CURRICULUM VITAE ROBERT S. NOWAK Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Science, Mail Stop 186, University of Nevada Reno, 1664 N Virginia Street, Reno NV 89557 Telephone: (775) 784-1656 FAX: (775) 784-4583 E mail:
[email protected] web page: Date of Birth: May 21, 1955. U.S. Citizen. Married; 1 child. EDUCATION: Utah State University, Logan UT. Ph.D. in Range Ecology, 1984. Dissertation: Plant Gas Exchange of Two Bunchgrasses in Relation to Herbivory Tolerance. Utah State University, Logan UT. M.S. in Range Ecology, 1980. Thesis: Chlorophyll Fluorescence Probe of Ultraviolet-B Photoinhibition of Primary Photoreactions in Intact Leaves. University of Minnesota, St. Paul MN. B.S. magna cum laude in Botany, 1977. Honor's Thesis: The Effects of Chilling on Sterigma Development in Coprinus cinereus. EMPLOYMENT: 2013-present: Chair, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Science, University of Nevada Reno. 1998-present: Professor, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Science (formerly called Environmental and Resource Sciences), University of Nevada Reno. Adjunct Professor, Department of Biology, UNR. 1991-1998: Associate Professor. Department of Environmental and Resource Sciences (formerly called Range Wildlife and Forestry), University of Nevada Reno. Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Biology, UNR. 1985-1991: Assistant Professor. Department of Range Wildlife and Forestry, University of Nevada Reno. Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, UNR. 1983-1985: Postdoctoral Research Associate. Department of Biological Sciences, Idaho State University. 1977-1983: Graduate Research Assistant, Teaching Assistant, and Graduate Fellow. Department of Range Science, Utah State University. 1976-1977: Undergraduate Research Assistant and Teaching Assistant.