In Memory of Anthony Huggins

A yearbook is a coalition of memories. To each person a memory could be happy or painful. This year's yearbook will bring back many happy remem­ brances, but it will also bring back a painful one. On November 14, 1987 Anthony Huggins passed away early in the morning. He had fought against lupus, but had lost. He was only 18 years old and a 3-year senior. His death came as a shock to friends and faculty alike. As Christians, sometimes we tend to forget that all of us have struggles with our relationship with Christ. Not many people knew Anthony had morning de­ votions, which he had even before he attended Blue Mountain Academy. One subject he felt very strongly about was the Second Coming of Christ. He told many of his friends that he felt it was quite near. His walk with the lord became closer. During his illness he kept encouraging his father. He would tell him that he was in Jesus' hands now, so don't worry. Anthony was also an encouragement to his friends. He would listen to their problems, something a true friend would do. The death of someone who is close to you is always painful, but even more so when it's someone your own age. Death seems so final, but someday soon we will see Anthony at the gates of Heaven. In his memory, the Echoes Staff of 1987-88 dedicate this page.


FRESHMEN ...... 14 SOPHOMORES ...... 20 JUNIORS ...... ~ ...... 26 SENIORS ...... 32 FACULTY ...... 50 SCHOOL PROGRAMS ...... 58 ORGANIZATIONS ...... 93 ATHLETICS ...... 110 ADVERTISEMENTS ...... 113 DIRECTORY ...... 128


She has been the motivation and inspiration behind years of musical growth at BMA. She's taught us a new meaning to the word "practice." She has been a demanding taskmistress, longsuffering encouragement, bubbly enthusiast and driving perfectionist. Besides a history of excellent pianists and first-rate choirs, she has now added the La Sonnette Ensemble to her · impressive repertoire. Above all, she is loved and respected by her students for her loving Christian influence.

For 29 years of unfailing service, it is but a small thing for us to dedicate this year's Echoes to Mrs. Nancy S. Edison.

3 Principal's Message

This year we have all celebrated the 200th birthday of The Constitution. This celebration has spilled over into our school year as we have given honor to this document that has afforded us so much freedom. There is no question that the Lord has guided in the affairs of this nation! We are greatly privileged to live in the United States of America and should be justly proud of our country. Have we used this freedom - this religious freedom - to accomplish what God desires? He wants us to proclaim our heavenly citizenship, sharing with others the opportunity to gain this ultimate freedom! Let us keep in mind that America, as well as the rest of the world, is in enemy hands; and Satan's power is being allowed to increase. Soon God will release Satan to .freely do all his work of ruin on this earth, and then Jesus will come to rescue His children! How many times will you peruse the pages of this yearbook? How long will you use this book to recall the special memories of the 1987-88 school year? Did the times we spent studying, working, playing, preparing for banquets - the hard times and the pleasant times - shorten our wait for Christ's return? This has truly been a year of opportunity; but, unless we have realized the ultimate freedom found only in a relationship with Jesus and have used that relationship to hasten His coming, we have missed the real value of our year together. Let's take advantage of our freedom to gain and share heaven's greater freedom! Let's lose track of birthdays and enter eternity! After two million years, 200 won't be so great! ... "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free ... If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." John 8:32, 34


Stan Rouse Principal

4 School Board

Jerry Page, Chairman Elaine Ferguson Mo Pelley, Vice Chairman Meredith LeBard Stan Rouse, Secretary Tim McDonald Don Baker David Sanner Jean Becker Alvin Wetzel Richard Becker Robert Williams Faye Blachek Lillian Yarosh Sandy Dancek Jim Stephan Dwight Edris

5 Freedom. It represents something different to each indi­ Our Constitution is the foundation of our government. Its vidual. But, so many times we take for granted our freedoms. concepts. of limited government provide the necessary This year the people of the United States had an op­ guidelines for a true democracy. The Bill of Rights which portunity to really understand what freedom is all about. All constitutes the first 10 amendments of our constitution is over America people were celebrating the 200th birthday of an example of public representation and voice against un­ the Constitution. This document signifies freedom. It gives us justs performed against any individual residing in the Unit­ the right to be free! ed States of America. These rights are not only guaranteed For 200 years it has stood the test of time. The men who to the white man, but to any ind5vidual - rich or poor, wrote the Constitution looked beyond their own time, and black or white, Catholic or Protestant - these rights are for looked ahead into the future, into our time. the people. Today, many nations are restricting the freedoms of their The forefathers of this blessed land did not realize the people. We here in America still retain them. extent of their duty when they were commissioned the task Each person, whether black or white, citizen or immigrant, of drawing up the document that thousands of other na­ rich or poor has the right to worship as they please. Not only is tions would use as the basis of their own constitutions. freedom of religion granted to anyone, but also freedom of speech and of the press. It would be hard to imagine life without these freedoms that seem so basic, but that we take so much for granted. Within the dividing sections are essays that were written by a student from each class. They were the best ones chosen from each class and one was chosen as the best out of all of them. As you read them you will find them to be each students' idea about freedom. Freedom. What does it mean to you?

6 Our Constitution

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7 Winning Essay

My father was born and raised in Indonesia and New Guinea by Dutch parents. He grew up in a foreign background and culture, learned a different language, and was taught in Dutch schools. Nevertheless, today he is a legal American citizen. Section 1 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution states that: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside." Not only is he free to live and work in the United States, take advantage of the opportunities available here, and enjoy the diverse American ways of life, but he is also guaranteed his rights to citizenship. The rights of every American are his rights and the Constitution grants him "the equal protection of the laws."

As an American citizen my father is well acquainted with the American system and the process of government and is an actively concerned citizen. The Constitution extends the right to vote in the 15th Amendment to him and all citizens regardless of their race, color or religion. I think that says something important about this "We the People" document that is supposed to be the enduring foundation of this nation. I believe it is saying that the voice of the individual is worth being heard, and that every person, whether immigrant or native born may have worthwhile American views.

As a native born American, my father has taught me true national pride and a deep­ rooted patriotism. I feel as though those soldiers, over 200 years ago, were fighting for me also, although my ancestors were far from Americans at the time of the Revolutionary War. I am endowed with the same inalienable rights and "no state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge" my privileges or immunities as a citizen of the United States, nor shall it "deprive any person of life, liberty or property without due process of law."

The Constitution is a protection for me and all those who are subjects in the realm of Lady Liberty. It gives every soul a voice and the courage to speak boldy. Through it we are defended from tyranny and appression and encouraged to express an opinion.

This nation is a blend of all nations and by the Constitution every person can be an American in his own right, and his culture shall contribute to the uniqueness of the United States. Hereby, whether I am born in Pennsylvania or Portugal: this is my country!

Ingrid de Graaff

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"This is My Country"

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9 Current Events

This September Pope John Paul II made his second trip to the United States. This pilgrimage of his was much more turbulent than his first one in 1979. The subjects that he had to deal with were basically social issues. The American Catholics (his "feistiest flock") wanted reasons to why abortion, divorce, birth control and homosexuality was frowned upon by the Church. The Pope's visit made a definite stir in the coun­ try. Some of the public were protesting that his visit went against the Constitution by mixing church and state affairs together, while the other half were anxious to hear what the Pope's response would be to their "conforming lifestyles." The Pope realized that the Catholic Church in the United States was dissatisfied, but he stood firm and did not give into compromise of the Catholic Church's beliefs. Judge Robert H. Bork, a nominee for the United States Supreme Court, was strongly opposed by many Americans. His views on controversial issues made him a debatable figure. For example, he felt that states, may ban abortions since there is no constitutional right listed, and women, unlike racial minorities, have no constitutional protections against laws that discriminate against them. A few other issues that he had strong opinions about were a person's privacy, church/state re­ lations, the death penalty, race, and free press and free speech. His views were based upon identifying the "care" of the values expressed by various con­ stitutional provisions. Mr. Reagan pushed for Bork's nomination but the Senate Judiciary Com­ mittee voted down his name.

President Daniel Ortega Saavedra of Nicaragua and the archbishop of Managua, Cardinal Miguel Obando Y Bravo, were in Washington this No­ vember to talk about a possible cease-fire. A few weeks earlier Ortega had unexpectedly agreed to conduct unofficial cease-fire talks with the Contras, using Cardinal Obando as an intermediary. Last August Speaker of the House, Jim Wright, and President Reagan made public a peace pro­ posal, but now the White House believes that hav­ ing the United State negotiating with the Sandinis­ tas isn't in the best interest of peace. House Speaker Wright has gotten involved stating that the people of Central America need to know that a sympathetic person will listen to them, even though the White House feels that he is getting involved in business that isn't his. Many Contras and Sandinis­ tas have been killed in this endless war, and it is time for it to be dismantled. 10 ',b·.-.,.- .. ,4"... ~ :ff':,d-0 - ~ ,r·••''-~',•"'., ' ' ,....~~.... ~~

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11 CLASSES f!l

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Liberty- A New Voice

For years I have been standing under the sun, the rain, the hail. My torch is held high day and night, season by season, raised in welcome to all who pass by my sight. I have held my pose through the years always standing tall, my height reaching toward the sun and toward the clouds. I hold the memories of all the immigrants who have passed through me to America, their cries of awe, their feelings of freedom.

Now, even after I am no longer used as a customs station, people still come to visit me, I am a piece of America's history. People have written on me, left their mark, their place in time. I am a piece of America's history.

I represent the freedom of America, the right to assemble in public, women's right, freedom of the press, freedom of speech, the right to own private property. These are only a few of the rights I represent. I hold a promise for a country that has been standing strong for 200 years and will continue to stand, I am the representative of a nation's strength. People look to me as they enter our country, looking for some kind of sign to make them feel welcome and they see me, and that I stand for brotherly love. Under my watch, I have seen blacks win equal rights, our country mature, generations come and go, new families arrive. I have also seen things I am not so proud of, the pollution, the nuclear threat, poverty, cities built too quickly, over-population, America is not a perfect country and some of our short­ comings could be rectified if we felt the spirit of our nation's leaders in our hearts, but as for now, we should praise God for our fortune to be born here in the land of freedom.

Stefani Geneviva

"I am a piece of America's history."

,: \ \ \ \ 4

YusefBurke Nicole Chester Ryan DeMatteo

15 Malinda Detwiler Kylie Eckenroth John Ehrlich

above: Mrs. Schreck and Mr. Edison

above: President: Joel Woodruff Vice-President: Cindy Acker Secretary: Kylie Eckenroth

Tricia Horst Cromwell Ingram Orrin Ingram Quentin Joyner

16 Jose Garcia Stephanie Geneviva David Harner Chuck Hays Dorene Hayes

above: Mr. Cool - Jeremy Beaven

Treasurer: Wendy Yingst Pastor: Jeremy Beaven Sargeant-at-Arms: Kris Netzel

Donald Lindsey Christina Ling Jackie Lucien Selena Matthie

17 Michelle Mcintyre Doug Miller Carlos Navas

above: Aha! We caught you with the synthesize! Memi!

below: Quentin, Erica, and Jackie ...

!J Stephanie Swift Tricia Thomas Erica Walwyn Delana Weathers Becky Wilson

18 Kris Netzel Orlando Nunez Patricia Rodriguez Lisa Seymour Judy Soh

.. "Chillin'"

above: Working Hard, Michelle?

Not Pictured: Cindy Acker Brian Barber Latoya Creech Ronald Utz

Joel Woodruff Robby Wooten Wendy Yingst

19 SOPHOMORES i Cynthia Aguilar Rick Bianco Teri Bird Tammy Bornman Tracy Cessna

Does it take war and death for our country to Liberty or Death remember the primary reason for its existence? As Franklin D. Roosevelt said when the United States by Beth Curran entered World War II, "Every man should be able "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be to enjoy freedom of speech, freedom of worship, purchased at the price of chains and slav­ freedom from want, and the freedom from fear." ery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not These are important, but liberty means even so what course others may take, but as for me, much more than that! give me liberty or give me death!" Could you make that claim as one inspired man did so long ago? Have thousands of American men and women died, so that we today might take for granted the security of a free nation? When Patrick Henry proclaimed these words, I am sure he was not aware of the tremendous impact they In conclusion I say, as the words incribed on the would have on America, or what was then not even a Liberty Bell, we must as a people, "proclaim liberty nation, but more like a struggling people trying to free throughout the land, unto all the inhabitants there­ themselves from the chains and slavery of England. of."

Liberty, what exactly did it mean to the men and women who founded our nation, and has its meaning changed for us as a nation today?

Freedom was so precious to our forefathers that they were willing to give their lives, but today many Americans give so little thought to personal freedoms. Many can not even grasp as to how delicate our liberty is and unless we keep in our hearts the burning desire for liberty we might find ourselves one day without the privileges we so carelessly take for granted.

"How delicate our liberty is."

Diana Chamorro Cindy Coffin Starla Crandall Beth Curran Kim DuBee

21 Brian Fisher Brenda Fulmer Jessica Galvan-Koch Ricky Garcia Tammy Gasperson

below: President: Starla Crandall Vice-President: Kim DuBee Secretary: Cindy Coffin Treasurer: Richelle Hoover Pastorette: Lisa Martin Sargeant-at-Arms: lvelisse Oliver

left: Mr. and Mrs. Crandall

Evelyn Killian Shelley Kilmer Karen Kim Tracy Krout Linda Kunkel

22 Denice Hayes Eddie Hernandez Richelle Hoover Terry Horst Jenni Jennings

above: Who do you plan to vote for?

Memi LeBard Erik Love Ausma Lugassy Lisa Martin Richard Mead

23 Wendy Mesaric Cary Mishler LisaMuth lvelisse Oliver Cherri Phelps

right: I love your sunglasses, Shelly!

below: "Pull hard, you guys!"

below: "We're trying to study," says Jennifer.


