Problem As Manager O! Fjl) Per I'.«T and Uccuj.T Th
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OUT COVERING MATAWAN lf)Kul i.i!l THURSDAY - A,NT* TMF TOWNSHIP 01 Home nT^W/W U.Uil>MHU>. AM Week 1101 .itUl !. .n.d M.UM'iWi V7th YEAR •- 43rd WEEK MATAWAN, N. X, THURSDAY, APRIL 21. R«Ui!-i.\l _,ll'u:'l.ll Siri<j!<4 Copy Ten Cer.H itract iiitos Mala wan Republican (Uiadidales \\a llie lowos Miil.von Re^i'-ml IJ.MIM ,-/ E-J uciilhjn M'T'^IJ L.Jiin ucliid rtU'i ! Muller Chevrolet Inc., Ma'.awan. | Set Clock* Ahoml \ for caiN by which a driver educa- : ll'j llmt "•time" again! RuBilcrj : lion proRriun cm he ii^rtcd In [ha | nru reminded to set their clocks ! hi;;h school I'.'.'xt veil' H. wii! Ins \ ai» hour Iwfori) rulrlnx . foi pjpils lii i.!.o !1'.!> and !2th ! (•riulW only and will carry one' Sailil'lil* kil^Ili. Dtlyu&llt Sutlnji Tlmo will officially !«r residents credit point. The board pul j out of this tlme-oi-yt ir lethargy a dual control system in the cars ; Problem As Manager o! fjl) per i'.«t and uccuj.t th.. : this Sundtiv, the Sunday of '";;'ia.'"driu imihiR'iiancc piu^i Jin [ April. the simple act of pushing 01 the d.aler" F.d'.vcird Scullion, -I.'. i I- I:" M.-'....! 1 i"v -I-,';, t^;"": bu,;.ii'3s utisninMiiiWi. Kpo'l.-d Ii • those clock hands ahead ^vtjl will cust tW>0 liL-ninnce i avoid the usua> mix-ups in ar- riving a.s religiou* services arc Luther A. F<H!I.T. supc.rinleruk'nt. | coiH-ludiujt or un hour laf>* lo: 'v. '"i" • rcnorted the Rullo bus strike had i I- i T.,2 any other Sunday .appointment. l!"< 1.1 th>i :.i .vn-ln:3 (IHayrd (tie making of arrange- ; It will even enable those !»u In- 'l-ll.l ') ' 'i.i , inents bv [he hii'ls school [or the j clined to Ret started 1,11 time be- I sf.vors bus trip tu W,:.shni,;tiiii. j moaning the contlnintnw ol cold • Question was raideidd as lo h ' weather and the reluctance of ] ,',,•.-1 tin i ,--i:i..i III I SJ..-. an ^sJt:z™x^\*r^»^- | is i ••: I'V 'liii i.iCip.ii l .__ Mrs. Lois Forman, acting pres- j | Ident of the SUathmon." Parent- ! school ptopertiea at a c»»i I" | •i-.i-nini.-u: nm ii:::, .: V,- Teacher Organisation wanted to | moke it economic in comparison ; S IVA.I:!.' A'I Hi!: !>.• p.i;,l Sl'dl ,1 know about the arrangements on | with the utility ...;••< imposed. ; lhi> 10 porlibls classrooms for j Harold J. Dukin reiterated hi< ; 1IK6-67, fiw for the hl^h school and j opposition to the ra!".i bt!.n,j, mi | five for Strathroore school. It was j posed bv the Matauan Township j hi- ui: K v ::!.•• •)•• ,r i--, i';--,- i<\ admitted no arrunneriK'nt had been ; Utilities' Authority bv wiling no" ; mad'.' yet an custs for the irasters i on acceptance of the Md ui Ace [ V: . !:••.' i\ '.s -.i/...;, I'I.'.II.:II;I have mounted since a (inure was j Man/.o Inc., Matawan. tn $11,113 to j (ioodwyn (ioodhurt (It'll), Matam-n Borough , County Committee us llie party's IHtiii candidates fut I'leii,, a1,II A is 'Jr-cti-d to af,••>;>: put In the budget and also Ihe ft- I install sewer lines iron) the Cliff- i Republican Chairman, congratulates Lawrence Uucco this Borough Council al ih<! regular nuinlhl\ moptlng penspitirtable foe rclassroom the tie osf hautilities bees n tmoro thee wooowdn SchooCliffwtiol tdo thAve.e new. installe train dmai bny i (center) and (iiorge t'onnur (right), alter annouiK'ing ol Ills Republican Club of Kjiuugh. Iri:l.i> -.t'r .--*; 1 is i-':'i ; niiiii;'ei .if th.- th« H'.i'hiirity. Mr. Scullion admit- ; than reckoned. One difficulty was their selection by the Malawan Borough Republican evening. found lo be that tha trailer; a re ted the bid exceeded th» Estimate i \ !• .-,'-. 'I' !!.; 1 priced that in sl-c years th« pur-of JHOiW for the job. I Matawan Repiililicjns Friday fie (i'»l* Club at the Hook ami La rii-f. i-. j II-I (ill! 