(2006/C 307/04) (The Sitting Opened at 9.15 Am) in the CHAIR

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(2006/C 307/04) (The Sitting Opened at 9.15 Am) in the CHAIR 15.12.2006 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 307/7 MINUTES OF THE SITTING OF THURSDAY, 22 JUNE 2006 (2006/C 307/04) (The sitting opened at 9.15 a.m.) IN THE CHAIR: Mrs KINNOCK Co-President 1. Substitutes The amended resolution was adopted unopposed with one abstention. The Co-President announced the following substitutes: van den Berg (for Dobolyi), Pomés Ruiz (for Herranz García), Fernández — Report on the role of regional integration in the promotion Martín (for López-Istúriz White), Goebbels (for Bullman), of peace and security (ACP-EU 3850/06/fin.) — Committee Mauro (for Sartori) and Zaleski (for Wieland). on Political Affairs. Co-rapporteurs: Ateem Garang Deng (Sudan) and Johan Van Hecke. 2. Approval of the minutes of the sittings of Wednesday, Amendments 1, 2 (with oral amendment) and 4 (with oral 21 June, morning and afternoon amendment) were adopted. The amended resolution was adopted unopposed with one abstention. The minutes were approved. — Report on fisheries and their social and environmental aspects in developing countries (ACP-EU 3847/06/fin.) — Committee on Social Affairs and the Environment. Co- 3. Summary reports from the workshops rapporteurs: Joses Sanga (Solomon Islands) and Emanuel Jardim Fernandes. — M. Schröder on migration and integration. — Mr Goebbels on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass Amendments 1-12, 13 (with oral amendment), 14 (with destruction. oral amendment), 15 and an oral amendment to paragraph 41a were adopted. The amended resolution was adopted — Mr Duguid (Barbados) on public transport in Vienna. unopposed with one abstention. 4. Debate on the situation in Timor-Leste (without resolu- tion) 7. Vote on the urgent motions for resolutions Mr Amorim (Ambassador of Timor-Leste) made a statement on the situation in his country. — Urgent motion for a resolution on avian influenza (ACP-EU 3898/06/fin.). Speakers: Bowis, Jardim Fernandes, Korhola, Ribeiro e Castro, Almada (Cape Verde), de Sousa (Angola), Theodorakis (Euro- Amendments 1 and 2 were adopted. The amended resolu- pean Commission) and Jardim Fernandes. tion was adopted unopposed with one abstention. The Assembly decided that the two Co-Presidents would send a — Urgent motion for a resolution on the situation in Sudan letter to the Timor-Leste authorities expressing its concerns and (ACP-EU 3990/06/fin.). its solidarity. The following raised a point of order (Article 33(1) of the Rules of Procedure): Gahler, Hay Webster (Jamaica), Garang Deng (Sudan), Keita (Mali) and Abdi Said (Djibouti). 5. Vote on amendments to the Rules of Procedure Amendments 1, 2 (secret ballot — Article 15 of the Rules This item was held over to the next session. of Procedure), 4, 5 (secret ballot), 6 (secret ballot) and an oral amendment inserting paragraph 15a were adopted. The amended resolution was adopted by 34 votes to 29, 6. Vote on the motions for resolutions included in the with 1 abstention. reports submitted by the three standing committees — Report on the problematics of energy in the ACP countries (ACP-EU 3850/06/fin.) — Committee on Economic Devel- 8. Other business opment, Finance and Trade. Co-rapporteurs: Nita Deerpal- sing (Mauritius) and Nirj Deva. The Co-President proposed giving