THE FIRST ONE. FOUND GUILTY. ho bark at the first port they reached. WITH THE CANDIDATES, A TALE OF CRUELTY iiut at Barbadoes they oonoluded to re- A SO® MOSEY MAS. main on the vessel until she got back to Jameson and His Fellow Raiders Prohibition’s Candidate Firsl Portland and we loaded at Turk’s Island, Convicted, for this “Officially” Notified. .vhitber we went in ballast, port. “After we had been out about a day The a Over lioosiers Have Freshet t) Senator Jones Things Trial J Is a roin Turk’s one of tho sailors Talking Was Conduced iu Loudon Yesterday Told By Sailor of a Portland island, Hr. C. Holman Wants to Hold mmed John to suffer Vey lion. Joshua Covering’s Cotter of Accept —Results In Disaster to Soutii Africa Anderson, began Beal With. # With intense from his hand, whioh ance—“Notified” by Party fn Balti- Pops. Co. Bark. pain a Conference in Maine. iwollod up until it was a terrible sight. more Cast Evening—He Bays “Under London, July 28.—All the defendants Anderson was so sIck that he could hard- Consumption 1b Out* Trouble.” in v the Jameson trial have been found stand but Mate Jenkins BURSTS IN ly up, uompellcd TERRIBLE CLOUD THE MEANTIME BRIAN' WILL NOT MAKE .'HE FIRST JUTE ACCUSED Baltimore, July 28.—Hon. John Lever- guilty. 01 him to do his regular work about tho AN OPEN LETTRR TO DEMOCRATS GAS BELT. The remained in their room until triok ing, candidate of the Prohibition party A DECISION. jury ABUSIVE TREATMENT. ressel, and to stand bis two hours’ as 5.23 OF THE SAME SORT. Said to be good as for President, was “notified” at the Ly- o’olook, when they Hied into the at the wheel, the same as tho others. An- court ceum Theatre tonight. Ho aooepted by room and announoed that they had other man named Ouloff, was also very whloh was reading bis formal letter of acceptance. agreed upon their verdict, siok.’and for a while we thought he was Streams Are Swollen and Overflow Their He Is to Bo the Nation- After a felicitous Willing Guided by “guilty” against all the defendants. i ’he Story a to Sailortown to die. Terrible sores on opening, hooontinues: Midnight Trip going appeared Mr. Holman Says Banks. Three Men Killed al Committees Petti- The court sentenced Dr. Jameson to “Injustice, Dishonesty by Light- The platform by the conven- Views—Senator Moveloped—The Vessel Is the Bark his legs and his limbs wore so badly adopted and Absolute of tho Most la tion meets and a 15 months Sir John Disregard ning-Damage Tremendous But my hearty approval, grew Caller at the Bryan- Besidence— imprisonment. Maj. Ella—She lias Just Arrived—Mad swollen that he oould hardly stand But though based on the issue is in was to Elementary Rules of Orderly Proced- Cannot Be Estimated As Yet. single to It amain at Canton.' Willoughby sentenced 10 months, Jenkins made him take his trick at tiro bread McKinley Been With a of Cumber *to the reality sufficiently to allow all tc Col. Cargo ure” Marked the stand H. F. White to seven months, and wheel, and do other work, although tho Chicago Gathering. upon it who are opposed to the Lincoln, Nob., July 28.—Senator Petti- Elver. Anderson, Ind., July 2F.—The situa- saloon and its the other defendants to throe months im- fellow was nil the consequent evils, regard- bolt poor suffering agonies Rockland, July 28.—0. "Vey Ho man tion in the Indiana belt less of their viewB of grew of South Dakota, one of the gas tonight Is any of the othei prisonment each. The Portland bark tim e. of one one Ella, Captain this olty. of the delegatas to tho serious. The successive cloud bursts public questions of tba day. ing silver Republicans, was tho only *300 lerryman of Harpswell, arrived bore WAITING, national Democratic contention at Chl- whioh have It is true, and no thinking man, re- caller at the residence STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. kept up with frightful legu- prominent Bryan before from Turk’s Island gardless of his surroundings or residence, ] ay yesterday “The mate seemed to tnke a fiendish oago and a gold standard has sent since last today. Ho spent some hours with the >nan, larity midnight, havo swol oan for a moment doubt that very rith a load of salt for Portland. This In these two men. it, Prof. Robinson Explains His New Dissin- delight abusing tho following communication to the lead- len streams out of tho hanks and of the of out beloved nominee talking over the situation. are many people land, i the first time she has been in this Only two out of Jenkins Democrats of the Are and those port days Portland, ing state: worthless, flooding the cities aad towns. In this especially engaged in indus- Bryan is still silent as to bis intention fectlng Apparatus. cheap, trial and Inoe^January 13, when she left here for truck one sailor, a blow over tho head “All Democrats of tho State of farming pursuits, are suffering with to tho nomination. Mai no olty time men wore struck regard Populist 1 by lighDing from the general depression so widely tuenos Ayres with a cargo of lumbor, with a heavy shoe, and this was done out who reooguize tho foot that the recent and and killed. The is that no [special to the press.] dangerous prevalent at present, and also tlial general understanding nd if all oan be believed she bad reports of pure ugliness and nothing else. On so-oalled convention at Chicago v.ag Dams and dykes along the White and there has not been a time since tne me- deolsioa will ba readied until Senator July 27.—The meet- Augusta, quarterly a very eventful passage in many ways. our arrival here tho men who had been dominated in its and other morable days just preceding the Jones of Arkansas has consulted the organization con- riveis gave way this and breaking ing of the State Board of Health was It is said that evening out of tbe oivil war, when these difficul- yesterday afternoon two a bused entered a complaint and today luoted'by a of the water leaders as to the best course to spirit injustice, dishonesty ties so Populist held at the office of the board at the l Jnited States weighed heavily upon tho people, deputy marshals visited the United States deputy marshals and absolute disregard for the most olo- or While in Mr. Bryan SWEPT when there was so much uureat and pursue. Chicago, State House, at 10 o’olook this forenoon. t he vessel with a warrant sworn out EVERYTHING^ by visited the vessel several times In search rules of v.no dire for the luture as exist* to the Democratic nation tl mentary orderly procedure, foreboding expressed There were present Drs. A..G. Smith a svoral members of the orew the before it. were rescued from against of Jenkins, but oould not find him. He deprecate and condemn the surreudei f People today. committee his desire to be by of guided Whitefleld, G. M. Woodcock of Ran- i rst.'mate Isaao who in has second story windows. The big dyko at The products of the soil, tho mainstay Jenkins, belongs *300 In money awaiting him at the the majority of that body to Populist their and while bo has bis Prof. F.C. of on is too of the nations’ and judgment, gor, Robinson Brunswick, i lelfast. The obarges ho Be your guard. Health Yorktown broke and the water came prosperity wealth, brought against shipping commissioner’s offioe, but theories entirely alion to the creod of are so low in value in‘ instance* own he is to allow them L. C. Dr. many opinions, willing Jordan apd Charles D. Smith t bo first mate, so It is are has not been near to be trifled with. The down the White river at a ter- understood, them to get his pay, true who deoiiue to accent precious rushing as not to pay the coat of production, to matters. of Democracy, arrange Portland, and the secretary, Dr. A. G. c ruel and abusive treatment to the men. and he best is none too good. In the hour rific speed taking everything in its path, leaving nothing for the labor of the teller has not been seen on board the the declaration of the alleged principles or for the Young offAugusta. The morning session enklns was not fouud on hoard the Ella of SANFORD’S GINGER including bridges and buildings. capital invested. Many per- vessel sinoe Monday.” put forth under the guise of a Democra- danger sons hold the Cleveland, O., 28.—Mr. McKinley was opinion that the oause 01 July occupied by listening to reports 1 y the United States officers. He left the It was to looate other is the best in the world. Johnstown, a suburb, was almost was impossible g tic) platform as in any measure embody- all this trouble is over produotiou. Bu1 will leave for Canton tomorrow morn- from the of seoretary his work in various \ essel as soon as she raohed her dook at members of the Ella’s crow last neiu away uy sue great uyurauuo works oan such an be true? Is col night, ing articles of Democratic faith; but explanation ing. The Major things he will remain of the state. substitutes. Aab for BANFORD’8 line an parts ( lentral wharf on Sunday, and has not but the sailor who was the PRESS’S in- ’■ giving away The river is still tnougot impious onor Liao any rather as subversive and ftV UIU GINGER, and look for Owl trade- rising at Canton throughout the rest of the revolutiocaiy one who believes in a beneficent creaioi During the afternoon, Prof. Robinson l eon seen since Monday. Over $300 in all of the other men on the mark ou the wrapper. Sold everywhere. Pot. at the rate of a foot an hour. Crops are formant, says of all this nation hag’beon taught to ad- believe that he har- In reference to the report a teh Drcg & Chem. Sole Props., Boston. bestows bountiful campaign. gave practical demonstration or a l«op the amount duo him for his six vessel Corp., destroyed. state that loney, will corroborate his story and will mire aud revere as Democratic doctrine; Dispatches tonight vests rather than a blessing of mankind \ that he was to make a at the open- speech which he has invented for als- iontiia pay, awaits mm at the united the cities of Elwood and Alex- No, Perish the The reason practical testify to the above faots and ninny more who refuse to even Franklin, no, thought! iDg of the Ohio campaign, he said to- participate passively of all the infection. f tates commissioner’s bnt If tho case ever comes for SPECIAL NOTICES. andria are under water. The dam- prevalent troubles in our fall shipping office, up trial. m ene which un- partly ho had hud no communication on political uriiainaiity land today is not over production, but night The apparatus oonslsts of a olylnder v p to a late hour afternoon Mr. age, which is tremendous, canDot be yesterday justifiably and without warrant,unseated the subjeot with any one and that bis alcohol is BEGINNING TO TELL. LADIES’ OH GENTLEMEN’S UNDER CONSUMPTION. Into which wood continuously ,] enkins hsd not called for it. and estimated tonight. would him at Canton. legally properly qualified delegates engagements keep fed from a tank similar to that of a Ger- After last PRESS re- That being so, where is there a cause midnight night,a in order to reverse the just control of MADE-UP GARMENTS REPUBLICAN CAUCUSES. man student’s lamp. Iu the top of the [ orter heard of the oharges against whioh prevents the consumption of ne- HANNA IN GOTHAM. Big Philadelphia Concern Goes to the certain state delegations and thus defeat are soiled or can be is fitted a of copper j and after several sailor limit Slightly Wrinkled, oessaries, to say nothing of the luxuries cylinder dinnhraghm enkins, visiting the will of the Demooratio electors of P. Candidate for Talks to tke New York Wail. P, Larrabee, Sebago's tho Briefly Reporters conelsting of two between t houses on Commercial of life comparable to the trafflo. gauze layers, oarding Pore, those states, duly expressed in local cnu- liquor of the Legislature, Situation. which is a layer of especial active mn- a nd India streets, succeeded in a We are told by the advocates of one ol finding cua s and oonventions; who believe it is terlal. Upon the appltoation of gentle lember of the Ella’s orew. Some of the Securities Shrink 8190,000 Since STEAM SPONGED tho political patties that a high tariff is New York, duly 28.— Mark Hanna said Chicago jonsistent with the fundamental princi- And repressed to have the of new, 28.—The cau- below be- appearance Sebago, July Ropublioan heat o fthe gauze the alcohol c raw are at Coombs’ boarding house on In u fasnre Curefhr this olass of work is the panacea of all our ills, and yet the tcday he would probably be here a week. Convention—820,000 Shrinkage ples of Demooraoy to advocate and secure moths); cus elected as ohairman Charles done at today to vaporize and change Into formlo i udia street, and two or three more, in every day, average annual receipts from oustoms His objeot was to establish headquarters. gins Single Day. the highest possible standard of va'ue Davis, and secretary, Fred W. W. HllL a the the second are for the three June he let out the fact that he aldebydo, gas having gemioldai iuding mate, stopping at ind tho fullest measure of sou tl- FOQTFR'Q years ending 30, 1894, Incidentally 28.—A. Elliot & possible These to the district conven- of acid suofc I house on Philadelphia, July G. delegates when tbe MoKinley tariff bill was opera- was hree for the of properties sulphurous gas, (onayan’s boarding Pore ness In the administration of our nation- Jpurpose patohing up manufacturers and dealers in tion were ohosen: Fred L. Meserve and were only leas than $2.5C as is but s treat. Co., papers, ting, $171,00,000, the differences between the two factions generated by burning sulphur, al finances and in the regulation of our Forest DYE of our Othere assigned The counsel for the firm City HOUSE, Joseph Brown. per capita population. in a The It is a difficult to today. of the greater degree. vaporization generally thing gain and who believe ti e tell us that the and unlimited ooin- Republican’ party. said this afternoon that the monetary systom, 13 Preble St. Preble House. There was not a very vote oast for as as alcobol is s n entrance a assignment opp. large age of silver will be the cure-all of the When asked where the progresses, long supplied, to sailor’s boarding bouse of Maine’s torse civil Republican was a one. The firm’s busi- simple dignity Kid Gloves Cleansed every day. the choice of a candidate for the evils Robinson detailed e fter and protective legisla- affliotiug our people. It is strange would be said: “Gen. Prof. experiments midnight, they are not usually ‘I should never be Lace Curtains Cleansed. headquarters be, ness has been to motto, ‘Dirigo,'’ lead,’ ture, there being only 17 voting. P. P. such an idea should be entertained when which had been made at the Bowdoin t he most to visit in the very large, amounting Telephone Connection* Osbourne has satisfied him salt that the pleasant plaoes prostituted to the direction of an unwor- the faot is recalled that the total output about $200,000 a mouth. The assets oou- Larrabee, Fred W. Hill, J. C. Babb and laboratories culturos of dis- c but after as of silver In rooms in the Insurance upon pure ay time, midnight they are of the of nnsoLud oountry for tho last year was Metropolitan sist of real estate in and thy, cause, preparation L. A. Poor were voted for. P. P. Larra- and infected a rule still more Philadelphia only a sum much less than on Madison easo germs upon bedding unpleasant. At Coombs are at once to com- $60,000,000, Company’s building avenue, worth principle, requested bee was nominated. the of tho familiar barn were Chicago from $175,000 to $200,000, annual product be the wherein to and clothing, by which the germs ! loarding house where the reporter, went municate to tho their views would proper place and aboat undersigned, DISCRIMINATION. yard fowl. How utterly insignificant f $400,000 securities. Aooord- SpriDgvale's Itepresentative. hold the of the in quiokly killed. Subsequent oultures aeking one of the Ella’s orew, he en- the of aro either of these figures compared to meetings organization to the from upon advisability immediately P—rer discrimination in selection is half th made from iDfeoted articles were found < ouutered the of the ing reports good authority At the Republican cauous in Spring- one billion two hundred million this oity." proprietor house, Bailing n conference in this state to con- battle won. dollars, the firm had about net invested whioh is Is the direct after of the fabrios to the \ !ho out of bed at this of $850,000 to those whose selection vale, Saturday evening, Charles F. Moul- roliably estimated, In a short talk with a Mr. exposure pulled hour sider what action shall be takon uud r Experience Is costly «porter, in the business the first of the is made in choice yearly tribute the people of this coun- fumes from the to have been abeo- was not in a year. The unwisely especially the of ton was ohairman and F.H. Dexter aoted Hanna said: “I am not infallible. If lamp light very amicable frame the oall issued by the Chitago sou:.:! flour. try pay to the support of the liquor one the failure is not a mercantile one in as any attending regalar Republi- sterilized. t f mind. The was any secretary, Willis E. SaDborn was traffic. A sum and so lutely reporter roundly money conference for a \ o stupendous large can oonvention thinks he knows more sense. It was said it was not caused reprosentati Sanitarians have for some time been c ussed and abused this by nominated by aoolamation for represen- as to be difficult of realization. I do about by man, and for a Demooratio national convention to than the political situation losses the but due to tho place It Is twice as as tbe to find a method of t lme it looked as if more by, firm, entirely tative to the legislature. nearly largo aggre- and is willing to advance opinions and tying utilizing sometbing than In the field a Presidential ticket an "Ikeadis the Staff oflifer of in the value of shares upon gated capital all national banks, or to can of the error of great shrinkage of oonvinoe me my ways, fomio aldehyde as a practical dislnfeo- t rords might be used as weapons against tronest and HAVE IT DOOR state It more plainly, It Is to securities held straightforward Demooratio DHIHKVUKE AMATEUR BURGLAR. equal or it bo thinks his arguments are strong of and this t be by the firm. The deoliuo about 75 oent of the entire tant on aocount Its oheapen, newspaperman's luokless head; if per money, enough to enroll me in the fold of the in value of these securities sinoe platform. silver seems to offer a solution of t ho cause of the landlord’s the gold, and paper currency of the I am to be lamp ready excitement “U. VEY Shows His Lack of Judgement by Tackling sllverltes, perfeotly willing conventions is declared to be (■Signed) HOLMAN, United States. Let this vast sum of mon- About a of \ ?as the fear that bis Chioago convinced.” the problem. pint the alcohol, guests might be “Bookland, Me., 181)6.” a Newspaper Office. ey whioh is now in this the in sinoe July 28, spent yoarly would the atmos- c isturbed by the the loud $150,000; drop quotations way, and for whioh no value is vaporized, sapplant reporter’s visit, reoeived, GREEN MOUNTAIN “POPS’* yesterday having been about $20,000. No Houlton Democrats. but oo the is to In a room of 8000 oubio feet. 1 inguage used by him, would have been contrary only adding phere statement of the firm’s liabilities is givon Biddeford, July 28.—An amateur burg- tbe of tbe in varied and from room to s efficient almost to have 38.—The Democratic suffering people | Taken room a qnart awakened the out, while they are said to be heavy, and Houlton, July lar last entered tho Journal manifold be turned into tbe Sleet In State Convention at Montpelier night press forms, would be sufficient to dlsinfeot 6 e»d. it is thought that the assets will cover mass oauous in this town this afternoon channels of probably room a rear bored a legitimate: trade, in the pur- the indebteuness. through? window, Yesterday. a small house. The alcohol costs about But these of the ihoao the to the chase of those things which will bring despite faots,oae Ella’s following delegates hole through the of a door, panel clipped oomfort and happiness to the home and $1.60 per gallon. c tew was found at last and to the PRESS Bounty oonventiou at Caribou, Thursday, the entered the room and GAY bolt, counting family, then, I believe, tbe trouble which Montpelier, Vt., July 88.—In the Pop- The board voted to continue Its lnves- r eporter he told the following story: HALIFAX. July 30: V. B. Wilson, P, A. Peabody, a of are now so them obtained small amount money by weighing heavily upon ulist oonvention today, the committee on of disinfectants and 3. P. Dennis James will be of tho tigatlon paotlcal THE Tenney, Sheehan, a desk largely things past, and SAILOR’S STORY, boring holes in roll-top belong^ resolutions reported as follows; The W. O. until it is done no relief can be expected. reqnested Prof. Robinson to undertake a Carnival {Is Witnessed by a Great Duffy, Donnell, S. Cogan, W. V. lng to the treasurer of the Biddeford & That all be Issued tbe “The bark Ella sailed from Portland gp^AlmysReliaBIsi While thus emphasizing the results of money by gene- series of experiments to establish the Crowd. MoDoaald, James B. Lindsay and John Saco Street Co. the trafEo as it exists ral government only and without the in- ® u 13 of this Sho was Railway liquor today in our value of Iodine trlohloride, substanoe January year, B. Madigau. Charles P. was and troduction of any private citizen,corpora- Tenney Swing aocepted the agency for the OBE- midst, 1 jaded with lumber far Buenos or institution. * said to be ff not as Ayres Dominated as candidate for the flour. We an all round Delegates Appointed. tion banking nearly, aatually, legisla- LISE offer yoa Fancy THE ABSOLUTE NECESSITY B nd carried besides Halifax, N. S., July 28.—The weather Waiter Wheat Patent Flour unequalled for it should be based upon tbe wealth, powerful as meronrio chloride without Captain Merryman ture from the Houlton ola9s. Augusta, July 28.—H. M. Heath, pre- the nation. nd his the first was grand this afternoon for the pastry, milk Msctiit or loaf bread. A useful of its suppression for stability and Integrity of its wife, mate by the name opening of tinware for the sident of the Maine State Bar sasoclation beverage purposes,ii poisonous properties. “A M nM!MCC_MOT AOAMnmATCI* aitloid kitchen in every bar- We demand it be made legal tender f Isaao a second mate events of the oarnival regatta. A peace and and the Jenkins, named pretty rel. has Hon. Orville D. prosperity Dlossiyge for all debts publia and private and of will of the merits appointed Baker, a and six men still wind made the water somewhat One trial convince you of of God are to rest upon and abide With sufficient volume to meet tbe demands THEY SETTLED 'isher, carpenter, cook, this Obelisk Let us have Hon. Charles F. and Col. Secretary of State Fessenden Fats His Fin- celebrated flour. your Libby Joseph for tbe j jrward besides a As soon as the rough at the beginning, but it moderated order for a barrel at once. our I do not underestimate the of business purpose of honestly boy, B. as to the people, Peaks delegates meeting of \ essel was out of of laud almost to a calm before the last race. ger In the Democratic Fie. faot that there are other over liquidating obligation. sight the trouble the American Bar to be questions We demand the free and Two Who Were Wot as Keen as association, held unlimited Sharpers c n board commenced. The men forward The single soull contest, the big event wbiob the publia mind is seriously agi- coinage of sliver at the American ratio at Saratoga Springs, August 19th, 20th the Sheriff. , rere all either was concluded about 7.80. There were Augusta, July 2S.—The currency given and which are foi of Id to without the consent of other nearly Norwegians or Chief of tated, being pressed 1, and 21st. Tho Lord Justice Eng- and tho of and it was difficult for seven starters. Gaudaur, by the press to the opinion that the speedy settlement There is tbe question nations, exemption savings wedes, them to Hanlon, land will deliver an address. banks be limited to Democratic state can name a of a stable and ut the same time an elas- deposit $30. Foxoroft, July 88.—The prompt action t nderstond all of the orders that were Bubear Human, Bogcrs, Casey and committee GEQ. C. SHAW & CO. We domand legislation to levy- tic carrenoy, equal to tbe demauds ol prohibit of Sheriff Poole and his friends g iven them the mate. Loveitt. The prizes were $500, $150 and candidate to run on the present Demo- Does Anybody Know Her Family. ing tax upon not Deputy by business for every seoticn of tbe oountry, property actually $100. It was a nrettv race nnd sternly cratic 585 Congress, 235 Middle Sts., Portland. saved to Mrs. Kate Brown of DoTer her “Mate Jenkins seemed to be a man of platform in this state induced Boston, July 28.—Miss Dolla McGreen, and yet every dollar of which should b« ownod. The resort to as Instrumentali- in near the end for second but Secretary of State 45. housokeoner at the Ocean View of equal value Rnd tbe whole based on a bribery valuable property Guilford. Walter 1 ery quick aud ungovernable temper, and fought place, Fessenden,to publish for elections and bouse, Blook Island, nearly twenty standard equal to the best in tbe world. ty carrying seourlng Holman and Walter W. Christy are mem- i t was not an unusual thing for him to was easy viotory for the favorite, Jake in the Kennehoo Journal of Wednesday, or court a of Ibe United States oannut afford without legislations, decisions being a years, died there Monday Appoplexy. bers of a orowd of men for the s krtlrn a mn.n nif.h Ha fiat nr tnhnfoTfo* Gaudaur, who pushed his shell in front communication in wliioh he oppresses THE WEATHER direct thrust at the very life of free gov- who, past She was employed in the Hamilton, tbo for iew nave maue uiuir * oarue at hand and thla he would at the start and rowed quite leisurely opinion that it is not oompetont Washington, D. O., as housekeeper for stamp inferior to that of any country on weeas, nuuuqunr- reapon than on our we de- over the three mile oourse and llnisned She state oommittee to nominate a can- several years. She come from Nova Sootia the globe. firing country’s fiag ters at the Dover house, In this place, t o on very slight provocation. Fights mand nu act of it iu — trace of her The of the maintenance of Congress making ahead without the under circumstances. Boston, July 28. originally, but no relatives question th« They to seoure her on v rare of daily and a apparently least dis- didate, existing law as It Is in faot, a capital crime for attempted property ooourrenoe, hardly or early history can he found among her credit of the government, on whioh its more than Ho tahes'the that no Looal foreoag for both receiver and of bribes in false pretenses. When arrested they had (' ay passed without a sorap of Borne kind. comfort, by eight lenghs. ground vacanoy effects. The remains will bo honor is based and for wbieb every one giver any Wednesday: Fair form and as suoh. a deed of while Mrs. Brown had been ?hen out from The other men did not row very hard 3Xist3~within the meaning of the law, Sarsoualept as Jong as possible in the hope that worthy of the name of an American oiti- punishable it, forty days Portland, warmer We endorse the of the Omaha on the first half of the to bo that dnring the some.of her relatives may be heard from. zen is or should be profoundly jealous, is principles given nothing but a note payable in a £ eoond Mate Fisher and Jenkins got in- course, reserving supposed applicable, Winslow one of vast platform as enunolated In the People’s bas day; southwest importance. year, and even this note was in the hands t o a fight in which both men were badly themselves until after the turn. On the never filed his aoceptanoe, and is a party convention adopted In St. Louis, Ijittle Sound Men. Again propor adjustment of the tariff, down Loveitt a simply a nominee of the convention and winds. Rhody’s Money 1896. of the men when arrested Poole. I irulsed and The was wit- way fouled buoy and was so that labor oan have Us July 26, by injured. fight not a just protection being up by a row bo.t. “candidate.” 28.—The local sound Presidential electors and state officers Holman was arrested on a of lar- r ossed all of the and was upset, ploked Washington, July Providenoo, July without ut the same time giving undue charge by crew, said On the who Within the meaning of the statute, the Democrats have recoivod susbtan- wore nominated. Battelli of Mid- way home, Baubear, was be- 28.—Forecast for money protection to the manufacturing interests Joseph oeny and both on a warrant for conspira- t ) have been caused by some hind Hanlon and and secretary of state’s will hold un- tial in their efforts to in- was nominated for trifling Hogers, knew ho opinion for New encouragement at the expense of the great dlebury governor. sil the oourt. It Weuuseuuy England: Fair, consuming the T. oy to defraud. After the arrest they were ristake, which the second mate hnd had no show, rowed away from the passed upon by Supremo augurate an organized movement, and of our is In second district convention portion people, worthy of pro- oourse. At the turn was out of is thought the committe will oall a new »ou thwesterly winds, warmer on the the loaders feel confident that the Demo- J. Aldrioh of Wheeling was nominated anxious to settle. Christy gave Mrs. t lade and which the mate deemed Casey the found consideration and early solution. race. Durnan was convention. a for the first second; Hogers third; ooast. cracy of Rhode Island will In short The cf favoritism in nominated congressman. In Brown a claim for the and s ufficlent exouse for a blow wbioh question legisla- quit property the Hanlon fourth. Guudeuar's time was time announce a decided advocaoy of a district convention, A. L. Bowen of l ocal Weather tion, whereby trusts, monopolies and cor- both to all of attor- e eoond mate returned. 20.25. Haulon the fastest Report. a of its con- Dorset. agreed pay oharge pulled stroko platform through majority porations are fostered and proteoted tc of neys, oto. This morning they were sum- Things went from bad to worse on the all the competitors, reaohing 54 at one Portland. July 27.—The looal weather stituency. the detriment of the interests of the peo- time. A meeting will be held tomorrow af- at WHO SAID ICE CART? moned before the municipal court of essel and every one was in bad humor, bureau office records as to the weather ple large, Z The four oared contest between the ternoon for consultation and organiza- had made c aused the mate’s Dover, but as they ample re- by ugliness and Wanderers of a crew from St. are the following: tion. IS A VITAL ONE Halifax, to Mrs. Brown after t rutality When the Blver was John and from 8 a. m.—Bnrometer, 29,880; thermom- Harrison Goes Out of His Way to Slnr oompense paying reaohed, Dartmouth, expeoted and to be a ter, 70.5; dew point, 68; humidity, 90; and should have interest prompt con- court ohargos, they were discharged. 1 isher, the seoond mate, who had had exciting, proved procession, the Long Suffering Reporters. Wanderers winning with ease, and tho wind, W; velooity, 9; weather, clear. sideration os a matter of oommon justice -a jveral other with the left fights jmate, St. John men in far behind the 8 p. in.—Barometer, 29.953; thermome- ootnlng to an oppressed people. Extravaganoe IT WAS SUICIDE. t tie vessel saying he wonld not sail on Dartmouth crow. ter, 71.8; dew point, 66; humidity, New Har- in of public funds for York,July 28.