'Cljlrt ! chasing board o( education ownj The board also incepted tht • named la.vrence Biicio and t'oun der lire M<m<e. Bnud St.. I'l v h.tir:.,,i:i (mm ''^1,11114 s'lrrt lli'i)i\j-.enic;;is, w-l them oulrixht, but this wai found bid of M • n z o (ontractins Co.. | cilman George rminnr as th.'tr da\. !''- I" i"'1 ii:.'i. i to only unduly raise .the, rent to Mat-wan, for paving at $15,450 and i s ti .M.R i-oti'ic:! nomina Mi ('.>n.i<ir »iil lie seeking lit. Mi ll.n-co w.i. Imin i MI:.I-.\.I-' Matawan, «i a board desiring to I'hilbrico Sales and Servlo, New- ;tion in the S.'|>;t'mb'"r i'r.rr.::!'-- ,"i:i:i.l t!i:*'e V.MI term on the ^o\ - J' j I i S.i^ '-'v-.i in •:-.. aiv.i use them only « yea.r or two and i ark, at W3*n for supplying an in i Klection. The seleviion 'AJS an- ernm;; t«iJy Mr. Uncci, a iw* all '•-,* .,'-, 'h- ' I'i VCJIS in never to maka permjnent un af j clncrator. and to Manzo for con- •nounced at tin r«v!«Ur ineeini:4 of comer tu th.1 municipal elective of- i'"n'"-'l ui p.i.',-* !"u.r! trailer classrooms a policy. | structlnx handball cuurtt at W165, ; V. ,' ., • . I;I ,II.!. "rin ,; ...I !•• ' Provoke! Discussion But the board ran Into a snarl There w-aj discussion piovoked when informed that th« low bidder .me •" lie .UMli-d' ,:;'.'!H w!,., -i.,- by thin from tlie public about thelvn wateipioofitlg the. exterior of Summer School Program Causes u:nii',i-:its -,o see ivmi ,il [iiiviv-Vi board hijyin;: water from the town- [ Cliffwood Sthool had only inter ; ship and the township buying wa-ipreted tlm wording of the tender ] ( ter at wholesale from the borough to mean two stucco surfaces :n b.d 1L and then doubling the price to re- i ding $2W0 on the Jult. The o'lier ' -*d _ ^iliiau; I. Schucharl Is ,h.iwn hi'lng suuru iuio his SlJ.'itHI-a-year tail before delivering II In a sc!i.)iil. , bidder, tl.e I. IV Iliiivfiie lo. Regional Board Controversy Sir S.-nurliJit ii n>a.: •'J .i.i I ft-: ,,„,( aH,«jn lounship M.I.I.IJJII h\ 'iohnship lli-il>, Mi, l!o'.'e K. The board »a* r.oi inclined to be ; South River, fnuiiil to h.ive Ual.'H-i ol Ihio* jjilS.^An .\i.:i/ •,.'?_ Vk'riKfl I In w » .imnigtr Ixil mil . I nda, tl< IS M tild tonimt <vt.m. he ih.iiU a ii ."H-^KH- in i.i ,0 il,,, tuwnshlp Imnl I nnklni Ohm li»Vi? this was quite the onerous . bid piopeily al a HnU.'a of $7170- Luther A l-i^i.-r, Si!|'--li I'l-'U". tii.-r-i. ii-- - :.-'„! il- .1 ,il( Ihe sch.M. ,i . • . • '• ^ r u- -,< _ .••.••r ,-•>- tli» thin;: thai it s<n:n '—tl to he and it'ind thai ih-'i! hhl was *irh;n rh* • t:i>. Uv ' .ii nil;; *|J »V rt.i,'1', ,*..,-. j.i.Mt.l I IK $ i > III , i ti 5*1 0 11> : 1 1 ; ; 1 V-as adrntltt'd tM? serial's iud toiiKMiil'i ii.ui t*%i til.' h.lse o.l .iii.i i t "- S ."'•>•••• ' '"••• '. ''-itiii-,. :lil'lliil"ilratu; n .1 ' n-i, iiV ll-'-l-icide:'- Vltr>;!« '•1' lhi» ni.if, i;;>-r s iw>st stu-T, ,1 |*| I I » 1 'In »tude by the ordmancrs pruailiag j Offers fcxplfinailun .whin;'.i:ii :•> .'.'•-i'... '--I :•.:•• . •-..'.. ' '.'•-. ••- .''ii»"i; '• • '• ' ' •;:••• ;'•'/•_ '•-'••< >-' •-• ! • In I'I- HII...1-. *heu' t.i-v are 'ocjt- '. Vim eut I'. OiMaii. Ma'.a.vju, the ; f.i-vjr'! >'i nsiirfl !l« I'm u'ltv «' ril: n't vi k -i , , 5 II , , |. i • ,»ii>n )i<» mi Ihe K.-Ki.'-'J1 !<- • nil .1' * !• '••>•> Mi I'l'.i.-r ]«Ki|i.-,l .-I ur.e di- '»-""• I1'' :'-• !" Ms .•ni;,s cd. Alfred R. ManvilJe, Ihe chair- i' biui'd't attorney, it ivj ihe i' i--"i- iiulinance anil set \\iy 2 al (heitiMiti i ti K i SIM i i, i i i i • i i r I.un of tho Imi'dinx ciiumiriV!, ' nii-i couhl accpt tin <"i.iri!>"n Si:ilf h- 1aiv.-r.5l !•) t'ii* 'i'l"! I1;-' ;> <i- : ficti-iii •• of ihe pro.jum .11 It ii'.j* , "1 ''!iri< h"1>:nl l'i; , public he.irliy dat-* ' cleik i wt s y . i i i i t | i ( ».» m i t i \ i—$t ...-run 0v., .1 b.."'".,•,. .-.I •'•-...•i. ;., ,, , ,, r,,. (I... „ ,,,., , i, )H-I»U tln'rr am no rcgis!: •unvr ifr-inijio^ttll*f to si^k AI'I'I-; m' bul. ihi^ i-nmsi'e Ii divs ''IT : Jn ' 'llm iihi.", ««; Mj-uger, Jl.'• m t.u S'w-i -> .