Rick Ropka Kenny Santee Bill Spivey Rob Standish Pennie Steede

24 Carlos Ramirez Mike Reese Eric Rios Danielle Robinson Jamie Rodriquez

Not Pictured: above: The gang at the lodge. Bryan deCastro Cathy Mesaric Stan Vincent


Jane Stickle Sam Tucker Kariim Wales Morton Williams George Wong

25 JUNIORS Darrell Archer Michelle Avery Gary Baker Shana Bayne

The Constitution and Me When I was in grade school, every morning before class started we always had to pledge allegiance to the flag of by Vivienne Lettsome the United States of America. It isn't till now that I think "The Constitution." A word said many times, but is it just of what the words actually meant. In the last sentence of a word or is it really a blessing to the people of the United the pledge it says "with freedom and justice for all." In States? One we rarely take time to appreciate. It's what our the song "My Country tis of Thee," it says "let freedom reign." The "Star Spangled Banner" says "land of the country and our everyday lives are based on. Look at nature. free." What is freedom? One of Webster's definitions says The trees, flowers, sky, creatures of the earth and heaven. "liberty." What is liberty? Webster's says "power to act Always seemingly taken for granted until something hap­ according to one's natural rights as an individual; induce pens to any of it. Then we see how much we would miss it if freedom of act, speech, rights, etc." The Constitution it was taken from us. Life, a precious gift from God always makes clear certain rights we have. Freedom of speech is taken for granted until we come so close to losing it. one. Along with freedom of religion, press, assembly, and petition. Picture this: May, 1787. Fifty-five delegates from all the thirteen states, arrive in Philadelphia. After everyone is Try to imagine for a minute what your life would be assembled together they choose George Washington as like if you didn't have these freedoms. Freedom of speech means I can disagree with anything anyone says, even the chairman. It was even said that loose dirt was spread over President. I can disagree publicly, too. Freedom of re­ the cobblestone street in front of the statehouse to cut down ligion is very important to me. The freedom to worship the noise of the horses and carriages. Important decisions on Sabbath and go to church. Actually I feel that's a God had to be made. All of the delegates plus other famous well given right anyway. The Constitution means freedom, respected men sat in a closed stifling room of the statehouse liberty, equal rights, and the right to the pursuit of day after day. I can see them. Slumped in their chairs, heads happiness. in hands, or fist of chins worrying. Thinking, trying to If each of us had the chance to live in another country decide, agree on something. Wanting what was best for the for awhile and not have these rights, we would probably "people." The final product - a masterpiece, in their eyes appreciate our country more for what it is: "A land of the and ours. Probably written and rewritten a hundred times free!" over to make it just perfect. Our forefathers left us a great gift - the Constitution. The Constitution, to me, never really meant that much until I grew up and began to see everything in a different light. I was finally gaining wisdom. Freedom, to me, was like - a bird being let out of its cage to fly away. Parents letting you do whatever you wanted or just the wind. Just like I never appreciated my childhood when I was a child, I always wanted to grow up. Now that I've grown up, many times I've wished I had my childhood days back. Since I've been in American History class this year, I've been thinking more about the past of America. Trying to visualize in some way what it might have been like. If I had a chance to go back in time in America, I would choose that time to go back to. It always stirred my interest because to me that was the actual beginning of America. "A great gift- the Constitution"

Rebecca Beaven Cliff Bowen Roxanne Calhoun Elrod Coach

27 Lisa Gordy Linda Davis Ingrid de Graaff Tondra Dennis

above: Cristy's famous smile

above: Mr. and Mrs. Penstock and Mr. Ferguson

Vivienne Lettsome Cami Lockett Marcus Love Lily Mendez Jennifer McGregor

28 Shavanna Graham Donna Gray Paul Gyapong Paula Heisey Antoinette Lester

below: President: Michelle Avery Vice-President: Jeremy Woodruff Secretary: Cristy Peterson Treasurer: Roxanne Calhoun Pastorette: Julie Reindollar Sargeant-at-Arms: Cliff Bowen

left: Did you get a rotten egg, Julie?

William McGriff Melody Nickerson Amy Nieves Gayle Ondrizek

29 Marc Oswald Cristy Peterson Ruth Prakasam Rosa Quiroz below: "Anyone want a kiss?"

below: Marc - hard at work.

Matt Ropka Paul Smith Jennifer Darrien Ulloth Swackhammer

30 Susan Ratz Julie Reindollar Stace Reutubuch Becky Righter

above: Duh . . .

left: The Class of "89"

One of Ruth's contemplative moments.

Luis Valles Jamie Whidden Marcia Wilkes Jeremy Woodruff

31 SENIORS As a United States citizen, I am guaranteed certain rights. Because of the Constitution these rights are protected and insured until I choose to give them up.

Coming to Blue Mountain Academy was one such choice. When I made this decision I left behind many freedoms. I was soon immersed into a totalitarian society. This society dictates aspects of my lifestyle every day I am under its control. Daily I am reminded of those rights I gave up and the freedoms I left behind.

Not all implications made above are derogatory. Many opportunities arise under totalitarian rule.

I am satisfied, while young, to be protected somewhat from a cruel world. A sheltered life is much easier to live and when one doesn't realize alternatives, it may promote a happy environment.

The chance to live out from under parents' care is much appreciated in many cases. There are not many places as idealistic for a 15-year-old to live ifthey leave their parents home. In fact, many thoughts of alternatives are quite unmen­ tionable.

A chance to live a rather choice-free life has its advantages when one is young. In a day at Blue Mountain, the largest decision one might make is what to wear. In many instances this decision is even lessened by the existence of the current dress code. The depletion of decisions promotes a stress-free environment. In such an environment decision making is done by those who have lived longer and thought more.

One must realize after living awhile without certain rights one might appreciate the freedoms of life m~re. So many take their rights for granted. Careful plans for these rights were laid in the Constitution. Unlike other forms of government, our democracy will last a lot longer for growing individuals, because we are governed by a living constitution.

Holly Harder

33 Daffodel Estuita Theodore Jeffrey Allen Carey Anne Beaven Mary Ann Buckley Alindogan

Edsel Anthony Daley Michael Joseph Darville Dietrich C. Dennis

Billy Ray Green Holly Renee Harder

Terilyn Beth Holmes William I. Holtry

34 Warren Eugene Corprew, Curtis Linn Cordwell Roxana Anthea Chambers Jay Frederic Cole Jr.

Daira Daphne Duarte Deborah Ann Ehrlich Juliet Dawn Fox

Laura Lynn Harner Candace Leigh Hays

Aim: Unite the World

Motto: In the Circle of God's Love

Joshua Livingston Anthony Huggins, Jr. Horsley

35 Our Leaders

Mrs. Slater

Our President

President: John Stoddart Vice-President: Warren Corprew Secretary: Amaris Payne

Mr. Wardecke

36 Mr. Benton Our Sponsors

Treasurer: Celeste Ryan Pastorette: Julie Slater Sargeant-at-Arms: Don Milner

Our Vice-President

37 Nesco Mario Lettsome, Philip John Jamosky Leroy Kent Nicole Lynmoy Lester Jr.

Don Lee Milner Christina Sue Mishler Hilda Jeanette Montero

Nellie Omayra Oliver Stephen L. Osborn

Class Song: "This Time is Ours"

Class Colors: Emerald and Black

Tommie Parson Caroline Amaris Payne

38 Winsome Ann-Marie Moise A. Lugassy Dominic Manaloto Donna McCullers Messam

Nancy Esther Newhall Christopher Lee Neuin Rebecca Marie Norton

John William Pahler Joanne Yoon-ah Park

Celeste Patricia Lynn David Rogers Ryan

39 Our Favorite ...

. . . food is pizza .

. . . saying is "Picture that!"

... pastime is spending time with friends .

. . . classes are Anat/Phys and English .

. . . color is blue. Is it that bad, Joanne?

... animal is a dog. "You !if

... pet peeve is a "two-faced" person .

. . . holiday is Christmas.

. . . school function is graduation.

Now thatyot ... sport is basketball.

40 You're working too hard, Candace!

Who's coming, Scott?

y spirits, Warren!"

Give us a wink, Laura.


1ve our attention, Anthony ...

Hungry, aren't we? 41 Pati Christina Scheib Vielka ltzel Scott Julie Lynn Slater John Fitzgerald Stoddart

David Craig Varner, Jr. Kimberly Maureen Walter Camilla Marie W ardecke

Scott Williams

42 Donald Raymond Swift Robert T. Swift Opal Caroline Thomas Lori Kimara Van Sickle

David Eric Webb Kristen Wells Daniel Paul Willett

David Jerome Winn

43 Senior Will DaffodelAlindogan: To Jessica, Shelly A., Luis, Kariim, Jeremy W., Cami L., Starla, Carlos N., Delana love and happiness; to Ingrid, Jenni, Ausma, Mr. Rouse NO WAX floors in the Ad Building; to Donna G. another sick person; to Jamie W. another auntie; to Pennie another Mommy; to Tina another sister; to the Ropka Brothers another understanding ear; to Ruth a new roommate, the yearbook, a 36-C. Teddy Allen: To Rich M. and Darrell A. a date with K. R.; to Paul G., Cliff B., and Will M. the Round Table; to Mark 0. the equilibrium to not get hurt; to Tondra a 7-up; to Tricia T. the ability to endure; to Morton W. the English language; to Shelly A. the ability to know what's going on. Carey Beaven: To my brother all my love; to my beloved roomie great times and real men at Lincoln; to Jamie more friends like me; to Bryan ability to last two more years; to Paul G. someone who will smile at him; to Marc someone to do him favors; to Elrod someone to irritate; to Wendy a wonderful three more years. Mary Buckley: To Jane, Memi, and Linda my love, patience, and strength; to Kim D. a first soprano to sit next to in choir; to Merklin a good secretary; to Mrs. E. another backrub; to Mr. E. a change of calendars; to all the students and faculty thank you for the many memories of four years. Roxana Chambers: To Cami my Antiguan dance; to Selena and Jackie style and fashion; to Antionette, Shelly, Rosa, Elrod, Shavanna, and Donna G. a GREAT SENIOR YEAR; to Morton, Richard, and Spivey patience to endure two more years at BMA; to the FRESH CLASS of "88" may God Bless with success in everything you do; to Nicole, Opal, Donna M., Ann M., Vielka, and Celeste NO BEN DOWN. Amy Clark: I, Amy Clark, bequeath to the underclassmen the strength and patience to make it through your Senior year and somehow graduate. Jay Cole: I will Gary a cool roommate; to Mikie his dream-girl; to Jeremy W., Susan, Beck, and Julie an awesome Senior year; to Denice a real guy and a real job; to Kenny money for another trip west; to my Senior friends love and patience and to underclassmen understanding so you won't be "left in the dark." Curtis Cardwell: To my very special sister, Susan Ratz, another brother to confide in; to Mr. Cole my ability to play baseball; to Dani R. comprehension in Geometry; to Jamie Whidden my job; to Gary a sleeping bag; to the remaining student body it is my prayer that the "Light" will shine at BMA forever. Warren Corprew: To Ingrid, Ruth, and Paula I will a great Senior year; to Cristy Peterson and Shelley K. I will the ability to "hang in there"; to PennieS. I will CONTROL; to 0. and C. Ingram R. and H.; to Garcia great BMA years; to Eddie H. ONE girl and ONE wife. Anthony Daley: To Shelly my friendship and love forever; to Rosa a new saying and a better laugh; to Antionette a better memory; to Ruth another person for her to bother; to the Freshman Posse a great Sophomore year; to Marc, Brian, and other homeboys have a great year; to the leftover members of the Round Table "PEACE!" Mike Darville: I will my son, Morton, all the success possible; I will my home boy, Will (Bubba), a real gold tooth, I will Paul, Darrell, and Ryan to take over the Round Table; I will Clifford a new fade; to my nieces, Donna, Cami, Ruth, and Shelly, I will you all to be leaders of the Gospel. Deitrich Dennis: D. D. Duarte: To George W. happiness, love, and an antidote against PARANOIA; to Karen Kim much love; to David H. someone else to knock over in the gym; to Vivienne my piano practice room; to Carlitos N. mucho amor yuna sonrisa; to Jamie W. and Paula hugs and kisses; to Ruth a warm home for BOB; to Ingrid a rainbow, and to both all my love. Debbie Ehrlich: I will to my precious brother, John, all my love, hugs, and persistence to keep going; to Melissa Clapp a real man at BMA; to Kathy the patience to work at LLC; to Nicole C. good study habits; to Malinda, Shana, Danni, and Shavanna to stay as sweet as you are; Paula Heisey ability to grow an inch; to Darrien Ulloth the ability to drive; to everyone my love. Julie Fox: To Chuck three years of cafe food; to Bryan pbj sandwiches and a real job; to Jose "legal" hugs; to Carlos R. muscles; to Luis earlobes; to Richy a trip to the mall; to Shelley another Spanish partner; to Melody some "real" guys; and to Kristen my never-ending friendship- I love you forever. Billy Green: To Ingrid all my love and respect and a good Senior year; to the underclassmen who have to work at the mill have a great time slaving at the good old HPM. Holly Harder: To Matt my grades and a trip to Nebraska; to Julie Mitch; to Jeremy W. Miss Right; to Lisa Gordy a party; to my roomie a moonlight "swim" and an interior decorator; to Patricia a Gremlin; to Lori food; and to Jay a Pepsi. Laura Harner: To Ruth the "Harner look"; to Melody a can of Aqua Net; to Becky a pair of toughies; to Cami an all acrylic sweater; to Pastor Ferguson my famous wink; to Bryan a fountain at the cafe; to D. D. Clarence's head; and to David Harner the ability to do his best always and an entire chain of K-Mart stores in the U.S. Candace Hayes: To Chucky the ability to last three more years; to Shelley another person to order illegally with; to Kim, Cindy, and Melody lots of luck in the future - love ya; to Luis another person to ask, "What broke?"; to Bryan another week in California together, someone else to laugh at you, and my friendship forever. Teri Holmes: To Poliwog lots of money, a new gum supplier, and my friendship always; to Luis some new Nadettes; to Chuckie a warm Whopper; to Melody my Glory of Love sheet music; to Bryan someone new to call Goover; to Kim and Cindy all the happiness in the world; to The St. Elmos gang my friendship and love always.