—Ex-President as The race lu the Labrador 83; wind, SW, velooity, 5; weather, partly expenditures pur- ny ship where the mate acted badly whalers, be- other than the weal and rison, who Is at the Fifth Avenue hotel tween a crew from cable steamer 11c- o oudy. poses publio Jury Says t lie Hermit of Kennebunk '<'■ s he did on the Ella. liay-Bennett aud crew of Wean dally thermometer, 74.0; maxi- often not necessary, is a mutter of seri- this morning, said to a reporter when Young-Kdward Died by His Own Hand, ABUSED A SWEDE. Halifax, was won easily by tho mum thermometer, 84.0; minimum ther- at this asked to whether he had former, ous moment, especially time, when say anything but the prize was awarded to the mometer, 63.0; maximum velocity wind “After on board a load of Yoursg- of the to on situation: “I taking hay 18; total .37. the state country domands lower, say the political Edwarils, because the McKay-Bennett precipitation, Stout I or tbe the vessel set meu went People rather than increased taxation. object to Interviews on political matters. Kennebunk, July 88.—The coroners’ in- Barbadoes, finally tho wrong way in getting Know s all. When out from the around the turnging point. the agonies, due to excessive The strained relations between I do not think there is anything for me quest over the death of Fred Brown, the three^days land, Her. Air. O’Brien Engaged. existing The raoe In the nien-of-war gigs be- occur under If there who was found in the c row were engaged one. morning in perspiration, that will various foreign countries, as well as to say or that I want to say. hermit, recently tween three crews from the British war- [SPECIAL TO THE PRESS.] woods and [ uttiug an anobor up onto the forcastle folds of fatty flesh tissue; but you between some of them and tbeir depen- is,I will say it in a letter and then there with throat out, concerning ships in port was won by a boat from tho Bath, July 28.—The engagement of the exerolses of whose of foul 1 ead when the mate, Jenkins, without Tartar. can dencies, require broad will bo some ohgnoo of the publio learn- death wore rumors play, O’Brien, the in the oonduot of our for- » struck a An enormous crowd witnessed the raocs. Kev.Franois William young statesmanship views instead of the was oonoluded today.A verdict of suicide ny provocation young Swede, so that while ing my reporter’s such orowds to eign policy, maintaining preacher who has drawn Cease to was rendered. * rhose first name is Harry, and who was Men Worry the honor of our country and affording Idea of what my views are.” Maine In Evidence. his for the past two years, will •- a ne of the men who swore out the war- meetings would skin the amplest protection to overy citizen officers keep your sweet, a Hanover, N. H., July 28,—The be the wom- Iijyou there shall The Irish Hand bill will have third The r in with his announced tomorrow, young of our rapublio, be manifested g Eloquent Frye, »nt, the head fiat, kicked of tho graduating class of Dartmouth clean, free from chafes, irritation, fairness and reading In the commons today. an taiag Ulsa Louise McMickon,a charm- that magnanimity whioh Norway, July 38.—Tho first political 1 im in the back and struck him three or medloal oollege were elected today and disagreeable a stronger nation should never show to- Include Vice President, Edward H. ing young lady of Brooklyn, N. Y., who odors, clear, healthy, rally of the soason in Oxford" county was f iur times with a heavy ropes’ end. The wards a weakor power. RELIEF IN SIX HOURS West Me. ; has several summers in Bath and use — and held t wede a Toft, Gouldsboro, secretary, passed beautiful, constantly, These are matters of importance affoot- this evening. Honator Wm. P. Frye pioked up oapstan bar with Herman Hen- and disease Spiers, Portland; marshal, a once — beat interests of Kidney Bladder where she has large circle of friends. will prove its ing the all oltizens oi Distressing addressed a audience in the t rhioh to defend himself, but did not ry C. class efficacy, relieved In six hours bv the ‘NEW a GREAT large Opera Jackson, Waterville; orator, the country demand ] Auburn. attention; but SOUTH AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE.” This bouse on and honest mon- c ffer to use It, although the mate walked Frank \V. Larrabeo, A. F. what can be “Protection fire at South Parle. submit, hope expeoted foi is a on account Williams of Gardiner Is onthe executive new remedy great surprise ey.’’ a ft and let him alone when the Swede A Cream of tatv_v baking a satisfactory solutiou and settlement of its exceeding promptness in relieving ooiumitttee. powdeiy Norway, July 28.—The farm either of the ----- the bur. The of all in buildings of them two dominant par- pain in the bladder, kidneys,back and every t iok up mate seemed to -—— Highest leavening strength whose of the in male or fe- Repudiation ISndorsed. of Jacob MoKeen at South Paris were ties under alternating administra- part urinary passages row worse in temper with Trial Continued. -Latest rTnitcd States Government male. It relieves retention of water and overy day, tions the wrongs out of ■ burned today. The loss is $3050; insur- growing them it If Hyde Park, Vt.. July 28.-At the blows and The Comfort Powder Co. 25c. and 50c been fostered and pain in passing almost immediately- ut simple ordinary abuse the The cases of the men concerned m the food Heport. have developed until is Democratic convention the ant# The fire is to Hartford, Ct. a box. you waut quick relief and cure this your county today $1000. supposed }, have become 1 neu beoame aocnstomed to, although Horbert Fuller have they barnacles,if uot fester- remedy. Sold by .C H. GUPPY CO. Drug- platform and oandidates of the Ohioago tragedy been con- Baking Powder Co. a defective i-"'' Druggists soil it. on the Royal fiayu caught-from chimney. _All _ ing sores, body politic. gist, 113 Congress 8t. Portland, Me. convention were unanimously approved, t hey threatened to runs away and leave. j tinued to Friday. 106 W alibi t,, N. ami Batteries—Dwyer Peitz; Wilson, LEWISTON MARKETMEN. afraid of anything he doos not plainly happened before he game. MISCKiLAKKOCS. MISCKIXANICOUS. Young and Zimmer, | see, or does not comprehend the nature REPUBLICAN DISTRICT CONVENTION They Will Arrive 1 his Morning and Spend of, and hence he must oitlier be why the Small Boy Couldn’t Answer a National League Standing. prevent- the Day at Peaks from at Bible Query. Island. ed seeing objects all, or he per- The Republicans of the First Congressional Won. Lost. Per Ct A small out lias mitiod to see them plainly. youth in KpHwood come District will hold a convention in City Jlall, Cincinnati, Si 20 .701 Tho Lewiston and to think his native state does not amount at Auburn Marketmen It pays the beginnor to buy oggs to start Portland, on Thursday. August Oth, 1896, The Portlands’ Amateur Baltimore, 52 27 ,t>58 to much. Some time last year his of nominat- are to come to Portland on their and it pays the breeder to family 10 o’clock, a.m., foi the purpose Players Cleveland, 55 30 ,03U today with, buy eggs from St. to removed Joseph, Mo., Chicago a candidate for in Con- 51 £8 .673 31st annual oxctirsiou here, with a lew for the purpose of now ing Representative Chicago, introducing blood and took up residence within the fashion- business Ball. at their gress, and transacting any other Play Winning Boston. 13 37 538 quiet digs Portlnnd brethren, in his flock. The sale of flue eggs is real- district of The able Kenwood. younger that come before it. Pittsburg, 41 38 .537 who were in earlier may properly years expected to ex- ly the base from wbioh to extend and son of the family is a lad about 9 years Philadelphia, 37 41 .457 old, The basis of representation will be as fol- tend some hospitalities, but did not. the bred and a few days ago the whole Sabbath Brooklyn, 37 45 .451 improve pure poultry industry. lows. Each city and town will bo entitled a few' school which this attends was be- Washington, 34 44 .43(5 Twenty years ago, of the leading It has been shown that cows without youth to one 75 votes cast THE LEGISLATORS WERE DE- delegate, and for each New Ycrk, £3 47 .413 grocers and marketmen ing by the superintendent upon of Lewiston and salt for a weok shrank about 15 por cont questioned for the Republican candidate for Governor St.'Louis, 2(5 57 .313 tho lesson of the day. This little fellow FEATED YESTERDAY. Auburn,mot in the moat market of Capt. in of milk, and in also in 1894, an additional delegate, and for a Louisville. 21 69 .2(13 quantity quality has an and unusually bright interesting an addi- Abram Atwood on Lisbon street, Lewis- that it turned sour In much less fraction of 40 votes in excess fo 75, time face, and us his class was seated directly ton, to oonsider tho of hav- from the tional delegate. llocklaud Shuts Out Cauiden. advisability than milk drawn snme cow ; in front of the superintendent he was nat- The Di sric't bo in sesis ing a vacation lor salt committee will 2S.—Rockland white- day’s themselves, their when receiving every day. This urally attracted to him. The lesson was liangor Bolls Up Seven Buns ip Final Rockland, July for Infants and QhiSdrere. in Reception hall at 0 o’clock a. in. on tho olerks and their families; to have n shows the of of Moses and how the Red sea had washed Canideu here and won the day’s importance giving them a sepa- day of the the creden- of Other Games In today, convention to receive Inning—Besults outing away from care and business. and should rated and permitted him to lead his hosts game hard and clean regular supply, they always tials ot the and to attend to such Other and the by hitting holding. tho divided water. delegates leagues Standings. Excursions woro not so common then access to it. through observation of Castoria with the of other The score: have years’ patronage business as may be necessary. When the had as they are The Lewiston and One of the most useful and superintendent finished Per AngU3ta, July 28.— Portland won today Rockland, 30100,012 3—9 today. convenient lie millions of us to of it without Order, relating the story, concluded to see how THIRTY persons, permits speak guessing. 00000000 0—0 Auburn Marketmen’s Association was for the farmer to use iu case o£ Republican District Committee. b.v good hitting in the fifth and eighth, Camden, hings much his youthful listeners had taken in. then (Jol. Elisha is It is the best for Infants and Children HENRY C. errors. The w a3 Base organized, Keene, the wire cuts on his horses oarbolio acid. “Who was he unquestionably remedy BREWER, t^nnan. helped along by game hits—Rookland, 11; Camden, 8. it, children,” questioned, THOS. F. oldest and STAPLES, Secretary.*** not particularly lively, the hitting of Errors—Rockland, 3; Camden, 0. Bat- grocer markotman in the two Of oourse it should be diluted in water that led tho Israelites into the promised the world has ever known. It is harmless. Children like it. It teries—Stafford and Portland, July 6th, 1896. Weeks Gorham and Killeen Fay; Slattery and cities,being ohosen president, and Abram iu the of about 10 to 1. It landt” Keller, being proportion Towns are entitled as follows: Libby. the usual gives them health. If will save their to delegates the features. Attendance 250. The Atwood, John Garner and Fred Penley costs but little and should always be With timidity of children lives,, In it Mothers have Baldwin only Baseball Notes. 3 Bridgton, G about out in none of a committeo to to Portland on It is also for a “speaking meeting” {’ 8 Elizabeth, l o soore: appointed go kept baud. good dis- something which is safe and as a r,! ,ilswlC Cape 8 Mt. Pleasant them The looked at each absolutely practically perfect 2 South House, N. H., July 28.— to mako for a and a replied. boys Portland, j arrnngomoDts trip iufeotant. Cumberland, 4 9 PORTLAND. The most other and giggled, but none offered re- child’s medicine, Deering, exciting game of the Beason olam bake to one of the beautiful islands human j beings, and animals any Falmouth, 3 5 Plants, Gorham, Fieeport, ‘AB R DH PO A E was at Fabynns and re- sponse. 5 <;lrty 4 played today, in Casco bay. Little Chobeague was need fresh air and to Castoria sunlight, exercise “Now, I know you all know his name,” destroys Worms, \ Harps well, 3 Harrison, 3 Leighton, of, 4 1 0 2 0 0 sulted, Mt. Pleasants, 6; Fabyans, 5. aud Naples, 3 oboson, Atwood, the oyster dealer koep them in proper health; if said tiio in a New Gloucester, 3 O’Rourke, 5 1 2 0 0 1 denied, superintendent patronizing Castoria Noith Y rf, The Mt. Pleasants the on allays Feverishness. armouh, 3 otisfleld, 2 play Maplewoods Centre stroet, Portland, contracted for weakness follows. There is a tone. “Just think a moment tell me. Hill, If, 5 0 110 0 tondenoy and lortland, 53 pownal, 2 Saturday. of Duncan, o, 5 0 0 0 2 0 the clam bake. The number of excur- to ooddle our cows too much, to hlankot Won’t some you? Let this little man vfctatuiict pi cv ciita »Our Uura. Raymond, 2 Scarborough, 3 vumuing’ Sebago, 2 1 2 2 11 0 0 Tho Lakeside Press employes challenge donists was tell me,” he to the recent y Standish, 4 Woods, lb, 300, and they wero accom- them aud to heat their stables, and oven said, pointing ** 4 2 1 8 8 0 tho of Tucker comer from the south. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic.' Magoon, 2b, employes the Printing panied by a band. The comminittoe in to them while at Yarmouth, 4 Acton, 4 113 4 0 tethering pasture, Kilfeder, ss, to a of ball “I don’t know, sir. I don’t live here. I Alfred, 3 Berwick, Company game Saturday, charge of the excursion this year an- jlueh of this is a and is Castoria relieves Troubles. Gorham, 3b, 4 12 110 mistake, not came from Teething Bludeforcl, 15 Buxion, 8. Members of both teams to be only up Missouri the other Killeen, 4 0 2 0 3 0 August nounce that tho train will run around to called even for the Cornish, 3 Payton, 2 p, for, high ends for was the Castoria cures and bona llde of tho day,” frightened reply.—Chicago Constipation Flatulency. Elliott. 3 Hollis, 4 39 8 11 27 13 1 employes corporation Commercial street, where boats will be which we aim. Total, Chronicla Kennebunk, 6 Kennebtmkport, 4 which they represent. in for Castoria neutralizes the effects of carbonic acid Kittery, 6 AUGUSTA. readiness Peaks Island. On arri- The cow should be bred with as much gas or poisonous air. Lebanon, 3 No Objections to Children. Limerick, 3 Liming ton, 3 val on the island the marketmen, led care as the mare. It is bettor that A FEARFUL by those Castoria does not contain or Lyman, 2 Newfielcl, 3 AB R BH PO A E DIN Fond Mother small morphine, opium, any other narcotic. a band, will march to the gates of Green- owning one to four or live oows should (accompanied by North Berwick, 4 Old Orchard, 3 o, 4 2 2 ll I 0 see you take children at this hotel? Castoria assimilates Parsonsfleld, 3 Saco, 10 liutler, wood and then return to tho and a animal of son)—I the food, regulates the stomach and Johnson. 4 0 1110 Garden, join buy partnership high Hotel bowels^ gtmford, 8 Shaplelgh, 2 2b, Over tho Admission of to Summer Proprietor (glancing gen- Anarchists the Peaks isand house. a South Berwick, 6 Waterbo 4 Picket, If, 5 113 0 0 merit, rather than buy oheap bull for at little and natural rough, ially many boarders)—Oh, yes, giving healthy sleep. Wells, 4 4 4 0 3 1 0 0 Trades Union Congress. The base ball York, Connor, rf, game will take plnoe on each farm. Two farmers with ten cows madam, of course. How do Flack, c£, 4 0 0 2 0 0 you do, my Castoria is in one-size bottles It is not the top of the hill as soon as possible. between them can better afford to little man? put up only. sold in bulk. Bean, ss. 4 0 12 11 pay THE DAILY PRESS 4 4 28.—The Dancing will be in the danoe hall in $150 for a choice, pure bred than Small Cherub—None o’ your bus’ness. Don’t allow one to sell Kelley, lb, 12 10 London, July International bull, any you anything else on or promise 4 0 0 3 1 1 Fond Mother—Oh, should theplea Dohertv, 3b, Socialist and Trades Unoin Congress re- Greenwood Garden. $50 eaoh for two oommon bulla. baby, you 4 13 0 11 not speak so to the gentleman. that it is “just as and “will answer every Can always be found at the Weeks, p, sinned its sessions today at St. Martin’s The woman who has a knaok for the good” purpose.” periodica 5 G Cherub—I will. tores of: Totals, 37 12 27 3 Town hall, with Herr the well McCullum’s Theatre. business is the one who will suoceed in Sea that C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. Slgern, Fond Mother—Bless his ’ittle heart, you get John Chisholm, 100 Congress street. 00005003 0-8 known German Soolallst and ohair in was ihe business; and women have A. B. 247 Portland, member of Every thetheatro occupied poultry don’t eo know ee shouldn’t so to Merrill, speak 405 10110020 0—5 more The facsimile W. F. Goold. Augusta, the at McCullum’s last than an equal chance to is on u Relohstag, presiding. The creden- night, which speaks succeed, mamma? Say, “I’m very well,” to the every N. G. Fessenden, 628 for es a « Earned runs—Portland, 3; Augusta, 2. tials of all the delegates who presented well for the play “Virginia,!’ as the women, rule, possess more perse- nice gentleman. signature of W. II. Jewett. 504 Three bass Killeen, Kel- Ttoro n no rvawflanaea n ul nf Vinn nv.nltfln^ Cherub—I won’t. wrapper. I. A. Libbv. 660 hits—Magoon, themselves for admission UUU'Illf VVU1U 14 U Mil SJIO WI3B 1UU1 were closely F. A. 986 street. ley, Johnson. Two base hits—Gorham, Fond Jellison, Congres scrutinized at the door and several of tlons that are dependent on Mother—Mercy! Don’t throw your J. J. Bearilworth. 87 India street. Butler, 2; Kelley. Stolen bases—Doherty, night’s of the week. It is the verdiot success; Children for in oases Dan mat way. xou u ureas a wmttow. Cry Pitcher’s P. II. Erskine. 43 Middle street. on them were and the of all who have though many she lack the Castoria. O’Rourke. First base errors—Port- rejected bearers de- seen this play that it Is might J. W. 2 street. Children are so Innocent and that— THE Peterson, Exchange joyful _ CENTAUR COMPANY, tT MURRAY land, 2; AugU3tn, 1. Hit by pitched ball nied admittance. This led to a series of the of the season. So entbusinstio business taot to dispose of her stock in STREET. NEW YORK CITY. Mr. Dennis, 419 Commercial street, n_. vr vxf_.1 mn gem madaju. trade to the best Proprietor—I beg your pardon, c. 8. Cole, Cor. Boyd and Oxford street. quarrels. The galleries where the dis- did the crowd become last advantage. Bub women -™IK—Bwmil pitch—Wseks, Struck out—By Killeen, large night I said wo took children, and we do, but it J. W. Peterson, 177 Middle street. turbances started at should have some practical be- W. A. street. Picket, Connor, Bean, Weeks; by Weeks, yesterday were dosed the finale of the third act that they experience is my duty to warn you that we have mea- Golden, 76 Exchange fore out Westman & West, 93 and 95 Commercial O'Rourke, Hill, Woods, Kilfeder, 2; today. stood upon their foot and cheered and launching very deep. sles, and whooping cough, and chicken street. Killeen. Time Hoard Gorham, Umpire—Long. Herr Singer, in calling the Congress to hurrahed unitl every member of the oast very properly says that the farm- pox, and scarlet fever, and smallpox in W. A. Giilis, 145 Commercial street. —3 lieurs, 20 minutes. and Frank Freeman. 190 Brackett street. order this said it was before the ers have not yet furnished the conditions the hotel, five children have morning, not de- passed curtain. Snch loud something John IL Allen, 381V2 Congress street. Fall Kiver Wins From Brockton. sired to call the authorities to can make the that looks like Asiatic cholera— Thank upon applause has never before boen heard in whereby they most profit Dennet&Co. the Florist, 645 Congress street. station a strong foroe of outside fate, she’s gone.—New York G. J. 96 Vb Portland street. Brookton, July 28.—Brockton lost a polleo the house. The little Scott children have out of the creamery. They are furnish- Weekly. HoUgaoh, the hall, but stewards had been ap- T. M. Gleadening. Long Island. with Fall Kiver er- half the amount of milk should F. L. Peaks game today through pointed instead to keen order in the made a decided hit by their wonderfully ing they A Criticism. Brkokett. Island. E. L. Littlefield, 189 Congress ?treeL rors and their inability to hit Klobe- building. work and were a furnish. There are.thousands of farmers clcvei presented with “I don’t said the J. K. Harmon, ilio street. The discussion of see,” man who was Congress cianz, who a line game. The the question of ad- of tied with 300 acres of who are C. 8. Morrill, 931A pitohed box candy, prettily with ribbon. land, keeping trudging wearily beside a wheel with flab- Congress street. mission of Anarohists to the hall was i L. II. Beal, 422 Congress street. sooro: At the matinee Mr. Pasoo not more than ten to fifteen cows. The then resumed, and the yesterday was by tires, why people persist in indulging J. M. Googlns, 221 street. English section, z S Spring Fall River, 02612100 0—12 which controlled the preliminary busi- the recipient of one of the largest floral making of the milk from these few oows in misnomers. Mrs. Bratov, cor. Spring and Clarki streets. 00201000 0— 3 ness A J. T. Wyer. 48 Portland Pier. Brookton, this morning, decided by a vole of that ever went over the costs them nearly double per what “What’s the matter now?” the p piecos footlights. pound inquired G. W. Hum. 8 Custom House Wharr. hits—Fall 223 to 104 to exclnde Anarohists. This friend whom he had met. Base River, 8; Brookton, 4. It was from one of his admirers It would if they made four times as 73 A John Cox. 23 Monument square, action no sooner heoarae known to the many Errors—Fall 3; 6. Bat- “This trip that I started on this morn- Dennett, the Florist. 563 Congress street. River, Brookton, and was handsome much. O \ Anarohists outside than became very indeed. Those L. D Look. cor. Congress and teries—Klobedanz and Rupert; Korwan they ing. They call it a bicycle run. It hasn’t Franklin. furious with rage, and who intend to see had Many people have a somewhat vague Also at the new stands in me Falmouth and Shea. gathered, shortly going Virginia been one any of the time. The first half before 11.30 In a Idea of Preble and United States hotels, and Grand o’clock, threatening better engage their Boats at once as the the mode of making and composi- of the Trunk and Union Williams Weakened in tlie Sixth, body in front of the hail. There they journey was a bicycle ride and the If Depots. If can also be ob- tion of filled choeso. It is described to ■ tained of Chisholm Bros., on ware addressed their whose sale is unusually large. other half lias been a bicycle walk.”— agents all trains Bangor, July 28.—The visitors played by leaders, of the Maine Central, Grand Trunk ~nd port wotds so the committee at ns Star. z iiery exoited the mass of Anar- Washington being Washington \ land & Rochester railroads and of on without life. Williams weakened in the Points for the! Parmer. | agents any chists that at about 11.30 they made a de- a sort of lard cheese, without a particle a r of the Boston trams. and after that the was Ban- Wonders of The can also be sixth, game termined rush for the doors of the hall, The laying of unusually of butter fat. In its manufacture Science. Press found at the following large eggs seventy out side the Attendance 450. The scoro: overturned the and places city: gor*. doorkeepers poured generally denotes that the hens are over- per cent of skimmed milk, and thirty Blinks—If you have so much trouble into the gallories in spite of all opposi- cent of neutral made from Auburn—J C. HaskelL Bangor, 11001900 7—19 fed. per oil, hog with your teeth, why don’t you get artifi- tion. This caused a repetition of the ox- leaf, or unrondored are usod. To this z Augusta—J. F. Pierce, Lswurton, 0001 2 001' 0— 4 lard, cial ones? The idea of being bothered that Bath—Johii O. SliAW. oiting scenes of yesterday. ft is a groat blunder for a farmer to sell is added oertaln or J coloring flavoring way in this marvelous of scientific and Berlin Falls, N. II.—C. 9. Clark. Base The delegates on the floor of tbo hall off then the age hits—Bangor, 18; Lewiston, 11. his good breedtng mares, yet this is matters, rennet is put in, and it mechanical Biddeiord—A. M. Burnham. rose in a and there were shoutB progress 1 I got a full set i irurs—Bangor, 2; Lowistou, 10. Bat- body, often done and tho are madejinto cheese. The cost is approxi- only W. T. and threats geldings retained. a few months Bardsiey. icries—Braliam and Hayes; yells, mingle! with from four aud one half cents a ago. W. Ingalls. Williams, Practice and mately pound Bridgton—A. l urred ana Messitt. various sections. About a hundred dele- chemistry agree without to manufacture. Jinks—Indeed! Are they a success? Brunswick—F. P. 8haW. gates tried in vain to attract the atten- reservation that good clover hay Is the Blinks—Success? I should say so. Why, Cape Elizabeth—Dyer & Jose. Pawtucket Defeats Now Bedford. Cumberland Mills—H. G. Stars* tion of the Chair, while Herr did I can almost eat Finger best roughness which can be used in the CONCERNING PRIDE. with them.—New York Camden—Fred Lewis. Now Bedford, July 28.—Pawtucket his utmost to quell the rising storm. Iu Tobacco Weekly. J. II. Gould. these efforts was dairy. IB5 the German more suc- batted out a vlotory In tho eighth today. Fride of Intelligence, Pride of Appear* Cornish—E. L. Brown.’ cessful than the Northumberland miner, A kerosene e mnlsion is successfully Law In Montana. ^ Deering—N. J. Scanion. Day was hatted hard the con- a nee and Many Other Sorts. throughout Cowo, yesterday, nnd eventually suc- used for lice on cattle. Until DamariscoUa—E. W. Dunbar. they are “Yon can rely on it,” said the Montana test. Attendance 600. The score: ceeded in restoring something like order I have been engaged upon a serious Fairfield—E. H. Evans. rid of It no herd oan prosper. man, “we believe in a strlot enforcement P. Whits Si among tbo delegates. problem lately, but one which is seeming- Farmington—II. Cr J' it<>r: readers Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken coagulating milk need watching, don’t wait till it’s too late. woiKmen, Please inform your that if left for internally, of the prices guarenteed. No work at locom-dentiallr, I will mail in a sealed here for the sensou, Glenwood In view carelessness KIDNEY PILLS will keep them cheap any letter, acting directly upon the blood and mucous sometimes noted BUKEB’S Men’s to let. plan pursued by whleli I was permanently restored in who I will advice free. Bt ie and Women's Wheels Springs, Colorado, tonight in response surfaces of people prepare rennet in the ordi- In repair. gladly give and ii .-a. I manly vigor, after years of suffering from the system, thereby destroying the I navo hundredsof letterslikothis, Nickeling enamelling. •■ •/us foundation of this V/ritcme. Weakness, mght losses and weak, shrunken to a announoing the sudden the disease, and giving the pa- nary fashion, vegetable rennet is E. C. JOB telegram tient worthy Yours, for hoalth, Dr. Bukor. Second Hand from to $50 strength by building up the constitution of attention. The Bloyoles $15 PRINTER, 1 i. vc no from death of her husband who was on his leaves, cleaned run over a some ten Work rawtiB*' scheme to extort money anyone. I and assisting nature in fts work. The properly “I was by team years age can be called for and delivered. MISS A. L. kxcbanus. Y.v n d und swindled thequacks until I doing and would bo since then have beer SAWYER’S by nearly proprietors have so muoli prepared, very much safer and my kidneys were strained; los. faith in mankind, but thank Heaven, I am now way to join his family. faith in Its curative powers, that gud more than troubled with the bed. Two boxes ol SCHOOL OF 09 W tv ell, vigorous and strong, anil anxious to make this they offer One Hundred Dollars hygienic animal substances wetting SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING Exehnngt St., Portland for ease that which have entirely cured me. certain means cf cure known to all. J. M. Linscott 263 any it fails to cure. Send for list may go through chemical your pill® to or send Cycle Company, of chances I cannot thank you for your wonderful PURITAN Also. for Work Having nothing sell C.O.D., I want no testimonials. that unfit them for enough CYCLE MFG. GO., Headquarter, Shorthand money. A. Columbus Boston, have F. food.—New Yours E. and Address, JAS. HARRIS, avenue, assigned. Address, J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0 York remedy.” truly,Henry Lawler,Etna,N.H, ™PIE Typewriting. FINE JOB Rqa 306. Delray, Micli. No statement is yet made public. 75o. Ledger, PillscOc. at the druggists-or mailed postpaid,for pric. ST, Portland, .1, PRINTING A SPECIALTY. BfStod by druggists, Suker Pill (io„ Sanaor, Jfc. G. H, CENTENNIAL BLOCK, 93 EXCHANGE ST SCANLAN, Mgr, Jy25 eod lm Jaal god i BaatHfc" '*»**”* MtvPilW** PORT! ,AND DAILY PRESS, w KDNESDAY MORNING, rULY 29, 1898. 3

