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DEVOTED TO—BASE BICYCLING GUNS GUNNING VOLUME 29, NO. 14. PHILADELPHIA, JUNE 26, 1897. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. CHICAGO GLEANINGS. PAID TO THE MEMORY OFiLAIENTED A SNEER AT THE RIDICULOUS HARRY IRIGHT, PRESENT-GIVING HABIT, The toiling ol the Monument Erected lore Wobbles and Changes in tlia to Perpetuate the Fame ol the Chicago Team Griffith©s Consist Father of Prolessional Base Ball ent Work A Local Handicap The Col, Rogers© Fine Oration, Etc, Land Overran With Freak Ball Clubs. Chicago, June 20. Editor "Sporting In the presence of about 1500 people on Life:" Three straight at Boston three June 20 the last public tribute was paid that we didn©t get, I mean. How that to the memory of Harry Wright by the un Boston team is climbing up no chance to veiling in West Laurel Hill Cemetery, Phil stop those fellows unless Long, Lowe and adelphia, of a beautiful bronze statue, a half a dozen other get laid up all to counterfeit presentment of the "Father of gether. I notice that our players were Base Ball." The heavy rain which sprang nearly all given handsome presents during up about 2 o©clock deterred many from at the opening game at Boston. Then they tending the ceremonies, which were ex went ahead and lost the game most ac tremely simple, as the loved father of base commodatingly. ball would have had them. William Tag- A NOVEL SUGGESTION©. gart, of "Taggarts* Times," presided. After That suggests an idea. We might, by a stating the object of the meeting- Mr. Tug- proper succession of presents, given at the gart introduced sculptor Edmund Quinn right time, manage to win a few and Contractor P.
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