44 Bill Holtry: To all my friends the insanity to make it big; to Brian and Eric another work partner; to Danni, Jamie, Cris, and Cindy someone to beat up on; to Gary the best in life; to Jamie my famous flips, double back and Tylenol; and to all Freshmen my ability to have fun without getting caught. Josh Horsley: To Paul G. and Orlando my weight room; to Wendy and Stephanie a great three more years; and last, but not least, to all the Round Table members good luck and be very successful and it's been great these years here. I will always treasure these years; to Morton and Rich keep out of trouble. Anthony Huggins: Philip Jamosky: I will to my brother-in-law my ability to do Body work and become as good as his boss; and to Mark Wandell a happy marriage; to Mr. and Mrs. Benton that their special house will come along soon; to Mark Love my job in Auto Mech. Leroy Kent: To Cristy Peterson another "BUM"; to Jamie Whidden another captain and a new haircut; to Beth and Kim someone to make you laugh in Algebra; to Melody a Mr. Donut donut; to Luis and Paul a rad time at Killington; to Michelle P . much love and a happy life, I Love You. Nicole Lester: I will to Antionette, Vielka, and Ann the ability to gain weight; to Donna M., Roxana, Opal, and Celeste the best in college; to Scott, Teddy, Mike, Tommie, Anthony H., Billy G., and Warren success; to David Varner and Dominic success in their Christian lives; to Donna Gray a great Senior year. Nesco Lettsome: To my darling sister, Vivienne, my patience and strength to see graduation; to Kariim Wales my room and its memories; to the Class of 89 a great Senior year; to Marc Oswald steel bones; to Cliff a pair of socks; to Cynthia R. another trusted friend. Moise Lugassy: To my sister, Ausma, two more great years and the ability to keep quiet; to Gary B. and Becky W. fun working PA; to Jamie Whidden a real haircut; to Jennifer Swackhammer a ride to BMA; to Dan W. Auto Mech. skills; and to all underclassmen a great Senior year. Dominic Monaloto: Donna McCullers: To Cami and Donna my ability to do hair; Shavanna my job; Vivienne a maid; Darryl, Morton, Tricia, Richard Good Luck; Antionette and Shelly height; Rosa weight; Tondra 81f2 shoe size; Huggins ability to smile; Opal, Vielka, Ann, Nikki, Roxie, Amaris my brain to make it in college; Warren, Teddy, Mike, Tommie, and Scott success. Ann Messam: To Cliff socks; to my sister Cami and Donna success; to my sons, Darrel and Richard all my love and luck; to Morton muscles; to Cherie P. and Lily M. ability to survive; to Latoya, Shelly, Antionette my height; to Erica, Selena, Rosa, Elrod, and Marc my brains; to Jessica and Paul my friendship; to William a life. Don Milner: To Michelle A. the ability to keep her mouth shut at critical times; to Jessica G. the will to do the best; to Rick B. the ability to keep his smart remarks to himself; to Ricky G. the ability to pull all the girls like his father; to my baby girl, Latoya stop thinking out loud; to Darrel muscles; to Paul my sister Cami; to my sis Cami the ability to rule. Chris Mishler: To my brother, Cary, all those hours of homework and fun times I had; to Gayle Ondrizek another roommate like me who loves you; to Steve a great future; to Rob another friend who loves to be around you like I do; to John P., David W., Scott W., M. Mie; to Danny, Bill H., Mary B., Curtis C., Nesco L., etc. Good Luck. Jenny Montero: To Diane I wish the best; El, you'll always be special to me; Marc, you're the best brother; to D. D., keep smiling; to Ruth lots of happiness; to Daffodel, I wish you success; to Luis all the love your heart can hold; to Michele, I wish you love, joy, and most of all success; to Nancy and Joanne friendship. Nancy Newhall: To Ruthie a Christian Injun, chocolate, and an airplane for "BOB"; to Ingie ice cream; to Gary Baker another water pal; to Matt and Rick a bag of "Marshmallows"; to Lisa Muth more time cards; to Starla Victory in 2006; to Stace fun in Praise; Y a las Colombianos - Sigan adelante. Chris Neuin: Becky Norton: To Melody a great Senior year; to Pooh the strength to make it three more years; to Elrod a new little friend; to Skip and Jodi a happy life; to my roomie a band-aid box; to my Senior year friends and other friends the best of luck. Omayra Oliver: To my sister my love and two great years; to Kenny S. more time in a day; to Teri B. someone to solve her problems; to Joel another person to pick on; to Tracy someone to talk to; to Jennifer my smile; to Jessica stay sweet; to everyone my love and the strength to wait for Jesus to come. , Steve Osborn: To my roommate productive study halls and healthy toes; to Chris all my love; to D. Varner real music; to Kim W. the best of luck; to John P. wings; to Debbie E. graduation and Steve. John Pahler: To Jeremy Beaven ALL of my models; to the twins the ability to grow; to Tami Bornman good luck in the future and God Bless You; to the class of 1989, have a great Senior year and may God be with you; to the new comers of BMA good luck. Joanne Park: To Ruth more Mahbub's; to Ingrid a handsome kiwi; to the Ropka Brothers brotherly love; to Starla a healthy fish and purse; to Marc and Elrod, stay "mad"; to Selena and Jackie "uncraziness"; to Shavanna continual faith; to the Business Office one-million M&M's; to the Praise Ensemble still more success. Tommie Parsons: To Cami, Rosa, Donna, and Shelly some height; to Darrel, Richard, Morton, Willie, and Paul to Kool-Out and be like me, and to lead the future K.G.B. members; and the best of wishes and good luck to next year's seniors.

45 Michele Patricio: I will Melody a fine male specimen from anywhere but a "nook"; to my best squaw, Ruth, someone to sit next to at dorm worship that can "fidget" as well as I can; to Bill Holtry those "awe-inspiring" memories from Praise; to Opal, Vee, Ann, and Jen my address; and to Leroy my patience, love, and good behavior .. . and a tent. Amaris Payne: I will Michelle A., Rosa Q., and Donna G. all my love and a fantastic Senior year; to Ruth Prakasam some Raid pest killer; to Elrod my basketball skills; to Marc 0. a paramedic; to Jamie W. my wardrobe; to Matt a Praise dress; and to every girl who lives on Freshman/Sophomore floor the happiest three more years of your life at BMA. Dave Rogers: To Cindy Acker the ability to keep the library quiet; to Brain Barber the same as above; to Charles "Chucky" Hays the ability to lift weights; to Mr. Rouse my walkman; to Kim DuBee my wardrobe; to Cindy Coffin a free trip to Disneyland; to Melody Nickerson a great life; to Paul Smith the ability to bet ten feet airs over next on board. Celeste Ryan: To Amy a one way ticket to Puerto Rico; to Donna another tolerant roommate; to Selena the perfect job; to Shavanna happiness; to my special friend, Elrod, and my brother Paul G. all the best because you both deserve it; to Ruth another Quaku; to Cami, Antionette, Clifford, Diana, Jamie, Lily, Darrel, and Will a great Senior year. Pati Scheib: To Jay I will a Whopper; to Lori an island off of Africa; to Holly a cabin in Canada; to Carey more time for sleep; to Kim a man; to anyone who wants it my Government book; to Junior floor residents a quiet, organized studyhall; and to God my life. Vielka Scott: To my son, Morton, I will that he will try to stick out the rest of his time at BMA with God as his leader; to my little sister Selena and Jackie the ability to keep out oftrouble; to Cami and Donna G. the ability to keep Senior floor rockin'; to Darrel, Rich, Paul, and Marc a great Senior year; to Lily more Benetton; to Shelly and Rosa the ability to keep checking. Julie Slater: To my little sister, Jeans and Latoya, I will a big s\sterfor next year; to Laura Harner, I will my will power; to Becky Norton my height and a batch of cookies; to Kim Walter a gr~at summer at camp and a wonderful man; and to all my friends terrific years at BMA. 1 John Stoddart: To Ruth "Chocolate"; to Ingrid more violin concertos; to Oswald a Flower like mine; to Spivey faster feet; to Bianco a jumpshot; to Jessica the library; to Matt a deeper voice; to Mrs. Ed. another Prodigy; to Mr. Ed. another keyboard player; to Delana another Big Brother; to the Class of 1989 a great Senior year. Donny Swift: I will Bill Spivey the ability to play basketball; to Ruth P. the ability to say "NO" to eating a lot of grub; to Ingrid.the patience to listen to my laugh; to Elrod some growth pills; to my Colombian Amigo, Carlos, the strength and patience to withstand three more years here. Todd Swift: I will my great sister, Stephanie, the ability to stay at this place even though it hurts so much. I know you'll make it.; to GlenN. and Chuck G., you guys are the best roommates possible; to Wendy "Luck", and to Becky my friendship always; to Jodi Wade my Love, Now and Forever! Opal Thomas: I will Cami and Donna G. to stay out of trouble; to Spivey and Morton much success; to Richie, thanks for being a best friend, Love ya; to Lily Good Luck; to Rosa and Shelly Good Luck as Seniors; to Antionette, Marc, Elrod, Darrell, Latoya, Erica, and Selena Good Luck; to all the Seniors best wishes; to Tommie P ., I Love you! Lori Van Sickle: To Lisa Muth my days to play chapel; to Pati the man of your dreams; to Jay and Holly your very own Burger King; to Laura H. my friendship always; God bless You; to Shelley K. my ability to eat anything and stay thin; to Carey a pillow and lots of sleep! David Varner: To Shavanna G. I will my keen sense of humor; to Tondra Dennis I will a boyfriend like me; to Ricky Garcia I will patience to put up with guys like me; to Gayle 0. I wish the best of luck with Geometry concepts; to all the Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors make the best out of your stay here at BMA. Kim Walter: To Paula the greatest Senior year ever and all my love; to Joel another great summer at Laurel lake; to Debbie the right guy and my friendship forever; to Julie a smile; to Holly Nebraska; to Pati happiness; to Steve the patience for law school; and to Jennifer an awesome Senior year. Cami W ardecke: To Laura the ability to see people; to Marc the ability to become a fine young man; to Jamie someone to walk to school with; to Ruth "to be a perfect student"; to Becky my diary. David Webb: Kristen Wells: To Darrel A. another growth spurt; to Carlos (Ritchie) an English dictionary; to Donna Gray my 12:00 friend; to Shelley K. a Levi's man; to Paul Gyapong my Geometry grade; to Rich M. a "Nice Day"; to Cromwell the ability to work, and Orrin a year to remember. Dan Willett: To Beth I will sisters En. Bk.; to Darrien and Erik a disk with a good pirated program; to John S. my technical abilities; to Brian F. a computer and responsibility; to Stace R.lots of work; to Moise a friendly fish; and to MaryAnn Buckley All My Love. Scott Williams: To Darrell the ability to be the first human Q-tip; to Paul the table; to Donna G. plenty of rood; to Rosa a Mexican husband; to Shelly A. a husband named Kyle; to Rich the ability to take over BMA; to Luis and Elrod my ultimate press; to Marc the ability to keep the dream alive; to Ruth and Beth the same faculty parent I had in my Junior year. David Winn: To Stace somebody who doesn't smile in the morning next year; to Darrien alertness; to Matt luck; to Darrell Archer a bed department; to Tommie checkmate; to Deitrich Dennis break time; and to all future mill workers an itchy trigger finger and an in exhaustible supply of 1%" screws.

46 This Is Who We Are ...

"I'll gladly autograph you, David."

Not Pictured: Amy Clark Michele Patricio

This time is ours for as long as it's meant to last. Let's pray that time doesn't move too fast. When you love, how quickly the moments pass.

This time is ours and no one can take it away. Why live our lives for yesterday? Our love is here to stay.

How great it is when someone discovers ~ there really is . a time for loving others. It lifts your spirits D.D. cheers her class on using right up to the sky. her masseter and orbicularis Let's pray that this feeling oris. will never die.

This time is ours Four years ago the class of 1988 came to this campus to join the student and we're only at the start. body of Blue Mountain Academy. Since then, many changes have taken Maybe one day we'll have to part. place among the class as a whole as well as each individual member. This Since you and I can't read the stars, year's Senior class is no longer the same class that first came onto campus let's be glad that This Time Is Ours. as Freshmen. Changes began the moment they arrived. As they matured individually, they matured as a class. Even though old classmates parted, new ones arrived each year and unity prevailed. They continued to grow closer together through success and in spite of failure. All through the years at Blue Mountain Academy, the class has grown both spiritually, and mentally, as well as physically. Now as the class of 1988looks toward graduation, they are anxious to move on to what they have prepared for.


47 (,' ;! v )

''We've Come A Long Way!''

Daffodel Alindogan Omayra Oliver I distinctly recall the bewilderment I felt as a Freshman. Teddy Allen Steve Osborn Searching for the Biology room, struggling to get my locker Mary Buckley John Pahler open, and marveling at the Seniors, wondering how I was Jay Cole Joanne Park going to survive. Michael Darville Michele Patricio Well, here I am, a four-year Senior. I cringe as I look back at D. D. Duarte Amaris Payne my Freshman picture when I thought to myself, "I'll never Debbie Ehrlich David Rogers look as funny as my parents did." Guess what?! Laura Harner Vielka Scott Reflecting over these past four years, it saddens me to Teri Holmes Julie Slater realize how many of my fellow classmates have come and gone. Philip Jamosky Todd Swift Out of a class of 62 only 27 remain. It's difficult to believe that Moise Lugassy Lori Van Sickle students I attended classes with my Freshman year, who I Ann Messam Cami Wardecke naturally assumed I would graduate with, are gone. The se­ - Nancy Newhall David Webb curity I have felt of being in a familiar place is torn away at Becky Norton graduation only to reveal a certain excitement of what my future holds. From Biology to Anat/Phys; from making fruit salad to filing papers; from being a follower to being a leader; I have grown tremendously and experienced the numerous afflictions of adolescence. But, I must say I am truly happy to close this chapter of my life. I have made many friendships, which I hate to see separated. And the memory of my four-year stay at Blue Mountain will remain forever!

\ 48 ''This Time Is Ours''

Tradition was followed once again this Autumn The speaker chosen for the weekend was Pastor when the Seniors presented Senior Recognition Charles Byrd. Pastor Byrd was the Assistant to friends and parents. The weekend was full of Men's Dean their Freshman and Sophomore tremendous talent, whether it was through mu­ years. The weekend proved to be a memorable sic, speech or participation. experience.

upper left: Pastor Byrd delivers a challenge to the Senior Class.

upper right: "May I take your order?"

left: The best part of Senior Recognition - marching out.

right: "Get up, you lazy bum!"