EXCURSION'S. ON A SERIOUS CHARGE. FELL THIRTY FEET. M1SCKULAWEOUS. _MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. Jeremiah Edward Parker Arrested and Accused of Floyd Badly Injured While Save Grand Trunk Railway System Shingling a House. Larceny. -K- the Babies' Jeremiah Floyd, who resides at No. Monday night Deputy Marshal Ster- 300 Newbury street, was Protect their little lives from the Edward engago yester- THE ling arrested a man named REDDEST CHEAPEXCURSION day morning in shingling a house on, % Parker on a serious charge. The police ravages of Cholera Infantum by -ox- Waterville street, lu some manner he had been looking for this man for nearly -OF- missed his footing and full a distance of giving them proper and sufficient a week, and last night be walked into 19th and some thirty-five feet to the ground. He Wilson, July 26th, the police station aud gave himself up. A statement f rom Sir Charles nourishment. The dreaded dis- -ALSO OX- was badly hurt and taken to his home. is The against Parker is brought President of the Grand Trunk, pub- oharge Ur. Searles was called and found that eases of children which come with by a named Mies Annie HhII lished la London, in whloh he says 23d and ’36. young lady the man was August 2d, 9th, 18th, 30th, Ac- severely hurt, but that no I can say and her room mate, Miss Coleman. “After a thorough inspection hot weather are unknown when -FROM- bonee were broken. Mr. Floyd was taken cer- cording to the story told by the two that the conditions are very good, to his home at 301 Newbury street, and sat- Island Pond and intermediate stations to Parker, who wus a friend ol’ both tainly better than I expeoted. I ura girls, was Bed connections tor the there attended Ur. Merrill. Letter Mark-Dawn Portland, making with by isfied situation Sales the same house that the Islands and Old Orchard Beach. and roomed iD general railway Free street, came to the is better The revenue them, at 60 A NARROW ESCAPE. becoming dally. worked one statement for not encouraging, Bovinine where they is Leave Island Pond, 4.30 a. m. Globe Laundry, May Arrive at a.m. and was a but this one less Portland, 9.30 afternoon last week given key The Alien Liner Sardinia u Almost Fouls May year contained at 6. and at Island Keturning p. m., arriving room to a of shoes last On the is used. Add a few to m. to the get pair working day than year. drops baby’s Pond 11 p. girls’ the Warship Tartar. EVER KNOWN OB EVER to a main line in INAUGURATED them to take $14,000, Pare from Inland Pond, SI.50 belonging to one of May gross increased milk. Thousands of eminent Pare from Berlin, 1.00 for but this was out by phy- shoemaker repairs. F. commander of H. practically wiped And from intermediate stations at Captain Stopford, correspond When tfce went homo to their inoreased expenditures. On she Chicago sicians are recommend- ingly low rates. For further particulars girls H. S. Tartar Vice-Admi- continually apply has, through division oi to ageuts. Julyl6tu,th,sa,taug30 room that night they found that someone there was a gross increase ral Krskine, preferred charges against it for thi§ had been there and stolen {34 in money 82,000, and this was all retained. On ing purpose. the of the Allan Lina Bouille, pilot the and a gold watoh and ohain belonging the entire system the net increase for Clothier in New DAY TRIP TO steamsbip Sardinian. The Sardinian By Any Hall. month is a deficit England. to Miss $31,500. There was and the Tartar left Montreal about 4 a. of the On making inquiries, it is claimed, a $450,000 in the balance sheet at THIS THE LIST WEEK on 18. IS’ ui. Saturday, July Captain Stop- boarder was found who had soen Parker end of the June half year. lord claims that the Sardinian came dan- BOSTON, — OF ©l IS — tome ont of the girls’ room, although the At a stockholders’ meeting of the So- gerously near striking the Tartar on the shoes whloh he bad arranged to take to bastioook & Moosehead Railroad Compa- MAKE MONEY BY BUYING NOW. Tuesdays and Saturdays, at 10 a. m. starboaid before the latter ship was un- a shoemaker to be repairod bad not been ny Saturday, Z. D. Lancaster, Frank W. -BY THE- der headway. touched. As soon as the discovered Hovey, E. C. T. M. Griffin and girls From his it would seem Bryant, International Steamers. explanation A. J. We mean business and Propose to turn our stock into cash. The old prices ou the lose of the money and watch they re- Moore, ; were chosen directors by GreatClearenceSaie appear the the bow of whloh that the Sardinian, in Black the new ones in ported the matter to the bur all a unanimous vote, and Frank W. Hovey tags police, was down was cast away pointed stream, the -OF- attempts to find the man that night or ohosen seoretary and treasurer for FARE $1.00. from her moorings about the same time during the failed. Eve- ensuing year, A report of the compa- succeeding days tho Tartar was under The Boston about 6 m. Tickets as got wuy. Run in p. ry train and boat leaving the oity was ny's condition was very favorable and the at Pine Tree Ticket Monument warship’s bow, however, was pointed up- Office, watohed, but Parker oould not be found. work on the Harmony extension is BOOTS AND SHOES. and on board steamers. jy!3tf stream and she had consequently to Square, Monday night when Parker walked nearly oompleted. swing bar head slowly Into the river with That was smoke and water into the A new will soon at Milo damaged by Red station be built Blazing polios to himself up depot Figures. give in the irapulso of the current order to get the late Are In our store. Ev- he claimed that he had just tome from by the Bangor & Aroostook railroad. by aiound. erything ou hand must be sold without Examine aud see if this is not the Boston and had just learned that the po- According to ofiioial computation, there most gigantic slaughter you have heard of. Come Excursion The Sardinian, he states, was beaded reserve. Here are some of the prices Sunday lice Were 94 accidents on the railroads of the and look ove.r the goods, then if you don’t think them TO- wanted him. No trace of the money we will name : cheap don’t buy. The believers will directly for his vessel and ooming on take the or watoh was found, but the poiioo will oountry in June. Of this number 4C surely goods quickly, Beach, Squirrel Island a head of steam. The Tartar at ladies’ §1.25 Eld and Russet Goa t Fophatn under and 6 and Harbor. probably put him before the court on the were collisions, 49 derailments Walking sizes 2 1-2, 3 and Boothbay the moment was In such a position as to Shoes, of the one other and the number of per- 3 1-2. for 50c a uair. — oharge larceny, two girls and accidents, THE FIXE NEW be powerless. Capt. Stopford states that, of the boarders at 60 Free street appear- sons killed was 80 and injured 56. Men’s Russet Lace Shoes for in his opinion, the Sardinian’s way $1.50 ing as witnesses against him. An Important question has arisen 97c a should jhave been stopped. pair. STEAMER SALACIA Parker Is a nice and well among Grand Trunk employes as to what appearing 'Pha nnoHinn rtf tha trtfn vocaula nrhnn Ladies’ $1.50 Russet Walking FURNISHING GOODS. effect the dismissals beincr made bv the WILL LEAVE FRANKLIN WHARF, dressed young fellow about 27 years old. Shoes for 75c a pair. nearest together was directly opposite hare They too must go. We have cut the heart out of all SUNDAY AT 9 A.. 3Y3C-, He was for a time employed at the Globe general manager of the road will Ladies’ Fine Eid Button and Lace our goods, but as space for. the C. P. R. elevators and a little below as the bids and life is short we come. at Boothbay Harbor about 12.30 p, m Laundry, but left there some weeks ago. upon tho superannuation regards Boots, in small sizes, at practically simply say Money saving people will not be slow to Arriving Viotoria wa3 respond leave Harbor at 2 m. the pier, whore the Tartar as our RED FIOURE8 to Returning, Boothbay p. He will be in court dismissed member. The fund has been your F ifiQ on in Taniiawvr and iftthFiinff Slit 7! of oity assessor left vaoant by the death Greeley Hospital yesterday morning In and May, and $3.60 to $3.50 ii Clothing,Yacht Mr. J. W. are H. A. April Supplies. of York, Hallett, suffering from delirium tremens. He Juno and July. C ITorl noiric A P Welch. A. T4 geoXfrye kept the resldeuts of the neighborhood of The same time in 1896 the same lion; Toucan sret the best and ch eane from the Hesaltin e and H. N. Pu'rriugton. the polloe station awake ou Monday sold 34.00, extremo high point 320 CONGRESS ST. to the lowest. How much of a fal for several hours hla and $3.50 .___ie2m.wjiifr.tf night by yells was there in three Ate Dog Plum Pie. the.past years? Taklnf screams. All efforts of the polios to the lowest price flour ever sold at, It ii BARGAINS RYAN & KELSEY’S (Biddeford Journal.) quiot the man were In vain. The fellow not possible to figure out muoh oyer om i i dollar a barrel deollne“in three year; ! — claims to be an actor, and has a terrible past IN Deputy Marshal James Slogan and his against thirteen dollars In the tbrei 132 Commercial St., head Portland Pier. Ho in of bluo- thirst for liquor. belongs Boston, first mentioned. Flour was no July and juneld2m family ato a pie oomposod partly years ; | During | been in this town on a continu- sold ii berries and partly of dog plums, and but has aloue in tke big decline. Coru i we will close i for several weeks. Chicago at $1.02 per bushel in 1868, ani August were takeu violently ous drunk 2D HAND BICYCLES Sunday night they at 56 cGnte to 39 cents in 1871. at 5 o’clock. ATtiitMT sick. The deputy, his wife and daught- The New Armory. Fork went down from $34.00 per barre , $ Saturdays \ • * If you are for bar- severe illness in 1869 to $12.09 In 1873. That Bren looking ers were attacked by during Special order, No. 39, Issued from the s s I have “crime” which the Populist delight t,i ; gains them, better values the and later in tho night one offloo under date than 1 ever able evening, adjutant general's of “roll as a sweet rnorsol under the! — have been to of the becamo ill. offer see of the two boys family July 27, informs companies A, B, E, L, tongues,” had not been committed, sc s * yon before. Call and with of them before a 2d hand BiSYCLiSTS The deputy was attacked nausea and the Signal Corps that the now armo- that could not have been the oause th< you buy was immense shrinkage in value •. wheel. I have them, all prices. while on duty. Dr. Emery sum- ry is ready for oocupaney and direotB If G. Fred is ignorant of these histori I moned and attended liim at the W. L. CARD, police them to take up quarters in it as soon cal facts, he should not pos.1 as an in and relieved his pain, and tho : f station, ag The will be under siructor In political he know a I takou to his homo possible. armory eoonomyjif T E. S. deputy was then on butter, then those ancient “prevarlca PENDEXTER, Cleaves’ hill. There it was found that the charge of Major Charles Collins. Un- tors” of whom we read in the Soriptures Merchant Mrs. Megan and two little daughters til the completion of the drill shed the Tailor, col Congress S Portland, Me wore In the slang parlance of tbu day | | dtt ride were in a similar way. Dr. jell) When you out through sufferiog companies are directed to make nse of “not in it.” G. A. HUNT. got thorn all Emory finally comfortable, E’s drill ! I W'oodfords add to the a nurrow for company hall. pleas- but it was quite escape • 4-6 Free St. wore as A Globe Trotter. PORTLAND STOVE thorn. reported FOUNDRY Monday they dcc4 ures of the rido by stopping Funeral of the I.ate CO., still confined John W. York. RETAIL STORE FOOT OF doing niooly, though to “Hare yon lived right here in this hens , | f CHESTNUT STREET. MOODY’S for a GLASS of their homes. The berries were picked a Nev Leroy Tates, II. S. Davis & at by The funeral of the late John W. York all of your life?” asked a tourist of Co., andO. M. & D. W. Nash, Local Aleuts. ono of the at Hill’s but the boys beach, we soli at our store, a REFRESHING SODA. will take from Hampshire octogenarian. Commencing July 1st, COLD boy who picked them escaped the sick- place his late resldenoa ! few odd lots In women’s fiusset child- “Well, much all my life. I migh Oxfords, because he did not eat any pie. on street at 2 putty ren’s Kusset iu heel and heel, and we A wheel rack is there to hold ness, Congress p. m. today. I’ve beoi spring say all my life, ’oeptin when have some special bargains In women’s, wheels and a pump is at trav’Un 'raound. I’ve done a heap o misses' auu cmiarens uongoia Button Boots. your When yon call ask to he shown our ladles' fcrav’lin in my day. “MMyNSEilffT if tires $1.25 Oxford Tie in Kusset and Black, for we your disposal your “Have ever been abroad?” you ■ ~ have the best one in the State. We have also bu s the latest in men’s Wine Color and ueed it. .... • • “Woll, no, not to say abroad exactly, styles Liglil 1 and Dark Tans, Tennis and Beach 5C I’ve been araound purty considerable, We are to annonnee that we Shoes, pleased cents per pair. was over in Louisville in 1857 an 6taid ; 1 havo succeeded the well-known houso of ii 1 hull week. Then in 1864 I was down Stevens & Jones Co., and have also pur- Recommended Elderberryvale two nights an a day, an i; 1 chased the stock and good will of WHITE’S JAPANESE a out to Peter stveet 'dfe tiro spring o’ ’70 I took trip Thomas B. Mosher, tho Exchange THE ONLY CURE. MOODY, Druggist, Vilk), fo’teen miles from here, an was gon s stationer. Opp, Preble House, Portland, Maine. xSfFli¥¥ W sir I An ii We a line of jlyleodtf a S 6u Hk 81 per Box. 6 for 85 Ira a£U " a week lackln one day. Yes, shall carry full Stationery iy?) Hyl by Physicians. for 1879 I took iu the county fair at Jasper office and private correspondence, OVER 6,000 Will care all kinds of Piles. Why suffer with this terrible disease ? We give written WOODFORDS, uin’ b Citho- guarantee with 6 to refund the money if not cured. Mailed to address an that ended my trav’lln. I apd shall make a specialty of boxes, any by apmtt town, Tfeo Japaaeso Pile Caro Company, at. Paul iilnn. been to Yurrup exactly, but I reckon I'v s graph Work, Legal Blanks, rest o’ th 3 Office Card PlaJe En- National Cash For sale in Portland JOHN I). KEEFE, 250 Middle and JOnN WILLIAMSON P b seen the biggest part o’ the Supplies, Registers. by St., Sun manufacture of 549 Congress street. world, I reckon I hev. ”—Now York graving and tho Blank -SOLD FROM- day Books. World._ AVe havo all the of Llthograhs patterns Jan. 1st. to Play 1st., 1896. life Insurance Item. and Blank Book AVork formerly done by Dallas Man Iwbg bus just insured hi a these two houses, and are prepared to life for $10,000)—Now suppose I die tc duplicate all orders promptly and in t The only safe, sure and Powder is itself a Nutritious will my widow really get th a atisfactory mannor. reIiabie female PILL Baking Food. morrow, i. H. J 0 R i k EBBS A K lamilS'# l..,, "ST money? N, No other this Lifo Insurance case you wer STEPHEN powder has quality. Agent—In STATE •A.GrZEJJMT. BERRY, to die widow would b PENNYROYAL PILLS* i?s““oISt tonight, sir, your W. H. STEVENS & CO. Ask for SB. MOTT’S PESTSTYSsj'SrAL PILLS and taka no other. t;ho I wotdd pre | so suro to get money that No. 104 ?W Send for circular. Price $1.00 per box, O. boxes for Do. — Exchange St., BOOK AHt> JOB to her before the funeral Texa ■ MOTT’S die Ireland. PBlfiTEij pose 184 MIDDLE ST. Portland, Pie. 'I)E. <’HKMLCAL CO., OJaics Sifter. For sale by Landers & Babbldge, 17 Mounmect Square, JJWif Mo. 37 PLUM STREET. 1-1 II — II H — — 111 telephone 536-3. marOeodtt may!2 PORTLAND DAILY PHESS I’ho fight between the FINANCIAL. gold and silve r a crazy experiment that disturbed oom- who claim that that thing was accom- AMUSEMENTS. factions AND of the Massachusetts is on li ineroial usages ns old as the settlement of plished by the “crime of 1873.’’ tho under the oonserva- doad earnest. Fred Williams country, Eafe and MAINE STATE 1'KESS. George 5. This answer is pure who tive influences of which the government aesuraption- 1ms constituted himself leader c £ Subscription Kates. and the bad a marvelous wlthout a particle of evidenoe to tbo people oejoyed support WOODBURY El MOULTON, silver forces, Is out in an addres s for more than a Un- ] Daily (in advance) $6 per year; $3 for six prosperity century. it. The great majority of financiers and accusing the btate committee of , der the pretext of saving the oredit of the months; $1.60 a quarter; 50 cents a month. tryin business men hold that this i to nation, which was not carrying on or remedy The Daily is delivered every morning defeat the silver cause, and by appealin on wliioh no would hare intensified the disease. BANKERS, to tho contemplating war, general Half Fare and Train carrier anywhere within the city limits and at silverites to take off their coat s bad other than that Special calamity fallen, pro- There is better 0. nothing established — Woodfords without extra charge. and labor for the election of silver deli duced by his own fluancial blundering, -TO THE AT PEAKS SATURDAY 1896. in advance), at th und whioh to bavo had no occasion than that the cheap money drives out ISLAND, AFTERNOON, Aug. 1st, Daily (Not invariably gntos to the Stuto convention. To th e ought Portland, Maine, to York and late of a borrow money, he destroyed the credit the dearer. In the eatly days of the Re- CGunty Convention $7 year. address of Mr. Williams Mr. c Republican Moran, £ and solvenoy of thousands of merohants X^^TTIHS Steamboats, Steam Floats, Sail Boats. ami Small Maine State Press, (Weekly) published the State publo silver banished gold, and later Mass Launches, Large oommittee, replies, and handle s and manufacturers, and plaoed in tbo Meeting every Thursday, $2 per year; $1 for six months; banished silver, beoause Rowboats fitted with Beautiful Girls and the Hon. George Frad without hands of receivers most of the great rail- gold simply of Handsome Men, Co a 25 cents for trial gloves BLAIR & CO.’S cents quarter; subscrip- way whose was differences in the commercial value of At ME., JELY 29, 1896. Mr. Moran accuses Mr. Williams of be corporations, prosperity ALFRED, all decorated in Georgious Colored tion of six weeks. so intimately connected with the fortuuos two Bunting, Flags, the the ooins of the metals. Wo don’t Persons wishing to leave town for or traying Massachusetts Demooraoy a < of millions of men. and long poor a sane man and The will he addressed by the Ribbons Flowers, and if believe there is in the coun- Foreign Domestic meeting short periods may have the addresses of their Chicago, says that in his capaoit j 6. How could these calamities have Hon. Thomas B. Heed and Hon. Curtis that believes that would re- as often as desired. of ho had been of been avoided? A. In one way assuredly. If try gold Guild, Jr. papers changed lawyer guilty suoh Will assemble at Peaks Island and form a procession. The he had exercised the discretion legally main in olronlatlon If silver should be A Train will leave Portland for Al- boats will be towed by breach of trust he would lmvo been dis Special steamers with bands of music on them Advertising Kates. and to tho fred will leave and will pass the of equitably open him, «o pay oolned in unlimited at 16 to 1. at 9 a. m. Returning—Traiu landings Cushings, barred. He further that Mi quantities at leaks, Great and Little Diamond In Daily Press $1.50 per for one alleges presented securities in legal tender silver Alfred at 4.36 p. m., connecting Portland Islands, passing the judge’s stand in review, square, It be said in that R. R. inis will 'Williams has either teen talse coin of the United the raid on his may general ; all the with the 6.00 p. m. train via. B. & M. for be the most beautiful sight ever seen on the water in New for one month. Three inser- to Ills ow: ! States, Letters of Credit England week; $4.00 Boston and intermediate stations. The gold would have been boadod oil bofore questions Jhave no particular Casco Bay Steamboat Co. offers the Cash Best lions or less, $1.00 per square. Every other oouviotlous, inasmuoh as for yoars h foregoing FOR TIIE USE OF Passengers from the line of B. & M. R. R. following Prizes" Tor it The most of TRAVELERS. Decorated with $10.00: for less than had fairly begun. gold gang, relevancy to any matter now will be transferred by train between Union Large Boat, occupants, Second Bost Decorated Largo day advertisements, one third these opposed the free silver movement it in pending. with for Best foreigners, no way promoted legiti- Station and Preble St. Station, Portland, with- Boat, occupants, $5.00; Decorated Small with *10 atcs. to his Congress has praotioally ratified all the rerms and full fur Boat, occupants 00' gratify personal vanity, or ha 3 mate business. It was a pure speculation, particulars out extra charge. Through tickets can be for Second Best Decorated Small Boat, with occupants. $5.00. Halt square advertisements $1.00 for one Most of from the Presidents’ bond Issues by to from stations on B. & M. R. R. in been guilty of talking for six years the treasure taken gov- refusing nishcd on application. purchased Excursion rates on all railroads to Peaks Island and upo; York Co. J. W. return Saturday.J An? week or $2.60 for one month. ernment went into bouds the law under whioh he made PETERS, Supt, the tU subject of whioh he was government repeal may9 dtf 3t 1st, Great Boating Carnival Day. " grossly igno was sold for notes Jy27 A Square” is a space o£ the width of a col- groeubaoks, treasury them and refusing also to forbid him C. W. T. GODING, Gen. Casco Steamboat raut, and which he was ablo to master i: and came back by Manager Bay Company. umn and one inch silver certiofiates and long. to more under the same law. a few short weeks. bullying for more gold. To hnve put hia Issue The Special Notices, on first page, one-third ad- Here are foot rosolutely on this cut-throat oonspir- attitude of thi House of* Representatives ditional. some of Mr. Moran’s AUCTION SALES. HE WALKS ON THE vlgorou as General Jackson would acy, sturdy does not indicate great resentment on the Amusements and Auction Sales, $2.00 per paragraphs: bavo done, would have secured for Mr. or The part of the people. square each week. Three insertions less, unthinking may praise you, bu b Cleveland, who professes to be his ad- RIGBY PARK, the honest of all honorable mei General Jackson’s fame instead of Water. $1.50 per square. thought mirer, 7. There are no 63 cent dollars to be F. 0. BAILEY& will ■ By CQ.,Auctionesrs and oondemn you. Fordoing a similu the obloquy undor which the administra- Reading Notices in nonpanei type in act in the legal would b tion of the latter seems about to end. had this country now, but there will classed with other paid notices, 15 cents per profession you FREE by au ludiguant and lnsultod oourt dis One generous bagfull of new silver dol- be a lot of them under free coinage. The PORTLAND, line each insertion. barred Sale and forever prevented from agaii lars paid out over the oounter of the silver dollar Is to the Important Assignee’s matter equal gold dollar — — Pure Notices in reading type, OF — — Reading practising deception on those whose In Treasurer would have stopped this mis- AT Portland, Me., Friday, July 31, now simply beoause the have faith 26 cent3 per line each insertion. terest might be intrusted to your care. erable sories of commcroiul and political people Deal Estate on Peaks Island, ON THE Wants, To Let. Tor Sate and similar adver- As a discredited politician then you disasters. in the ability and purpose of the govern- DEERING GROUNDS. m address fellow oltlzonB. You oriel 0 Hut if Mr Cleveland had failed to Portland, Auction. tisements, 25 cents per week advance, for, your ment to maintain its parity with gold. Me., By Bicycles Checked at the Doors. oiso tbo Democratic State committee fo: redeem the United States paper money JULY 40 words or less, no display. Displayed adver- Half of the silver dollar is now credit, IirE shall sell on Saturday. August 1st., at 28,29,30,31, not doing that which bad no au notes iu gold, would he not have driven “* 2 o’clock p. PEAKS ISLAND. and all adver- they in., on the the fol- tisements under these headlines, and while that credit is deemed premises, thoiity to do, and which they weri tho country to a silver standard ?A. If you good It lowing valuable parcelB of real estate, a iscments not fin advance, will he being paid bound in honor not to do. Tho Stati moan to a standard under whioh all the will oiroulate on par with gold. If the part of the estate of Henry Trefethen. Among at rates. committee the to be sold is the homestead of Larged regular worn appointed for speoilh authorized coins are measured by value author of this cateohlsm property • really believes Henry situated on Island Avenue Prof. Oldrive • In Maine State Press—$1.00 per square purposes and were never of the silver dollar, assumed as the Trefethen, BARNMAILEY given authority unit, uear Trefethen’* 13 what he that Is a mere Landing. RACES and cents for to either indorse or criticise national can all other coins either says, money tak- or first insertion, fifty per square being permanent The Bay View House, situated near Forest didates or national fractions or of a mere not be Will give his great aquatic show at Peaks Is- cacfi subsequent insertion. platforms. When ap permanent multiples en, chip, why consistent City Landing. The house lias about 40 rooms, Greatest Show on those land every afternoon this week. He will walk Earth to snb pointed who appointed them op that, then that is tho exaot condition and advooate dollars as the Including wharf recently built, also all furni- Address all communications relating paper old on the water, make a great display of Geysers EXHIBITING ALL IT posed in convention free silver. whioh was maintained in this ture and iurnisnmgs. Also about 25 nouse ADVERTISES. to country throwing the water 75 to 100 feet In the air, ecriptlons and advertisements Portland Greenbaoker did? Why put the govern- on some of which are situated in ■ more new To have indorsed either the oandidatei from the beginning of our national exis- lots, cottages, ind close with the spectacle of Bombardment Containing and novel features than 97 Exchange the most, desirable parts of the island. 222 all other Shows Publishing Co., Street, or the national platform would be ti tence to 1873. It never has been ment to the oxpense of buying silver and of Fort and Explosion of Ships. Take steam- Entries. combined oliarged This sale offers an unusual opportunity to Portland. Me. have in that there was or ers of the Casco Bay Line for Peaks Island. placed themselves the samo cate anything dangerous it, when it can set up a would-be for either lots or coining printing purchasers cottage Tickets 25 cents. C. W. T. CODING, 3 CIRCUS COMPANIES IN 3 RINGS. New York Office: gory with you. That they were too horn unscientlfio in that condition. Indeed it investments, and lias better advan- Dross and turn out dollars by the mil- permament con. casco aieamooat co. Races on the 1-4 Mile orable to do than Manager bay Desperate Track. this is to their oredit. was no failure of silver that led. to its tages any other island property in the 3 for No. 6G Pulitzer Building, New York City, or But the sil- jy28 5t Stages Expert Performances To refer the matter of indorsement ti demonetization, it whs demonetized lions for little nothing. City of Portland. Excellent schools, churches, BAND CONCERTS Byron Andrews. Manager. <> ormtionilon 1 _ I_ in fact most modern when the commercial value was three ver men themselves recognize a differ- theaters, improvements, which make it in every way desirable. able course for them to cent above that of If mean FINANCIAL. pursue. per gold. you ence In value between dollars. Terms at sale. BY- Tills They course has given the Democracy that" it will drive us to the exclusive use Circulars giving complete of of are constantly talking of the apprecia- description THEPRESS. Massachusetts the choice of detormiD of silver as curronoy, it will devolve property can be had upon application to ing in convention whether they will ad upon you to tell how. We do not Intend tion of the gold dollar, and aro recom- ieorge Trefethen, 192 Commercial street, F.A. here to the sound principles of true De to demonetize gold. How is the gold of mending the silver dollar to the debtor 3 m th, 247 Commercial street, or of the Auc- NVED1SESDAY, JULY 29. ■ 46 mocrnoy and nominate a candidates fo: Great to nothing of the donieers, Exchange street.jly22dtd Britain, say class as a means of ameliorating their Gcvernor and delegates to the elnotora 1 large supplies of our own mines, to be CMIer’s Foil fililiiiiry Band, debts. If there is no dltferenoo in the FOR PRESIDENT, collogo who will stand on the platform o : kept out of our markets if wo oontinue to Massachusetts Democracy in favor o : trade with Great Britain? Mexioo and value of dollars, how is the debtor to be F, O. BAILEY & CO., BONDS. sound or money follow in the footstep: Argentina on a silver standard and with helped by being given him the chance to of a discredited solf-emstitutcd leader no currency but silver, find their trade William his debt in silver rather than discard tho of am with increased pay gold flcKinley principles Jefferson 1 gold countries greatly We offer for July Investment, Admission to Park and Jeskon and adopt tue dootrine ; and them with commodities of dollars? Different dollars frequently Grand OF OHIO. political supply of suoh populistic and socialistic leader s which this country used to have the mo- have different values, that Is, different as Poller, Tlllnan and Altgeld. nopoly. Why will not the silver-using Salesroom 46 Stand, purchasing power. During one period ExchangcIStrest. Some are Democrats from principle peoples twice as numerous as the gold- some from other motives. The lattoi while to soil their of the war a man could purchase Aerial 1 Ground FOR VICE PRESIDENT, using, continuing pro- F. O. BAILEY. C. W. ALLEN. Stupendous Displays olass will be with you. The former wil 1 ducts to gold countries for the sake of the twice ns muoh of the necessaries Cliampion Male and Female Bareback Elders* mhi-14 dtf $500,000 2U with all the he on make Modern and oppose you vigor of enthusi promium (if there any) gold, a dollar as Oid-time, Pantomimic Clowns. of life with gold 2 of Wild asm for right, principle and honor. their purohasesj of us until their own Home Bonds, to net tlie pur- Menageries and Trained Beasts. Garret A. Hobart with a dollar. A dol- 3 Herds of 2 Droves of Evidently the row in Massachusetts ii ourrency is on oui par of greenbaok gold CURRENT COMMENT. chaser from Elephants, Camels. exchange? 7 Open Dens, 60 Acrobats. 60 destined to distance that in Maine. 7. But is it honest to a a lar will almost double the Ladies’ free to Park and Grand Jockeys. OF NEW JERSEY. pay oreditor, purohase today 60 Aerialists, 50 Eiders, 100 and Chari- a or Cages depositor, note bill-holder a laborer. amount of a Mexioan silver dollar. The ots. THE ANSWERED DIFFER- In dollars that ure worth only 53 cents? EFFECT OF FREE COINAGE 3 cent to 6 cent Per Annum Stand. 24 Trained Elephants In 3 QUESTIONS whole conientlon of the silver men that per per _ Performing Rings. A. Where are these 53 cent dollars to be uad ENTLY. ON WAGES. foil GOVERNOR, and who offers them for sale at that prioes will go up under free coinage 300 RENOWNED CIRCUS PERFORMERS An advocate of free no coinage of silvo price? There are 53 cent dollars in rests upon the assumption that people (New York Investor.) the In Lists furnished on 1,000 Men,Women and children Employed. asks us t United States. In one application. to publish the following whicl purohnsing, are going to regard the silver dollar as Here is argument whioh has been H. F. Powers debt or tax-paving power, every silver advanced FAMHMI, SO Trained Llewellyn he calls “A Free and to recently in favor of free silver TIorsos Coinage Catechism:” dollar is as as a dollar and al- leas valuable than the gold dollar, good gold by a “very prominent southern man,” Performing in One King at One Time. OF HOULTON. 