the floor to Mr Polanco Amendments 1-5, 7-10, 11 (with oral amendment), 12 (Observer for Cuba), pursuant to Article 4(4) of the Rules of (with oral amendment), 13, 14, 15 and 17 were adopted. Procedure. C 307/8EN Official Journal of the European Union 15.12.2006 Speaker: Gahler (point of order — Article 33(1) of the Rules of Mrs Hay Webster proposed that the Assembly should request Procedure). observer status at the United Nations. Decision: The Assembly decided to give the floor to Mr Polanco, who made a statement on the situation in his country. 9. Date and place of the 12th session of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly Speakers: Amon-Ago (Côte d'Ivoire), Bowis, Martínez Martínez and Straker (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines), Ribeiro e The 12th session would be held from 18 to 23 November Castro, Martínez Martínez and Schröder. 2006 in Bridgetown (Barbados). (The sitting closed at 12.20 p.m.) René RADEMBINO-CONIQUET and Sir John KAPUTIN and Glenys KINNOCK Dietmar NICKEL Co-Presidents Co-Secretaries General 15.12.2006 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 307/9 ANNEX I ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE JOINT PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY ACP Representatives EP Representatives RADEMBINO-CONIQUET (GABON), Co-President KINNOCK, Co-President BENIN (VP) GAHLER (VP) CAMEROON (VP) MANTOVANI (VP) EQUATORIAL GUINEA (VP) VERGES (VP) GHANA (VP) CARLOTTI (VP) JAMAICA (VP) MITCHELL (VP) KENYA (VP) JOAN I MARÍ (VP) NIUE (VP) LULLING (VP) SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES (VP) KAMIŃSKI (VP) SEYCHELLES (VP) CORNILLET (VP) SOLOMON ISLANDS (VP) MARTÍNEZ MARTÍNEZ (VP) SWAZILAND (VP) BOWIS (VP) ZAMBIA (VP) GOUDIN (VP) ANGOLA AGNOLETTO ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA ALLISTER BAHAMAS ARIF BARBADOS AUBERT BELIZE AYLWARD BOTSWANA BEREND BURKINA FASO BULLMANN BURUNDI BUSK CAPE VERDE CALLANAN CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC COELHO CHAD de VILLIERS COMOROS DEVA CONGO (Republic of the) DILLEN CONGO (Democratic Republic of the) DOBOLYI COOK ISLANDS DOMBROVSKIS CÔTE D’IVOIRE EK DJIBOUTI FERREIRA DOMINICA GAUBERT DOMINICAN REPUBLIC GOMES ERITREA GRABOWSKA ETHIOPIA GRÖNER FIJI HALL GAMBIA HAUG GRENADA HERRANZ GARCÍA GUINEA JARDIM FERNANDES GUINEA-BISSAU JÖNS GUYANA KACZMAREK HAITI KORHOLA KIRIBATI KOZLÍK LESOTHO KUŁAKOWSKI LIBERIA LANGENDRIES MADAGASCAR LEHIDEUX MALAWI LÓPEZ-ISTÚRIZ WHITE MALI LOUIS MARSHALL ISLANDS (Republic of the) MARTENS MAURITANIA MAYER MAURITIUS McAVAN MICRONESIA (Federated States of) MORILLON MOZAMBIQUE NOVAK NAMIBIA PLEGUEZUELOS AGUILAR NAURU (Republic of) POLFER NIGER RIBEIRO E CASTRO NIGERIA ROITHOVÁ PALAU ROSATI PAPUA NEW GUINEA SARTORI RWANDA SCHEELE SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS SCHLYTER SAINT LUCIA SCHMIDT SAMOA SCHNELLHARDT SÃO TOMÉ AND PRÍNCIPE SCHRÖDER SENEGAL SJÖSTEDT SIERRA LEONE SORNOSA MARTÍNEZ SOMALIA SPERONI SOUTH AFRICA STURDY C 307/10EN Official Journal of the European Union 15.12.2006 SUDAN VALENCIANO MARTÍNEZ-OROZCO SURINAME VAN HECKE TANZANIA VAN LANCKER TIMOR-LESTE VENETO TOGO WIELAND TONGA WIJKMAN TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO WILLMOTT TUVALU WURTZ UGANDA ZÁBORSKÁ VANUATU ZANI ZIMBABWE COMMITTEE ON POLITICAL AFFAIRS ACP Members EP Members NDUWIMANA (BURUNDI), Co-Chairman CALLANAN, Co-Chairman LUTUNDULA (CONGO, Democratic Republic