49 FACULTY below: Dean Aumack deals with the stress of being "Mom" and "Dad" to 100 guys.

- .1.

) ~ I

Aumack, Diana - School Nurse .Corbin, Cary - Science/Math

Aumack, James- Dean of Boys Crandall, Betty - ·Registrar

Benton, David - Auto Service Center Crandall, Maurice - Librarian/English

Benton, Irene - Auto Service Center Curtis Carolyn - Asst. Dean of Girls

51 Curtis, Harold - Graphic Arts Dept. Ferguson, Duane - Religion/Guidance

Edison, John- Band/Geometry/Computers/Praise Ferguson, Elaine - Treasurer

Edison, Nancy- Keyboard/Bell Choir/Choir Force, Gary- P.E./Act

Ertel, Stephen - Recruiting Director Halye, Jim - Maintenance

above: Pastor Ferguson takes a little snooze: "ZZZ . .."

52 below: "Raise your hands! Raise your hands! Raise your hands if you're SURE!"

Forney, Sandra - Food Service Leewis, Gary - Farm Manager

Halye, Tammy - P .E. Little, Henry - Maintenance

Hartman, Onalee - Dean of Girls Merklin, Lester - Religion/Pastor

Lello, John - Chemistry/Physics Lab Mesaric, Michael - Asst. Dean of Boys

53 Muth, Karen - Administrative Secretary Rouse, Stan - Principal

Penstock, Fern - Art Schreck, Judy - Voice/Spanish

Penstock, Floyd - Vice Principal Slater, Marge - Food Service Director Rouse, Donna - Home Economics Smith, Ralph - Accountant

above: Teachers need to "chill out" just as much as students. Right Mr. Trubey?

54 below: Nothin' like a good old ho-down, food, and hay with Farmer Wardecke.


Streidl, Harold- Aviation/Science Fisher, Nancy- Food Service Streidl, Marion - Business Education Hill, Robert - Laurel Living Center Administrator

Trubey, Jeff- English/Government Pifer, John- Medical Doctor Wardecke, Duane- Maintenance/World Cultures (not pictured)

55 56 57 Amaris Payne and Cliff Bowen . . . and Shelly Avery. Schoo]

right: A little studying . ..

center: ... a little playing

right: Enjoying a cool breeze

far right: Ricky really believes in exercise

58 left: A little "heavenly" guidance for Warren )rograms

left: Matt and Laura - just for a moment Blue Mountain Academy, this year, made a new and important addition to the academic standards and that was to include the work program in the academical program. The administration felt that the experience and knowledge learned on the job, and in a work atmosphere is vital and is as important as regular studies and classes. The jobs vary from Library workers to Harris Pine Mill workers. This year a new off-campus industry was added and that was the mushroom farm. The students will now graduate with job experience that will enable them in their future to further their education and work towards jobs they enjoy.


above: "Like mother, like daughter" Danielle Robinson and Mom.

above: The best place to be in the dorm - in bed!!

above: Show those pearly whites, Linda!

right: Living in a dorm brings close friends even closer.


left: Very Educational ma­ terial, Orlando.

below: This is just one of those times when the guys just like to "chill" and "be Koolin'."

left: Gangsters from New York.

left: I miss my Puerto Rico.

61 The Cafeteria

Think of a place where you do most of your talking, socializing, tell the most jokes, and think up the worst of schemes. Let me guess - you're thinking of (no not the bathroom) the cafeteria. The atmosphere is relaxing, except for those who are running late and have to inhale their food and rush off. Many students get there early and stay until the last minute so that they have extra time to chat with friends. The view from the cafeteria is perhaps the nicest on campus, with its windows stretching the length of the room. Students can watch others walking the campus to other destinations, amid the springtime flowers or the Christmas-time lights. All in all, the meals at BMA make for a nice break in the day's hectic schedule.

above: Opal and Tommie find a secluded spot in the comer.

right: Laura Hamer just loves the food!

62 Our Menu

SUNDAY brunch: waffles above: "I think I'm a gracious diner." supper: leftovers

MONDAY breakfast: scrambled eggs, home fries, toast lunch: prime steaks, buttered noodles, broccoli and cheese supper: chicken pot pie

TUESDAY breakfast: pancakes, hot cherries lunch: fried scallops, creamed potatoes, mixed vegetables super: Ruben sandwiches, corn chowder

WEDNESDAY breakfast: creamed eggs, English muffins lunch: chicken fried rice, peas, baby carrots supper: hot beef, mashed potatoes

THURSDAY breakfast: French toast, hot blueberries above: "I don't mean to interrupt your meal . . ." lunch: steak delux, mashed potatoes- gravy, corn supper: pita pocket sandwich, beef barley soup

FRIDAY breakfast: fried eggs, prosage, apple cobbler lunch: macaroni and cheese, stewed tomatoes, vegetable sticks supper: hay stacks, bagles - cream cheese, fruit salad

SABBATH breakfast: chipped beef, homemade biscuits lunch: Special K loaf, scalloped potatoes, Harvard beets, left: Shovel it in Pati, Jeremy, and Jennifer. corn supper: corn dogs, nachos and cheese

63 School


a lot of . ..

. . . work.

... studying.

. . . giving.

. .. love.

64 65 A v





Curtis Cardwell Gayle Ondrizek Edsel Daley John Pahler Ingrid de Graaff Rosa Quiroz 0 Dietrich Dennis Mike Reese Ryan DeMatteo Darrien Ulloth Denice Hayes Dan Willett Nesco Lettsome Joel Woodruff N Harold Streidl, instructor

It's a plane, it's a bird. No, back to the plane. It's a plane with Harold Streidl, or one of his students who are taking the Aviation course offered at Blue Mountain Academy. This extracurricular program starts with the ground school and then some persistant students continue and strive for their private pilots license. Many students are graduating from Blue Mountain and are flying to higher places.

66 s

E c




Carey Beaven Mary Buckley Laura Harner Teri Holmes A Ann Messam C. Amaris Payne Vielka Scott Lori Van Sickle Kim Walter R Cami Wardecke Marion Streidl, instructor I


The Business Education department offers something a little more to the students who want to learn and have experience in various secretarial skills. At the end of four years a student with all courses completed can graduate, along with the normal diploma, with a Secretarial Career Certificate, which will L increase career opportunities.

67 Piano

Daffodel Alindogan Ruth Prakasam Rebecca Beaven Beckie Righter Mary Buckley Jamie Rodriguez Ingrid de Graaff Patricia Rodriguez Daira Duarte Rick Ropka Debbie Ehrlich Paul Smith Paula Heisey Judy Soh Teri Holmes Jane Stickle Shelley Kilmer John Stoddart Karen Kim Sam Tucker Tracy Krout Luis Valles Nicole Lester Lori Van Sickle Vivienne Lettsome DeLana Weathers Wendy Mesaric Marcia Wilkes Carlos Navas Dan Willett Nancy Newhall Becky Wilson lvelisse Oliver George Wong Ready to being your scales? Joanne Park Wendy Yingst Amaris Payne Nancy Edison, instructor

68 Organ

Shavannah Graham Lisa Muth Gayle Ondrizek Joanne Park Amaris Payne John Stoddart Jennifer Swackhamer Tricia Thomas Lori Van Sickle Nancy Edison, instructor

Shavannah gets ready for her lesson.

69 Teri Bird Roxanne Calhoun Beth Curran Kim DuBee Shavannah Graham Tracy Krout Vivienne Lettsome Melody Nickerson Ruth Prakasam George Wong DIRECTOR: Mrs. Nancy Edison

La Sonnette Ensemble

70 Practice .. .

. . . more practice ...

Tracy and Beth remain attentive during performances.

. . . makes perfect. This year a third touring group was added to Blue Mountain Academy. La Sonnette Ensemble was well received by the students and the many surrounding churches and academies that it performed at. This can be accredited to the newness of the bells and their beautiful, unique sound. This bell choir also holds special meaning to Mrs. Nancy Edison, who directs the choir, because the bells were dedicated in memory of her parents. Even though this is their first year, La Sonnette Ensemble has accomplished much, and much is expected in the years to come as the group matures.

71 ~ t I 'I Praise

right: It's 11:24 Matt Ropka! Wakeup!

right: LA LA LA LA

As a vocal and instrumental group, Praise sop ran Ensemble's main objective is to praise and Carey Beave glorify God through music. The blending Mary Buckl€ together of the various talents makes this group Joanne Pai unique. Through humor, love, fun, and caring Amaris Payr for each other, Praise Ensemble became a altl. family. This is very important because of the Laura Harm three touring groups, Praise travels the most NancyNewba and the farthest, sharing their abilities with the Stace Reutubuc surrounding communities. Jennifer SwackhamE teno Jay Col Matt Ropk Jeremy Woodru John Edison, conductc

above: "I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow ..."

72 ~nsemble

below: Old King Cole

ass: :!iff Bowen :ddie Hernandez ml Holtry iolin: ngrid de Graaff Aichele Patricio )aul Smith lute: henda Fulmer ·ane Stickle rumpet: )tarla Crandall .ynthesizer: fohn Stoddart >iano: above: "Old King Cole was a merry old soul and a merry old soul was he. He called for his pipe, he called for his bowl, and he called , :..ori Van Sickle for his fiddlers three .. ." 1ound: )affodel Alindogan

73 Concert Band

flutes: tenor saxophone: Practice is the key word when it involves music. Mary Buckley Warren Corprew Kylie Eckenroth trumpets: Especially in a large musical touring group such as Brenda Fulmer Jeremy Beaven Blue Mountain Academy's Concert Band. Many Jessica Galvan-Koch Starla Crandall hours are spent rehearsing for concerts so that Jenni Jennings Philip Forney Memi LeBard Quentin Joyner each piece will be performed "just right." Some Michelle Mcintyre Larry Karpenko might think that "tooting a horn" and "beating a Chris Mishler John Lello drum" doesn't take much effort, but there is more Jane Stickle Darrien Ulloth Lori Van Sickle trombone: than meets the eye. The satisfaction comes when clarinets: Jay Cole the concert is flawless and all those hours of Dorene Hayes Denice Hayes rehearsal seem well worth it. Julie Karpenko Jamie Whidden Karen Kim David Winn Selena Matthie baritone: Donna McCullers Ray Doyle Melody Nickerson tuba: Joanne Park Maurice Crandall Amaris Payne string bass: Becky Righter Ralph Smith bass clarinet: percussion: Shavanna Graham Daffodel Alindogan alto saxophone: Carey Beaven Teddy Allen Melissa Mcintyre Celeste Ryan Pennie Steede Shawn Sidesinger synthesizer: John Stoddart John Edison, conductor

above: Darrien Ulloth toots his horn.

74 Sylvan Singers

Mrs. Nancy Edison's shining cherubs rise with soprano: Celeste Ryan Cindy Acker Pati Scheib one sweep of her commanding hand and with Carey Beaven Pennie Steede another quick gesture heavenly music bursts forth Mary Buckley Jennifer Swackhamer from their angelic faces. The rich harmony and Kim DuBee Wendy Yingst Paula Heisey tenor: golden tone is the product of many hours of Teri Holmes Jay Cole diligent practice. Each session finds the Sylvan Michelle Mcintyre Ricky Garcia Singers learning, memorizing, polishing and Lily Mendez Eric Love Chris Mishler Jamie Rodriguez finetuning. Driven by a dedicated taskmistress, lvelisse Oliver Matt Ropka they quickly learn that "one more time" means at Joanne Park John Stoddart least 4 more times and that only the best is good Michelle Patricio Jeremy Woodruff Amaris Payne bass: enough. Perseverence and disciplin~ pay off, Ruth Prakasam Cliff Bowen however, and with one voice they raise joyful Julie Slater Elrod Coach praise to God. Opal Thomas Curtis Cordwell Lori Van Sickle Warren Corprew DeLana Weathers Bryan deCastro alto: Eddie Hernandez Shana Bayne Bill Holtry Daira Duarte Orrin Ingram Ingrid de Graaff Nesco Lettsome Jessica Galvan-Koch Rick Ropka Shavannah Graham Shawn Sidesinger Laura Harner Paul Smith Shelley Kilmer Sam Tucker Nicole Lester Luis Valles Wendy Mesaric Jamie Whidden Nancy Newhall Joel Woodruff Stace Reutubuch George Wong Nancy Edison, conductor

Mrs. Edison creates the mood with her hands. 75 Gary Baker Shelley Kilmer Jeremy Beaven Nesco Lettsome Warren Corprew Eric Love Linda Davis Lisa Martin Bryan deCastro "Michelle Mcintyre Brian Fisher Cristy Peterson Lisa Gordy Rosa Quiroz Denice Hayes Beckie Righter Dorene Hayes Julie Slater Paula Heisey Donny Swift Richelle Hoover Jamie Whidden Jenni Jennings Joel Woodruff below: A variation of the "A-frame."

76 Aerial Aires


upper left: This is how to do a knee-shoulder.

above: The butterfly.

left: The thigh-stand formation.

Much stretching and exercising goes on during the Aerial Aires practicing time. Many times the group separates to work on individual routines. This all pays off when the big shows come. This year the team gave a salute to the 1988 Olympic games, which was creative and fun to watch. For the first time, the Aerial Aires took a week trip in March to all of the North Western PA SDA Schools. They did peer counseling, and performed some programs concerning drugs and alcohol. In the beginning of the year, the Aerial Aires practiced many hours so that they could get a tape sent off to the Spectrum. They had to wait a few months, but it was worth it. In April they are off to the Spectrum, once again for another performance. 77 ·, Focus 0

right: Matthew Ropka dedicates his life to Christ. .

below: Rosa Quiroz gives a personal testimony.

A beautiful time that was the changing point in many students lives, was when Pastor Santee came for a FOCUS week. What a powerful speaker he was as he opened our eyes to many things of our church's history and of the Second Coming of Christ. Many students had center: Don Milner teaches us a new song. questions answered that had been on their above: Pastor Santee reads the Word to us. minds for a long time. Many students were shocked when they learned about w~ symbols meant and how they affected our lives. Pastor Santee prayed with us, talked with us, shared with us and showed his love for us. For this we give him our warmest gratitude. 78 ~hrist

Although it was cold outside, the warmth and spirit that the students felt while Pastor Mauch was here was undeniable, and it wasn't just because he was from sunny California! From the beginning of the week his sense of humor and easy going personality put the students at ease, and they were able to open up to him with their concerns. The way he showed the students what a relationship with Christ can be like was below: "The Lord wants you to think and make encouraging, and made many students decisions." want the same.


above: "I'm gonna sit at the welcome table ..."

left: "I saw a cloud in the sky no bigger than a man's hand."