1. Has the President or his servant ways has been. The absolute silinoss of less to it. Commodities meas- give get and we especially commend it ,to the at- Famous the of the the rich t dishonest dollars the shal- Manager, Acrobats, Gymnasts amt Athletes Secretary Treasury, only pervades of the dollar as the tention of on a or ure the value just every person salary on on 3 to borrow money on the credit of tb ! low people who do now know the rudi- Performing Stages at One Time. The Democratic committee are to measures tho value of commodi- weekly wages. going United and to issue interest bear ■ ments of science. dollar ORCHARD States, monetary All trade, It seoms to me Portland BEACH ONLY LADY CLOWNS! that fellow Trust Go. my Demo- at; got together again tonight to try and bords therefor which must be ulti ■ even the trade in Is an of ties. If men will two bushels of iiyi ing labor, exchange give crats are blind. I cannot understand find at.” taxes th' real values. A bushel of a ONLY LADY out “where they are mntely paid by imposed upon corn, pound wheat for a gold dollar ana only one for why thoy hesitate for one moment to SINGMASTERS! People? A. No, The power to borrot of wool or cotton or iron are things of ONLY LADY OfJEGT HOLDERS! a silver it follows that tho gold mdoisa free silver. As a party we favor on the dollar, Grounds, Tom Watson runs a and here monoy credit of the b real aud Intrinsic value. Ail as Camp newspaper guvsrnmen money tho widest possible trade. Wo want to was and l has no Intrinsic or real value. dollar is considered twice i as valuable Is what he said iu it of Bryan before the carefully exclusively delegate: such, push our products into all the markets Pictures! by the Constitution to Congress. Th ) Coins or paper representatives of coins as the silver dollar. Call the dollar a i>f CHRISTIAN Elegant Living convention had nominated him the world, and tho only thing which ALLIANCE Populist men who made the Constitution wouli L have not, and from the nature of the case coken If you will, if one of these tokens stands in the way of our so doing io the Tsa for President: have been shocked ; a t > oan have no lntrinsio are alar—The by proposition valuo, but of our Human Arrow Is ns exchangeable for twice as liigh price labor. Everything that a confer upon the Executive, of whose con mere so made commercial regarded Shot from an Ancient “Dressing Billy Bryan upiu Populist tokens, by wo make has come down in price. But Convention, Crossbow into the air. ceded there was or law. muoh whent as another one of them, raiment makes Billy an attractive figure authority great misgiv agreement publio $ represents while everything else has declined in and the enormous o f abstract and as mere 24 to 10th. to our admiring gaze; but, as long as he ing jealousy, rower value, serving chips then its value, or its purchasing powor, cost, our labor still stioks at tho old July August r Gasco National Bank remains mixed in with the scrub of borrowing money and thereby the powe to transfer things of real value from one sheep is twice ns If when tho silver dol- prices, and there doesn’t seem to he any to taxes. It was at ) form into another. The great. Reduced fare on Boston & Maine and the Democratic we are muoh in- impose alarm th only way the — ilock, its way to.bring labor down except through -OF tax-imposing encroachments of Parlin ilotion of a 53 cent dollar lar is coined in unlimited quantities, Maine Central Railroads. clined to say to him, in the language of silly got pos- some sort of a protracted revolution. Free nieut that led to American ) session of any bewildered mind is bv is half as luuoh 45 cents to Old Orchard an a.icient anecdote, ‘Wo love you, Billy, Independent purchasing power only silver, however, would solve the question and but d—n and created our Oonstitntonal govern comparing gold as money, olotlied return. your company.’ gold as the gold dollar, and it is made legal in an hour. It wouldn’t £ advance the PORTLAND, MAINE, rnent. with monetary attributes, with silver us Ask for Tha “scrub sheep of the Democratic all then the man wiio price of any kind of labor because all Campmeeting tickets. 2. Had ever authorized th ) merchandise, silver of tonder for debts, Congress deprived monetary labor is now at inflation prices, and just flock” which, “Dilly” is mixed up with President or his Secretary to borrow $202 attributes. It Is a faot of no borrowed $100 last year will be able to 195 Middle St P. a Bex 1109. |Jy23d9t importance, is high as it would be under any condi- lives iu Maine. As a of anl that amount increase th: in serious Bate, promoter 000,(JOO, by aDy monetary disoussion. the debt in dollars of half the pur- tions. But if free silver were intoiest-bearing debt of the Unite: 1 pay adopted, McCulIum’s harmony Tommy is delightful. of those he borrowed—of we would pay labor in fifty-ceut dollars. Theatre, States? A. The President’s authority In tb ) chasing power 1824. That would cut labor in two at once, Incorporated PEAKS ISLAND, ME. premises wus of so a char The first is half their exchange value. That is an questionable [1. question entirely su- thus fetching it down to the piano of All the current talk about “plutocrats acter that lie would have referre: and its CAFITAL AND SURPLUS 9th SEASON 9th gladly ever claimed that the essentially dishonest transaction, olse. This we tho perfluous. Nobody everything accomplished, BARTLEY and “insatiable greed,” and matter to Gongress and he wouli | would be Hctt'LLBH, Manager. “conspiracy President or the of the does not improvo its moral in shape to successfully com- have done so, hnd he not as th 3 Secretary Troasu- legalization of capitalists, is but a repetition of known, pote with England or any other country Week Commencing Monday Evening, July 27ln, GRAND NEW ETHNIC ENTERTAINMENT. public well know, that Congress wouli i ry had authority to borrow money on character a particle. It is not abstract for the markets of the world. Therefore The Beautiful the talk which we used to hear for three have peremptorily refused its authorlza but roal that is involved. Comedy Drama, the credit of tbo United States without value, value, l can’t see why our party does not at Realistic Oriental India ! or four the of tion. ONE MILLION years preceding resumption from For dollars that would purobase a cer- onoo and entirely endorse "free be- 8. Was not the President authorized b; permission Congress. silver, A most Charming, Interesting and delight- specie payment in 1879. The great “orirne the necessaries of life cause by so doing wo should establish our tho act cf Jan. 1870 to 3 3. It was not because the President’s tain amount of the ful Exhibition. ]4tb, puruhas commercial the of 1873”,had not then been discovered _ .1: fl/illnra mill nimnliuan supremacy among nations gold to for the of tli to borrow money under the re- VIRGINIA. provide redemption authority of the earth. Replete and Brimful with Animated Rea! sm. and the complaint was that the pluto- “paper money on which th becauso the Matinee Every Day Except noteB,” sumption act was questionable that but half ap muoh—not price |We will not discuss the eoonomio absur- Monday. Real Natives in Characteristic Dances. United States were held? A. To j 001URS. Games, crats were conspiring to con- purebns First time here of the Great New York Success. togother ho was ‘inclined to of theso articles has gone up by an en- dity of the above views regarding the re- Sports, Trades, Juggling. Tree Climb- gold, no, to purchase coin, perhaps, A1 [ apply and tract the currency and thus squeeze the lation of prioes and wages, but will oon- Cirrcnt Accdonli received on favorable Splendid Company, Magnificent Costumes, ing, Rites Ceremonies, the notes then in existenc 1 to Congrfss for a now act. It was hanced demand or a diminished supply paper money tont ourselves with the Jjxcellent Scenery. illustrating poor man. The greenback dollar had us as asking wage terms. wtdl all the time bonds of th > booauso it was believed thnt un- but because the has changed simply government earner how he likes the piospeet that is The entire production under the personal di- been on nocount of the firm United States were by the tb 3 Interest allowed on Tint# Deposits. Every Phase of Oriental Life! appreciating terms.of der a new act with different conditions the standard of measurement, has de- here outlined. In 1870 tho index number rection of Mr. McCullum. oontraot, as well as the solemn solicited iron Genuine Buddhist Priests. Real Sacred Danc- establishment of the government’s credit by legis the wholesale Corrospondeneo Individu- Take Casco Bay steamers. New play everv the money ho obtained on wore clared that a of metal with half representing prioes of a lutivo declaration of Congress, payabl* might pieco Banks, and others week. Reserved seats at Music ing Girls, True Tiger, Devil-mask and Silver and its to redeem it in coin on large number of commodities was als, Corporations# de- Stockbridge’s promlso in coin. Wlmt lnukes the ant of Jan. It favorable terms. the value of the of metal 2,689; Store. Dancers. Veritable Fakirs and Expert Oriental exchange piece on June it was siring to open accounts, as woll as from ju29tf a and the wont 20, 1896, 1,947. Here is a Jugglers, Cocoanut, Tree Climbers. Heal Sacred certain date, cry up that Vo to cover the arbi rlwnn noonlw 4- T — 1Qna utterly inadequate 3. An authorization to purcnase coiu that was parted with shall be equal In those wishing to transact Banking busi- and acts he has k debts contracted when the greenback was trary illegal attempted ine East India Musician >. is an authorization to debt to that of the In average wages paid to eaoh man ness of any description thromgh this Bank. AiTHaus, Peasants, under purchase gold. paying power latter; working FOREST CITY RINK, Peaks Island etc. a bad justify it, is, at largo discount appreciated along 1 in this country were $33 a in VV. 1st, That it is “Functus officio,’ Gold is one form of coin. If the anthor- short, that a dollnr of CO cents shall be year; 1890, GEO. GORDON, Manager. with it anti that therefore tho “debtor they were $485, a gain of over 50 per oent. having accomplished Its purpose fifteei ization to coiu did not in debt to a dollar 9tli SSIASO^T. A Beautiful Idea Produced. purchase equal paying jrower Now if the Uemooratio means STEPHEN R. SMALL. Presiatu Realistically class” was discriminated years before. It is not the of th 3 platform For Week Commencing July 27tli, being against. policy authorize tho President to A that does it is that Every purchase of 100 cents. government anything, we should get back Afternoon and Evening, The dollar would more than when it Constitution or of any representative gov MARSHALL a G0D1.13, CasMai buy it dirt not Is to the prices which prevailed prior to eminent to mortgage for long periods th , gold authorize this deliberately enabling ono 1ac4 dt! was in the midst of the 1873. But tho “prominent southern depreciated war, which is also the tax him to silvor. Tho au- of its to cheat the THE money-borrowing, purchase part subjeots other man’’ whom wo have been VALDARES, a ■ just quoting and this furnished ground for the oum- levying power, hut hold it subject to con of thorlzation 1875 was not functus The debased dollar is a dishonest dollar. would, at the same time, leave wage3 on the part of tho fatmer, which trol and revision. Wheel Bicycle, Unicyc'e aiid Buggy Wheel plalnt officio. Tho act that on and after cheats creditors out of a of their nominally unchanged, practically 2nd. The legislative requirement thn t provided It part outting Riding Act ever produced. tho Hon. .Solon Chase picturesquely ex- them in half. In fact, the abovo figures WANTED. the money notes of the United States i Jan. 1, 1879, the Secretary of the Treasu- debt, and the really silly people are they POLO-Saturday Evening, Aug. 1st, in the “too much in would seem to hold out little encourage- pressed phrase hog existence Jan. 14th, 1875, shonlu not h 3 should redeem and Murphy Balsams vs. Forest City. ry treasury notes, the who think by sophistry they can palm off ment of wages being advanced materially the dollar.” Tho Greonbaokers made cancelled but re-issued greatly lessene and Friday 9.30 moans provided for the commencement the In that Dancing—Tuesday evenings. the a reserve an } this transaction as but the beyond present point. event, to ll. Frank more meritorious oaso requirement of coin of anything C. Manley, Prompter. outainuclj than of this was intended to tho wage earner would suffer untold kind. Kxperience Iisb amply shown tlia J. process be avnil- dishonest and thing it is. Leeds & H. R. Music by Welcome’s orchestra—8 Pieces. the silver men do at the disgraceful hurdship rarmmgton and every afternoon present (lay. tlio number of who for e if need he its Skating tobogganing persons legltimat able, during continuance. and That there had been a depreciation of tho business wish to The “silliness” of talking about 53 cent N. evening. purposes oxchanga lega It is absurd to supposo that that part of (Rochester, Y., Post-Express.) Admission to Rink 10c or Boat coupon. greenback and a subsequent appreciation fender paper for ooin Is very small. dollars! Why, to a very lurge part of its Gentlemen 130 cents; Ladies free. the law which provided means for ro- W. P. has in his store Dancing, Srd. Whatever piower the act of 187 dollar would Sedgwick placed Take Casco Bay boats. Boats leave at close did nor admit of a doubt; that this de- devotees tbo silver lose all window the most conferred upon the President, it is ludii sumption was to expire January 1, 1879. practical illustration of of dance. its If they silver whioh 6’s, Aerial and aprcciatlon had taken attractions, thought they tho question has been N. B.—Grand Carnival 5th. Tremendous preciation putable that it conferred ro power o 3 Resumption was a continuing act, and yet Skating Aug. Display! would have to as muoh In devised, says tho Stouben Courior. On place within so short a poriod that exist- him to borrow jo'd wherewith to pay th B give commod- Due 1896. Sublime Tumbling anil I.raping Contests. Congress undoubtedly intended that tho ono side are ten silver the July 1, debts had been effected it did not United States notes issued to puruhut ities to it as they do to get the dollars, good ing by means to get gold over for their faoe EQUESTRIAN MAY POL DANCE. silver bullion undor the Sherman Act c { continuo it should continue world value, by reason admit of a doubt that tho value dollar. What advautage would accrue tho credit of our We offer in exchange, a choice line of citbor; 1890, and which by plain legislative ini also. The silver purchasing act of 1890 de- of government. Under- FOX HUNTERS MEET. to the farmer with a neath these he has a block of park. And distance tourna- of as measured dollars had wore li mortgaged farm if he silver rivertoiT bigli and long jumping property by plication redeetmahlo in silver uoi dared U to be tho of the purpose govern- which is the molted product of ten silver HOME SECURITIES. ment. shrunk rapidly was to everybody —and It was by the presentation of th: * had to give as muoh wheat for the silver ONE WEEK COMMENCING patent inent to maintain tho parity of the two dollars, and which in that form is worth class of securities that the President i dollnr under free ns the Particulars on application. Positively 12 World’s Champion People could olaim with some sort of it coinage gold dol- $5.34% On tho other side Isa his Annual of last Denombt r metals, ami was undoubedly to keep just ten Message lar? How will the debtor class be and Travellers with LETTERS of reason that as the government had forcod confesses that he bene- dollar gold piooo, underneath a supplied what called the prno good this declaration—to maintain the pieoe in all Bareback Male and Female Riders. the of obtained ten CREDIT, available parts of the world, MONDAY, 27 a it was pal “raid” on his reserve was mac e fited by being given right to pay gold by melting gold dol- July upon'them depreciated currency gold good faith of the government—that the Belli of and CIRCULAR DRAFTS, pavable without All tin Best Aerialis's in the World —nor to redeem lasr. pieces gold have the same bound to make the losses that had certificates by their vei y their debt in silver unless the silver dol- charge, in the principal cities of Europe. good President paid tho nutes given for the value whether they hear tho government terms, “payable in silver,” between fifty lar is to be than the Descriptive pamphlet supplied upon request. ACTUALLY 20 GREATEST CLOWNS \ resulted from it, and they could also say oheaper gold dollar? stamp or are a shapeless On tho and one Hundred millions of whioh th e purohase of silvor bullion in gold. lump. IVSLLE. Modern singing and talking clowns, with the Convince the debtor class that silver Mr. NOOYAH they were tho sufferers. But proof is President had in in; the idon molting, howover, Sedgwick latest fun-makers. paid gold. Having 4. It is not true that the American The pantomimic a will have to lose $4.75, as he can never \ Graceful, Charming' and lacking that the act of 1873 worked providently squandered his gold for pu; of a 53 cent dollar Is silly one, and it. Daring any people are disposed to hold the President that block of silver which is Heroine of the High Cable. 30Sensational Brute Actors poses not authorized by law, what rigL will lose its interest in get worth injustice to anybody. Because quickly free ooin- SWAN ft 2 Droves prices had tlio President to make good the di guilty of causing tho “distrust, panic only $5.94 ?4haok into tho shape where it BARRETT, 3 Herds of Elephants, of Camels, 3 hava down worth of Wild and Trained gone the silver men have as- ficit to the nation! 1 and of valuos” age.] was $10. HA-isrscsizis, Managorles Beasts, no by adding *2(52,000,000 shrinkage etc., etc., be- of Birds, Beasts, Mammals and sumed that that act debt that had THE EUROPEAN EQUILIBRISTS WONOERS Cages Reptiles, increased the value Congress exprossly forbii cause of bis financial The Maine. bo policy. Popu- Portland, MIDWAY OF of tho dollar and so den to increased? dtl A VERITABLE SENSATIONAL. gold worked an in- lists and some Democrats but iuelO THE 4. Is not the principal causo of the di , do, they MARTINES. Horse Fair with $100 000 worth of superb justice to debtors, hut this reduction of do not animals from trust, the panic, the shrinkage of value 3 constitute tho American poople. New, Novel and Artistic Feats on the specimens. Queer every country. be Aerial Giant Hairless Mare, Dwarf prices oau explained muoh more reas- in uud th 0 A Ladder, Trapeze Perch and Ox, Zebras, Tiny tangible Intangible property large part of the Auierioan peoplo, in- Dwarf Steer of Breakaway Ladder. Cattle. Elephants, with 3 eyes 3 onably on the hypothesis of increased harrest production, the paralysis < * INVESTMENT nostrils and 3 horns. eluding the great of business * trade and industry, the ruinously lo' majority production andjthe development of labor meu, are to tho of both labor und products of labr r deeply grateful President MISS LOU SL A Perfect World's Fair of inventions than prices HORNER, Boston's fa- Wonderful Sights. saving by tho apprecia- to the of the coin resere e for vorlte duo shrinkage preventing tho consummation of Soprano Vocalist and Banjo THE RULERS OF THE WORLD tion of even if available tor and the fee r SECURITIES, Virtuoso. gold. Furthermore, the redemption what believed to bo wild Uniforms and they and reek LA PETITE JUSTINE in Military Music of all Nations and of gold be tile that It cannot be maintained; and who ® her entranc- othor marvelous appreciation granted great less Bohemos on the part of the silver ing Dancing Specialties. many sights, iu;iy for the calamities of such Paying Four. Fire and represeuted in the majority of preseut debtors did not 6uffor responsible situation; A. The American people seei n men, whioh would havo resulted in de- from it, because the most of Six Per Cent. NEW FREE existing disposed to hold President Clevelnn il stroying tho public credit and piecipitat- EVBLYNT, STREET PARADE debts were contracted after and their 1 Pre-Eminent and which takes place at 9 a. n long the act largely responsible judgmer ing far worse commercial disaster than Supreme in GRACE- m., day of showv is not Confident In his own sv ... FOR BALE BY .... FUL FEATS OF ELASTICITY and ofl873. The that will be unjust. LOWEST RATES ON ALL RAILR people helped to be counselle d tho country has experienced. The sil- MUSCULAR DEVELOPMENT. Per- ADS. parlor wisdom, refusing Two Performances at 2 a dollar tow are who forming on her hands w Daily and 8 p. ,u. by cheap people by the assembled wisdom of the polltiei ,1 ver men can never forgive the President hat is usually done l»y other performers on their feet. Doors Open an Hour Earlier. have no claim for help no matter what organization that had eleoted him to 1; s for their The blocking crazy scheme. H. M. Admission to 50 the effect of the law of sinco the high office, or by the Cjngress whose b PAYSON ft CO, Everything, Cents. 1873, claim that the President was to Children under 9 hests It was his official to 1 a trying TWO years, Half Price. was duty obey, EXHIBITIONS DAILY. dollarjthey borrowed the same dollar drive T3A.IMi£CETlSj Reserved seats at regular an l determined on Ills own 1 0 tho oountry to gold monemetalism price Admission5 responsibility Ttokets at usual advance that now exists. drive . 32 STREET. AFTEKN00N AND EVENING. at Ira C. Stock- tho country to gold monomotallisn i, sounds well from silver men, EXCHANGE bridge s Music ooming ■' apr* dtf Store, 517 Con- gress Street. A M ~'-* *- V 1 Ulil IJ/i > 17 AI4UAJVJ, iuhj O KJ ±J ) t-ot/vF*,

XEW FUNERAL OF GEORGE B. LORING. for an easy winner went >0 behind the the whole length of the baok stretch. At ABTEKT iSMMENTS. SEW A OVERTISEMISTM. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ■ .— .—g THE OPEHUfl DAY. grand stand to kick thomselves. Pan- the three-quarter mark Claus Forrester Remarks Fcnn of Uigb Street by Rev. Dr. doras had the pole, and seemed to be do- and Ferndale got up among the leaders Churcb. ing well up to the three-quarters mark. witn O’Neil’s Allen Boy close behind A The weather Belta crowded onto the seamless today up leader until theEe. T he rest of the field was widely ie likely to he late B. the half was reaohed and three horses flrat The funeral of the George Wolllington was scattered. The fair his former resi- A Fine olose behind her. She found tho in tho Boring took place from Afternoon of Sport and pace too mentioned were closely bunched Portland, July 29,1896. back dence, No. 29 Pine street, yesterday after- rapid and dropped and Wellington stretch. Royal Victor was first, Paige’s floor The house wus all too small to at followed bor. Chazy Boy now com- Allen was second, Claus Forrester covering: noon. Racing Rigby. Boy A HE men’s Hand- towards hold the great number of friends of Air. menced to pull up tho van, and third, Forndale fomth, while O’Neil’s to the last nmik deoreased the distanoe be- kerchiefs w e Boring, who desired pay step by step Allen Boy was number five, Royal Duke, a and of respect to one who was so dear to tween himself Pandoras. Titer was Jr., was distanced. The time was 2.14M- sell at two for book firms were all PERFECT WEATHER AND EXCEL- still driving Pandoras for all he was them. The various THIRD HEAT. but the little roan SUCCESS. worth, seemed to have 25c everyone. represented. LENT TRACK MAKES A This heat into a pretty fight surprise a business house lost his pluck and was passed at the three developed There was hardly between Allen mark Royal Viotor and Puigo’s are of that was not represented, quarters by Chazy Boy who oame They pure linen, prominence Viotor a mar- down the stretch several Boy. had the lead by big NOTION and theto were many in attendance from lengths in tho fine and gin until the with Claus For- good size, fairly The 3.37 lead. Tho crowd for the first quarter official life. The various organizations Fields "Were Large in All Events time during 12 feet wide and as long as you want it. It will half furnis 1 rester close behind. The Forrester broke the afternoon rose to its feet and howled hemstitched, We’ve sold to wbioh Mr. Boring belonged sent large Pace and 3.30 Trot Were Trot, 217 at tile quarter and baok. The a room and cannot he surpassed for pretty design an with as rnnn dropped DEPARTMENT. not as a body but individual- Koyal Victor excitement tho little did his a dozen delegations, Pulled Off—Cliazy Hoy, two Allen Boys close to he leader nnlors. thousand already best to regain the position he had lost. got up ly. and Allen Dare Were Winners—The on the baok stretoh and Forrester pushed and there’s in the The sorvioes were extremely But it was no use. Chazy Boy was an nothing Our story is told. simple. Summaries and Today’s Events. up beside them. A blanket could hove plainly easy winner and was a Rev. Dr Fonn of High street church Planxty only market like so You know the we sell In this In covered the whole bunch for a minute, them for things road from the Scriptures, and at liig by had a great day yesterday. neck behind when Pandoras passod under ■—(at our store) a square passages but Forrester broke and the two yd. and are the weather was just what again little department that these prices She close spoke substantially as follows: the first place the wire in the socond position. Bolta me money. Alien led a and with a Boys by neck but Boyal to remove His it should be, warm sunshine, had gone off his feet at the low for them and the hundred of items It ploases God children three-quarters Viotor in- This wind the pulled nbead. As they turned is of- Some after suffer- gentle northwest blowing,aoross mark and finished way baok in sixth Never before offered at less than 75c to $1.00 per department by various ways. long to the home strotoh Forrester up yard. not told of are as interesting as these to tho grand stand ns com- pulled on beds cf invalidism are track making place. Nellie S. was drawn at the end in ing gathered again, but broke and fell to the rear. Ij Newest of now patterns. No old stock. fering special bargains fortable as the verandah of ono of the their rest. Others endure a shorter of this heat. Tho timo was 2.21%. lo was a for first women’s down the bay. Then the track pretty fight place. Viotai" Come at once, if you want to share this opportunity. Swiss embroid- a few weeks of hotels FOURTH HEAT. passage and,after anguish was first under the Allen Boy of was in first class and consider- wire, »re released to their home. condition, ered Handkerchiefs at BELTS. heavenly Tills heat was almost a of a close sooond and the rain of fast repetition Paige being very Others still retire at in tbo ing haevy Monday night, night and, the third. Pandoras started off in a live- O’Neil’s Allen third. Forrester for to satisfy even the someimo over Boy 12 1-2C and An of of their are translated to an- enough 25c better, Creat elegant line midst sleep manner, a sure all hlB breaks The time who are bound to find ly apparently winner, finished fourth. Dther and those who visit them in particular “jocks” much better than were mark Belts of world, Wellington, Belta and Chazy Boy were was the fastest of the raoe, being 2.ISM- “The Household every description with fault with something,if notwith the truok, Outfitters,” the morning find them resting, oloso Pandoras at the but — leather — — or upon stretch, FOURTH HEAT. a down —gilt kid A than tho judges the weather. While sold year ago at double. cheek on hand, gone to their reward. dropped baok at the three-quarters mark no fast time was the Victor took won and as thinks remarkably made, Royal this heat and in spangled silk—ranging wise man says I shall die God with the exception of Chazy Boy who Some of them are a bit best being a mark of 3.13% in the 2.17 the race, but not without a bard battle best for me to depart. continued to hold his but with- son all in price from 25c to $2.25. some excellent was position, that our pace, sport furnished with Paige’s Allen Boy. On the start oil little holes, It was by quick translation out gaining any apparently. As tho^fleld imperfect kinds and and in only one event was tho race won Viotor jumped to the lead with O’Neil’s friond was taken. It must be easy turned Into the stretch Pandoras began tears and now hut in three straight heats and even that was Allen Boy close behind. These two trifling of Silk belts in white, navy, pleasant for those oalled in that way, to show his and & LEICHTO and from start to quitting qualities again, Hooper, remain it Is and it is exciting interesting horses pulled away from the rest of the _jly29cUt and then a of oil brown, tan for us who hard, although Titer used his whip a little the spot belts, black, green, finish. In the other two events the field and were soveral iu tho lead are taken after a long lengths hard whether they roan oould not seem to keep the paeo he irom ine and ecru, S25e to 50c. dear favorites were turned down, to the dis- when Allen Boy went oil his feet, but macmnery. time or by a sudden blow. Our was and off in his of the going dropped speed corre- gust “bookies” who were heard oft’ was quickly pulled down again, but the J. R. LIBBY. brother must havo had a peculiar considerably. Chazy Boy passed Pundor- You’d never see the “out” times to inquire “where are we after break bad lost him all obance of with his own nature. Its at,” winning Silk belts with sil- spondence as half way down the stretch and fin- but its gilt, His the manner of some of the bewildered the heat. Ho did not lose courage, how- there and that is quicknoss I readily recognized. ished several lengths ahead of Planxty oxidized and black Democrats of our own state of Maine. but his ver, was strung. ever, gradually pushed way up how we can nervous organization high who had crowded up from the rear and sell really II. f toPTO ft T*ll 4J Dut if some of theso sports were dis- to the Royal Victor’s wheel at the three- buckles, 25c to 50c. takeu-second pluco away from Pandoras. at tho favorites were turned mark. at an and was ex- gusted way quarter’s REDUCTION SALE. good handkerchiefs Ho bod elastic nature, Tho universal opinion soomed to be He was down, there were others who were haDcv tremely rapid in his motions. thnt both Pandoras and Wellington were such ridiculous Leather belts in black, what enough to make up for it and among going oil in the rear of these leaders. prices. guided by his emotions. Ho know off their feot and were yesterday, not do- blue, tan, ecru, and then acted. His nature them was the backers of Chuzy Boy, Claus Forrester, O’Neil’s Allen Boy, green, he wonted ing half as much as might be expeoted Royal Victor and Allen Bare, who pulled Ferndale and Noidica wore closely of Shirt Waists. brown, red, with and was peculiarly sensitive, peculiarly ot them. The time of this heat was Ronnd-up gilt out the throe events of the day. bunched and turned into the home sympathetic. He thought first of all of 2.23%. silver buckles, The crowd was a one for an stretoh In this the comfort of those about him. I knew big open- way. The finish between FIETH HEAT. 25c to day, and there were present many Royal Viotor and Paige’s Allen was A and 11.75. of no one who will bo so missed. His was ing Boy HUNDRED, THE Four hundred! Four hundred twenty prominent men of Portland, tho most of Chazy Boy started away in the lead but very close, but Victor won. The time a sanguine temporament, a sailor’s hundred laun- Corsets to whom were and was at the Dy was 2,15. cool, handsome, dressy, styles of choose belts in all the He was filled with a love of the accompanied by ladies, passed quarter Pandoras, FOUR Spangled Daturo. rlomrl Shirr Waicte Ponlo Himitv nnrl tbe stand was well Ailed. who was on deck again with her speed. seas and he spoke with the brusqueness grand very The Summary. from, all different and a new fancies, different One of tho most features of tbe At the half Chazy Boy passed Pandoras, * of a seaman. He was outspoken and, if enjoyable 2.17 CLASS, PACING, PURSE $5JO. other hot weather washables. Cut on artistic and who fell baok to the tail end of line of each. widths colors. Reduced a he was day was the music, furnished by Chand- rapidly complete ho made mistake, always ready Royal Wilkes, hr h, by Roy lines, made with ler’s which all of the latest the procossion. Planxty was second and New-England-home-work- from $1.25 to 50c. to acknowledge it. He was peculiarly band, played Wilkes, dum Highland Mary, That means a representa- and most with Loudon third under the wire, while Pocahontas honesty. All cut, to close out. happy in liis friendship and very liberal popular airs, together by Boy, New greatly price finished first a lead. tion of and freehamled in his benevolence. I many solos and descriptive pieces be- Chazy Boy by hig York, (Penman) 2 111 about all that’s Gilt belts, sold Allen Boy, b g, b,v Glencoe formerly tween heats, and during the long waits. The time was 2.23. have known him to give right and left, Wilkes, (Paige) 12 2 2 Fifty cent Shirt Waists at 39c been of in a Cor- for now won first Pandoras thought $1.25 50c. whero Among those seen in the grand stand Chazy Boy money, Allen b where his gifts were seen and they Boy, g, by Allen, cent ones at 59c was Hon. Frank Jones of second, Plauxty third and Wellington 3 6 3 4 Seventy-five set Skillful were not. He had a desire to help the Portsmouth, (O’Neil) way. Claus b fitters, Patent Leather belts— who came down to see his fast mare, third. Forrester, h, (Clark) 8 3 4 3 Dollar ones at 69c unfortunate, and often took tho distress Ferndale, br m,by Slmmocolton who know their trot in the 2.37 but at The business, silver buckles— of others upon his own shoulders. Lightmoon, olass, Summary, (BoMne) 4477 Dollar-thirty-nine ones at 98c sterling the last moment it was decided to draw b to sell I cannot close without speaking of the 2.37 CLASS, TROTTING, PURSE, *600. Hollister, g, by Alrnont Dollar and a half ones at SI.19 you exactly the reduced from her out as she was not in the best of con- 6 6 5 8 beauty of his family life, his anxiety, for b (Parker) Chazy Boy, g, by Candidate, Noidica, br m, by Norval Dollar ones at sort that suits best. to dition. dam ninty-eight 1.25 you $2.25 1.75. their best estate, sympathizing with Chazy Maid, by Chazy (Palno) 9 7 6 6 and their successes and failures. Oh thiH Tho usual picturesque characters Patohen, Medford, (Walk- Daisy, br m, by Pharos (Whit- Two Dollar ones at 1.39 You take no risk when er) \ 6 8 111 Silk the house will miss and the in scenes wore to he witnessed around the comb) 5 8 8 8 belting by yard—in black, him, places PandoraH, ro g, by Edgemark, See window show of them. traolc and there was on out Royal Duke, Jr., g g, by Royal Corsets at this which we walk will daily show the plenty going dam Ben you buy cream and brown. Pandora, by Duke (Woodbury) 7 dis Sale in the cloak sales room. white, fragrance of the Ufa that has passed from side of the races to keop people busy and E'ranklln, (Titer) 112 3 6 store. b Emin TIME. us to the rewards of interested. Tho “pop corn man,” the Plauxty, g, by Bey eternity. 