1945-07-10 [P

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1945-07-10 [P ATTENDANCE IN ]DENSMORE SHUTE The Sports Trail MAJOR LEAGUES LEADING FIELD By WHITNEY MARTIN HITS HIGH PEAK FOR PGA TITLE FRANK CRAWFORD would By fit the bill if the late Kene- AP for Newt/eafures pinch hitting Whitney Martin) saw Landis was the mode. His CITY, July 10 «*) a warm Soar Toward Pre- go in if the sea's Makes KANSAS friends say Veenker has Figures _ Akron Professional draws for at n-^en a man up plans heart and the men who worked un- all rough; old War Heights; 5,074,775 67 To Lead Field Of remodeling the homestead, he der him swear by him instead of does so with an eye to his about him. Strangers sometimes Counted usually ... bathe from an un- 142 Starters remark that Veenker austere, own comfort. is there is a lot of Landis beach; That is why eye- but was anything but a guarded HAND — — out here in the Six back By JACK DAYTON, O.. July 9. (IP) brow lifting Big slapper. NEW YORK, July 9.—(A*)—Now Densmore Shute, gray over resignation of George What he lacks in color, Veenker — H. (Denny) country ... ignore the tides es- athletic director at Iowa makes up for in efficiency. Mike that Brooklyn fans are knocking haired Akron professional who won Veenker. (The Iron down the fences to get intc pecially rip tides; and and the man who drafted reg- Duke) Michalske, foot- trying the 1933 British open coppeJ state ball Ebbets league at- to govern the office ol coach at Ames, often has said Field, major the PGA in 1938 ulations to- championship that he knows of no man con- tendance figures are soaring of .Athletics in the who ... race an undertow to pace a field of 142 starters commissioner standards with 5,- ducts his business better than ward pre-war and 1937. today bagged a 32-35—67 conference. theii it'll always win; George Veenker. 0074,7755 customer paying the first 18 holes of the Veenker said his reason for re- through way into the 16 parks in the first ining simply was to provide time Anyhow, there is plenty of color 36-hole qualified for the profes- half of the 1945 season. ... swim out he for a while at in the now very far; to do as pleased Big Six what with Phog sional title. a As the majors went into a three- He has farm that re- Allen of Kansas, Potsy Clark, new- The in least. reserv- 39-year-old Shute, clip- his attention and his ex- football day “vacation,” normally ly-hired coach at Nebras- ... get excited; in dis- five strokes off par for the quires ed for the all-star game put now ping seems logical enough. ka; Ernie Quigley, Jayhawker di- Moraine Club planation tilts, the Dodgers tress, float—yell! rugged Country editors, however, already rector, and others. used for charity Sports was much the course, exhibited perfect golf. He whether Veenker home total of 715,465 >re speculating Reaves Peters, present commis- played 13 holes in even figures, and if his former UCftl. would say yes as- sioner of officials, also has been birdied the second, fifth, sixth, asked him to return as Not since the Larry MacPhail sociates mentioned for the job of boss when seventh and thirteenth. era in Flatbush have the Bums commissioner of the Big Six. The. the scope of the ofice is enlarged. touched the mark but thal Deadlocked in second place were directors have okayed the com- There are others in the background 1,000,000 and of could be reached this yeai Sgt. Jim Turnesa of Mamaroneclc. missioners plan many their who might rate ahead of both figure if Leo Durocher can keep his N. Y., Herman Barron of White ideas were in the preliminary draft Peters and Veenker. What intrigues club in the race. Both the 1944 Plains, N. Y.; Johnny Revolta ol Veenker submitted a few months Big Six observers, though, is why and 1943 home totals have beer Evanston, 111., and Sgt. E. J. Har- Whether the faculty fathers the Iowa State head man left the 8go. by the current Brooks, whc rison of Wright Field, Dayton. will give the nod in the near future loop when he was much Interested passed in have been seen by 100,000 more Holmes Is No. One The first three tacked together only those learned gentlemen know present and post war for plans for the entire Tommy Topic rr.imrfc nf ad.TJ_fifl onH Harrisnn the Six will have the than turned out but eventually Big conference. NEW YORK July 9—(^—Tom- While Holmes was stealing the ers in the tor 10 are Stan Hack, bardi of New York and Chuck time commissioner fashioned season a year ago. bad 35-33—68, to snatch the lead s full Only the taciturn Iowan can an- my