TOGETHER Mary Buckley Carlos Navas Amy Clark Gayle Ondrizek Denice Hayes David Varner Jennifer McGregor

Actively Caring Together. Gary Force has brought this group together as a class to witness to others through skits, plays, and talking to people. Many times it is much easier for us to understand something or relate to something if we see it acted out. Blue Mountain Academy Students showing other people, children, students their age, that drugs and drinking are wrong, that it is OK to say NO, and that Jesus Christ loves you.

above: "We're off to war."

lower right: "Here, let me help you."

below: "We really need to discuss this problem."

80 ''Sing praises to the Lord ... ''

One Accord

Teddy Allen Cliff Bowen Mike Darville Will McGriff John Stoddart Morton Williams


Michelle Avery Roxana Chambers Shavanah Graham Antionette Lester Nicole Lester Donna McCullers Ann Messam Amaris Payne Celeste Ryan Pennie Steede Opal Thomas DeLana Weathers

What an inspirational experience Kashir, a women's choral, was it was to hear One Accord for special formed to add variety to the music music. They were asked to sing program at Blue Mountain Academy. during AYS meetings, Sabbath They will be remembered the most Schools, and many other events. by the song sung in memory of This men's chorale group, made up Anthony Huggins, a special friend to of six students, love to perform and , many of the girls in the choir. was well appreciated by their fellow students.

81 82 83

''Born In the U.S.A.''


Blue Mountain Academy is a special school, and one of the aspects of that is the people who make up the student body. Not only do the students who come to BMA bring along with them their own special talents and unique personalities,· they bring different heritage and cultural backgrounds. The student body consists of such a blending of nationalities, that students learn from one another, creating understanding of how others see life. The atmosphere at Blue Mountain is hard to copy, because it is made by the students who attend. Those students see a person of a different background as an opportunity to learn and grow. The students who reach across the barriers of country or state realize that they are the ones who receive the greatest blessing. At BMA everyone shares in common the love for friends and the feeling of being a close family on campus.

90 I

91 92 ORGANIZAliONS Choosing to Lead

Daffodel Alindogan Michelle Avery Beth Curran Laura Harner Paula Heisey Bill Holtry Joanne Park John Stoddart Cami Wardecke Jamie Whidden

above: Showing school spirit while singing our school song.

left: Planning our strategy.

below: Even our fearless leader likes to get his hands dirty.

Every year 10 students have the priv­ ilege of going on Union Leadership, and what a privilege that is! Working to­ gether, suggestions and answers to prob­ lems about leading were shared. Stu­ dents from all over the Columbia Union were reminded who they are leading and what is most important. In addition to all of the meetings, there was great recreation. Students at once felt comfortable with each other and everyone participated. 94 School Leadership

Cindy Acker Don Milner BMA Leadership was a wonderful experience that the leaders Daffodel Alindogan Nancy Newhall of the school had. When asked what their feelings and reactions Michelle Avery Joanne Park to the campout were, many students responded with "fun" or Jeremy Beaven Amaris Payne "exciting," but then quickly followed up with "many· students Cliff Bowen Cristy Peterson became closer to each other and the Lord, and it helped the Roxanne Calhoun Ruth Prakasam student body to work together as one." A positive feeling was all Elrod Coach Susan Ratz around and many students hoped to bring it back to share on Jay Cole Julie Reindollar campus. Warren Corprew Beckie Righter Starla Crandall Celeste Ryan left: A vital part of true leadership. Beth Curran Pati Scheib Kim DuBee Julie Slater Laura Harner John Stoddart Paula Heisey Cami Wardecke Bill Holtry Jamie Whidden Vivienne Lettsome George Wong Lisa Martin Jeremy Woodruff Ann Messam Joel Woodruff

95 Fall Picnic

above: Friendship even shines through competition.

above: Men of might race for the tires.

above: Beckie and Paul, you better watch for flying eggs.

left: The Juniors pull through to victory.



above: The welcoming committee.

left: You don't know what you're in for, Paula.

above: "Tickets anyone? Tickets?" above: "Can I have him?"

97 ''Where's the beach?''

This year SA was hoping for something very different, and they achieved it. The Spring Party's theme was simply the beach; with a boardwalk, buckets, and umbrellas. As the students layed on beach towels, they enjoyed good food served by the SA officers in concession stands lining the boardwalk. After that, the students were entertained in the gym with two skits by the SA officers and a movie.

above: Look at these bathing beauties.

upper right: Yes. It was the sixty's. The time when women's suits couldn't expose the knees!

far right: Mr. Leino likes to sun bathe too.

lower right: A stable ... well, not so stable . . . well, weak pyramid.

above: "Hi! My name is Jaymes and this is my friend Ed ..."

98 ''Here Comes Santa Claus ...''

left: Here's Alvin, Simon, and Theodore.

left: "T'was the night before homeleave and all through the night

below: SA's way of saying, "Merry Christmas!"

A tree with its lights twinkling brightly, laughter all about you, and the general chaos of a party engulfed the cafe. The Student Association's Christmas Party began with the lighting of the trees in the center of campus. While everyone observed the beautiful sc~ne, a poem was read by Laura Harner. Supper was eaten by candlelight. For entertainment, an amusing poem wa!l read, then Mr. Trubey played a medley of Christmas songs on the piano. The following act was the Chipmunk performance which caused many bursts of laughter. To end the program, the handbell choir performed two Christmas numbers. Then came the beautiful walk over to the gymnasium for the movie. S.A. followed what has been made tradition by placing a Christmas tree in the Ad. Building along with many other beautiful decorations. Many students were heard commenting on how the night had placed them in the Christmas spirit. 99 Here's to the Constitution!

right: The flag ceremony.

right: As SA President, Cami Wardecke receives the "signing of the Constitution" portrait.

In November the student body celebrated the signing of the Constitution by having a Constitution day. Throughout the day, the students dressed up in red, white, and blue and many of the classes tried to have a talk or theme to honor the signing of the Constitution. They also observed a moment of silence to honor those who have died for their freedom. The day ended with a banquet in the cafeteria where they were entertained by the bell choir and by the reading of essays on what the Constitution meant to those students.

right: Mr. Edison and the Concert Band perform as part of the program. 100 The Computer Club

President: Dan Willett Vice-President: Darrien Ulloth Secretary: Tracy Krout

Michelle Mcintyre Teri Bird Nicole Lester

Sponsors: Mr. Edison Steve Ertel

President: Paul Smith PR Secretary: Rosa Quiros Luis Valles Treasurer: George Wong Shelly Avery Jamie Whidden Don Milner Kilie Eckenroth Marc Oswald Orlando Nunez Teri Homes Candace Hayes Jennifer McGregor Chucky Hayes Brian Fisher Jamie Rodriquez Beth Curran Bryan De Castro Nesco Lettesome Viviene Lettesome Richelle Hoover Rick Bianco Julie Fox Ruth Prakasam Cristy Peterson Ann Messam Ski Club Opal Thomas Roxanne Chambers Ryan De Matteo Kariim Whales Jay Cole Rob Standish Holly Harder Lisa Gordy Paula Heisey 101 Girl's Club

First Semester

President - Paula Heisey Pastorette - Vivienne Lettsome Vice President - Ann Messam Sgt.-at-Arms- Gayle Ondrizek Secretary - Tracy Krout Sports Coordinator - Roxanne Calhoun Treasurer- Jessica Galvan-Koch

Second Semester

President - Paula Heisey Pastorette - Gayle Ondrizek Vice President - Ann Messam Sgt.-at-Arms- Teri Bird Secretary - Vivienne Lettsome Sports Coordinator - Roxana Chambers Treasurer - Omayra Oliver

102 Boy's Club

First Semester

President - Bill Holtry Pastor - David Varner Vice President- Jay Cole Sgt.-at-Arms - Will McGriff Secretary - Kenny Santee Sports Coordinator - Ricky Garcia Treasurer- Jamie Rodriguez

Second Semester

President - Steve Osborn Pastor - Dominic Manoloto Vice President- Jay Cole Sgt.-at-Arms - Cliff Bowen Secretary - Kenny Santee Sports Coordinator - Marc Oswald Treasurer - Mike Reese

103 Open House

Chatter and laughter split the air as groups of girls walked over to the Boy's Dorm to escort their dates to the Open House Banquet. The Men's Club provided the meal, entertainment, and movie. The food centered around the evening's theme, "Paradise Island." Entertainment consisted of various musical selections. The Girl's Dorm was next on the agenda. As the couples toured the different floors, they were able to view the unique artwork that was being displayed for our pleasure. Each room was designed to add a little more variety to the tour. The gymnasium was where "Lady and the Tramp," a Walt Disney Classic, was being shown. The film was amusing and ended off the evening perfectly.

upper right: "I came from the balcony!"

far right: "Friends mean so much ..."

right: Smile Jessica.

lower right: Brian Fisher and Tammy Bornman enjoy Paradise Island.

below: "You're My Inspiration."

104 Student Association

President- Cami Wardecke Treasurer - Beckie Righter Sponsors: Vice President - Joanne Park Pastor - Jamie Whidden Marion Streidl Village Vice President - Beth Curran Sgt.-at-Arms- George Wong Elaine Ferguson Secretary - Susan Ratz Sports Coordinator - Elrod Coach Gary Force

Every year the Student Association brings to the students many fun-filled activities, this year was no exception. They planned a variety of activities from spirit days such as T­ shirt day to a beach party in February. The serious side of SA finds them planning Student Focus week and many other religious activities.

105 s

T u



N c T 0

Kim DuBee Paul Smith Ingrid de Graaff Kim Walter Eddie Hernandez Cami Wardecke Stace Reutebuch Joel Woodruff Kenny Santee u

N c-


Mr. Rouse - sponsor L

106 The Outdoor Club

Jeremy Woodruff- President Gary Baker - Vice President Lisa Martin - Secretary /Treasurer Joanne Park - Pastor Shana Bayne Teri Bird Mary Buckley Jay Cole Starla Crandall Beth Curran Ingrid de Graaff Ryan DeMatteo Kim DuBee John Ehrlich Jessica Galvan-Koch Denice Hayes Dorene Hayes Richelle Hoover Tricia Horst Tracy Krout Memi LeBard Ausma Lugassy Moise Lugassy Michelle Mcintyre Chris Mishler Lisa Muth Nancy Newhall Ivelisse Oliver Omayra Oliver Gayle Ondrizek Steve Osborne Susan Ratz Mike Reese Julie Reindollar Beckie Righter Kenny Santee Lisa Seymour Jane Stickle Becky Wilson Joel Woodruff upper right: "I never leave home without him."

middle: "Paula, I can't wait for some real food."

left: Roughing it teaches you to sleep anywhere, anyhow, under any conditions. Right, Joanne? Joanne? Joanne?





Editor - Laura Harner Assistant Editor - Ingrid de Graaff Reporters - Warren Corprew Beth Curran Jessica Galvan-Koch Nancy Newhall Joanne Park Ruth Prakasam Celeste Ryan Typist - Cami Wardecke Layout Editor - Bryan deCastro Sponsor - Jeff Trubey The Appalachian Staff

Deadlines, deadlines, deadlines! The Appalachian Staff dedicates itself to students, as well as many subscribers throughout the U.S., reporting the latest BMA news and important happenings. Events take place, pictures are taken, reporters observe, articles are written, columns are typed, and the newspaper is formed.

108 Echoes Echoes The task is difficult, but the finished product is rewarding. Those who hold positions on the Echoes staff work hard against deadlines so the yearbook will come out on time, but don't think they are not enjoying themselves. Trying to take candid shots without people insisting on posing is a tiring job for the photographers, but they were successful as you can well see. The rest of the staff isn't seen or heard from as much, but they were working just as hard coordinating a yearbook for you to remember your 1987-1988 school year!!

far left: Ruth, do you really know what you're getting yourself into?

left: Our chief and supervisor, Mr. Curtis.

lower left: A cheerful and responsible secretary.

Editor - Daffodel Alindogan Assistant Editor - Ruth Prakasam Layout Editor - John Stoddart Copy Editor - Beth Curran Business Manager - Cami Wardecke Assistant Business Manager - Rosa Quiroz Typist - Carey Beaven Photographers - Curtis Cordwell Bryan deCastro Ingrid de Graaff John Lello Moise Lugassy Marc Oswald Jamie Rodriguez Shawn Sidesinger Paul Smith Jamie Whidden Marcia Wilkes Sponsors - Mr. Harold Curtis Mr. Vaughn Jennings Honorable Mention Copy- Warren Corprew Richelle Hoover Joanne Park Pati Scheib Mr. Ray Doyle 109 ATHLETICS ''We're Playin' Bas-Ket-Ball!''



