., Chi­ to Howard, zither player and folk comment. At the time Shrimp lating it into tangible form. (tho cago 14, Illinois. Printed in U.S.A. Entered music singer with whom he was Boats, a major hit of 1951 on the Perhaps even more surprising is the reverse side of the coin; just line- as second class matter October 4, ItW at due« tho post office ia Chicago, Illinois, under acquainted at that time. strength of the Jo Stafford—Paul as most composers are poor instrumentalists, so most instrumentalists the act of March 1, IT*». Ie-entered as Pollack, who is represented by Weston Columbia recording, be- are poor composers. One might suppose that men with such extrava­ aver second class matter February 2S. IMB. attorneys Samuel Arkoff and Ger­ came popular, Howard said that gant talents as Harry James, , Tommy Dorsey or Art Gi Copyright. 1452 by Down leaf. Inc. Trede- here marir registered U. S. Patent Office 1444. ald Kales, said that he was quite the music was derived from a mel­ Tatum would be fairly bursting with creative melody impressions, but Oe tele every other Wednesday. sure Weston was unaware of his ody several hundred years old. such, mysteriously enough, is rarely the case. why Jun 4,1952 NEWS-FEATURES DOWN BEAT 3

Dick Rodgers Is The Greatest, Declares Air Blindfold Frances Er Neal New York — The Blindfold Test, which has been a popular Are On Road Down Beal feature for the past IS months, will take on an added New York — The Neal Hefti Capt. Leroy BlueTango Anderson, USA Frances Wayne band is on its format May 26. On that date at midnight way. After u week of bieak-in By HAL WEBMAN George Hamilton (x>mbs, who dates around New York, Neal went westward for ten days aid returns "Richard Rodgers is the greatest man on the American conducts WJZ’s nightly chatter Paid But Idle, ■how from the Sherbrooke Park to make his first Coral sides fea­ music scene!" Avenue Restaurant, will present turing the -rgamzed band, May This was the declaration of Capt. Leroy Anderson, himself n radio version of the feature, 27, followed by an appearance with Ironard Feather, originator May 29 with the whoh band an no composing slouch having accrued such credits as the cur- Nero Fiddles, the TV show Star of the Family. mt hit. Blue Tango, und Sync« •A.------of the test, in charge. prominence by employing jiop song Instead of a single interviewee Personnel comprises Julie Hoch­ gated Clock. Fiddle Faddle, Plink man, Spots Esposito, Dennis Roche, Plank Plunk, Jazz Pizzicato, Jant exploitation tactics with his far Burns, Quits there will be a panel of expert* I nore refined, instrumental writ­ discuMing each record, includ­ trumpets; Lee Gifford, Sonny Tru Legato, Sertnata, and Sleigh Ride Hollywood—Paul (Hot Canary) itt, trombones; Benn} Amerino, Al tmonv some 10