TRAILS – Most the 9 trails inspected, fallen trees and branches cleared, invasive vines cut, removed, snow cleared off benches and steps 3 mornings weekly weather permitting. (2/15) Old trail reopened on Lobo property, needs links at each end, great bird habitat. More benches planned for best vistas in spring.

REMINDER PRESS – Barbara Armentano submitted story and photo on Hockanum Trail cross country skiing and especially at night on trails with lights like Kohls, Morande and Lynch Motors. (2/15) Next story on Woodduck boxes and GPS

JOURNAL INQUIRER – Photos, of work projects, submitted to Out and About for Richard Tambling.

8TH ANNUAL ART AND PHOTOGRAPHY SHOW – Member submission of art set for Thursday, 10 AM, 1/21, opening reception for Friday, 5 to 8 PM, 1/22, Manchester Town Hall, with music, and punch by members of the HRWA and Manchester Art Association. (2/15) Successful Show running to 3/16/10.

CLEARING AUTUMN OLIVE BY TOWN – (2/15) Park staff cleared invasives on Hackett trail by truck and wood chipper, cut some of our desirable trees in error, left tracks in path, reprimanded, call, meet Committee first, may replace some trees – Dogwood, Ash, Pine, Mulberry, roll path of tracks.

VALENTINES DAY COFFEE – (2/15) Pauline Lautenbach and Lucy Falk came for coffee with Committee.

4OTH ANNUAL HOCKANUM RIVER L.P C. DINNER – Manchester Country Club, Wed, evening, 4/7 for Manchester H.R.L.P.C, cost, guests, menu and entertainment in planning stage. Seeking support from Park Department, (2/15)

3RD ANNUAL BIGELOW BROOK GREENWAY CLEAN UP – date set for Saturday, April 17, 2010. locations to be determined, probably along Green Manor Blvd at Brookhaven Condos and Purdy Nature Park south side. New North Loop Trail completed, by MLCT, in Purdy Nature Park. Owner at 2 French Road being contacted for broader easement. Access plans off MTW across Town Land to Purdy Park in discussion. Seeking funding to clear old dam for better fish habitat. Gate for vehicle and pedestrian access off Adams Street working well. MLCT and Bigelow Brook Greenway Committee working together. BBGreenway nomination being submitted to DEP 1/31, (2/15)done. Seeking meeting with Tim O’Neil and Ken Burkamp to come to agreement with Burkamp to allow access along brook for Clean Up and periodic invasive clearings thru growing season and close fence to stop shopping pollution into brook. Plan clearings along Town parcel - 418 MTW and Cinema frontage

SPRING HOCKANUM PLANTINGS – List of plants and open space locations for wildlife enhancement being developed, berry bushes and trees favored, evergreen trees, possible Red Pines, from North Central Conservation District. (2/15) Morande, Hackett, Bryan Island, I-384 fence selected sites for early April from side fund.

32ND HOCKANUM RIVER AND RACE – Date - Sunday, April 11, 2010, registration 9 to 10:30 AM, $10 per paddler, first boat off at 11 AM, Quality Inn, Talcottville, Route 83, rain or shine, 8th District F.D. to supervise at Beacon Light and Union Pond, BEARS radio club to monitor at bridges and each end, DEP Permit filed. Tee shirts for winners in various categories, Insurance for property owners.


DOUG SMITH 402-9908