2 Grad, Div, Curl
c F. Waleffe, Math 321, 2006/10/25 15 ! 2 Grad, div, curl Consider a scalar function of a vector variable: f(!r), for instance the pressure p(!r) as a function of position, or the temperature T (!r) at point !r, etc. One way to visualize such functions is to consider isosurfaces or level sets, these are the set of all !r’s for which f(!r) = C0, for some constant C0. In cartesian coordinates !r = x !e + y !ey + z !ez and the scalar function is a function of the three coordinates f(!r) f(x, y, z), hence we can interpret an isosurface f(x, y, z) = C as a single ≡ 0 equation for the 3 unknowns x, y, z. In general, we are free to pick two of those variables, x and y 2 2 2 say, then solve the equation f(x, y, z) = C0 for z. For example, the isosurfaces of f(!r) = x +y +z are determined by the equation f(!r) = C . This is the sphere or radius √C , if C 0. 0 0 0 ≥ 2.1 Geometric definition of the Gradient The value of f(!r) at a point !r0 defines an isosurface f(!r) = f(!r0) through that point !r0. The gradient of f(!r) at !r can be defined geometrically as the vector, denoted ! f(!r ), that 0 ∇ 0 (i) is perpendicular to the isosurface f(!r) = f(!r0) at the point !r0 and points in the direction of increase of f(!r) and (ii) has a magnitude equal to the rate of change of f(!r) with distance from the isosurface.
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