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J ·'IN ~C June 24th, 1938. ') i :~ : '-~-1 VOL. XIX. e~ ~; ~-~, No. 25. 2d. By subscription, anywhere ~ 6 months, 5/, ; 1 year, 10/, W@BJJri &D~r® ~@~a~@j~a~r 1 Registered at the G .P.O. as a newspaper . SPECIAL BIBLE NUMBER r Cover ii. THE ELIM EVANGEL AND FOURSQUARE REVIVALIST June 24th, 1938. EALING. June 23 and 30. Elim Tabernacle Northfield Avenue. Serie• of addresses on the Work of the Holy Spirit by Pastor E. C. W. Boulton. The Elim Evangel EASTBOURNE. August 1st. Elim Tabernacle Hartfield Road Annual AND FOURSQUARE REVIVALIST Crusader and Missionary RaUy, 7 p.m. ' · (Editor: Pastor E. C. W. Boulton) ELIM WOODLANDS will be open to visitors every Saturday throughout Official Organ of the Elim Foursquare Gospel Alliance th_e _summer fro.m 3.30 to 9 p. m. Tea in the beautiful garden (weather per ExEcu'ttvE CouNctL: mtttmg). Special speakers.; musical items. Admission 1/-. Principal George Jeffreys (President) ELIM WOODLANDS, July 16th. Annual Garden Rally. Grounds open Pastors E. J. Phillips (Secretary-General), E. C. W. Boulton, from 3.30 p.m: Service 6.30 p.m. Special programme. P. N. Corry, S. Gorman, W. G. Hathaway, C. J. E. Kingston, FINCHLEY. June 20-23. Elim Foursquare Gospel Hall, Christchurch R. Mercer, and J. Smith. Avenue (corner of Ballards Lane), North Finchley. Special Bible Week General Headquarters 1 Services. Speakers: Pastors G. H. Thomas, A. E. Thorne, Mr. J. Tatham 20, Clarence Road, Clapham Park, London, S.W.4. and Miss Jardine. GLASGOW. June 18-20. Special "Back-to-the-Bible" meetings in the Vol. XIX. June 24th, 1938 No. 2& City Temple (Corner Bath Street and Elmbank Street). Saturday, ~.45 p.m. Sunday, 11 a.m., 3 and 6.30 p.m. Monday, 7.46 p.m. Speakers: Pastor W. G. Hathaway and Mr. J. Leech, K.C. Convener: Pastor Leslie H. CON:r:ENTS Newsham. The Inspiration of the Bible 385 GLOUCESTER, Jui[ 23, 24. Elim Tabernacle, Millbrook Street, off Barton Street. Visit o Pastor D. B. Gray 8.nd party. The Bible 387 KINCSTANDING (Birmingham). Now proceeding in the Elim Tabernacle, Bible Study Helps 388 Warren Road, Perry Bar. Campaign by Pastor and Mrs. E. J. Thompson. Music : I Believe It All 388 PETERBOROUGH. Now proceeding in the Triangle Hall, The Fountain, New England; Revival and Healing Campaign conducted by Pastor G. I. Saved by a Tombstone ... 389 Francis. Sundays, 11 a.m., 3 and 6.30 p.m. Week-nights, 7.30 (except The Meaning of the Miracle 390 Fridays). Family Altar 391 SOUTHPORT.· June 25-27. Temperance Institute, London Street. Special "Back-to-the-Bible " meetings. Speakers include Pastor W. G. The Pen Gem of the World's Literature 392 Hathaway. Editorial 394 WALSALL, Commencing Julv 10 in the Tent, Bradford Street (opposite Secretarial Notes 394 General Hospital). Campaign by Pastor and Mrs. E. J. Thompson. The Word of GQd 395 Trials and Triumphs at Colwyn Bay 396 Critical Comments on Current Concerns 397 The Bible 398 Elim Crusader Page 399 PRINCIPAL Monthly Book Window 400 & Revival Party's Summer Engagements Terms.-10/- for one year or 5/- for 6 months, post free to any address. COLWYN BAY. In the TENT, pitched on ground in Printed and Published every Friday by the Elim Publishing Co., Ltd., Clapham Crescent, London, S.W.4. Eirias Park, Abergele Road. Now in progress and continuing throughout June, July and August. Sundays, 3 and 7.45 p.m. Week-nights, 7.30. Wednesdays, 3 p.m. Note: Pastor and Mrs. Joseph □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ Smith will take charge of the meetings during August □ □ while the Principal and Party are at Portsmouth. 0 COME '110 THE GREAT □ Not,I Copies of the official Guide Book to Colwyn Bay may be obtnin!!d by forwarding 2d. for postage to the Guide Secre- □ □ 1:i.ry, Town Hall, Colwyn Bay. PORTSMOUTH. In the BIG TENT, pitched on the § Foursquare § Old Fair Ground, Commercial Road. Commencing Sunday, July _3lst and continuing throughout August. Came 1pend your holidays in th111 two delightful holidoy centre ■ (Colwyn Bay and SouthHa) and participate in the § Gospel Rally § happy Foursquare Gospel Revival meetings I AT THE 0 □ For parlloulars or Colwyn Bay Holiday Home see below. § CENTRAL HALL, § D . Westminster, London D D □ ELIM SUMMER SCHOOLS & HOLIDAY HOMES B Saturday, 3rd September B COLWYN BAY, NORTH WALES. Noted for splendid scenery. June, Opening Prayer Meeting at 10 a.m. July, August. House in best locality near sea, and within easy reach of D D Revival Campaign. Bathing from house. Apply Miss Treadwell, Morannedd, D Special meetings will be held throughout the day □ Marine Road, 0 simultaneously in various halls, including Divine □ EASTBOURNE. July 29th to August 30th. Miss Barbour and Miss Henderson. Beautiful houses in own grounds in commanding positions D Healing