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Music Trade Review -- ©, -- digitized with support from THE MUSIC TRADE REVIEW Russian. He, by means of his own mag- Donizetti's "L'Elisir d'Amore," for Mme. netic fluid and with the aid of music for Sembrich and M. Caruso; "Les Dragons de which he has a sympathy, moves and Villars," by Maillart, for Mme. Calve; "La thrills them. It is so in the case of a sing- Gioconda" of Ponchielli, for Mme. Ternina, er or a pianist. This has been illustrated and Smetana's "The Bartered Bride," which time and time again for some of our fa- is to be sung in English. There will be two ARTISTS' DEPARTMENT. mous pianists can play execrably and yet ballets revived, Delibes's "Sylvia," and Bay- work an hypnotic spell over the audience. TELEPHONB NUMBER. 1745.--EIGHTEENTH STREET er's "Die Puppenfee." Whether the visiting conductors will be Mr. Conried told something of his strug- The Artists' Department of Th« Review able to rejuvenate the orchestra, or by gles to perform "Parsifal." published on the first Saturday of each month. their personality so interest the public as "After I had been attacked in every way to make them forget the music, is of course ON THE EVE OF THE SEASON. by Mme. Wagner, who tried to prevent the TTHE musical season upon which we are a matter to be demonstrated later. artists from appearing in the performance, I now entering promises to be one of un- In pianists, in violinists and singers of replied that I would give up my plan in case usual activity. The managers, who have al- note, including, of course, Patti, of "fare- all the court opera houses of Germany, as ready announced their plans, promise us well" fame, we will have a generous por- well as the managers of the other large opera many artists of international fame in the tion and the appetites of our concert goers houses in Europe, should promise not to per- vocal and instrumental fields. cannot fail to be satisfied. We must look form 'Parsifal' after 1913, when the opera The question arises, as this transitory out for dyspepsia, however. will be free, but to lease it exclusively for artistic emigration to the United States be- Beyreuth. They will then be in exactly the comes larger, whether the high salaries CONRIED'S PLANS FOR OPERA. same position I am now. Every single man- promised the majority of artists can be '"pHE formal announcement regarding the ager declined to accede to that proposition paid and allow the managers at the same first season of opera under the control and said he intended to produce 'Parsifal' time a profit. of Heinrich Conried at the Metropolitan the minute the copyright expired. The speculation which has been going Opera House has been made public. The "Felix Mottl is to rehearse the singers and on for the last two years in the artistic season will open on Nov. 23 and continue orchestra of 'Parsifal.' I left it an open world is very much like the speculation in for fifteen weeks. Ten performances, in- question in our contract whether he is to con- Wall Street. There has been apparently stead of the usual twenty, will be given in duct the performances or not. He thinks an overestimation of the resources of our Philadelphia, and a tour of five weeks, in- and says that Mr. Hertz can conduct them people, who pay the bills, with the result cluding Boston, Chicago, Pittsburg and Cin- as well as he. But it may be that Mme. that many managers and many singers cinnati, will follow the New York season. Wagner will request him to do so at the last have closed their seasons with a marked There will be four regular subscription minute. diminution in the expected financial returns. performances a week, on Monday, Wednes- "New costumes were designed for me by The tendency to congestion in the musi- day and Friday evenings and on Saturday Prof. H. Loeffier of Vienna, and new scenery cal field is not only noticeable in this coun- afternoon. In addition there will be a popu- has been painted for the opera. Anton try, but during the past season in London lar price performance on Saturday night. Fuchs, the stage manager who originally it was particularly marked with the result "Parsifal," which is to be sung for the mounted 'Parsifal' in Munich for the nine that few concerts paid and few were well first time on Dec. 24, will be given on ten performances given for King Ludwig, is to attended. There is a limit to the capacity Thursday evenings and will be outside the be the stage manager. of the