Holmes’ batting streak still is leadlines, Phil C'avarretta of the Chicago, .327; Mel Ott, -New York, Workman of Boston arc tied with Wilson’s of- swer an 11-game home stand from Verl Stinchcomb, a newcom- after Kenneth “Tug” the question. If he chooses to During the No. 1 story of the National Chicago Cubs was adding 20 points .325; Reyes, New York, .323 15 home runs. Olmo's nine triples the Nap er from O., who the Ten. say, no one will be Brooklyn drew 237,758 through .309. Portsmouth, paced fice in Big misled by his League today with the Boston out- to his average, soaring into second and Don Johnson, Chicago, are high and Red Schoendienst of Veenker, dignified and words. turnstiles to enthuse and mourn as the early finishers with 33-36—69. capable, fielder stretching his string to 37 place at .372 while the Bruins ex- All figures included Sunday's St. Louis tops the bases stealers the Dodger fortunes rose and fell. -V- consecutive games with an aver- ploded into the lead. games. with an even dozen. President Branch Hickey Although of .401. Holmes held tight to first place age Goody Rosen. Brooklyn flychase.r Claude Pas- Search For Missing insists there will be no more night with Although Chicago's Na- checked his downward and in two individual departments now that the customary Rogers Hornsby’s 3.3 game spin seau games, 125 hits and took earned his eighth straight Infant Continues record was came five to .363 for 77 runs scored, St. Louis Browns 14 have been played, the unof- tional League passed up degrees -- decision for a season 10 8 Slip but he showed third honors with the rest of the over the runs batted in pitching ficial books show the after dark by Holmes Friday leadership mark he had to take second place MARION, O., July 9—W-Police tilts 357.858 of the no of letting up as he started field trailing far behind. Whit.ey from Olmo with a total of 69. The pulled grand signs Chief William E. Marks said to- the ’’ancient” standard of Kurowski of St. Louis is fourth at Boston sensation is second to Dixie to Boston’s Mort Cooper who has total. out after "break” with- won ar.d one. night he expected a To Sixth Hank Greenberg already has 44 set by Wee Willie Keeler in 1897. .330 followed by Luis Olmo of Walker of Brooklyn in doubles and eight dt-opned only j League Spot in 24 hours in the mysterious dis- repaid Detroit for the $55.00C Joe Dimaggio’s 56-game streak is Brooklyn and Rookie Vance Ding- third with 14 homers. Walker had Hal Gregg of Brooklyn was the | appearance of the baby daughter of ST. LOUIS. he draws with the Tiger! the next distant goal. es of the Phillies, tied at .328. Oth- 24 two baggers and Ernie Lorn- strikeout king with 83 victims. July 9.—(fl—Today* salary a Marion society matron and her a blue the pace in the Ameri was Monday for the St. Girls State Softball showing soldier husband. on a home attendance Louis Browns. can League He withheld detail*, aside from Tournament Is Planned of about 577,238 of which 270.185 Red Sox Portsider Picked by many experts to re- reporting that a diaper, belonging was rung up during the lates' CUCCINELLO TOPS this year, the 1941 American Will Pitch to the hospital from which peat — Is Planned City GREENSBORO, July S. —(>P)— Briggs stadium stand. New Series Today League champions are in sixth the infant was taken Sunday night, The girls are coming again, and Despite the Bengals’ spurt ai place, eight games behind the AMERICAN BOSTON, July 9.—(U.PJ— Dave had been found in Marion’* West that means the 1945 North Caro- the gate, the New York Giant! LEAGUE leading Detroit Tigers. On this the ambidextrous rookie side. lina Girls Softball tournament with are second in the majors witl Ferriss, a were in first Soldiers will Meanwhile, Tech. John L. date year ago they For the Boston Red Sox, Sgt. has amassec Pirates, 9 — m — pitcher of the Men’s championships August 589,328, most of which CHICAGO, July The a two and a half game make his debut as a to- Creviston. father of six-day-old place by the season season day: hot weather is off southpaw 13-19. in early Pirates will the series with the cooling ancient was margin over Boston. The Wilmington open July Camp morrow in an intra-city charity Jean Eileen Creviston, being when Mel Ott’s gang was in firs' Tony Cuccinello, White This announcement came last Davis Blue night at Legion Stadium at 8:30 o'- Chicago the Provost Marshal The Browns closed a home stand Brigade Wednesday Sox’s third tilt with the Braves.
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