Cliff Bowen Marc Oswald Don Milner David Ferguson Jim Aumack Teddy Allen Gary Force Rick Bianco Elrod Coach Stan Rouse Mike Darville Warren Corprew Will McGriff Ricky Garcia Duane Ferguson Morton Williams Jamie Lonto Donny Swift George Wong John Stoddart Todd Swift



Mike Reese Kenny Santee Quinton Joyner Jay Cole Jose Garcia Cromwell Ingram Anthony Daley Paul Gyapong Richard Mead Ryan Dematteo Chucky Hays Carlos Navas G LEAGUE Rob Standish Bill Holtry Jamie Rodriquez Sam Tucker Orrin Ingram David Winn BULLETS Jeremy Woodruff Joel Woodruff Matt Ropka

Stephanie Geneviva Tondra Dennis Rosa Quiroz Ann Messam Celeste Ryan Melody Nickerson GLEAGUE Jenny Montero KNICKS

Nicole Lester Roxana Chambers Jackie Lucien Vielka Scott Mary Buckley Amy Nieves 3 ON 3 BASKETBALL Delana Weathers


Teddy Allen Cliff Bowen Billy Green Jamie Lonto Stan Rouse Donny Swift Elrod Coach Don Milner Jim Aumack

Warren Corprew Will McGriff Edsel Daley Gary Force Mike Darville John Stoddart Marc Oswald G. Porter David Ferguson Jose Garcia Matt Ropka


Rick Bianco Bill Spivey Kenny Santee Joel Woodruff Cromwell Ingram Orrin Ingram Carlos Ramirez Richard Mead Don Milner

Morton Williams George Wong Quinton Joyner Jamie Rodriquez Jay Cole Mike Reese Joel Woodruff Bryan DeCastro Robby Wooten

111 Welcome to Our Family

Amy Clarke Susan Lee (not pictured)

Scott Stokes not pictured: Mike Stokes YusefBurke

112 ADVERTISERS To Unite In the Circle Of God's Love Pennsylvania Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

Jerry Page, President Dan Bentzinger, Secretary·

If you want a satisfying job in your field. dents gain valuable job experience while a college degree is important-but it isn't in school. And they land better jobs after always enough. graduation. Employers want college graduates We know how important a college de­ who've done more than read textbooks. gree is. We also know that experience They want people who've worked in real­ counts. too. At CUC. you can get both. life settings. People with experience. For more information about Columbia That's why we make practicums. in­ Union College. call us toll-free: ternships. and cooperative education a ( 1-8()(}8 35-4 212 outside Maryland; vital part of our 35 programs. Cc-op stu- 1-8()(}492-1715 in Maryland).





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To My Best Friend, Cami: Four years ago we began this journey. From cafeteria employment to office neighbors. I have always appre­ ciated your sincere friendship and will always treasure the memories we made. Thank-you for all your help with the newspaper and for the little things you do, too! I'll never forget all the walks around the 2-mile loop, eating granola, staying awake all night (almost), the Nutcracker Ballet, talks with Beaver, slumber parties with Jessica, being angels with Becky, dressing in black, singing with our Von Clap siblings, garlic popcorn, camping, and singing "Take Me By the Hand" at Union Leadership. No matter where our futures lead us, let's keep in touch forever! God Bless You. I'll miss you. Love and Peace, Laura

122 Some people just can't picture themselves with a smoker.

.U.S . Department of Health & Human Services. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.

I took a piece of plastic clay And idly fashioned it one day, And as my fingers pressed it, still, It bent and yielded to my will. I came again, when days were passed, The bit of clay was hard at last, The form I gave it, still it bore, But I could change that form no more. Then I took a piece of living clay And gently formed it, day by day And molded with my power and art, A young child's soft and yielding heart. I came again when years were gone, It was a man I looked upon. He still that early impress bore, And I could change it, nevermore. Dad and I are very glad for the patience and perseverance that you had. May God bless you as you reach for higher heights in serving Him.

Love, Mom, Dad and Vivienne

123 CONGRATULATIONS! to a warm, loving son.

From, MomandDad

CONGRATULATIONS TO THE GRADUATES from BECKER MOBILE HOMES, INC. Route 145 Walnutport, Penna. 18088 215-767-5248

Special Discounts to Church Members See Richard or Carl Becker!

124 We are .10 very 'With clove, proud o/ you and mom, 2)aJ, want fJOU to hnow Sfterr'J, lric, and that we wi.1h you the te.1t o//uture.1. Janelle good efuck/

125 "St. Elmo's Fire" "For Just a Moment" To the St. Elmos's Gang: Never forget all our our fun times together. Even though we'll be apart next year, we'll always remain friends (like in the movie). We're really going to miss you! Love, Candace, Teri, Kristen & Julie (The Beastettes)

"You Gatta Fight For the Right to Party!"


63N.4 Hamburg, P A 19526 562-7545



Just a short note to say that I ------,..------you. (verb) This year just wouldn't have been the same with anyone else! I don't suppose we could forget ______. Do you think (noun) ______will ever ______the ______farm? (noun) (verb) (adjective) We're going to have a/an ______summer. Which means (adjective) that we'll be ready for next school year. By the way, have you thought about college?

I hear that Andrews University is a/an ______(glowing adjective) place for you and me! College Days was great because

(subordinate clause) Altogether, it's been a/an year. If I don't (adjective) ______you this summer or next year, I shall miss you more (verb) than ------~------­ (subordinate clause) As a famous comedian, ______, once said, (proper noun) "Thanks for the memories."


Berrien Springs, Michigan 49104 Nationwide: 800-253-2874 Michigan: 800-632-2248


Cindy Acker FR Richard Bianco SO Elrod Coach JR RD 2, Box 34 137 Brout St. 842 Osborn Ave. Danville, PA 17821 Sykesville, PA 15865 Riverhead, NY 11901 717-275-9596 814-894-5559 516-369-2784 3/9172 3/3172 1113170 Cynthia Aguilar SO Teri Bird SO Cindy Coffin SO 1442, Omega St. RD 1, Box 110-L RD 3, Box 440 Wigwam Park Rd. E. Stroudsburg, PA 18301 i Edmont, NY 11003 Millerton, PA 16936 516-328-9695 717-724-1588 717-424-6881 12/26/71 11/4171 4/13172 Joseph Albertson, Jr. FR Mary Jeans Black FR Starla Crandall SO 1307 E . Third St. 36 Branford Rd. RD 3, Box 3653 Williamsport, P A 17701 Darby, PA 19023 Hamburg, P A 19526 717-322-8652 215-461-0370 215-562-5228 9/20172 5/23173 6/15172 Marilyn Alonso FR Tammy Bornman SO Latoya Creech FR 109 Merril St. RD 1, Box 395-A 21 Union Court Brentwood, NY 11717 New Bloomfield, PA 17068 Brockton, MA 02401 516-434-1984 717-834-4 705 617-265-3283 8/21173 5/10172 3/21173 Darrell Archer JR Wycliffe Bowen JR Beth Curran SO 1490 Bedford Ave. 520 Mountainview Ave. RD 1, Box 1192 Brooklyn, NY 11216 Syracuse, NY 13224 Leesport, P A 19533 718-622-7831 315-446-0606 215-376-4225 7/13171 12/2/70 9/2/71 Michelle Avery JR Yusef Burke FR Linda Davis JR 401 Gregory's Way 222 Lenox Rd. Apt. 6-Y Adventist Home Voorhees, NH 08043 Brooklyn, NY 11226 Livingston, NY 12541 609-662-2536 718-462-4562 518-851-3175 8/9/71 . 9/15173 5/13170 Gary Baker JR Roxanne Calhoun JR Bryan deCastro SO 1200 Hagy Lane Ext. RD 1, Box 82 880 S. County Rd_ Dauphin, PA 17018 - Smethport, PA 16749 E. Patchogue, Long Island, NY 11772 717-921-2309 814-884-9924 516-286-2158 1119171 6/24/71 2/16172 Brian Barber FR Tracy Cessna SO Ingrid de Graaff JR 1208 Delancy Place RD1 RD 2, Box 229 West Chester, PA 19382 Avonmore, PA 15618 Wellsboro, PA 16901 215-696-7936 5/11172 717-724-5521 1111/73 8/18/71 Diana Chamorro SO Shana Bayne JR Ryan DeMatteo FR 2 Mayer Lane 323 Clay St. PO Box 12 RT 2, Box 2395-A Medford, NY 11763 Fleetwood, P A 19522 Milltown, NJ 08850 516-654-2464 201-828-1051 215-926-2939 2/10172 11/4170 Tondra Dennis JR Neibert Chester FR 1113 S. Divinity St. Jeremy Beaven FR 118-56 222nd St. Philadelphia, PA 19143 680 Hammond Rd. Queens, NY 11411 215-727-1037 York, PA 17402 718-481-8554 3/18/71 717-757~3079 9/23172 7/2172 Malinda Detwiler FR 539 W. State St. Rebecca Beaven JR Melissa Clapp FR Hamburg, PA 19526 RD 3, Box 148 PO Box 135 215-562-5789 Mansfield, PA 16933 Hop Bottom, P A 18824 3/4172 717-662-3367 717-247-2312 8/21169 4119173 Kim DuBee SO

128 RD 1, Box 39 Donna Gray JR 2007 Edenwold Ave. Nicholson, P A 18446 138-44 Brookville Blvd. Bronx, NY 10466 1124172 Rosedale, NY 11422 212-994-3765 718-712-1075 10/25172 Kylie Eckenroth FR 1116/71 RD 1, Box 1046 J enni Jennings SO Leesport, PA 19533 Paul Gyapong JR RD 3, Box 3655 215-926-1738 482 Linden Blvd. Hamburg, P A 19526 12/13173 Brooklyn, NY 11203 215-562-8792 718-282-9241 11/5/71 John Ehrlich FR 4/19171 112 Rosh Rd. Quentin Joyner FR Sayre, P A 18840 David Harner FR 634 Plater St. 717-275-4424 111 Maple Ave. Aberdeen, MD 21001 1/18173 Hanover, PA 17331 301-272-6324 717-632-7 466 3/23174 Brian Fisher SO 10/8172 PO Box 85 Evelyn Killian SO Port Clinton, PA 19549 Denice Hayes SO 143 W. Moser Ave. 215-562-2302 Clinton Terrace Estate Coaldale, PA 18218 3/24171 Port Clinton, P A 19549 717-645-5333 215-562-2463 10/26172 Brenda Fulmer SO 8/12/71 RD 3, Box 494 Shelley Kilmer SO Williamsport, P A 17701 Dorene Hayes FR RD 2, Box 167-A 717-323-4922 Clinton Terrace Estate Nicholson, P A 18446 12/27171 Port Clinton, P A 19549 717-942-6768 215-562-2463 2/10172 Jessica Galvan-Koch SO 817172 2156 Twin Brooks Dr. Karen Kim SO York, PA 17404 Charles Hays FR 82 Gilpin Rd. 717-764-2348 1 Gail Court Upper Darby, PA 19082 1128172 Belle Mead, NJ 08502 215-622-0730 201-874-7794 8/11/71 Jose Garcia FR Oak Forest Apt. H-10 2221 Hampden Eddie Hernandez SO Tracy Krout SO Blvd. 1901 Letchworth Dr. 3001 South Salem Church Rd. Reading, P A 19604 Camp Hill, PA 17011 York, PA 17404 215-375-6082 717-770-6409 717-792-9232 1126173 3/4/72 4/22/72 Richy Garcia SO Paula Heisey JR Linda Kunkel SO Oak Forest Apt. H-10 2221 Hampden RD 3, Box 513 RD 1, Box 1148 Blvd. Palymra, P A 17078 Orwigsburg, P A 17962 Reading, P A 19604 717-838-4002 717-943-2387 215-375-6082 3/24170 3/12170 4/6172 Richelle Hoover SO Memi LeBard SO Tammy Gasperson SO PO Box 193 Bear Creek Village 2930 N. Green St. 100 McGibney Rd. Apt. E-5 Bear Creek, P A 18602 Harrisburg, PA 17110 Mt. Vernon, OH 43050 717-472-3714 717-232-4402 614-392-4306 7-4-72 10/25172 2/4/71 Terry Horst SO Antionette Lester JR Stephanie Geneviva FR 8th Ave. & Olive St. 164 W. Wyneva St. 2831 Windy Hill Rd. Coatesville, P A 19320 Philadelphia, PA 19144 Allentown, PA 18103 215-383-9300 215-848-7205 215-820-6040 3/22170 8/28/71 3/5173 Tricia Horst FR Vivienne Lettsome JR 8th Ave. & Olive St. 4 Eisenhower Dr. Lisa Gordy JR Coatesville, P A 19320 Newtonville, NJ 08346 RT 3, Del. 274 215-383-9300 609-561 -0781 Elmira, NY 14901 117173 6/8171 607-733-3159 10/14/70 Cromwell Ingram FR Donald Lindsey FR 2007 Edenwold Ave. 50 Hamilton Ave. Shavanna Graham JR Bronx, NY 10466 Corinth, NY 12822 871 E. Fayette St. 212-994-3765 518-654-6555 Syracuse, NY 13210 10/25/72 12/20171 315-424-0899 1113170 Orrin Ingram FR Tina LingFR

129 8 Michigan Dr. 25 Murdock Rd 635 S. 14th St. Hudson, MA 01749 Stoneham, MA 02180 Catasaqua, P A 18032 617-562-5675 617-438-8319 215-264-8954 12/29173 9/10171 11/2171 Cami Lockett JR Cathy Mesaric SO Marc Oswald JR RD 1, Box 137 Bangor Rd. RT 202 RD 1, Box 88 Clarksville, P A 15322 Troy, ME 04987 Slatington, P A 18080 412-344-2669 307-948-2476 215-767-1498 2111171 11/28/71 2/19/71 Erik Love SO Wendy Mesaric SO Cristy Peterson JR 4135 Woodbine Terrace RD 3, Box 3660 RD 1, Box 125-A Erie, PA 16504 Hamburg, P A 19526 New Tripoli, PA 18066 814-825-4550 215-562-2723 215-298-2032 8/4/72 6/25/71 6/22171 Marcus Love JR Doug Miller, Jr. FR Cherri Phelps SO 4135 Woodbine Terrace Box 122 RD 2, Box 681 Erie, PA 16504 Laurys Station, PA 18059 Lawrenceville, PA 16929 814-825-4550 215-261-1284 717-824-2765 3/22/71 5/23172 7-17-71 Jackie Lucien FR Cary Mishler, Jr. SO Ruth Prakasam JR 426 W. Franklin St. RD 1 1 Maryland Circle Apt. 137 Slatington, P A 18080 Rockwood, PA 15557 Whitehall, PA 18052 215-767-4049 814-926-2643 215-432-1053 11122172 4/21172 5/9171 Ausma Lugassy SO Lisa Muth SO Rosa Quiroz JR PO Box 274 4836 Main St. 5 Oakley St. Edgemont, P A 19028 Walnutport, PA 18088 E. Massapequa, NY 11758 215-692-5638 215-767-3007 718-429-0832 6/3/71 8/19/71 10/2/71 Lisa Martin SO Carlos Navas FR Carlos Ramirez SO 4 Sawin St. 3506 N. Front St. RD 3, Box 3666 Natick, MA 01670 Philadelphia, PA 19140 Hamburg, PA 19526 617-653-6546 215-739-7915 215-739-7915 10/4/71 1127174 5/15/71 Selena Matthie SO Kris Netzel FR Susan Ratz JR , 9 Quarry Hill Rd. 6 Petroleum St. PO Box 246 Warwick WK10 Bermuda Oil City, PA 16301 Berryville, VA 22611 809-29-63337 814-676-9227 703-955-4050 5/3/71 5/28172 8/4/71 Michelle Mcintyre FR Melody Nickerson JR Michael Reese SO 18 Rainbow Dr. Barre Rd. RD 3, Box 167 Hamburg, P A 19526, New Braintree, MA 01531 Coudersport, PA 16915 215-562-5746 618-856-2925 814-274-9401 10/8/72 12/4/70 10/4172 Jennifer McGregor JR Amy Nieves JR Julie Reindollar JR RD 1, Box 242-A AF-2 Nispero St. Valle Arriba Hgts. RD 1, Box 66-B Reading, PA 19607 Carolina, PR 00630 New Bethlehem, PA 16242 215-775-0681 809-762-7091 814-275-1119 9/11/71 12/21171 5/14/71 William McGriff JR Orlando Nunez FR Stace Reutebuch JR 111-33 168th St. 5210 'C' St. 1483 Harvey Lane Jamaica, NY 11433 Philadelphia, PA 19120 Pottstown, PA 19464 718-657-8379 215-457-8583 215-374-3881 1111170 2/26/71 10/9/70 Richard Mead SO Gayle Ondrizek JR Eric Rios SO 23 Fulton St. RD 3, Box 3036 515 Cedar St. Brentwood, NY 11717 Mohnton, P A 19540 Reading, PA 19601 516-273-2723 215-775-1232 215-372-5378 10/4/72 2/15/71 9/27172 Lily Mendez JR lvelisse Oliver SO Becky Righter JR

