Provincial Gazette· Provinsiale Koerant· Gazete Ya Xifundzankulu Kuranta Ya Profense • Gazethe Ya Vundu
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LIMPOPO PROVINCE LIMPOPO PROVINSIE XIFUNDZANKULU XA LIMPOPO PROFENSE YA LIMPOPO VUNDU LA LIMPOPO IPHROVINSI YELIMPOPO Provincial Gazette· Provinsiale Koerant· Gazete ya Xifundzankulu Kuranta ya Profense • Gazethe ya Vundu (Registered as a newspaper) • (As 'n nuusblad geregistreer) • (Yi rhijistariwile tanihi Nyuziphepha) (E ngwadisits-we bjalo ka Kuranta) • (Yo redzhistariwa sa Nyusiphepha) POLOKWANE, Vol: 28 9 MARCH 2021 No: 3147 9 MAART 2021 2 No. 3147 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 19 MARCH 2021 Contents Gazette Page No. No. No. GENERAL NOTICES • ALGEMENE KENNISGEWINGS 14 Modimolle-Mookgophong Local Municipality Spatial Planning and Land Use Management By-laws, 2019: Portion 10 of the farm Knopfontein 184-KR ........................................................................................................ 3147 3 14 Modimolle-Mookgophong Plaaslike Munisipaliteit Regulasies vir Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruikbestuur, 2019: Gedeelte 10 van die plaas Knopfontein 184-KR ................................................... 3147 3 15 Phokwane Traditional Community: Phokwane Traditional Community Resolutions: Nov-Dec 2019 ................. 3147 4 LOCAL AUTHORITY NOTICES • PLAASLIKE OWERHEIDS KENNISGEWINGS 12 Blouberg Local Municipality Spatial Planning and Land Use Management By-Law, 2017: Erf 11529 & 11534 Bochum-A Extension 5 ...................................................................................................................................... 3147 5 13 Waterberg District Municipal Planning and Land Use Management Act (16/2013): Review of the Spatial Development Framework .................................................................................................................................. 3147 6 13 Waterberg Distrik Munisipaliteit Wet op Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebnruiksbestuur (16/2013): Hersiening van die Ruimtelike Ontwikkelingsraamwerk ................................................................................... 3147 6 14 Town Planning and Townships Ordinance (15/1986): Erf 5058, Tzaneen Extension 84 .................................. 3147 7 14 Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe (15/1986): Erf 5058, Tzaneen Uitbreiding 84 ............................. 3147 7 15 Blouberg Local Municipality Spatial Planning and Land Use Management By-law, 2017: Erf 11529 &11534, Bochum-A Extension 5 ...................................................................................................................................... 3147 8 16 Town Planning and Townships Ordinance (15/1986): Erf 125, Tzaneen Extension 2 ..................................... 3147 9 16 Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe (15/1986): Erf 125, Tzaneen Uitbreiding 2 ................................. 3147 9 17 Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act (16/2013): The incorporation of Portion 35 of the Farm Rondebosch 287-LS into Louis Trichardt Extension 5 Township ..................................................................... 3147 10 17 Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act (16/2013): Die inlywing van Gedeelte 35 van die plaas Rondebosch 287-LS in Louis Trichardt Uitbreiding 5 Dorpsgebied in .............................................................. 3147 10 18 Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act (16/2013): Waterberg District Municipalities have approved the appointment of members to serve on the Waterberg District Municipal Appeal Authority, as per Council Resolutions ....................................................................................................................................................... 3147 11 PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 19 MAART 2021 No. 3147 3 GENERAL NOTICES • ALGEMENE KENNISGEWINGS NOTICE 14 OF 2021 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR THE TOWNSHIP ESTABLISHMENT OF 600 SITES AT ALMA/MABALENG SETTLEMENT ON PORTION 10 OF THE FARM KNOPFONTEIN 184 -KR IN TERMS OF SECTION 53 OF THE MODIMOLLE-MOOKGOPHONG LOCAL MUNICIPALITY SPATIAL PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT BY-LAWS, 2019 We, Pfukani-Kusile Consulting being the authorized agent of the owner of Portion 10 of the farm NOTICEKnopfontein OF 184 APPLICATION-KR located along FOR the THE D2748 TOWNSHIP road, hereby ESTABLISHMENT give notice that weOF have 600 submitted SITES AT an ALMA/MABALENGapplication in terms of SETTLEMENT Section 53 of the ON Modimolle PORTION-Mookgophong 10 OF THE LocalFARM Municipality KNOPFONTEIN Spatial 184Planning -KR INand TERMS Land UseOF SECTIONManagement 53 OF By THE-Law sMODIMOLLE, 2019 for the-MOOKGOPHONG township establishment LOCAL MUNICIPALITYof 600 sites at SPATIAL PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT BY-LAWS, 2019 Alma/Mabaleng Settlement within the Modimolle-Mookgophong Local Municipality’s Area of Jurisdiction subject to conditions which is situated on the abovementioned address. We, Pfukani-Kusile Consulting being the authorized agent of the owner of Portion 10 of the farm KnopfonteinObjection(s) 184and/or-KR comments located along to or therepresentations D2748 road, in hereby respect give of thenotice application that we must have be submitted lodged with an applicationor made in inwriting terms toof theSection Registration 53 of the SectionModimolle of -Mookgophongthe Director of Local Spatial Municipality Planning Spatial and Economic Planning and Land Use Management By-Laws, 2019 for the township establishment of 600 sites at Alma/MabalengDevelopment Department, Settlement orwithin posted the to PrivateModimolle Bag-Mookgophong X1008, Modimolle, Local 0510Municipality within a’s period Area of 30of Jdaysurisdiction from 12 subject March to 2021.conditions which is situated on the abovementioned address. Objection(s)Particulars of and/or the application comments willto or lie representations for inspection duringin respect normal of the office application hours frommust 09:00be lodged to 17:00 with orat themade Spatial in writing Planning to the and Registration Economic DevelopmentSection of the Department, Director of ORSpatial Tambo Planning Building, and Harry Economic Gwala Development Department, or posted to Private Bag X1008, Modimolle, 0510 within a period of 30 daysStreet, from Modimolle, 12 March 0510 2021. for a period of 30 days from the date of the first publication of the notice in the Provincial Gazette, Municipal Notice Board, on site and Die Pos Newspaper. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours from 09:00 to 17:00 atAddress the Spatial of Agent Planning and Economic Development Department, OR Tambo Building, Harry Gwala Street,Name of Modimolle, Agent: Pfukani 0510 Kusile for a Consultingperiod of 30 days from the date of the first publication of the notice inPhysical the Provincial Address: Gazette, 21 Shelley Municipal Glen, Bendor, Notice PolokwaneBoard, on site0699 and Die Pos Newspaper. AddressPostal Address: of Agent Postne t Suite 114, Private Bag X9676, Bendor, Polokwane, 0699 NameE-Mail: of [email protected] Agent: Pfukani Kusile Consulting/conny@pfukani PhysicalFax: (086) Address: 567-9979 21 Shelley Glen, Bendor, Polokwane 0699 Postal Address: Postnet Suite 114, Private Bag X9676, Bendor, Polokwane, 0699 E-DatesMail: on [email protected] which the notice will be published:/conny@pfukani 12 2021 and 19 March 2021 Fax: (086) 567-9979 12-19 Dates on which the notice will be published: 12 March 2021 and 19 March 2021 KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEKKENNISGEWING OM DIE DORPSSTIGTING 14 VAN 2021 VAN 600 WEBWERWE BY ALMA12-19 / KENNISGEWINGMABALENG NEDERSETTING VAN AANSOEK OP OM GEDEELTE DIE DORPSSTIGTING 10 VAN DIE VAN PLAAS 600 WEBWERWEKNOPFONTEIN BY 184 ALMA -KR / MABALENGINGEVOLGE ARTIKELNEDERSETTING 53 VAN DIEOP MODIMOLLEGEDEELTE -10MOOKGOPHONG VAN DIE PLAAS PLAASLIKE KNOPFONTEIN MUNISIPALITEIT 184 -KR INGEVOLGERUIMTELIKE ARTIKELBEPLANNING 53 VAN EN DIE VERORDENINGE MODIMOLLE-MOOKGOPHONG VIR DIE BESTUUR PLAASLIKE VAN GRONDGEBRUIK, MUNISIPALITEIT RUIMTELIKE2019 BEPLANNING EN VERORDENINGE VIR DIE BESTUUR VAN GRONDGEBRUIK, 2019 Ons, Pfukani--Kusile Consulting, as gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van Gedeelte 10 van die plaas Knopfontein 184--KR, geleë langs die D2748--pad, gee hiermee kennis dat ons 'n aansoek ingedien het ingevolgeingevolge artikelartikel 53 van die Modimolle--Mookgophong Plaaslike Munisipaliteit. Regulasies vir ruimtelike beplanning en grondgebruikbestuur, 2019 vir die vestiging van 600 persele by Alma / Mabaleng-- nedersetting binne die jurisdiksiegebied Modimolle--Mookgophong Plaaslike Munisipaliteit, onder voorwaardes wat op bogenoemde adres geleë is. voorwaardes wat op bogenoemde adres geleë is. Besware en / of kommentaar op of vertoe ten opsigte van die aansoek moet skriftelik by die Registrasie- afdelingBesware vanen / ofdie kommentaar Direkteur van op ofDepartement vertoe ten opsigte Ruimtelike van die Beplanning aansoek moet en skriftelikEkonomiese by die Ontwikkeling Registrasie- ingedienafdeling vanof gerig die wordDirekteur aan dievan Privaatsak Departement X1008, Ruimtelike Modimolle, Beplanning 0510 binne en 'n Ekonomiesetydperk van 30Ontwikkeling dae vanaf 12 Maart 2021. ingedien of gerig word aan die Privaatsak X1008, Modimolle, 0510 binne 'n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf Besonderhede12 Maart 2021. van die aansoek le ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure van 09:00 tot 17:00 by die Departement Ruimtelike Beplanning en Ekonomiese Ontwikkeling, OR Tambo-gebou, Harry Gwalastraat,Besonderhede Modimolle, van die aansoek 0510, vir le 'n ter tydperk insae vangedurende 30 dae gewonevanaf die kantoorure datum van van die 09:00eerste tot publikasie 17:00 by van