3 5 3 the fakirs and the (Pierce) 2 2 and Prayer was then offered by the doctor, whistling negro, 4 4 6 4 One-quarter—34%, 34, 34, 34.%. Catalogues price Wellington, gg. (Williams)2 1.07. with tho b.nediction. laughable Incidents and accidents of tbe One-half, —1.07%, 1.07, 1.07, BUCKLES. closing Beita, bn, by Tempest Dick, Three-quarters—1.41, lists on afternoon furnished the stand 4 2 6 6 5 1.41, 1.39%, 1.41%. J. R. LIBBY t application. The floral offerings were very beautiful grand (Wilson) Mile-2.15% 2.15. London, br h, by Norfolk, 2.14%,;2.13%, and Included tributes from people plenty to S6e and talk about. Gilt Buckles, magnificent (Brownell) 6 6 5 4 3 2.30 Trot. Mr. Frank Walker, who was to have Mr. Payaon Tucker, the Bramhall Nellie S., b m, Robinsou to by The 2.20 tret was not called hoat of the afternoon. Tho field wag sent SUPREME 10c 9Sc. was until late JUDICIAL<_COURT. League, Messrs. L. O. Short and O. C. aotert as the starting judge yesterday D, (Libby) 7 7 dr in the afternoon. In faot it was nearly ott promptly and in good shape. Allen White Metal Buckles, Harmon, his the of too sick to officiate, aud bis place was TIME. partners, employes six o’clock before tho horses Dare took the lead at tho start end had taken C. K. Brew of Somers- were oalled Law Term—Western District. to the house, the Commercial Travellers’ by Mr. This week we are hav- 10c 25c. One-qnartor—34%. 36%, 34, 36%, 34. out for and Silver Mark on his wheel all the Cumberland cases were in ordt r N. who to be an ex- tbeillrst heat, by that time clinging county association and many others. worth, H., proved Ono-half—1.09%, 1.11, 1.08, 1.12, 1.09%. Silver Buckles, nearly all of the crowd had gone home. way around. On the back stretch ti e 3 esterday, and the following were argue J a demonstration sale Sterling The pall hearers were Amini Whitney, cellent starter, and got the largo fields of Three-quarters—1.46%, 1.46, 1.43%, ing 1.44. The delays between the heats while not whole field of twelve horses was prettily 1 rally: H. Short horses away in good shape and without 1.46, 75cto'$2.00 Perez Burnham, Joseph and a • 2.23. than were tedious but Daro broke and went to El Bacon vs. Casoo of ‘‘Patri’s Murline,” much Mr. Drew was assisted Mile—2.24%, 2.23%, 2.21%, 2.23%, longer necessaiy and bunched, bridge Bay Htearr Elisha Conley. The interment was at delay. by 1 the few who remained to see the rear and was followed some of the oat company. This is a onso aguinst th 9 in White C. Tollmau of 2.17 Paco. the finish of by for Full line of Waist Sets Evergreen. Messrs. J. Hodford, Mass., efendant company for negligeoce in th preparation curling the raoe would at tlmos become impatient others in tho bunch. Edna Orr went up and T. P. R. Cartland of Portland. The two Allen Boys and Royal Victor J laintunauoe of its wharf upon Cushing' 9 Metal, Sterling Silver, Pearl and seem to the hair and it INHERITANCE TAX- and blame the judgos for the twenty on the outside, but oould not j dand, whereby the plaintiff, Dr. Bacor keeping in Fred Bibber und John Leo of Portland had tho fun of this race all to theraselvos. Dresden Enamel, 10c to 75c. minutes whloh tho rules head Allen Dare. Allen Dare, Silver c n the 16th of August, 1894, fell into “ officiated as timers. deluy requuired. warm or The Largest Ever Recorded in Cumber- Paige’s Allon Boy got the first heat a nd 1 of tbs i curl in Starter Drew kept things Mark and Edna Orr pulled away from octangular opeuing planking damp a customer for moving he used as a land County. The 2.S7 Trot, proved troublesome Royal wharf, driveway, and brok in a lively manner and as Allen the rest of the field and came down the weather. This Victor the other three heats through j is leg. Tho case was twice tried to \ prepara. during of the This race was won to Dare proved equal to the task of strotoh several lengths ahoad j ury. The first one disagreed imd th “ by Chazy Boy whioh tho latter won, first winning which are BATHING taking money. « ocond a verdiot tor the tion, Mr. Edward C. Reynolds, Register of tho of the after Pan- three straight heats tho raoe was others. Dare was first, Silver Mark gave defendant you per- surprise bookies, Tho best time for the raco was made in pulled Cumberland resumably finding that the wharf \vn 9 Probate for County, has the bad won two off before sunset. Silver Mark took second and Aicoe third. Tho time of this familiar doras, favorite, straight the third heat and was 2.13%. j ot defective. The case is now before th haps already just recorded the largest Inheritance col- second and Edna Orr third. The heat was tho same as the first. ( ourt on SUITS heats. The latter horso seemed to loose money 2.16, exceptions to tho of th “ FRIST HEAT. rulings is lateral tax ever imposed in tha county. all sand and in the third beat and race was very oxoitina. the last heat in udge to the jury on tho second trial. I with, purely vegetable, pluok THIRD HEAT. ms It is on tho estate of the late Salome H. There ware nine starters in this race. \ argued for the plaintiff by Edwar proved an easy mark for Chazy Boy. particular being very close and interest- is harmless and for women and boys. foodman, and on the part of th J clean. men, Snow, of Brunswick, and is as follows: Nordiea drew the polo and for several The best time was 2.15. Allen Dare took tho lead as usual and E»q., Pandoras got second money, Plaunty ing. t orapnny by Clarence Hale, Esq. Tf aw mtinv fimnc will vnn an in * the track. Madame the in- Thomas Cruikshank, $ 12.50 third and Wellington fourth, The best scores aoted badly. The namesake of FIRST HEAT. kept it all the way around Etephen W. Carr, insurance oommis Patri, James A. Break, 12.50 “Maine’s sweet wore a The occurred for second t= ioner, against Provident Aid this summer ? time of the race was 2,23, and it was singer” patent principle fight Society. ventor and manufacturer bathing Twelve starers 9amo out for the first This case B. Angie Minord, 12.50 nose bit when she Rose- involves the disposition o f made in the last heat. first oome out, which plane between Silver Mark, Aleoe, How times will wear a Gorham Rogers, trustee, 112.50 heat of the 2.20 trot, which was not lie funds of the Provident Aid Sooiet f many you worriod her a and was The field turned in- is here and will great deal, this line, and Edna Orr. ; u the hands person- Helen Sophia Ball Seaver, 355.65 oallod until six o’clock. The of the stnte treasure! suit that is worn 'most FIRST HEAT. for a nearly big with the horses 1 daily by Susan Snow Rogers, 308.15 finally changed simple bit. But to tho homo strotoh Juder an act of the legislature th ® Sold was Bent Starter Drew with the de- away by 1 'rovident Aid was superintend someone else? H jw will Gorhnin Rogers, 1180.42 Seven horses came out for the word, the “sweet singer1 was not satisfied named all in a bunch, and A lieu Dare Society authorized t ally long you very little delay in Allen Daro einsure its members iu the 3 the fast mare of Frank Jones with this and oontinued to “raise the scoring. The latter horse finished Bay Stat nTy-.«-r.l nnnr, on Lightmoon, leading the van. j monstration, which will with a half-dried, got the load and held it all the way lerefioiary Association, and a majorit put up always ready- of and Harvard, tho deuce” with the field. Then first several Silver Mark was Fees and Expenses, 8.00 Portsmouth, bay Royal Duke, by lengths. f f the mombers accepted such reinsurnne “ around the track, finishing first. He was be held in the small to-rip unsightly bathing suit ? We gelding of Patrick Jiane ot East Peering U1|| U ullvU HUH U UUJ1IJ Ui uru second by a head and Aicoe third. The 1 rhiie others refnsod nnd held on to cliei pic- pressed very bard by Silver Mark and id Balance, 2052.22 being withdrawn at tho last moment. minutes occurredjduring wliioh Chand- time of this heat was certificates. The Bay State claim 3 ture room at the extreme have them all made at prices so low Edna Orr on the back but was 2.16J he funds in the hands of the Btate treai and Neal were the with In ler's band several stretch, Coombs attorneys Wellington drew the pole played pieces. 1 that can afford one. able to hold his own. Silver Mark The Summary. re, wbilo tho insurance oommissionn everyone for the above named the second The latter horse The horse continued to end of 'he store. Madame parties. position. pole behave lalms that it should be distributed t 0 flannel and finished second and Edna Orr third. PURSE 5500. he Men’s Bathing Suits in was selling a favorite In the pools with badly and so Starter Brew sent oil the 2.20 CLASS, TROTTING, \ policy holders of tho Provident Ai i Patri also be None of the field the whioh may advised Forest Kink. favorite. big got flag iociety who have refused to go into th in cotton, in one and two City Wellington a second The bunch with tho pole horso in a had Allen Dare, g g, by Blackhawk tun U.o.n piece piece was anothor surprising thing about this dam Mattie B., by with, There is just one placo in the state scoring took up considerable time, and position and at the tail of the procession. McGregor, Clarence Hale for the Bay State. regarding coming suits, 50c to $1.50. boat, as it seemed as if the hot pace must rtoa wuuos, r rosier; j. i. one or two were caused by throw tho at L. C. Cornish for the insurance where can be seen this afternoon and delays Hoyal Viotor, pool’s favorite, Silver b coir of hair drop same of them out. Hut they all Mark, g, by Duudeo, uissloner. styles dressing. Women’s Bathing Suits in cotton, evening, and every afternoon and eve- ing shoos and pads, but after a tedious once tuok the lead and at tho quartor was (Clark) on to take a at the Mutual Life Insurance c f Bent in hard olung fling money. Edna b oompany in biue flannel and In black mohair, ning this week the greatest of all bicyole wait the field was away good pressed by Ferndale, who held her Orr, m, (Cheney) low in At the end of this hoat it was announced York, equity, against Elisha W first Aleoe, b g, (Ei field) , artists. The is the Forest shape by Startor Drew. At the turn position by the side of Royal Viotor until louley et al, executors of the will c f all trimmed at from place City that Alien the winner of tho heat Blaoketone hrino, br g, (Marsh) 4 8 5 appropriately 3.30 driven the vetoran the when Blie went oil her feet and Dare, Jharles A. Donnell. rink, Peaks island, and 9.15, Pandoras, by Henry half, Rosaline, hr m, (Clark) 8 4 7 was for sale. Time 2.15. This Is a suit to dotermino the ownei $1.00 to 5.00. tbe time, and the Valdaros the people. Titer, jumped to the lead from the fifth dropped back, the two Allen Boys getting Queen Wilkes, br in, (Woodbury) 5 7 6 MOORE hip of a polioy of life lnsurauoo on th ; OWEN, & CO into the van. broke SECOND HEAT. br g, (Lookwood) 6 10 10 Suits, one and two They do marvelous things, riding position and took the pole away from up Daisy badly in Crownmout, ifo of Charles A. olalmed b Boys’ Bathing Senator gr h (Hay- Donnell, 7 him tho but was was one Bluokburn, ‘ he without or Wellington, who was pressing hard stretch, pulled down onto This of the best if not the best executors of Charles A. Donnell an 1 .— _ wool and 50 to wheels spokes buo, buggy den) 9 6 13 piece suits, cotton, her feet at the and Iso by the administrator of C and double, carrying acts, at the wheel. The held quickly strung quarter acted well Silver b m, (Nelson) 7 11 9 Abby wheels, single Street, J a bomb and when the waves dowi $1.50. 10 9 8 lonnell, his wife. quiet ; eta Be sure and see out into a fnnoral order, al- during tho rest of the mile, regaining a Linda Stauford, b m, (Wilson) living pictures, procession It is claimed on the of the heirs c f tbo water is covered with b h 12 12 11 part the pieces o f Trunks, 25 and 50c. rink this were much faster little of what she had lost at first. Fern- Don, (Houghton) O. Donnell that Mr. Boys’ Bathing these wonders at the week. though they travelling Lbby Donnell as the wreok. s the to her Polo Saturday oveniDg. Urand skating than the ordinary funeral procession. dale, who was pressing the leading trio, TIME. lgned policy before he r jarriage to Mr. Donnell. The Prof. Oldrive will another and Into third on tho of Royal Viotor and the two assign give exhi prize carnival August 5th, carnival Planxty got up position composed * 34, 35. rent oaDnot or has not been found, bu t bition this afternoon at 2 in back hut broke and Allou broke One-quarter—33)4, o’oloek. I s ball to those the water stretch, badly BoyB hard, badly again lr. Donnell did notify the ii 3 complimentary Ono-half—1.07)4, 1-07, 1.08)4. f oompany will be worth seeing, 3rd. to the rear Pandoras had shortly after tho half was passed, and 1.42. is life time and before his the c oarniral, Monday evening, August dropped again. Three-quarters—1.40)4, 1.40)4, marriage ___ * e bad made such an Eastman Bros. & Bancroft. now increased his lead by several then the Held was divided into throe Mile-3,16, 2.15, 2.10)4. assignment. Mrs E29H9 Gaudaur 'Wins. lonnell died first. The exeoutors of Mr lengths, but Williams drove Wellington divisions. Up in the vau Royal Viotor Notes. ] lonnell deny that any snob assignmen Halifax, July 28. —Gaudaur won thi I*********** hard on tho home stretch and came under and tho Allen Boys were having a sharp ras ever but admit that scull ruce for 2.27 2.11 made, at on 5 single the world’s chain Today will ooour the trot, irne he the wire a good second with Pandoras race and forming the first division. In J intended to assign it. pionsbip today. Haokotc was seoond. paoe, 2.14 trot and 2.27 pace. Ail of these for — l THE COOK $ first. Plauxty showed remarkable speed the second division Fernadle, Daisy, Benjamin Thompson executors c f i-. events have a number of entries t he will of C. A. Donnell. in tho finished Hollister and Duke were large IS last quarter and third Royal oiosely Hiram Knowlton for the heirs of Mrs MARRIAGES. l PLEASED * and among them, especially in the 2.11 after an exciting tussle with Belta, the bunohed, and bringing up the rear came lonnell. ¥ V are fast horses. The admis- and pace, many Albert Woodmnn Daniel Carte r -"**• favorite in tho pools, which was being Nordlca, trotting evenly now, Claus This Girl is an 13 against In North Scarboro, July 27, B. Ed acquaintance sion la and ladies are ad- a George 2m When knowing that the | only 50 cents, nd Portland Cooperage oompany, truste 3 wards and Miss Kutli A. botli of # ^ driven for this position. Forrester neok and neuk. On the home in thousands of American homes Smith, Boston | 'n|ea|t| 1 ? flavoring extract need has the desired ^ gj | mittod free. Trains leave Union station 1 a question ns to wtother the trustee a In Winslow, July 25, Charles E. Phillips,iam and stretch It was a scrap between tho i where she is known as The K strength, will never disappoint. ^ pretty “ re chargeable with funds in their hand 9 Miss Olive J. Bragg. the beat stand the SECOND HEAT. None every half hour after one o’olook and the Only extracts ■will 4a horses of tho leading trio. All throe 8 Such Mince Meat Girl.” I elonging to the defendant. In Winthrop, July 21, W. W. Coggswell am test- Miss Lizzie J. PR I T i N G * S Her smile is reflected in 8 Capo olootrios run out to Bigby every F. U. for the trustee. Lewis. In Pandoras had an easy thing in this drivers wero pushing their horsos for all every Payson In ^ home John for Bucksport. July 25. George L. Pattersoi (4 she enters for she brings fl fifteen minutos. Today if pleasant will H. Hill the plaintiff. and Miss Fannie B. heat. She took the lead at the send off they were worth, and it looked as if a McKinley. Hi delicious mince pie to all, and /81 see a crowd at as a flue card la and kept it to the finish. sizod blanket would covor the big Rigby Wellington good whole at same saves PAY l BAKER’S lffi\ the time the Iga offered. Prof. Oldrive at Peaks Island. | tried conclusions with her for a time, but lot. Paige’s Allen Boy finished first by housewife from the /AI DEATHS. S~_ drudg- received * seem General Manager Earn ham has The large crowd that came down o: 1 EXTRACTS didn’t to he equal to the paoo and a neck with Royal Viotor right behind ery that old time mince % |S» Am| a H. the t jo steamers to see tho plaoe to who stuck to the and tho other Allen Boy at permit signed.by George Bailey, professor wal * gave Delta, Victor’s |&n|\ pie making required, /[gjg In this 28. Agnes G., wife of W WE DO 1T * Sold Take no city, July everywhere. substitute. state per- o n the water were with the ea ■ leader’s wheel liko a leach all the whoel. F’erndale for all her /iM,fS29 veterinary surgeon, granting delighted Charles Darrah, aged 29 years. Are pure fruit ex- & way running ■»#Send your addross, naming this sL and we 'jvill send free mission to the ownors of all cattle to 1; ibltion. He wears shoes from No. 400 Cumberland street thi: carefully and could i» around and finished socoud. flnisheed fourth and paper, you that look lik 9 [Funeral prepared, Chazy Boy Daisy was fifth. ® hook, “Mrs. Popkins’ Thanks* f afternoon at 2 o’clock. else but the best ex- their s mall and skims over anything was KA* giving,”byoncorthe mo3tpopu- bring stock Into Muine either by boats, the watt r In this Andersen Christen, chili taVe orawled by Wellington up into third The time 15Ji. lar bumoroufl writers of city. July 28, £? Et°°d tbe te6t Ior * iff & the day. ^11 rail or water for the Now fair, a nd skilfully balanoos himself withou t of Christen and Andersen Jorgesen, aged t THjEj I 1 £ yeare'and jjosition bo to the end. MEnRELL-SOULE Enlgand placsjftWhich kept SECOND HEAT. \W CO., AH months, 23 (lays. I if Syracuse, N. Y., Mfrs. of 111 the only restriction that if nny one t tie aid of a pole. He smokes a an 1 ¥ It was a very tame heat as far as close- being cigar [Funeral Wednesday forenoon at 11 o'elocl £ heat the race In this turned into a or more of them are sos it to the from the residence. No. 23 Cleaves St * ness went. The time was sold to remain in the light fuse of bis fir a parents' 3.23*4. after the In Mechanic Falls, July 25, Isaac L>. Water THURSTON $ NEVER regular procession quarter was state they shall be submitted tuber- v lorks. He has a minature THIRD HEAT. to 6hip buil man. passed with Royal Victor and culln tests * Paige's before being delivered from a nd he rides the waves at anchor, mak DISAPPOINT. |N0NE MEAT. funeral services of Edward S. Eaton surprised them all in this Alleu the van. sughJ [The wll | Chazy Boy Boy leading Royal Duke Rigby park. This is a The last ^^^^KilNCE permit Issued by i jg very pretty picture. thin i he held on Thursday, at 2 p. in., at No. 7i>- I ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ ¥¥¥¥***vw& beat and those who had backed Pandoras broke at tho first quarter and ran order of street. [ PjR |N|Ti nearly the oattle commissioners. I o does is to blow up this vessel wit j Congress MiscEixAiraotrs. in MAINE TOWNS. engine was sent immediately to working farmer, who sees in part the re- _MTSCELLANBOUs.__ miscellaneous. toiet. FOE SALE. inotli eld, where Drs. (Jukiwell and sults of his labois puss down the Vora- -*—- — ■ '* ilanehard were to cious mouths of those summoned and taken worms.” Forty words inserted under this head Forty word# inserted under this hood Items of interest Gathered Carres* scene one week for 35 by be of the accident. They found rents cash in advance. one week for cents, cash in advance. ipon examination that were THE World pomlents of tho Press. both legs BARNUM-BAILEY bHOW. Renowned. jadiy broken and mangled; one both T°nVrT7^mt«98w)Xffort1, St- uPP0r tenement OR S A I. E—Wood fords. New 2 story house ibove and below the and it was c 10set on same floor. 9 rooms,stable. Nearly 1-2 acre in garden. knee, Tire llouto of the Parade on Next. Allfii in first class Wa;t,ef eared at that Friday condition. A and 140 feet on orchard, city sewer Gray. lint at least one would ant- rent. Small handy pleas- street, good he family wanted Annlv and Sebago; close to electrics; home of owner lave to amputated, but it is hoped to Boyd St. King right hand Dry Mills, 28. If the weather The free street bell 29-1 who is to leave the city, $2,000. !half mortgage. Invented in iSioby Che late Dr. A. July ave both. parade of the Barnum & St.29-1 Johnson, HUCKMS5 TO have one large pleasant front W. JFI. WALDRON & CO. 180 Middle It is the continues fair tho romainder of the week Family Physician. best, the oldest. Bailey Greatest Show oa Earth, when it A room on Congress street Mother should have it in which I will let OR SALE—island in Casco Bay containing Every the house. the will be all harvested. HOW TO 40 ra n reasonable; suitable for pJ hay crop neatly FIGHT AR MY WORMS- visits Portland next Friday, will be ESTABLISHED YEARS. physician dentist about 16 acres, used now for farming, I have never been able to sell any other Uni- ^3^ dressmaking, light or ot It will a of a housekeeping lodging’ house and barn, pure well water, plenty lisa, merit left with me and claimed to he from half to two-thirds made over the route. with Sebago :water. be just as following Leaving Apply at fans paTm- clams and lobsters, nice bathing; beach steam- as Uuiruent. in this Eli’S Employment Office, 399 1-2 good Johnson’s Anodyne Simply crop vicinity. die Advice of the Minnesota State Ento- the Beering grounds at 9 o'oldck in the Congress St ers pass handv eight times daily, a forced sale. the name Johnson’s is what sells to niv trade. 28-1 180 Chester who has been _ Price $800. W. U. WALDRON & CO.. Alonzo Pi rtnoton, \v, Marsden, stop- as to Kid of Them. the pageant will move down SOUPS. Bov/doin, Me. mologist Getting morning, Middle RENT—A two St.___29-1 The Doctor’s signature and directions on bottle, ping at H. L. Morso’s for the past year, to Green to story house, recently re- every borest avenue, srteet, theuoe 10 lil’st’d Pamphlet free. Fold everywhere. Price, 85 cents. FORpaired containing rooms, open grate SALE—Two and one-half story briclc Sir, I. & has gone to his home in Auburn. to State pOR* bottles, $2.00. S. JOHN.si)X CO., Boston, Mass. (From the St. Paul Globe.) Portland streot, street, to Con- FIRST FRIZES AWARDED In Darlor, situated less than two blocks above house with stable; pleasantly situated in H. D. who was hurt the first State street; stable on the western of ten rooms “Best Liver Pill Morse, gress street, to Middle street, to Ex- premises; immedi- part city: house contains Made.” Prof. Otto the State entomolo- ate possession. BENJAMIN SHAW, 61 1-2 in perfect and all conveniences. of July, is not able to use his arm yet. Lugger, to —BY THE— repair Imodern change street, Congress street, to Prble Exchange St.28-1 Stable has three stalls, with of room lor gist, haB beon receiving numerous letters plenty We hear that James O. W’hitney has to Portland to street carriages. Lot contains about 45u0 square streot, street, Green LET—Furnished rooms, 142 Pleasant West ■eoently, complaining about the army feet. Owner is about to leave city and the moved to Gray. to Forest avenue aud then baok to the street, corner Park.23-1 arsons' Pills TO property will be sold at a bargain. JOHN F. worm. about the Prof. cure biliousness and sick headache, Rev. G. G. Hamilton will preach at Sneaking matter, INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITIONS PROCTOR. Centennial Block. 29-1 fPositivelyiver and bowel complaints. They all grounds. LET—First class house on Thomas expel impurities Lugger said : “They are not alone oom- all from the blood. Delicate women lirni relief from the Town Hail, Gray, next Sunday af- on TO street; all furnished; modren im- SALE—New house of 10 rooms ar.d bath It is especially requested behalf of POPA Using them. Price 25 cts,; five $1.00. Pamphlet free. ternoon at 2. iiO u’olock. non in our State, where nearly every provements; will let for one year at a reas- room supplied with hot and cold water, I. b. JOHNSON & CO., 22 Custom House Boston. tbe that teams be WALDRON & heated St., Thomas (Juiut and wife wero at Bruns- management kept onable price. W. H. CO., 180 with furnace; stable for three horses lounty is more or less seriously invaded, MEDAL OF J. H. W. Middle 23-1 and wick last week from the line of maroh as much as HONOR, HUCKINS&CoJ street. carriages; corner lot, 100x125; line loca- visitiug their daughter iway tion but are found as far oast as tho Stute of ^ Will sell or exchange for other property. FIRST CLASS Fannie. Island possible, lu order to avoid acoidents from u- * A* LET—On Great Diamond Desira- Apply to E. VINTON EARLE, Deerlug Cen- Mrs. Doru Morrill and son Gardio are Tho army worm, under B0ST0N’ MASS-’ TO ble furnished tre. Maine. Pennsylvania. a MEDAL cottaue, pleasantly situated, 28-1 ’rightoned horses. Elephants inspire ANDTlSr with be at East wator and drainage. Will S3 I A N O S visitiug Raymond at her uncle’s normal conditions, is nothing but a cut 1893 supply good Daniel Chlpman’s. secular terror in horses and a whole regi- IN C0IV1PETIT10N W!TH THE WORLD. tet at reduced price for tli'e rest of the season. POR SALE—H°use, No. 92 Spring street. worm, and all the damage it oauses is Apply to H. C. 33 Fearl St City. 23-1 'v???*ords, fitted fpr two families, lot 7»nt ment of ho MEDAL AND DIPLOMA*' Gilson, 18G. Will be Paris. oavalry might disorganized **" as sold at a bargain if taken at FOR SALE OR ALSO lone in thut shape. Only In extrome San Francisco EXP6rt Ch6fS’ apP“ Jud°63 by RENT; by the big hurd of 94 which the Barnum Exposition, 1884. rf’K) LET—On Commercial wharf, store for- 9?ce. Inquire of E. VINTON EARLE, Deer- 28. summers a wet do Explains?' mg Paris, July Early Sunday morning following spring they J- merly occupied by the late Charles P. In- Centre._ 28-1 the o£ thi3 & Bailey show carries this season. GOLD people plaoo were aroused by become exceedingly numerous, and only MEDAL, “The richest and heaviest stocked.” graham, suitable for business or storage. Also Or O R. Q- A PQ’ S the news This is the hurd of a.lanta store exchange, new house in Deer- that the farm buildings of largest elephants Exposition 1895 lately occupied by C. W. Lombard. Also V01}' me ;ownrd the and of the larval do “Made in accordence with the „.w, location, near schools, stores Jacob McKeona wore on fire. 'Lhe build- period accepted stores suitable for to B. W. i5°*. >vor exhibited in a single show. Mr. Huckin’s storage. Apply cclnc Sebago, electric bind themselves and seek EEg-Specify when you or- Standard of the highest known culinary art.” 90 Commercial street. mlhto Far3, e.tc,» sewer, ings were situated ou the street :bey together der. JONES, jly21dtf lights, good garden, modern conveniences, Very I’aiscy or !*!ain at High Bailey, who now Is solo owner of the jly25dtftopnrm road, and were about two miles from new pastures. price very low and easy terms. Come in ami this Barnum & Bailey show, has beou dubbed TO LET—Lower rent of six rooms, situated 6<>x place. By the time the people got “These armies dam- a iaa Umf 'rAiWlfiDSl'tlV0 building lots, do not do so much No. 5 Laurel St. Coniaius Sebago water 100. DALTON iS; GO,, 478 1-2 NO. 5!4 5-2 EXCHANGE ST. thero tho roof of tho hat-D was ready to ihe elephant king, beoause he owns a and bath and all Congress St., as one would continued modern conveniences. For opp. Preble House. 28-1 and in a short time igo suppose,’’ fall, very everything avger number of the big JOHN full particulars inqnire of A. C. LIBBY, 42 1-2 was flat. ihe Professor, “for their large numbers, Exchange St. 16-2 SALE—60 loads of loam at corner of _ pOR ;ban auy other individual or oonoern in JL v and g Several are talking of attending the : md about the time these armies are P. LOV- esper Wilson streets, city luaulro at the house or Grove Meeting at Canton, Sunday. ;ho world. Mr. Bailey has acquired the of E. VINTON EARLE Deer- W. P. HASTINGS’. urmed tho, blades of such plants as wheat, ELL ARMS liig 28-1 The Mason Family played here Mon- ntorest of the Barnum estate In the show MMX ME ARRABEIlT Centre._ day evening. There was a fair attend- >ats, and barley are unsuitod for animal liuce its last visit to COMPANY, A Jw111 Duy you such a pretty ring a SALE—A fish route of and it was Portland. Though paying about ance, prouounoed a good 'ooa or hAve almost been eaten. In this A thousand of them, the best 200 customers. For full re is 49 and the MeKenney’s. I^OR particulars ad- MR. JOSEPH F. show. only years old,; started a poor Wholesale and largest, the prettiest stock. Engagement dress FISH this PERRY, ;ase the worm can only oauso considera- and ROUTE, office. 28-1 ad to make his own in the Wedding rings a speciality. McKENNY Pownal. way world, in Bi- The te damage by eating oil the only green Retail Dealers Jeweler, Monument Square janlfiit SALE—2 Formerly salesman for F. C. rlrnost the dictator of the show business story brick house with 13 Pownal, July 28. resolu- the and In so they are I^ORrooms, bath, set bowls, hot water heat, 7 Appropriate part, chaff, doing cycles Fire Arms, Fish, LET—Furnished on Great Las been us tions have been n this country, aud he certainly controls cottages radiators, central location, near State White, engaged by passed by the Ladies’ to tho which will 1^0 Diamond near steamer street, »pt expose kerne), Island, landing, large lot, desirable house, will be sold reasona- Aid Sooiety of Pownal on the death of nore show property than any other man. ing Tackle, Police, Base post office, etc; all one of and will be pleased to see liis shrivel in nn- conveniences; bly low to close. N. 8. 186 Mid- Mrs. Ellen P. T. Vice Presi- consequenoo. They possess so veil rooms; one of ten both have GARDINER, Warren, In his conduot of his show he is gener- Foot Athletic and rooms; dle street. Room 4. 