musical public both physically and subscription. Seats will cost $10 in the most "The artists to take part in 'Parsifal,' Mme. financially, and wise managers should rec- expensive parts of the house. Subscribers to Ternina and MM. Burgstaller, Van Rooy, ognize this fact. Meanwhile the outlook the opera will be allowed to retain their seats Goritz and Blass, have all taken part in the at the present time is very favorable, pro- for one "Parsifal" performance and will be production at Beyreuth." vided as we said before, there is no con- able to get their stalls for $7. Mr. Conried has increased the orchestra gestion. The principal singers of the company will to ninety-one players, and the chorus will be In the orchestral domain we are to have be Ernesto Caruso, the Italian tenor; Ernest larger by fifty than it ever was before. a quintette of conductors famous the Krauss, the leading tenor of the Berlin Royal world over—Richard Strauss, Edouard Opera House, who sang here five years ago POPE PIUS X. AS A MUSICIAN. Colonne, Felix Weingartner, Henry J. with the Walter Damrosch Opera Company; T N the various stories published regarding Wood and Felix Mottl. These gen- Franz Naral, a Viennese tenor, who is to sing *• the new Pope, Pius X., we have failed tlemen represent Great Britain, France the lyric roles in the French repertoire; An- to find reference made to the fact that he is a and Germany. It is stated that each will dreas Dippel and Aloys Burgstaller, who splendid musician and plays the organ and conduct one concert of the Philharmonic are to alternate in "Parsifal," and Jacques piano like a virtuoso. His friendship for Don Society in this city by whom they have been Bars. The baritones are Anton Van Rooy, Perosi, the composer, is based upon their mu- engaged. Strauss will also conduct one or Giuseppe Campanari, Antonio Scotti and tual tastes, and a mark of this friendship was more works at each of the five Wetzler Otto Goritz, a Wagner singer, who has been recently displayed when the Pope dined with the composer, a distinct departure from Pon- concerts in New York, and will also visit for some years at the Stadt Theatre, Ham- tifical usages, inasmuch as it has been the other American cities in this capacity. burg. The basses are Pol Planqon and Robert Blass. rule hitherto that the Pope shall never dine This experiment of having different con- with others than princes and then at a slightly ductors at each concert of the Philhar- The sopranos are Marcella Sembrich, raised and really separate table. In the case monic while interesting, will do little to- Emma Calve, Milka Ternina, Johanna of Perosi this Pontifical custom was entirely ward eradicating the basic evils which ex- Gadski, Aina Ackte, Camille Seygard, done away with. In fact the Pope has insti- ist in the organization. The reconstruc- Fanchon Thompson and Lillian Heidelbach. tuted many domestic customs in the Vatican tion should commence as Walter Dam- The contraltos are all American singers and that have shocked the sedate and conservative rosch aptly said, not at the head, but in the include Louise Homer, Edith Walker, who cardinals. In view of the Pope's knowledge orchestra itself. Meanwhile this is an age has been the first contralto at the Imperial of music many measures in the direction of when personality counts for much on the Opera House in Vienna, Josephine Jacoby musical reform may be expected. This is stage, in politics, in the pulpit and in the and Marcia Van Dresser. perhaps the first time in history that a musi- concert hall. The favorite play actor is of- The conductors of the Wagner operas are cian has followed a poet on the Papal throne. ten merely a personality. The playgoer W. Felix Mottl and Alfred Hertz. The at of the younger generation goes to the the- Italian operas will probably be under the di- WHAT DYSPEPSIA HAS PRODUCED. atre to see Irving, Mansfield, Sothern or rection of Antonio Vigna, the conductor at OEOPLE who cannot appreciate Wagner Miss Adams without thought of the char- Monte Carlo and La Scala. Nahan Franko are greatly consoled by the discovery of acter of the play. Many go to watch a par- is to conduct the ballets, and Gustav Hin- Dr. Gould, a prominent British musician, ticular conductor, whether he be an inter- richs is also to be one of the conductors. who claims that the Wagner school of music preter of Beethoven, Brahms or some wild Among the revivals of the season will be is to be credited to ill health. "Wagner,".