Service to be conducted by Principal □ near sea. Bible Readings and other meetings. Games, picnics, outings □ George J effrey-s, Communion Service, Elim Cru- □ organised by Mr W. Snowden. Apply Elim Woodlands, _30, Clarence Road, 0 sader Rally, Sunday School and Cadet Rally, D Clapham Park, London, S.W.4 FE_LIXSTOWE. July 23rd to September 3rd. Mrs. Saxon Walshaw. □ World Crusade Meeting, special singing by various □ Tennis, boating, picnics, etc. Special meetings and speakers. Apply: D choirs, Lectures, etc. to be concluded by D Bell grove, Rothwell Road, Halifax, Yorks. OLOSSOP. '' Beth Rapha," near hiUs and moors, bracing air. Rambles and outings arranged. Spiritual fel1owship. Moderate terms. Crusader B One Creat United Meeting 8 Carnp-July 30th, to Au!(ust 13th. Apply Pastor T. Tetchner. O in the evening, conducted by O El,.IM WOODLANDS with its beaultful grounds, is an ideal spot to stay in, also a good centre for visiting places of interest in and around London. Spiritual fellowship in the home and the London assembHes. Apply: :Miss B Principal CEORCE JEFFREYS B Barbour, 30, Clarence Road, Clapham Park, London, S.W.4. 8 Book the date now I 8 D Further particulars will be announced later D □ □ ANNUAL JULY CONVENTION □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ in the ' Elim Tabernacle, Southwell Road, Bangor, Co. Down, Ireland Speakers: Pastors P. N. Corry (London), W. Anderson (Phila delphia), and Messrs. F. Carson and W. Uprichard. Summer Bible School-July 10th to 22nd. Daily at 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. (Saturday excepted). Subject: Epistle to the Hebrews. Speaker: Pastor P. N. Corry. BLACKPOOL. July 31-August 71 Jubilee Temple, Waterloo Road. August Bank Holiday Convention. Speakers: Pastor L. Newsham and others. Convener: Pastor R. G. Tweed, BLACKPOOL. July 12-31. Jubilee Temple, Waterloo Road. Pastor T. Thomas will conduct services. JUNE, 24th, 1988. The Elim Evangel AND FOURSQUARB REVIVALIST The Elim Foursqua1'e Gospel Alliance was founded Publications and Supplies, Elim Bible College Cor• by P1'incipal George Jeffreys, its present leader, respondence School, Elim Crusaders and Cadets, Elim in Ireland, in the year 1915. The Principal's Foreign Missions, and F'oursquare Gospel Testimony. campaigns ha'l!e filled to overflowing the largest It stands uncompromisingly for the whole Bible as the halls in the British Isles, and have resulted in many inspired Word of God, and contends for THE Ji' AITH thousands of converts to Christ, and notable miracles against all modern thought, Higher Criticism, and of healing. The Movement consists of Elim Revival New Theology. It condemns extravagances and and Healing Campaigns, E!im Foursquare Gospel fanaticism in every shape and form. It ;romulgates Churches and Ministers, Elim Bible College, Elim the old-time Gospel in old-time ;owitr. Vot XUC., No. 25 JUNE 24th, 1938 Fridays, Twopence The Inspiration of the Bible By Pastor JOSEPH SMITH N writing on this subject two distinct lines of belly, so shall the Son of man be three days and three thought stand out before my mind. I know there nights in the heart of the earth " (Matt. xii. 40). He I are many other avenues of thought which like also referred to Daniel as an inspired prophet. And wise prove the inspiration of the Bible. But these two furthermore He affirmed His belief in the verbal in prove conclusively to me that the Author of the Bible spiration of the Old Testament scriptures: " For could have been none other than the Almighty Ruler verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one of the universe. The first is the testimony of Jesus jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, Christ, and the second is the fulfilment of prophecy. till all be fulfilled " (Matt. v. 18). I am very happy to know that Jesus Christ preached I cannot understand the mentality of men who from the same Bible as I use; only that He preached from a Greek translation, and I preach from an AFFIRM THEIR FAITH English translation. I never find Jesus raising any in the four Gospels, and especially in the statements doubts in the minds of the people as to the authenticity of our Lord, and at the same time deny the inspiration of the Old Testament, but on the contrary I find Him of those scriptures which were so firmly believed in by calling it the Word of God, and rebuking the Pharisees Jesus Christ Himself. For it is a well-known fact that for making the Word of God of none effect through their many Modernists and Higher Critics while casting tradition (Mark vii. 13). Again He said: "'If He discredit upon the first chapters of Genesis, and the called them gods, unto whom the Word of God came, accounts of Jonah and Daniel, and the manna in the and the Scripture cannot be broken " (John x.