Asta Venskūnienė

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Asta Venskūnienė VYTAUTO DIDŽIOJO UNIVERSITETAS HUMANITARINIŲ MOKSLŲ FAKULTETAS ANGLŲ FILOLOGIJOS KATEDRA Asta Venskūnienė KULTŪRINIŲ REALIJŲ VERTIMO Į LIETUVIŲ KALBĄ STRATEGIJOS KETURIUOSE DIDŽIOSIOS BRITANIJOS IR KANADOS JAUNIMO ROMANUOSE Magistro baigiamasis darbas Taikomosios anglų kalbotyros studijų programa, valstybinis kodas 62404H123 Filologijos studijų kryptis Vadovė Milda Danytė ______________ ___________ (parašas) (data) Apginta_________________ ______________ ____________ (Fakulteto dekanė) (parašas) (data) Kaunas, 2011 TRANSLATION STRATEGIES FOR CULTURE-SPECIFIC ITEMS IN THE LITHUANIAN VERSIONS OF FOUR BRITISH AND CANADIAN NOVELS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE By Asta Venskūnienė Department of English Philology Vytautas Magnus University Master of Arts Thesis Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Milda Danytė May 2011 Table of Contents SANTRAUKA SUMMARY 1. INTRODUCTION……..……………………………………………………………………….1 2. TERMS FOR TRANSLATION STRATEGIES………………………………………….….3 3. CULTURE-SPECIFIC ITEMS IN THE LITHUANIAN TRANSLATIONS OF FOUR BRITISH AND CANADIAN NOVELS: THE IMPORTANCE OF CSIs AND TRANSLATION STRATEGIES USED BY THE FOUR TRANSLATORS………..6 3.1 The Importance of References to Nature and the Art of Emily Carr in Katherine Holubitsky’s Alone at Ninety Foot…………………..…………………….......6 3.2 Ugnė Vitkutė’s Lithuanian Translation of Alone at Ninety Foot: Translation Strategies for Culture-specific Items……………………………………………………..7 3.2.1 The Translation of the Names of Characters…………………………………….…8 3.2.2 The Translation of Geographical Names……………………………………….…..9 3.2.3 The Translation of Plants and Animals…………………………………………....10 3.2.4 The Translation of Food Items……………………………………………………..12 3.2.5 The Translation of Literary and Art References…………………………………14 3.2.6 The Translation of References to School……………………………………….….14 3.2.7 The Translation of Brand Names……………………………………………….…15 3.2.8 The Translation of References to Music and Dancing……………………….…...16 3.2.9 The Translation of Other Culture-specific Items………………………………....17 3.2.10 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………….19 3.3 The Importance of Food Culture in Norah McClintock’s Hit and Run……………….19 3.4 Regina Šeškuvienė’s Lithuanian Translation of Hit and Run: Translation Strategies for Culture-specific Items……………………………………………………20 3.4.1 The Translation of the Names of Characters……………………………………..21 3.4.2 The Translation of Food Items…………………………………………………….22 3.4.3 The Translation of Geographical Names…………………………………………24 3.4.4 The Translation of References to School………………………………………….25 3.4.5 The Translation of Brand Names…………………………………………………26 3.4.6 The Translation of Currency………………………………………………………27 3.4.7 The Translation of Historical References ………………………………………...27 3.4.8 The Translation of Other Culture-specific Items………………………………....28 3.4.9 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………….…..30 3.5 The Importance of Clothing, Food Items and Literary References in Jacqueline Wilson’s Double Act………….……………………………………….…..31 3.6 Gabija Ryškuvienė’s Lithuanian Translation of Double Act: Translation Strategies for Culture-specific Items…………………………………………….………32 3.6.1 The Translation of the Names of Characters……………………………………..32 3.6.2 The Translation of Literary References…………………………………………..34 3.6.3 The Translation of Food Items…………………………………………………….35 3.6.4 The Translation of Clothing Items………………………………………………...37 3.6.5 The Translation of Games…………………………………………………………38 3.6.6 The Translation of References to School………………………………………….39 3.6.7 The Translation of Other Culture-specific Items………………………………...39 3.6.8 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………..41 3.7 The Importance of Furniture Items, Household Goods and Accessories in Mary Norton’s The Borrowers…………………………………………………..….....42 3.8 Viltaras Alksnėnas’ Lithuanian Translation of The Borrowers: Translation Strategies for Culture-specific Items……………………………………………….…...43 3.8.1 The Translation of the Names of Characters …………………………………….44 The Translation of the Names of Human Beings…………………………44 The Translation of the Names of the Borrowers………………………….45 3.8.2 The Translation of Furniture, Household Goods and Accessories……………...46 3.8.3 The Translation of Food Items…………………………………………………….48 3.8.4 The Translation of Literary and Music References……………………………...49 3.8.5 The Translation of Foreign Language References……………………………….50 3.8.6 The Translation of Historical References…………………………………………51 3.8.7 The Translation of Proverbial Sayings……………………………………………52 3.8.8 The Translation of Other Culture-specific Items………………………………...52 3.8.9 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………..54 4. STATISTICAL INFORMATION ON THE TRANSLATION STRATEGIES USED IN HIT AND RUN, ALONE AT NINETY FOOT, THE BORROWERS AND DOUBLE ACT………………..……………………………………………………………..