of the),VC JÖNS, VC DUGUID (BARBADOS), VC POLFER, VC ANGOLA CARLOTTI BELIZE COELHO BENIN DILLEN CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC DOBOLYI COOK ISLANDS GAHLER DJIBOUTI GOMES EQUATORIAL GUINEA GRABOWSKA FIJI GRÖNER GRENADA HERRANZ GARCÍA GUINEA JONCKHEER HAITI KACZMAREK LIBERIA KAMINSKI MAURITANIA LANGENDRIES NAMIBIA LÓPEZ ISTÚRIZ NIGERIA LOUIS NIUE MANTOVANI PAPUA NEW GUINEA MARTÍNEZ MARTÍNEZ SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES MORILLON SUDAN SARTORI TOGO VAN HECKE TUVALU WIELAND UGANDA WURTZ ZIMBABWE ZANI COMMITTEE ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, FINANCE AND TRADE ACP Members EP Members FRANCOIS (SAINT LUCIA), Co-Chairman SCHLYTER, Co-Chairman SEBETELA (BOTSWANA), VC DOMBROVSKIS, VC DARBO (CHAD), VC RIBEIRO E CASTRO, VC ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA AGNOLETTO CAMEROON BEREND CONGO (Republic of the) BULLMANN CÔTE D’IVOIRE BUSK ERITREA CORNILLET ETHIOPIA DEVA GABON FERREIRA GHANA GAUBERT GUYANA JOAN I MARI KENYA KINNOCK MALI KOZLÍK MAURITIUS LEHIDEUX MICRONESIA (Federal States of) LULLING PALAU MAYER SAMOA McAVAN SENEGAL MITCHELL SIERRA LEONE PLEGUEZUELOS AGUILAR SOUTH AFRICA ROSATI SWAZILAND SPERONI TANZANIA STURDY TONGA VAN LANCKER TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO de VILLIERS ZAMBIA ZĪLE 15.12.2006 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 307/11 COMMITTEE ON SOCIAL AFFAIRS AND THE ENVIRONMENT ACP Members EP Members OUMAROU (NIGER), Co-Chairman SCHEELE, Co-Chairwoman SANGA (SOLOMON ISLANDS), VC NOVAK, VC SITHOLE (MOZAMBIQUE), VC ARIF, VC BAHAMAS ALLISTER BURKINA FASO AUBERT CAPE VERDE AYLWARD COMOROS BOWIS DOMINICA EK DOMINICAN REPUBLIC GOUDIN GAMBIA HALL GUINEA BISSAU HAUG JAMAICA JARDIM FERNANDES KIRIBATI KORHOLA LESOTHO KUŁAKOWSKI MADAGASCAR MARTENS MALAWI ROITHOVA MARSHALL ISLANDS (Republic of) SCHNELLHARDT NAURU SCHRÖDER RWANDA SJÖSTEDT SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS SORNOSA MARTÍNEZ SÃO TOMÉ E PRÍNCIPE VALENCIANO MARTÍNEZ-OROZCO SEYCHELLES VENETO SOMALIA VERGES SURINAME WIJKMAN TIMOR-LESTE WILLMOTT VANUATU ZÁBORSKÁ C 307/12EN Official Journal of the European Union 15.12.2006 ANNEX II RECORD OF ATTENDANCE AT THE SESSION 19 TO 22 JUNE IN VIENNA RADEMBINO-CONIQUET (Gabon), Co-President KINNOCK, Co-President DE SOUSA (Angola) AGNOLETTO (1)(4) DUGUID (Barbados) BEREND AKPOVI (Benin) (VP) BOWIS (VP) SEBETELA (Botswana) BUSK (1)(2)(3) TAPSOBA (Burkina Faso) CARLOTTI (VP) HOPFFER ALMADA (Cape Verde) CORNILLET (VP) (1)(2)(3) NYASSA (Cameroon) (VP) DEVA SORONGOPE-ZOUMANDJI (Central African Republic) DILLEN (1)(2) KAGUER DARBO (Chad) EVANS (for FERREIRA) (1)(2)(3) OBA APOUNOU (Congo, Republic of the) FERNÁNDEZ MARTÍN (for LÓPEZ-ISTÚRIZ WHITE) KOS’ISAKA NKOMBE(Congo, Democratic Republic of the) GAHLER (VP) AMON-AGO (Côte d’Ivoire) GOEBBELS (for BULLMANN) ABDI SAID (Djibouti) GOMES (1)(2)(3) NGUEMA OWONO (Equatorial Guinea) (VP) GOUDIN (VP) TSEGGAI (Eritrea) GRABOWSKA TOGA (Ethiopia) GRÖNER CAVUILATI (Fiji) (*) HALL MAKONGO (Gabon) HAUG NYAN-ALABOSON (Gambia) (*) JARDIM FERNANDES DUFU (Ghana) (VP) (*) JOAN I MARÍ (VP) (3)(4) TOP (Guinea) JÖNS (2)(4) BERNARD CHERON (Haiti) KACZMAREK (1)(3)(4) HAY WEBSTER (Jamaica) (VP) KORHOLA (1)(4) KAMOTHO (Kenya) (VP) KOZLÍK (1) TIHELI (Lesotho) (*) LEHIDEUX (1)(2) FANJAVA (Madagascar) LULLING (VP) MATOLA (Malawi) MANTOVANI (VP) (3)(4) KEITA (Mali)
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