July 29, 1896

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July 29, 1896 JUNE ESTABLISHED 23. 1862-VOL. 34. PORTLAND MAINE. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 29, 189G. IgZ^EiftSSiKJ PRICE THREE CENTS, THE FIRST ONE. FOUND GUILTY. ho bark at the first port they reached. WITH THE CANDIDATES, A TALE OF CRUELTY iiut at Barbadoes they oonoluded to re- A SO® MOSEY MAS. main on the vessel until she got back to Jameson and His Fellow Raiders Prohibition’s Candidate Firsl Portland and we loaded at Turk’s Island, Convicted, for this “Officially” Notified. .vhitber we went in ballast, port. “After we had been out about a day The a Over lioosiers Have Freshet t) Senator Jones Things Trial J Is a roin Turk’s one of tho sailors Talking Was Conduced iu Loudon Yesterday Told By Sailor of a Portland island, Hr. C. Holman Wants to Hold mmed John to suffer Vey lion. Joshua Covering’s Cotter of Accept —Results In Disaster to Soutii Africa Anderson, began Beal With. # With intense from his hand, whioh ance—“Notified” by Party fn Balti- Pops. Co. Bark. pain a Conference in Maine. iwollod up until it was a terrible sight. more Cast Evening—He Bays “Under London, July 28.—All the defendants Anderson was so sIck that he could hard- Consumption 1b Out* Trouble.” in v the Jameson trial have been found stand but Mate Jenkins BURSTS IN ly up, uompellcd TERRIBLE CLOUD THE MEANTIME BRIAN' WILL NOT MAKE .'HE FIRST JUTE ACCUSED Baltimore, July 28.—Hon. John Lever- guilty. 01 him to do his regular work about tho AN OPEN LETTRR TO DEMOCRATS GAS BELT. The remained in their room until triok ing, candidate of the Prohibition party A DECISION. jury ABUSIVE TREATMENT. ressel, and to stand bis two hours’ as 5.23 OF THE SAME SORT. Said to be good as for President, was “notified” at the Ly- o’olook, when they Hied into the at the wheel, the same as tho others. An- court ceum Theatre tonight. Ho aooepted by room and announoed that they had other man named Ouloff, was also very whloh was reading bis formal letter of acceptance. agreed upon their verdict, siok.’and for a while we thought he was Streams Are Swollen and Overflow Their He Is to Bo the Nation- After a felicitous Willing Guided by “guilty” against all the defendants. i ’he Story a to Sailortown to die. Terrible sores on opening, hooontinues: Midnight Trip going appeared Mr. Holman Says Banks. Three Men Killed al Committees Petti- The court sentenced Dr. Jameson to “Injustice, Dishonesty by Light- The platform by the conven- Views—Senator Moveloped—The Vessel Is the Bark his legs and his limbs wore so badly adopted and Absolute of tho Most la tion meets and a 15 months Sir John Disregard ning-Damage Tremendous But my hearty approval, grew Caller at the Bryan- Besidence— imprisonment. Maj. Ella—She lias Just Arrived—Mad swollen that he oould hardly stand But though based on the issue is in was to Elementary Rules of Orderly Proced- Cannot Be Estimated As Yet. single to It amain at Canton.' Willoughby sentenced 10 months, Jenkins made him take his trick at tiro bread McKinley Been With a of Cumber *to the reality sufficiently to allow all tc Col. Cargo ure” Marked the stand H. F. White to seven months, and wheel, and do other work, although tho Chicago Gathering. upon it who are opposed to the Lincoln, Nob., July 28.—Senator Petti- Elver. Anderson, Ind., July 2F.—The situa- saloon and its the other defendants to throe months im- fellow was nil the consequent evils, regard- bolt poor suffering agonies Rockland, July 28.—0. "Vey Ho man tion in the Indiana belt less of their viewB of grew of South Dakota, one of the gas tonight Is any of the othei prisonment each. The Portland bark tim e. of one one Ella, Captain this olty. of the delegatas to tho serious. The successive cloud bursts public questions of tba day. ing silver Republicans, was tho only *300 lerryman of Harpswell, arrived bore WAITING, national Democratic contention at Chl- whioh have It is true, and no thinking man, re- caller at the residence STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. kept up with frightful legu- prominent Bryan before from Turk’s Island gardless of his surroundings or residence, ] ay yesterday “The mate seemed to tnke a fiendish oago and a gold standard has sent since last today. Ho spent some hours with the >nan, larity midnight, havo swol oan for a moment doubt that very rith a load of salt for Portland. This In these two men. it, Prof. Robinson Explains His New Dissin- delight abusing tho following communication to the lead- len