27-1 customers and friends at our dent of the Sooiety. It is tho desire of jther bad habit, namely, this: They eat Ball, Ball, fine piazzas. A. R. and E. A. DOTEN, 98 other as ex- Exchange street. Room 25. Mr. True Warren und to nif the branches of the of rlly regarded by managers 2-tf SALE—Confectionery and ice cream store. family express panicles oats, Sporting Goods of Every Descrip- store. Seventeen thoir most and heartfelt thanks FOR yeers successful busi- sincere, which, of oourse, suffer in oonso- ness and one of the best locations in the citv in of readily tion. for “Hazard” Powder in SUMMER RESORTS. acknowledgement the tunny expres- ;he peop le what they want and the un- Agents with a chance to manufacture. When we look at these good Small sions of kindness and sympathy so froo- quence. gworms, Communicate to 419 varying suouesa of hia tours prove that all Us Grades. Also “Hazard’s” I IMERiCK HOUSE—I offer the above named capital required Congress ly in their late great and such an we find that a *4 street. 24-1 given sorrow, composing army, stand at private sale. Situated iu one o£ also for the of iis seeming extravagance is really a wise many gifts beautiful large number are badly infested with “Blue Ribbon” “Smokeless.” Llie finest towns in Maine. Buildings in good &ALH-jounaing lots at Oakdale. The SHOE flowers. nvcstmeut of repair. in connection. A -a- Land offer PALMER 00. money. Co. for sale on nATHflitna On a nf ar»rr t.hrnn wnrm a lijva Livevy good Deering favor- ISO and 182 Middle oppor- No. St., tunity to anyone wishing to engage in hotel able terms desirable building lots on Forest Freeport. business. 541 CONGRESS ST., Portland, Me. from one to six oream-ooioved minute Kivertou Park. Write for iniormation to S E. Avenue, Falmouth, Fessenden, 1‘itt, William, Portland, Maine. WAR- GRANT, Limerick, Maine. 29-4 and Deering streets, Oakdale. toCHAS South Freeport, .Inly 27. Bov. Mr. Bggs fastened there a common Apply JULY, 80,1800. July24dlw by looking Workmen are in down C. ADAMS. 31 street. Smith with Rev. Mr. engaged taking REN H. Treas., Exchange exchanged pulpits that looks very much like a thrifty CHASE, and \ ORTH jeleuwktlOwk o£ New Gloucester fiy*, the in front of the Casino and be- RAYMOND, Maine, Raymond M»ul? Sunday. grade House, near Poland WOOD MANTELS and over fed house If you watch ALBERT E. Spring Spring. Prices UOR Rev. F. T. of fly. mud the car so a reduced from and SALE—Harper's magazine, unbound, House, Flantsville, tracks, that terrace to $7 815 per week to $1 per * from 1856 to 1872 inclusive 30 cents Conn., bus joined his family at H. A. these flies depositing their eggs you will [ lay; finest locality iu New well liked a and TILING. un from the bank caa be laid out. HALL, Man- England; volume: Copy of Fables in and will remain a few aee a and novel They by and most influential Esop’s printed Waite’s, weeks. peculiar sight. .best people; highest 1761; Bible in 1669. of J. M. aud The ram to furnish water for references from welt known men. Send for printed Inquire Samples Salesroom, Other recent arrivals ure: Mrs, bustle around their intended victim, bydraulio agers. BRADFORD. 161 Neal Street. 24-1 Goorgo rircular. Sept, and Oet. are line months here. King and from at whioh is well aware of the intended pur- he water tank to be used for children, Yarmouth, sprinkling Try it, you will be and contented. E. 424 CONGRESS TEMPLE. G. 1). Mrs. Cook of its and twists and con- bappy C. SALE—Gentleman’s SL.J0RNER Fogg’s; Mary and lit- pose enemies, lumosos arrived and will be SMALL. 28-1 driving horse; yesterday, v well bred tle sen, from Hadley, Mass., at Rev. A. torts its body lu a most violent manuer, who will cut out this “add” and in FOR (Nelson stock) six years old. 1 ilaoed in position person to us will receive COTTAGE—A few more boarders An excellent to secure a W. A. A L Smith’s; John M. Ash and family from at the same time ejeotiug the uasty^stom today. Any bring oportunity good LEN, MEADcan be accommodated at Mead horse at a reasonable price. S. A. at Chas. aoh fluid toward the tormantor. Hut all A stone foundation is built for a free of Cottage Address, Voot Preble of Streot f. octodt Philado.phla, Noyes’s; Prof. being coin purse charge. blithe Highlands. Me. For terms G, Press office. 23-1 the Bridgton, II. N. lluniium, of Atkinson, N. H., in vain; before long fly has deposited i he two heavy water tanks. address T. E, MEAD, Brldgton.Me. 24-1 at R. N. Rufus Holbrook Its eggs and visits another viotlrn. Sev- SALE—Tufts Soda Fountain. Apply Hiinbam’s; 8. D. Warren & Co. have can take a child to board in und Mrs. sral other are Dow oompleted ITiOItto F. A. TOWLE, Me. 23-1 Henry Holbrook and daughter, parasites exceedingly WANTED—Ia home. Address for Fryeburg, ANDERSON, ADAMS & 00. 1 heir to their WANTED. pleasant country from Jamaica at numerous. These have a more sure repairs dam atPieasant Hill information as Plains, Mass., Herbert way _MISCKXjT.AKKOTJS._ to terms, etc.,Box 290, Bethel SALE—Peaks Island cottage of nf the end in as Me. eight Merrill’s; Mrs. J. R. Johnston, from reaching view, they in- md the river is again at its normal D-4 FORrooms, one of the most desirable loca- Fire Insurance into words Inserted under tliis bead Forty words or less inserted under this Agency, Portland, at K, S. Wilson’s; and several iert their eggs the living worm, j Forty tions on Island avenue: room for another might, whioh enables both of the one week for 25 cents, cash in advance. Head for one week for 25 ets. in advance. ROAD FARM—Room for more 31 Street. others James K. Gettings and family, l'bosc that wish to see the actual strug- cottage; one minute from steamer; full view Exchange 1 teamers to run to their at HIGHguests; library, piau piazza, shade. of harbor and from South are for existence should to the trouble lunding the Portland; must be sold to sat- Portland, stopping in ;le go Sue walks and drives; good table, $5 to house in A'OTOX phosphates! Try it. For sale etc., isfy mortgage; best on the island Hokace Andebbon. the place this week. if going to a field infested with army ower falls. buy Oakdale. Ad- >7 per week. ROSCOE G. bargain dress at grocers aiul druggists. For health and SMITH, Cornish, W. II. WALDRON, & CO., 180 Middle a orowd of our worms at time with a lantern. WANTED—ToA. B., Press Office, stating loca- Me. street, Quite people gathered night The fence around tho deer in the no oue a 9-3 Thomas J. Little. pen tion and price. 25-1 economy equal. Costs cent glass. In 23-1 Portland, Me on the wharf Saturday evening to I'hey would bo able to see a large num- stock at & Hall. A. S. Melcher jolo ■aviue has a solid and a Thompson Co., the excursion to Peaks jor of insects and animals come to the plank bottom, Everett & traders COTTAGE,Greenwood to leases, the valuable Island, and were ANTED—I want to a small estab- Cook, Pennell, and generally. CJ.LOVER Hill,Hebron pOR SALE—Subject sire is to be stretched on the "Ilf purchase C* Maine, finely located on high ground, a land with two houses thereon a good deal disappointed because the feast served to them by nature. netting lished Gent’s and Boot and 29-1 sup- dwelling Furnishing ilied with pure water from a mineral Nos. 147—153 State St., situated about mid- GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY steamer could not take “it would take too much time to en- iosts and will make a neat Shoe business in some Maine Town. spring, them, having very looking thriving jleasant drives, good livery in connection with way between Longfellow Square and been loaded with excursionists at the large upon these points, but they all State price average monthly business, etc., ad- AfONEYTO LOAN—On household goods, Spring irraugement. It is to he dark ill louse, magnifioent view of White Mountains, Street. Area about 13.000 souarefeet. A go d ihow that the worm is not painted dress G.H., P. O. Box 1536, Portland, Me. horses, wagons, machinery, druggists fix- landings above here. army to bo (ood table.free transportation to and from R.R. chance for an house, or a SYSTEM. The will be this 24-1 tures, life insurance policies, pianos, organs, apartment eentl flamed lor moving uway. jreen. peu completed tation. rates to refer to man’s residence. BENJAMIN Gorham. safes, aud furniture leases. PORTLAND COL. Special families; SHAW, 51 1-2 “Hike in so other an reek and the handsome moose and ■■'red Gen. Agt., New Mutual St. many cases, ounce deer for middle aged woman LOAN, Room C, Second floor, Oxford Building. Brunell, England Exchange 23-1 Afe Ins. Co., Portland. Me. For terms address A caucus will he held at )f prevention is worth a nouud of cure. vill be there some time in quiet at West End or Wood- 29-2 • ♦ Republican placed during WANTED—Boardfamily J. R. GLOVER, Hehron, SALE—Fish Market, 84 Commercial THE SEA Sff.BE Rldlon’s hall next afternoon If we look over tne fields in which foTds, near electric cars. Address, MRS. C. : Me.jiySdtf Saturday army ;he week. AYONKY TO LOAN—In sums of $10 to $10,- FORstreet, known as Pierce Bros. A good worms are such A. SIMPSON, (33 Minot street, Dorchester, at half past two to Dominate a candidate playing havoo, wo can 000 of first and second mortgages, real chance for a man with small capital to do a AUD The has a Mass. 23-1 for representatives to the legislature und icon trace that hey came from a more company purchased second estate, personal property, life insurance polic- OPEN FOR THE SEASON. good business. For particulars anply to m less well-defined This a ies and on any collateral Notes PIERCE BROS., 84 Commercial choose delegates to the district conven- space. spaoe is jraphophoue which Is in larger cabinet LADY wants board and pleasant room security. street, City~ WHITE E¥iGUNTAiNS tion. ilthor a low of land the for one or two discounted. Yv. I*. CARR, Oxford Building. 23-1 piece over-grown md has been placed on the piazza. The A overlooking bay ____ Mr. Frank P. Johnson sold a with ooarse swamp grass or it is a rem- months. Rel’ereoes required and given. Ad- ___29-2 SALE—In recently mailer will be used The l^OR Yarmouth, at the corner oi an or phone in the restau- dress, MRS. W. S. PLUMMER, 2112 N. 17th SHOEING—Four shoes Special. fine pair of black horses to the olty of laut of old hay straw pile that SI.00; fancy Park and Main Sts., near the G. T. R. street, Pa. HORSE first class me Checkley j- Pliiladelpiha, work. Portland to be used on the ohemical. mght to havo been romoved long ago. ant and for giving concerts. _2S-1 shoeing $1.25 ; Give depot, a thoroughly built and well tinished two a call. J. H. CLAYTON, 501 Fore street, oppo- PSOUTS ME. honse and with Mrs. H. W. Hale and son Edward have such and similar places are selected by The the little WANTED—To buy from to NECK, story stable, ample grounds, A Pullman vestibuled the finest in the Martinos. Milo. Nooyah, $1,000 $16,000 site Delano’3 mill. 2S-1 This is train, cn a he moths whioh come from such worms worth of cast I the including garden. very desirable prop- gone carriage drive up among the off clothing. pay high- LRA C. FOSS. The will leave at 5.00 m. on rustine and Miss Horner are Proprietor erty, location being one of the best in tile world, Chicago p. hills of Oxford and will be is to their attracting est cash prices for ladies’ dresses, and you to move. I will move county away escape destruction, lay eggs gent’s going your jelt> dft village. Will be sold at a to June l audiences. are wonderful and clirildren’s gent’s winter overcoats. furniture I will bargain. Apply Wednesday, 24tli, July 1st, 8th, 15th, two or three weeks. u. Here the few that succeed in winter- treat They clothiugand ARE carefully. satisfy you if CHARLES W. Yarmouthville. Call or address letter or postal to MR. and mo. References if JORDAN, 22d, and also on 19th Rev. J. G. Towne of will ocou- over as minute worms have an three or four remain you try given required. W. 20th, August 6th, 12th, Bangor ng very inly days in which MRS. DE GROOT 76 Middle St. 23-3 H. 22-4 SMITH, stand and Mate R. S. Davis, corner ___ aud 26th. at Portland on the at the to grow and to the OPEN FOR THE SEASON. Arriving Saturday py pulpit Congregational ipportunity produce 10 see them. aud Federal residence 100 Exchange streets; TLlOR SALE Tf) at 11.45 a. m. church four Sundays during the abseuce li st generation of moths, whioh are never one to know we can aup- Oxford OR LET—The Homestead WANTED—Every street; telephone 507-2.27-1 A of of the Rev. G. W. These at ply you with the best of for the the late Thomas Quiuby, near Stroud- Portland at 9.00 m. pastor. Reynolds. njurious. moths, however, Help Leaving p. Sunday, June Another Manufactory, Beaches, Mountains and Lakes io short notice. waterin Deering. Four acres of land with The grocers here will dose their stores die rate at whioh thoy increase, are per- IVrOTICE—I forbid anyone trusting or board- Peaks Island 28th, July 6th, 12th, 19th aud 26th, also on HARTFORD & CORN ILL, Me. 4-4 good house. On line of street cars; lo and at half able to inuumerabe armies The Portland Lewiston, iv ing my son, F. B. Gregory, or House, Tuesday 'Thursday evenings leotly produce Door, Sash and Blinl minutes from Union station; perfect drain- August 2d, 9th, 16th, 23d and 30th. ater in the paying auy bills from this date on my name past six during August. season, provided, however, , moves the age; water. As fine a location as lompany is shortly to engage in a new massage muscles whatsoever. WILLIAM GREGORY. 27-1 PEAKS ME. Sebago CHA8. M. HAYS, No. F. & A. ihey are favored with suoif a suitable It is exercise without ISLAND, tcerc is ift to ANDREW Harmony lodge, 88, M., iranoh of MECHANICALby machinery. Deering. Apply Je22eodtaug26 GeneralManager. will on their annual excursion to jondltion as a wet If we follow manufacturing. They have effort. Professional and business men take E. A. SAWYER, Proprietor HAW ES, Stroud water. dec27-tf go spring. PEED T. LUNT, 235 Middle street, will island Oth. me of these we will see that eased the four storv briok onr- it to preserve health. Invalids take it to *- Peaks Thursday, August worms, it building make to order stylish suits from $20 to $26. May 29,1896. may29 dtf SALE—A fine stock regain health. It cures rheumatism, consisting of Mr. Herbert Cressey and wife of Boa- Ueappears from view in about four days ior of Pore and Pants from SS to $10.25-1 and Cross streets, now ooou- dyspepsia and neuralgia. It is agreeable and FORstoves, paints, oils hardware, for- tou are spending here. :rom now. It forces its way into the soil merly owned by the late R. H. McQuillan of >ied by .T. A. Ltdbaok as a machine reliable. 642 Congress atreeet. 27-4 UNION HOUSE Mr. Ira C. Otis and wife will spend a ind by ..turning round andjround it forms shop lady having recently lost infant would Yarmouth, Me. This stock is in a good store, rom and after A like one to wet neat, situated in Yarmouth two weeks’ vacation with friends In Cor- sliere a cell in whioh it changes into a August 1, making the TTf ANTED—All desirous of nurse; pleasant pleasantly village, persons acquir- home, healthful References ex- Peaks Rfle. which store Mill be sold or leased to HmOGKST reddish-brown v locality. Island, parties ish and pupa from whioh the alterations will tho man- ▼ good health, in Belgrade. lecessary begin ing improvement changed. Address, MRS. A. F. S., Gray, as desire. This is a Mr. F. Roswell has returned from noths and to show the morals, homes, to go to the OPEN JULY 1st, 1896. purchasing they grand J. issue, power of ifacture of fire olavator and obtaining happy Maine, Box 12U. 25-1 chance for any one to in business In it is proof pavtl- Institute at Deering, Maine, and be- engage a visit to New York. noieaae only necesary to mention Keeley Extensive Sanitary the above named line ot goods. This sale ;ion doors. The doors will be marie of come cured of the diseases arising from the Improvements, 75c to Mr. Edward Elder, who has been stop- shat they lay about 750 eggs, which hatch to date in all will bo made in order to settle an estaf $3.50. excessive use of Rum, Tobacco and the and up respects. Bates 8 to < Opium, public hotel ping hero for a few weeks, has returned n about eight dam isbestos and will be in every fire- keepers of Apply at once to GEORGE F. M’QUILLAN, respect Cigarettes. Do it. 22-tf NOTICE—ToMaine that I have been 12 dollars per week. 98 we appointed general Exchange street, Portland, Me. 30-tf to his home in Boeton. ‘Now, whut shall do to fight these iroof. The ooncorn will of the Hotel 1 employ between manager Employment Agency of JAMES B. JOSES, Proprietor, Window &c. The J. R. Adams Relief will aasoy 'worms! Now that tho HIT"ANTED—Blcvcles. T want to hnv from Screens, Doors, Corps greater iO and 50 men when Maine, and henceforward the World’s Employ- dtt ANTED—8ituation, by a competent and lias bean a they get ready to *» to worth oi Y\7 hold a lawn social at Col. H.R. Mllletts’, iamage dono, real remedy $6,000 $10,000 btoycles, new, ment Parlor will go by the name of the Hotel iiyi_ T r reliable young man as book-keeepev, ; the Call or Thnraday evening. Ice oream and cake mines too late. Yot there is a sort of itart work. old, damaged. Pay highest price. Employment Agency of Maine. Respectfully, good penman, can take charge of office. C. send forme to also ex- M. M. 502 will be served. 'nsoination in tbe that ive oan postal call; bicycles NANSEN, Congress street, Port- L. H., South Poland, Me. 23-1 thought and a line for sale. No business Mr. H. N. of West Buxton kill immense numbers of these WIT AND changed, big iand, Me._ 24-1 Bradbury disgust- WISDOM. done ou Saturday. 411 Fore street, 11. BERN- GRANITE SPRING ANTED—An active and sales- insects. \\T capable has tbe residence of 8, C. ing They nearly all in oue HOTEL, man to us purchased mov^ STEIN, in this of Proprietor. ]eU)-3 you going to move. I will move your represent seciton i M. PERRIS & on State street. It is the inten- zeneral w hich is in our the CO., Bolton direction, favor. AREfurniture carefully. I will do it reasona- state. Preference given to an exper- tion ol Mr. Bolton to build, having pur- Liv mowing oil a wide swath between persona in want of trunks ble. W. H. SMITH, Piano and Furniture Long Island. ienced mar.. Reference required. ALDEN Shakespeare For the Summer, and to call VINEGAR sole of Hardware Healers, 8 Free Street. chased a lot of Mr. J. H. Coburn. the nelas invaded and the holds to which WANTED—Allbags on E. D. REYNOLDS, Mover, staud and slate at R. S. Davis, corner Shore Dinners and Clam Bakes a specialty, CO., proprietors the Aid* u Mr. isuinner usbourne anu wire of the worms ere and 693 Congress street, one door above Shaw’s of Exchange aud Federal streets; residence Sundays included. Parties desiring Vinegar Works, 1000 to 1022 N. Main street, JylOdtf travelling, then Banquets » store, as we manufacture our 100 Oxford >r Dinners can to E. St. Louis, Mo. 23-1 Park, Mass., are summering here. ploughing a deep furrow with its grocery goods street; telephone 607-2. 20-2 apply Ponce, 125 Com- Hyde straight and can therefore bottom or side toward tho io he give prices. mercial street, at tlie Hotel; also of Wm. w. part protected, we Trunks We frame 86 YI/'ANTED—A smart, capable, strong young repaired. Open evenings. AtOTICE—We want the to know that Ruby, Exchange street, Granite Spring ¥T CARD.- Pave an excellent trap which can be im- public man to do general work at No. 88 Park STATE TOPICS OF INTEREST, pictures. fed-i-5 Tv Nansen and Dunham, will make 2afe. jly4-2m on to tho Tailors, street. at once. proved acoording conditions of suits at the very lowest prices for cash: also Apply JP3y-tf DR. F. AUSTIN the ground, by making holes with a ana a TENNEY, WANTED—FEMALE 111SLF. repairing pressing specialty. NAN- OCULIST At a Republican cauous held at Old orowLar into which tho worms SEN & 502 tumble, _ DUNHAM, Tailors, Congress LOST AND FOUND. and Residence Orchard last the street. Office 183 Deerine; St. evening, following iu most oases this deep furrow or ditch 23-1 Woodford 9. Forty words Inserted under this head named were chosen delegates to the dis- is but if tho number of suffioisut, worms one week for 25 oenis. cash in advance. Forty words inserted under this head Special attention given to diseases of the trict convention: F. W. H. F. Is a second EUROPEAN Uuptill, very great parallel furrow IF WE WANTED A CLOCK I one week for 25 cents, cash in advance. KYE and the fitting of LENSES. Consultation and IS. M. Yates. plan Chalk should be made, throwing tho earth over I free. Will call wihin city Ifraits of Portland Would to RAWFORD | nto the first for iu so young lady as book-keeper in 1ITE go McKenney’s because he has and ou notice or otherwise furrow, doing the WANTED—A »* more Deering by postal T» a line retail store. Must be experienced, up-to-date Clocks than all the other r OST—Sunday evening in the vleiuity of Grav, dec27 dtf prisoners are covered up and we start a stores 95c -*-* The Wage-earners’ McKinley Club of a of P. H. S. Address combined. His alarm clock is wak- Brackett. or Pine streets, a short, row lino of defenoe. other graduate preferred. HOUSE| Spruce South Paris held an adjourned meeting Many moth- stating references and salary expected to P. O. ing up the town. Clocks, 95c io $50.00 I Boston, Mass, w Mack si!k neck boa. Finder will eouter a ala are iu but are all The Annual at engine house hall Thursday evening, vogue, they simply BOX 739.2'J-l McKKNNEY. Jeweler, Monument Square’ great favor and De liberally rewarded by leav- SVleeting. modifications of this the Room and chose the following officers: svstom, and any tanistf ing same at 537 Congress St., 1. porson with a little oan add 600 table and cham President—C. A. Record. ingenuity to Rooms $1.00 per day and __36-1 ;hem If the WANTED—Immediatelyber girls for the city and out of town; ONEY TO LOAN—On first or second mort- upwards animal of the stockholders of K. furrow made is feopt first class—restaurant LOST—A small sized yellow dog, rjUIE meeting Vics-Preeidents—P. Lowell, Charles fairly cooks, kitchen, dishwashers, laundresses, also 1TA gages^on real estate, stocks, —thoroughly A Atlantic & 8t. Lawrence Railroad Com- lusty it will form a barrier whioh few bonds, in the heart of DOGpart, pug, black nose, had on collar Horsey. 60 Scandinavian and Nova Scotia girls for pri- life Insurance policies or any good securities unsurpassed—located with for the choice of Directors for the :an scale the electric cars to all large padlock, travelled dally on the pany ensuing W. vate families. $3 to $4, must have reference. Notes discounted at low rate of interest. city— depots year and the transaction of such other business Secretary—Geo. Berry. the door. island boats, answeres to the name of Leo. “It is somotimea recommuded f to Hotel Employment 602 Congress I. P. 48 street. 14-4 pass Kxecutive spray Agency, BUTLER, — as he will he held on Committee—Fred McArdie, Exchange Gents’ Any information can be left at 51. G. may legally presented, with Paris green all the plants in the sireet. M. M. NANSEN, Manager. 27-1 Specialties Cafe, also the first Tuesday, the fourth day of August, Frank Kimball, W. C. McArdie, J. 1). Ladles’ Lunch, 17 Brattle Street. LAkRABKE’S White Store and receive re- way over whioh the army worm 1896, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, in the Haynes, F. W. Bouney. passes. Freshly opened oysters at al 1 sea- ward. 25-1 It seems me WANTED—MALE HELP. office of the Treasurer of the in to that is on exoeliont remo- sons. Broiled Live Soft Company Lobsters, answers Portland. F. B. BAS RETT, ly in thoory, but I have failed thus for Shell Crabs, Steamed Clams. Bernard dog. name o LOST—St.Dick.” Finder will please notify JOHN Clerk of the Corporation. As the freight train on the Portland ;o rooeive any good re ults from it. or four first-class sealers A. CLARITY, United States Hotel, and ba & Rumford Falls Uuilroud was “Farmers need not a Ail the good ones in silver, gold filled and Portland, July 14,1890, 14dtd standing fear repetition of WANTED—Threefor the corn packing season. Apply to sil- ver cases. Single and seconds. suitably rewarded._25-1 on the siding at Hebron stution Satur- :he army^worm for some tho C. CUMMINGS & UKO,. 24 Plum St. 29-2 split M’KEN- time, except N, NEY the Jeweler. on Fowler or Ocean FOR day awaiting the passing of a passenger of ’97 should be je20dtf | OST—July 22d House SALE. doing again exception- A3 or in the u wal- a road. Cape Elizabeth, city, train, 16-year-old son of Addisou Moult ally wet. The very of men to tor great majority young prepare the ap- visiting Boston may obtain ele let containing a sum of money. Please return The attractive three swell of Hebron stood loaning against tho rear these worms ore doomed to die civil service WANTED—SITUATIONS. sfory hy their TENproaching examinations for PARTIESgantly furnished rooms with all modern to 51) Commercial or 130 Cumderland Sirs- t end of the intent to be held front brick and mastic house freight. Being upon numeious enemies; nor is there any government positions in Portland conveniences at low rates. 38 HANCOCK ST. and receive reward. 24-1 on Thousands of 177 watching the passenger train the oth- that the army worm will ever oat soon. appointments annually. Beacon Hill. 4-4 Forty words inserted under this head No. Stute street, residence of ianger street it is no- Recent extensions. Particulars as to dates, me week for 25 cents, cash in Congress between the late F, It. «5e- er track, supposes! ho failed to lax, a fear expressed by some people in advance. Exchange Swan, Esq., free of National ■ Franklin a ladies’ con- tioe that as tho started the salaries, etc., Correspond- 462 Congress street, massage machines LOST—Onand streets, purse passongor ;hoir letters. The food of the D. a lighifiilly situated near Long- army ence Institute, Washington, C. 25-1 AT are run by electric power. Call and taining a one dollar hill and small amount, l freight began to back up. As nearly us worms is taken solely from the IVA^TED-Young lady" bookkeeper tempo- will leave at fellow An grass see them and get a circular this fr wants silver. Finder please this ofllce Square. opportunity can he learned at ho was thrown explaining rarlly employed permanent situa- present 'amily. £ treatment. It cures difficult cases of 1 or and receive reward. 24-1 seldom offered to btey a rest- FOR LIFE OF ion a* bookkeeper assistant. Address L down, and one sot of trucks passed over “It would be a good if all the rheumatism, and It Is not a tem- destce 1u this thing MAJOR McKINLEY, the next dyspepsia. j. MOORE, care Shaw, Coding Shoe Co. OST—Brown water spaniel, long ears, white portion of the city. when ho managed to throw him- in the would WANTED-BOLICITORS president, porary relief, but a cure. 27-4 him, papers country copy what; I Murat Ilalsteaa, Chauncy Depew, breast. Ran away trota baggage car.Union BIAJilllJi 6-2 Ex- ear by Forakor, __28-1 SHAW, r,i self out at the side of the before the lave told you, said Prof. in / and Mark Station, Wednesday noon. Collar has New York Lugger John Sherman Hanna,with biography wanted a set reached him. The is un- so TO LOAN—Qn first or second mort iyANTED—Situation by voting man licence.Answers to name Jean Bartt. liungeSt. j ]yl7eod2w other boy jonolusion, “us, by doing, and of Hobart, Contains speeches and platform. A fT who is a double Leave with damage MONEY on good to tell exactly what did take much for a mine for gages real estate, personal property entry bookkeeper ige Master l'owlo, Union Station. re- able place. worry will be saved to the hard- bonanza agents, gold workers. nd penman, and accurate at $10 Windham. authorized stocks, bonds, or any good collateral securities quick figuroa and Only $1.60. The only book. 60 por to d oany kind of work. 17-3 ~ of A. 42 1-2 tilling not so __ The Republicans of Windham are Ivon. paid. Outfit free. Be- Inquire C. LIBBY, Exchange Salary When wag wq her cent. (iredltg Freight men an object as the situation. to meet at Town Baby sick, gave Castoria. choice of street. julyll-4 Address D requested Hall. Windham. lUkmmuMHUi&MW&MimwikiLii gin now with territory. Permanent, J are of this oftice. 27-1 3. at 3 p. m, 1890. to choose four dele- she was a She work for ’96. Address, The When Child, cried for Castoria. profitable National 4 LADY and II’ YOUR WATCH KICK. es to-attend the District Cenvention to be Star Building, E. B. REED, scientific and magnetic daughter of 16 would like to kook Concern, Chigago. : V make an eld in Portland, Aug. (i, 1896; also to nomi- When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. DR.healer, 113 Free street, corner of Oak engagement at some summer jly28-2It 1 esort. La ay of a candidate for Representative for the street, Portland, Me., treats all diseases that capable filling any responsible When she had Children, she gave them 1 ositlon. daughter good o arsed towns of Windham and PownaL Per Castoria. flesh is heir to. Second sight consultation pianist, would care for hildren or wait on trier. Town Com. of Windham, free. Office hours from 9 a', m. to*12 m.; 1 p. table.; Address at once A. NOTICE M. C. M. ASS’N. l. Portland Press. i-i Tmai. July 27. 1890, SPECIAL m., to 9 p. m. 8-tf f 0., 27-1 _ The Library of the Maine Charitable Mechan- will he closed during the month lady wants situa- SCHOOLS. ics association FREE! Pictures! We frame EBOOKKEEPER—YoungB tion as or CAUCUS. All books should be returned PICTURES! bookkeeper assistant; best of August. by J them! Those in want or should c ity references. Box 1. Per order of the pictures Typewriter, 401, City. WobcesteST" Saturday,August Library cadi on U9 before going elsewhere. The picture 25-1 Committee. Ju!y27dtd ..Thorough-bred” with every we __ 1 given picturo AN TED—Situation an polytechnic institute, frame. All kinds of easels from 35c up. E. D. iy by experienced ship- Working Well. REYNOLDS, 593 Congress St., next door to K^Sroncea ir required. Address WORCESTER, MASS. I Shaw’s Store. feb24-w6 DIPPER. 39 Free St., 22-2 city. COUAjES OF STUDY. cures. the CAUCUS. Grocery ^ FIVE marvelous “By way, Jackson, how arc you eet- Meciianical, Civil and Electrical with Engineering. ling along your patent The Republicans of Falmouth are' requested FOR RENT OR LEASE—Fine store General Course. ^ Purely vegetable icemakins Chemistry. Scientiii^ iss-Pnuc machine?” at the town house ou n .seenred to meet Saturday, August STOREh\ost prominent corner ot Munjoy Hill. o»t:>l<*guet showlijg aupointmeuts by and harmless. o’clock In the afternoon to choose three mailed low. 291 It absolutely Jackson—Great. We 1 at 2 Splendid location, suitable for gioeeries giauuates, free, expanses year. formed a stock to atleiul the First Congressional fancy goods, MAIN SPRINGS 75c. and have delegates rug store, genus’ furnishing T. V, MENUKNIIAU,. President. 3 The Great Blood Purifier. jompany, already frozen out the oonvention to be held at Portland, Tbursday goods or tailor’s store. in terms Genuine Advantagious Waltham Resilient Mainsprings ill.—To choose a town committee president and ten 6, 1896, at la o’clock a. m. Per order to F. C iUiiyGW&SUOt i stockholders —1Town August Party- Apply MISS B, nly 75e, warranted for one year. M’KENNEY Per order, TOWN COMMITTEE. 137 le .» rouicsk HEARN, Congress street, jul-S t Jeweler. Moumuent square* je26(ltf xowx committee. Beeswax.37®42|X cedar... .3 00@E EG Now Jeraev^Ontrai. M2% 90% Britannic.New York. .Liverpool...Aug 19 27t“’SCb EllWin E HuDt STEAMERS. STEAMERS. STEAMERS. Blcli powders... common— 1 ’■ ...... 