…55 6. CONCLUSION……………………………………………………………………….….…....59 7. APPENDICES: Appendix 1: Plot Summaries of the Four Novels…………………………………….….….61 Appendix 2: Culture-specific Items in the Four Novels and in Their Lithuanian Translations………………………………………………………………….... 63 Appendix 2A: Culture-specific Items in Katherine Holubitsky’s Alone at Ninety Foot and in the Translation by Ugnė Vitkutė..………………...63 Appendix 2B: Culture-specific Items in Norah McClintock’s Hit and Run and in the Translation by Regina Šeškuvienė…………….………..…..70 Appendix 2C: Culture-specific Items in Jacqueline Wilson’s Double Act and in the Translation by Gabija Ryškuvienė…………..……...………76 Appendix 2D: Culture-specific Items in Mary Norton’s The Borrowers and in the Translation by Viltaras Alksnėnas…………...…...…………81 LIST OF REFERENCES…………………………………………………..…………….…..88 SANTRAUKA Šiame magistro darbe analizuojamos keturių vertėjų strategijos perteikiant kultūrines realijas keturiuse Didžiosios Britanijos ir Kanados jaunimo romanų vertimuose į lietuvių kalbą. Tai -Katherine Holubitsky romanas „Vienatvė prie Devyniasdešimties Pėdų tvenkinio“, Nora McClintock romanas „Pabėgęs iš įvykio vietos“, Jacqueline Wilson - „Mes - dvynės!“ bei Mary Norton - „Skoliniautojai“. Šiuose romanuose rasta daug įvairių kultūrinių realijų, kurios atspindi paauglių gyvenimą ir jiems svarbius dalykus. Kultūrinių realijų vertimas analizuojamas taikant Eirlys E. Davies strategijas. Šiai analizei atrinktos tos kultūrinių realijų grupės, kurios atlieka svarbų vaidmenį atskleidžiant romanų temas bei atvaizduojant pagrindinius veikėjus. Vertimo strategijų statistinių duomenų suvestinė padeda aiškiau suvokti keturių lietuvių vertėjų naudojamas strategijas. Darbą sudaro penki skyriai ir du priedai. Pirmame skyriuje pristatomas darbo tikslas ir analizės objektas - trumpai apibūdinamas kultūrinių realijų vertimas keturiuose Didžiosios Britanijos ir Kanados romanuose jaunimui. Antrame skyriuje paaiškinamos sąvokos, naudojamos kultūrinių realijų vertimo analizei. Trečią skyrių sudaro aštuoni poskyriai. 3.1, 3.3, 3.5 ir 3.7 poskyriuose pristatomos kai kurios svarbios kiekvieno romano kultūrinių realijų grupės, o 3.2, 3.4, 3.6 ir 3.8 poskyriuose aptariamos kultūrinių realijų vertimo strategijos kiekviename romane. Pastarieji poskyriai dar suskirstyti pagal kultūrinių realijų grupes. Ketvirtame skyriuje pateikiama keturių vertėjų strategijų statistinė informacija. Penktame skyriuje pateikiamos išvados, apibendrinančios pagrindines šio darbo idėjas. Pirmajame priede pateikiamos keturių romanų santraukos, o antrajame, kurį sudaro keturios dalys, yra pateikiami visų kultūrinių realijų, rastų keturiuose romanuose, sąrašai su nurodytomis vertimo strategijomis. Taip pat pridedamas naudotos literatūros sąrašas. SUMMARY This thesis analyses the translation strategies for culture-specific items (CSIs) in the translations by four different Lithuanian translators of four British and Canadian novels for young people, Alone at Ninety Foot (2001) by Katherine Holubitsky, Hit and Run (2003) by Norah McClintock, Double Act (1996) by Jacqueline Wilson and The Borrowers (1952) by Mary Norton. All these novels have a great variety of culture-specific items, often reflecting the lives of children and adolescents and issues that are important to them. The analysis of translation of culture-specific items is based on the strategies suggested by Eirlys E. Davies, while the categories of culture-specific items that are chosen for deeper discussion are those of a higher importance for the characters or themes of the novel. Statistical analysis of the strategies helps to form a clearer picture of the strategic choices preferred by each of the four Lithuanian translators. The present work is divided into five sections and has two appendices. Section One introduces the purpose of the work and provides some information about the object of analysis: the translation of cultural references in four British and Canadian novels for young people. Section Two explains the terminology used for the analysis of the translation of culture-specific items. Section Three is divided into eight sub-sections: 3.1, 3.3, 3.5 and 3.7 discuss the importance of some categories of culture-specific items in each novel, while sub-sections 3.2, 3.4, 3.6 and 3.8 present the analysis of translation strategies by four Lithuanian translators for CSIs in each novel. The latter four sub-sections are further divided according to the categorization of culture-specific items. Section Four provides statistical information on the translation strategies used by all four translators. Section Five, the conclusion, summarizes the main ideas presented in this work. Appendix One provides plot summaries of the four novels. Appendix Two, which has four parts, provides lists of all the culture-specific items found in the four novels with
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