130 PO Box 441 Warwick WKBX Bermuda 10/8/69 Hamburg, P A 19526 809-23-66467 215-562-4416 3/12173 Kariim Wales SO 9/16/71 5 Kitchener Close Jane Stickle SO Boaz Island, Bermuda Danielle Robinson SO 255 Belmont Parkway 809-29-43229 3300 Union Deposit F101 Hempstead, NY 11550 5/5/71 Harrisburg, P A 17109 516-483-4987 717-540-1226 8/30174 Erica Walwyn FR 6/1172 Michael Stokes JR 22-59 93rd St. E. Elmhurst New York, NY 11369 Jamie Rodriguez SO RD 1, Box 22 Church Rd. Kempton, P A 19529 718-457-0255 512 Prospect Ave. 8/22173 Bethlehem, PA 18018 215-756-6049 215-865-7447 2/13/71 DeLana Weathers FR 5/19172 RD 5, Box 357-A Scott Stokes JR Coatesville, PA 19320 Patricia Rodriguez FR RD 1, Box 22 Church Rd. 215-383-5058 43 E. Grove St. Kempton, PA 19526 6/27173 E. Massapaguez, NY 11758 2151756-6049 516-798-0659 2/25172 Morton Williams SO 6/28/73 West Side Rd. Jennifer Swackhamer JR Somerset Bermuda Matthew Ropka JR 1305 Pottstown Pike 809-29-41150 RD 1, Box 117-F West Chester, PA 19380 2/15170 Bainbridge, PA 17502 215-692-3907 717-367-5372 6/30/71 Marcia Wilkes JR 1120/71 RR 1, Box 590 Stephanie Swift FR Wernersville, PA 19565 Rick Ropka SO 147 Lilac Dr. 215-678-4376 RD 1, Box 117-F Lancaster, PA 17602 3/18171 Bainbridge, PA 17502 · 717-392-5224 717-367-5382 1/25173 Becky Wilson FR 4/19/72 RD 3, Box 373 Stephanie Tustin FR Wellsboro, PA 16901 Kenny Santee SO 148 Griffith Ave. 717-724-2393 1005 S. Main St. Washington, PA 15301 10/12172 Coudersport, PA 16915 412-228-8413 814-274-7141 12/16/71 Jamie Whidden JR 611171 - - --- RT 202 Tenpe Wick Rd Tricia Thomas FR Morristown, NJ 07960 Lisa Seymour FR 184 Conklin Ave. Wheatley Hgts. 201-984-6570 123 Narrow Lane PO Box 875 New York, NY 11798 11/12170 S. Lancaster, MA 01561 516-269-4021 617-368-1977 10/12173 George Wong SO 2/11/72 10 Manor Ave. Sam Tucker SO Burlington, MA 01803 Paul Smith, Jr. JR 61 Pole Hill Rd. 617-272-8424 Box 11, Limekiln Rd. Bethany, CT 06525 3/2172 Limekiln, P A 19535 . 203-393-2593 215-689-5202 5/18172 Jeremy Woodruff JR 8/4170 58 Thornton Rd. Darrien Ulloth JR Glen Mills, P A 19342 Judy Soh FR 130 Robin Lane 215-459-0451 40-06 155th St. Bloomsburg, PA 17815 10/22170 Flushing, NY 11354 717-799-5388 718-961-9350 12/22170 Joel Woodruff FR 3/30173 58 Thornton Rd. Ronald Utz FR Glen Mills, P A 19342 Bill Spivey SO 20 Victory St. 215-459-0451 817 N. Maderia St. Shelton, CT 06484 8/16172 Baltimore, MD 21205 203-732-8913 301-485-4865 5/29173 Robby Wooten FR 6/23172 1134 Bernard Dr. Luis Valles JR Westbury, NY 11590 Rob Standish SO 4053 North 9th St. 516-334-6317 1421 Tracy Dee Way Philadlephia, PA 19140 1116172 Longwood, FL 32779 215-229-0732 305-788-8957 9/27170 Wendy Yingst FR 12/26170 269 Lamparter Rd. San Vincent SO Quarryville, P A 17 566 Pennie Steede SO POBo~ 3in 717-786-1455 White's Island :PO Box 327 Humburg, P A 19526 12/28172


KEY Arms. (718) 845-6261 1. PLACE AND DATE OF BIRTH 4. To be a successful engi­ 1. Manhattan, NY 1/9/71 2. NICKNAMES neer/physicist and go to Heaven. 2. Pretzel, Ant, Tony, Anthony, G.Q., 3. EXTRACURRICULAR Daley News ACTIVITIES Roxana Chambers 3. Intramurals; Basketball; Football; 4. ULTIMATE GOALS 4837 Baltimore Ave. Iron Man's Club; Who's Who Phila., PA Among American High School Stu­ Daffodel Estuita Alindogan (215) 748-8761 dents. 3555 N. Broad St. 1. St. John's, Antiqua 4/3/71 4. Pilot, Computer Science; See my Phila., PA 19140 2. Foxy-Roxie, Rox, Antiquan Lord in the second coming. (215) 228-0809 3. Football; Softball. 1. Manila, Philippines 5/28/71 4. To win souls for Christ, to be drawn Michael Darville 2. "Daff', "Daffy" closer to Him, and be the best in 931 Mount Ave. 3. Girls' Club Pastorette; Sophomore everything I do. Wyandanch, NY 11798 Class Treasurer; Echoes Asst. Ed­ (516) 643-8249 itor and Editor; Appalachian Re­ Jay Frederic Cole 1. Long Island, NY 7/29170 porter; Computer Club Secre­ PO Box 163 2. EM DEE, Magic, Doorbell, Mikey, tary/Treasurer; Computer Club Coudersport, PA 16915 Little Barkley, Martin Vice President; Outdoor Club; (814) 272-7697 3. Basketball; Football; Ping Pong; Who's Who Among American High 1. Takoma Park, ND 9118/69 Playing Piano; Singing. School Students; The Society of 2. MCFly, Vern, JayFred, Spike, 4. To meet my Lord in Heaven. Distinguished American High "Little Boy", J.C. School Students; 3 yr. Band mem­ 3. Sleeping; Parties; Girls; Praise; Dietrich Dennis ber; Praise Ensemble; Piano. Band; Choir; Computer Club; Dra­ 1113 S. Divinity St. 4. To live with Jesus forever. ma Club; Reading the comics; Pass­ Phila., PA 19143 ing time with friends; and music. (215) 727-1037 Theodore Jefferey Allen 4. To own a SuperSport, help people 1. Philadelphia, PA 5/2170 18 Schlegel Blvd. who need it, and ultimately go to 2. Professor Harvey D., "Lips", Bond, Amityville, NY 11701 Heav~n. __ PH. D., KGB, Harvey Gold (516) 842-1359 3. Aviation; Intramurals; Who's Who 1. Brooklyn, NY 8/8/70 Curtis Cordwell Among American High School Stu-. 2. Pastor, T. Love, Kool Rock, 133 Pine Blvd. dents; TV; Round Table; Late night Salabambi, L.T., Phil Simms, #42, Orwigsburg, P A 17961 in 201 and 208 with Y 102 and KGB (717) 366-0366 L104; Ultime IV. 3. Choir; Men's Club Sports Coordi­ 1. Trenton, NJ 4. Figure II; Get married and travel nator; A League Basketball; Iron 2. C.C., Mr. C., Vern, Curteous vastly. Man's Club; Football; Student­ 3. Baseball; Volleyball; Photography; Staff Varsity; One Accord. Camping; Canoeing; Hiking; Daira Duarte 4. Get married, have many children, Spending time with God; Listening 474 Brookhurst Ave. and go to Heaven. to good Music; Reading; TV; Being Narberth, PA 19072 with my Girlfriend and friends. (215) 664-4381 Carey Beaven 4. To become a strong worker for 1. Durham, NC 10/11/69 680 Hammond Rd. Christ (an evangelist). 2. DD. Dee, DDT, Little Dee, DD York, PA 17402 Amin, Bush, Warbling, Shorty, (717) 757-3079 Warren Corprew Cousing It, Dairah, Micielo 1. Takoma Park, MD 8116170 2501 Maryland Rd. J-9 3. Sophomore Class Secretary; Junior 2. Babe, Care-Bear Willow Grove, PA 19090 Class Pastorette; A YS Leader; 3. Tumbling; Choir; Student Council; (215) 659-0938 Choir; Outdoor Club; Who's Who Echoes Typist. 1. Philadelphia, PA 1217/69 Among American High School Stu­ 4. To live next door to my roomie in 2. Marcus, Rosebud, Waren, Herb, dents; Messages; Piano; Voice. Canada. Warren-babes 4. To learn to serve and love the Fa­ 3. Varsity Basketball; Senior Class ther, like Jesus does. MaryAnn Buckley Vice President; Appalachian Re­ 62 Meadow Glen Rd. porter; Echoes Computer Techni­ Debbie Ehrlich Fort Salonga, NY 11768 cian; AYS Leader; 2 yr. Band; RD 4 Rolling Hills (516) 269-0732 Choir; Aerial Aires. Bloomsburg, PA 17815 1. Brooklyn, NY 4/2/70 4. Live in Heaven, have a family, own (717) 784-9053 a personal corporate law firm. 2. Maria, Meredith, Annabell, 1. Portland, Oregon 2/1169 "Bucky", Mom, Smiles 2. Lady D., Giggles, Debbie, "Little 3. Choir; Band; Praise Ensemble; Edsel Anthony Daley Debbie" Outdoor Club; Volleyball; Football; 130-26 123rd St. South Ozone Park 3. Vespers Leader; Choir; Usherette Usherette; Girls' Club Sergeant-at- Queens, NY 11780 4. Focus my eyes on JESUS;_beco~e a

