Ion in Louisiana
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Avctsie Daily Net Prcaa Ron ' . r«r Mm Week IMed ' ITev. M. u se 1 3 ,0 4 9 t0m la Menber est the Anfllt »v Mirean ef OtrealsUoii. Mtanfumtar^A City ttf V Hinge Charm VOL. LXXIX, NO. 57 IRlXi^EN V'AGfiS) MANCHESTER, CONN. MONDAY, DECEMBER 7. 1959 (UjaeaMM. AAverlMng as rage II) f^fCE n V i CHNtR T ,v X Parent Will Block Row Flares i^ots for Children On Price of Hartfordt Dec. *7 FVmnk nion Killed J. Halm of Paraington, sen ior construction designer for New Drugs Royal McBee.' said today be plans to td! the board of edu In Airplaf^e Ctash W ashington, Dec, 7 (/P)— ' cation in his town tonitfht he The Senate Antitrust subcom will not , com ply with \the mittee charged today that one board’s requiremeut that his W aghinrton, N. H.,^^Dec. V children be vaccinated against W V-State Police ir^rted, to drug house took a 1,118 per cent markup in the wholesale polio. day that'the ool^^on ol Sen. Halm has three children, Frank price of a new medicine George D. Aikeii (R-Y*) and J. n, a ienior;, Richard B., IS, e, ■derived from -corti sone. sophomore, and Anita- F„ 12, an one of two companies were However, the edmpamy's presi eighth grader, all in Farmington Holds First dead today in the wrwkage of dent answered thaV the eu^om- public schools. their lilfht planO which mittee's figures 'did not take into He explained that he. opposes the crashed yesterda^ on-d flight account many cost items which compulsory vaccination, ordered by from Manchester, N. H., to were essentials in the drug-'bual- the board to have been started for Talks with ness. all children In the public schools Springfield, Vt, The testimbny camer^ds the sub- by ,jan. 1. on the grounds that it la Poltce listed the deed es Howerd^ 'committee, headqd by Sens. Estes an invaaion of civil and parental Aiken, it, Springfield, a co^ptidi. Eefauver (D-Tcnfi) opened a rights. ., Ayub K h ^ and Arthiv R. Tobin, q( Huntington Also, he said, 1m is ptapared to Woods, Mich'., e. representativmtative of broad study of drug industry wholesale pjnCes. fight the c u r in tne courts if need ■ By w il Li a m L b y ^w the Fehows Oekr Snaper Oo., of be. ^ Springfield. The inquiry began with a sug Karfichi, Pakistan; Deg. 7 gestion Sen. SmiRhers'(D-Pla.) The boarti’e meeting will be at 8 Norman Paulhus, H, Qiaries- tonight in the library of the hlgK (/P)— A million cheering Paki- town, 'N.. H,, pilot of the twin-en that ..the prices- were' too high. This drew a prompt denial from school. Halm added that he expects jatanis-rby official estim ate- gine craft, suffered chest Injuries others who oppose the compulsory I but was able to wa)k for three Francis C.lBrownfnresldent of the give President Eisenhower vaccination will be on hand to ex today the most thunderous re- / hours through dense woods to reach Sobering Corpi'of Bloomfield. N;J. press -their opinions. rescue parties. He was removed to that his firm is charging too much. c^tioit ever accorded a for Newport Hospital. The first dru,? on which the sub eign visitor. ' The 196S model Piper Apaclje had committee’s staff presented .fig ShouUng, Waving peonio packed completed about two-thirds of its ures was predni.solone, a deriva (he Btreeta and th« roads from the flight which normally required 86 tive Mf cortisone developed by the Health Service airport as Eiaenhower arrived from minutes. It was last hqardh^i from Schering Corp. Ttirkey' on the third stop of hia j HOVVAKU AUiHX Marketed under the trade nanW. 2S,000>milfr mission of peace. (Osatiniied on' Page nfteea) Neticorteione, it is used to treat Urges at "Least The PrjSBtdent was deeply moved suoh ailments as arthritis and hy the abtpourlng of affection and /. asthma. 3 Polio Shots called (he welcome ‘Tremendoua,” The subcommittee experts said satq James C, Hagerty, WMte the.v had constructed a production House 'presf secretary. ion cost of 1.6 cents for one tablet of Washington, Dec. 7 The tile nation’* highest award, the the dnig. or. 31..57 a hundred com Public Health Service says more Ntslian of Paklston, wge presented pared to a wholesale price of 17.9 to BIsenhawer toniifit.Jittt- before people should have: the recom a dtnner given in hia h em , Ntaqwa cents per tablet; and a propo.sed mended three or more polio vac price to' the consumpr of 29.8 ■imi^y mean* inslgna. In Louisiana cents. The.v said this did not ins cine shots. A hew tisHonwlde'cam-, President Motounmed Ayub Khan elude selling and ■ distribution get people vaccinated