streams out of tho hanks and of the of out beloved nominee talking over the situation. are many people land, i the first time she has been in this Only two out of Jenkins Democrats of the Are and those port days Portland, ing state: worthless, flooding the cities aad towns. In this especially engaged in indus- Bryan is still silent as to bis intention fectlng Apparatus. cheap, trial and Inoe^January 13, when she left here for truck one sailor, a blow over tho head “All Democrats of tho State of farming pursuits, are suffering with to tho nomination. Mai no olty time men wore struck regard Populist 1 by lighDing from the general depression so widely tuenos Ayres with a cargo of lumbor, with a heavy shoe, and this was done out who reooguize tho foot that the recent and and killed. The is that no [special to the press.] dangerous prevalent at present, and also tlial general understanding nd if all oan be believed she bad reports of pure ugliness and nothing else. On so-oalled convention at Chicago v.ag Dams and dykes along the White and there has not been a time since tne me- deolsioa will ba readied until Senator July 27.—The meet- Augusta, quarterly a very eventful passage in many ways. our arrival here tho men who had been dominated in its and other morable days just preceding the Jones of Arkansas has consulted the organization con- riveis gave way this and breaking ing of the State Board of Health was It is said that evening out of tbe oivil war, when these difficul- yesterday afternoon two a bused entered a complaint and today luoted'by a of the water leaders as to the best course to spirit injustice, dishonesty ties so Populist held at the office of the board at the l Jnited States weighed heavily upon tho people, deputy marshals visited the United States deputy marshals and absolute disregard for the most olo- or While in Mr. Bryan SWEPT when there was so much uureat and pursue. Chicago, State House, at 10 o’olook this forenoon. t he vessel with a warrant sworn out EVERYTHING^ by visited the vessel several times In search rules of v.no dire for the luture as exist* to the Democratic nation tl mentary orderly procedure, foreboding expressed There were present Drs. A.R.G. Smith a svoral members of the orew the before it. were rescued from against of Jenkins, but oould not find him. He deprecate and condemn the surreudei f People today. committee his desire to be by of guided Whitefleld, G. M. Woodcock of Ran- i rst.'mate Isaao who in has second story windows. The big dyko at The products of the soil, tho mainstay Jenkins, belongs *300 In money awaiting him at the the majority of that body to Populist their and while bo has bis Prof. F.C. of on is too of the nations’ and judgment, gor, Robinson Brunswick, i lelfast. The obarges ho Be your guard. Health Yorktown broke and the water came prosperity wealth, brought against shipping commissioner’s offioe, but theories entirely alion to the creod of are so low in value in‘ instance* own he is to allow them L. C. Dr. many opinions, willing Jordan apd Charles D. Smith t bo first mate, so It is are has not been near to be trifled with. The down the White river at a ter- understood, them to get his pay, true who deoiiue to accent precious rushing as not to pay the coat of production, to matters. of Democracy, arrange Portland, and the secretary, Dr. A. G. c ruel and abusive treatment to the men. and he best is none too good. In the hour rific speed taking everything in its path, leaving nothing for the labor of the teller has not been seen on board the the declaration of the alleged principles or for the Young offAugusta. The morning session enklns was not fouud on hoard the Ella of SANFORD’S GINGER including bridges and buildings. capital invested. Many per- vessel sinoe Monday.” put forth under the guise of a Democra- danger sons hold the Cleveland, O., 28.—Mr. McKinley was opinion that the oause 01 July occupied by listening to reports 1 y the United States officers. He left the It was to looate other is the best in the world. Johnstown, a suburb, was almost was impossible g tic) platform as in any measure embody- all this trouble is over produotiou. Bu1 will leave for Canton tomorrow morn- from the of seoretary his work in various \ essel as soon as she raohed her dook at members of the Ella’s crow last neiu away uy sue great uyurauuo works oan such an be true? Is col night, ing articles of Democratic faith; but explanation ing. The Major things he will remain of the state.
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