132 nurse, marry the right "Steve". 17 Woodlawn Ave. 4 Eisenhower Dr. Atkinson, NH 03811 Newtonville, NJ 08346 Juliet Dawn Fox (603) 362-851 (609) 561-0781 410 Sturgis Rd. 1. Haverhill, MA 9/2170 1. Brooklyn, NY 12/11/69 Harleysville, PA 19438 2. Teri, Terrance, Holmeless, lames, 2. Tito, Ness, Nesco Man, The Wolf (215) 256-9859 . Sherlock 3. Intramural Basketball Team Cap­ 1. Norristown, PA 3/19170 3. Choir; Volleyball; Softball; Piano tain; Choir; Aerial Aries Tumbling 2. Jules, Jewels, Foxy Mamma, Fox 4. To go to college, get married and Team; Men's Club Secretary. 3. Volleyball . have a family, and to be happy. 4. Go home when Christ returns; be­ 4. To get married, Have lots of kids, come a medical doctor. and go to Heaven. William Holtry Rd 6 Box 425 Moise Lugassy Bill Ray Green Newville, PA 17241 PO Box 274 Rt 1 Box 115-A (717) 776-764 7 Edgemont, PA 19028 Goldsboro, NC 27530 1. Michigan 6/26170 (215) 692-5638 (919) 735-8448 2. Bill, Billy Boy, Big Bad Bill, Pest 1. Philadelphia, P A 7/8/69 1. Philadelphia, PA 10/1168 3. Football; Softball; Volleyball; Iron 2. Mouse, Moose, Morris, Frenchman 2. Man's Club; Praise; Choir; Divine; 3. Outdoor Club; Aviation; Yearbook 3. Volleyball; Parties Voice. Photographer. 4. On earth, a well to do business, 4. To be a success in God. 4. Heaven; go into business for my­ otherwise Heaven. self; do the best in everything I do. Joshua Livingstone Horsley Holly Harder 25 Pilgrim Rd. Dominic Manaloto 7406 Aspen Ave. Melrose, MA 02176 12422 Academy Rd. Takoma Park, MD 20912 (617) 665-6025 f>hila., PA 19152 (310) 270-4313 1. Ontario, Canada 3/5170 (215) 632-0917 1. Los Angeles, CA 1130170 2. Horse, Josh, Beast 1. 7/24/69 2. Friend, Daryl, Diz (thanks DK), 3. Being with Stacy; Weight lifting 2. Holy Herder 4. Marry my best friend, own a chain 3. Reading; Studying; Learning about 3. Parties; Praise; Choir; Drama Club; of health clubs. nature. Camouflage Capers. 4. To get to the of God by overcoming. 4. To own a cabin in Canada and Phil Jamosky drive a Blazer. Rd 4 24 Lindoln Dr. Donna Nicole Sharon McCullers Hamburg, PA 19526 6105 Carpentar St. Laura Lynn Harner (215) 562-4986 Phila., PA 19143 111 Maple Ave. 1. Pottsville, PA 4/22/69 (215) 747-0646 Hanover, PA 17331 2. Mousesky, Philipa, Flipper 1. Philadelphia, PA 5/13170 (717) 632-7 466 3. 2. Dee, Don-Don, McCullers 1. Hanover, PA 12/31/69 4. To be successful in the automotive 3. Band; Girls' Club 2. Gullible Gertrude, Whitney, the field and in life and to make enough 4. To own my own business and to Winker, Purple lover, Wimpy, money to do what I want when I become closer to Christ. Sam-l-Am, Harness, Crocket, and want. Flower Picker. Winsome Ann-Marie Messam 3. Freshman Class Secretary; In­ Leroy J. Kent 209-29 111 Ave. tramurals; Who's Who Among Rd 2 Box 659 American High School Students; Queens, NY 11429 Brockway, PA 15824 (718) 479-9300 Girls' Club President; 3 yr. Choir; 2 (814) 265-4355 yr. Praise; Drama Club; Appala­ 1. Manhattan, NY 10/22/69 1. Philipsburg, PA 8/1170 2. Slim, Plinter, Dr. J., Half my name, chian Editor. 2. Rocky, Rock, Rock-Nad, Beastie, 4. Become a successful journalism L.K. Sexy, Badness major; obtain editorship of a world 3. Football; Softball; Volleyball; 3. Vice President of Girls' Club; Bas­ famous magazine; write a best sell­ ketball; Running Sprints; Handball Weight lifting; Praise Ensemble; and Double Dutch. ing book; eventually host my own Choir. television show; and someday have 4. To be the best at what I do and to 4. Be financially well off; own a Por­ see my Lord in Heaven. a live interview with Jesus in His sche 944; become a private inves­ eternal kingdom. tigator. Don Lee Milner Candace Leigh Hays Nicole Lester 54 VanZant 1 Gail Court 530 Beacon St. Norwalk, CT 06855 Belle Mead, NJ 08502 Camden, NJ 08105 (203) 855-0826 (201) 874-7794 1. Norwalk, CT 7117170 (609) 541-7627 2. Dizzy-D, Turbo, DOD; Corneluis; 1. Norristown, PA 11/23170 1. Philadelphia, PA 6/3170 2. Can, Candy 2. Kangol Kid; King of Wheels; Af­ 3. Softball; Volleyball rican Prince 3. Choir; Football; Piano 3. Senior Class Sgt-at-Arms; B 4. To get married, have a family, be 4. To be the best physically and spir­ successful in life, and go to heaven. League Basketball; Softball; Foot­ itually. ball; KGB; KOAS; Choir; Swim­ Terilyn Beth Holmes Nesco Mario Lettsome, Jr. ming; Renaissance; May 16th-18th

133 4. To get married and have children; Catasaqua, P A 18032 3. Who's Who Among American Higt to be a lawyer. (215) 264-8954 School Students; Choir; Praise En· 1. San Juan, Puerto Rico 12/24/69 semble; Usherette; Echoes Layou1 Christina Sue Mishler 2. 0.0., Omi, MY, Shorty, Amayra Editor. Rd 1 Aiviar, Elvira 4. Become psychologist, marry a good 3. Junior Class Secret\).ry; ln­ man, and be worthy of a place in Rockwood, PA 15557 Heaven. (814) 926-2643 tramurals; Outdoor Club; Usher­ 1. Meyersdale, PA 11118/69 ette. 2. Chris, Christine, Kissy, Tina, 4. To follow Christ and to spend eter­ C. Amaris Payne Smiley nity with Him. 115-39 218 St. 3. Sports; Outdoor Club; Choir; Band; Cambria Heights, NY 11411 Who's Who Among American High Stephen L. Osborn (212) 527-1052 School Students; Bowling; Skating. Rt 2 Box 235 1. Brooklyn, NY 10/23170 4. Go to college and become a school DuBois, PA 15801 2. Mari, Marita, Payita, Shortstop, teacher and someday get married. (814) 375-1276 Shorty, Amarita, Onion 1. Holdredge, Nebraska 1127170 3. Band 3 yr.; Choir 3 yr.; Praise En­ Hilda Jeanette Jenny Montero 2. OZZY, Blizzard of Ozz semble 2 yr.; Appalachian; Girls' 69 Plum St. 3. Photography; Chess; Reading; Varsity; Usherette; Girls' Club Sec­ Central Islip, NY 11722 Most sports; RPG. retary; Senior Class Secretary; In­ 1. Ponce, Puerto Rico 12/21169 4. To be the best lawyer in the world. tramurals 2. Jenny 4. To have a successful marriage and 3. ACT; Volleyball John William Pahler to live with Jesus for all eternity. 4. To be an RN; Travel; become a PO Box 631 good Christian; raise a family. New Cumberland, PA 17070 Dave Rogers (412) 364-4142 431 Locust Grove Rd. Christopher L. Neuin 1. Columbia, SC 10/4/69 York, PA 17402 Rd 1 Box 162-B Schubert Rd. 2. John1 Hanny, JP, Pahler, Johann (717) 757-2568 Bethel, PA 19507 3. Aviation; '87 School Year Track 1. York, PA 7/16/68 (717) 933-8949 Member; Intramurals. 2. Rogers, Tager, Mr. Rogers 1. Lebanon Valley Berneral 5/27170 4 Go to Andrew to be a commercial 3. Volleyball; Weight lifting 2. Chrsi pilot; be ready for the second com­ 4. Be a therapist in a hospital. 3. Baseball; Football; Soccer. ing. 4. To graduate and get a good job. Celeste Patricia Lynn Ryan Joanne Y. Park 4024 Monticello Ave. Nancy Esther Newhall 1504 Howard Ave. Bronx, NY 10464 PO Box 2 Pottsville, PA 17901 (212) 994-5366 Bellport, NY 11713 (717) 628-4748 1. Hancock, NY 8/28170 (516) 289-4077 1. Seoul, Korea 11/11170 2. Pizza, Celestial, Baby, Mama, C­ 1. Los Angeles, CA 5/25/70 2. Jo-Jo, Ling-Ling, YooHoo, smiley, less 2. Bell, Pigeon, Bush, Oscar, Colom­ Johann S. Back, Ninja, Warbling, 3. Choir 2 yr.; Band 2 yr.; Girls' Club bian Coffee Bean, Friend, Nance, Butch, Kor, Park Avenue Treasurer Second Semester; Senior Nancita, Nutball, Fancey, Coqueta, 3. Junior Class President; SA Vice Class Treasurer. Mi Cielo, and "BUM" President; SA PR Secretary; Ap­ 4. To be editor of my own magazine, 3. PR Secretary; Sophomore Class palachian Reporter; Outdoor Club get married, go to Heaven. Pastorette; Junior Class Vice Pres­ Pastorette; Praise Ensemble; Choir ident; 4 yr. Choir; 3 yr. Praise En­ Pianist; Band. Pati Christina Scheib semble; Who's Who Among Amer­ 4. Talk to my Best Friend - face to Rd 1 Box 260 ican High School" Students; AYS face. Millersburg, P A 17061 Assistant; Outdoor Club; Messages; (717) 362-8668 and SS Assistant Leader; Piano. Tommie Parson 1. Susbury, PA 3/4/69 4. To serve Jesus for eternity. 636 Brooklyn Ave. 2. Patricia Brooklyn, NY 11203 3. Softball; Choir; Volleyball. Rebecca Marie Norton (718) 771-2201 4. College, Marriage, Heaven, cabin in Box 350-D Rd 8 1. Brooklyn, NY 2/24/69 Canada. Mountain Top, PA 18707 2. Toniski, Champ 3. Being with Opal; Football; Softball; Vielka I. Scott (717) 678-7764 Weight lifting. 1. Dallas, PA 3/3170 673 Rockaway Parkway 4. To grow close to the Lord, Get a Brooklyn, NY 1236 2. Becky, Bee, Snorton, Reebok, Bud­ good occupation and get married. dy (718) 346-8209 3. Freshman Vice President; Basket­ 1. Brooklyn, NY 11/25170 ball; Volleyball; Softball; Varsity; Michele Temporal Patricio 2. Bee, Skinny Boom Boom, Hips Hambur State Center. 413 Joanne Lane 3. Basketball; Flagball; Handball; 4. Go to Heaven, Be a good social Uniontown, PA 15401 Double Dutch. worker or missionary. (412) 438-5686 4. To definitely go to Heaven and to 1. Norristown, PA 2/28170 become a psychiatrist. Nellie Omayra Oliver 2. Mikki. Mik, "Patti", Mikki Mouse, 635 S. 14th St. Flip Julie Lynn Slater

134 Rd 3 Box 3628 Hamburg, PA 19526 (717) 421-2938 Hartland Institute (215) 562c5346 1. Stroudsburg, P A 1124170 PO Box 1 1. Battle Creek Michigan 10/1/69 2. Popsickle, Lillipop, Pickle Rapidan, VA 22733 2. Jewel, Jewels, Slaughter, Tudie, 3. Praise Ensemble; Band; Choir; (703) 672-0317 Trixity, Jelly Bean, Freada, Rubber Shopping and spending with friends. 1. Oxnard, CA 3/30/71 Band. 2. Danny, Will, Will it or Won't it? 3. Freshman Class Treasurer; Senior 4. Happiness, Success, Marriage, Heaven. 3. Who's Who Among American High Class Pastorette; Choir 4 yr.; Aerial School Students; Computer Club; Aires 1 yr.; Maranatha; Branch SS. Tech. Consultant; Reading IBM 4. To be a success in all that I do, David C. Varner Users Group; Aviation; Piano; Out­ marry a wonderful man, raise a 622 Loblolly Ave. door Club; Biking; Thinking; Gen­ family and see everyone in Heaven. Winnsboro, SC 29180 eral all-time computer consulting 1. Allentown, PA 3/18170 and repair. John F. Stoddart 2. Davy-Baby, KJ, Reverend 4. Serve God, be successful, and some­ 2078 N. 62nd St. 3. Reading; Sleeping; Enjoying na­ day get married. Phila., PA 19151 ture. (215) 377-5377 4. Go to Heaven and live life to the Scott C. Williams 1. Philadelphia, P A 2/17171 fullest. 705 Clinton St. 2. "Maestro", "John-John", "Mr. Camden, NJ 08103 President", "Boom-Boom" Kimberly Maureen Walter (605) 541-3593 3. Varsity Basketball; Band; Choir; 2465 Yankee Rd. 1. Camden, NJ 12114/69 Senior Class President; Piano; Or­ Quakertown, PA 18951 2. Chill-Most, Snotty, Speedster, gan. (215) 538-1541 Connton, Scotty Tissue · 4. Engineer, Piano performer, Heav­ 1. Sellersville, P A 117170 3. en. 2. Kimber, Kimmy, Kiddo, Dolly, 4. Be with my family in Heaven. Princess, Precious Donald Raymon Swift 3. Who's Who Among American High David Jerome Winn 228 W. Middle St. School Students; Freshman Class 1401 Pershing Blvd. Apt. 213 Gettysburg, P A 17325 Secretary; SA Secretary; Yearbook Staff; Piano; Choir. Reading, PA 19607 (717) 337-3630 (215) 775-2810 1. Hanover, PA 1/23170 4. Be happily married, have a fulfill­ ing career, and go to Heaven. 1. Vallejo, CA 5112170 2. Goo-Goo, Donato, Roofus, Donny, 2. Rusty, Red, Big Red, Professor Sunshine, Bonseye, Swifty, Swifto, 3. Football; Basketball; Band; BMA Ramoncito, White Shadow Camilla Marie W ardecke Brass. 3. A league basketball; Volleyball; Rd 3 Box 3718 4. Become a renaissance man. Football; Softball; Varsity; Choir. Hamburg, PA 19526 4. To be happy, have a lot of children. (215) 562-2863 To have a good wife, To own a 1. Reading, PA 5/21169 "THIS TIME IS Mustang GT. 2. Jaymes, Procter, Wardeska, Cameo 3. Sophomore Class Vice President; OUR'' Robert Tokk Swift PR Secretary; SA President; ln­ Lilac Dr. tramurals; Appalachian Typist; Lancaster, PA 17602 Echoes Business Manager. (717) 392-5224 4. To be established and have my own 1. Lancaster, PA 3/18/70 clothes store. 2. Sip, Skippy, Skipper, Pretty Boy 3. Who's Who Among American High David E. Webb School Students; 6-string guitar; 216 Washington St. Chess; Keeping Jodi happy! Hamburg, PA 19536 4. Become a successful lawyer and be (215) 562-3405 a guitar teacher. 1. Mercer, PA 7/26170 2. Webb, Fat Boy Opal Carolynn Thomas 3. Chess; Fishing; Biking; Hiking; 55 Timberidge Dr. Boming; TV. Commack, NY 11725 4. Leave BMA, and live happily ever (616) 269-4021 after. 1. Kingston, Jamaica 5/3170 2. Oppie, Opus, Short Stuff, Opium Kristen Wells 3. Volleyball; Basketball; Softball; 3 Todd Dr. Football. Norton, MA 02766 4. To get closer to the Lord, get mar­ ried, and have kids! (617) 285-3562 1. Takoma Park, MD 12/30/70 2. Kris, Little Woman Lori Kimara Van Sickle 3. Volleyball, Piano; Tennis Rd 7 Box 7643 4. To find success ... Stroudsburg, PA 18360 Daniel Paul Willett

135 Thanks for the memories!

"There's a sad sort of clanging from \ the bells in the hall." It is May 25, and \ final exams are over. No more rushing to chapel at 6:45 a.m., no more classes, no more tests. In four days Graduation will be here and the class of 1988 will become alumni students. From marching practice, to marching down the road of tomorrow. These times were ours and no one can take them away from our memories of Blue Mountain Academy. As our future lies before us, the greatest comfort that could accompany .. the class of '88 would be in knowing that ' . someday we will all be reunited in Heaven. Let this be our goal as we unite the world in God's circle of love. The day has come that we have to part. We'll do our best to reach the stars because time is, was, and always will be . .. ours.