will nude the awird. He fiud an og- i.WV M. Rainach, costa. ■ ' ' be launched early next spring. compooying citaUpn prefilng BUfen- NsfW Orleans, Dec. T (JPt—Rell-^ State Sen. i hdsrer for "wepfriaiv teaddnlifp tn glon-^Protestant versus Catholic— Louisiana’e No.o. jH^egregationist, Kefauver noted that this was a The plans were., announced over •the weekend hlohg vtlth new esti A grinning President Elisenliower wavee 'iu he sits with President liloiiammed Ajmb Khan of - PaMs- enahUng ihefime Jia&cM to develop could be a major factor in de accused them both” of evading the 1,118 per cent markup In the tan in horse-drawn carriage during drive through Kaniebl today to the presidentin reaidence. (AP coaoeUv#'aeeiixtty figntnet agpie- ciding giouialana’s next governor. issue. Davis more or less turned wholesale price and 1,863 per-cent mates that about 66 RtHjlon Amer icans have had three or'•more In Photofax via radio from Karachi). elon." Gov. Earl Long, shunned by the the other cheek to' Rainach's ver markup to the user. The oHhHaa refhrrad 60 mmg'' voters in Sattu-day'a Democratic bal slaps. "How do yoa justify It?" he jections and about 8T.piilllbhf-.have had et least one shot 'of the Vap- homer** detwnfiMitlon first primary, often has called Rainach, making his first atate- asked Brown. h iM tif. (iBilflnn eg I ZiOUlsiana tolerant The Jan. 9 w?lde race, was third In the gov Brown said he would have to clne. Don’t Rely on Evacuation Mercury Dips Showdown between New Orleans check the sviboommittee's figures These new estimates Indicated emUe srhlcli 1* ernor’s race; He hasn't said wheth your peBdee.'' It pett ‘ Mayor deLesseps Morrison and for- er he will try to line up his back*- but that he would accept tl)em for that about 1-1,600,000 'more peo ple have had Sibme vaccine than ’VHP .WQUDWv »wn. Utter- raef Gov. Jimmie Davis may test era behind one of the leaders. the basis ofi the'discussion. As Wind, Snow, this, view. The executive went on to say was the case in the fall of laat eg the cause «g g m n*iitfaii# 4B entrenoee. The next "wo men in the race, Hotfix Bi^st for Refuge bettor steiuhKdli ■ eg -B**.** S- Morrison, a Catholic, led the rec former Gov; James Noe and that Schering must take,, into ac yeaf. About 13.200J>00 more have ord 11-man Held. Davis, a Baptist, count many things not Included by had the recommended dosage' of IHe aatioign leddeni *«**t^ - t a t Sthte Comptroller William Dodd, Rain Hit' State tor the ilnner ite-'hdHor t<w Mwp was next, trailing by more. than haven’t picked a favorite either. the subcommittee in . its figures. three or more shots. 60,000 votes. These -MroiUd include selling and , But iunong children under five In Bvent of NrAttack who, to then, aymboHse*. th i Morrison’s strength was in South ' Noe, a former associate of the By THE A80OO1ATBD West's firm oUaid-ngehiat Coah- late Huey .P. Long, a>^ Earl diatribuUob costs and research, he' years of age, the group that has ' Zxmlslana, a. predominantly Cath accounUd for iS per cent of this Stiff winds, rain and snow alap- munhff eBpignilen. olic a t ^ More than 26 per cent of Long's chotcir as his auccesaer, T h e ..l?rw s l4 w a ^ e * e W - 'had rgn .fourth. Dodd, whose career has (Cjesdiiued Ml F«re Eight). year’s paralytic caaea, there are Hartford, Dec. 7 LT>—"Iff thef^eir communities, to peffuads ^ll ped at Connecticut todajr as tsm- his. va'teiB came from New Orleans still in estimated *% million who event of a nuclear ajtocki the women of the importance of pre- pe"a(ursh dropped jitegdny acroas voters. He wasn’t ahead in any included a term as lieutenanl gov have had no vaccine. principal place of refuge.,.WiU be pgi’eduess.’’ ll9lnb*s^Sje?pEhHS2 pariah Icounty) in North. Louisi ernor, was fifth. Siinilariy, among persona under the individual home ,rat]i^. than Other . Igkers explained t ^ t)M state. '.f . ana. whsba.hIfiSt of .the people ga to Complete JcMurne from^OSS of lOt' mar*;: iaaii cM- million- persons, community aheRdrs,” Gdvdrhoy goals of (he naUonwtdl ’’^fome pi«- W kt’WmOMHlganmtrfttmkti pVotasiwt imurches. 2,106 precinola gave. Morrleon or almost 80 peg emt, have had no Riblcoff said today on the ISto. parednest award program." Potnte one to three inches Of snow toflay A <Hy III' Louisiana voters haven't sleeted 271,616 votes, Dnvls 206,760, vaccine. ' / anniversary of Pearl Harbor. He' stressed were preparation of home in the weetern section of thd state d«nt wflt tofililM rfitfi: a Catholic governor thie century/ Ralnaoh 136.111.