7!ft0|Clenr cedar.2 76@80C Northern Paofic 6% 5% F Bismarck.. .New York. .Hamburg .Aug 20 cSHKe,mTebcNc7Ar ■I.. Borax.9«10IX Mol.1 85(82 25 t"3 do preterred.... 12% 11% Umbria.New York. dvernooi... Aug 22 Brimstone. .. 2 No @2 V* I 1 cedar. .1 26 all 75 Northwestern. t’4% 93% Furnesia.NewYork.. Glasgow ... Aug 22 Foreign Port*. MAINE COAST NAVIGATION CO. Coeliineal.40«4S I Spruce.1 26441 6C Nortnwestern pfd.148 14S PresumpsGot River Steamboat Go, Copperas.... lVi® 2 i Laths.spce. .1 9oSi2 OC Hew York Central. 91% 90% JU'y 27‘ SCh Vlfit0r' Cream tartar.... 2 9ici|3 a | Lime-Cement. New York.Chicago & Bt. Louis 10 ALMANAC.JULY 29. wfitwon^Sfor08- The Popular Line for Portland and Steamboat Co Lx 11; MINIATURE Popliam Boothbay MARIA logwood-12®lfc |Lime.*? csk. 95® ao 1st pld... c.8 05 27> bal'qUe MaDn16 STEAMER SANTA Sunrises .4 35 •••• 2 Beach, of Products in the Gumnrabic.. .70&1 22iCement._125® Hew York & N E. 36 35 lnicrlilllB" watl-rwater J °9 8wM.IUl"ffXwYS?k. Squirrel Island, Will leave Cumberland Mills, foot of Warren (isolations Staple Glycerine Sunsets.7 o j 2 15 Manila |20 @761 Matches. Old Colonv... P2TJllt June 9. ship YVm H Star- Harbor Avenue, Sundays included, as follows: ... 0.1— 0.9 Boothbay daily. Aioesicape.I5(tta6! Star.391 5£i Moon rises DlllHelght— ,or UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE gross On. & Western. 12% 12% vl1141, Delaware Breakwater, and For Pride’s Bridge, Itiverton Park, West Fal- Markets. Camphor.46(®4 demand; Antimony... i2@14 Wednesdays,Fridays Saturdays, 12.00 m., 6.00 in. Chlorate.24d28i Richmond dt West Point. Sell Fred A Emerson, Raritan River, clay to steamer Silver Star for New Round Boothbay Harbor. Heron Island, *Cbristmas p, rates at 4 88®4 89. Commercial bills Harbor, and posted Iodide.2 88«3 00|Colce-..Vr,?s&,9? do mfd. Portland Stoneware Co. Pond, Port Tenants Harbor Jove and South Bristol. Every Thursday Saturoay evenings, the Friendship, Clyde, Steamer Santa Marta CO-days 4 SC1/. ®4 87Vi. Government Bonds Quicksilver... .708S0iSpeiter.... *j60@4o5 Soli George R Bradford, from an eastern port, aiuf Rockland. At with Boston and Fridays will leave East Boothbay at 7.15 will leave Cumberland Quinine. isniuer%* A_ 12 @14 Portland, Mills for Itiverton Park, at weak. .37V4fr40V4 •lix-div• with paving stone. New York steamers. in. for Portland, touching at South Bristol, 7.30 o’clock, return- Ilallrodsllower 601 Naiie. ing at close of Rheubarb, rt.75c«l Soli Mary J Elliott, Thomaston for New Bed- HARPS WELL leave Portland at 9 a. for Heron Island, Boothbay Harbor and Squirrel Entertainment. silver 6S»A. Bt 70 For or From 40®8 patent* Wilder, Greeulow, do. 8.40,9.05,1000 a. m., 12.00,12.20, 1.15, freight paaeage apply to F. P. WING, From From aud. coal 50c and lalv.5%®7 Mace. IOC 3 75 ; Minnesota clear at 2 40®2 80: straights Agent, Central Boston. Liverpool Steamship Montreal Summer Arrangement. bridge money. SACO, 28—Ar, sch C II Wolston, New 3.30, 3.55, 5.15, 5.50, 6.20, 8.00 p. m.; Ken- Wharf, Quebec Leather Nutmegs.66065 at 2 95®3 40: do patents at 3 15®4 00: Go rye July E. B. SAMPSON, Treasurer and General On and after June Schr Clara E. Randall, Philadelphia to Port- York. nebunk,, 10.00 a. m., 12.20,3.30. 7 23 24 9 a m Monday, 29th, steamer New York— Pepper.14S16 mixtures 2 90; at 1 99 State Fiske May Parisian, May May 2140® superfine 60®8 16; 5.15, 6.05, 6.20 p.ra.; Manager, St., Building, Boston. 14 coal i debt.24026! Cloves.14®1C 1 CO. Kennebunkport, 7.00, Mass. May Laurenttan 30 May 31 May 9am land, fine 60@2 Southern flour is steady and 8.40, 10.00 a. oot22dtf at 4.00 p. m. Cue._ Hid .24 EXCHANGE DISPATCHES. m., 12,20, 3.30, 6.05, 6.20 p. m.; 21 May ‘Mongolian 6.June (i June 3 pm weight... 325iQinger.±7®1£ quiet; common to fair extra 2 good leave John and 00@2G0; Well* Beach, 7.00,8.40a.m.. 3.30, 6.15 p. m.; 28 13 14 June 9 am Returning St. Eastport Mon- Portland Wnaiesaie Market. Heavy.24026 Starch. to choice at 2 90. flour London. 28—Ar off Dunnets Head, 27th, May Sardinian, June 60@2 Eye steady. Corn- July North Berwick, Dover, 7.00, 4 days and Fridays. 23. 18HO. iocd d’ma.23®24| from 4.05, 8.40, June •Nuttiidiau, 20 June 20June3pm PORTLAND. July Laundry.4Wt®5 meal quiet. Rye quiet. Wheat—receipts 2,- str Sibun, Bangor. R. m., 12.20, 3.30, 6.05 Somers- Through tickets issued and checked 3nion Dacks.. 5.15, p. III.; RAILROADS. LI June Parisian 27 Juna 28 June 9 aid baggage In some directions a little more animation Is .32®35|Gloss.6%@7% 776‘bush: exportB 161,688 bush; sales 24,000 worth. 7.00, 8.40 a. in.. to destination, gy Freight received up o 3.30 am. call.... Tobacco. 4.05, 12.20, 3.30 9001.001 bush: moderately active,weaker, f o b at 667/s ; Memoranda. 5.15 p.in.; Rochester. The Saloons and Staterooms are In the cen- p. m. in trade, but as a the situation Farmington, Alton reported rule, Lead, 1 Best brands... -60@8£ No 1 Northern at 66%c. 77,- tral part, where least motion is felt. Elec- Notice. Coin—receipts Baltimore. 27—The new four-masted sch Bay, Wolfboro, 8.40 a. m.. 12.20, 3.80 D.m.: Special continues dull and very tame with no radical iheet.6%®7 Medium.30®4( 025 bush: exports 163,075fbush; sales 40,( 00 July Lakeport, tricity is used for lighting the ships through- Pipe.614®6 S P Blackburn. Capt Alexander Boss, arrived Laconia, Weirs, Plymouth, 8.40 MAINE CENTRAL R. R. Until further notice steamers will leave Porto Flour has ained In iCommou.2503C bush: dull,and easier.closinS firm.No 2 at 3034 a. 111., 12.20 m.; sut. the lights being at the command of the change in values. t strength Hue. %@8% Naturalaf.. yesterday from the Kennebec with 19G4 tons of p. Wolfboro, Long Island, land for Boston Tuesdays ano Satui days at 1 ..60071 elev, 31Vgc. afloat. Oati—receipts 38,400 bush, Center Alton and passengers at hour of the night. Music due to the ice. This is her first voyage. Ross for- Harbor, (via Bay steamer) any a. m. and prices generally advanced, exports bush-sales auietand Capt 8.40 12 Rooms and Rooms on the 609,258 38,bush; B a.m., 2Op. ni. Worfiest«r(via Somors- Tn Effect June 29, 1896. Smoking promenade Until further notice a steamer will the winter wheat coun- mery commanded the sch F Poole. leave for threshing returns from Portland stock List. weak;No 2 at 22¥9®>28c; White do 24V*f{t26c; worthand a. deck. The Saloons and staterooms are heated Boston, July 28—It has been decided that Rochester,) 7.00 m.; Blanched Trains leave Portland, Union St. John direct Saturdays at 4.00 p.m. rather the No 2 Chicago 23¥j®24c; No 3 at 21V4®22c; ter. (via Station, Railway by steam. try, which have been disappointing; Corrected bv Swan St Barrett, Bankers anc Capt Thomas McLaughlin will take command of Concord, Rockingham Juliet.) 7.00 a. Square, for stations named below and inter- For Tickets and Staterooms, at the do White23M»@24c; Mixed Western 23® 24c; m., 3.30 p. Kates of passage $50 and upwards. A re- appiy winter wheat is at 186 Middle street. the barkentine Herbert Fuller, and be is uow on m.; (via Lawrence) 8.40 a. m, mediate points as follows; Pine Tree Ticket Office, Monument Square production placed 275,000,- Brokers. do White and White State at 24Va®29V*»c. 12.20 p. in.; duction is made on Round Trip Tickets ex- his way to Halifax to assume command of the Rockingham Junction, Exeter, or for other information at Company's Office. 000 bush, the same as last year: and spring STOCKS. Beef is steady, dull, family 8 60(d?$9; extra $6 Haverhill, 7.00 a. m. For Brunswick, Radi, Boothbay, cept on the lowest rate. vessel, Capt Ernest Nash,the murdered captain’s Lawrence, Lowell, Boston, Railroad Wharf, foot or State street. «$7; beef hams quiet: tierced Deef quiet, and +4.05, +8.40 a. Popham Beach, Rockland, Augusta, Water! Second Cabin—To Liverpool and Londonder- wheat 290,000,000 bush, or 36,000,000 bush Description. Par Value. Bid. Asker brother, having declined the nosition. It is said +7.00* m., §12.20, 3.80 +6.05 p. jeiiSdcf J. B.L'OTLif.Gen. Mai). steady: city extra India mess 00; m. Arrive in vilie, Skowhegan, Lisbon Falls, Lewiston via ry, $30; return, $6C. from (anal National Bank.100 116 111 $1100®12 that men have been secured to msn the Boston. 7/25, 10.16 a. m less than last year. Reports Minneapolis cut meats pickle bellies 12 tbs 6c: do enough BrunswUk. Steerage—To X.ondon. asco national Bank..100 97 lu( steady; a few she resume her 12.50, 4.02. 7.16, 9.30 p. ni. Leave Boston Liverpool, Glasgow vessel, and in days will 8.30 a. m. For Danville Jc. or state the nulls have had a better call from aboad shoulders 3% @4; do hams at9@l0. Lard is for Portland, 8.30 a. 1 (Poland Springs) Belfast Londonderry. Including every re- Cumberland National Bank.. 40 35 3( voyage to Rosario. Capt McLauglin was for- 7.80, 8.00, m., 00. Mechanic fower; Western steam closed 3 40; 3 00; 6.01 m. Falls, Rumford Falls, Lew- quisite for he Yoyags $24.60 and $26.60. for Flo r than for a long time past. The com- iiapman National Bank.100 98 lot city merly in command of the three-masted sch Ed- 4.15, p. Bemls, UP THE PRESUMPSCOT RIVER. refined—Continent 3 75 A 4 40; at iston. Livermore Falls, Farmington, Phillips Steerage rates Parisian” $1.00 First National Bank.100 99 101 ;S compound ward C Allen True. SUNDAY TRAINS. per" higher. bine have gone up on their prices 20c during Provisions—Pork and and Rangeley. For tickets or further Information Mercnants’National Bank.. 76 114 lit 3%@4. steady quiet; On anil after this dale steamer off about mess new For 1U0 a. m. for Danville Jc. to T. P. MoGOWAN, 418 St. the past week. Wheat fell to-day National Traders’ Bank.... 100 98 unchanged; old i$7 60®$7 7o; 7 76® Scarboro Crossing 9.00, 10,10 a. m.. Express (Po- apply Congress 10< Domestic Ports. land Moose- J.B. St Sokokis will make three and Corn while Oats have been strong 8 26, Butter is steady, and less active; State 2.00. 3.40, 5.00, 6.15, 7.15 p. m.; 8carboro Springs), Lewiston, Watervllle, KEATING, Bir/a Exchange trips lc, %c, Portland National Bank.... 100 100 101 head Lake via. Mt. Kineo H. A. Montreal dairy 10@14Vfec; do erm llVa@15c: Western Beach, Pihe Polur, 7.10, 9.00, 10.10 a. m., Foxcrolt, House, & ALLAN, ) daily from Bridge street, West* throughout the week. Mill-feed firm blit un- Portland Trust Co.100 112 111 NEW YORK—Ar 27!h, schs WmM Bird, Ban Bar dairy 9®12c; do erm at IIV26H&1 do factory at 1.00, 2.00, 3.40, 4.16, 5.00, 7.15 Bangor, Harbor, Olutown, Houlton, Fort ! and 92 State St., West to Portland Gas 60 86 9i gor: Annie, Cole, do; Cora Green, Kendall, do; 6.15, p. Ashland and brook, End, Mallisou changed. flams quiet and Vac better. Dry fish Company. VVi^lo^c; Elgins at i6. Cheese marketjauiet 111.; Old Orchard Beach 4.05, 7.10 9.00 Fairfield, Caribou via. B. & A. R. feblldtf ) Boston. Portland Railroad CompanylOO 118 12i Harriet S Brooks. Bullock, do; Georgia, Long R. aud St. St. Falls, leaving landing at West- is scarce on and firm; State large at 6Vfe®G%c; do 10.10 a. m., 1.00, 2.00, 3.40, Woodstock, Stephen. Andrews, steady, hut the supply of Cod very Portland Mater lul 101 St NB; E M Baxter, Holden, Car- 4.15, 6.00, 5.30, and Halifax. Co.100 small Petroleum united 111. mire, John, 6.15, 7.15 p. m.; St, John brook at lO a. m., 2 and 3.30 p. for bYa@7c. steady; ver’s Harbor: L M Roberts, Gardiner; Saco, Biddeford, 9.00, 10.16 account of the unfavorable weather curiug. • Thurlow, 12.50 on. Express for Lisbon BONDS Collee—Kio dull, easy; No 7 at 12c. Sugar— a. m., 1.00, 2.00, 3.40, 4.15, 6.00. 5.30, 6.15, p. Brunswick, in..connecting with electric cars Samos. Handy, Kennebec; Freddie Walton, Watervllle. Mooseliead Lake Mackerel easier; the fish are leaving Georges, rawisteady; refined market quiet and steady; 7.15 p. m.; Kennebuuk, 1.00. 4.15, 5 30 p.m.; Falls, Augusta, HARPSWELL STEAMBOAT C0~ wbieli leave head of Portland City 6s, 1897.103 10^ Kendall, Rockland; Beilo Halllday, Fisher, via. Bar Harbor and Preble date the No 6 at 4 Vbc; No7 at 4 l-lfc‘c;No 8 at 4c; No 9 North Berwick, Dover, 4.05, a. m., 1.00, uldtown, Bangor, Old- and the fleet scattering; to New Eng- Portland 6s. 1907.12u 12: Rockport; George Gurney, Carr, Clarks Island; town. street, Portland, at 9,10 a. 3 lo-lGcs;No lo at37/sNo 11 at 3 13-16: No 12 p. m.; Rochester, Farmington! in., land fleet has lauded 25,957 bbls of Mackerel; Portland 4s. 1902—1912 Funding 103 104 v: Ruth Robinson, Theall, Bootlibay; Belle Russell, 1.00 m„ For Danville Poland The 365 Island Route. 3%c: No 13 at 3 ll-16c: oft A 4 3-16®4%c; Alton Bay, 4.15 p. 111.; Exeter, Haverhill, p. Jc., Springs 1,10 and 2.40 p. in. Portland 4s, 1913, 101 Greens S J Lindsay, McFad- station. Mechanics same time a ago 13,290 bbls; in 1884 ior Funding.loB Mould A 47/sc; standard A James, Landing; Lawrence, Lowell, 4.05 a. 1.00. Falls, Rumford Falls, year R. aid.106 4 ibj “4 % s. 104 30t clusive. and other grades Vsc & lb additional. On and after 25. Fannie M Flanders, Rockland; P. m. Arrive in Boston, 5.58 a. m.. 4.00 Falls, Auburn and aud to Rumlord p. m. Lv. So. HARPSWELL. 6.20. 11.25 a. m., July Hake at l¥aSE2c. Cusk 2V«c; Halibut ‘,4s cons. mtg... .101% 102ya Freight# to Bangor; Loring, p. Lewiston, dock, Liverpool steady,qiiiet—grain by Charlie Steadman. Lanesville; Henrv Leave Boston for *9.00 a. Falls 2.20, 4.26 p. m. Lv. LITTLE I ELD’S. GT. Stiurs. Madeleine, Phantom and Alice "gOs, 1900, extens’nlOG lOf steam 2d. Breen, Portland, m., 7.00, Saturdays only. ug$12: Mackerel 7@lic; swordfish 9c; salmon. New Anna W Barker. Blake. 9.30 m. 11.00 for CHEBEAGUE. 6.46, 11.50 a. m„ 2.45, 4.50 Portland Pl*»r. "4%s. 1906, 105 May. Berry. York; p. p. m, Night Express, sleeping cars, p. SkgFdlOl Flour market Perth with m. Lv. JENKS’, GT. 7.00 a. Summer Time Table—Leave Portland. 28c. Lobster steady at 12c pound for boiled, Leeds & Farmington. R. R. 6s. ±896.100 10 i CHICAGO—The to-day was Weehawken; Leonora, Bellatty, Amboy; tConncets Rail Lines for New York. Lewiston, Augusta, Watervilie, Bangor, Bar CHEBEAGUE, dull, steady; hard white spring pats 3 46@8 65; Ulmer, Harvest Home, South and West Harbor. Bucksnort. Vanceboro, St. m., 12.00, 3.00, 5,00 p. nt. Lv. CLIFF I„ 7.10 Diamond and n Fresh Beef in Portland St Ogd’g gGs, 1900. Istmtgl06 lot Charleston^ Bangor; Stephens, For Island at 5.45, 7.00, 9.05 a. good unchanged.steady, soft wheat patents at $3 hard wheat New York. with Sound Lines for New York. St John and all Aroostook a. m., 3.10 p. m. Lv. HOPE I„ 12.05, 5.05 p. I ’ortland Water Co’s 6s, 1899.104 lot 26@3 40; Pinkham, §Conneeta County. Halitax m., 12.10, 2.00, 4.10, 5.00. 6.10 p. in. sides hinds fores bakers 2 46 in sacks: soft wheat bakers ? Western division to North Berwick. and the Provinces. The in. LITTLE CHEBEAGUE, 7.25 a. m., 6&7C it), 9@10c, 4(g*l1/2C. Portland Water Co’s 42. 1927.100 105 26®2 Cld. schs Alicia B Crosby, Bunker, Louisburg, Saturday night train Lv, Returnr=Leave Diamond Island, 6.30. 7.20 rounds and flanks loins $2®2 20; Winter wheat at 3 26 in Kennebec and •Western Division from Nortn Berwick does not run Dover and Fox- 12.15. ,3.25, 5.15 p. m. Lv. LONG I„ 7&8e, I2igl6c, rumps 00®3 wood. CB; John A Beckennan, Berry, Sun- tuBelfast, Dexter, 6.26, 8.00, 9.30 a. m., 1.40, 4.3l>, 6.20, 6.40 p. m. backs rattles Wheat—No 2 at croft or 7.40 a. m,, 3.40. 6.40 m. Arrive and loins 12(tfl4e, 6&6c, 8.04c, spring 57¥8@68V2C; No 2 Red Philadelphia; AliceMColburn, McLeod, Kenne- days only. beyond Bangor, excepting to Bar Har- 12.30, 5.35, p, For Falmouth, 5.46, 9.00 a. in., 12.10, 2.00, at mutton at 7c. Gram Quotations. Corn—No 2 at tickets to ail South bor. 6.50, 8.16 a. m., laidos 9c. 60@61%c. 24®26ViC. Oats— bec and Baltimore. Through points and PORTLAND, 1.00, 4.16, 6.00, 5.00, 6.10 p. m. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRAD3 No 2 at 18® 18Vac. No 2 at for Kennebec and West lor sale at Ticket Office, Union 12.55 a. Mt, Desert 7.03 p. m. The following are to-day's hoiesaie prices of Rye 30Vj»c; No 2 Sid, sobs Alice M Colburn, Station. ra., midnight, special, Return—Leave Falmouth, 6.00, 7.40 a. Barley at 32@33c. No 1 Flaxseed for New York. D. J. FLANDERS. G. P. and T. Boston. for Brunswick. Watervllle SUNDAYS. Pr/visions. Groceries, etc.; Monday s quotations. 78c; Mess Baltimore; Nat Ayer, A., Rockland, Augusta, 1.05, 2.40, 6.15 p. m. pork 6®6 05. Lard at 3 10; short rib sides at Ar 28th, sch Marcia Bailey, Cole. Addison. je2ldtf Bangor and Bar Harbor, connecting at Rock- For i’!«nr. GralM- WHEAT. Lv. PORTLAND for HARPSWELL and in- Prince’s Point, 5.45, 9.00 a. m., 2.00, 6.10 3 05(8(3 10. Dry salted meats—shoulders sch Kennebec and Baltimore. land Tuesday, aud Saturday morn- Sh nor line <3r Wheat. 60-fly. #.00 3% Ski, Gem, Thursday termediate landings, 10.00, 10.40 a. ir., 2.00 p. m. July Sept i®4 00: short clear sides at 3 60®3 62Vi. BALTIMORE—Ar 27th. schs Grade D Bu- ings with Steamer Frank Jones, for p. tow grades.2 76^3 00 Corn, car .... 35036 Castine, m. Return from Harpswell arrive Return—Leave Prince’s Point, 7.20 a. m., Ipentng..68% 60 Receipts—Flour, 12,200 bbls: wheat. chanan. Carrie A Norton, Bar Harbor and Machiasport and all Portland, Spring Wneat bak- Corn. Dag lots.. @39 102,900 Harrington, Portland; landings. 1.00, 6.30 p. m. **2.24 p. m. Hoeing...68% 69% bush: corn. 462,000 bush: oats.209,90u hush: Bath. ers.ciana.st360(^376 Meat, bag Jots..36037 Wylie. White Mountain Division. Sailing trip down the Bay every pleasant For Chebeague, 9.30 a. m., 2.00, 5.00 p.m. CORN. rye. 4,600 bu?h barley. 9,000 buad. BANGOR—Ar 27th, str Corinthia (Br). Liver- Talent burnt Oats, car tots @26 Sunday, leave Portland. 2.15 p. m. Return, Sunset Landing. 9.30 a. m. Shipments—Flour 17.900 bbls; wheat 38.200 C C Philadelphia; a. m. Vfneat... 4 1(J@4 25 Oats, bag lots S0&31 July. Sept pool; brig Sweeney, Linnell, 8.45 For Bridgton, Fabyans, Burling, 5.30 p. m. F'are only 25 cents. Return—Leave Chebeague, 6.65 a. m„ 1.50, bush; corn. 181,500 bush; oats 199.200 bush; schs Vandalia, Marshall, Boston; Otronto, Holt, GRANS c- TRUNK St. 5.50 m. Suuset a. sir'an? c otton See ton, Lancaster, Sherbrooke- excursions 22 miles down the 7-20 m., 12.50 KiijBli. Jpenlng.24% 26% bush: Johnsbury, Dally Bay. p. Landing, < ye. 00000 barley 2,000 bush. Railroad. Simmons, Friendship; Menawa. rolier.... 3 753*3 86 car lota. 22 00022 50 posing.24% 26% do; Montreal, Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis Round trip tickets only 60 cts. Sunday ex- p. m. Pendleton, Paul Getchell, Port and all points west. 6 Cftjar do.. .3 Oo.g.3 75 bag lots 0000^23 00 ST. LOUIS—The Flour market to-day was l-eliast; Seavey, cursions to Harpswell. 35 cts., other For Cousins’ and Littlejohn’s Islands, 9.00 OATS. New York. Hallway System. landings, til,ouisst'gt Sacked Brr qvjiet. easy: patents at 3 10®3 10. extra Liberty: A i, White, 1.25 p. tn. Bridgton, North Conwav, Fa- 25 cts. 9.30 a. m.. 2.00, 6.00 p. m. fancy C Boston; Lodo- roller... 3 7ofi$3 85 car lots. 11 60013 00 July. Sept 2 76@3 85; fancy at 2 40@2 choice 2 Cld. sdi- Stuart,Closson. byans, Lancaster. Colebrook and Quebeo. ISAIAH Gen’l Return-Leave Cousins’ and 1 60; 10® DANIELS, Manager. Littlejohns Is, 18% wick Bill. Lucinda Sutton, 3.20 P.M. For #lear do. .3 65tg3 75 beir lots. .116 017 QO Ipenlng.18% 2 20. Wheatlower: ,July60Vce. Corn lower; y, do; O’Brien, On and after MONDAY. June fNorth Conway. Bartlett, Je27 dtf lands, 7.05 a. m., 12.35, 2.00, 5.55 p. m. 13 PhiladMnli! 22nd, 1896, Profile v» nto v.hbai Middlings.. $14@1G 00 Hosing.lays Julv?at22c. uats lower; July at 17%c. Pork trains will run as follows: Fabyans, Bethlehem, House, Lancaster, For Freeport.9.00, $9.30 a. m.. *2.00, 5.00 p. m. sch Geo A Port- Beecher Falls and patents.. 410.04 25 bag ots. .£15%17 00 PORK. —new 6 50; old at C 12Vfe. Lard, prime steam BATii-Ai 2Gth, Walcott, Quebec. Wolf’s Neck **9.00, **9.30 a. m. land. il E J French. Boston, do; John 5.55 m For Fielt. Coffee. July 2 50; choice 3 00. Bacon—shoulders at 3 76; pass* up; LEAVE. p. Sebago Lake, Cornish. Bridg Return—Leave Freeport. 6.20, *11.00 > on: Emma F J Manches- North (Buying& selling price) Rio.roasted 20@23 Opening. b Hi longs 3% ; clear ribs 4; clear sides 4Vfe. Drv W Linnell. Angell. do; ton, Erycburg, Conway, mid Bart ett. a. m., $1.00. 5.10 p. m. Wolf’s Neck, **6.25 ter and Colin C Baker, do. For Auburn aud Lewiston 7.10, 8.40 a. m.; 8.45 P. hi. for CASCO BAY STEAMBOAT 0*c—Lares* Java&Moclia do28@33 > .Hosing. 695 salted meas—shoulders at 3%c; longs at Haynes. Winnegauce, Express Sebago Lake, Erye- CO., **11.10* a. m., **1.20, **3.0u p. m. 3Va*; sch Wm II Clifford,. Washington. I. 10, 1.30, 5.20 and 8.20 p. ill. No. Shore ... .4 50'".500 £1classes. ear ribs at 334 s clear sides 3%. Ski, burg, Conway, Fabyans, St. Johnsbury, For Bustin’s Island, 9.00, 9.30 a.m., *2.00,5.00 Tuesday’s quotations. 11 N R & S For Gorham 8.40 a. m.; 1,30, 6.20 and 8,30 p. Montreal and omall do. .1 50iD2 75 Porto Rico.271*33 Receipts—Flour 4800 bbls; wheat Ar 27th. schs Squire, passed up; Toronto. p. m. WHEAT. 91,900 ill. ... Corson, J 1) do; Haroldine, do; Pellock .1 60*2 7 6 Barbadoes. ... .26@2S bu8h;corn 11,800 bush; oars do; Ingraham, CUSTOM HOUSE WHARF Return—Leave Bustin’s Island—6.05 *11.16 4,500 bush; rye Woodward Abra- For Berlin and Island Pond 8.40 a.m.; 1.30 SUNDAY Haddock... 1 50-£2 00 Fancy.36(088 July. Sept, — bush. Marion Draper, coastwise; TRAINS. hams. and 8.80 p. m. Bake...... 1 50(02 00 Tea. Ipentng.67% 68% Shipments—Flour 8,200 bbJs: wheat 5,800 Philadelphia. For Harpswell Centre and Mere Point, 0.00 ft. 1 Sid, schs Mary E Morse, Philadelphia; Bertha For Gorham and Berlin Sundays 7.30 a. m. Herring, box Amoys.3 6@2o Hosing..;....57% 67% bush; corn 6.300 bush; oats bush; 7.20 n. train m., 2.00, 6.00 p. m. 14,900 rye do; Ida Mathis, do: Charles F Tuttle, For Montreal and Chicago 8.40 a. m.; and m., paper for Brunswiok Au Week Time Table. Hoalaa- 7@12c Congous.14:3,50 tout. —bush. Warner, Watsrville and Day Return—Leave Harpswell Centre and Merer Baltimore; Geo A McFadden. Washington. 8.30 p. m. gusta, Bangor. Mackerel, bi Japan.18@35 7.25 a. Point, 6.30, 11.60 a. m., 4.15 p. ill. DETROIT—Wheat—No 2 Red at 62V2C: No 1 27tli. schs Thelma. For Quebec 8.40 a. m.; and 8.30 p. m. tn., paper train for Lewiston and Snore is S15 00 a5 \ July. Sept, BRUNSWICK, Ga—Ar For Mackworth’s Island, 5.45, 9.00 a m., E,00. sjFormoso.20@b0 Ipentng...... 24% 26 Vf White at 62V*c. Corn—No 2 at 26c. Oats— Baltimore. Farmington. Summer Arrangements, July 4, 1896. Bnoro 2s S13 00%$] 6j sucar. Leo, Boston; Hugh Kelley, Haskell, ARRIVALS. 6.00 p. m. losing.o.237/8 24% No 2 White 22%. E T 12.50 p. m. For Brunswiok. Lisbon Fall!, New large hs, ll;a:£ 13 Standard Gran 4 745 BOOTH BAY IIAKROK—Ar 27*11. schs Return—Leave Mackworth’s Island, 3.15 ft Mt Desert; Sarah, Gloucester; Hattie, From Lewiston and Auburn 8.20 Lewiston, Bath, Augusta, Waterv'lle, Bangor, For Forest City produce. iEx‘-quality fine 4 806 July. Sepi Hamor, 6.40, and Bar Harbor and Olutown. Landing;, Peaks’Islnnd,5.45, m„ **6.30 p. m. lotion JlArKect New York; Lady Antrim, Camden; Gamecock, II. 30 a. m.; 3.05, 5.16 and 5.30 p. ni. 0.40, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00, *10.30 11.00 a. m., Cane CraiPbisSloasil ExtraC.... 4 37 OATS. 6.00 p: for Lewiston. 19. no 19. -Ad *i ir «5» f; q nn *9 ak a. un Time Table Leave Portland. Calais; Cora Bell, Ellsworth. From Island Pond, Berlin and Gorham 6.40 in., Sunday Jersey,cte 250@§3 00 (By Telegraph.) nAlunCV A onv. AT Tlinfnr. 5.45 P. M. For White Mountain Division July. Sept and 11.30 a. 5.30 in. *7.00. 7.30, *8.00. 9.30 P. m. For Diamond 10.00 a. m.; return 5.30 New York m,; and p. Montreal and 5.00, 5.46, 6.15, Island, | Seed. 17-, JULY 28.1886. M Toronto. 9.30. 10.20. *11.00 m. 20. Ipening.ls% son, Portland; Loor.a, Lane, Boston; Francis From Chicago and Montreal 6.40 a. m.; and Return—6.20, 7.20, 8.30, p. Pea Beans,1 16@1 Timothy. 4 00@4 25 1 11.00 p. m., Night Express with Hosing.18 a 17% NEWYORK—The Cotton market to-dav wn Bird, New York. 5 30 m. sleeping 11.30, A. M.. 12.20. 1.00, *2.15, 2.45, 3.20, For Falmouth, Cousins, Littlejohn’s and Froe- Yelk>w Jtves.2 40 Pullman Palace Sleeping Cara on For Little ;ions of stocks at Boston: was dull; Middling CVne. Lunt, for an eastern port; Clara E Randall, Night day only, 10.00 a. m.; Kii'.gfleid, Trefethen’s, Evergreen, and Return—Leave Harpswell Centre, 3.10 p. m. Spring cmcKous.. 25' Beef—light,.8 00©» 50 trains and cars on trams. Phillips, Central 4s. 66 Clark, from Philadelphia for Portland. parlor day Bemts, Humford Lewiston. Great Diamond Islands, 5.30, 6.00, 7.00, *Via Harpswell Center. Turners, tYes. heavy.9 00.395 Mexican; MOBILE—The Cotton market to-day was TICKET NO. 177 MIDDLE Farmington, Falls, J.73818C, NEWBU ItY PORT—Ar 27th, schs Mary Jane OFFICE 11.40 a. and 8.00, 9.00, 10.30 A. 31., 12.00 31., 2.00, *3.15, tNotruuin stormy weather. fowls_ 14<*16c PuleslsVijiiS 5 76M Itchison’o.Tp & Santa Fe. It. 11% nominal: middling Gg'se. m.; Skowhegan Lewiston, 11.45 Lee and Clms E New Lorlng C STREET, AND DEPOT AT FOOT OF INDIA a. in.; 12.00 4.20. 5.45, 6.15, 7.30. *9.30 P. 31, tPorter’s ; Lard, tes ana Boston & Maine.ICO Pickering, York; Mattawamkeagaud Bangor, (Sun- Landing. Apples. MEMPHIS—The Cotton market to-day was STREET, 12.10) Return—Leave Trefethen’s,6.20, 7.00, 8.00. •“Signal Steamer. Vs do pfd Ballard, Philadelphia. days p, in., Quebec. St. Jolinsbnrv,Lan- Fancy. OOOQOOO bbl,pure 45604% easy; middlings G%c, NEW BEDFORD—Ar sch McFar- CHAS. M. HAYS, Gen’l Manager. caster 12.12 9.10. 10.20, 11.50A. 31.. 1.05, 3.20, connection with all steamers for o ou do com’nd. 4Vi P-Ialne Central.130 27th, May andEBridgton. p. in.; Express, *4.35, Carriage Burets, a.41/2 land, Brown. Philadelphia. Portland. June 22nd, ISilti.je22tf Bar Mt. Greenville. 5.25, 6.40, 7.00, 8.35 *10.25 P. 31. Freeport Corner. Lsiildsvins.. SO ot §(0 (it) pans,cornua 4:y, :aEv3 Union Pacific. 6% Harbor, Kiueo, Bangor, American Bell.200 NEW HAVEN—Sid 27th, schs Bello Wooster, Augusta, 3.20 p. in.; Lancaster. Fabyans, Return—Leave Evergreen, 6.15, 6.56, Unavoidable delays excepted and subject to ).v#p *) it. «7e pails, pure OW'ifni/a European Markets. 11.45 A. a Oram,-. Bartlett, No. Conway,, 31., J.00, 3.15, change without notice. Lemcia. pure If meric an l Sugar, common.103 i Fryeburg, Sebago j 8%(a3i% (By Telegraph, NEW LONDON—Ar sells Susan PThur- Lake 4.51 p. m.; *4.30, 6.20, 6.45, 8.30, *10.20 P. 31. F. It. NORTON, Manager. Messina 3 606:4 PU Hams... cotton Sugar, pfd. 98% 28tli, Skowhegan, Waterviile, 28. 113 low, for Poiut; Jas Man- Rockland, 6.25 p. m. daily; Farmington and Return—Leave Little Diamond, 6.30, 7.10, july2Utf Palermo_ ,15.1,34 50; cocov’ra .. Ueii Mass., pfd... LONDON, July 1896.—Consols 6-16d Philadelphia Allyns 1.IV3412 Baltimore for do both In Lewiston. Sundays only, m.; 8.10, 9.20, 10.30 A. 31.. 12.00 M., Oramres. I iris. do common... for money and ll3%d for the account. ning. land proceeded 6.20p. St, John, 1.15, 3.30, tow): ar sch Carrie S Hart, Bar Harbor, Caribou and Mooseliead Lake *4.45, 5.3.\ 6.55, 8.45, *10.35 P. M. Cniitoraia o co*o ovl lierosenelxots Mexican Central. 7% 1886.—Cotton market 27th, .Philadelphia Worcester 914 LIVERPOOL,July 28, for Groton. Portland & Lino viaB. & A.. Baugor, 5 36 p. m.; Return—Leave Great Diamond, 6.25, 7.05, Messina_4 Giver, do Ligoma. 9.% Portland, Saco & Portsmouth ft .141% firmer; American at3%d: estimat- Hangeley, middling NOKFOI.K-Ar sch Talofa, Fletcher, Farmington, Kuinford Falls, Lewiston, c.4u 8.05, 9.15. 10.25, 11.55 A. M.. 1.10, 3.25, Maorin 6 00«6 00 Centennial O’* ed sales bales; speculation and 27th, 8,000 export Baltimore. p. m.; Chicago and Montreal and alt White *4.40, 5.30, 6.35. 8.40, *10.30 P. 31. Pratt’S A SUM ..J l«* Now York Quotation.* onS ocksand Bond! 500 bales. Jog;;.,. PHILADELPHIA—Ar 27th, schs Howard W PORTLMD & ROCHESTER E. Pu Mountain points. 7.41 p. in.: For Ponce’s Landing Long Island, 6.30, Nearov_ ©17 L'ovoe’s brilliant 11*^ Quotations; Winter Wheat at 6s 2d!&Bs 4<1. Mattawamkeag. Robinson. Kennebec; Annie F Con Bar Harbor, Rockland. 1.40a. m. daily; ex- 6.00, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00. 10.30 A. 31., 12.00 31., rust era extra.. 09 3 *» 111 half bbls 1c extra (By Telegraph Spring Wheat Bs OVcdiSoslVad. Middleton, The Edith Provt press. Halifax, St. John. Vanceboro. Bar Har- 2.00, *3.16, 4.20, 5.45, 7.30, *9.3o P. 31. Fresh tVcsleru... 15 liaising, following are to-day’s closing quotations Ion, Sawyer, do; Olcutt, Warren, STATION FOOT GFPKEBLE STREET. of Bonds: Edith L Marcus Ed bor, Waterviile and Augusta, 3.60 a. in, Return—Leave Ponce’s Landing, Long field. ® IMusctl.60 lb bxs4Vb©u denec; Allen, Darrali, do; daily. July 27. 28 OCEAN STEAMER BIITEMSHh wards, New York. PAYSON TUCKER, V. P. & ft. SI. Island. 6.05, 0.40, 7.45,,20 a. tinner. London lav’rll r,0@175 July Nickerson, On and after ftpjnday, Juno 21, 1896 Now 4’8 reg.(fell 06 felo.0% Cld 27th. schs S B Wheeler, Godfrey, Bath F. E. BOOTHBY, G. P. & T. A. 31., 12.50, 2.50, *4.05, 6.10, 6.35, 8.20. *10.15 Creanirn .lpcy ..1’61 9: Coal, Passenger trains will Leave Portlsmli p. M. Now 4M coup*.. «107 fe 107 FHOM FOB Eleazer W Clark, Goodwin, Portland: John 1 Portland, June 18, 1896. ; iv.ti'.'iet ,r Lir.i7.div lictail—delivered. York.. For Ayer For Marrlner’s n 'od 48 Adriatic.New Liverpool.. July 29 Welsh, Clara E Clark, do Worcester, Clinton*, Junction, Landing, Long Island, n (tnnberiand 001. 64 50 Mutes new reg.113 1121/: Coyle, do; Randall. ]el7 dtf Choice. 7 Y’ork. Noenn*, Windham and at 7.30 a. 10.30 A. Central Pacificists....*. 98 98 Noordland —New .Antwerp...July 29 Labra M Lunt, Peck. Bangor. Sipping 9.00, 31., 2.00, *3.15, 5.45 P. 31. c,l,m. Chestnut_ ««0o m. and 12.30 w. eiurn—Leave Denver & d. G. 109 Santiago.New Y'ork. .Cienfuegos. July 30 Ar 28th, sells Emma C Rogers, Ken- p. Marrlner’s Landing, Long N. 1 t-ri. vb c Franklin.... 7 75 1st.110 Knowles, I* or and North Daily Line, Sundays Included. > ri« Talisman.New York. GuadaloupeAug 1 nebec; Florence Creadlck, Bath; Belle Manchester, Concord, points Island, 10.00, 11.30 A. 31., ’,3.00, *4.15, 6.45 Vermont... 9 style CellUi. 6sr> CO 2sii-g quotations of stocks and 6.20 el 8.00, 9,00, 10.00, A. M., 12.20, 1*1.30, beyond. Si’.DS.l-in. 820it$23 Galileo.New York.. 5 ther A and 3.00,6.80, p. PernainbucoAug Roby. Kennebec Philadelphia. 1 or W Cumberland Mills, We^t* 8.30 A. M.& 1.00 F. M. From Un’.oa Station 2.15, *3.15, 3.45. 4.45. 0.15, 7.30 r. M. Through tickets for Providence, Lowell, Cuhiierate, Coni’ll. 3-tn *2915*20 Atchison. UVa 11 Germanic_New York. .Liverpool.. 5 PORT READING—Ar 27th. schs Kennebec. e*ibroofc, iihlid Adams Aug brook Junction and Woodford # at 7.30, for Poland, Mechanic Falls, Can- For Cushing’s Island, 8.00, 9.00, li.OOA. M., Worcester, New York, etc. shooks & bds— IVi, lVb&2- lixpress.146 146 Paris.New York. .So’ampton.. 5 sailed for Hallowed); It Buckileld, Aug Marr, Snugatuck (and »Aff A E.30 and ton. Dixfleld and Humford Falla. Also 12.20, 2.15,3.45,4.45, 6.15, 7.30 p BI. Returning, leave India Wharf, flot.Ctit. 1 1 75' American ... New York. m., 12.30, S.OO, Boston, in, Nol5i2$33®*35 c.XDress.108 108 Friesland .Antwerp. ..Aug B P Chase, New York land sailed for at 7 S'.ig.eou nt'r 85 I 00 Bo Kingsbury, 6.20 b. m« for ltoxbury, Byron, Houghton, Bemis and For Trefethen’s, Evergreen, Little and every Evening o’clock. a lvi,lVa&2-m foil .xl Maine.164 Normania_New Y'ork. .Hamburg Aug 6 Seth W Smith. Martin, New York: ouiiti v *283330 Augusta); Tho 12.30 m. train from Portland connects Lakes via R. F. and It. L. It. Great Diamond Islands. 