RLCS, Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, 78, 359-391 [Research] DOI: 10.4185/RLCS-2020-1481| ISSN 1138-5820 | Año 2020 Fake news during the COVID-19 State of Alarm. Analysis from the political point of view in the Spanish press. Las fake news durante el Estado de Alarma por COVID-19. Análisis desde el punto de vista político en la prensa española. Aránzazu Román-San-Miguel1. The University of Seville. Spain.
[email protected] [CV] Nuria Sánchez-Gey-Valenzuela. The University of Seville. Spain.
[email protected] [CV] Rodrigo Elías-Zambrano. The University of Seville. Spain.
[email protected] [CV] How to cite this article / Standardized reference Román-San-Miguel, A., Sánchez-Gey Valenzuela, N. & Elías-Zambrano, R. (2020). The fake news during the State of Alarm for COVID-19. Analysis from the political point of view in the Spanish press. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, 78, 359-391. https://www.doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2020-1481 ABSTRACT Introduction: Since December 2019, when talk began in Spain about the coronavirus that was affecting China, rumors and vague news populated the world. When the disease reached Europe, the proliferation of information multiplied. Since the State of Alert was decreed, hoaxes and fake news have been a constant, which has been reflected in media reports. Methodology: This paper analyses the information published in the Spanish press about fake news related to politics, the controversial declarations of the Chief of Staff of the Civil Guard, and social networks; to know the volume of news and the treatment that the media has given to them.