Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-06-22
21,194S ' MIATa, fATI, ... ".mr.~ I' 11.... , .. U .......... P.OO! liD rOODI, ••• .... He II.... '.. _I ..... ".11.. 8VOU, bo ... ' ••r II•• , 841 ,.0' '.r II .. Play . p •• adl Ibr•• p AtI,. 8t. 8HOIII, boo" IlIr •••lrpl ... IlemPI I, I •••• , ••• In ••II.II.II'. H. n... .1... , FaIr UIlIIi A.,. 1. OAIOLlNI, I'-A ' •• '0.' no .. , ••• I.r Iia ,.II ... ~ ...... II·', II·', 11·8, 0·', 0·' an' C·, IOWA: Fair ... warmer • ,Music ... , ••••••• f.r fI". ,.IIt.. ...... FUlL OIL. p.rlod THE DAILY· IOWAN ••• Ibr..... 'I............ d Ibroa,h A ••. 81. Lo.1 " ••,'. ,.,••• , •••••• fl ••••• , ... al •• Isplre A.,.• 1. Iowa City'. Morning ~.w.pap.r ~t================~=======~;============================~==~==~~~==~~~~~~============================~==~==~==========~~.~ FIVE CENTS nl ""fKllA'HD ..... IOWA CITY. IOWA FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 1945 no ....a.,...... VOLUME XI) NUMBER 230 • ~ .Inowa icto.ry osts I • ters . SEA QUEEN RETURNS YANK THOUSANDS FROM EUROPE )ips Reporl AtaGI~ Nazi High Command Officer Says Germans Nips Suller (arrie,r Raid Todby's Guessed Place, Srength of D-Day Invasion PARIS (AP) - The Germans of Normandy at Avranches 1 t 90,401 Losses I guessed the place, strength and ap Augus t. proximate lime of the allied inva Jodi was quoted as saying that On Wake ,Iowan although the German high com sion of Normandy, but were fooled mand guessed the general area In Campaign ~ . -". in their expectation that a second, and approximate strength of the Domei Says Planes Cap'ure of* OklDa.wa. * * cost Amer~ stronger thrust would come farther D-day invasion, the Germans had lea 8,990 soldiers, marines. U. S. Air Power Now north, a supreme headquarters in~ expected it everal w eks earlier.
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