7.00, 8.00, 9.30, J, B. COYLE, Manager. Mol baps, Ce urai Pacific. 13%, 3 3 Werra.New York. 8 do. p. Kaugeley points h. 1poe, .Genoa.Aug Reuben Eastman. Snowman, &t Ay.-.r Jarret Jon vrl&k hHoo?m Tunnel 10.30 A. M„ 12.16, 2.00, *3.16, 4.20, 5.16, J. F. LISCOMB. Gen. Ast. Squares, *200*28 dies. « uuio.... 13% 12% Etruria.New Y’ork. .Liverpool.. 8 27th. schs Franklin In d lid Aug PERTH AMBOY-Ar HouteM for the West and ai Union Station, 8.20 a. m., 1.00 and *5.10 p. m, From Union 6.15, *7.30 p. M. Oct. 1,1895. hog Cypress— Chicago a Alton...161 150 Anchoria.New 8 New York; Sarah & Ellen. l-S 11. f ill No 1&2 do York..Glasgow....Adg Nickerson, Haskell, Worc©Ht«r, for Providence and N«v York, Station lor Mecluuio Falls and intermediate For Ponce’s Landing, Long Island, 7.00, 24428 6353*30 pfd 170 170 Mobile.New Y’ork. 8 do. 87it).23 .London.Aug York, do; Telumah. Morgan, via “Providence for Norwleh ana stations. 8.00.,a.m., 12.15, 1*1.30,, 2.00, MtShiiSPtu lV*,l1/a&2- Chicago. Burlington A^Quincy 63% 63V Patria.New.Y’ork. .Hamburg ..Aug 8 NH-Ar sch Abraham Lm©,“ • oops 1. it. 2h :;!) in.Fioi&u 534®$36 PORTSMOUTH, 28th, New York, via “Norwich Line*’ with Boston *0u train leaving Portland at *3,15, 4.20, 5.16, *7,30 p. M. MAINE STEAMSHIP CO. Delaware A York. .... Saturdays only Hudson Canal *'0.119% 119 Saale.New .Bremen Aug 8 Richardson. Wade. Boston. « ,. 3 2 It. 25 3 R. R. for the and with the 5.10 m. runs to Rumford Falls. For Marriner’s Landing. Long Island, .T38 2‘.g. iSht-lIl* 406645 Delaware.Lackawana & Westl50 143 York.. Albany West, p. through >■ 8 Bourgoyne.Neiv Havre.Aug 8 ROCKLAND-Ar 27th, schs Robert Dority York All A. 5.15 P. t. iS'iii pine.*2514636 Denver A Rio Hail via “SprinKiiel. 21I clear...... *35 a27 92% 92V Hamburg... Aug 16 adelphia; E C Allen, do; Ellen M Mitchell,Bry- 10 F- H. COLLINS. Tiokel R. C. BRADFORD. Traffic Mgr. delays excepted subject Fare to New York, one way, $5.0u; Kound Minn *v at. L. 16 York. a uap£ly to without notice. Ammonia.itMt2ii(Xo l.S15620 13 Trave.New .Bremen ... Aug 18 ant, Perth Amboy. Agent, Portland, Me. rcvfland, Maine. change trip $8,00. > Minn. A Ht., 65 Y’ork. she*. POT..... 6»:i G1 Pina.*26360 Louispf. 65 St Paul.New -So’anipton..Aug 19 SAN FRANCISCO—Ar27th, barqueSCAUen, i. W. PETERS, SupL E. L. LOVE JOY, Superintendent, C. W. T. CODING, General Manager. J. B. COYLE, Manager* Fills copabia.. .6S1S00I shingles— Missouri racme.... 17Va 16% VVwteruland .New York. .Antwerp.. .Aug 19 Thompson, Honolulu. dtX junia dlt Kumlord Falls, Maine July 5 dtf J, F. LISCOMB, General Agent. nov2dtf — .— ■' —---■■■-■■..53 * ;--9- \ FEW advertisements. JVEW advertisements. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE PES^. MURDER AND SUICIDE. Oman’s ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADYEBTISEMENTS TODAY. Saw ork : ] s never done, and it is wearing Owen. Moore ft Co. especially J. ft. Libby.—2 Shoots Eetlie * nd wearisome to those whose blood is Bros. & Bancroft, George Young Godfrey Shake! the Clove Sieve \ Eastman mpure and unfit properly to tone, sus- Shaking Lustily! Lanabee. and Hooper. Sou & Leighton. and Himself. ain, renew the wasting of nerve, Westbrook Seminary. } ruscle and tissue. It is more because of New for sale. t his condition of the blood MUST BE VACATED OF ITS PRESENT hay that women HUNDRED AND SIXTY pair of STOCK Messenger’s Notice. _8 re run down, fine Kid Cloves New Wants, To Let, For Bale, Lost, Found Tired, Weak, Nervous, NINE grain, high-class and Similar advertisements will be found under WAS THE APPARENT n 'ban because of sifted the meshes for you their appropriate headson Page 6. JEALOUSY the work itself. Every through says and that the rem- at than the CAUSE OF THE DEED. 1 hysician so, only but little more asking. e dy is in building up by taking a good bran is left Dr. Bitters Is known the in the SIEGEKT’S Angostura erve blood Only profitless _ tonic, purifier and vltalizer all over the world as the great regulator of the sieve for The fine flour 1 ke Hood’s Sarsaparilla. For the troubles us. Ibargains digestive organs. ’eculiar to Women at of the Both Died Almost Iustantaly—The Scene change season, for you. No matter, new-store- ^ limate or life, or resulting from hard of the Murder tVsfi a Notorious House and demands all new rork, nervousness, Impure blood, glove-department had an offer for lease of this housands have found relief and cure in Having the from a manu- on Federal Street—Burge Sum of Money therefore these sixteen broken room, large stock; facturer of York we make a and Five Diamoud Found on the Yew City, shall great Itiugs lots of Kid Cloves go out at limping Wownn's Person, Prices. At a few minutes alter three o’clock Baby cried, yesterday, Ueorge Young shot and killed Mother sighed, a woman known as Nettle Godfrey and then shot himself. Both died instantly. from which a size or two are Doctor prescribed s Castoria! Sarsaparilla The shooting took place In the second ^ he One True Blood Purifier. $1 per bottle, Clove-iots in whloh the color- of the house No. 104 Federal street, missing. story j C. I. Hood CLOVE-LOTS repared & Mass. only by Co., Lowell, line is Clove-lots that we where the woman has been maintaining broken. cannot of kind of the are the to take every These bargain are a house of ill repute. Monday night the _i «, rvn only pills Nine hundred and following goods. examples repre- j iOOQ S r lliS with Hood’s duplicate. sixty pair Clace, plaoe was raided the and the Sarsaparilla. sentative of many others, which it would be to enumerate here. by police, Suede, Chamois and other texture gloves price- impossible Godfrey woman was given until Wednes- ; cut to close out. day night In which to leave the city. A i his man was in thehuuse when the raid few roinntes before the shooting yester- v ■as made. was “Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Byrnp” Yesterday noon. Young two wornon who day afternoon, young a bout town inquiring for the Godfrey Three hundred one hundred Has been used over Fifty Years by millions of had been inmates of the plaoe left In a v oman. Then he went to Federal street, mothers for their children while Teething and self- elastic CORSET COVERS. seen forty-eight pair pair kids, fine, skin, hack with their trunks. They were T ■aited apparently until ho had seen the CHAMOIS. About with perfect success. It soothes the child, Skirts Children’s Reefers. to drive away by Mrs. Crossman and hor t vo women and color and white Chamois correct and some Fancy leave the house shapes,black colors, Novelty softens the gums, allays Pain, euros Wind young FOR in sister-in-law', who were In Mrs. Cross- silk and wool, and all wool. Sizes 4 to 16 years, regular Coho, regulates the bowels, aud is the best t len went upstairs and carried out his I Roves, Fine grain skin, perfect in also pearl color, $1.25 and $1.00 Plain Corset Covers, man’s house One lot in from remedy for Diarrhoea whether arising from next to the Godfrey estab- i :itention of shooting tho woman and fancy mixed skirts prices 4.00 to 15.00. To be ( ;ut and 4 and 6 button now rur sine lishinent. From tho Crossman * sewing. goods, 8GC good quail y Muslin, high silk and at leetliing or ouier causes. uy uiug- kitchen imsolf. It is said that Young has been 9c wool, regular price, sold exactly one-half price. in ol the world. Be sure aDd on the second one can look into the Have been $1.00 and gists every part floor, j rinking heavily of late. He was a man ength. 75c, neck and square neck. [5-00; divided price, $3=00 ask ior Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, 25 cts. windows of the next house. The women a pparently about 40 years old, of medium iow 69c EACH. Fancy novelty skirts, silk and a bottle. in the Crossman house saw a man draw GLACE KID h eight, with a light mustaohe. Mrs. wool mixtures, regular down the curtains so they did not see Q was of about the same She price, odfrey age. MISSES’GLOVES, 4 button length, 8.50; divided $4.25 Ladies’ inside Skirls PERSONAL what happened immediately after, but v 'as of dark and in price, oomplexlon evidently SUEDE fine skin and heard the woman grain cut, Neck, trimmed One lot in they exclaim, “Don’t h or younger days was a good looking FOR High fancy novelty skirts, soft as a Linen Petticoats, with for God’s GLOVES, almost , _ with Hamburg Edge, brown and blue deep George, sake don’t.’’ Then two ? 'Oman. MOUSQUETAIRE girl- sewing exact, every best ( ^effects, regular Fred who is expected to par- *1 1 V Neck, trimmed with corded ruffle, $2.50 quality, Plnist6d, pistol shots rang out. The women When the body was taken to the under- baby’s cheek, most all sizes, color. \ ft price, 8.50; divided price, $4.25 in the Halifax this week, Hamburg Edge. divided $1.25 ticipate regatta started to run down stairs and as they t rnnmi tiliA anm nf &4.1Q in hills 1I L“ 2 Uw One lot price nost all best colors. Prices were $1.25 now Neck, trimmed fancy novelty skirts, is unable to attend. While training he did so a 89c Square they heard man say something a ad small change, was found concealed divided Linen with cut to EACH. ! with Hamburg Edge. regular price, 8.00; Petticoats, deep was the Stroud water with and heard Were $1.25, 89c Another lot were $1.00 now rowing up then another shot. V 1 her stockings. On her lingers were 75c price, 4,00 umbrella ruffle, corded, regular O'Connell and etopped to get a drink Another woman heard the Mocha 4 shooting, f ve diamond rings. It Is also said that Gloves, buttons, similar Skin Gloves, were the bank. In Boys’ Dog price 2.9S, divided price 1.49 from a spring'Uwar walking She is Rose White, an elderly woman g re has In the banks in this money city. \ o Suede but for street, now the weeds his legs became heavier, $1.00 75c through employed by Mrs. Godfrey to do the Some time ago shepurohased a farm on FOR High Neck and Square Black Satteen Petticoats, with to walk for But- Ladies’ was unable Suits. and he house work. She was down stairs when vheel, driving, outing gloves. poisoned t re Falmouth Foreslde road In the town Neck trimmed with Ham- umbrella ruffle, corded, regular several He is now out, but is in she heard the “Don’t 1 ons and were Navy blue with days. exclamation, o I Falmouth, and it is scid that this lacings, $1.50 now 9 Oa burg Edge. Serge Suits, pride 1,98, divided price 99c no to row. followed a scream and the | 7C V Neck, trimmed w’ith blazer shapo George, by p lace was put in Young’s name. Lately J. R. LIBBY. jacket, regular price noted $1.15 wide Hamburg Edge, Prof. Torrington, the organist two pistol shots. Rose White had started s re had wished him to deed It back to 16.00, divided $8.00 V Neck, trimmed with price of and Prof. Archer, she Pique, Black and Colors, were EACH. Toronto, Canada, to go up stairs, when heard tho l er; hut he had declined to do so. This wide Cluny Lace. Navy Blue Serge Suits, blazer of Philadelphia, I P. S. the well-known organist woman’s cry of alarm, but she stopped at e ridence of weariness of him, together 51.50 now $1,15 jacket, regular price 10.00, di- Duck Dress Skirts. house. are guests at the Torrington the discharge of the pistol. As she stood v 1th the presence of the man from the vided $5.00 is the week of dis- price White Buck Peaks island. at the foot of the stairs, she heard J rovlncesj seems to have driven Young Ladies’ with Norfolk Skirts, regular John W. count on all our Suits, The funeral of City Assessor say: “Now I’ll shoot myself,” fc ) his state of Black Silks. 1.98, divided 99e Young revengeful jealousy. GLACE GLOVES. Real This """" in scotch price price afternoon at 2 ——y jfecli, front and hack jacket, mixture, regu- York will he hold this and then oamo the third shot. Mrs. It is said that the woman’s We a Buck Skirts in jixed color- Godfrey made in 4 but- give special discount to trimmed with his late residence on Con- kid, France, FOR Hamburg lar price 16.00, divided orice o'clock from White ran soroaming into the street and n sure was originally Pease, and that she FINE j divided all of Black of Ten Embroidery. 8.00 ings, regular price 1.98, street. a of men ran tons, most all most all purchasers Silk, gress number up stairs, closely y as married to a man named Godfrey, sizes, V Neck, trimmed with 99c of cent. Batiste price Hbv. Mr. Barton and family Bethel, followed by Police Offioer White. S he has been known to the pollee from jest colors. per line Insertion and Ham- Ladies’ Stripe Suits, at the Fifth are staying for a few days The murderer and his victim lay dead uite an and q early age. Were now The Silks included in this dis- burg edge. linen color, jacket skirt, Peaks island. $1.50, $1,15 trimmed with Maine Memorial hall. in a small room usod as a sitting room. The baby, which the Godfrey woman EACH. V Neck, count are our ll AAJl f1 ! n n ir 1 OOA regular 4.50, divided of the For church, evening and dress occasions. sale own famous. price J Edward Dewey, vice-president The woman lay on her bank, with her ii : said to have adopted, but which is be- buuiuu Another lot were $1.50 now and back. price *2.2o National Life Insurance Company of of a head under tile projecting end 1 eved by the police to have been her own V trimmed with lucks and Linen Crash and and Neck, Snits, jacket Montpelier, Vt., Vermont, family, lounge against the wall. Blood from a c trild, was taken to 161 Washington street Black Clay Diagonal Coat, half $1.00 & ^ ASH MERE Hamburg Edge. skirt, deep color on jacket, regu- are at the Ottawa house. wound in her temple was soaking into t Mrs. Rose and will be PEER- trimmed with Ham- y White; kept Still another were $1.25 now ^^k Square Neck, lar 4. divided lined, pearl buttons, regular Dr. M. Nickerson and wife of man price 50, price Harry tho carpet. Tho had also fallen on t aero until relatives or others oenre for- LESS” Silks, Satin burg Edge, line quality. divided 3.73 front price 7.aO, price Portland, ara sponding a few weeks’ his with his head dose to a small v oare '892 Y Neck, and back trimmed with $2.35 buok, ard to for her. Peau de Soie. with Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Waite. Duchess, deep Hamburg Kufiie, hemstitched Linen Crash trimmed Black also vacation table under a swinging lamp in the Young was very well known in this Opera colors, very fine, $1.50 now Suit, Cheviot, clay diago- of Dub- aud feather stitching. Mr. Edward F. McGoldrick oentre of the room. Tho man’s aim had c ity. He has a wife living, but she Rhadame, Surah, Gros Grain and with linen batiste insertion, reg- nal. half lined, regular price bus beeu his $125 lin, Ireland, who visiting been true in both cases and he had shot s sparated from him some years ago, and Taffeta. ular price 7.00, divided price 10.00, divided price 5.00 Russia were cousin,‘ Mrs. Thomas MoFadden of this himself in the right temple. His right i said to be living in Staodislr. Young (English red) $2.00 All our Plain and Brocade Black $3.50 Black Diagonal Jacket, lined is now relatives in Brook- city, visiting baud still grasping tiie revolver lay across i ad $16 on his person when his body was i $1,35 Duck Suits, in blue and green throughout with sateeu, regular lyn, N. Y. his chest. e xamined. Silks. effects, regular price 3.98, di- 12.50, divided 0.25 The following were among the arrivals There were no of a The There were bullets fired price price, signs struggle. twc into the vided price 1.99 at the Preblo house F. M. blaok silk worn the woman 1 Ladies’ Skirts. Black Cheviot with yesterday: wrapper by roman’s head. One entered about two Jacket, Misses J. R.'LIBBY. R. LIBBY. Light Batiste Suits, trimmed Mahan, Chicago; Cudberrv,Phila- was not torn. The man was in bis shirt i aches back of, and an inch above, the J. Dresden and changeable silk, with colored cuffs and col- Mrs. K.M. McIntyre, San Fran- sleeves. in tho room had been c orner of the and the other plain lined delphia; Nothing right eye, Plain Brilliautine Biack Skirt throughout, regular price J. SHERIDEN RIFLES’ FIELD DAY. Invited Quests—T. P. score divided cisco; Charles G. Van Sohreyer, Mrs. disarranged and after the bodies bau £ bout three inches to the left of the Shelevy, lar, regular price 5.50, mounted briar 15.00, divided price 7.50 Mrs. 11, gold pipe. dividet S. Bennett, Mrs. J. A. Whittlcsy, been removed there was nothing to show jorner of the left eye, and one inch regular price, $5.00; price 2.75 The party arrived home at 9.15 last Light Scotch mixed Blazers, Geo. NevenB, Hartford; F. J. Tower and that a murder had been committed ex- c hove. The third bullet was fired Into I Sighth Anniversary Celebrated in a Happy but aDd price, $2.5( Miss W. M. night, tired, happy, all declar- lined throughout with funey wife, Detroit; Bliss, Hankin, copt the dark stain on the carpet by the t he man’s head, about an inch above the Manner at Long Island Yesterday. that it was one of -1. A 7 T .. c 77 7? 7y„o.TT V..... ing the happiest anni- di- wt »"v silk, u regular nnu. wuiuiiut wmi.srv Rr. The first ones Into the room found Chita's Suits. price 12.00, versaries ever and enjoyed by the Sheridans. vided Bedford; S. A. VThitumre wife, Miss bodies after tbe who were ! able to raise his head onoe nr price 6.00 physicians, 'oung just The eighth anniversary of the Sheridan Black brocade figured Mohaii Children’s Wool Suits, ages 6 Elaen, Boston; F. Scripture and daugh- announced that there was no t wice and draw his called, had hand, holding the /lidos was celebrated In a most happy to 12 years, flannel trimmed Brown mixed Cheviot Cloth ter, W. S. Marshall, Backport; F. B. of life left. The bodies were, by over his breast before he ex WESTBROOK. skirt, also regular price spark j istol, pired. nannar at Long Island yesterday, and plain; with from Jackets, three quarter lined, Plsrce and Worcester. to braid, regular price wife, direction of the coroner, removed vas attended all divided $2.91 by nearly the aotlve 5.98; price, 4.50 to 9.00, divided regular price 13.50, divided Mr. Henry Wcissinger, the hoad of the Hlob’s undertaking rooms, where they Increased Telephone Service. besides several honorarieB price nembers, and The Republicans of Westbrook will $2.25 to 4.50 price 0.75 great tobacoo firm at Louisville that so will remain until the coroner gives the of Mr. J.D. nvited By enterprise Stanford, guests. hold a oauous at Odd Fellows’ the Maine vete- general Children’s Wash a Other fine generously eptertained further instructions. Mr. Perry stated ( of the Now Tele- The left the at 9 Suits, only quality Ladies* uperintondnnt England party city o’clook on hall, Friday night of this week to nomi- Black, also blue Mohair skirt rans at the national encampment wbilo that until he had conferred with the hone and wires ihe steamer Eldorado of the small lot of these in odd sizes. Jackets ini Broadcloths, Kerseys t Telegraph Company, the Oasco Bay nate a candidate for to the it was held in that is in town at representative dividet L oity, oounty attorney he did not know just ( f the Bath have been extended ine and arrival at the regular price, 0.98; To be sold at and at less than half Exchange upon Island pro- and to elect to the exactly oue-halj mixtures, and legislature delegates the Congress Square hotel, “the how he should What steps are ^ o Small where a the i1 proceed. Cape Point, public long seeded at once to due ball dold near district convention. The price, $3.91 price. price. will be to know it. present repre- boys” glad taken by the officers will be only suoh as c istanoe station to and from where a telephone Jushlng’a restaurant, spirited sentative, Mr. T. S. will with- were among those Burnes, The following regis- are necessary to oomply with the law’s t II has been established at the of ball was at once points game begun between out doubt, receive a unanimous renomi- tered at the Falmouth botol yesterday : as there is of course no ( Uiffstone offloe. and which requirements post /he actives honoraries, result- natlon^and a re-election. J. A. B. S. W. the murder v»as com- Martorell, Wyck, Laog- doubt as to bow This extension of the telephone service 'd in a for the honoraries a victory by Westbrook can boast that it is up to niairt and wife, Miss Langmaid, New mitted and the murderer himself is dead. , rill be the of 18 to 7. Cloth Black Velvet Black thoroughly appreciated by icore date in many but in the matter of Light Capes, Capes, F. W. ways, York; Carr, Bangor; Edward The only persons in the bouse at the f unrmer at Small as it 3 o’clock the sat oolony Point, Ac party down to one a' oity look-up It must admit.thac it is Silk Capes and Black Broadcloth Capes. Regular Leighton, S. I). York, L. H. York, Mrs. time of the shooting were the two viotims | thorn within distance of famous shore rings speaking )f Cushing’s dinners, to rather primitive. Yesterday Offioer Eli Mrs. E. a the from $5 to $20. Gott, Bockport, Mass.; L. of it, Rose White, and baby, which i he outside world, and also makes it pos- vhich all did ample justice. .The fol- prices Witham went to the look-up to take a Karver and party, Malden; D. B. New- woman had adopted. When f iblo for be sent to ana from were seated at the Godfrey telegrama'to lowing tables: Cap. prisoner before Judge Tolman’s court. comb and wife, M. L. Paige and wife, Marshal Hartnett examined the > inrall Point via the from Bath. E. H. F. Deputy telephone U. Conley, McDonough, J. B. When he arrived he found the bird had Salem; A. L. Daniels, Miss Daniels, he found three empty cartridges revolver, lobin, D. F. Murdock, W. M. Wallace, flown. On inquiry of the inmates cf the Lynn; M. S. Campell, Augusta; J. in it. It is a small, cheap affair, of five A Free Lecture. J. I. AT ONE-KJtLF PRICE AND LESS. 3eo. W. Lowe, Barbour, J. A.; oity alsmhouse where the lock-up is lo- I Bess and wife, W. Monk, Montreal; Miss the remaining two being A. H. Talt D. J. F. A. cbainbors, Mr. will deliver a free Facey, Mahoney, Anderson, cated, it was learned that one cf them A. Miss C. C. Miss M. W. Rose White said that two weeks Colo, Cole, loaded. ] ecture in the Y. M. C. A. hall entitled H. C. York, F. L. MoKowon, P. H. Con- when passing the cell, was aocosted by O. H. a and some finlf-crlnnnfiftn farm n W nwlr I n the to the door. man Cushing, Nowburyport Venner, ago Young had bought pistol ley, M. C. Slieohan, Alfred Wade, F. A. prisoner open The with such authority that he con- G. E. Safford, J. Hooper, G. W. Ester- cartridges, and had then threatened to This lecture has been P. J. D. J. spoke Standpoint. well Nugent, Price, Lawler, T. vinced the inmate that his oommand took brook, II. B. liice, J.B. Henry and shoot Mrs. who thereupon am* wife, Godfrey, , eceived wherever it has been delivered. ax, jh. u'twiuu*, h. n. must be obeyed, and the door was un- Miss A. W. Char- and hid it. Taylor, Boston; Fisher, tbe weapon U1 are cordially Invited to attend. Coffey, W. E. Bragdon, Robert E. hasped and the prisoner given his liber- Facey, fr A. H. Yates and a known lotte, Me.; family, Chica- Mrs. Godfrey haB been person J. J. ft. H. Robert Haley, Hayes, Sweet, Tbe funeral services of the late Ida D. go; Halo Peuington, Fall Hiver; Louis to the for years, as the owner of a BRIEF S. L. poiioo JOTTINGS. 1\ P. Shelvoy, Foley, M. J. Mo- Haoker were held at her late home on J.L. and and she has been Briggs, Attleboro; Fargo wife, house of ill repute, Coy, Geo. F. Manloy, Geo. Keely, J. W. Methodist street, yesterday afternoon. Miss F.M.Stevens, Chicago; E.B.McAeo, arrested on nuisance oharges. For a F. J. Rev. Charles H. Jones of Amsbury, An excursion over the Maine Barbour, RPJSSls, Welch, John G. Coubado and the man party Mass., preached the funeral services. The A ft v* m if ClPBalM a nu t Worcester; wife, Ponce, number of years, George Young, Writ. WV Sawn ^ k 111 N IIHIMIt I Central went to J. Lappin, Ftiloy.J. Desmond, Dan- tributes were with Harpswell yesterday, floral very beautiful. Notice. Porto Rico. who finally took her life, has lived [ iel J. J. E. Messenger’s ilext Saturday members of the Kaler, Doherty, MoDonald, fjTbe Presumpscot band go ou a sail to SALE. the a but Knights NEW HAY FOB The following wore ainoug arrivals her. He was formerly hackman, W. H. J. J. Haley, Geo. the lower falls of the this Office of the Sheriff of Cumberland County, 1 if from all on the Maine Coffey, Dawson. Presumpsoot at hotel Tbe Pythias points A Home School for Both Sexes. State of Maine. Cumberland, ss. the Congress Square yesterday: lately has had no oooupation. pair After were evening. July 28th, will also to cigars lighted Cupt. Conley A. D. 1896. 1 Falmouth aud Jentral go Harpswell. The esteem in whioh the late Frank 25 tons A No. hay at James Crosby, Bangor; Mr. and Mrs. W. had purchased a place in remarks Prepares for the best colleges and scientific IS is to notlce.that on the 27th made a few pleasant and told of Haskell was held in this was mani- give day of ,, Hadattah lodge, No, 117, I. O. O. F., city schools. for three in a A. Fauuce.and family, Mrs. Missiok,At- after the raid on Mrs. Godfrey’s estab- Opportunity years French TH July, A. D. 1896, warrant in lusol- S cut the and work of this well-known fested in man7 here an 115.00 ton, from vlll work the socond dogree on three growth ways yesterday. and lieimau under accomplished specialist veney was issued out of the Court of Insolvency per lantic N. R. H. and told on all the City, J.; Ingorsoll lishment Monday night, Young The The flags publio buildings, Chemistry and physics, with laboratory- work for said of Cumberland, against the es- 0 landidates this officer military organization. following County Address Annie L. W. Jones that be wanted the woman evening. 'Every the sohool houses, mills, etc., were at a special feature. Regular systematic training tatu of e to 0 weeks. P. wife, Ingersoll. Biddeford; Officer were al3o oalled and s to bo gentlemon upon half most. The Dana mills and in English, oratory and physical culture of H. F. L. Mrs. to to this to live. At that requested present. Warp EDWARD 0. HAVENER, Portland, Bandall, Clifford, Boston; go place time, made remarks: Messrs. Hugh MoDon- the Haskell Silk closed down throughout the courses. ( >. Box 1775. jly29dlw* The yaoht Cruiser of Bath, came into Company hers. to be iu Insolvent Debtor, on and Mrs. Seward, Orunge, N. J.; G. E. Young was greatly excited. He protostod the Experienced tea Thorough instruc- adjudged pet- augh, Geo. Keoly, Joe of Yar- their plants during afternoon, and itioa of said debtor, which petition was filed : >ort yesterday. Manley tion. Beautiful grounds. Healthful location, Bowker and Miss E. A. “he loved that woman better than the services the merchants of the on the 27tli of A. D.. wife, Chase, rbat Lieut. Shelvoy, during with land and sea breezes. Homelike air and day July, 1896. to which The Viva and Brentwood were out mouth, ez-Councilmon on claims Is to J. thut he had been yes- city closed their places of business. But character. date interest be computed. Brunswiok; A. Gerrard, H. F. Tripp, his life, adding “Punch” John of debts 1 Hayes, Conley, Lappin, the most siuoere and touohlog tribute That the payment any to or by said New kicked out. The latter statement referred erday. and the transfer and York; Judge Whitehouse, Augusta; J. W. Barbour, T. J. Welch and E. E. was paid by the 63d Year 8* Debtor, dellivery ot A seal was seen yesterday afternoon French-Ganadians,form- Begins September any property by him are forbidden law. Oliver Dow Miss K. M. to tbe in Mrs. God- er of the Westbrook by Smith, Buxton; frequent presunoo Philbrook. employes Manufact- That a of the oredltors of 1 himself off” Custom House For catalogue with full information send to meeting said debtor W. R. Miss John house of a man from the Provinoes Importing uring Company. They assembled on the to their debts and choose Files, Files, Gorham; frey’s The party then adjourned and the the president, prove one or more vharf. lawn about the bouse during the services of his estate, will be held at Bethel. whom waB KEY. II. S. WHITMAN, Dueling. Me. assignees a Court sou, of Young violently jealous. balance of the was of to be Our Card- The Island boats were crowded day rounded out in and at their dose humbly asked permis- JlySlidlm Insolvency holden at Probate yester- Court room in said a most liappy manner, some In sion to view the remains. Their very Portland, in said county Lay. target of Cumberland, on the 7th dav ot A which there look and action gave evidence of the fact Sept. i> ’’ “ shooting, in was some Tliore is of a game of 1S06, at ten o’ciocK lit the forenoon Pure and Suret [ A large black steam yaoht oame Into sharp that they realized that In the death of good prospeots for the handsome ball between tile Snocarappas and the Given under my hand the date first above t ho harbor about 0.30 o’olock last eve- jompetliion prizes their former employer they had lost a at Warren park Saturday written. H. H. HAY & offered, and the actives and honoraries true and tried friend. Presnmpscots SON, dng. aftornoou. C. L. BUCKNAM. In another hotly contested The services were held at the late home game of ball, Mr. Ueo. W. Wheeler, who has been Deputy Sheriff, as the Court of the decoased, Rev. S, N. Adams, con- Messenger of of Pharmacists, in which the aotives tried to Stopping In this oity for the past few Insolvency for said You have no conception how rich and wipe out ducted the services. He paid a high tri- County qf Cumberland. returned to Boston last week. Junct. ifl ddie and Free ;heir defeat of the to tbe moral excellences of the de- weeks, Jly29&augff Sts., ( delicious Hucklns’s tomato soup is un- forenoon, which they bute ___ lid by the handsome score of lo coased. Tho floral tributes wore very PORTLAND. t il yon uso it on your table. It Is the to 1. beautiful. Among them were a pillow Doee Need Salt? The prizes for shooting were awarded Asparagus lost appotlzing healthful, nourishing from the city council; cross, Samuel is follows: A number of horticultur- r rtiole of food yon can oat during the Smith ; basket of flowers, Mr. and Mrs. prominent Aotives—F. 82 Mr. and Mrs. W. K. ists have The Rural New □miner and A.Anderson, score 18 first h. Smith; roses, given through months, being seventy-live silver Please it in “ jrize, medal! also company coin Dana, roses and pinks, Mr. and Mrs. A. Yorker their on this put your pocket and because it is or in it- opinions subject, I Cleveland’s r cent pure beef stock, is a meal nadal for one year: J. J. M. Kimball, call on us. prefer baking powder E.McDonald, sec- W. Rloker; pinks, pil- the consensus of which seems to be that s >lf. Don’t »nd citizens; and wholesome. It takes less for the same tako another brand—so-called prize,sliver medal; James Facey won low, Frencb-Canudlan roses, pure baking, 1 be leather Frank asparagus does not need salt and is not ist as good or better—but insist on your company medal for poorest Mrs. Palmer; pond lilies, Grant; it never fails, and bread and cake keep their fresh- ihot. bouquet, Henry Blatchford; bouquet, benefited by it materially. Large appli- I rooor furnishing you Huckins's. They Honoraries—J.J. The bearers f,ASCOPAPER[jOXf,a Lappin, score 14, first Sootob-Amsrioau citizens. cations do not injure it, however, and ness and flavor.” » a re put up In quart and pint cans ready irize, meerschaum Messrs. W. R. John E. War- pipe; M. J. HoCoy were Dana, may serve to keep down weeds. Miss Cornelia Campbell New York School. f. ir are hot or cold. eeond meerschaum H. P. Mureh. SfND-US-YOUR'ORDERS. Bedford, Supt. Cooking uso, and palatablo, prize, pipe. ren, Charles Rollins,