Illustrations and Credits

FIGURES I.I. "America's New Immigrants." Time, 5 July 1976. Courtesy Time-Life Syndication. 2 i.z. "The Immigration Wars." The Nation, 17 October 1994. Courtesy the Nation and Martha Crawford. 3 1.1. "Roots." Newsweek, 4 July 1977. Courtesy Corbis/ © 1977 Newsweek, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission. 26 2.2. "America: Still the Promised Land." U.S. News and World Report, 9 July 1979. Courtesy Corbis-SYGMA. 27 2.3. "The New Immigrants." Newsweek, 7 . Courtesy SYGMA/© 1980 Newsweek, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission. 28 2.4. "The Changing Face of America." Time, 8 July 1985. Courtesy Time-Life Syndication. 29 1.5. "San Francisco, 1900." American Heritage, December 1978. Courtesy California Historical Society. 31 4.1. "Closing the Door?" Newsweek, 25 June 1984. Courtesy Black Star/© 1984 Newsweek, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission. 5 5 4.2. "The New Immigrants." Atlantic, November 1983. Courtesy Atlantic and Mark Hess/The Newborn Group. 56 4.3. "The New Slave Trade." U.S. News and World Report, 21 June 1993. Courtesy Corbis-SYGMA. 57 4.4. "English (Sometimes) Spoken Here." U.S. News and X Illustrations

World Report, 21 March 1983. Courtesy Maggie Stebe and Mark Perlstein/O 1983 U.S. News and World Report. 60 4.5. "Los Angeles." Time, 13 June 1983. Courtesy Time-Life Syndication. 61 4.6. "The New Face of America." Time, fall 1993 special issue. Courtesy Time-Life Syndication. 63 4.7. "The Immigrants," Business Week, 13 July 1992.. Cour- tesy Business Week. 66 4.8. "The Triumph of Asian Americans," New Republic, 15-22 July 1985. Courtesy New Republic. 67 4.9. "Will U.S. Shut the Door on Immigrants?" U.S News and World Report, 12 April 1982. Courtesy Superstock International. 68 4.10. "Open the Floodgates?" New Republic, 1 April 1985. Courtesy New Republic. 72 4.11. "Ready to Talk Now?" Time, 5 September 1994. Courtesy Time-Life Syndication. 75 4.12. "The World's Poor Flood the U.S." Business Week, 23 . Courtesy Business Week. 76 4.13. "The Immigrants." New Republic, 27 December 1993. Courtesy New Republic. 78 5.1. "A Ray of Hope." U.S. News and World Report, 6 August 1979. Courtesy Corbis-SYGMA. 88 5.2. "The Cuban Influx." Newsweek, 26 . Cour- tesy Mario Ruiz/© 1980 Newsweek, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission. 102 5.3. "Still the Land of Opportunity?" U.S. News and World Report, 4 July 1983. Courtesy Stephen R. Wagner. 115 6.1. "The New Refugees." U.S. News and World Report, 23 October 1989. Courtesy Image Works. 135 6.1. "America's Changing Colors." Time, 9 April 1990. Courtesy Time-Life Syndication. 137 6.3. "Racial Rifts." New Republic, 10 June 1991. Courtesy New Republic. 141 6.4. "The INS Mess." New Republic, 13 April 1992. Courtesy New Republic. 145 6.5. "Tired? Poor? Huddled? Tempest-Tossed? Try ." National Review, 22 June 1992. © 1992 National Review, Inc. Reprinted by permission. 146 6.6. "Blacks vs. Browns." Atlantic, October 1992. Courtesy Atlantic and Karen Barbour. 156 Illustrations xi

6.7. "Immigration Backlash." Newsweek, 9 August 1993. Courtesy Scott McKowen/© 1993 Newsweek, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission. 162 7.1. "Go Back Where You Came From." American Heritage, March 1994. Courtesy Carl Fischer. 175 7.2. "The Coming Anarchy." Atlantic Monthly, February 1994. Courtesy Atlantic Monthly and Marvin Mattelson. 178 7.3. "Demystifying Multiculturalism." National Review, 21 February 1994. © 1994 National Review, Inc. Reprinted by permission. 181 7.4. "Baiting Immigrants." The Progressive, September 1996. Courtesy the Progressive and Sue Coe. 195 7.5. "The Price of Immigration." Atlantic Monthly, November 1996. Courtesy the Pushpin Group, Inc. 199 7.6. "The Heartland's Raw Deal." The Nation, 3 February 1997. Courtesy the Nation and WBMG. 205 7.7. "Where America Sheds Its Skin." Atlantic Monthly, August 1998. Courtesy Atlantic Monthly. 210 8.1. "Crisis across the Borders." U.S. News and World Re- port, 13 December 1976. © 1976 U.S. News and World Report. 217 8.2. "Border Crisis." U.S. News and World Report, 25 April 1977. 220 8.3. "Time Bomb in Mexico." U.S. News and World Report, 4 July 1977. 222 8.4. "Illegal Aliens." U.S. News and World Report, 29 Jan- uary 1979. Courtesy SYGMA. 225 8.5. " Our Troubled Neighbors." U.S. News and World Re- port, 9 . Courtesy Tom O'Halloran and Ralph Schlegel. 228 8.6. "Invasion from Mexico." U.S. News and World Report, 7 March 1983. Courtesy Black Star. 231 8.7. "The Disappearing Border." U.S. News and World Report, 19 August 1985. Courtesy WBMG. 237 8.8. "The Border." Atlantic Monthly, May 1992. Courtesy Chermayeff &c Geissmar, Inc. 241 8.9. "Illegal in Iowa." U.S. News and World Report, 23 September 1996. Courtesy Meat & Poultry Magazine. 254 8.10. "De-Assimilation, California Style." National Review, 31 December 1997. © 1997 National Review, Inc. Reprinted by permission. 25 6 xii Illustrations "The Mexican Worker." Business Week, 19 April 1993. Courtesy Business Week. 261

TABLES 1.1. Magazine covers related to immigration, 1965-99 15 4.1. Magazine covers with the Statue of Liberty 65 4.2. Magazine covers with infinitylines 70 4.3. Magazine covers with images of masses 71 4.4. Magazine covers with images of women/children 73 4.5. Magazine covers with water imagery 74 4.6. Magazine covers with the American flag 77

GRAPHS 2.1. Number of magazine covers per year and annual unemployment rates, 1965-99 21 2.2. Number of magazine covers per year and percentage of Americans favoring less immigration 22